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The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

An Inventory of Their Records in the Library of th e

University of British Columbia pecia l

Collections Division
The New Deaocratic Party of British Columbi a

Records, 1960-1971

The 28 boxes of NDP of BC records transferred to Special Collection s

Division from the Vancouver office in June of 1972 are mainly record s
of the h,D proper, September 1961 and following, but include see box
of Cooperative Commonwealth Federation material and some CCF -
transitional material . Although some of the records were arr_re d
in chronological order, there was not an overall filing pattern evi-
dent . Some files were in quite a disarray when they arrived ; some
of the material was not foldered at all . In the rough sorting stage
all that has been done is the establishment of series by type o f
material (i .e ., minutes, correspondence, press releases, etc .), an d
within the series the breakdown is roughly by subject and chronology .
In most oases the inventor-j is derived from folder headings . Some
headings, however, were assigned by the processor in the case of un-
foldered material, and when the folder headings were not specifi c
enough . The errors in this preliminary arrangement should be sorte d
out in the final processing .

One box of government publications were removed from the collectio n

and sent to Government ellientions Division . There is also approx-
imately one foot of newspapers and one foot of serial publication s
to be sorted for distribution to appropriate parts of the Library .

The following inventory should be self-explanatory--it simply a bo x

and folder-heading list . eventually the series should be furthe r
refined and indexed, especially the correspondence .

'c or a list of maps transferred by the Vancouver office on Feb . 14, 1973 ,
see pl 11 of the inventory .
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Table of Content s

Notices and Agenda 1

Minutes, Provincial 1

Correspondence 1

Minutes, Federal 2

Membership 2

Organization 3

Financial Records 3

Travel 3

Policy 3

Supplies and Equipment 3

Press Releases 4

Clubs and Associations 4

Staff 4

Women's Committees 4

Youth 5

NDP in other Provinces 5

Newsletters, bulletins etc . 5

Elections 5

B .C . Tomorrow 6

Labour Unions 6

ND? figures and others 6

Committees 7

The Democrat 8

Commonwealth Society and Broadway Commonwealt h

Society 8
Table of Contents - cont' d

Miscellaneous 9

MLA's at work 9

Provincial Conventions 9

Federal Conventions 11

Data 12

Printed Material 13

Cooperative Commonwealth Federation 15

Federal Elections 16

Provincial election, 1969 17

Federal election, 1965 17

Financial records 18

Labour 18

Organization Techniques 18

Conventions 18

Provincial Convention, 1971 19

Provincial Convention, 1972 19

Provincial Convention, 1973 19

Policy 20

Young New Democrats 20

Biographies 20

Constituency Membership Lists 22

Federal Constituency Records 22

Clubs and Associations 22

The Democrat 22

Miscellaneous 23
?able of Contents - cont'd

Sound Recording
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia

Preliminary Inventory

NB : Dates followed by + or - indicate that particular year and followin g

(+) or that year and earlier (-) . Numbers in parentheses followin g
entries indicate number of folders if more than one .

Box-Folder Subject Dates

1-(1-2) Notices and Agenda

Meeting Notices 1968, 196 9
1-3 Agendas, all meetings 196 8
1-4 Agendas and meetings (various) 196 9
1-5 Bulletins and circulars mailed from prov . office 1968-196 9

Minutes . Provincia l
1-(6-12) Executive 1961-196 3
1-13 Executive, including agenda 1962-1964
1-(14-16) Executive 1968, 1970
2-(1-3) Officers 1968,1969-0970
2-(4-7) Council 1960-63,1968,1969-
2-8 Table of officers 1963-1964

Correspondenc e
2-(9-10) Provincial Council 1966-1969
2-11 Table officers 1966-1967
2-(12-14) Provincial Executive 1966-1969
2-15 Provincial Officers 1969-
2-16 Provincial Secretary 1968-1969
2-17 Wally Ros s
2-(18-22) Monthly Jan .-May, 196 8
3-(1-15) Monthly June 1968-Aug . 196 9
4-(1-4) Monthly Sept .1969-July 197 0
5-(1-12) Monthly Aug . 1970-
6-(1-3) Monthly June - Oct . 197 1
6-(4-38) Provincial electoral district s
- Alberni-Richmond 1966-1967
7-(1-23) Provincial electoral district s
- Rossland-Trail 1966-1967
Burnaby-Willingdon 1969 & previous
7-(24-29) Provincial electoral districts 1969-, C- Y
tt #n
►t 1i It

9-(8-52) Provincial constituency 1968-1969

9-(53-70) Provincial electoral districts 1970, A-Y
10-(30-36) Provincial NDP 1969-1971
11-(1-7) Provincial NDP 1970-1971
12-(1-2) Federal council 1968, 1969-
12-(3-4) Federal caucus 1968-1969
12-(5-7) Federal office 1968, 1969-
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

3ox-Folder Subject Dates

Correspondence -(con't )

12-8 Federal Research Department 196 8

12-9 National Office 196 1
12-10 Provincial Convention 196 1
12-11 Bank,of Montreal 1961-196 4
12-(12--14) Provincial secretary's file 1961-196 3
12-15 Replies to MLA's to circulars re :organizational 1966-196 7
seminar s
12-16 Resignations, provincial executive 1966-196 7
12-(17-19) Provincial president 1966-196 9
12-19 Provincial organizer 1966-196 7
12-20 Federal ridings 1966-196 7
12-21 Party personnel, A- Z
12-22 Officers of provincial constituencies 1966-196 7
12-23 MP's outside of B .C . 1969-
13-1 Viet Nam 1966-1970
13-2 The press 1968-1970
13-3 Re :posters, history of NDP 1968-197 0
13-4 Re : municipal affairs and politics 196 8
13-5 NDP Vancouver Council 196 8
13-6 .Post Office 1968-196 9
13-7 Political parties in B .C . 1968-197 0
13-8 Telegrams to Provincial office 1969-, 1970-7 1
13-9 SPEC 197 0
13-10 scellaneous 1969-197 1

Minutes, Federa l
13-11 Federal executive 196 8
13-12 National council 196 1
13-(13-15) Federal council 1961-62,1968,1969 -
13-16 Federal council including agenda 1964
13-17 Federal executive 196 2

Membershi p
13-(18-19) Membership count 1963-65, 1969-70
13-20 Correspondence 1968-6 9
13-21 Membermania (membership campaign) 196 8
13-22 Membership campaign ideas 1968 ‘
13-23 Membership forms 196 8
13-24 outh membership as of Dec . 30, 1968 196 8
13-25 Strip lists mailed 1969 -
13-26 N DP expansion drive 1967 +
13-27 Honorary Life Memberships 197 0
13-28 Honorary Life Memberships Committee 1970-71

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folder Subject Dates


14-1 Organization, constitution

14-2 Organization 1961, 1969 -
14-3 New Party Organization 196 1
14-4 Standing committee, organization 1966-6 7
14-5 Provincial office, organization 1966-6 7
14-6 Flying Squad (organization) 1968%9

Financial Record s
14-7 Provincial Treasurer, correspondence 196 1
14-8 Treasurer,s report 1964
14-(9-10) Statements 1961-64
14-11 Victory Fund 196 2
14-12 Miscellaneous 196 2
14-13 Standing Committee, finance 1,66-6 7
14-14 Finance committee
14-15 Correspondence, minutes 196 7
14-16 Debt reduction fund 1968-6 9
14-17 Minutes 1969-7 0
14-18 Budget 1969-70
14-19 Correspondence 1969-7 0
14-20 Staff expense 1967-6 9
14-(21-23) Staff expense 1967-6 9
14-24 Standing committee, George Robbs Memorial 1966-6 8
Fund .
14-25 Finance committee, Federal election quotes 196 8
and accounts receivabl e
14-26 Election expenses 196 9
15-1 Executive travel 196 9
15-(2-3) Pre-authorized cheque plan 1970-7 1

Trave l
15-4 Air flight to Britain 196 9
15-6 Charter flights 1969-7 0

15-7 Complete policy statements 1961-6 8
15-8 Policy committee, agriculture 1969 4
15-9 Policy seminars 1969 '
15-10 Provincial policy

Supplies and Equipment

15-11 Forms and documents 196 3
15-12 Printing, samples 196 8
15-13 Supplies ordered 1968-6 9
15-14 Provincial office supplies and equipment 1968-6 9
15-15 Data processing 1969?
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folder Subject Dates

Press Release s

15-16 Provincial Leader 196 1

15-17 NDP of B .C . 1696-
15-18 News releases received 1966-6 7
15-19 Miscellaneous to provincial office 196 8
15-20 Press releases and telegrams from B .C . 196 8
Headquarters .
15-21 Caucus 1968-6 9
15-22 Federal NDP 1969 -
15-(23-24) Miscellaneous
16-(1-5) CPA Press releases 1968-7 1
16-6 BC Provincial Legislature 1969-
16- (7-8) Ontario Provincial Legislature 1969-, 1970
16-(9-10) Miscellaneous 1969-, 197 0
16-(11-20) By subject 1970-7 1

Clubs and Associations

17-1 NDP Federal Riding Association,by-laws, 196 1
17-2 Carpender,s NDP Club 1962-6 3
17-(3-4) NDP Clubs, correspondence 1966-67, 1969
17-5 Officers-clubs, constituencies,ridings 1969-7 0

17-6 CU of C Health Services correspondence 196 1
17-7 Provincial Office 1966-6 7
17-8 Staff 1968-6 9
17-9 Provincial Office personel 196 1
17-10 Terms of employment of Provincial secretary 1967-6 8
17-11 Applications for staff organizer June 1967
17-12 Personel 196 8
17-13 Office overload employment 196 8
17-14 Casual labour 1968-6 9
17-15 Job descriptions 1967-70
17-16 Applications for employment,OTEU Local 15 1968-6 9
17-17 Union negotiations 1966-6 8
17-18 Office steward,s file 1967-6 9
17-19 Union contract 1968-69
17-20 Provincial secretary,s directives to staff 1968-69 ,
17-21 Union dues check-off 1968-6 9
17-22 Office steward, notices of meetings 1969-70
17-23 Union (local NDP) 1968-7 1

Women's Committee s
17-24 Provincial Women's Council correspondence 196 1
17-25 Provincial Women's Committee 1966-6 7
17-26 Federal Women's Committee 1966-6 7
17-27 Women's committees 1968-6 9
17-28 Saanich NDP Women,s Committee Minutes 1965-6 8
17-29 Saanich Women's NDP Committee cash book 1963-67
J .

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Subject Dates

National CCF Youth 1960-6 1
Youth Section, B .C ., correspondence 196 1
NDP Youth hearing, Young New Democrats 1963-64
Constituency 1966-6 7
Provincial (3) 1966-6 9
Fedral (3) 1966-6 9

NDP Other Provinces

Correspondence (5) 196 1
Correspondence 1966-6 7
Correspondence (6) 196 8
Correspondence (6) 196 9
New Brunswick 197 0
Newfoundland 197 0
Nova Scotia 197 0

Newsletters, Bulletins, etc .

Bulletins to units 196 1
Newsletters, NDP and others 1966-6 7
MP's at work 1968-6 9
Federal Committees on periodical publications 1969-
News, the press, and subscriptions to 196 9
Media (advertisements) 197 1

Provincial 196 3
Provincial (2) 196 3
Post office information 1966?
- Civic election (1968 )
Civic Politics, BCA- Provincial by-election 196 8
Vancouver South (2 )
Oak Ba y
North Vancouver-Capilano
Comox-Albern i
Shoo-in Picnic 196 8
Federal Constituencies 1962-6 4
Yale electoral district 1963-6 4
Federal by-election, Nanaimo-Cowichan- 196 8
The Islands
T .C . Douglas By-election fund, Nanaimo- 196 8
Cowichan-The Island s
Federal Election, campaign committee 196 8
minute s
Mid Island Group 2 election material 196 9
Civic affairs, elections, councils 1969-

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Subject Date s

Election - con ' t

Pre-election committee 1969-7 0
Nanaimo pre-election meetings 197 0
Election planning, committee minutes 1969 -
Telephone canvass, Vancouver and Lower 196 8
Mainlan d
Canvassing (phone and foot) 1968-6 9

B .C . Tomorrow
First series correspondence 1968-6 9
Press releases 1968-6 9
Press releases (3) 196 9
Brochures 196 9

Labour Union s
Canadian Labour Congres s
- Correspondence 196 1
- Press releases (2) 1968-7 0
B .C . Federation of Labou r
- Correspondence 1961
- Conventions (unfoldered) 1968, 197 0
- reports and correspondence 1969 -
- Press releases 1969 -
- Reports and correspondence 1970
- Steelworkers Union correspondence 1961
- IWA correspondence 196 1
- ILO organization, n .d . (1961? )
- Miscellaneous correspondence 196 1
- Affiliated Unions (5) 1964-70
- Accrediation letters to affiliated 1969
organization s
- Clippings, xerox copies re :unions 196 9
- Correspondence 197 0

NDP figures and other s

ARGUE, Hazen - press releases 1961
BARNETT, Tom - correspondence 1969 -
Press releases 196 1
Correspondence 1967-E 9
BERGER, Tom - correspondence 1967-69
BOUCHER, Ed - 1969
CALDER, Frank - cOrrespondence 1969-
CAMERON, Colin - correspondence 1969 -
COXWORTH, Lynn - 196 9
DAILLY, Eileen - correspondence 1969 -
DOUGLAS, T .C . - correspondence 1969 -
DOWDING, Gordon - correspondence 1969 -
EDDIE, Rae - correspondence 1969 -
GABELMANN, Colin 196 8
Provincial constituency monthly reports, 196 9

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Subject Dates

NDP figures and others - con' t

HALL, Ernest - correspondence 1969 -
HARDING, Ran - correspondence 1969 -
HARTLEY, Bill - correspondence 1969 -
HOBBS, George - press releases & corres . 196 1
HOLTER, Geoff 1969
HOWARD, Frank - correspondence 1969 -
KING, Bill - correspondence 1969 -
LEVI, Norm - correspondence 1969 -
LEWIS,David - press releases 1969 -
LEWIS, Micheal (2) 1968-6 9
LORIMER, Jim - correspondence 1969 -
MACDONALD, Alex - correspondence 1969 -
MACINNIS, Grace - correspondence 1969 -
McKENZIE, Jack - correspondence 196 4
MATHER, Barry - correspondence 1969 -
MORTON, Art - provincial constituency 1969-7 0
monthly reports
NIMSICK, Leo - correspondence 1969 -
PARKINSON, Ray - correspondence 1969 -
- press releases (2) 1968, 197 0
- weekly commentary 1969 -
RHODES, J .H . - correspondence, press 196 1
releas e
ROSE, Mark - correspondence 1969 -
STRACHAN, Robert - tour of B .C .,corres . 196 7
STRACHAN, Robert - correspondence 1969 -
STUPICH, Dave - correspondence 1969 -
VULLIAMY, Fred J . - correspondence 1969 -
WILLIAMS, Bob - correspondence 1969 -
WINCH, Harold - corres .,speech,press 196 1
release s
WINCH, Harold, - correspondence 1969 -

Committee s
Lower Mainland Organization Committee, 1968-7 0
minutes and correspondence (3 )
Administration committee 1960-6 1
CCF News Committee 196 1
CCF Radio and T .V . committee, correspondence 196 1
- Standing committees 1966-6 7
Summer school
Programme and publication s
Provincial policy (incl . sub-committee on
Municipal affair s
Election plannin g
Agricultur e
Special committee, convention arrangements 1966-6 7
All special committees, provincial 1966-6 7
Miscellaneous 1966-6 7

Maps (3) 1966


The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folde r Subjec t Dates

The Democra t
24-1 7 Standing committe e 1966-67
24-18 Committee 1967-6 8
24-19 Minute s 1968-6 9
24- (24-25 ) Correspondence (6 ) 1963-64, 1966-7 0
24-26 Subscriptions, sales & distribution 1966-6 7
24-27 Editorial s 1966-6 7
24-28 Editorial Board 1966-6 7
24-29 Miscellaneous 1966-69
24-30 Press run count & list of bundles 1968-6 9
25- 1 Re :informing of expiry date 1968-6 9
25- 2 Submissions 196 8
25- 3 Articles 1967-6 9
25- (4-5 ) Artwork (2 )
25-6 Mailing list, request change s
25- (7-14 ) Photographs (8 )
25-(15-16 ) Cartoons (2 )
25-17 Miscellaneou s

(25-18)to(27-14 ) Commonwealth Society and Broadway Commonwealth 1948-1970

25-18 Commonwealth society & broadway commonwealt h
25-19 Genera l
25-2 0 Request s
25-2 1 Mortgage, Mrs . H . Welch
25-2 2 B .C . Committee for NDP
25-2 3 Albern i
25-24 Financial Statement s
25-2 5 Douglas Hall - A
25-26 Douglas Hall - B
25-27 Rio Hal l
26- 1 Courtenay
26- 2 Financial report s
26- 3 Correspondence
26- 4 Broadway Commwealth Society
26- 5 Broadway Commwealth Society
26- 6 The Generator
26- 7 Cancelled bonds
26- 8 Correspondenc e
26- 9 Provincial Headquarter s
26-1 0 Provincial Headquarter s
26-11 Provincial Headquarter s
26-12 McDougall property
26-1 3 Nanaimo
26-14 Victori a
26-15 Richardson Estate
27- 1 Alberni
27- 2 Cumberlan d
27- 3 Dawson Cree k
27-4 Hillcrest Hal l
27- 5 Tecumse h
27-6 Summer School

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folder Subject Date s

Commwealth Society -can' t

27-7 Financial Papers - A
27-8 Financial Reports 1962-6 5
27-9 Financial Statements 195 9
27-10 General (repairs and maintenance )
27-11 General 1953-6 6
27-12 Minutes 1960-6 3
27-13 Minutes 196 9
27-14 Minutes 197 0

Miscellaneou s
27-15 Seminars, provincial 1966-6 7
27-16 Provincial leader, information file 196 1
27-17 Esquimalt-Saanich, biog . of Glen Hamilton 196 1
27-18 Nominating conventions, provincial 1966-6 7
27-19 Provincial council delegates 196 1
27-20 Clippings 197 0
28-1 Party personel 1963-64
28-2 Convention rune of f
28-3 Redistribution - federal and provincial 1966-6 7
28-4 Canadians for a free Greece 196 9
28-5 Vancouver Tenant ' s Council 196 8
28-6 Convention pledges 196 9

28-7 MLA ' s at work 1966-7 2

28-(8-10) Harrison Liberal Conference Papers (3) 197 0

Box 29&30 Provincial Conventions 1961-7 2

29-1 Convention organization 196 1
29-2 Convention proceedings 196 1
29-3 Convention delegate books 196 1
29-4 Convention organization 196 2
29-5 Convention proceedings 196 2
29-6 Convention organization 196 3
29-7 Convention proceedings 196 3
29-8 Convention delegate books 196 3
29-9 Convention 196 9
29-10 Convention 196 5
29-11 Convention delegate book 196 6
29-12 Convention organization 196 6
30-1 Convention organization 196 7
30-2 Convention proceedings 196 7
30-3 Social Welfare/Medicar e
30-4 Vietnam
30-5 Civic Affairs/Zone and Regional Planning
30-6 Agricultur e
30-7 Housin g
30-8 Education
30-9 Finance resources and economic s
30-10 Interna l
30-11 National Affair s
30-12 Indian Affairs
iV .

The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Subject Date s

Provincial Conventions - con 't

Justic e
Executive Committee Fall 196 7
Sub-committee, Education Polic y
Standing Resolutions Committe e
Convention 196 8
Provincial Convention - correspondenc e
Provincial Convention - address of Locals, 1968
list of delegate s
Convention arrangement s
Controversial Resolution s
Composite Resolutions 196 8
Economics, taxatio n
Minutes - provincial convention 196 8
Entitlemen t
Convention notice s
Convention proceeding s
Hotel Vancouve r
Convention arrangement s
Head-office correspondence April 196 8
Miscellaneous - External 196 8
Convention resolution
Labour 196 8
Welfare 1968
Agriculture, Res .management/pollution
contro l
National and International
Late resolution s
Housing 196 8
Indian Affair s
Convention delegate book
Original Resolutions #1-47 196 9
#47-6 0
#61-70 (economics & planning )
#71-84 (education )
" #101-128 (fisheries,forests,housing )
" #104-139 (health,insurance,native people ,
internal affairs )
#140-161 (labour,legalreform,legislativ e
reform )
" #162-163 (mining )
" #164-175 (municipal affairs,pollution)
" #176-181 (recreation,transportation )
" #182-186 (water resources,welfare )
Convention correspondence, miscellaneous 196 9
Pre-convention mailing
Convention arrangements 197 0
Constitutional Review Committee 197 0
Resolutions committee 197 0
Convention book 197 0
Convention unions 197 0
Membership award s
Broadway Commonwealth Society
The New Democratic Party of British Columni a

Box-Folde r Subjec t Date s

Provincial Conventions - con 't

32-1 Delegate Entitlement

32- 2 Labour Affiliatio n
32- 3 Evergreen Hal l
32-4 Mailings
32- 5 Arrangements Committe e
32- 6 Emergency Resolution s
32- 7 Resolutions - Finances and Taxatio n
32- 8 Resolutions - Forest s
32- 9 - Health
32-10 - Housing
32-11 - International Affair s
32-12 - Labour
32-1 3 ,, - Legal Reform
32-1 4 - Legislative Reform
32-15 - Native Peopl e
32-16 - Pension s
32-17 -
Trades and Tariffs
32-18 - Political Science and Socialis m
32-19 " - Transport
32-2 0 - Welfare
32-2 1 - Education

32-2 2 - Electoral Reform

32-2 3 - Employment and Immigration

32-2 4 ,, - Energ y
22-2 5 - Environmental Control
32-2 6 - Federal, Provincial Relation s
32-2 7 - Constitution Preambl e

32-28 - Constitution - Draf t

32-2 9 - Constitution Existin g
32-3 0 - Administrative
32-3 1 - Conservation
32-3 2 - Consume r
32-3 3 - Cultur e
32-34 - Defenc e
32-3 5 - Economics and Plannin g
32-3 6 1971 Provincial Conventio n
32-3 7 Conventions - 1971-7 2

Federal Conventions - 1961-196 9

33- 1 Founding Convention - 196 1
33- 2 Convention - 196 3
33- 3 Federal Convention - 196 3
33-4 " " - 196 4
33- 5 " - 196 5
33-6 - 196 5
33-7 - l/ ~ ,
33-8 - 196 9
33-9 Eighth Annual Convention - 196 9
33-10 1969 Convention Mailing s
33-11 Federal Convention Discussion Paper s
33-12 Report of Annual Meeting
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folde r Dates
33-(I3-l4 ) Agriculture
34-(1-2 ) Auto Insuranc e
34- 3 Bilingualism and Biculturalis m
34- 4 Biographica l
34- 5 Birth Contro l
34- 6 China
34- 7 Columbia Rive r
34- 8 Communication s
34- 9 Consumer Protectio n
34-10 Dental Plan
34-11 Drugs
34-12 Economics
34-1 3 Economics
34-14 Education
34-(l5-I8 ) Election (6 )
35- 1 Electoral Refor m
35- 2 Energ y
35- 3 Ethnic Group s
35-4 External Affair s
35- 5 Ferry Strike
35- 6 Financ e
35- 7 Flouridation
35- 8 Foreign Exchang e
35- 9 Forestr y
35-10 Global Problem s
35-11 Government - parliamen t
35-12 Healt h
35-(l3-I4 ) Housing (2 )
35-<I5-l6 > International (2 )
35-17 Kaise r
35-(I8-19) - 36-(l-4 ) Labour (6 )
36- 5 Law
36-6 Legal Reform
36-7 Liberal s
36- 8 Manual s
3G-(S-lU ) Medicare (2 )
36-1 1 Meeting s
36-12 Mental Health
37- 1 Miscellaneou s
37-(2-3 ) Municipal Affairs (2 )
37- 4 Native People s
37- 5 NATO
37- 6 New Democratic Yout h
37- 7 Nuclear weapon s
37- 8 Organizatio n
37- 9 Pension s
37-10 Policy - Federa l
37-11 Policy - Provincial
37-1 2 Political Science
37-13 Ports
37-14 Postal Strike
37-15 Poverty - Canada
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia

Box-Folde r Subjec t Date s

Data - con ' t
38- 1 Poverty - USA
38- 2 Prison Reform
38- 3 Public Opinion Surve y
38-4 Rac e
38- 5 Resource s
38-6 Saskatchewan
38- 7 Social Credi t
38- 8 nonexistent '
38- 9 Socialism
38-10 Speeche s
38-(11-13 ) Taxation (3 )
38-14 TEAM
38-15 Tenan t ' s Right s
38-1 6 Transportatio n
38-1 7 Union s
38-18 Union s
38-1 9 Universitie s
38-20 Urban Plannin g
38-2 1 Urban Renewa l
38-22 Vancouver
38-2 3 Viet Nam
38-24 Welfar e
38-2 5 Women ' s Committe e
38-26 World Federalism (2 )

39- (1-4 ) Printed Material (NDP )

Leaflets, brochures, pamphlet s

40- 1 Agriculture
40- 2 Automobiles, Safety, Insuranc e
40- 3 Berger, Tom
40- 5 Biographie s
40- 6 Broadway Commonwealth Societ y
40- 7 Canadian Independenc e
40- 8 Canadian Ownershi p
40- 9 CRT C
40-10 Chin a
40-11 Civic Politic s
40-1 2 Commons Debate s
40-13 Communication s
40-14 Company of Young Canadian s
40-15 Confederation
40-1 6 Conservation
41- 1 Constitution
41-2 Consumer Affair s
41- 3 Convention s
. 41- 4 Convention Arrangement s
41- 5 Coops and Credit Union s
41- 6 Correspondenc e
41- 7 Criminal Code
41-8 Debates, House of Commons
14 .
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a
Box-Folde r Subjec t Dates

Printed Material - con ' t

41-9 Defenc e
41-1 0 The Democrat
41-1 1 Dental Care
41-1 2 Discrimination
41-1 3 Drugs
41-1 4 Econom y
41-1 5 Economy - US A
41-1 6 Economics
41-17 Education
42- 1 Election - speakers notes 196 3
42- 2 Election 197 0
42- 3 Elections - Federal
42- 4 Elections - Municipal 196 4
42- 5 Election Organization
42- 6 Election Results - Provincia l
42- 7 Electoral Reform
42- 8 Employmen t
42- 9 Environment and Pollutio n
42-1 0 Family and Community
42-1 1 Federal and Provincial Relation s
42-1 2 Financ e
42-1 3 Financial Statements
42-14 ' Fisheries
42-1 5 Foreign Affair s
42-1 6 Foreign Ai d
42-1 7 Forestry
42-1 8 Gasolin e
42-1 9 Immigration
42-2 0 Government Refor m
42-2 1 Guaranteed Incom e
43- 1 Health
43- 2 History
43- 3 Housin g
43- 4 Income Distribution
43- 5 Industrial Plannin g
43- 6 International Affair s
43- 7 International Falcon Movemen t
43- 8 Juvenile Offenders
43- 9 Kamloop s
43-1 0 Labou r
43-1 1 Labou r
43-1 2 Labour Dispute s
43-1 3 Labour Union s
43-1 4 Legal Reform
43-1 5 Liquor Contro l
43-1 6 Map s
43-1 7 Medical Issue s
43-1 8 Membership Organization
43-1 9 Minin g
43-2 0 Minutes of Meetings
43-2 1 Minutes - Pre-election meeting s
43-2 2 Native Affair s
43-23 NDP Election results 1959-1965
The New Democratic Party of British Columbi a

Box-Folde r Subject Dates

Printed Material - can ' t

43-24 NDP Organizatio n
44- 1 NDP Schedule s
44- 2 Northern Developmen t
44- 3 Nuclear Arms
44-4 Ontario ND P 1966-6 7
44- 5 Organized Crime
44-6 Ottawa Diary - Tom Barne t
44- 7 Parliament
44- 8 Peace Action
44- 9 Pensioners
44-10 Point Papers
44-11 Parks
44-12 Policy Statements
44-13 Political Education
44-14 Pollution : please see envelope on pollutio n
44-15 Population Control
44-16 Press Clippings - Federal Electio n 196 5
44-17 Press Releases (miscellaneous )
44-18 Publicity
44-19 Resolution s
44-20 Resources
44-21 Revelstoke - Slocan
44-22 Socialism
44-2 3 Statute Law
44-24 Summer School
45- 1 Tax Reform
45- 2 Trade
45- 3 Transport
45- 4 Unemployment
45- 5 USS R
45- 6 Vietnam
45- 7 Wildlif e
45- 8 Women ' s Issue s

Cooperative Commonwealth Federatio n

46- 1 Provincial executive minutess, 1953-5 4
46- 2 Financial records, balance sheets 1952-5 4
46- 3 Affiliated unions 196 0
46-4a, b CCF News 1959-6 0
47- 1 Provincial election 196 0
47- 2 Provincial election, treasurer 196 0
47-3a, b Campaign material 196 0
National convention 196 0
47- 4
47- 5 CCF caucus minutes 196 1
47-6a, b Photograph s
47-7a, b Miscellaneous
47- 8 1944 campaig n
47-9 1953 election campaig n
47-10 Information bulletins 196 0
47-1 1 Understanding the CCF pamphlet s
47-L2 Speakers notes
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia p .1 6

Box-folder Subject Dat e

Federal Elections

48- 1 Federal publications 196 8

48- 2 Election results 196 8
48- 3 Election literature 196 8
48- 4 Returning officers, B .C . 196 8
48- 5 Speaker's Notes 196 8
48- 6 Federal Riding organization 196 8
48- 7 Federal riding election quota materials 196 8
48- 8 Candidates lists 196 8
48- 9 Electoral district maps, B .C . 196 8
48-10 Federal riding - Burnaby, Richmond 196 8
48-1 1 Federal riding - Burnaby, Seymour 196 8
48-1 2 Federal riding - Capilano 196 8
48-13 Federal riding - Coast Chilcotin 196 8
48-14 Federal riding - Comox, Alberni 196 8
48-15 Federal riding - Esquimalt, Saanich 196 8
48-16 Federal riding - Fraser Valley East 196 8
48-1 7 Federal riding - Fraser Valley Wes.tL 196 8
48-1 8 Federal riding - Surrey 196 8
48-19 Federal riding - Kamloops Cariboo 196 8
48-20 Federal riding - Kootenay West 196 8
48-21 Federal riding - Nanaimo, Cowichan and th e
Islands 196 8
48-2 2 Federal riding - New Westminster 196 8
48-23 Federal riding - Okanagan Boundary 196 8
Federal riding - Okana g an, ;Kootenay 196 8
Federal riding - Prince George, Peace Rive r
Federal riding - Skeena 196 8
Federal riding - Vancouver Centre 196 8
49- 5 Federal riding - Vancouver East 196 8
49- 6 Federal riding - Vancouver Kingsway 196 8
49- 7 Federal riding - Vancouver Quadra 196 8
49- 8 Federal riding - Vancouver South 196 8
49-9 Federal riding - Victoria 196 8
49-10 Ontario 196 8
49-11 Federal office bulletins 196 8
49-12 Itineraries 196 8
49-13 Election Stickers 196 8
49-1 4 Election recounts 196 8
49-1 5 B .C . Bulletin 196 8
49-1 6 Voting organization 196 8
49-1 7 Union Contributions 196 8
49-1 8 Federal constituency lists 196 8
49-19 Union affiliation 1968-7 0
49-20 Campaign leaflets 196 8

Organizatio n
50- 1 Provincial secretary applications 197 0
50- 2 Confidential documents 1963-6 4
50- 3 Expelled members 1963-6 4
50- 4 Honourary life member s
50-5 Membership resignations
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 17 .

