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SESSION 2023-2024
CHAPTER- Unit V Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness
WORKSHEET ( Based on the chapter )

Q.1. How many components do physical fitness have?

(a) Five (b) Four (c) Three (d) Six

Ans.(a) Five

Q.2. What is the another name of synchronization?

(a) Speed (b) Coordination (c) Strength (d) Endurance

Ans. (b) Co-ordination

Q.3. What is the suppleness called in another words.

(a) Speed (b) Strength (c) Endurance (d) Flexibility

Ans. (d) Flexibility

Q.4. The percentage of fat, bone, water and muscle in human body is called.

(a) Muscular endurance (b) Muscular strength (c) Body composition (d) Flexibility

Ans. (c) Body composition

Q.5. The ability to overcome resistance for longer duration is called: (a) Speed (b) Strength (c) Endurance
(d) Flexibility

Ans. (c) Endurance

Q.6. The ability of body to execute movements with greater amplitude or range is called:

(a) Strength (b) Flexibility (c) Body composition (d) Stamina

Ans. (b) flexibility

Q.7. The ability to overcome resistance is called:

(a) Muscular strength (b) Muscular Endurance (c) Flexibility (d) Body composition

Ans. (a) Muscular strength

Q.8. The aim of heath related fitness is to prevent.

(a) Power (b) Way (c) Capacity (d) Diseases

Ans. (d) Diseases

Q.9 List out any fiveimportance of wellness.

Ans. Importance of wellness:

(1) It help in the improvement and toning up the muscle.

(2) It reduces the recovery time after injury or illness.

(3) It helps in fulfilling proper nutritional requirements.

(4) It helps in better management of stress and tension.

(5) Regulates and improves overall body function.

Q.10 List any three importance of healthy positive lifestyle.

Ans. Importance of healthy/ positive lifestyle are-

(1) Increase the longevity: A healthy lifestyle increases the longevity. It slows down the ageing process
and helps the older person to stay strong and healthy.

(2) Increase the level of energy: An individual with a healthy lifestyle feels more energetic which means
more productivity in day to day living.

(3) Helps in reducing depression: Healthy lifestyle helps in accomplishing a healthy body which in turn
elevates hormone level in the body that regulates the mood.

Q.11 Discuss 'healthy diet' as a component of positive lifestyle.

Ans. Healthy diet or good nutrition is one of the main components of positive lifestyle. In fact, a healthy
diet of good nutrition is necessary to lead a healthy or positive lifestyle. The basic of a healthy diet are
lots of fruits and vegetable, whole grain food and low fat dairy products. Such diet required everyday in
order to maintain the adequate amount of vitamins nutrients and minerals needed to maintain a
healthy body. That is why it is rightly said that to eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art.

Q.12 Enumerate the factors affecting physical fitness and wellness .

Ans. The following factors usually affect the physical fitness and wellness of an individual:

1. Regular exercise

2. Amount of Training
3. Rest and Relaxation

4. Stress and Tension

5. Age

6. Gender

7. Environment

8. Diet

Q.13How can health threat be prevented through lifestyle change? Discuss any two .


1. Regular Physical Exercise: It helps in preventing obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke,
diabetes, some types of cancer, constipation, depression and other healthy threats.

2. Healthy eating habits

3. Limit T.V. Watching

4. Quit Smoking

5. Sufficient sleep: Sufficient sleep is also very significant part of a healthy lifestyle.

6. Prevention of injury

7. Limit the amount of alcohol

Q.14Name the component of physical fitness.

Ans. There are five physical fitness components they are:

1. Speed

2. Strength

3. Endurance

4. Flexibility

5. Co-ordinative ability

Q.15Write the components of positive lifestyle .


1. Healthy Diet
2. Physical Activity

3. Stress Management

4. Socialization

5. Personal Hygiene

6. Proper Sleep

Q.16 Name the components of wellness.

Ans. Components of wellness:

1. Physical Activity.

2. Balanced Emotional life

3. Intellectual Attitude

4. Spiritual wellness

5. Occupational wellness

6. Managing Stress

Q.17 Enlist the different components of Health related fitness .

Ans. There are following components of Health related fitness:

(1) Body composition

(2) Cardio-respiratory Endurance

3) Flexibility

(4) Muscular Endurance

(5) Muscular strength


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