Box-folder Subject Dat e

50- 6 Federal riding reports 197 1

50-t 7 Provincial constituency reports 197 1
50- 8 Party organization 1969-7 2
50- 9 Internal memos 196 9

Provincial election, 196 9

50-10 Advertising 196 9
50-i1 Election preparations 196 9
50-1 2 Election planning committee reports 196 9
50-13 (a,b ) Election preparation schools 196 9
51-1 (a,b ) Election preparation schools 196 9
51- 2 Organizing 196 9
51-3 (a,b,c ) Policy committees 196 9
51- 4 Cowichan-Malahat/Delta/Dewdney/Esquimalt /
Fort George
51- 5 Kamloops/Kootenay/Revelstoke-Slocan /
Langley/MacKenzi e
51- 6 Nanaimo/Nelson-Creston/New Westminster /
North Okanagan' North Peace Rive r
52-1 North Vancouver-Seymour/Oak Bay/Omineca/Princ e
52- 2 Roseland-Trail/Skeena/Alberni/Atlin /
52- 3 Burnaby-Edmonds/Burnaby North/Burnaby-Willingdon f
Cariboo/Chilliwac k
52- 4 Columbia River/Comox/Coquitlam/Saanich an d
the Islands , sws
52- 5 South Okanagan/South Peace River/Surrey/ Vancouver-
53- 1 Vancouver East/Vancouver-Little Mountain/Vancouve r
53- 2 Victoria/ West Vancouver-Howe Sound/Yale-Lillooet /
Vancouver-Point Gre y
53- 3 Results
53- 4 Media
53- 5 Speaker's Note s
53- 6 Office forms/Socred publicit y

Federal Election, 196 5

53- 7 Cariboo/Coast-Chilcotin/Burnaby-Coquitla m
53- 8 Burnaby-Richmond/Comox-Alberni/Fraser Valle y
53- 9 Esquimalt-Saanich/Kamloops/KootenayEas t
54- 1 Kootenay West/Nanaimo/New Westminster/Okanagan Boundar y
54- 2 Okanagan-Revelstoke/Skeena/Vancouver-Burrar d
54- 3 Vancouver Centre/Vancouver East/ Vancouver-Kingswa y
54- 4 Vancouver-Quadra/Vancouver South/Victori a
54-5 Correspondence 1963-6 5
54- 6 Campaign reports 196 5
54- 7 M .L .A . tours 196 5
54-8 Issues 1964-66
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 18 .

Subject Dat e

Federal riding reports 196 5

Itinerary forms 196 5
Campaign committee minutes 196 5
Agrodome rally 196 5
Campaign bulletin 196 5

Federal Election 196 5

Advertising 196 5
Provincial election donations 197 0
Federal election, riding data 196 8
Federal election 1968/Esquimalt /
Langley/MacKenzie/Nanaimo/New Westminste r
Federal election, media 196 8
Federal election, New Westminster 196 2
Provincial election, Committee reports 196 6
Provincial election, media 196 6
Provincial election, results 196 6

Financial Record s
Constituency debt 196 9
Chequing plan
Convention 197 0
Finance committee minutes 1968-7 0
Federationist financial records ,
accounts payable 1946-5 6

Labou r

Union materia l
Local affiliations 1961-62,197 0
B .C . Federation of Labou r

Organization Technique s
Election preparation 1970-7 2
Publicity instructions 1965-7 1

Provincial 194 4
Provincial 194 6
C .C .U .F . National 194 8
C .C .Y .M . National 195 0
C .C .Y .M . National 195 2
C .C .U .F . National 195 3
C .C .Y .M . National 195 4
National 196 1
Provincial 196 1
Provincial 196 2
Provincial 196 5
Provincial 196 8
Provincial 1969
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 19

Subject Date

Provincial 197 0
Information bulletins 197 1
Delegate registration 197 1
Accomodation forms 197 1

Provincial Convention, 197 1

Affiliates 197 1
Provincial council 197 1
Burnaby Edmonds/Burnaby North /
Cowichan-Malahat/Delta/Dewdney /
Esquimalt/Kamloops/MacKenzid /
New Westminster/North Okanagan /
North Vancouver-Capilano/Omenica/Princ e
Rupert/Richmon d
Rossland-Trail/Saanich and the Islands /
Shuswap/Skeena/Surrey/Vancouver-Burrar d
Vancouver Centre/Vancouver East/Vancouve r
Little Mountain/Vancouver-Point Grey
Vancouver South/Victoria-Oak Bay/Wes t
Vancouver-Howe Sound/Yale-Lillooe t
Arrangement s
Convention Paper s
Convention ki t
Resolutions submitte d
Preconvention mailing s
Convention mailing s
Press releas e
Convention committee correspondenc e
Affiliates correspondenc e
Convention kit material s
Panel workshop s
Policy passe d
Interoffice memo s
Saturday night happening

Provincial Convention, 197 2

Preconvention mailings
Bayshore Inn
Budget - proposed
Policy resolutions
Late resolutions
Delegate entitlemen t
Conventionpapers and report s

Provincial Convention 1973 ,

The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 20.

Box-folde r Subjec t Dat e

61- 6 B.C . Tomorrow 196 8
61- 7 Background paper s 197 1
61- 8 Informatio n
62- 1 Publications ordere d 1968-7 0
62-2 Disposition papers 197 1

Young New Democrat s

62- 3 Federa l 197 0
62- 4 Provincia l 1970

Biographie s
62- 5 Barlee, Bil l
62- 6 Berger, Tom
62- 7 Brereton, J .L .
62- 8 Broadbent, Ed
62-9 Bunn, Peter G .
62-10 Bush, Alan
62-1 1 Clair, Bob
62-12 Clifford, Hugh
62-13 Close, John
62-14 Close, William
62-15 Conway, J .F .
62-16 Corsbie, Joe
62-1 7 Cox, Cederick
62-18 Deverell, Bil l
62-19 Dickinson, Ro d
62-20 Dodge, Willia m
62-21 Duplessie, A .J .
63- 1 Eddie, Ra e
63- 2 Emmott, Alle n
63- 3 Erickson, Margare t
63- 4 Fawcett, Phi l
63- 5 Fisher, Douglas
63- 6 Franklin, Bil l
63- 7 Gargrave, Tony
63- 8 Greene, Harry S .
63- 9 Greer, Clif f
63-1 0 Grier, Terranc e
63-11 Haddrell, Glenn
63-1 2 Haggen, Loi s
63-13 Harney, John
63-1 4 Harris, Harry
63-15 Haynes, Ray
63-16 Herridge, Ber t
63-17 Hobbs, Margaret
63-18 Hollins, Frank
63-19 Holm, Alve r
63-20 Home, Georg e
63-21 Huddleston, Chri s
63-22 Hutchinson, Tom
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 21

Box-folde r Subjec t Dat e

63-2 3 Jack, Ian

63-24 Jacobs, Jim
63-25 Jodoin, Claude
63-26 Johannsen, Don
63-27 Jones, Verno r
63-28 Kaplansky, Kalmen
63-29 Kristiansen, Lyl e
63-30 Lapierre, Dr . Laurie r
63-31 Latham, Eva
63-3 2 Laxton, John
63-3 3 Leggatt, Bruc e
63-34 Lewis, Michae l
63-3 5 Lytle, Clive
63-3 6 MacDonald, Le s
63-37 McDonald, Le s
63-38 McKenzie, Jack
63-3 9 McKenzie, Jim
63-4 0 McKenzie, Tom
63-4 1 McMath,Bob
63-42 MacNeil, Gran t
63-4 3 Macey, John
63-4 4 Manly, Joh n
63-45 Mather, Camill e
63-46 Mitchell, Geof f
63-47 Moore, Jack
63-4 8 Morris, Jo e
63-49 Mundy, Bil l
63-50 Munro, Jac k
63-51 Neuls, Fordo n
63-5 2 Norris, John
63-5 3 Notely, Gran t
63-54 O'Neill, Le n
63-5 5 Parkinson, Dr . Ray
63-5 6 Patterson, Jame s
63-5 7 Philips, Pau l
63-5 8 Pomeroy, Dou g
63-5 9 Powell, Charle s
63-6 0 Prittle, Rober t
64- 1 Regier, Erhard t
64- 2 Robertson, Harley
64- 3 Rockwel l
64- 4 Ru-f, Kathlee n
64- 5 Rutherford, Gle n
64- 6 Sabatino, Pau l
64- 7 Schreyer, E d
64- 8 Seabrook, Kirby
64- 9 Sherwood, Eri c
64-10 Simons, S .B .
64-11 Snowsell, Frank
64-12 Squire, Joh n
64-13 Steeves, D .G ,
64-14 Stephenson, L .J .
64-15 Thomas, Hild a
64-16 Thomas, Jac k
64-17 Toren, M .S .
New Democratic Party of British Columbia 22 .

Box-folder Subject Dat e

64-18 Trasov, G .E .
64-19 Turner, Ale x
64-20 Turner, Arthu r
64-21 Vulliamy, F .J .
64-22 Waddell, P .H .
64-23 Warnock, Jo e
64-24 Watkins, John
64-25 Webster, Arnol d
64-26 Weger, Kell y
64-2 7 Winch, Harold
64-2 8 Winters, Jerry
64-29 Williams, Jack
64-30 Wood, Jack
64-31 Young, J .A .
64-3 2 M .P ., M.L .A . biographies 197 2
64-3 3 Miscellaneou s

Constituency Membership List s

65- 1 Genera l 197 3
65- 2 Okanagan and Vancouver Islan d
65- 3 Lower Mainland
65-4 Deli a
65- 5 Burnaby North
65- 6 Burnaby-Willingdon
65- 7 Richmon d
65- 8 Surrey
65- 9 North Vancouver-Seymou r
65-10 Victoria
65-11 Esquimal t
65-12 MacKenzie

Federal Constituency Record s

65-1 3 Esquimalt-Sanic h
65-14 Surrey
65-15 Burnaby-Seymou r
65-16 Burnaby-Richmond
65-1 7 Fraser Valley Eas t
65-1 8 Coast Chilcoti n

Clubs and Association s

65-1 9 Princeton C .C .F . Club - cash book, membership record s

1939-6 4
65-20 Brighouse C .C .F . Club - minutes 1946-5 8
196 5
65-21 Dewdney N .D .P . Constituency Associatio n
voting attitudes repor t

The Democra t
66-1 Edition s 1967-6 8
The New Democratic Party of British Columbia 23 .

Box-folder Subject Dat e

Miscellaneou s
66-3 Provincial council minutes 197 0
66-4 Plans - N .D .P . headquarters 197 0
66-5 Political game - -Snakes and Latters "
66-6 Concert rally 1969

Boxes labelled 26 and 27 (in large hollinger boxes) contain printed materia l
and tapes . These boxes are still to be sorted .
24 .

The New Democratic Par of British Columbi a

Boa - Folder SulOect Date s

67 film 1 b w, sound, n .d ., no title, box labelled E .D .P .#1

67 film 2 b w, sound, n .d ., "National Democratic Party "

Consumer Protection . N .D.P . ill' 4 c .1, c .2, c .3 .

67 film 3 b w, sound, 3 - 20 sec . N .D .P . commercials . 196 5

67 film 4 b w, silent, Douglas Picnic . TV tape Sunday ,

June 16, 1968 . Burnaby . June 16, 196 8

Sound Recording s

67-SP 37 :1-2 Council Meeting Sept . 2

67-SP 37 :3 ..5 Oct . 3

67—SP 37 :6 Nov .

67-SP 37 :7 #2

67—SP 37 :8—9 Council Meeting Nov . 6

67-SP 37 :10-11 Provincial Council Meeting Nov . 7

67-SP 37 :12 Harold Winch - Defence intervie w

67-SP 37 :13 Oak Bay Interview

67—SP 37 :14-15 Election ads, for Sept . 30 election

67-SP 37 :16 N .D .P . Radio Spots (2 copies )

67-SP 37:17 CCF Provincial Election Campaign . Robert Strachan .

Talk no . 1 "Reasons for the Election" 195 6

67—SP 37:18 Talk no . 2 "Labour" 195 6

67-3P 37119 Talk no . 3 "S oci al ue lfare " 195 6

67-SP 37 :20 Talk no. 4"Public Power" (2 copies 195 6

67--SP 37 :21 Talk no . 5 "Forestry" 195 6

67-SP 37 :22 Robert Strachan . Prior to 1960 electio n

67-SP 37-23
tt it
67-SP 37 :24 (Health Insurance )

67—SP 37 :25 N .D.P. Broadcls 2copies) Kay 23, 1962

25 .
The New Democratic ?arty of British Co '

?ox — Folder Subje Date s

67—SP 37 :26 N .D.P. Broadcast 7i'2 hay 23, 1962

67—SP 37 :27 Executive Iieeting 1962

67—SP 37 :28 196 2

67—SP 37 :29—31 Nov. 18, 1962

67—SP 37 :32 1964

67—SP 37 :33 B .C . N .D .P . Convention June 2—4, 1967

67—SP 37 :34—41 Provincial Convention 1968

67—SP 37 :42 N .D .P. radio commercials Aug. 196 9

67—SP 37 :43 Berger's home Aug . 5, 1969



in the



Compiled by Elizabeth Lewi s

and Frances Woodward
Revised by Frances Woodwar d

Vancouver, B .C .
A . Federa l

1 . Federal electoral districts - 1966, pursuant to the Electoral Boundarie s

Readjustment Act for the 1961 decennial census / Produced by th e
Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys ,
1966 . -- Ottawa, Ont . : Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . --
I map : col . outline ; scale [1 :4 752 000] ; 98 .5 X 136 cm . --
Insets : Map index to electoral districts ; Edmonton and vicinity ;
Calgary and vicinity ; Toronto and vicinity ; Montreal and vicinity ;
Quebec and vicinity ; Ottawa and vicinity ; Hamilton and vicinity ;
London and vicinity ; Windsor and vicinity ; Winnipeg and vicinity ;
Vancouver and vicinity .

B. Provincia l

2 . [Provincial electoral districts] / drafting, revised and corrected b y

K.L . Morton, Dep . Reg . of Voters, 1949 . -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief
Electoral Officer, 1949] . -- 2 maps : photocopies ; scale not given .
a. Vancouver Centre . -- 78 X 142 cm .
b. Vancouver - Point Grey . -- 100 X 138 cm .

3 . Provincial electoral district[s] : Redistribution Constitution Act -

Chapter 8 - 1938 : Poles as constituted September 12, 1960 . --
[Victoria, B .C . : Chief Electoral Officer, 1960] . -- 8 maps :
Photocopies ; various scales ; 57 X 84 cm . and smaller .
a. Map "A" - Dewdney . -- scale [1 :190 080] ; 32 X 57 cm .
b. Esquimalt . -- scale [1 :190 080] ; 40 X 61 cm .
c. Map "C" - Maple Ridge . -- scale [1 :31 680] ; 38 X 60 cm .
d. Map "D" - Mission Municipality . -- scale not given ; 64 X 46 cm .
e. Map "E" - Mission City . -- scale [1 :2 400] ; 38 X. 37 cm .
f. Oak Bay . -- scale not given ; 56 X' 29 cm .
g. Northerly part of Saanich . -- scale [I :40 GOO] ; 60 X 44 cm .
h. Southerly part of Saanich . -- scale not given ; 34 X 54 cm .
i. Vancouver - Point Grey . -- scale not given ; 53 X 76 cm .
j. Victoria City . -- scale not given ; 53 X 58 cm .

4 . Provincial electoral districts / produced by the Army SurveyEstablishmen t t

R .C .E . (I :arch 1966) : Redistribution 1966 -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief
4 .(cont )
Electoral Officer, 1966) . -- 3 maps : photocopies ; various scales ;
various sizes .
a. Rossland - Trail . -- scale 1 :126 720 ; 66 X 55 cm .
b. Surrey, Map A . --scale not given ; 41 X 32 cm.
c. North Surrey area, Surrey, Map B . -- scale [1 :12 000] ; 49 X 73 cm .
d. [Greater Vancouver] . -- scale [1 :33 000] ; 62 X 93 cm .

5 . Vancouver East electoral district ; polls as constituted August 27 ,

1969 . -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief Electoral Officer, 1969] . -- 1 map ;
photocopy, ms . col . ; scale not given ; 114 X 78 cm. -- boundarie s
added in different colours .

C . Miscellaneous

6 . Composite industrial map of the metropolitan area lower mainlan d

British Columbia, with inset plan of Squamish ,1 compiled and drawn b y
Frank W . Rich -- Victoria, B .C . : Department of Industrial Development ,
Trade and C ommerce, [196-?] . --1 map : col . ms . additions ; .scale
[1 :55 000] ; 78 X 111 .6 cm . Inset : Squamish area . -- 18 X 13 cm .
Routes to projected Roberts Bank Terminal meted on .

7 . Dial map of Vancouver and suburbs / drawn by Glen Morley . -- Vancouver ,

B .C . : Published and copyright by Dominion Map Limited, [196-?] . --
1 map : photocopy, ms . col . ; scale [1 :24 000] ; 96.7 X 149.3 cm . --
Insets : Lions Bay ; Norgate Park ; street indexes along sides . -- Dial
attached south of Burnaby Lake . -- Provincial electoral boundarie s
added in red, federal in blue .

8. East Kelowna / Regional District of Central Okana an, Kelowna, B .C . --

Victoria, B .C . : Surveys & Mapping Service, Dept . [of] Lands &
Forests, [196-?] . -- 2 maps : photocopy, ms . col ; scale [1 :6 000] ;
56 X 75 cm . -- Base map : Composite Map C82E/14-29 north half .
a. Proposed industrial and commercial development s
b. Proposed changes in city boundary, etc .

Part II Maps from Records Boxe s

Box 1 5

A . Provincial Electoral District s

1 . Provincial electoral districts : Redistribution 1966 / produced by th e

Army Survey Establishment, R .C .E . -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief Electoral
Officer, Department of the Provincial Secretary, 1966] . -- 2 maps :
part . col . ; scale [1 :31 680] .
Map C Vancouver . -- 56 X 86 cm . ; (123°16'W - 122°52'30"W/ 49°20'30" N
- 49°11'N )
Map D Victoria . -- 52 .5 X 70 cm . ; (123°30' W - 123°16' W/ 48°30' N .-
48°23'15" N )

2 . British Columbia provincial electoral district, showing polling division s

: Redistribution 1966 . -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief Electoral Officer ,
1966] . -- 53 maps : photocopies ; various scales' ; various sizes . --
Numbers 13A Delta, 19 Langley, 39A Surrey lacking .
1. Alberni . -- scale [1 :4 223 999] ; 54 X 69 cm .
2. Atlin . -- scale [1 :1 013 760] ; 65 X 55 cm.
3. Boundary - Similkameen . -- scale [1 :316 800] ; 50 X 75 cm .
4. Burnaby Edmonds . -- scale not given ; 71 X 61 cm .
5. Burnaby North. -- scale not given ; 46 X 83 cm .
6. Burnaby Willingdon . -- scale not given ; 87 X 43 cm .
7. Cariboo . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 57 X 71 cm .
8. Chilliwack . -- scale [1 :158 400] ; 35 X 54 cm .
9. Columbia River . -- scale [1 :633 600j ; 53 X 41 cm .
10. Comox . -- scale [1 :4 223 999) ; 56 X 74 cm . .-- Inset : Scot t
Islands . -- 3 .5 X 9 .4 cm .
11. Coquitlam . -- scale not given ; 52 X 72 cm.
12. Cowichan-Malahat . -- scale [1 :158 400] ; 55 X 67 cm .
13B Map C polling divisions White Rock area Delta electoral district .
-- scale [1 :12 000] ; 38 X 57 cm .
14. Dewdney . -- 4 maps . -- scale not given . -- Contents : Map A
Dewdney . -- 33 X 50 cm ; Map B Map of Mission City . -- 37 X 37 cm .
; Map C [Maple Ridge] . -- 39 X 59 cm . ; Map D Mission Municipality .
-- 64 X 46 cm .
15. Esquimalt . -- scale not given ; 72 X 56 cm .
16. Fort George . -- scale [1 :1 013 760] ; 57 X 43 cm .
17. Kamloops . -- scale [1 :4 223 999] ; 73 X 48 cm .
18. Kootenay . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 51 X 52 cm .
20 . Mackenzie -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 71 X 60 cm .

2. (cont .)
21. Nanaimo . -- 2 maps . -- Contents : Map A District . -- scale [1 :158 400] ;
47 X 71 cm . ; Map B Nanaimo City . -- scale [1 :23 040] ; 47 X 37 cm.
22. Nelson-Creston . -- [1 :190 080] ; 51 X 76 cm .
23. New Westminster . -- scale not given ; 30 X 89 cm .
24. North Okanagan. -- scale [1 :190 080] ; 32 X 61 cm .
25. North Peace River . -- scale [1 :1 013 760] ; 50 X 40 cm.
26. North Vancouver Capilano . -- scale not given ; 80 X 53 cm.
27. North Vancouver Seymour . --- scale not given ; 47 X 84 cm.
28. Oak Bay . -- scale not given ; 90 X 53 cm .
29. Omineca . --- scale 1 :1 000 000 ; 84 X 39 cm.
30. Prince_Rupert . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 50 X 59 cm . -
31. Revelstoke-Slocan . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 54 X 35 cm .
32. Richmond . -- scale [1 :63 360] ; 43 X. 37 cm .
33. Roseland-Trail . -- scale [1 :126 720] ; 66 X 55 cm .
34. Saanich and the Islands . -- 3 maps . -- contents : Map A southerly part .
- scale not given ; 47 X 84 cm. ; Map B Northerly part . -- scale
[1 :44 400] ; 60 X 43 cm . ; Map C Saanich and the Islands . -- scale
1 :126 720 ; 59 X 42 cm .
35. Shuswap . -- scale [1 :316 800] ; 59 X 50 cm .
36. Skeena . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 62 X 49 cm .
37. South Okanagan . -- scale [1 :126 720] ; 44 X 72 cm .
38. South Peace River . -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 50 X 42 cm .
39$ Map B polling divisions North Surrey area Surrey electoral district . --
scale :12 000] ; 56 X. 73 cm .
40. Vancouver Burrard . -- scale not given ; 34 X 89 cm .
41. Vancouver Centre . -- scale not given ; 43 X 90 cm .
42. Vancouver East . -- scale not given ; 122 X 100 cm .
43. Vancouver Little Mountain . -- scale not given ; 48 X 83 cm .
44. Vancouver Point Grey . -- scale not given ; 60 X 74 cm .
45. Vancouver South . -- scale not given ; 40 X 90 cm .
46. Victoria . -- scale not given ; 58 X 63 cm.
47. West Vancouver - Howe Sound . -- scale [1 :316 800] ; 75 X 57 cm.
48. Yale-Lillo'oet -- scale [1 :633 600] ; 47 X 50 cm .

3 . Polling divisions, provincial electoral districts Delta - Langley - Surrey, Map A

: Redistribution 1966 . -- [Victoria, B .C . : Chief Electoral Officer, 1966] 0 --
1 map : photocopy ; scale [1 :63 360] ; 44 X 107 cm .
Box 15

B . Federal Electoral District s

4 . Electoral district of Vancouver South, British Columbia, population -

census of 1961 : 77,900 / produced by the Survey and Mapping Branch ,
Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1966 . -- Ottawa ,
Ont . : Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . -- 1 map :
part . col . ; scale [1 :18 000] ; 40 X 84 cm . -- Polling districts adde d
by hand in red . --- Inset text : "Pursuant to the Electoral Boundarie s
Readjustment Act, for the 1961 decennial census, . . . "

5 . Electoral district of Comox-Alberni, British Columbia, population -

census of 1961 : 64,723 / Produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch ,
Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1966 . -- Ottawa ,
Ont . : Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . -- 1 map :
part . col . ; scale [1 :506 880] ; 60 X 74 cm . -- Polls? marked wit h
blue arrows and pencil circles . --- Inset text : "Pursuant . . . "

6 . Electoral district of Nanaimo-Cowichan-The Islands, British Columbia ,

population - census of 1961 : 70,246 / Produced by the Surveys an d
Mapping Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa ,
1966 . -- Ottawa, Ont . t -Department of Mines and Technical Surveys ,
1966 . -- 1 map : part . col . ; scale [1 :253 440] ; 59 X 78 cm . -
Inset : enlargement of Coldstream area . -- scale [1 :50 000] ; 25 X
20 cm . -- Inset text : "Pursuant . . . "

Box 28

A. British Columbi a
7 . British Columbia electoral districts : Redistribution 1938 as amended b y
Chapter .11 Statutes of B .C . 1955 . -- Victoria, B .C . : Department o f
Lands and Forests, 1957 . ---- 1 map : photocopy ; scale 1 :1 900 800 ;
71 X 90 cm. -- Insets : Electoral districts of Greater Victoria an d
Greater Vancouver . -- scale [1 :300 000] ; 14 X 11 cm . and 16 X 27 cm .
-- On base map no . 1 ;F.

Box 28 cont.

8 . Vancouver - Point Grey / revised and corrected by K .L . Morton, Dep .

Registrar General of Voters, Feb, 1960. --- [Victoria, B .C . : Chie f
Electoral Officer], 1960 . -- 1 map ; scale not given ; 57 X 76 cm .

B . Canada

9 . Province of British Columbia : Federal electoral districts ; The

Representation Act, 1952 / prepared at the office of the Surveyo r
General, Ottawa, 1953 : drawn and printed at the Surveys and Mappin g
Branch, Sttava, 1953. -- Ottawa, Ont . : Surveys and Mapping Branch ,
1953 . -- 1 map .part . col . ; scale [1 :1 267 200] ; 101 X 104 cm . --
Inset : Vancouver and vicinity . -- scale [1 :60 000] ; 31 X 26 cm . --
Insets : Population symbols ; index to land districts on Vancouve r
Island .

10. Electoral district[s] of . . . British Columbia, population - census o f

1951, . . . / prepared at the Office of the Surveyor g eneral, Ottawa ,
1952/1953 : drawn and printed at the Surveys and 'tapping Branch ,
Ottawa, 1952-1953 . -- Ottawa, Ont . : Surveys and Mapping Branch ,
1952-1953 . -- 21 maps : col . outline ; various scales ; various sizes .
-- Inset : legal description from K epresentation Act, 1952 . .-- Maps
are numbered ; No . 1, Burnaby-Coquitlam, lacking .
2. Burnaby - Richmond . -- scale [1 :63 360 ] ; 40 X 46 cm .
3. Cariboo . -- scale [1 :1 276 200] ; 76 X 61 cm .
4. Coast - C apilano . -- scale [1 :538 560] ; 51 X 46 cm .
5. Comox - Alberni . -- scale [1 :887 040] ; 61 X 46 cm .
.6 . Esquimalt -luaanich . -- scale [1 :126 720] ; 41 X 86 cm .
7. Fraser Valley . -- scale [1 :570 240] ; 41 X. 46 cm .
8. Kamloops . -- sdale [1 :1 267 200] ; 41 X 58 cm .
9. Kootenay East . -- scale [1 :887 040] ; 51 X 46 cm . --- annotate d
10. Kootenay West . -- scale 5'887 040] ; 41 X 46 cm .
1q . Nanaimo . -- scale [1 :411 840] ; 41 X 46 cm.
12. New Westminster . -- scale [1 :70 963] ; 40 X 80 cm .
13. Okanagan - Boundary . -- scale [1 :506 880] ; 41 X 55 cm .
14. Okanagan - Revelstoke . -- scale [1 :506 880] ; 41 X 61 cm .
15. Skeena, -- scale [1 :1 267 200] ; 80 X 70 cm .

Box 28 cont .

B . Canada cont .
10 . cont .

16. Vancouver - Burrard . ---- scale [1 :12 000] ; 41 X 60 cm .

17. Vancouver Centre . -- scale [1 :10 750] ; 53 X 75 cm .
18. Vancouver East . -- scale [1 :11 000] ; 58 X 53 cm .
19. Vancouver - Kingsway . -- scale [1 :9 500] ; 52 X 76 cm .
20. Vancouver - Quadra . -- scale [1 :14 500] ; 41 X 94 cm .
21. Vancouver South . -- scale [1 : 15 000] ; 41 X 102 cm .
22. Victoria . -- scale [1 :21 000] ; 41 X 79 cm .

Box 2 9

A. Caere&a

11 . Province of British Columbia : Electoral districts pursuant to the

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act for the 1961 decennial censu s
produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, vepartment of Mines and
Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1966 . -- Ottawa, Ont . :
Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . -- 1 map : col .
outline ; scale [1 :1 267 2001 ; 101 X 104 cm . --- Inset : Vancouve r
and vicinity . --- scale [1 :158 400] ; 31 X 34 cm .

12 . Electoral district of . . . British Columbia, population-census of

1961 . . . / produced by the Surveys and napping Branch, Department o f
Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1966 . -- Ottawa, Ont . : Departmen t
of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . -- 21 maps : col . outline ; various
scales ; various sizes . -- Inset : legal description from the Electora l
Boundaries Readjustment Act . -- Maps are numbered ; numbers 2-3
lacking .
1 . Burnaby - Richmond . -- scale L1 :50 000] ; 60 X 82 cm .
4. Coast Chilcotin . -- scale [1 :1 267 200] ; 61 X 81 cm .
5. Comox - Alberni . -- scale [1 :50 000] ; 60 X 74 cm .
6. Esquimalt - Saanich . -- scale [1 :50 000] ; 79 X 74 cm .
7. Fraser Valley East . -- scale [1 :253 440] ;=77 X 68 cm.
Box 29 cont .
A . Canada cont .
12 . cont .
8. Fraser Valley West . -- scale [1 :253 440] ; 64 X 65 cm .
9. Kamloops - Cariboo . -- scale [1 :1 140 480] ; 59 X 48 cm .
10. Kootenay West . -- scale [1 :316 800] ; 80 X 80 cm .
11. Nanaimo-- Cowichanr- The Islands . -- scale [1 :253 440] ; 61 X 77 cm .
12. New Westminster . -- scale [1 :25 000] ; 73 X 41 cm .
13. Okanagan Boundary . -- scale [1 :316 800] ; 56 X 77 cm .
14. Okanagan - Kootenay . -- scale [1 :1 140 480] ; 47 X 62 cm.
15. Prince George - Peace River . -- scale [1 :1 267 200] ; 70 X 59 cm.
16. Skeena . -- scale [1 :2 027 520] ; 55 X 48 cm .
17. Surrey . -- scale [1 :1 140 480] ; 56 X 62 cm .
18. Vancouver Centre . -- scale [1 :18 000] ; 45 X .59 cm.
19.Vancouver East . -- scale [1 :18 000] ; 38 X 65 cm .
20.Vancouver Kingsway . -- scale [1 :18 000] ; 38 X 50 cm .
21. Vancouver Quadra . -- scale [1 :18 000] ; 38 X 75 cm .
22. Vancouver South . --- scale [1 :18 000] ; 38 X 85 cm .
23. Victoria . -- scale [1 :25 000] ; 40 X 75 cm.

Box 33
A. Provincia l
13 . Provincial Electoral districts : Redistribution, 1966 / Chief Electora l
Officer, Department of the Provincial Secretary . -- [Victoria, B .C. :
Department of the Provincial Secretary, 1966] . -- 1 map : part . col .
; scale not given ; 55 X 90 cm.

14 . Provincial electoral districts, Map-B (March-1966) . -- [Victoria, B .C .

: Chief Electoral Officer, 1966] . -- 1 map : ms . col . ; scale [1 :253
440] ; 52 X 65 cm . ; (124°W - 122°W / 4 9' 3 0 ' N - 48'15'N) . -- Red
numbers added to districts .

B . Federa l
15 . Electoral district[s] of . . . British Columbia, population - census o f
1961 . . . / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of
Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1966 . -- Ottawa, Ont . : Depart-
ment of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1966 . -- 3 maps : col . outline ;
scale [1 :18 000] ; 38 X 75 cm . - 38 X 50 cm . -- 3 sheets of the 23
Box 33 cont .
B . Federal cont .
15 . cont .
British Columbia districts .
19. Vancouver Eas t
20. Vancouver Kingsway
21, Vancouver Quadra
New Democratic Party of British Columbia fonds
(1960-1990 Accruals)
Fonds and Series Level Descriptions and
Finding Aid

Prepared by
Stephen Russo
July-December 2008
Table of Contents

FONDS LEVEL DESCRIPTION ............................................................ 3

SERIES LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................... 8


SERIES) .................................................................................... 16

Constituency Associations Correspondence .................................................. 17

Conventions, Councils and Committees ....................................................... 38

Correspondence with Elected Representatives.............................................. 53

Elections .............................................................................................. 59

Finance and Commonwealth Societies ........................................................ 73

General Correspondence ......................................................................... 76

Membership .......................................................................................... 80

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................ 82

Provincial Executive ............................................................................... 83

Provincial Staff Administration .................................................................. 91

Related Groups ...................................................................................... 94

Research and Public Communications ......................................................... 99


BOX-FILE NUMBER).................................................................... 114

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Fonds Level Description

Fonds Name
New Democratic Party of British Columbia Fonds

Dates of Creation
1930-1990, (1960-1990 predominant)

Physical Description
Approximately 45 linear meters of textual material, ca. 200 video and audio

Administrative History
In August of 1961, Canada‟s New Democratic Party NDP held its founding
convention. Two months later, the British Columbia section of the party (the
BCNDP) followed suit. Many commentators consider the establishment of the
NDP as a fairly superficial change, as the old Co-operative Commonwealth
Federation (CCF) sought to broaden its appeal with a new name. Most of the
structures, functions and party officials simply continued on from the old party
to the new. Notably however, the founding conventions formalized organized
labor‟s relationship with the party. Previously, trade unions voiced their
support for the CCF and sporadically funded election campaigns. With the new
party, unions became formal partners in the activities of the party and a
procedure was established for affiliate status.
The highest decision-making body of the BCNDP was its provincial
convention. Initially held annually, the convention set party policy; heard
reports from caucus members and party officials; and held elections for most
internal party positions in the coming year. Each provincial riding association
elected delegates to represent them at the convention. In turn, these
delegates elected the party‟s executive, made up of members-at-large and
table officers. Table officer positions included party president, two vice
presidents, membership secretary and treasurer. When a sitting leader of the
party‟s caucus resigned the convention also elected the party‟s new leader.
Because of the fairly high annual turnover of party officials, activists and
employees, many of the offices, committees and other bodies within the party
had short life spans. The party‟s structure enabled a degree of flexibility and
responsiveness to current events, but at times this fact hindered the
effectiveness and consistency of record-keeping procedures.
Between conventions, the party‟s executive reported to provincial
council. Meeting monthly or sometimes bi-monthly, the council was made up
of elected delegates from each riding association along with the executive, and
caucus and staff representatives. In addition to this oversight role, delegates
on council formed policy committees. These committees researched, debated
and wrote policy resolutions which could then go to convention to be adopted.
Over the years, provincial councils established numerous policy committees to

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

respond to pressing issues. Some of the most long-lasting and substantial

committees included: labor, forestry and human resources.
The party‟s provincial office was at the center of the BCNDP‟s day-to-
day activities. The provincial secretary, a full-time employee, coordinated the
office‟s administrative and operational activities while reporting to the party‟s
executive. At any one time, the provincial office employed organizers,
researchers and administrative staff. The number of each type of employee
varied depending on the party‟s finances, its priorities, and its election
preparations. On a daily basis the provincial office‟s activities included:
correspondence with riding associations, research and communications,
maintenance of membership and financial data and coordination with the
party‟s various oversight bodies and committees. More irregularly, the
provincial office organized both provincial conventions and provincial and
federal election campaigns.
The party‟s executive deliberated on issues of importance to the party.
The party president chaired executive meetings and normally acted as a point
of contact between the party‟s legislative caucuses, its riding associations and
the provincial office. The membership secretary coordinated membership
recruitment drives and assisted the party office with administering membership
lists and databases. The treasurer administered the party‟s finances and also
those of the Commonwealth Society (CS) and the Broadway Commonwealth
Society (BCS) (see series descriptions for more details on the CS and the BCS).
As a body, the executive committee usually met on a weekly basis and was
responsible for high-level strategic decisions such as election planning and the
hiring of the party secretary.
Beyond the internal structure described above, the provincial office
maintained ongoing relationships with external and subordinate bodies. Most
importantly, the provincial office had responsibility for coordinating the
federal party‟s affairs in BC. BCNDP officials regularly communicated with
federal riding associations within the province. During national elections, the
provincial office coordinated party activities in BC. In addition to attending bi-
annual federal conventions, the BC provincial section contributed money to its
federal counterpart through a set formula and members of the BCNDP served
on the federal council, which was the executive of the party at the national
Within the province, the provincial office and executive regularly
interacted with three other elements of the party. The party‟s elected
representatives formed caucuses, each with its own administrative structure
and system of deliberation. However, representatives of elected-member
caucuses served on most provincial-level entities including the executive, the
provincial council and various policy committees. In each provincial and
federal riding, party members formed constituency associations (CAs). Each CA
elected its executive, and sent elected representatives to provincial councils
and at conventions. Although the provincial office exercised a measure of
control over the CAs, their separate executive structure meant they formed
separate entities. Finally, the British Columbia New Democratic Youth (later

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

renamed the Young New Democrats, or BCYND) had its own organizational
structure with an executive and an annual convention. Yet most of its
activities at the provincial level took place within the parent organization‟s
physical space. Consequently, the BCYND‟s records became part of the
BCNDP‟s archive. A number of other regional and caucus groups (such as the
women‟s caucus and the lower mainland association) also created records that
became intermingled with the provincial office‟s records.

Custodial History
The contents of this description and finding aid constitute the fifth and
sixth accruals of the BCNDP‟s fonds held at UBC‟s Rare Books and Special
Collections (RBSC) library. The fifth accrual was transferred from the BCNDP‟s
provincial office to RBSC‟s custody in September of 1985. Unfortunately,
administrative records no longer exist for accruals that took place after 1985.

Scope and Content

This fonds consists of records created by the BCNDP‟s provincial office
between 1960 and 1990. As the provincial wing of a national political party,
the BCNDP‟s sphere of functional responsibility involved coordinating and
administering all of the party‟s activities within the province of BC. Co-
ordination included: election planning and oversight; research and media
communications; policy development; and liaison with other components of the
NDP. Much of the fonds consists of correspondence, but minutes; financial
records; audio and video; press releases; and audio/visual recordings are also
The fonds contains the following series:
Constituency Association Correspondence
Conventions, Councils and Committees
Correspondence with Elected Representatives
General Correspondence
Finance and Commonwealth Societies
Provincial Executive
Provincial Office Administration
Related Groups
Research and Public Communications
Sound and Visual Communications

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions


Finding Aid
The finding aid which follows contains file listings arranged in two ways.
First, each file is listed within its series (pages 16-99). Second, files are listed
according to their physical place within RBSC boxes, beginning with box 69 and
ending with box 343 (pages 114-213). The series file listing shows the
intellectual relationships between files within the fonds while the box-file
listing shows the fonds‟ physical arrangement.

Associated Materials
Rare Books and Special Collections has numerous fonds relating to the
CCF/NDP in BC. These include:

The Angus MacInnis Memorial Collection (BC CCF Fonds)

New Democratic Party of British Columbia Fonds (Earlier Accessions)
David Barrett Fonds
Thomas Berger Fonds
BC Provincial CCF Women‟s Council, Vancouver Branch Fonds
BC Young New Democrat Fonds
Rosemary Brown Fonds
Colin Cameron Fonds
Carleton CCF Club Fonds
Anthony Gargrave Fonds
Lindsay Harrison Fonds
Gary Lauk Fonds
Grace MacInnis Fonds
Jim Mackenzie Fonds
Frances J. McKenzie Fonds
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Delta Constituency Fonds
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Little Mountain Constituency
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Standing Committee on
Women's Rights Fonds
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Vancouver Area Council
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Vancouver Burrard
Constituency Association Fonds
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Vancouver-Kingsway
Constituency Association Fonds
New Democratic Party of British Columbia. Vancouver Women's
Committee Fonds
Joan Sawicki Fonds
Leonard Shepherd Fonds

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Renate Shearer Fonds

Evelyn Grey Smith Fonds Solidarity Coalition Fonds
Dorothy Gretchen Steeves Fonds
Alaxander Maitlind Stephen Fonds
Peter Stursberg Fonds
Lyle Telford Collection
Hilda Thomas Fonds
Arthur Turner Fonds
Arnold Webster Fonds
Ernest Winch Fonds
Rodney Young Fonds

Further accruals are expected.

General Note:
As of December 2008 the audio and visual materials in this fonds are not
accessible. When time permits, these materials will be arranged and described
and an addendum to this finding aid will contain descriptions of the audio and
visual material.

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Series Level Descriptions

Series Name
Constituency Associations Correspondence

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 10 linear meters of textual material.

Scope and Content

This series consists of the correspondence between provincial office and
both federal and provincial riding associations. The main purposes of this
correspondence were the administration of each riding‟s finances and its
membership information. Additionally, the provincial office responded to
letters from members who raised concerns about particular actions of the party
or NDP governments. These were then stored in the file of the riding
association to which the corresponding member belonged.
From 1960 to 1985, the provincial office created new riding association
files each year. After 1985, annual disposition ceased. After that,
constituency correspondence was interfiled with general correspondence until

Finding Aid Note

Series list on pages 17-37.

Series Name
Conventions, Councils and Committees

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 6.5 linear meters of textual materials.

Scope and Content

The BCNDP convened on a regular basis to deliberate on party policy, hear
reports from the BCNDP caucus, and elect its new officers and representatives.
The provincial office was responsible for organizing these conventions. Records
created as a result of this role include:
Correspondence with convention halls and hotels
Correspondence with resolutions and policy committees
Records of convention organizing committees

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Minutes of proceedings
Recorded notes of resolution debates
Delegate packages
Because officers of the BCNDP also attended federal conventions, the
provincial office kept records related to these conventions.
Between conventions, the general party oversaw provincial officers and
employees through bi-monthly party council meetings. The council was made
up of representatives from the executive and the caucus, as well as delegates
elected annually by each riding association. The council heard reports from
policy committees, officers and employees. It debated and deliberated on the
future direction of the party. Records of provincial councils include
correspondence between council members and the provincial office, and
proceedings of the bi-monthly council meetings.
Members of the provincial council, along with other leaders of the party,
also formed various regional or provincial-level committees. Usually, these
committees convened to deliberate on party policy – such as the forestry and
human resources committees. However, committees (sometimes called
caucuses) also met to discuss the party‟s administrative matters (e.g. the
membership committee), or because they had something in common (e.g.
regional committees). The records of these committees often include minutes,
agendas and correspondence between committee members, and policy-related
research material.

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 38-52.

Series Name
Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 9 linear meters of textual material.

Scope and Content

Series consists of correspondence between provincial office and NDP
MLAs and MPs. Elected representatives kept in regular contact with the
provincial office, which often arranged speaking tours and fundraising events
involving the representatives. Usually communications from elected
representatives were in the form of written letters. However, some MPs and
MLAs simply sent their published newsletters to the provincial office.

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 53-58.

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Series Name

Dates of Creation
1930-1990, (1960-1990 predominant)

Physical Description
Approximately 6 linear meters of textual material

Scope and Content

For both provincial and federal elections, the provincial office
coordinated the party‟s activities in British Columbia. This co-ordination role
included overall strategizing and planning; organizing leaders‟ tours; recruiting
and educating party volunteers; election-day coordination; media and
communications; and communications with local campaigns. The records
created in this series reflect the activities described above.

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 59-72.

Series Name
Finance and Commonwealth Societies

Dates of Creation
1950-1990 [1965-1990 predominant]

Physical Description
Approximately 1 linear meter of textual material.

Scope and Content

Series consists of records created by the BCNDP‟s treasurer. The
treasurer was responsible for overseeing the party‟s financial matters.
Oversight included compiling budgets and financial statements, implementing
fundraising decisions, approving expenditures and reporting on financial
matters to the executive, to provincial councils and to annual conventions.
The treasurer was also responsible for administering the party‟s various
Commonwealth Societies (the most long-standing was the Broadway
Commonwealth Society, the BCS). These societies served as financial holding
companies for the party. Members invested in a Commonwealth Society, which
could then transfer money to the party for political activities or could invest
the money in real estate and other financial endeavours. Over time, the BCS
came to own a number of buildings in the Vancouver area, including the head
offices of the party.

Records in this series include:

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Financial statements
Treasurer‟s reports
Commonwealth Society Financial Statements
Building plans

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 73-75.

Series Name
General Correspondence

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 1 linear meter of textual material.

Scope and Content

From 1960 until approximately 1975, the provincial office kept its non-
riding association correspondence in files called “day-to-day” correspondence.
The “day-to-day” files included both incoming mail and copies of outgoing
letters, filed according to their chronological date. After 1975, the „day-to-
day‟ correspondence system ceased to exist, but non-riding association
correspondence was still stored chronologically.

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 76-77

Series Name

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately .5 linear meters of textual material.

Scope and Content

During much of its existence, the party‟s executive included a
membership secretary who was responsible for co-coordinating the
administration of NDP memberships in the province. The secretary worked
closely with provincial office staff and, as membership lists became
mechanized in the 1960s, also worked with various contractors who were
responsible for data-entry and computer maintenance.

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Records created as part of this series include:

Correspondence with data management contractors
Correspondence with riding associations regarding membership activities
Membership statistics
Membership lists
Membership secretary reports.

Finding Aid Note:

Files listed by series on pages 78-81.

Series Name

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately .5 linear meters of textual materials.

Scope and Content

This series consists of miscellaneous material. Most of the files in this
series have multiple subjects and not fit exclusively into other series.

Finding Aid Note:

Filed listed by series on page 82.

Series Name
Provincial Executive

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 5 linear meters of textual material

Scope and Content

Elected annually, the party‟s executive met bi-weekly or monthly to
hear reports from table officers and policy committees, oversee the work of
the provincial office and plan the party‟s upcoming activities. The executive
included table officers, who often met more regularly and were responsible for
particular aspects of the executive‟s work. The president organized and
chaired meetings, the treasurer compiled budgets and other financial records,
the membership secretary organized membership drives and oversaw
membership administration, and the party secretary –usually the only paid
employee of the party on the executive – was in charge of the provincial office.

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Executive members also served on various subcommittees. These committees

could be organized to address a policy issue (such as the health policy
committee); a special project (such as the membership drive committee) or an
ongoing activity (such as the finance committee).
Records created in this series include:
Correspondence between executive members
Executive and sub-committee agendas and minutes
Background documents for policy committees
Officers reports
Provincial secretary‟s files

Finding Aid Note:

Filed listed by series on pages 83-89.

Series Name
Provincial Staff Administration

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately .75 linear meters of textual material

Scope and Content

This series of material relating to provincial staff-members. It includes
contracts, time sheets, insurance policies and expense claims.

Finding Aid Note:

Filed listed by series on pages 91-93.

Series Name
Related Groups

Dates of Creation
1950-1990, (1960-1990 predominant)

Physical Description
Approximately 2.5 linear meters of textual materials.

Scope and Content

Series consists of correspondence, publications, press releases and other
materials from groups who were affiliated with the provincial NDP. Material in
this series originated from the British Columbia Federation of Labour, the
Young New Democrats Co-op societies and international social democratic

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

Finding Aid Note:

Filed listed by series on pages 94-98.

Series Name
Research and Public Communications

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Approximately 6 linear meters of textual material.

Scope and Content

The provincial office conducted research on relevant public policy subjects.
Usually, the provincial office communicated the results of this research to the
general public through press releases, party publications, and the party‟s
weekly newspaper, the Democrat. Records created as a result of this function
Subject files
Clippings files
Provincial government documents (i.e. press releases from the
Department of Agriculture)
Democrat committee material
Incoming communications from NDP caucus members (newsletters, press
releases etc.)
Outgoing communications from provincial office.

Finding Aid Note:

Filed listed by series on pages 99-113.
Series Name
Sound and Visual Material

Dates of Creation

Physical Description
Ca. 200 audio and video recordings.

Scope and Content:

This series consists of two different components of audio and visual
records. The first includes sound and visual material created as part of public
relations efforts by the provincial office. Particularly during elections, the
party sought to convey its policies to the public through non-textual means. So

BCNDP Fond and Series Level Descriptions

this series contains raw footage and completed products related to advertising
and free-time political broadcasts.
The second component of this series involves sound and visual recordings of
NDP conventions.

Finding Aid Note:

As of December 2008, this material is inaccessible because it has yet to
be described. When time permits, this material will be described and will be
available to researchers.

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

New Democratic Party of British Columbia Finding Aid

(Listed By Series)

Series Legend
Series Title Series Code
Constituency Association Correspondence CA
Conventions, Councils and Committees CC
Correspondence with Elected Representatives EC
Elections El
Finance and Commonwealth Societies FR
General Correspondence GC
Membership Me
Miscellaneous Mi
Provincial Executive ER
Provincial Staff Administration OA
Related Groups RG
Research and Public Communications RP
Sound and Visual Communications AV

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Constituency Associations Correspondence

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence
Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 69-01 Nominating Conventions – Federal 1962-1963
CA 73-07 Alberni 1962-1964
CA 73-08 Atlin 1962-1964
CA 73-09 Burnaby 1962-1964
CA 73-10 Cariboo 1962-1964
CA 73-11 Chilliwack 1962-1964
CA 73-12 Columbia 1962-1964
CA 73-13 Comox 1962-1964
CA 73-14 Cowichan Newcastle 1962-1964
CA 74-01 Cranbrook 1962-1964
CA 74-02 Delta [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 74-03 Delta [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 74-04 Delta [Part 3] 1962-1964
CA 74-05 Dewdney 1962-1964
CA 74-06 Esquimalt 1962-1964
CA 74-07 Fernie 1962-1964
CA 74-08 Fort George 1962-1964
CA 74-09 Grand Forks – Greenwood 1962-1964
CA 774-10 Kamloops [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 74-11 Kamloops [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 75-01 Kaslo-Slocan 1962-1964
CA 75-02 Lilloet 1962-1964
CA 75-03 Mackenzie 1962-1964
CA 75-04 Nanaimo and The Islands 1962-1964
CA 75-05 Nelson-Creston 1962-1964
CA 75-06 New Westminster 1962-1964
CA 75-07 North Okanagan 1962-1964
CA 75-08 North Peace River 1962-1964
CA 75-09 North Vancouver [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 75-10 North Vancouver [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 75-11 Oak Bay 1962-1964
CA 75-12 Omineca 1962-1964
CA 75-13 Prince Rupert [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 75-14 Prince Rupert [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 76-01 Revelstoke 1962-1964
CA 76-02 Rossland-Trail 1962-1964
CA 76-03 Saanich 1962-1964
CA 76-04 Salmon Arm 1963-1964
CA 76-05 Similkameen 1962-1965
CA 76-06 Skeena 1962-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 76-07 South Okanagan 1962-1964
CA 76-08 South Peace River 1962-1964
CA 76-09 Vancouver Burrard 1963-1964
CA 76-10 Vancouver-Centre 1962-1964
CA 76-11 Vancouver-East 1962-1964
CA 77-01 Vancouver-Point Grey 1964-1964
CA 77-02 Victoria City 1962-1964
CA 80-09 BC Constituency Material, Odds and Ends 1966-67
CA 82-01 Burnaby 1965
CA 86-04 Alberni 1965
CA 86-05 Atlin 1965
CA 86-06 Cariboo 1965
CA 86-07 Chilliwack 1965
CA 86-08 Columbia 1965
CA 86-09 Comox 1965
CA 86-10 Cowichan-Newcastle 1965
CA 86-11 Cranbrook 1965
CA 86-12 Delta 1965
CA 86-13 Esquimalt 1965
CA 86-14 Fernie 1965
CA 86-15 Fort George 1965
CA 86-16 Grand Forks – Greenwood 1965
CA 86-17 Dewdney 1965
CA 86-18 Kamloops 1965
CA 86-19 Kaslo – Slocan 1965
CA 86-20 Lillooet 1965
CA 86-21 Mackenzie 1965
CA 98-02 Nanaimo and the Islands 1965
CA 98-03 Nelson-Creston 1965
CA 98-03 New Westminster 1965
CA 98-04 North Okanagon 1965
CA 98-05 North Vancouver 1965
CA 98-06 Omineca 1965
CA 98-07 Prince Rupert 1965
CA 98-08 Revelstoke 1965
CA 98-09 Rossland-Trail 1965
CA 98-10 Saanich 1965
CA 98-11 Similkameen 1965
CA 98-12 Skeena 1965
CA 99-01 South Okanagon 1965
CA 99-02 South Peace River 1965
CA 99-03 Vancouver-Burrard 1965
CA 99-04 Vancouver Centre 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 99-05 Vancouver East 1965
CA 99-06 Vancouver Point Grey 1965
CA 99-07 Victoria City 1965
CA 99-08 Yale 1965
CA 99-09 Federal Constituencies: Bur-Coquitlam to Kamloops 1965
CA 99-10 Federal Constituencies: Kootenay East to Vancouver 1965
CA 99-11 Federal Constituencies Van Centre to Yukon 1965
CA 107-08 North Vancouver- Capilano 1974
CA 107-09 North Vancouver – Seymour 1973
CA 107-10 [Miscellaneous loose papers, re: constituency and 1973-74
other finances]
CA 107-11 North Vancouver – Capilano, By-election 1973
CA 108-01 West Vancouver – Howe Sound 1973
CA 108-02 Vancouver – Center 1973
CA 108-03 Vancouver – East 1973
CA 108-04 Vancouver – Little Mountain [good description of org 1973
CA 108-05 Vancouver – Point Grey 1973
CA 108-06 Vancouver – South 1973
CA 108-07 Surrey 1973
CA 108-09 Vancouver – Burrard 1973
CA 111-02 [Alberni] 1977
CA 111-03 [Skeena] 1977
CA 111-04 [Boundary-Similkameen] 1977
CA 111-05 [Burnaby-Edmonds] 1977
CA 111-06 [Burnaby North] 1977
CA 111-07 [Burnaby Willingdon] 1977
CA 111-08 [Cariboo] 1977
CA 111-09 [Chilliwack] 1977
CA 111-10 [Comox] 1977
CA 111-11 [Coquitlam] 1977
CA 111-12 [Chemainus-Crofton] 1977
CA 112-01 [Delta] 1977
CA 112-02 [Dewdney] 1977
CA 112-03 [Esquimalt] 1977
CA 112-04 [Fort George] 1977
CA 112-05 [Kamloops] 1977
CA 112-06 [Revelstoke-Slocan?] 1977
CA 112-07 [Cowichan] 1977
CA 112-08 [Langley] 1977
CA 112-09 [Mackenzie] 1977
CA 112-10 [Nanaimo] 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 112-11 [Nelson] 1977
CA 113-01 [New Westminster] 1977
CA 113-02 [North Okanagan] 1977
CA 113-03 [North Peace River] 1977
CA 113-04 [North Vancouver – Capilano] 1977
CA 113-05 [North Vancouver – Seymour] 1977
CA 113-06 [Oak Bay] 1977
CA 113-07 [Omineca] 1977
CA 113-08 [Prince Rupert] 1977
CA 113-09 [Richmond] 1977
CA 113-10 [Rossland-Trail] 1977
CA 113-11 [Saanich and the Islands] 1977
CA 114-01 8-70 [Shushwap] 1977
CA 114-02 8-72 [Skeena] 1977
CA 114-03 8-74 [South Okanagan] 1977
CA 114-04 8-76 [South Peace River] 1977
CA 114-05 8-78 [Surrey] 1977
CA 114-06 8-80 [Vancouver – Burrard] 1977
CA 114-07 8-82 [Vancouver – Centre] 1977
CA 114-08 8-84 [Vancouver – East] 1977
CA 114-09 8-86 [Vancouver – Little Mountain] 1977
CA 114-10 8-88 [Vancouver – Point Grey] 1977
CA 114-11 8-90 [Vancouver – South] 1977
CA 114-12 8-92 [Victoria] 1977
CA 114-13 8-94 [West Vancouver – Howe Sound] 1977
CA 114-14 8-96 [Yale-Lillooet] 1977
CA 114-15 8-98 [Outside of BC?] 1977
CA 118-10 3-1 Federal Riding Association Correspondence 1970-1972
CA 120-11 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – General 1972
CA 120-12 [Loose paper re: correspondence with constituencies] 1972
CA 121-01 Provincial Constituency No. 2: Alberni 1970-72
CA 121-02 [Loose papers re: Burquitlam constituency, no. 4?] 1972
CA 121-03 Provincial Constituency No. 6: Boundary-Similkameen 1970-72
CA 121-04 Clubs in Similkameen (# 6) 1970-72
CA 121-05 Clubs in Burnaby Edmonds (#8) 1970-72
CA 121-06 Provincial Constituency No. 8: Burnaby-Edmonds 1970-72
CA 121-07 Clubs in Burnaby North (#10) 1970-72
CA 121-08 Provincial Constituency No. 10: Burnaby-North 1970-72
CA 121-09 Provincial Constituency No. 12: Burnaby-Willingdon 1970-72
CA 121-10 Provincial Constituency No. 14: Cariboo 1970-72
CA 121-11 Polling Cariboo Division 1970-72
CA 121-12 Provincial Constituency No. 16: Chilliwack 1970-72
CA 121-13 Provincial Constituency No. 18: Columbia River 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 121-14 Provincial Constituency No. 20: Comox 1970-72
CA 122-01 Provincial Constituency No. 22: Coquitlam 1970-72
CA 122-02 Provincial Constituency No. 24: Cowichan-Malahat 1970-72
CA 122-03 Provincial Constituency No. 26: Delta 1970-72
CA 122-04 Provincial Constituency No. 28: Dewdney 1970-72
CA 122-05 Provincial Constituency No. 30: Esquimalt 1970-72
CA 122-06 Provincial Constituency No. 32: Fort George 1970-72
CA 122-07 Provincial Constituency No. 34: Kamloops 1970-72
CA 122-08 Provincial Constituency No. 36: Revelstoke-Slocan 1970-72
CA 122-09 Provincial Constituency No. 38: Kootenay 1970-72
CA 122-10 Provincial Constituency No. 40: Langley 1970-72
CA 122-11 Provincial Constituency No. 42: Mackenzie 1970-72
CA 122-12 Provincial Constituency No. 44: Nanaimo 1970-72
CA 123-01 Provincial Constituency No. 46: Nelson-Creston 1970-72
CA 123-02 Provincial Constituency No. 48: New Westminster 1970-72
CA 123-04 [Loose Papers re: provincial constituency No. 50, 1970-72
North Okanagan]
CA 123-05 Provincial Constituency No. 52: North Peace River 1970-72
CA 123-06 Provincial Constituency No. 54: North Vancouver- 1970-72
CA 123-07 Provincial Constituency No. 56: North Vancouver- 1970-72
CA 123-08 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency No. 58, Oak 1970-72
CA 123-09 Provincial Constituency No. 60: Omineca 1970-72
CA 123-10 Provincial Constituency No. 62: Prince Rupert 1970-72
CA 123-11 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency no.64: 1970-72
CA 123-12 Provincial Constituency No. 66: Rossland-Trail 1970-72
CA 123-13 Provincial Constituency No. 68: Saanich and the Islands 1970-72
CA 123-14 Provincial Constituency No. 70: Shushwap 1970-72
CA 123-15 Provincial Constituency No. 72: Skeena 1970-72
CA 124-01 Provincial Constituency No. 74: South Okanagan 1970-72
CA 124-02 Provincial Constituency No. 76: South Peace River 1970-72
CA 124-03 Provincial Constituency No. 78: Surrey 1970-72
CA 124-04 [Loose Papers re: provincial constituency no. 80: 1970-72
Vancouver Center]
CA 124-05 Provincial Constituency No. 88 and 90: Vancouver- 1970-72
Point Grey
CA 124-06 Provincial Constituency No. 84: Vancouver-East 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 124-07 Provincial Constituency No. 86: Vancouver-Little 1970-72
CA 124-08 Provincial Constituency No. 82: Vancouver-Centre 1970-72
CA 124-09 Provincial Constituency No. 92: Victoria 1970-72
CA 125-01 Provincial Constituency No. 94: West Vancouver-Howe 1970-72
CA 125-02 Provincial Constituency No. 96: Yale Lillooet 1970-72
CA 125-03 [Loose papers re: membership and by-laws] 1970-72
CA 129-11 P-6-1: Provincial Bulletins 1972
CA 129-16 P-9: Instructions 1972
CA 130-06 2: Alberni 1972
CA 130-07 4: Atlin 1972
CA 130-08 6: Boundary-Similkameen 1972
CA 130-09 10: Burnaby-North 1972
CA 130-10 8: Burnaby-Edmonds 1972
CA 130-11 12: Burnaby-Willingdon 1972
CA 130-12 14: Cariboo 1972
CA 130-13 16: Chilliwack 1972
CA 130-14 18: Columbia River 1972
CA 130-15 20: Comox 1972
CA 130-16 24: Cowichan Malahat 1972
CA 130-17 26: Delta 1972
CA 130-18 28: Dewdney 1972
CA 130-19 30: Esquimalt 1972
CA 130-20 32: Fort George 1972
CA 131-01 34: Kamloops 1972
CA 131-02 36: Kootenay 1972
CA 131-03 40: Langley 1972
CA 131-04 42: Mackenzie 1972
CA 131-05 44: Nanaimo 1972
CA 131-06 46: Nelson-Creston 1972
CA 131-07 48: New Westminster 1972
CA 131-08 50: North Okanagan 1972
CA 131-09 52: North Peace River 1972
CA 131-10 54: North Vancouver – Capilano 1972
CA 131-11 56: North Vancouver – Seymour 1972
CA 131-12 58: Oak Bay 1972
CA 131-13 60: Omineca 1972
CA 131-14 62: Prince Rupert 1972
CA 131-15 36: Revelstoke-Slocan 1972
CA 131-16 64: Richmond 1972
CA 131-17 66: Rossland-Trail 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 131-18 68: Saanich and the Islands 1972
CA 131-19 70: Shushwap 1972
CA 131-20 72: Skeena 1972
CA 172-01 74: South Okanagan 1972
CA 132-02 76: South Peace River 1972
CA 132-03 78: Surrey 1972
CA 132-04 80: Vancouver – Burrard 1972
CA 132-05 82: Vancouver – Centre 1972
CA 132-06 84: Vancouver – East 1972
CA 132-07 86: Vancouver – Little Mountain 1972
CA 132-08 88: Vancouver – Point Grey 1972
CA 132-09 90: Vancouver – South 1972
CA 132-10 92: Victoria 1972
CA 132-11 94: West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1972
CA 132-12 96: Yale-Lillooet 1972
Ca 142-09 3-2 Federal Ridings Correspondence 1973
CA 142-13 8-02 to 8-16; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
CA 142-14 8-18 to 8-28; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 1]
CA 142-15 8-18 to 8-28; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 2]
CA 143-01 8-30 to 8-40; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 1]
CA 143-02 8-30 to 8-40; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 2]
CA 143-03 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency 1973
CA 143-07 8-54 to 8-70; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 1]
CA 143-08 8-54 to 8-70; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 2]
CA 143-09 8-72 to 8-84; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 1]
CA 143-10 8-72 to 8-84; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 2]
CA 144-01 8-86 to 8-96; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 1]
CA 144-02 8-86 to 8-96; Provincial Constituency Correspondence 1973
[Part 2]
CA 155-06 Federal Riding Associations – General 1974
CA 155-07 3-2 All Federal Ridings in Alphabetical Order 1974
CA 155-08 [Raymond] Rogers 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 155-09 Tom Barnett, MP Comox-Alberni, Tommy Douglas 1974
Nanaimo, H. Olaussen, Mark Rose – Fraser Valley West
CA 156-10 8-1 Provincial Constituency Form Letters to President, 1974
Secretary, Treasurer
CA 156-11 Alberni 1974
CA 156-12 Atlin 1974
CA 156-13 Boundary-Similkameen 1974
CA 156-14 Burnaby – Edmonds 1974
CA 156-15 Burnaby – North 1974
CA 157-01 Burnaby – Willingdon 1974
CA 157-02 Cariboo 1974
CA 157-03 Chilliwack 1974
CA 157-04 Columbia River 1974
CA 157-05 Comox 1974
CA 157-06 Coquitlam 1974
CA 157-07 Cowichan-Malahat 1974
CA 157-08 Delta 1974
CA 157-09 Dewdney 1974
CA 157-10 Esquimalt 1974
CA 157-11 Fort George 1974
CA 157-12 Kamloops 1974
CA 157-13 Revelstoke 1974
CA 157-14 Kootenay 1974
CA 157-15 Langley 1974
CA 157-16 Mackenzie 1974
CA 157-17 Nanaimo 1974
CA 157-18 Nelson 1974
CA 157-19 New Westminster 1974
CA 157-20 North Okanagon 1974
CA 157-21 North Peace River 1974
CA 157-22 North Vancouver – Capilano 1974
CA 158-01 North Vancouver – Seymour 1974
CA 158-02 Oak Bay 1974
CA 158-03 Omineca 1974
CA 158-04 Prince Rupert 1974
CA 158-05 Saanich 1974
CA 158-06 Richmond 1974
CA 158-07 Rossland and Trail 1974
CA 158-08 Shushwap 1974
CA 158-09 Skeena 1974
CA 158-10 South Okanagon 1974
CA 158-11 South Peace River 1974
CA 158-12 Surrey 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 158-13 Vancouver-Burrard 1974
CA 158-14 Vancouver-Centre 1974
CA 158-15 Vancouver-East 1974
CA 158-16 Vancouver Little Mountain 1974
CA 158-17 Vancouver Point Grey 1974
CA 158-18 Vancouver South 1974
CA 158-19 Victoria 1974
CA 158-20 West Van Howe Sound 1974
CA 158-21 Yale Lillooet 1974
CA 158-22 Chartered Clubs 1974
CA 165-01 18-6 Ron Anderson, Kamloops-Cariboo 1974
CA 165-02 18-6 Don Barker, Comox-Alberni 1974
CA 165-03 18-6 Jean Daem, Burnaby-Richmond-Delta 1974
CA 165-04 18-6 Tommy Douglas Cowichan North and the Islands 1974
CA 165-05 18-6 Leonard L Friesen, Surrey 1974
CA 165-06 18-6 Ran Harding 1974
CA 165-07 18-6 Frank Howard, Skeena 1974
CA 165-08 18-6 Ron Johnson, Vancouver Center 1974
CA 165-09 18-6 Roger Howard, Vancouver South 1974
CA 165-10 18-6 Peter James, Victoria 1974
CA 165-11 Stu Leggatt [Dewdney] 1974
CA 165-12 18-6 Peter Maksylewich, Okanagan Kootenay 1974
CA 165-13 David Menzies, Fraser Valley East 1974
CA 165-14 Lawrence Minchin, Capilano 1974
CA 165-15 Dennis Mulroney, Vancouver Kingsway 1974
CA 165-16 Paddy Neale, Vancouver – East 1974
CA 165-17 Ed Nelson, Burnaby – Seymour 1974
CA 165-18 Nigel Nixon, Vancouver – Quadra 1974
CA 165-19 Harry Olaussen, Coast-Chilcotin 1974
CA 165-20 Mark Rose, Fraser Valley – West 1974
CA 165-21 Bob Stevenson, Prince George-Peace River 1974
CA 165-22 Arnett Tuffs, Okanagan – Boundary 1974
CA 165-23 Peter Smart, Esquimalt-Saanich 1974
CA 165-24 Provincial Office Election Bulletins 1974
CA 169-05 Atlin 1975
CA 169-06 Boundary-Similkameen 1975
CA 169-07 Burnaby – Willingdon 1975
CA 169-08 Burnaby – North 1975
CA 169-09 Burnaby – Edmonds 1975
CA 169-10 Cariboo 1975
CA 169-11 Chilliwack 1975
CA 169-12 Columbia River 1975
CA 169-13 Comox 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 169-14 Coquitlam 1975
CA 169-15 Cowichan Malahat 1975
CA 169-16 Delta 1975
CA 169-17 Dewdney 1975
CA 169-18 Fort George 1975
CA 169-19 Kamloops 1975
CA 169-20 Kootenay 1975
CA 169-21 Langley 1975
CA 169-22 Mackenzie 1975
CA 169-23 Nanaimo 1975
CA 169-24 Nelson-Creston 1975
CA 169-25 New Westminster 1975
CA 169-26 Vancouver – South 1975
CA 169-27 North Okanagan 1975
CA 169-28 North Peace River 1975
CA 169-29 North Vancouver – Capilano 1975
CA 169-30 North Vancouver – Seymour 1975
CA 169-31 Omineca 1975
CA 169-32 Prince Rupert 1975
CA 169-33 Revelstoke-Slocan 1975
CA 169-34 Richmond 1975
CA 169-35 Rossland-Trail 1975
CA 169-36 Shushwap 1975
CA 169-37 South Okanagan 1975
CA 169-38 South Peace River 1975
CA 169-39 Surrey 1975
CA 169-40 Vancouver – Centre 1975
CA 169-41 Vancouver – East 1975
CA 169-42 Vancouver – Little Mountain 1975
CA 169-43 Vancouver – Point Grey 1975
CA 169-44 West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1975
CA 169-45 Yale Lilloett 1975
CA 177-16 8-1-Constituency Questionnaires and Surveys 1975
CA 178-01 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies ]: Chilliwack (16) 1975
to Dewdney (28) [Part 1]
CA 178-02 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies]: Chilliwack (16) 1975
to Dewdney (28) [Part 2]
CA 178-03 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies]: Esquimalt (30) 1975
to Mackenzie (42) [Part 1]
CA 178-04 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies]: Esquimalt (30) 1975
to Mackenzie (42) [Part 2]
CA 178-05 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) to 1975
Cariboo (14) [Part 1]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 178-06 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) to 1975
Cariboo (14) [Part 2]
CA 178-07 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) to 1975
Cariboo (14) [Part 3]
CA 178-08 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo (44) to 1975
Prince Rupert (62) [Part 1]
CA 178-09 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo (44) to 1975
Prince Rupert (62) [Part 2]
CA 178-10 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo (44) to 1975
Prince Rupert (62) [Part 3]
CA 279-01 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond (64) to 1975
Vancouver East (84) [Part 1]
CA 179-02 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond (64) to 1975
Vancouver East (84) [Part 2]
CA 179-03 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond (64) to 1975
Vancouver East (84) [Part 3]
CA 179-04 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Vancouver Little 1975
Mountain (86) to Out of Province (98) [Part 1]
CA 179-05 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo (44) to 1975
Prince Rupert (62) (14) [Part 2]
CA 179-06 [Miscellaneous loose material including master file 1975
index from 1973]
CA 193-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 196-01 [Loose club correspondence] 1976
CA 196-02 [Loose club correspondence] 1976
CA 196-03 [Loose club correspondence] 1976
CA 196-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 196-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 196-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 197-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-05 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 1] 1976
CA 228-06 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence [Part 1] 1978
CA 228-07 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence [Part 2] 1978
CA 228-08 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence [Part 3] 1978
CA 229-05 [3-01, Prince George?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-06 [3-03 Comox-Powell River?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-07 [3-05 Fraser Valley East?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-08 [3-07 Kamloops Cariboo] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-09 [3-09 Okanagan-Kootenay] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-10 [3-10 Kootenay West] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-11 [3-13 Cowichan-Malahat-The Islands] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-12 [3-15 New Westminster-Coquitlam] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-13 [3-17 Skeena] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-14 [3-19 Surrey-White Rock-North Delta] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-15 [3-21 Vancouver Centre] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-16 [3-23 Vancouver East] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-17 [3-25 Capilano] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-18 [3-27 Vancouver South] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-01 [3-31 Cariboo Chilcotin] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-02 [3-33 Fraser Valley West] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-03 [3-35 Burnaby-Richmond-Delta] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-04 [3-37 Vancouver Quadra] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-05 [3-39 North Vancouver Burnaby] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-06 [3-41 Okanagan North] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-07 [3-43 Esquimalt Saanich] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-08 [3-45 Vancouver Kingsway] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-09 [3-47 Burnaby] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-10 [3-49 Mission-Port Moody] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-11 [3-51 Kootenay East] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-12 [3-53 Prince George-Peace River] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-13 [3-55 Nanaimo-Alberni] Federal Riding 1978
CA 232-12 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – General 1978
CA 232-13 [Loose material related to constituencies] 1978
CA 233-01 [8]-2 Alberni and Clubs in Alberni 1978
CA 233-02 [8]-4 Atlin 1978
CA 233-03 [8]-6 Boundary-Similkameen and Clubs in Boundary- 1978
CA 233-04 [8]-8 Burnaby – Edmonds and Clubs in Burnaby – 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 233-05 [8]-10 Burnaby – North and Clubs in Burnaby – North 1978
[Part 1]
CA 233-06 [8]-10 Burnaby – North and Clubs in Burnaby – North 1978
[Part 2]
CA 233-07 [8]-12 Burnaby – Willingdon and Clubs in Burnaby – 1978
CA 233-08 [8]-14 Cariboo and Clubs in Cariboo 1978
CA 233-09 [8]-16 Chilliwack and Clubs in Chilliwack 1978
CA 233-10 [8]-18 Columbia River and Clubs in Columbia River 1978
CA 233-11 [8]-20 Comox and Clubs in Comox 1978
CA 233-12 [8]-22 Coquitlam and Clubs in Coquitlam 1978
CA 233-13 [8]-24 Cowichan-Malahat and Clubs in Cowichan- 1978
CA 233-14 [8]-26 Delta and Clubs in Delta 1978
CA 233-15 [8]-28 Dewdney and Clubs in Dewdney 1978
CA 233-16 [8]-30 Esquimalt and Clubs in Esquimalt 1978
CA 233-17 [8]-32 Fort George and Clubs in Fort George 1978
CA 234-01 [8]-34 Kamloops and Clubs in Kamloops 1978
CA 234-02 [8]-36 Revelstoke-Slocan and Clubs in Revelstoke- 1978
CA 234-03 [8]-38 Kootenay and Clubs in Kootenay 1978
CA 234-04 [8]-40 Langley and Clubs in Langley 1978
CA 234-05 [8]-42 Mackenzie and Clubs in Mackenzie 1978
CA 234-06 [8]-44 Nanaimo and Clubs in Nanaimo 1978
CA 234-07 [8]-46 Nelson-Creston and Clubs in Nelson-Creston 1978
CA 234-08 [8]-48 New Westminster and Clubs in New Westminster 1978
CA 234-09 [8]-50 North Okanagan and Clubs in North Okanagan 1978
CA 234-10 [8]-52 North Peace River and Clubs in North Peace 1978
CA 234-11 [8]-54 North Vancouver – Capilano and Clubs in North 1978
Vancouver – Capilano
CA 234-12 [8]-56 North Vancouver – Seymour and Clubs in North 1978
Vancouver – Seymour
CA 234-13 [8]-58 Oak Bay 1978
CA 234-14 [8]-60 Omineca and Clubs in Omineca 1978
CA 234-15 [8]-64 Richmond and Clubs in Richmond 1978
CA 234-16 [8]-66 Rossland-Trail and Clubs in Rossland-Trail 1978
CA 234-17 [8]-68 Saanich and the Islands and Clubs in Saanich and 1978
the Islands
CA 234-18 [8]-70 Shushwap and Clubs in Shushwap 1978
CA 234-19 [8]-72 Skeena and Clubs in Skeena 1978
CA 235-01 [8]-74 South Okanagan and Clubs in South Okanagan 1978
CA 235-02 [8]-62 Prince Rupert and Clubs in Prince Rupert 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 235-03 [8]-76 South Peace River and Clubs in South Peace 1978
CA 235-04 [8]-78 Surrey and Clubs in Surrey 1978
CA 235-05 [8]-80 Vancouver – Burrard and Clubs in Vancouver – 1978
CA 235-06 [8]-82 Vancouver – Centre and Clubs in Vancouver – 1978
CA 235-07 [8]-84 Vancouver – East and Clubs in Vancouver – East 1978
CA 235-08 [8]-86 Vancouver – Little Mountain and Clubs in 1978
Vancouver – Little Mountain
CA 235-09 [8]-88 Vancouver – Point Grey and Clubs in Vancouver – 1978
Point Grey
CA 235-10 [8]-90 Vancouver – South and Clubs in Vancouver – 1978
CA 235-11 [8]-92 Victoria and Clubs in Victoria 1978
CA 235-12 [8]-94 West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1978
CA 235-13 [8]-96 Yale-Lillooet and Clubs in Yale-Lillooet 1978
CA 235-14 [8] Out of Province 1978
CA 235-15 [Miscellaneous constituency material] 1978
CA 245-02 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 1] 1979
CA 245-03 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 2] 1979
CA 248-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-08 8 Clubs in Alberni 1979
CA 248-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-10 8 Clubs in Atlin 1979
CA 248-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-12 8 Clubs in Boundary-Similkameen 1979
CA 248-13 8 Clubs in Burnaby – Edmonds 1979
CA 249-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-02 8 Clubs in Burnaby – Wllingdon 1979
CA 249-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-04 8 Clubs in Cariboo 1979
CA 249-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-06 8 Clubs in Chilliwack 1979
CA 249-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-08 8 Clubs in Columbia River 1979
CA 249-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-10 8 Clubs in Comox 1979
CA 249-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-12 8 Clubs in Coquitlam 1979
CA 249-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-14 8 Clubs in Cowichan-Malahat 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 249-15 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-16 8 Clubs in Delta 1979
CA 249-17 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-18 8 Clubs in Dewdney 1979
CA 249-19 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-20 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-01 8 Clubs in Esquimalt 1979
CA 250-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-03 8 Clubs in Kamloops 1979
CA 250-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-05 Clubs in Kootenay 1979
CA 250-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-07 8 Clubs in Langley 1979
CA 250-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-10 8 Clubs in Nanaimo 1979
CA 250-11 8 Clubs in Mackenzie 1979
CA 250-12 8 Clubs in Nelson-Creston 1979
CA 250-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-14 [Loose constituency correspondence]v 1979
CA 251-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-02 8 Clubs in Peace River 1979
CA 251-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-04 Clubs in North Vancouver – Capilano and North 1979
Vancouver – Seymour
CA 251-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-08 8 Clubs in North Okanagan 1979
CA 251-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-12 8 Clubs in South Okanagan 1979
CA 251-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-14 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-15 8 Clubs in Omineca 1979
CA 252-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-02 8 Clubs in Fort George 1979
CA 252-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-05 8 Clubs in Richmond 1979
CA 252-06 8 Clubs in Rossland-Trail 1979
CA 252-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 252-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-10 8 Clubs in Saanich and the Islands 1979
CA 252-12 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-14 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-01 8 Clubs Revelstoke-Slocan 1979
CA 253-02 8 Clubs in Shushwap 1979
CA 253-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-05 8 Clubs in Skeena 1979
CA 253-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-07 8 Clubs in Surrey [Part 1] 1979
CA 253-08 8 Clubs in Surrey [Part 2] 1979
CA 253-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-12 8 Clubs in West Vancouver Howe Sound 1979
CA 253-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-14 8 Clubs in Yale-Lillooet 1979
CA 253-15 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 261-01 Federal Ridings [Correspondence] [Part 1] 1980
CA 261-02 Federal Ridings [Correspondence] [Part 2] 1980
CA 264-09 Constituencies – General Correspondence 1980
CA 264-10 Alberni [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-11 Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-12 Columbia River [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-13 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-14 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-15 Burnaby – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-16 Burnaby – Willingdon [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-17 Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-18 Central Fraser Valley [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-19 Chilliwack [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-20 Comox [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-01 Coquitlam-Moody [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-02 Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-03 Delta [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-04 Dewdney [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-05 Esquimalt-Port Renfrew [Constituency 1980
CA 265-06 Kamloops [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-07 Kootenay [Constituency Correspondence] 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 265-08 Langley [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-09 Mackenzie [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-10 Maillardville-Coquitlam [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-11 Nelson-Creston [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-12 New Westminster [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-13 North Island [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-14 North Peace River [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-15 North Vancouver – Capilano [Constituency 1980
CA 265-16 North Vancouver – Seymour [Constituency 1980
CA 265-17 Nanaimo [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-18 Oak Bay-Gordon Head [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-19 Okanagan – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-01 Okanagan – South [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-02 Omineca [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-03 Prince George – North 1980
CA 266-04 Prince George – South 1980
CA 266-05 Prince Rupert [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-06 Richmond [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-07 Rossland-Trail [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-08 Saanich and the Islands [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-09 Shushwap-Revelstoke [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-10 Non-residents [Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-11 Yale-Lillooet [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-12 West Vancouver – Howe Sound [Constituency 1980
CA 266-13 Victoria [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-14 Vancouver – South [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-15 Vancouver – Point Grey [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-16 Vancouver – East [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-17 Vancouver – Little Mountain [Constituency 1980
CA 267-01 Vancouver – Centre [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 267-02 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 267-03 South Peace River [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 267-04 Skeena [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 270-04 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports 1981
CA 270-05 House of Commons – BC NDP Reports 1981
CA 270-06 Non BC NDP Reports 1981
CA 274-29 Non-residents [Correspondence] 1981
CA 274-30 Vancouver – Point Grey [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 274-31 Yale Lillooet [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-01 West Vancouver – Howe Sound [Constituency 1981
CA 275-02 Victoria [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-03 Vancouver – South [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-04 Vancouver – Little Mountain [Constituency 1981
CA 275-05 Vancouver – East [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-06 Vancouver – Centre [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-07 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence][Part 1] 1981
CA 275-08 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence] [Part 2] 1981
CA 275-09 South Peace River [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-10 Skeena [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-11 Shushwap-Revelstoke [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-12 Saanich and the Islands [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-13 Rossland-Trail [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-14 Prince George South [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-15 Prince George North [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-16 Omineca [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-17 Richmond [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-18 Prince Rupert [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-01 Okanagan South [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-02 Okanagan North [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-03 Oak Bay-Gordon Head [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-04 North Vancouver – Seymour [Constituency 1981
CA 276-05 North Vancouver – Capilano [Constituency 1981
CA 276-06 North Peace River [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-07 North Island [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-08 Nelson-Creston [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-09 Nanaimo [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-10 New Westminster [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-11 Mackenzie [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-12 Langley [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-13 Kootenay [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-14 Kamloops [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-15 Esquimalt-Port Renfrew [Constituency 1981
CA 276-16 Dewdney [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-17 Delta [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-18 Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 276-19 Coquitlam-Moody [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-20 Maillardville-Coquitlam [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-21 Comox [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-01 Columbia River [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-02 Chilliwack [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-03 Central Fraser Valley [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-04 Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-05 Burnaby – Willingdon [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-06 Burnaby – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-07 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-08 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-09 Alberni [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-10 Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-11 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 1] 1982
CA 277-12 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 2] 1982
CA 277-13 Estate of Wilhelmena Lane 1982
CA 277-14 Federal [Part 1] 1982
CA 277-15 Federal [Part 2] 1982
CA 277-16 Federal [Part 3] 1982
CA 277-17 Federal [Part 4] 1982
CA 277-18 Federal [Part 5] 1982
CA 283-06 Federal Riding Correspondence 1983
CA 285-10 Federal Constituency Correspondence 1984
CA 285-11 Transfer Members 1984
CA 285-12 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 286-01 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-02 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 3]
CA 286-03 Delta [to] Kootenay Constituency Correspondence 1984
CA 286-04 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-05 Langley [to] North Island Constituency Correspondence 1984
[Part 1]
CA 286-06 Langley [to] North Island Constituency Correspondence 1984
[Part 2]
CA 286-07 North Peace [to] Omineca Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 286-08 North Peace [to] Omineca Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-09 Prince George [to] Rossland-Trail Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 286-10 Prince George [to] Rossland-Trail Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-11 Saanich [to] Surrey Constituency Correspondence [Part 1984
CA 287-01 Saanich [to] Surrey Constituency Correspondence [Part 1984
CA 287-02 Van Centre [to] Yale Lillooet and Non-Resident 1984
Constituency Correspondence
CA 292-08 Mailings to All Constituency Executives [Part 1] 1985
CA 292-09 Mailings to All Constituency Executives [Part 2] 1985
CA 292-10 Nominating Meetings, [Nominating] Correspondence 1985
with Constituencies [Part 1]
CA 292-11 Nominating Meetings, [Nominating] Correspondence 1985
with Constituencies [Part 2]
CA 292-12 Federal [Part 1] 1985
CA 293-01 Federal [Part 2] 1985
CA 293-02 Alberni and Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-03 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-04 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-05 Delta to Kamloops [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-06 Cariboo to Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 1]
CA 293-07 Cariboo to Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 2
CA 293-08 Kootenay Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-09 Kafuffle in Kootenay 1985
CA 293-10 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 1]
CA 294-01 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 2]
CA 294-02 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part
CA 294-03 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 1]
CA 294-04 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 2]
CA 294-05 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 3]
CA 294-06 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 1]
CA 294-07 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 2]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Constituency Associations Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CA 294-08 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 3]
CA 294-09 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 4]
CA 295-01 Vancouver – Center to Yale-Lillooet [Part 1] 1985
CA 295-02 Vancouver – Center to Yale-Lillooet [Part 2] 1985
CA 295-03 Membership Transfers and Resignations 1985
CA 317-03 Riding Information 1966-1967
CA 317-04 Special Mailing Lists 1966-1967
CA 327-15 Fraser Valley – East 1978-1982
CA 327-16 North Vancouver – Seymour 1978-1982
CA 327-19 North Vancouver – Howe Sound 1978-1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Conventions, Councils and Committees

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees
Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 69-03 Nominating Conventions – Provincial 1963
CC 69-06 Nominating Convention – Trade Union Call 1963
CC 69-13 Standing Committee – Buildings 1963
CC 69-14 [Pre-Election Planning Committee Correspondence] 1964
CC 69-15 Standing Committee – Democrat 1963-1964
CC 69-10 Seminars 1963-1963
CC 70-11 Lower Mainland Committee Meetings 1961-1964
CC 70-12 Standing Committee – Pioneer Committee 1964
CC 70-13 Standing Committees – Public Relations 1962-1963
CC 70-14 Standing Committees – Provincial Policy 1962-1964
CC 71-05 Standing Committees – Youth Advisory 1964
CC 71-06 Women‟s Committee – Federal 1963-1964
CC 71-07 Women‟s Committee – Provincial 1963-1964
CC 71-08 Travel 1963
CC 71-09 Federal Election – Lower Mainland Committee Minutes 1964
CC 71-10 Democrat Committee Minutes 1962-1964
CC 71-11 Democrat – Editorial 1963-1964
CC 71-14 Standing Committees – Organization 1964
CC 77-04 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 1] 1963-64
CC 77-05 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 2] 1963-64
CC 77-06 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 3] 1963-64
CC 77-07 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 4] 1963-64
CC 80-03 Constitution, etc Committee Resolutions Prov. NDP 1967
Convention 1967
CC 82-03 Douglas Dinner Committee 1965
CC 82-04 Convention Arrangements Committees 1965
CC 83-13 Special Committees 1965
CC 83-15 Standing Committee – Agriculture 1965
CC 83-16 Standing Committee – Election Planning 1965
CC 83-17 Standing Committee – Democrat 1965
CC 84-01 Standing Committee – Finance 1965
CC 84-02 Standing Committee – George Hobbs Memorial Fund 1965
(200 Club)
CC 84-03 Standing Committee – Medicare 1965
CC 84-04 Standing Committee – Municipal Affairs 1965
CC 84-05 Standing Committee – Organization 1965
CC 84-06 Standing Committee – Provincial Policy 1965
CC 84-07 Standing Committee – Public Relations 1965
CC 84-08 Standing Committee – Public Relations 1965
CC 84-09 Standing Committee – Publicity and Propaganda 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 84-10 Standing Committee – Summer School 1965
CC 84-11 Women‟s Committee – Federal 1965
CC 84-12 Women‟s Committee – Provincial 1965
CC 92-05 Labour Liaison Committee 1972
CC 92-11 16-1 Wally‟s Drawer: Vancouver Area Council [1970 1969-72
Municipal Election Campaign]
CC 93-01 16-3 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing Committee] 1972
CC 93-06 Election Schools 1972
CC 93-07 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 1] 1970-1972
CC 93-08 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 2] 1970-72
CC 104-01 [Miscellaneous papers; mostly regarding 1965 federal 1965
NDP convention
CC 104-02 [Federal New Democratic Youth Convention, 1965] 1965
CC 104-03 [Untitled folder of material relating 1965 Federal NDP 1965
convention, Part 1]
CC 104-04 [Untitled folder of material relating 1965 Federal NDP 1965
convention, Part 2]
CC 104-05 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 [Part 1] 1965
CC 104-06 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 [Part 2] 1965
CC 104-07 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 (Resolutions) 1965
[Part 1]
CC 104-08 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 (Resolutions) 1965
[Part 2]
CC 105-12 Education Committee 1974
CC 105-14 Labour Liaison 1974
CC 106-01 Policy Review Committee 1974
CC 106-11 GVRD NDP Conference 1974
CC 106-12 Sign Board 1973
CC 106-13 Sign Co-ordinating Committee 1972
CC 107-12 V.A.C [Vancouver Area Council] 1973
CC 120-08 7-1 Provincial Council Reports [Part 1] 1971-1972
CC 120-09 7-2 Provincial Council Reports [Part 2] 1971
CC 120-10 7-2 Council Correspondence 1970-1972
CC 125-11 10-1: Northern Council 1972
CC 126-01 10-2: Central Interior Council 1972
CC 126-02 10-3: Island Council 1972
CC 126-03 10-4: Kootenay Council 1972
CC 126-04 10-5: Lower Mainland Council 1972
CC 126-05 10-6: North Shore Council 1970-72
CC 127-02 1971 Federal Convention Master File – Correspondence 1970-72
[12] [Part 1]
CC 127-03 1971 Federal Convention Master File – Correspondence 1970-71
[12] [Part 2]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 127-04 12-1: Convention General [Part 1] 1970-71
CC 127-05 12-1: Convention General [Part 2] 1970-71
CC 127-06 12-1: Convention General [Part 3] 1970-72
CC 127-07 12-1: Convention General [Part 4] 1970-72
CC 141-11 7-1 Provincial Council Minutes 1973
CC 142-01 7-2 Provincial Council Correspondence 1973
CC 142-11 7-3 Provincial Council Budget 1973
CC 143-06 [Loose papers re: provincial council minutes] 1973
CC 144-11 Northern Council 1973
CC 144-12 10-2 Central Interior Region 1973
CC 144-13 10-3 Island Region 1973
CC 144-14 10-5 Lower Mainland Region 1973
CC 144-15 10-6 North Shore Region 1973
CC 145-02 12-5 Convention Mailings 1973
CC 145-03 Policy Papers 1973
CC 145-04 Kit Originals 1973
CC 145-05 Hotel Vancouver 1973
CC 145-06 [Loose papers re: ministerial correspondence] 1973
CC 145-07 12-1 Provincial Convention Correspondence 1973
CC 145-08 Federal Convention 1973
CC 145-09 Provincial Convention 1973
CC 145-10 Hotel Vancouver Information 1973
CC 145-11 12-2 Convention Budget 1973
CC 146-01 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 1] 1973
CC 146-02 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 2] 1973
CC 146-03 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 3] 1973
CC 147-04 17-8 Political Action Committee 1973
CC 147-05 16-2 Election Instructions 1973
CC 147-06 16-3 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing Committee] 1973
CC 147-07 16-3 LMOC 1973
CC 147-08 16-4 Federal Electoral Committee 1973
CC 147-09 [Miscellaneous papers] 1973
CC 148-02 19-1 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] 1973
CC 148-11 21-1 EPC Minutes 1973
CC 148-12 21-2 EPC Correspondence 1973
CC 148-13 22-1 Policy Committee Minutes 1973
CC 148-14 22-2 Policy Committee Correspondence 1973
CC 148-15 22-3 Policy Committee Reports 1973
CC 148-16 23-1 Environmental Committees 1973
CC 148-19 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1973
CC 149-01 23-8 Womens‟ Committees 1973
CC 149-02 [Loose Papers re: Douglas-Coldwell Foundation] 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 155-03 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 1]
CC 155-04 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 2]
CC 155-05 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 3]
CC 156-06 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes 1974
CC 156-07 7-2 Secretary‟s Report 1974
CC 156-08 7-2 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1974
CC 156-09 7-3 Provincial Council – Budget 1974
CC 159-05 10-1 Regional Council – Northern 1974
CC 159-06 10-4 Regional Council – Kootenay 1974
CC 159-07 10-7 Regional Council – To All Regions 1974
CC 159-08 10-8 Lower Island 1974
CC 159-16 11-3 Manitoba [Part 4] 1974
CC 160-01 1974 Convention [Part 1] 1974
CC 160-02 1974 Convention [Part 2] 1974
CC 160-03 1974 Convention [Part 3] 1974
CC 160-04 1974 Convention [Part 4] 1974
CC 160-05 Run on Convention Site 1974
CC 160-06 12-7 1974 Convention – Policy Passed 1974
CC 160-07 Convention 1974 – Advertising 1974
CC 160-08 11-7 Nova Scotia 1974
CC 160-09 11-8 Out of Country 1974
CC 160-10 1974 Delegate Entitlement 1974
CC 160-11 [Correspondence] to and From Convention Committee 1974
CC 160-12 Convention Mailings 1974
CC 160-13 Late Resolutions and Unauthorized 1974
CC 160-14 Originals [Part 1, Convention notes including, 1973 1974
Convention Minutes]
CC 160-15 Originals [Part 2, 1974 New Democratic Party Policy, 1974
Passed by Convention and Council, 1971-1973]
CC 160-16 Originals [Part 3, Convention Notes] 1974
CC 161-05 Mini Education Convention 1974
CC 161-09 16-3 Lower Mainland Organizing Committee 1974
CC 161-10 16-5 BC Progress 1974
CC 162-03 19-1 Vancouver Area Council 1974
CC 162-07 22-3 [Executive Standing Committees] 1974
CC 162-08 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1974
CC 162-09 23-8 Women‟s Committee 1974
CC 162-10 23-10 Democrat Committee 1974
CC 162-11 23-12 Labour Liaison Committee 1974
CC 162-12 23-15 Education Committee 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 162-13 23-15 Education Policy 1974
CC 162-14 23-16 Human Resources Committee 1974
CC 162-15 23-17 Policy Review [Part 1] 1974
CC 162-16 23-17 Policy Review [Part 2] 1974
CC 162-17 23-21 Constitution and By-laws 1974
CC 171-01 12-1 General Correspondence (1975 Provincial 1975
CC 171-02 1975 Convention 1975
CC 171-03 12-2 Budget (1975 Provincial Convention) 1975
CC 171-04 12-3 Delegate Entitlement (Provincial Convention 1975
CC 171-05 12-5 Convention Mailings 1975
CC 172-09 16-3 Lower Mainland Organizing Committee 1975
CC 172-13 20-4 Railway Brief 1975
CC 172-14 22-3 Policy Committee Briefs 1975
CC 172-15 23-10 Democrat Committee 1975
CC 172-16 23-4 Burnaby Tenants 1975
CC 172-17 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1975
CC 177-10 7-1 Provincial Council Minutes 1975
CC 177-11 7-A1 Provincial Council Agenda and Meeting Notes 1975
CC 177-12 7-2 Secretary‟s Reports 1975
CC 177-13 7-3 Provincial Council Correspondence 1975
CC 177-14 8-1 Provincial Constituencies Form Letters [from] 1975
President, Secretary, Treasurer
CC 177-15 7-4 Provincial Council Budget 1975
CC 179-07 [Miscellaneous loose material relating to the NDP‟s 1974-1976
labour policies]
CC 179-08 [Miscellaneous loose material relating to the NDP‟s 1974-1976
labour sub-committee]
CC 180-01 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 6 and 1975
CC 180-02 15-1 Present Policy, Feb/75 1975
CC 180-03 Letter April 15/75 1975
CC 180-04 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 13/75 1975
CC 180-05 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 6/75 1975
CC 180-06 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, February 1975
CC 180-07 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes January 24/75 1975
CC 180-08 15-2 Resolutions 75 Convention 1975
CC 183-01 [Convention] Policy Compilation 1975
CC 183-02 [Miscellaneous loose convention materials] 1975
CC 183-03 Convention Minutes 1975
CC 183-04 Convention Minutes and Notices 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 183-05 Convention Forms 1975
CC 183-06 Convention Officer‟s Report 1975
CC 183-07 Convention Form Letters 1975
CC 183-08 Convention Indian Affairs – Panel Information 1975
CC 183-09 Nominations for Executive 1975
CC 183-10 Convention Call 1975
CC 183-11 Convention Press Release 1975
CC 183-12 Convention Originals – Policy Sub-committee 1975
Submission [Part 1]
CC 183-13 Convention Originals – Policy Sub-committee 1975
Submission [Part 2]
CC 183-14 Convention Democrat 1975
CC 183-15 Convention Correspondence 1975
CC 183-16 Morgantaler Resolution 1975
CC 183-17 Convention 1975
CC 183-18 [Working Papers] 1975
CC 183-19 Late Resolutions 1975
CC 184-01 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975 1975
[Part 1]
CC 184-02 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975 1975
[Part 2]
CC 184-03 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975 1975
[Part 3]
CC 184-04 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-05 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-06 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-07 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 194-08 7-1A Provincial Council Agenda and Meeting Notices 1976
CC 194-09 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1977 1976
CC 194-10 7-2 Secretary‟s Report 1976
CC 194-11 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1976 1976
CC 194-12 7-3 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1976
CC 194-13 7-5 Open Caucus 1976
CC 194-14 8-1 Form Letters to [Constituency] 1976
CC 194-15 7-1 Provincial Minutes 1976 [Part 1] 1976
CC 195-01 7-1 Provincial Minutes 1976 [Part 2] 1976
CC 198-04 [Loose material related to regional councils] 1976
CC 198-05 [Loose material related to regional councils] 1976
CC 199-01 Honorary Life [Committee] 1976
CC 199-02 12-4 Honorary Life Committee (Provincial Convention 1975
CC 199-03 12-4 Honorary Life, 1974 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 199-04 12-4 Honorary Life Committee, 1973 1973
CC 199-05 12-20 1975 Federal Convention 1975
CC 199-06 1975 Federal Convention Mailings from Provincial 1975
CC 199-07 12-50 Provincial Mini-Convention 1974
CC 200-08 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing Committee] 1976
CC 200-09 LMOC 1976
CC 202-07 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 1] 1976
CC 202-08 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 2] 1976
CC 202-09 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 3] 1976
CC 203-05 Pre-Election Planning 1976
CC 203-06 Policy Review [Part 1] 1976
CC 203-07 Policy Review [Part 2] 1976
CC 203-08 Women‟s Committee 1976
CC 204-01 Douglas-Coldwell 1976
CC 204-02 Labour 1976
CC 204-03 Education 1976
CC 204-04 Human Resources 1976
CC 204-05 Housing 1976
CC 204-06 Agriculture 1976
CC 204-07 Internal Education [Part 1] 1976
CC 204-08 Internal Education [Part 2] 1976
CC 204-09 Internal Education [Part 3] 1976
CC 205-01 Transportation and Communication 1976
CC 205-02 Health 1976
CC 205-03 Indian Affairs 1976
CC 205-04 Mines 1976
CC 205-05 Lands and Forests 1976
CC 205-06 Judicial Affairs 1976
CC 205-07 Travel Industry 1976
CC 205-08 Communications Committee 1976
CC 208-01 Convention 1976 1976
CC 208-02 Convention Forms 1976
CC 208-03 Policy – Meeting Notices 1976
CC 208-04 Delegate Entitlement 1976
CC 208-05 Convention Mailings 1976
CC 208-06 [Policy Booklets] 1976
CC 208-07 Policy Sub-Committee Correspondence 1976
CC 208-08 Miscellaneous Convention Sites [Part 1] 1976
CC 208-09 Miscellaneous Convention Sites [Part 2] 1976
CC 208-10 Cuttings re Winch Resignation and Webster Election, 1959

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 209-01 [Miscellaneous materials relating to 1960s disciplinary 1960-1965
CC 209-02 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-03 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-04 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-05 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-06 Late Resolutions 1976
CC 209-07 Originals 1976
CC 209-08 [Policy related materials] 1976
CC 209-09 Convention Minutes 1976
CC 209-10 [Loose Convention Materials] 1976
CC 210-01 [Loose Convention Materials] 1976
CC 210-02 [1976 Resolutions and Media Kit] 1976
CC 210-03 [NDP policies information] 1976
CC 210-04 Convention Secretary‟s Information Binder 1976
CC 210-05 [NDP of BC Convention Papers and Background Papers] 1976
CC 210-06 Booths 1976
CC 210-07 Convention – General Correspondence 1976
CC 210-08 [Nomination forms and Convention Calender] 1976
CC 215-08 6-12 Resource Education and Literature Committee 1977
CC 215-09 7-2 Provincial Council – Secretary‟s Report 1977
CC 215-10 7-3 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1977
CC 215-11 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1977
CC 215-12 7-7 Quota Committee [Audio Recording Removed] 1977
CC 215-13 7-8 Nomination Guideline Committee 1977
CC 215-14 7-1 Provincial Council [Part 1] 1977
CC 215-15 7-1 Provincial Council [Part 2] 1977
CC 215-16 7-6 Management Committee 1977
CC 215-17 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – Form Letters [Part 1] 1977
CC 215-10 10-4 Regional Council – North 1977
CC 215-11 10-4 Regional Council – Kootenary 1977
CC 215-12 10-4 Regional Council – Lower Mainland 1977
CC 217-01 Regional Council – North Shore 1977
CC 217-02 Regional Council – To All Regions 1977
CC 217-03 10-9 Vancouver Area Council 1977
CC 217-04 10-8 Lower Island 1977
CC 218-04 1975 Convention – Originals 1975
CC 218-05 [Convention Materials] 1977
CC 218-06 [1977 Convention Papers, Part 1] 1977
CC 218-07 [1977 Convention Papers, Part 2] 1977
CC 218-08 1977 Convention [Part 1 of a binder] 1977
CC 218-09 1977 Convention [Part 2 of a binder] 1977
CC 218-10 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 1] 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 219-01 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 2] 1977
CC 219-02 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 3] 1977
CC 219-03 Convention 1976 1976
CC 221-02 16-6 September Schools 1977
CC 221-03 16-8 Schools and Workshops 1977
CC 222-07 Convention Forms 1977
CC 222-08 Copies – Convention Kit Material 1977
CC 222-09 Convention Mailings 1977
CC 222-10 Policy Minutes and Notices 1977
CC 222-11 Policy Sub-Committees Correspondence 1977
CC 222-12 Originals [Part 1] 1977
CC 222-13 Originals [Part 2] 1977
CC 222-14 Delegate Entitlement 1977
CC 222-15 Unsigned Resolutions and Miscellaneous 1977
CC 223-01 Existing Policy (Resolutions Returned to Riding) 1977
CC 223-02 Late Resolutions 1977
CC 223-03 Convention – General Correspondence 1977
CC 223-04 Honorary Life Membership – Organizing 1977
CC 223-05 Honorary Life Membership – Awards 1977
CC 223-06 Convention – Onsite Runs 1977
CC 223-07 Originals – Onsite Convention Materials 1977
CC 223-08 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 1] 1977
CC 223-09 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 2] 1977
CC 223-10 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 3] 1977
CC 223-11 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 4] 1977
CC 223-12 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 5] 1977
CC 224-01 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 6] 1977
CC 224--02 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 7] 1977
CC 224--03 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 8] 1977
CC 224--04 [Miscellaneous Loose Materials] 1977
CC 224- Convention Papers 1977
CC 232-05 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1978
CC 232-06 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1978
CC 232-07 7-2 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1978
CC 232-08 7-3 Provincial Council – Quota and Budget 1978
CC 232-09 7-2 Provincial Council – [Constituencies] Financial 1978
CC 237-03 [10] Regional Areas 1978
CC 237-06 [1978 Convention Material] 1978
CC 237-07 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 1] 1978
CC 237-08 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 2] 1978
CC 237-09 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 3] 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 238-01 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 4] 1978
CC 238-02 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 5] 1978
CC 238-03 12-7 Convention Form Letters 1978
CC 238-04 12-5 Convention Kit 1978
CC 238 Convention Background Papers 1978
CC 238-05 12-1 Convention 1978 [Part 1] 1978
CC 238-06 12-1 Convention 1978 [Part 2] 1978
CC 238-07 12-4-D Honorary Life Member – Pin Distribution 1978
CC 238-08 12-4-C Honorary Life Member – Correspondence [Part 1978
CC 238-09 12-4-C Honorary Life Member – Correspondence [Part 1978
CC 238 Convention Papers 1978
CC 239-04 [16] Organization 1978
CC 239-05 16-9 January Schools 1978
CC 239-06 [Various NDP „Schools‟ Handbooks] 1978
CC 239 [Naramata Federal School Handbook] 1978
CC 247-10 7-1 Council Minutes [Part 1] 1979
CC 247-11 7-1 Council Minutes [Part 2] 1979
CC 247-12 7-2 Council Correspondence 1979
CC 255-04 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 1] 1979
CC 255-05 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 2] 1979
CC 255-06 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 3] 1979
CC 255-07 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 4] 1979
CC 256-01 Agriculture [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-02 Economic Development [Policy Review Committee] 1979
[Part 1]
CC 256-03 Economic Development [Policy Review Committee] 1979
[Part 2]
CC 256-04 Economic Development [Policy Review Committee] 1979
[Part 3]
CC 256-05 Education [Policy Review Committee] [Part 1] 1979
CC 256-06 Education [Policy Review Committee] [Part 2] 1979
CC 256-07 Environment [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-08 Finance [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-09 Forestry [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-07 Francophone [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-08 Health [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-01 Human Resources [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-02 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-03 Labour [Policy Review Committee] [Includes 1979
photographs from the 1930s]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 257-04 Recreation and Conservation [Policy Review 1979
CC 257-05 Women‟s Rights [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-06 Energy [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-07 Panel Reports Done 1979
CC 257-08 Originals [Part 1] 1979
CC 257-09 Originals [Part 2] 1979
CC 257-10 Advertisements Received For Convention 1979
CC 258-01 Convention [Part 1] 1979
CC 258-02 Convention [Part 2] 1979
CC 258-03 Convention [Part 3] 1979
CC 258-04 [Loose convention-related material] 1979
CC 258-05 Minutes of the Convention Arrangement Committee 1979
CC 258-06 Physical Arrangements – Hotel Vancouver 1979
CC 258-07 Honourary Life Members [Includes Photographs] 1979
CC 258-08 Regional Policy Conferences 1979
CC 258-09 Pre Convention Runs 1979
CC 258-10 On Site Runs 1979
CC 258-11 [Resolutions] 1979
CC 259-01 [Duplicate convention material] 1979
CC 259-02 [Duplicate convention material] 1979
CC 259-03 [Annotated resolutions] 1979
CC 259-04 Original Resolutions [Part 1] 1979
CC 259-05 Original Resolutions [Part 2] 1979
CC 259-06 Original Resolutions [Part 3] 1979
CC 259-07 Original Resolutions [Part 4] 1979
CC 259-08 [Binder of convention materials, part 1] 1979
CC 260-01 [Binder of convention materials, part 2] 1979
CC 260-02 [Binder of convention materials, part 3] 1979
CC 260-03 Resource Material Education Committee 1979
CC 260-04 [Loose education policy committee material] 1979
CC 260-05 [Education related material]
CC 260 [Education related pamphlets, handbooks and other 1979
CC 264-04 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1980
CC 264-07 Provincial Council – Minutes 1980
CC 268-09 Provincial Council – Minutes 1981
CC 268-10 Provincial Correspondence 1981
CC 269-01 1981 Federal Convention [Part 1] 1981
CC 269-02 1981 Federal Convention [Part 2] 1981
CC 269-03 1981 Federal Convention [Part 3] 1981
CC 269-04 1981 Federal Convention [Part 4] 1981
CC 270-02 Report – International Affairs Committee 1981

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 270-03 Federal Council Report to Provincial Council 1981
CC 270-09 Policy Review Committee 1981
CC 270-10 Policy Review Committee 1980
CC 270-11 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-12 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-13 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-14 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-15 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-16 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-17 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-18 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1981
CC 271-01 Labour [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 271-02 Petroleum Resources [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 271-03 Transportation and Communication [Policy Review 1981
CC 271-04 Human Rights [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 271-05 Agriculture [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-06 Culture [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-07 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1980
CC 271-08 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part2] 1980
CC 271-09 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-10 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-11 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1980
CC 271-12 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 2] 1980
CC 272-01 Francophone [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-02 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1980
CC 272-03 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part2] 1980
CC 272-04 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-05 Human Resources [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-06 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-07 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1980
CC 272-08 Judicial Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-09 Labour [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-10 Municipal Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-11 Mines and Petroleum Resources [Policy Review Sub- 1980
CC 272-12 Transportation and Communication [Policy Review 1980
CC 272-13 Women‟s Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-14 [Miscellaneous policy review material] 1980
CC 278-07 Policy Review Committee 1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 278-08 Communications 1982
CC 278-09 Constitution and By-laws 1982
CC 278-10 Democrat Committee 1982
CC 278-11 Convention Arrangements Committee 1982
CC 278-12 Convention 1982
CC 278-13 Originals – Convention Forms 1982
CC 281-03 Federal Convention 1983
CC 281-06 Survey Committee 1983
CC 281-11 Boag Foundation Seminar – October 1983
CC 281-12 BCCD 1983
CC 281-13 Windjammer Barefoot Cruise 1983
CC 284-04 State of the Party Committee 1984
CC 284-05 Convention – Credentials Committee 1984
CC 284-06 Convention Minutes 1984
CC 284-07 Convention – Rules and Procedures Committee 1984
CC 287-09 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1983
CC 287-10 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1983
CC 287-11 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1982
CC 287-12 Policy Review Committee – Policy and Leadership 1984
CC 288-01 Policy Review Committee [Part 1] 1984
CC 288-02 Policy Review Committee [Part 2] 1984
CC 288-03 Policy Review Committee – Correspondence [Part 1] 1984
CC 288-04 Policy Review Committee [Part 2] 1984
CC 288-05 Policy Review Committee 1982
CC 288-06 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 1] 1982-1984
CC 288-07 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 2] 1982-1984
CC 288-08 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 3] 1982-1984
CC 288-09 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1983
CC 288-10 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 288-11 Finance [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1983
CC 288-12 Fisheries [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1983
CC 288-13 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982
CC 389-01 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1982-1984
CC 389-02 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 2] 1982-1984
CC 389-03 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-04 Human Resources [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-05 Indian Affairs and Native Rights [Policy Review Sub- 1982-1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 389-06 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1982-1984
CC 389-07 Judicial Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-08 Labour Policy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-09 Municipal Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1983
CC 389-10 Mining [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-11 Racism and Human Rights [Policy Review Sub- 1984
CC 389-12 Transportation [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-13 Provincial Executive [Part 1] 1985
CC 389-14 Provincial Executive [Part 2] 1985
CC 292-05 Council Meetings [Part 1] 1985
CC 292-06 Council Meetings [Part 2] 1985
CC 292-07 Council Meetings [Part 3] 1985
CC 295-13 Vancouver NDP 1988
CC 296-01 Provincial Policy Review Committee 1987-1992
CC 296-05 Corporate Contribution Policy 1987
CC 313-05 [Packet of material related to 1989 Federal 1989
Convention, part 1]
CC 313-06 [Packet of material related to 1989 Federal 1989
Convention, part 2]
CC 314-01 [Packet of material related to 1988 Convention, part 1988
CC 314-02 [Packet of material related to 1988 Convention, part 1988
CC 314-03 SEPC October 1989, Ontario NDP Campaign Strategy 1989
CC 320-13 Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Convention of the New 1963
Democratic Party of BC, 1963
CC 320-14 Convention Material – Provincial and Federal [Part 1] 1964-1965
CC 320-15 Convention Material – Provincial and Federal [Part 2] 1964-1965
CC 321-02 [Loose material, photograph of 1959 CCF convention, 1964-1965
removed for preservation]
CC 329-11 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 1] 1976-1977
CC 329-12 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 2] 1976-1977
CC 329-12 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 3] 1976-1977
CC 330-01 [Proceedings of the 1953 CCF convention 1953
CC 330-02 [Loose material related to seminars] 1977
CC 330-03 Committees 1979
CC 330-04 Provincial Convention 1977 – Caucus Rooms 1977
CC 331-02 [Loose material related to policy committees] 1972
CC 331-03 Policy Committees 1972
CC 331-04 [Loose material related to committees] 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Conventions, Councils and Committees

Code Box-File # File Name Years
CC 331-05 Miscellaneous Committee [Correspondence and Other 1972
Material] [Part 1]
CC 331-06 Miscellaneous Committee [Correspondence and Other 1972
Material] [Part 2]
CC 331-07 Women‟s Committee 1970
CC 332-09 Policy Committee – Minutes 1977
CC 332-10 Policy Committee – General Correspondence 1977
CC 332-11 Policy Review Committee 1977
CC 332-12 Women‟s Committee 1977
CC 332-13 Labour Liaison Committee 1977
CC 332-14 Education Policy Sub-Committee [Part 1] 1977
CC 332-15 Education Policy Sub-Committee [Part 2] 1977
CC 333-01 Finance 1977
CC 333-02 Housing Committee 1977
CC 333-04 Agricultural Committee 1977
CC 333-05 Municipal Affairs Committee 1977
CC 333-06 Constitution and By-Laws 1977
CC 333-07 Internal Education 1977
CC 333-08 Cultural Affairs 1977
CC 333-09 Transportation and Communication 1977
CC 333-10 Health [Part 1] 1977
CC 333-11 Health [Part 2] 1977
CC 333-12 Forest 1977
CC 333-14 Lands, Forests and Water 1977
CC 333-15 Party Communications Committee 1977
CC 333-16 Energy Policy Sub-Committee 1977
CC 334-05 CA Scotton – Convention Procedures, Federal NDP 1977
[Part 1]
CC 334-06 CA Scotton – Convention Procedures, Federal NDP 1977
[Part 2]
CC 334-07 CA Scotton – Federal Council [Part 1] 1977
CC 334-08 CA Scotton – Federal Council [Part 2] 1977
CC 337 [Bound volume of press clippings of CCF conventions 1941-1949
and conferences]
CC 340-05 Provincial Council Minutes 1963-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives
Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 72-01 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 1] 1959-1964
EC 72-02 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 2] 1959-1964
EC 72-03 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 3] 1959-1964
EC 72-04 Dave Barrett – MLA 1959-1964
EC 72-05 Cedric Cox – MLA 1962-1963
EC 72-06 Frank Calder – MLA 1964
EC 72-07 Gordon Dowding – MLA 1963-1964
EC 72-08 Rae Eddie – MLA 1963-1964
EC 72-09 A.J. Gargrave – MLA 1964
EC 72-10 Lois Haggen – MLA 1964
EC 72-11 Randolph Harding – MLA 1964
EC 73-01 C Mather – MLA 1963
EC 73-02 Leo Nimsick – MLA 1964
EC 73-03 John Squire – MLA 1964
EC 73-04 Dave Stupich – MLA 1964
EC 73-05 Arthur Turner – MLA 1964
EC 80-07 Leader‟s Office 1965-68
EC 81-07 Tom Berger 1967
EC 85-05 Robert Strachan MLA – Leader 1965
EC 85-06 Dave Barrett, MLA 1965
EC 85-07 Frank Calder, MLA 1965
EC 85-08 Gordon Dowling, MLA 1965
EC 85-09 Rae Eddie, MLA 1965
EC 85-10 A. J. Gargrave, MLA 1965
EC 85-11 Lois Haggen, MLA 1965
EC 85-12 Randolph Harding, MLA 1965
EC 85-13 W.L. Hartley, MLA 1965
EC 85-14 Alex Macdonald, MLA 1965
EC 85-15 Leo Nimsick 1965
EC 86-01 Dave Stupich, MLA 1965
EC 86-02 John S Squire, MLA [Empty] 1965
EC 86-03 Arthur J. Turner, MLA 1965
EC 102-01 Mr. TC Douglas MP Leader 1965
EC 102-02 Mr. T Barnett MP 1964-65
EC 102-03 Mr. Colin Cameron MP 1965
EC 102-04 Mr. HW Herridge MP 1965
EC 102-05 Mr. F Howard MP 1965
EC 102-06 Grace Macinnis MP 1965
EC 102-07 Barry Mather MP 1965
EC 102-08 Mr. RW Prittie MP 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 102-09 Mr. A Webster MP 1965
EC 102-10 Mr. HE Winch MP [Part 1] 1965
EC 102-11 Mr. HE Winch MP [Part 2] 1965
EC 102-12 Other MPs and MLAs 1965
EC 106-09 Caucus 1974
EC 110-07 NDP Ottawa Reports 1977
EC 110-08 Non BC – NDP Reports 1977
EC 110-09 Federal Leader 1977
EC 119-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports 1972
EC 119-02 4-2 Tom Barnett 1970
EC 119-03 4-2 T.C. Douglas 1970-71
EC 119-04 4-2 Ran Harding 1971-72
EC 119-05 4-2 Frank Howard 1970-71
EC 119-06 4-2 Barry Mather 1970-71
EC 119-07 4-2 Grace Macinnis 1970-72
EC 119-08 4-2 Paddy Neale 1970
EC 119-09 4-2 Mark Rose 1968-71
EC 119-10 4-2 Harold Winch 1970-72
EC 119-11 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1972
EC 119-12 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1972
EC 119-13 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 3] 1971-72
EC 119-14 60-7 Hans Brown 1971-72
EC 125-04 9: Provincial Leader [Photographs] 1970-72
EC 125-05 9: Provincial Leader‟s Office 1970-72
EC 125-06 9-1: Ministry Correspondence 1970-72
EC 125-07 9-2: Correspondence from MLAs [Part 1] 1970-72
EC 125-08 9-2: Correspondence from MLAs [Part 1] 1970-72
EC 125-09 9-4: Provincial Caucus Information 1970-72
EC 125-10 9-5: Caucus Tours 1970-72
EC 141-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1973
EC 141-02 4-1 Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1973
EC 141-03 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 1] 1973
EC 141-04 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 2] 1973
EC 141-05 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 3] 1973
EC 141-06 4-3 Non-BC MP Reports 1973
EC 141-07 [Loose papers re: federal leader David Lewis] 1973
EC 144-03 9-1 Ministries Correspondence [Part 1] 1973
EC 144-04 9-1 Ministries Correspondence [Part 2] 1973
EC 144-05 9-2 1973
EC 144-06 9-3 MLAs at Work 1973
EC 144-07 9-4 Chairman of Caucus 1973
EC 144-08 9-6 Premier‟s Tour 1973
EC 144-09 9-7 John Twigg 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 144-10 Correspondence – Non-Resident 98 1973
EC 150-10 25-0 Travel Press Release 1973
EC 150-11 25-0 Weekly Summary 1973
EC 150-12 25-1 BC NDP 1973
EC 150-13 25-2 BC NDP Caucus 1973
EC 150-14 25-3 Federal NDP 1973
EC 150-15 25-4 Federal NDP Caucus 1973
EC 155-10 4-1 MPs at Work (Ottawa) 1974
EC 156-01 4-4 Federal Leader 1974
EC 159-01 [Miscellaneous 1974 Materials] 1974
EC 159-02 9-1 Provincial Legislature – Correspondence 1974
EC 159-03 9-2 Provincial Legislature – MLA Correspondence 1974
EC 159-04 9-3 Provincial Legislature – MLA‟s at Work 1974
EC 162-18 25-0 Minister Agriculture 1974
EC 162-19 25-0 Attorney-General 1974
EC 162-20 25-0 Minister Travel 1974
EC 162-21 25-4 Federal NDP Caucus – House of Commons 1974
EC 171-21 9-2 Barnes 1975
EC 171-22 9-2 Gabelmann 1975
EC 171-23 9-2 Lea 1975
EC 171-24 9-2 Lockstead 1975
EC 172-01 9-3 MLAS At Work 1975
EC 172-02 9-4 Chairman of Caucus 1975
EC 172-03 9-5 Provincial Caucus Tours 1975
EC 172-04 9-6 Premier‟s Tours 1975
EC 172-05 9-7 John Twigg 1975
EC 172-06 9-8 Provincial Legislature – Bryan McIver 1975
EC 182-04 MLAs At Work 1975
EC 182-05 MLA Reports 1975
EC 182-06 NDP Releases – Other Provinces 1975
EC 182-07 Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1975
EC 182-08 Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1975
EC 182-09 Ottawa Reports [Part 3] 1975
EC 182-10 BC Weekly Summaries 1975
EC 191-09 4-1 MPs At Work (Ottawa Reports) 1976
EC 191-10 4-3 Non BC MP Reports 1976
EC 192-01 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1976
EC 192-02 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1976
EC 193-03 5-5 Provincial Leader 1976
EC 197-06 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 2] 1976
EC 197-07 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 3] 1976
EC 198-01 9 NDP Caucus 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 198-02 9-3 Hansard Votes and Proceedings (Extras) 1976
EC 198-03 9-4 Leader‟s Tour 1976
EC 216-01 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1977
EC 215-02 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1977
EC 215-03 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 1] 1977
EC 215-04 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 2] 1977
EC 215-05 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 3] 1977
EC 215-07 [9-2 MLA‟s Correspondence] 1977
EC 215-08 [Legislature publications] 1977
EC 215-09 9-4 Leader‟s Itinerary 1977
EC 228-09 4-1 NDP Ottawa Reports 1978
EC 228-10 4-2 BC NDP Reports 1978
EC 228-11 4-3 Non BC NDP Reports 1978
EC 228-12 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1978
EC 228-13 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1978
EC 228-14 Federal Convention 1978
EC 235-16 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 1] 1978
EC 235-17 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 2] 1978
EC 236-01 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 3] 1978
EC 236-02 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 4] 1978
EC 236-03 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 5] 1978
EC 236-04 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 6] 1978
EC 236-05 [9] Legislature [Part 1] 1978
EC 236-06 [9] Legislature [Part 2] 1978
EC 236-07 [9] Legislature [Part 3] 1978
EC 236-08 [9] Legislature [Part 4] 1978
EC 237-01 [9] NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1978
EC 237-02 [9] NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1978
EC 244-08 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 1]
EC 244-09 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 2]
EC 245-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 3]
EC 254-05 [Loose material] 1979
EC 254-06 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1979
EC 254-07 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1979
EC 254-08 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 3] 1979
EC 254-09 [Loose press releases from provincial leader‟s office] 1979
EC 254-10 9-4 Leader‟s Itinerary 1979
EC 254-11 [Loose material related to Socreds] 1979
EC 254-12 9-6 MLA‟s itineraries 1979
EC 255-01 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 255-02 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979
EC 255-03 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979
EC 262-08 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1980
EC 262-09 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1980
EC 262-10 House of Commons – BC NDP Reports 1980
EC 262-11 Non-BC NDP Reports 1980
EC 263-01 Federal Leader 1980
EC 274-10 Barber C. [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-11 Barnes, E [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-12 Barrett D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-13 Brown, R [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-14 Cocke, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-15 Dailly, E [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-16 D‟Arcy, A [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-17 Hanson, G [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-18 Howard, F [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-19 King, W [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-20 Lauk, G [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-21 Leggatt, S [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-22 Lockstead, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-23 Macdonald, A [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-24 Nicholson, L [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-25 Sanford, K [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-26 Skelly, R [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-27 Stupich, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-28 Wallace, B [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 279-01 MLA and Caucus Correspondence [Part 1] 1982
EC 279-02 MLA and Caucus Correspondence [Part 2] 1982
EC 279-07 Dave Barrett – Itinerary 1979
EC 280-12 Office of [the leader of the] Official Opposition – 1983
EC 315-01 T. Barnett [Elected Representative] 1966-1967
EC 315-04 Former MLAs 1966-1967
EC 315-06 MPs Before 1968 Federal Election in BC 1966-1967
EC 316-14 Other MPs and MLAs throughout Canada 1966-1967
EC 320-02 Robert Strachan 1964-1965
EC 320-10 Banks, Hal 1964-1965
EC 320-11 Berger, Tom 1964-1965
EC 320-12 Barrett, Dave 1964-1965
EC 325-18 NDP – MLAs 1975-1979
EC 326-03 Premier 1975-1979
EC 326-04 MLAs Press Releases [Part 1] 1978-1982
EC 326-05 MLAs Press Releases [Part 2] 1978-1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Correspondence with Elected Representatives

Code Box-File # File Name Years
EC 326-06 MLAs Press Releases [Part 3] 1978-1982
EC 326-07 Ottawa Reports 1978-1982
EC 330-06 [Loose materials related to Tommy Douglas] 1960s
EC 331-09 BC NDP Caucus 1970-1972
EC 331-10 Federal NDP [Part 1] 1970-1972
EC 331-11 Federal NDP [Part 2] 1970-1972
EC 331-12 Federal NDP [Part 3] 1970-1972
EC 331-13 BC Fed 1970-1972
EC 340-01 AM Nicholson – MLA Saskatchewan 1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections
Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 71-12 [Miscellaneous material relating to elections and 1964
caucus tours]
El 80-05 Vancouver South By-Election, May 21, 1968 1968
El 93-02 16-4 Federal Electoral Committee 1972
El 93-04 Canvassers 1972
El 93-05 BC Provincial [Election Statistics] 1970-1972
El 100-02 1965 Federal Election 1965
El 100-03 Election Expenses Committee 1965
El 102-13 Federal Election 1965: Minutes of Committees [Part 1] 1965
El 102-14 Federal Election 1965: Minutes of Committees [Part 2] 1965
El 103-01 Miscellaneous Election Correspondence 1965
El 103-02 Douglas Front Page 1964-65
El 103-03 Federal Election – Campaign Manager‟s File 1965
El 103-04 Fixed Elections 1965
El 103-05 Green – Front Page of Democrat 1965
El 103-06 Election Finances 1965
El 103-07 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 1] 1965
El 103-08 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 2] 1965
El 103-09 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 3] 1965
El 103-10 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 4] 1965
El 107-01 Provincial Election 1972 1972
El 107-07 [Unlabeled folder re: re-election materials] [1974?]
El 110-04 Federal Election Planning Committee 1977
El 110-05 Federal Riding Association – General 1977
El 110-06 A Federal Candidates 1977
El 128-01 Mailings – EPC, Candidates [Part 1] 1972
El 128-02 Mailings – EPC, Candidates [Part 2] 1972
El 128-03 Lists of Provincial Election Officers 1972
El 128-04 P-1-1: Dunsky – Montreal 1972
El 128-05 P-1-2: Dunsky – Winnipeg 1972
El 128-06 P-1-3: Central Tabloid 1972
El 128-07 P-1-4: Provincial Media 1972
El 128-08 P-1-5: Provincial Speakers Notes 1972
El 128-09 P-1-6: Provincial Leaflets 1972
El 128-10 P-1-7: Barrett Press Releases 1972
El 129-01 P-2: Morton – Chief Registrar of Voters 1972
El 129-02 P-3-3: Organizers: Request from provincial office to 1972
other sections
El 129-03 P-3-4: Car Leases 1972
El 129-04 P-4-1: EPC. – Inter-Committee Correspondence 1972
[Election Planning Committee]
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 129-05 Organizers – Requests from constituency to provincial 1972
El 129-06 P-3-1: Organizers – General 1972
El 129-07 [Loose Materials re: Chinatown News] 1972
El 129-08 P-4-2: EPC – Minutes and Meeting Minutes 1972
El 129-09 P-4-5: EPC – Reports 1972
El 133-01 Federal Candidates 1972
El 133-02 Federal Campaign Managers 1972
El 133-03 CBC – Radio and TV 1972
El 133-04 F-1-1 Dunsky – Federal 1972
El 133-05 Election Planning – Provincial 1972
El 133-06 F-1-2 Media – Federal 1972
El 133-07 35: Burnaby-Richmond 1972
El 133-08 39: Burnaby-Seymour 1972
El 133-09 35: Capilano 1972
El 133-10 31: Coast Chilcotin 1972
El 133-11 3: Comox-Alberni 1972
El 133-12 43: Esquimalt-Saanich 1972
El 133-13 5: Fraser Valley – East 1972
El 133-14 33: Fraser Valley – West 1972
El 133-15 7: Kamloops-Cariboo 1972
El 133-16 11: Kootenay – West 1972
El 133-17 15: New Westminster 1972
El 133-18 9: Okanagan-Kootenay 1972
El 133-19 Brian McIver, Okanagan Boundary 1972
El 133-20 41: Okanagan Boundary 1972
El 133-21 1: Peace George – Peace River 1972
El 133-22 17: Skeena 1972
El 133-23 19: Surrey 1972
El 134-01 21: Vancouver – Centre 1972
El 134-02 23: Vancouver – East 1972
El 134-03 27: Vancouver – South 1972
El 134-04 37: Vancouver – Quadra 1972
El 134-05 29: Victoria 1972
El 134-06 F-1-3: Federal Tabloid 1972
El 134-07 F-1-3: Federal Tabloid 1972
El 134-08 F-1-4: Leader‟s Tour 1972
El 134-09 Organizers – Requests from Ridings to Provincial Office 1972
El 134-10 F-3-1: EPC – Correspondence 1972
El 134-11 F-3-2: EPC – Minutes 1972
El 134-12 F-3-3: Federal Election Budget 1972
El 134-13 F-4-1: Bulletins – From Provincial Office 1972
El 134-14 F-4-3 Bulletins From Federal Office 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 134-15 Federal Bulletins, 1973 1972
El 134-16 F-5: Cliff Scotton 1972
El 134-17 F-6: Federal Leader‟s Tours 1972
El 134-18 F-6: Requests for Information 1972
El 134-19 F-7: Election Information from Individuals 1972
El 134-20 F-8: Newspaper Clippings 1972
El 134-21 F-9: Lewis Rally 1972
El 134-22 F-10: General Information 1972
El 135-01 1966 and 1969 Election Results 1972
El 135-02 [Loose Papers Re: 1972 Federal Election] 1972
El 135-03 Federal Candidates [Photographs] 1972
El 135-04 Interim Report on the 1972 Federal Election 1972
El 135-05 [Loose Materials re: elections other than 1972] 1972
El 135-06 CBC Freetime; TV – Federal 1972
El 135-07 [Loose Materials re: 1972 provincial election] 1972
El 135-08 October 19 – overnight with Nigel Nixon 1972
El 135-09 Lewis Tour – Media Day E-50, September 11, 1972 1972
El 135-10 Central Sign Purchasing File 1972
El 135-11 [Unnamed file, re: Dave Barrett itinerary 1972
El 135-12 Northern Policy and Indian Policy 1972
El 135-13 [Unnamed file, primarily phone messages] 1972
El 135-14 Barrett‟s Schedule 1972
El 135-15 Old Press Releases 1972
El 136-01 Background Material 1972
El 136-02 Contacts – Party and Candidates 1972
El 136-03 Blue Line File 1972
El 136-04 Barrett Press Releases 1972
El 136-05 Press Releases [Provincial Office, not Barrett?] 1972
El 136-06 Barrett Releases 1972
El 136-07 Radio 1972
El 136-08 Affiliates 1972
El 136-09 Circulars 1972
El 136-10 Hans‟ Finance Election 1972
El 137-01 Negatives of Barrett [Photos] 1972
El 137-02 Fotheringham and Wasserman [Clippings] 1972
El 137-03 Issues [Clippings] 1972
El 137-04 Socreds [Clippings] 1972
El 137-05 Barrett [Clippings] 1972
El 137-06 Bennett [Clippings] 1972
El 137-07 Barrett Bibliography 1972
El 137-08 Religion – Cards etc. 1972
El 137-09 Candidates Press Releases 1972
El 137-10 Itinerary – Final Draft 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 137-11 Itinerary and Travel Arrangements 1972
El 137-12 Correspondence 1972
El 137-13 Twigg Correspondence 1972
El 137-14 D.B. Correspondence – Labour Policy 1972
El 137-15 D.B. Correspondence 1972
El 137-16 CBC Free Time – Williams‟ File 1972
El 138-01 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972
El 138-02 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972
El 138-03 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972
El 138-04 The Barrett Bible [notebook diary of Barrett‟s 1972
activities during the election]
El 138-05 Election – General [Clippings] 1972
El 138-06 Ads 1972
El 138-07 NDP [Clippings] 1972
El 139-01 Liberals and Tories 1972
El 139-02 3: Comox Alberni 1972
El 139-03 5: Fraser Valley East 1972
El 139-04 7: Kamloops-Cariboo 1972
El 139-05 9: Okanagan-Kootenay 1972
El 139-06 11: Kootenay – West 1972
El 139-07 13: Nanaimo, Cowichan and the Islands 1972
El 139-08 15: New Westminster 1972
El 139-09 17: Skeena 1972
El 139-10 19: Surrey 1972
El 139-11 21: Vancouver Centre 1972
El 139-12 25: Capilano 1972
El 139-13 29: Victoria 1972
El 139-14 31: Coast-Chilcotin 1972
El 139-15 33: Fraser Valley – West 1972
El 139-16 35: Burnaby-Richmond 1972
El 139-17 37: Vancouver – Quadra 1972
El 139-18 41: Okanagan-Boundary 1972
El 139-19 43: Esquimalt-Saanich 1972
El 139-20 45: Vancouver – Kingsway 1972
El 139-21 Re – Work Nights 1972
El 140-01 Golden Speech – Resources and Provincial Council 1972
El 140-02 [Untitled Notebook] 1972
El 140-03 Kickoff Press Conference, Prince George-Smithers, 1972
Expenses and [1 Untitled, Notebooks]
El 140-04 Auto Insurance Press Release (July 22) 1972
El 140-05 Auto Insurance Press Release – New Wesmintster 1972
El 140-06 Auto Insurance Press Release (Trail) 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 140-07 Auto Insurance Press Release (Salmon Arm) 1972
El 140-08 Auto Insurance Press Release (Kamloops) 1972
El 140-09 Auto Insurance Press Release (Terrace) 1972
El 140-10 Auto Insurance Press Release (Hope) 1972
El 140-11 Civil Servants Press Release 1972
El 140-12 Policy Statement – Education 1972
El 140-13 Environment Press Release 1972
El 140-14 Gasoline Rates Press Release 1972
El 140-15 Kootenay and Elk Railway 1972
El 140-16 Policy Statements – Northern Affairs 1972
El 140-17 Policy Statement – Labour 1972
El 140-18 Labour Press Release 1972
El 140-19 Land Use Press Release 1972
El 140-20 Northern Development 1972
El 140-21 Oil Press Release 1972
El 140-22 Pension Press Release 1972
El 140-23 Speakers Notes 1972
El 140-24 Religion Press Release 1972
El 140-25 Wildlife Press Release 1972
El 147-13 18-1 Federal Election Upcoming [Part 1] 1973
El 147-14 18-1 Federal Election Upcoming [Part 2] 1973
El 147-15 18-2 BC By-Election 1973
El 148-01 By-elections 1973
El 161-18 18-1 Federal Elections 1974
El 161-19 18-5 By-elections 1974
El 166-01 Mailings 1974
El 166-02 Mailings to Federal Office 1974
El 166-03 Speaker‟s Notes 1974
El 166-04 Election School Info 1974
El 166-05 Candidates 1974
El 166-06 Campaign Managers 1974
El 166-07 Campaign Offices 1974
El 166-08 Federal Election Organizers 1974
El 166-09 Central Leaflet Orders 1974
El 166-10 Press Releases 1974
El 166-11 Lewis Tours 1974
El 166-12 1974 Elections Act 1974
El 166-13 Media 1974
El 166-14 Federal Election Results 1974
El 166-14 Other Parties 1974
El 166-15 Returning Officers 1974
El 166-16 [Miscellaneous loose papers regard 1974 federal 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 166-17 Federal Election 1974
El 166-18 [Miscellaneous papers regarding 1974 federal election] 1974
El 166-19 Vancouver East Federal Riding 1974
El 166-20 Federal Election Expenses Act [Part 1] 1974
El 166-21 Federal Election Expenses Act [Part 2] 1974
El 167-01 [Miscellaneous loose papers regarding 1974 federal 1974
El 167-02 [Miscellaneous loose papers regarding 1974 federal 1974
El 167-03 Federal Election – Media 1974
El 167-04 Federal Election 1974
El 167-05 Lewis Tour 1974
El 167-05 Election Central 1974
El 167-06 Federal Caucus – Caucus Tour 1974
El 167-07 Federal Election 1974
El 167-08 Cliff Scotton 1974
El 167-09 Frank Nolan 1974
El 167-10 Federal Minutes 1974
El 167-11 Leader‟s Tour – Lewis 1974
El 167-12 Election Expenses Act 1974
El 167-13 Federal Election Planning 1974
El 167-14 Federal Election Planning 1974
El 167-15 [Loose census data from Statistics Canada relating to [1974?]
federal ridings in BC]
El 167-16 [Loose census data from Statistics Canada relating to [1974?]
federal ridings in BC]
El 168-01 [Loose speaker‟s notes] [1975?]
El 168-02 Speaker‟s Notes [Part 1] 1975
El 168-03 Speaker‟s Notes [Part 2] 1975
El 168-04 [Speaker‟s Notes] 1975
El 168-05 [Speaker‟s Notes] 1975
El 168-06 [Miscellaneous] 1975
El 168-07 Organizers 1972
El 168-08 Harold Winch Election Fund 1972
El 168-09 Budget 1972
El 168-10 [Miscellaneous relating to 1972 election] 1972
El 168-11 Leader‟s Tour 1972
El 168-12 Election Finance 1972
El 168-13 Car Leases 1972
El 168-14 Mcruer 1972
El 168-15 Laxton 1972
El 168-16 Quotas 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 168-17 Mini-Program 1972
El 168-18 Education Leaflet 1972
El 168-19 Central Leaflet 1972
El 168-20 All Constituencies – Pre-Election Campaign 1975
El 168-21 Election 75 – Miscellaneous 1975
El 169-01 Election 75 – Leader‟s Tour 1975
El 169-03 Election 75 – Organizers 1975
El 169-04 Daily Social Credit Thing 1975
El 170-01 [Loose papers relating to 1975 election] 1975
El 170-02 18-2 Election info 1975
El 170-03 Biographies – Candidates 1975
El 170-04 [Loose materials related to election telephone 1975
El 170-05 [Loose materials related to election telephone 1975
El 170-06 Bulletins [Part 1] 1975
El 170-07 Bulletins [Part 2] 1975
El 170-08 [Miscellaneous loose papers relating to election] 1975
El 170-09 Election Instructions (Samples) 1975
El 170-10 Form Letters 1975
El 170-11 Campaign Literature 1975
El 170-12 Press Releases 1975
El 170-13 Press Releases, Copies [Part 1] 1975
El 170-14 Press Releases, Copies [Part 2] 1975
El 172-08 16-2 Election Instructions 1975
El 201-13 18-1 Federal Elections 1976
El 202-01 18-2 BC Elections 1976
El 242-02 18-3 Campaign Schools 1976
El 242-03 18-5 By-elections [Part 1] 1976
El 242-04 18-5 By-elections [Part 2] 1976
El 202-05 18-6 [Federal elections] Legislation 1976
El 202-06 Central Sign Shop 1976
El 221-01 16-1 Election Instructions 1977
El 229-02 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 1]
El 229-03 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 2]
El 229-04 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 3]
El 240-06 [18] Elections – By-elections – Sign Shop 1978
El 243-03 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 243-04 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 243-05 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 1] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 243-06 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 2] 1979
El 243-07 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 3] 1979
El 243-08 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 244-01 3-1-B Campaign Managers 1979
El 244-02 3-1-C Official Agents 1979
El 244-03 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 244-04 3-1-D Returning Officers 1979
El 244-05 3-4 Federal Conventions 1979
El 244-06 Flight Information 1979
El 244-07 Direct Mail Information 1979
El 246-01 [Loose material related to election surveys] 1979
El 246-02 [Loose material related to election advertising] 1979
El 262-06 Federal Candidates 1980
El 262-07 Canada Elections 1980
El 264-02 Election Planning 1980
El 272-15 Mailouts to Ridings 1980
El 273-01 Federal Election Information [Part 1] 1980
El 273-02 Federal Election Information [Part 2] 1980
El 273-03 Federal Election Campaign Material [Part 1] 1980
El 273-04 Federal Election Campaign Material [Part 2] 1980
El 273-05 [Loose campaign material] 1980
El 273-06 Federal – Speaker‟s Notes – Campaign Issues – Women‟s 1980
Issues [Part 1]
El 273-07 Federal – Speaker‟s Notes – Campaign Issues – Women‟s 1980
Issues [Part 2]
El 273-08 Federal Candidate Information 1980
El 273-09 Federal Donations 1980
El 273-10 Federal Questionnaires 1980
El 274-01 Federal – Broadbent Itinerary 1980
El 274-02 Federal – Ad Copy 1980
El 274-03 Federal – Other Parties 1980
El 274-04 Federal – Memos From Ottawa 1980
El 274-05 Federal – Leaflets 1980
El 274-06 Federal – Riding Correspondence 1980
El 274-07 Xerox Copies 1980
El 274-08 Federal Information 1980
El 274-09 [Loose federal election material] 1980
El 278-14 Pre-Election 1982
El 278-15 MLA Candidates – Biographies 1982
El 281-07 Election Planning 1983
El 281-08 Federal Election Planning Committee 1983
El 281-09 Election Planning Committee [Part 1] 1983
El 281-10 Election Planning Committee [Part 2] 1983

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 283-03 Federal EPC – BC Sub-Committee 1983
El 284-12 By-election 1984
El 285-01 Chief Electoral Office 1984
El 285-02 Polls, Polling 1984
El 285-03 Federal 1984
El 285-04 Minutes of Federal Election Planning Committee [Part 1983-1984
El 285-05 Minutes of Federal Election Planning Committee [Part 1984
El 291-06 EPC [Part 1] 1985
El 291-07 EPC [Part 2] 1985
El 292-01 EPC Sub-Committees [Part 1] 1985
El 292-02 EPC Sub-Committees [Part 2] 1985
El 292-03 Election Planning and Organization Conference 1985
El 295-04 Provincial Strategy Group [Part 1] 1992
El 295-05 Provincial Strategy Group [Part 2] 1992
El 295-06 SPEC [Strategic Provincial Election Committee?] 1992
El 296-08 Point Grey By-Election [Part 1] 1988
El 296-09 Point Grey By-Election [Part 2] 1988
El 296-10 Point Grey By-Election [Part 3] 1988
El 297-01 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-02 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-03 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-04 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 1] 1988
El 297-05 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 2] 1988
El 297-06 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 3] 1988
El 297 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 298-01 Alberni By-Election [Part 1] 1988
El 298-02 Alberni By-Election [Part 2] 1988
El 298-03 Boundary-Similakemeen By-Election [Part 1] 1988
El 298-04 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 1] 1988
El 298-05 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 2] 1988
El 298-06 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 3] 1988
El 298-07 Cariboo By-Election [Part 1] 1989
El 298-08 Cariboo By-Election [Part 2] 1989
El 298-09 Cariboo By-Election [Part 3] 1989
El 298-10 Cariboo By-Election [Part 4] 1989
El 299-01 Cariboo By-Election [Part 5] 1989
El 299-02 Cariboo By-Election [Part 6] 1989
El 299-03 Cariboo By-Election [Part 7] 1989

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 299 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Cariboo by- 1989
El 299-04 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 1] 1989
El 299-05 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 2] 1989
El 299-06 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 3] 1989
El 299-07 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 4] 1989
El 299 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Oak 1989
Bay/Gordon Head By-Election]
El 300 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Oak 1989
Bay/Gordon Head By-Election]
El 300-01 Nanaimo By-Election 1989
El 300-02 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Nanaimo and 1989
Point Grey by-elections]
El 300 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Nanaimo By- 1989
El 300-03 Port Moody/Port Coquitlam Poll, October 1987
El 300-04 Federal Redistribution 1987
El 300-05 Federal Election Workshops 1988
El 300-06 Election Workshops 1987
El 300-07 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 300-08 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-01 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-02 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-03 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-04 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-05 Finance and Campaign Reports 1988
El 301-06 Federal Election Budget Report 1988
El 301-07 [Loose Newspaper Clippings] 1988
El 301-08 Federal Election reports and Analyses 1988
El 301-09 Broadbent Policy Announcements – Federal Election 1988
[Part 1]
El 301-10 Broadbent Policy Announcements – Federal Election 1988
[Part 2]
El 301-11 Federal Election – „Reliable Source‟ 1988
El 301-12 Federal Election – Press Statements 1988
El 302-01 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 302-02 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 302-03 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 302-04 SEPC [Strategic and Election Planning Committee], 1989
January Poll [Part 1]
El 302-05 SEPC, January Poll [Part 2]9 1989
El 302-06 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 1] 1989
El 302-07 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 2] 1989

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 302-08 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 3] 1989
El 302-09 SEPC, June 1988 Song Sheet [Part 1] 1988
El 303-01 SEPC, June 1988 Song Sheet [Part 2] 1988
El 303-02 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 303-03 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 2] 1989
El 303-04 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 3] 1989
El 303-05 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 1] 1990
El 303-06 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 2] 1990
El 303-07 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 3] 1990
El 303-08 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet 1989
El 303-09 SEPC, October 1988 Song Sheet 1988
El 303-10 SEPC, Strategy Report, November 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 303-11 SEPC, Strategy Report, November 1989 [Part 2] 1990
El 304-01 Polling 1988 1988
El 304-02 [Loose SEPC material] 1990
El 304-03 [Loose SEPC material] 1990
El 304-04 BC Today [Part 1] 1988
El 304-05 BC Today [Part 2] 1988
El 304-06 SEPC, Bud Smith Affair 1990
El 304-07 SEPC Bill Vander Zalm 1989
El 304-08 [Newspaper Clippings] 1988-1990
El 305-01 SEPC April 1990 1990
El 305-02 SEPC March 1990 1990
El 305-03 SEPC February 1990 1990
El 305-04 SEPC January 1990 1990
El 305-05 SEPC November 1989 1989
El 305-06 SEPC September 1989 1989
El 305-07 SEPC Caucus Retreat, September 1989 1989
El 305-08 SEPC August 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 305-09 SEPC August 1989 [Part 2] 1989
El 305-10 SEPC May/June 1989 1989
El 306-01 SEPC March/April 1989 1989
El 306-02 SEPC Caucus Retreat February 1989 1989
El 306-03 SEPC February 1989 1989
El 306-04 SEPC October 1988 1988
El 306-05 SEPC Caucus Retreat September 1988 1988
El 306-06 SEPC August 1988 1988
El 306-07 SEPC Reports, 1988 1988
El 306-08 SEPC April 17, 1988 [Part 1] 1988
El 306-09 SEPC April 17 1988 [Part 2] 1988
El 307-01 SEPC Meeting Minutes (1988 to 1989) [Part 1] 1988-1989
El 307-02 SEPC Meeting Minutes (1988 to 1989) [Part 2] 1988-1989
El 307-03 Meech Lake Accord 1987

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 307-04 Provincial EPC 1986-1987
El 307-05 Gerry Scott – Handwritten Notes 1985-1986
El 307-06 1986 Provincial Election [Part 1] 1986
El 307-07 1986 Provincial Election [Part 2] 1986
El 307-08 BC EPC [Part 1] 1988
El 307-09 BC EPC [Part 2] 1988
El 307-10 BC Federal EPC [Part 1] 1988
El 307-11 BC Federal EPC [Part 2] 1988
El 308-01 Federal Election SEPC 1988
El 308-02 Federal SEPC January 29 1988
El 308-03 Federal SEPC October 9/1987 1987
El 308-04 Federal EPC [Part 1] 1987-1988
El 308-05 Federal EPC [Part 2] 1987-1988
El 308-06 Federal EPC [Part 3] 1987-1988
El 308-07 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 308-08 Fact Sheets 1988
El 309-01 Federal Scripts 1988
El 309-02 Federal Election Results 1988
El 309-03 Campaign Directory and Lists 1988
El 309 [Viewpoints Research voting studies and opinion 1988
polling reports]
El 310-01 Viewpoints October 1986 1986
El 310-02 June 92 Baseline and Panel Poll [Part 1] 1992
El 310-03 June 92 Baseline and Panel Poll [Part 2] 1992
El 310-04 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 1] 1992
El 310-05 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 2] 1992
El 310-06 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 3] 1992
El 310-07 Viewpoints Research Ltd. 1989
El 310-08 [Untitled folder related to Viewpoints Research1989
El 310 [Bound Research Report] 1990
El 311-01 [Various Bound research reports related to elections 1985-1990
and opinions]
El 311 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988
El 311-01 [Telecommunications related to polling] 1988
El 311 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988
El 312 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988
El 313 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988
El 313-01 [Loose newspapers] 1992
El 313-02 [Unlabelled binder related to leaders‟ tours, part 1] 1990
El 313-03 [Unlabelled binder related to leaders‟ tours, part 2] 1990
El 313-04 [Unlabelled binder related to leader‟ tours, part 3] 1990
El 314-04 Leader‟s Tour 1991

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 314-05 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 1] 1990
El 314-06 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 2] 1990
El 314-07 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 3] 1990
El 314-08 Federal Election Bulletins 1965
El 316-06 Federal Candidates 1966-1967
El 316-07 Provincial Candidates 1966-1967
El 316-08 Election Bulletins – Out 1966-1967
El 316-12 Campaign Manager‟s File 1966-1967
El 316-13 Newspaper Clippings, 1966 Provincial Election 1966-1967
El 316-15 Campaign Material File [Part 1] 1966-1967
El 316-16 Campaign Material File [Part 2] 1966-1967
El 316-17 Provincial Election Literature 1966-1967
El 316-18 Cariboo Voter‟s Lists 1966-1967
El 316-19 Provincial By-Election, Cariboo 1966-1967
El 316- Miscellaneous – Election 1966-1967
El 317-01 Provincial Election – Radio and Television 1966-1967
El 317-02 Rallies 1966-1967
El 318-18 By-elections – Provincial, 1968 – Sign Expenses 1966-1968
El 318-19 Election – Federal, 1968 – Douglas Picnic – Expense 1966-1967
El 319-01 Election – Federal, 1968 Temporary Staff – Expenses – 1966-1967
E. Hall
El 319-02 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – Expenses – 1966-1967
J. Hill
El 319-03 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – Expenses – 1966-1967
S White
El 319-04 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – Expenses – 1966-1967
D. Smith
El 320-20 Electoral Officers 1964-1965
El 327-09 Provincial Nominations 1978-1982
El 330-05 Federal Election 1973
El 330-08 [Untitled folder related to 1969 election school] 1969
El 330-09 [Untitled folder related to federal elections] 1960s
El 331-01 Election Planning Committee 1972
El 332-06 Pre-Election Planning Committee – Minutes 1977
El 332-07 Pre-Election Planning Committee – Correspondence 1977
El 332-08 Pre-Election Committee – Sub-Committees 1977
El 333-17 CA Scotton – Election Planning, Federal NDP [Part 1] 1977
El 333-18 CA Scotton, – Election Planning, Federal NDP [Part 2] 1977
El 337 [Bound volume of election material including budgets 1941
and poster templates]
El 341-01 [Loose materials related to federal election] 1984
El 341-02 [Loose materials related to federal election] 1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Elections

Code Box-File # File Name Years
El 341-03 [[Loose materials related to federal election] 1984
El 341-04 Organizing File – BC Federal Election Planning 1984
Committee [Part 1]
El 341-05 Organizing File – BC Federal Election Planning 1984
Committee [Part 2]
El 341-06 Federal Election Results 1984
El 341-07 MPs and Ridings Info 1984
El 341-08 Mondale/ US Election Campaign 1984

El 342-01 Vancouver Centre Leaflet 1984

El 342-02 Polling Information 1984
El 342-03 Correspondence 1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Finance and Commonwealth Societies

Series Name: Finance and Commonwealth Societies
Code Box-File # File Name Years
FR 70-03 [Financial Records] 1962-1964
FR 70-04 [G Hobbs Memorial Fund Records] 1962-1964
FR 70-05 G Hobbs Memorial Fund (200 Club) 1962-1964
FR 101-03 Credit Unions 1965
FR 101-04 Financial Reports 1964-65
FR 101-05 G. Hobbs Memorial Fund (200 Club) 1965
FR 101-11 Unfiled Receipt Book 1965
FR 105-13 Finance Committee 1974
FR 105-15 Property Committee 1974
FR 107-05 Finances 1972
FR 152-09 F-27-D C.I.S Insurance Policies, 1973-1974 [CC- 1973
operative Insurance Services]
FR 152-10 [Loose Cheque Stubs from Broadway Commonwealth 1971-1973
FR 153-01 [Loose insurance policies for BCNDP and BCS] 1973
FR 153-02 [Untitled folder of BCS materials from the 1960s] 1960-1970
FR 153-03 Specification of Building for Commonwealth Society [1960?]
FR 153-04 1881 Building Transfer 1970
FR 153-05 Correspondence re: Donation of part of 2nd Meeting 1970
FR 153-06 Broadway Commonwealth Society [1960s?]
FR 153-07 BCS etc. Work Papers 1971
FR 153-08 Commonwealth, BCS and Democrat Statements 1970
FR 153-09 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence [Part 1947-1973
FR 153-10 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence [Part 1947-1973
FR 153-11 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence [Part 1947-1973
FR 153-12 Commonwealth Society – Minutes 1966-1973
FR 153-13 517- BCS Financial Reports to 1973 1960-1972
FR 154-01 BCS Minutes to 1973 1960-1972
FR 154-02 BCS 517 Correspondence to 1973 1960-1973
FR 154-03 BCS 517 and 1881 Correspondence to 1973 1968-1973
FR 154-04 BCS 1881 Correspondence to 1973 1971-1973
FR 154-05 F-27-B Financial Statements 517 and 1881 to 1973 1969-1973
FR 154-06 1972-1973 CIS 1973
FR 154-07 T-5 1972 1973
FR 187-01 Finance Committee 1976
FR 193-02 5-4 Treasurer‟s Reports 1976
FR 232-10 [Constituencies] Financial Disclosure, 1978 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Finance and Commonwealth Societies

Code Box-File # File Name Years
FR 232-11 [Constituencies] Financial Disclosure , 1977 1977
FR 245-09 5-4 Treasurer‟s Report 1979
FR 245-10 5-6 Provincial Income Tax Act 1979
FR 248-01 7-3 [Constituencies] Quotas and Budgets [Part 1] 1979
FR 248-02 7-3 [Constituencies] Quotas and Budgets [Part 2] 1979
FR 248-03 7-4 [Constituencies‟] Financial Disclosures [Part 1] 1979
FR 264-05 [Constituency] Quotas and Budgets 1980
FR 269-08 Provincial Treasurer 1981
FR 269-12 Income Tax 1981
FR 295-07 [Loose financial documents] 1987-1992
FR 295-08 Commonwealth/Rio 1986-1992
FR 295-09 Sale of Hillcrest 1987
FR 295-10 [Loose Financial Documents] 1987-1992
FR 295-11 Space Considered/Not Acceptable 1987-1992
FR 295-12 Office Lease 1987-1992
FR 296-02 Federal Financial Proposal 1987
FR 315-05 Financial Statements 1967
FR 315-07 Bank of Montreal Correspondence 1966-1967
FR 315-08 George Hobbs Memorial Fund 1966-1967
FR 315-14 Financial Reports – Other Provinces and Federal Party 1966-1967
FR 315-15 Financial Statements – Spare Copies [Part 1] 1966-1967
FR 315-16 Financial Statements – Spare Copies [Part 2] 1966-1967
FR 315-17 Spare Copies of Financial reports 1966-1967
FR 316-01 Finances 1966-1967
FR 316-02 Staff – Payroll, OTEU 1966-1967
FR 316-03 Staff – Payroll [Tax Deductions and Pension 1966-1967
FR 316-04 Staff – Sick leave and Holiday Records 1966-1967
FR 316-05 Staff – Trade Union Contract and Correspondence 1966-1967
FR 316-11 Financial Statements – 1966 1966-1967
FR 318-05 Convention Expense Claim Forms 1966-1967
FR 318-09 Expense Sheets – Blank Forms 1966-1967
FR 318-11 Financial Statements 1966-1967
FR 318-13 Quota 1966-1967
FR 318-14 BC Constituency Quotas and Quota Information 1966-1967
FR 323-08 Finances – Provincial Finances [Part 1] 1975-1979
FR 323-09 Finances – Provincial Finances [Part 2] 1975-1979
FR 323-10 [Loose Finances Information] 1975-1979
FR 323-11 Finances – 1975 Election Statements 1975-1979
FR 329-13 Finance Committee 1977-1978
FR 330-11 [Loose material] 1972
FR 330-12 [Loose architectural plans of CCF and NDP owned 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Finance and Commonwealth Societies

Code Box-File # File Name Years
FR 330-13 [Loose architectural plans of CCF and NDP owned 1972
FR 334-03 CA Scotton – Finance Committee, Federal NDP 1977
FR 336-10 Estate of Hilda M. Petz (D. Stupich) 1983
FR 343 Provincial Executive Financial Statements 1952

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

General Correspondence
Series Name: General Correspondence
Code Box-File # File Name Years
GC 69-12 [Correspondence] 1964
GC 69-17 Federal Correspondence [Part 1] 1963-1964
GC 70-01 Federal Correspondence [Part 2] 1963-1964
GC 70-09 [Miscellaneous Letter] 1964
GC 71-16 Organizational Correspondence 1964
GC 82-07 Federal Correspondence 1965
GC 85-03 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1965
GC 88-09 NDP Correspondence – Federal 1964
GC 89-01 NDP Correspondence – Provincial 1964
GC 90-09 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence [Part 1] 1964
GC 90-10 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence [Part 2] 1964
GC 91-01 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence 1964
GC 92-01 Affiliates Correspondence 1971-1972
GC 101-02 Maynard Woollard: Executive Assistant to TC Douglas 1965
GC 106-02 Correspondence to be Answered 1974
GC 106-04 Correspondence 1974
GC 106-05 Correspondence (Answered) 1974
GC 106-06 Correspondence –To Be Looked At 1973-74
GC 145-01 12-1 Provincial General Correspondence 1973
GC 174-01 January 1973 Day By Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-02 February 1973 Day By Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-03 March 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-04 April 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-05 May 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-06 June 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-07 July 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-08 August 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-09 September 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-10 October 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-11 November 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-12 December 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 175-01 January 1974 Day By Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-02 February 1974 Day By Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-03 March 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-04 April 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-05 May 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-06 June 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-07 July 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-08 August 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: General Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
GC 175-09 September 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-10 October 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-11 November 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 176-01 January 1975 Day By Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-02 February 1975 Day By Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-03 March 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-04 April 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-05 May 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-06 June 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-07 July 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-08 August 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-09 September 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-10 October 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-11 November 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-12 December 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 224--05 January 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 224--06 February 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-01 March 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-02 March 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-03 April 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-04 April 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-05 May 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-06 May 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-07 June 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-08 July 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-09 August 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-10 September 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-11 October 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-12 November 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 226-01 December 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 226-02 January 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-03 February 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-04 March 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-05 April 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-06 May 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-07 June 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-08 July 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-09 August 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-01 September 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-02 October 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-03 November 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-04 December 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: General Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
GC 279-08 Chronological File – March to July [Part 1] 1982
GC 279-09 Chronological File – March to July [Part 2] 1982
GC 279-10 Chronological File – March to July [Part 3] 1982
GC 279-11 Chronological File – December 1982
GC 280-01 Chronological File – August 1982
GC 280-02 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1] 1982
GC 280-03 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 2] 1982
GC 280-06 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 1] 1983
GC 280-07 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 2] 1983
GC 281-14 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1] 1983
GC 281-15 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 2] 1983
GC 282-01 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1983
GC 282-02 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 1] 1983
GC 282-03 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 2] 1983
GC 282-04 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 3 1983
GC 282-05 Notice of Motions 1983
GC 282-06 Federal [Part 1] 1983
GC 282-07 Federal [Part 2] 1983
GC 282-08 Federal [Part 3] 1983
GC 282-09 Federal [Part 4] 1983
GC 283-04 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 1] 1983
GC 283-05 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 2] 1983
GC 283-11 Chronological File October to November [Part 1] 1984
GC 283-12 Chronological File October to November [Part 2] 1984
GC 284-01 Chronological File October to November [Part 3] 1984
GC 284-08 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1984
GC 285-06 Chronological File – January to September [Part1] 1984
GC 285-07 Chronological File – January to September [Part 2] 1984
GC 285-08 Chronological File – January to September [Part 3] 1984
GC 290-07 Legislature/Caucus Other Provinces 1985
GC 290-08 Correspondence – February [to] March [Part 1] 1985
GC 290-09 Correspondence – February [to] March [Part 2] 1985
GC 291-01 Correspondence – April [Part 1] 1985
GC 291-02 Correspondence – April [Part 2] 1985
GC 291-03 Correspondence – January [Part 1] 1985
GC 291-04 Correspondence – January [Part 2] 1985
GC 296-06 Federal NDP – Allan Whitehorn 1987-1992
GC 317-07 Press Releases and Notices of News Conferences 1966-1967
GC 317-14 Bulletins and Circulars 1966-1967
GC 318-12 Copies of Memos Sent 1966-1967
GC 318-15 [Unlabeled folder] 1966-1967
GC 318-16 [Unlabeled folder containing correspondence] 1966-1967
GC 321-01 Correspondence – McCarthy-Hall (Democrat) 1964-1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: General Correspondence

Code Box-File # File Name Years
GC 340-02 Bulletins and Circulars, Master Copies 1962-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Membership
Code Box-File # File Name Years
Me 69-09 Resignations 1963
Me 82-12 Membership – General 1965
Me 82-13 Membership – Transfer 1965
Me 82-14 Miscellaneous Committees 1965
Me 83-12 Resignations – From Executive Members etc. 1965
Me 83-14 Special Mailing List 1965
Me 87-01 Pioneer Members 1963
Me 87-02 Alex Macdonald – Discipline
Me 98-01 Special Discipline 1965
Me 101-07 Special Confidential Documents 1965
Me 101-08 Discipline 1965
Me 101-09 Special Disputes 1965
Me 101-10 Special Expelled Members 1965
Me 105-01 Honorary Life Membership Photographs 1974
Me 105-02 M/S 1974
Me 105-06 M/S Org 1974
Me 105-08 Quotas 1974
Me 111-01 [Printouts of membership lists] 1977
Me 117-02 [Loose Papers re: Membership] 1979
Me 117-03 17-3 Transfers (Federal) 1979
Me 117-04 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 1] 1979
Me 117-05 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 2] 1979
Me 117-06 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 3] 1979
Me 147-10 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretaries 1973
Me 147-11 17-2 Membership Counts and Targets 1973
Me 147-12 [Loose papers re: membership] 1973
Me 161-11 17-2 Membership Counts and Progress 1974
Me 161-12 Membership Fee Structure 1974
Me 161-13 17-1 Form letters to Membership Secretaries 1974
Me 161-14 17-2 Membership Secretaries 1974
Me 161-15 17-2 Membership Reports 1974
Me 161-16 17-3 [Membership] Transfers [Part 1] 1974
Me 161-17 17-3 [Membership] Transfers [Part 2] 1974
Me 162-01 17-7 MICR [Computerized Membership Processing 1974
System] Correspondence (Ed Stines – Toronto) [Part 1]
Me 162-02 17-7 MICR [Computerized Membership Processing 1974
System] Correspondence (Ed Stines – Toronto) [Part 2]
Me 163-02 17-8 June 1972 – December 1974 Journal Entries for 1974
Me 200-10 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretaries 1976
Me 200-11 Letters to Membership Secretaries 1976
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Membership

Code Box-File # File Name Years
Me 201-01 17-2 Membership Counts and Targets 1976
Me 201-02 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 1] 1976
Me 201-03 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 2] 1976
Me 201-04 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 3] 1976
Me 201-05 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 4] 1976
Me 201-06 Requests for Memberships 1976
Me 201-07 17-4 Membership Resignations 1976
Me 201-08 17-5 National Datacentre 1975-1976
Me 201-09 17-5 National Datacentre 1976
Me 201-10 National Datacentre – Correspondence, 1972 to 1974 1972-1974
Me 201-11 17-10 Memberships – Checkoffs 1976
Me 201-12 17-8 PAC [Pre-authorized checking] 1976
Me 221-05 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretary 1977
Me 221-06 Panel Forms [Part 1] 1977
Me 221-07 Panel Forms] [Part 2] 1977
Me 221-08 Panel Forms [Part 3] 1977
Me 221-09 [Loose material relating to canvassing] 1977
Me 221-10 17-6 Fund Drive 1977/1978 1977
Me 221-11 17-6 Membership Fee Structure and Finance 1977
Me 221-13 17-8 PAC [Pre-Authorized Chequing] 1977
Me 240-02 [17] Membership [Part 1] 1978
Me 240-03 [17] Membership [Part 2, includes a journal of 1978
membership transfers]
Me 240-04 [17] Membership [Part 3] 1978
Me 240-05 [17] Membership [Part 4 1978
Me 283-01 Transfer Members [Part 1] 1983
Me 283-02 Transfer Members [Part 2] 1983
Me 317-08 Membership – General 1966-1967
Me 317-09 Meeting Notices for All Meetings 1966-1967
Me 317-10 Membership – Transfers 1966-1967
Me 318-08 Membership Count 1966-1967
Me 333-13 LSA and „Trots‟ 1977
Me 338 [Bound volume of membership information] 1944
Me 340-07 Membership – General 1963-1964
Me 340-09 Membership – Transfer 1962

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Miscellaneous
Code Box-File # File Name Years
Mi 93-09 F.A.S.T [For A Surrey Team] 1972
Mi 105-09 Bob Stevenson [Folder 1] 1974
Mi 105-10 Bob Stevenson [Folder 2] 1974
Mi 105-11 Judy Korbin 1973-74
Mi 106-14 [Miscellaneous loose papers] 1972
Mi 107-02 [Unlabeled folder, re: NDP policy, but also some 1973
Mi 107-06 [Miscellaneous loose papers] 1974
Mi 162-04 19-4 [Unfiled planning document from the City of 1974
Mi 172-12 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1975
Mi 182-11 Miscellaneous 1975
Mi 193-01 [Untitled folder related to social problems] 1976
Mi 221-04 16-8 1977
Mi 222-03 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1977
Mi 222-05 19-4 General 1977
Mi 270-07 To Be Done 1981
Mi 270-08 [Loose material] 1981
Mi 280-04 [Loose Miscellaneous Material] 1982
Mi 280-05 [Loose Materials] 1983
Mi 281-01 [Loose materials] 1983
Mi 284-02 Miscellaneous 1984
Mi 285-09 [Miscellaneous loose material]
Mi 292-04 Miscellaneous 1985
Mi 296-07 [Loose material] 1987-1992
Mi 315-02 [Loose material] 1966-1967
Mi 317-11 Miscellaneous 1966-1967
Mi 317-12 Miscellaneous (file #2) 1966-1967
Mi 318-06 [Unlabeled folder of material] 1966-1967
Mi 318-07 [Loose Material] 1966-1967
Mi 318-10 [Unlabeled folder] 1966-1967
Mi 321-03 [Loose material] 1964-1965
Mi 321-04 Walter 1964-1965
Mi 321-05 [Loose Material] 1964-1965
Mi 321-06 [Loose Material] 1964-1965
Mi 330-10 [Loose materials] 1960s

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Provincial Executive
Series Name: Provincial Executive
Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 69-05 Minutes - Master Copies 1963-1964
ER 69-07 Party Constitution 1963
ER 81-01 BC NDP Minutes 1966-1967
ER 82-02 Meeting Notices 1965
ER 82-05 Agendas 1965
ER 82-06 Bulletins and Circulars – Master Copies 1965
ER 82-08 Federal Council Minutes 1965
ER 82-09 Federal Executive Minutes 1965
ER 83-05 Party Constitution (Contains 1956 CCF Convention 1965
ER 83-08 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1965
ER 83-11 Frank Snowsell, Provincial President 1965
ER 89-03 NDP Minutes – Federal 1964
ER 89-04 NDP Minutes – Provincial 1964
ER 91-05 Executive Council – Minutes and Notices [BC Fed Exec 1964
ER 91-06 Executive Officers – Minutes and Notices 1964
ER 100-04 Officers 1965
ER 105-03 Provincial Council and Executive July 19-21 1974
ER 105-05 Minutes of the Last Meeting 1974
ER 108-10 Federal Executive Minutes 1977
ER 108-11 Federal Secretary [Part 1] 1977
ER 108-12 Federal Secretary [Part 2] 1977
ER 109-01 Federal President 1977
ER 109-02 Socialist International [Part 1] 1977
ER 109-03 Socialist International [Part 2] 1977
ER 109-04 Socialist International [Part 3] 1977
ER 109-05 Socialist International [Part 4] 1977
ER 109-06 Socialist International [Part 5] 1977
ER 110-01 Report: Bureau Socialist International London May 29- 1976
ER 110-02 [Material from Socialist International Meeting mainly 1976
re: People‟s Action Party of Singapore
ER 110-03 Federal Council Correspondence 1977
ER 118-01 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes [Part 1] 1970
ER 118-02 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes [Part 2] 1970
ER 118-03 1-2 Federal Executive Correspondence 1970
ER 118-04 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 1] 1970
ER 118-05 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 2] 1970
ER 118-06 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 3] 1970
ER 118-07 1-4 T.C. Douglas-Coldwell Foundation 1972
ER 118-08 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1971-72
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 118-09 2-3 Federal Finance Statements 1971
ER 120-01 3-3 Provincial President 1971-72
ER 120-02 5-2 Provincial Officer‟s Minutes 1970-72
ER 120-03 5-2 Provincial Officer‟s Correspondence 1970-72
ER 120-04 8-4 George Hobbes Fund 1971
ER 120-05 6-1 Provincial Executive Minutes 1971-72
ER 120-06 6-1 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1970-1971
ER 120-07 6-2 Provincial Secretary Reports 1972
ER 130-04 Hans‟ Personal Working File: Peter Borkeat 1972
ER 130-05 Organizers – Hans‟ File 1972
ER 141-08 5-1 Provincial Officers Minutes 1973
ER 141-09 5-2 Provincial Officers Correspondence 1973
ER 141-10 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1973
ER 142-02 1-3 Federal Office 1973
ER 142-03 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1973
ER 142-04 2-2 Federal Council Correspondence 1973
ER 142-05 2-3 Financial Statements 1973
ER 142-06 2-4 Federal Election Planning Committee 1973
ER 142-07 3-1 Federal Riding General 1973
ER 142-08 [Loose papers re: federal finances] 1973
ER 142-10 [Loose papers re: federal activities] 1973
ER 142-12 8-1 Secretary‟s Form Letter to President 1973
ER 143-04 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes 1973
ER 143-05 1-2 Federal Executive Correspondence 1973
ER 155-01 1-3 Ed Broadbent, 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes, 1-2 1974
Federal Executive Correspondence
ER 155-02 Federal Executive – Scotton
ER 156-02 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1974
ER 156-03 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Reports 1974
ER 156-04 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1974
ER 156-05 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1974
ER 177-02 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes 1974-1975
ER 177-03 5-2 Presidents – Correspondence 1975
ER 177-04 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 1] 1975
ER 177-05 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 2] 1975
ER 177-06 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1975
ER 177-07 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1974-1975
ER 177-08 6-A1 Provincial Executive 1975
ER 177-09 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1975
ER 187-02 [Miscellaneous] 1976
ER 187-03 [Federal Membership Printout] 1976
ER 187-04 Organizers [Part 1] 1976
ER 187-05 Organizers [Part 2] 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 187-06 Organizers [Part 3] 1976
ER 187-07 Organizers [Part 4] 1976
ER 187-08 Organizers [Part 5] 1976
ER 187-09 Ed Broadbent 1976
ER 187-10 Civic Meeting 1976
ER 188-01 Convention 76 [Part 1] 1976
ER 188-02 Convention 76 [Part 2] 1976
ER 188-03 Convention 76 [Part 3] 1976
ER 188-04 Van East Federal 1976
ER 188-05 Federal President – Meetings [Part 1] 1976
ER 188-06 Federal President – Meetings [Part 2] 1976
ER 188-07 Federal President – Meetings [Part 3] 1976
ER 188-08 Federal President – Meetings [Part 4 1976
ER 188-09 Federal President Meetings [Part 5] 1976
ER 189-01 [Assistant Secretary, Part 1?] 1976
ER 189-02 [Assistant Secretary, Part 2?] 1976
ER 189-03 Joyce Nash 1976
ER 189-04 Labour Liaison [Part 1] 1976
ER 189-05 Labour Liaison [Part 2] 1976
ER 189-06 Federal Council – Vancouver [Part 1] 1976
ER 189-07 Federal Council – Vancouver [Part 2] 1976
ER 190-01 1-1 Federal Executive – Minutes 1976
ER 190-02 1-2 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1976
ER 190-03 1-3 Federal Executive – Federal Office 1976
ER 190-04 1-4 Federal President – Correspondence 1976
ER 190-05 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
ER 190-06 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
ER 190-07 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1976
ER 190-08 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 2] 1976
ER 190-09 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 3] 1976
ER 190-10 2-2 Federal Council – Correspondence 1976
ER 191-01 2-3 Federal Council – Financial Statements 1976
ER 191-02 2-4 Federal Council – Federal Election Planning 1976
ER 191-03 3-1 Federal Riding Associations – General 1976
ER 191-04 3-3 Canada Election Act [Part 1] 1976
ER 191-05 3-3 Canada Election Act [Part 2] 1976
ER 191-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the federal 1976
party in BC]
ER 191-07 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the federal 1976
party in BC]
ER 191-08 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the federal 1976
party in BC]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 192-03 5-1 Provincial Officers Minutes (Table Officers, 1976
Commonwealth, Broadway Commonwealth)
ER 192-04 5-2 President‟s Correspondence 1976
ER 192-05 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, January- 1976
June [Part 1]
ER 192-06 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, January- 1976
June [Part 2]
ER 192-07 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, January- 1976
June [Part 3]
ER 192-08 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 1]
ER 192-09 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 2]
ER 192-10 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 3]
ER 194-01 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1976
ER 194-02 6-1A Provincial Executive – Notices and Agendas 1976
ER 194-03 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1976
ER 194-06 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Report 1976
ER 194-07 6-4 Joint Caucus-Executive 1976
ER 201-01 Provincial Secretary – General 1975-1976
ER 211-02 Provincial Secretary – Information Services 1975-1976
ER 214-01 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes, Agendas etc. 1977
ER 214--02 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1977
ER 214--03 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary‟s Correspondence 1977
ER 214--04 5-4 Provincial Officers – Treasurer 1977
ER 214--05 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes, Agendas, Etc [Part 1977
ER 214--06 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes, Agendas, Etc [Part 1977
ER 214--07 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1977
ER 214--08 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Reports 1977
ER 214--09 6-4 Provincial Executive – Caucus – Executive Meetings 1977
ER 214--10 6-5 Administration Committee (Executive Committee) 1977
ER 214--11 6-6 Communications Committee (Executive 1977
ER 215-01 6-7 Policy Committee (Executive Committee) 1977
ER 215-02 6-8 Election Planning Committee (Executive 1977
ER 215-03 6-8 EPC (Provincial) 1977
ER 215-04 6-9 Constitution Committee (Executive Committee) 1977
ER 215-05 6-10 Socialist International Congress (Executive 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 215-06 6-11 Election Planning Committee (Federal) 1977
ER 227-06 1-1 Federal Executive 1978
ER 227-07 1-2 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1978
ER 227-08 1-3 Federal Executive – Secretary 1978
ER 227-09 1-5 Socialist International [Part 1] 1978
ER 227-10 1-5 Socialist International [Part 2] 1978
ER 227-11 1-5 Socialist International [Part 3] 1978
ER 228-01 1-5 Socialist International [Part 4] 1978
ER 228-02 1-5 Socialist International [Part 5] 1978
ER 228-03 1-6 Douglas-Coldwell Foundation 1978
ER 228-04 2-2 Federal Council – Correspondence 1978
ER 228-05 2-3 Federal Council – Financial 1978
ER 229-01 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes 1978
ER 230-14 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes 1978
ER 230-15 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1978
ER 230-16 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary [Part 1] 1978
ER 230-17 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary [Part 2] 1978
ER 230-18 5-4 Provincial Officers – Treasurer 1978
ER 231-01 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1978
ER 231-02 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1978
ER 231-03 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence [Part 1] 1978
ER 231-04 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence [Part 2] 1978
ER 231-05 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary Reports 1978
ER 231-06 6-4 Provincial Executive – Joint Caucus 1978
ER 231-07 6-5 Provincial Executive – Administration 1978
ER 231-08 6-6 Provincial Executive – Communications 1978
ER 231-09 6-7 Provincial Executive – Policy Review 1978
ER 231-10 6-8 Provincial Executive – EPC [Election Preparation 1978
Committee] (Provincial)
ER 231-11 6-9 Provincial Executive – Constitution 1978
ER 232-01 6-9-A Constitutions – Other Provinces 1978
ER 232-02 1978 Redistribution 1978
ER 232-03 6-8 Provincial Executive – EPC [Election Preparation 1978
Committee] (Federal)
ER 232-04 6-11 Provincial Executive – Resource Education and 1978
Literature Committee
ER 242-06 [Loose Executive Minutes?] 1978
ER 242-07 February 1978 [minutes and other duplicate material] 1978
ER 242-08 [Loose Executive Material] 1978
ER 242-10 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 1] 1979
ER 242-11 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 2] 1979
ER 242-12 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 3] 1979
ER 243-01 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 4] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 243-02 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1979
ER 245-04 [Miscellaneous Federal Material, includes federal 1979
financial documents]
ER 245-05 5-1 Officer‟s Correspondence 1979
ER 245-07 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 1] 1979
ER 245-08 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 2] 1979
ER 246-06 6-1 Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1979
ER 246-07 6-1 Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1979
ER 246-08 6-2 Executive Correspondence 1979
ER 246-09 [Loose election planning material] 1979
ER 246-10 6-3 Secretary‟s Report 1979
ER 247-01 6-4 Joint Caucus/Executive 1979
ER 247-02 6-6 Communications Committee 1979
ER 247-03 6-7 Policy Review 1979
ER 247-04 6-8 EPC [Election Planning Committee] (Provincial) 1979
ER 247-05 6-9 Constitution and By-laws 1979
ER 247-06 6-10 EPC [Election Planning Committee] (Federal) 1979
ER 247-07 6-11 Internal Education 1979
ER 261-03 Federal Executive – Minutes 1980
ER 261-04 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1980
ER 261-05 Federal Secretary 1980
ER 261-06 Provincial Secretary [Part 1] 1980
ER 261-07 Provincial Secretary [Part 2] 1980
ER 261-08 [Socialist International material, part 1] 1980
ER 261-09 [Socialist International material, part 2] 1980
ER 261-10 [Socialist International material, part 3] 1980
ER 261-11 [Socialist International material, part 4] 1980
ER 362-01 Federal Council – Minutes 1980
ER 262-02 Federal Council – Correspondence and Reports [Part 1] 1980
ER 262-03 Federal Council – Correspondence and Reports [Part 3] 1980
ER 262-04 Federal Council – Financial Statements 1980
ER 262-05 Federal Correspondence re Ridings 1980
ER 263-02 Provincial Table Officer‟s Minutes 1980
ER 263-03 Federal Government Information 1980
ER 263-04 Provincial Table Officer‟s Minutes 1980
ER 263-05 Provincial Officer‟s Correspondence 1980
ER 263-06 Income Tax 1980
ER 263-07 [Provincial Executive Material?] 1980
ER 263-08 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1980
ER 263-09 Provincial Secretary‟s Report 1980
ER 263-10 Joint Caucus and Executive 1980
ER 264-01 Communications 1980
ER 264-08 Federal Council – Report 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 268-06 Federal Executive – Minutes 1981
ER 268-07 Federal Executive – Correspondence[Part 1] 1981
ER 268-08 Federal Executive – Correspondence [Part 2] 1981
ER 268-11 Federal Secretary 1981
ER 269-05 Provincial Officers Correspondence 1981
ER 269-06 Provincial Secretary [Part 1] 1981
ER 269-07 Provincial Secretary [Part 2] 1981
ER 269-09 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1981
ER 269-13 Provincial Executive - Correspondence 1981
ER 270-01 Federal Council 1981
ER 278-02 Condolonces 1982
ER 278-03 [Loose material] 1982
ER 278-04 Minutes of Executive Table Officers and Council [Part 1982
ER 278-05 Minutes of Executive Table Officers and Council [Part 1982
ER 278-06 Notices of Motions 1982
ER 280-08 Election 1983
ER 280-09 Council and Executive Meetings and Reports – Not 1983
ER 280-10 Provincial Secretaries Meeting – May 1983
ER 283-09 Provincial Secretary Correspondence 1984
ER 283-10 Provincial Secretary‟s Report 1984
ER 284-03 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1984
ER 284-09 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 1]
ER 284-10 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 2]
ER 284-11 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 3]
ER 290-01 Provincial Executive [Part 2] 1985
ER 290-02 Executive Committees – Democrat [Part 1] 1985
ER 290-03 Executive Committees – Democrat [Part 2] 1985
ER 290-04 Executive Committees 1985
ER 290-05 Executive Committees 1985
ER 290-06 Minutes – Provincial Executive and Council 1985
ER 291-08 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and Miscellaneous 1985
– Correspondence [Part 1]
ER 291-09 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and Miscellaneous 1985
– Correspondence [Part 2]
ER 291-10 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and Miscellaneous 1985
– Correspondence [Part 3]
ER 314-09 Secretary‟s File – All Telegrams Included [Part1] 1966-1967

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Executive

Code Box-File # File Name Years
ER 314-10 Secretary‟s File – All Telegrams Included [Part 2] 1966-1967
ER 315-09 Special Confidential Documents 1966-1967
ER 316-09 Press Releases, Meetings, Minutes 1966-1967
ER 316-10 Agendas for All Meetings 1966-1967
ER 317-05 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 1] 1966-1967
ER 317-06 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 1966-1967
ER 317-16 Federal Executive Minutes 1966-1967
ER 317-17 Resolutions Referred to the Federal Council by the 1966-1967
1967 Federal Convention
ER 318-01 Federal Council Minutes and Financial Statements 1966-1967
[Part 1]
ER 318-02 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 2] 1966-1967
ER 323-06 Federal Council 1975-1979
ER 328-09 Senior Party (BCNDP) 1964-1965
ER 328-10 Federal File of All Correspondence 1964-1965
ER 334-01 CA Scotton – Executive, Federal NDP [Part 1] 1977
ER 334-02 CA Scotton – Executive, Federal NDP [Part 2] 1977
ER 334-04 CA Scotton – Miscellaneous Reports and 1977
Correspondence, Federal NDP
ER 335-01 CA Scotton – Federal Officers 1977
ER 340-04 Federal Council Meeting 1963-1964
ER 340-06 Extra Copies – (Table Officer‟s and Executive‟s) 1963-1964
ER 340-08 Federal Executive Minutes 1964
ER 340-10 [Minutes of Table Officers Meetings] 1963-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Provincial Staff Administration

Series Name: Provincial Staff Administration
Code Box-File # File Name Years
OA 69-02 Provincial Office – Office Supplies 1962-1965
OA 69-08 Provincial Office CU and G Health Service 1962-1964
OA 69-16 Provincial Office – Organization 1963-1964
OA 83-07 Provincial Office – C.U. and C. Health Services 1965
OA 83-09 Provincial Office – Office Supplies 1965
OA 83-10 Provincial Organizer 1965
OA 84-13 Travel 1965
OA 90-04 Keith Barker Medical Assistance Fund 1964
OA 91-02 C.U. and C. Health Services 1964
OA 92-09 15-1 [No title include records relating to the re- 1971-72
organization of provincial office in 1971/1971, Part 1]
OA 92-10 15-1 [No title include records relating to the re- 1969-1972
organization of provincial office in 1971/1971, Part 2]
OA 93-03 [No Title, Loose Papers Mostly Re: Data Processing 1970-71
OA 99-12 Party Personnel A-I 1965
OA 99-13 Party Personnel J-R 1965
OA 99-14 Party Personnel S-Z 1965
OA 99-15 Staff-Personnel S-Z 1965
OA 100-01 Staff Personnel, 1963, 64, 65, and 66 1965
OA 100-05 Staff – Application for Employment 1965
OA 100-06 Staff – T.U. Contract [Part 1] 1963-65
OA 100-07 Staff – T.U. Contract [Part 2] 1963-65
OA 100-08 Staff – General 1965
OA 100-09 Staff – Payroll 1965
OA 101-01 Staff – Time Book 1965
OA 101-06 Secretary‟s File 1965
OA 105-07 PNE Booth Space 1974
OA 106-08 Constituency Executive Mailing List Additions 1974
OA 106-16 Information Re: Problems 1973
OA 106-17 Beth 1972-73
OA 107-03 [Folder containing contact information] 1973
OA 115-08 Organizers (Organizer Evaluation) 1979
OA 115-09 Organizers [Loose Papers] 1979
OA 116-01 Organizers (Campaign Workshop, March 1979) 1979
OA 116-02 Organizers [Loose Papers] 1979
OA 129-10 P-5-1: Provincial Leader‟s Tour 1972
OA 129-12 P-7-1: Sign Production 1972
OA 132-17 Linidex Strips: Filing System, WSR 11 July 72 1972
OA 147-02 16-1 Organizers 1973
OA 148-06 17-8 Data Processing 1973
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Staff Administration

Code Box-File # File Name Years
OA 152-08 100 Services 1973
OA 161-06 16-1 Frank Nolan 1974
OA 161-07 Richard Von Fuchs 1974
OA 161-08 16-1 Organizers Correspondence 1974
OA 172-07 10-3 Invitations to Staff 1975
OA 177-01 Master File Index 1975
OA 194-04 PNE Booth [Part 1, includes photographs] 1976
OA 194-05 PNE Booth [Part 2,includes photographs] 1976
OA 200-06 16-1 Organizers [Part 1] 1976
OA 200-07 16-1 Organizers [Part 2] 1976
OA 215-07 PNE 1977 1977
OA 220-07 15-1 Provincial Electoral Boundaries 1977
OA 220-08 [Loose mailing information] 1977
OA 220-09 [Loose mailing information] 1977
OA 220-10 [Loose mailing information] 1977
OA 220-13 16-1 Organizers [Part 1] 1977
OA 220-14 16-1 Organizers [Part 2] 1977
OA 221-12 17-7 MICR [Data processing] 1977
OA 222-01 17-9 Shand, Mcafee and Company 1977
OA 222-02 17-10 Membership Check-Offs 1977
OA 227-05 [Master File Index] 1978
OA 242-09 [Master File Index] 1979
OA 246-03 Bryan Mciver [NDP Employee] 1979
OA 246-04 Jack Currie [NDP Employee] [Part 1] 1979
OA 246-05 Jack Currie [NDP Employee] [Part 2] 1979
OA 247-08 6-12 PNE [Part 1] 1979
OA 247-09 6-12 PNE [Part 2] 1979
OA 254-04 PNE 1979
OA 264-03 PNE 1980
OA 278-01 Provincial Office – General 1982
OA 279-06 Organizing and Fundraising 1982
OA 296-03 Computer Reorganization 1992
OA 296-04 Federal Election – Computerization 1987-1992
OA 315-03 File Index 1966-1967
OA 315-10 Staff – General 1966-1967
OA 315-11 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 1] 1966-1967
OA 315-12 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 2] 1966-1967
OA 315-13 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 3] 1966-1967
OA 317-15 Dunsky Advertising Ltd 1966-1967
OA 321-09 Appointments – Fired 1975-1979
OA 321-10 Appointments – Hired 1975-1979
OA 321-11 Appointments – Resigned 1975-1979
OA 325-16 PNE 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Provincial Staff Administration

Code Box-File # File Name Years
OA 327-08 Pauline Jewett 1978-1982
OA 329-14 [Loose materials] 1975
OA 329 [Bound visitor‟s book] [1960s?]
OA 329 [Bound visitor‟s book] 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Related Groups
Series Name: Related Groups
Code Box-File # File Name Years
RG 69-04 New Democratic Youth – Federal 1963
RG 78-08 Colin Gableman Federal YND Convention, 1967 1967
RG 78-09 [YND] Pamphlets 1965-67
RG 78-10 Pamphlets, Reports, Newspapers includes Forward, the 1965-67
official organ of the BCYND
RG 79-01 [Loose BCYND Papers Re: Federal NDP and 1968 1967-68
RG 79-02 [Loose BCYND Papers: Pamphlets, Forward etc.] 1967-68
RG 79-03 [BCYND material related to] Proceedings of the 6th 1967
Annual Convention of the BC NDP
RG 79-04 BCYND: Seventh Annual Convention, 1967 1967
RG 79-05 [BCYND material related to] Federal NDP Convention, 1968
RG 79-06 [BCYND material related to] Proceedings of the Fifth 1966
Annual BCNDP Convention, 1966
RG 79-07 [BCYND material related to] Seventh Annual BCNDP 1968
Convention, 1968
RG 79-08 Nelson-Creston NDP Convention [1967?]
RG 79-09 Loose Papers: Convention Minutes, Financial 1965
Documents, Ephemera [Includes 1965 Federal
Constitution of the NDP] etc.
RG 81-03 Federal YND: Minutes Correspondence etc. 1966-67
RG 81-04 BC YND: Minutes, Correspondence 1966-67
RG 81-05 Forward Original copies of Forward 1966-67
RG 81-06 Pamphlets [1966?]
RG 83-01 New Democratic Youth-Provincial 1965
RG 83-06 Press Releases 1965
RG 89-02 NDP Re: Unions Affiliating 1964
RG 92-06 YND Minutes 1971
RG 92-07 YND Correspondence 1971-72
RG 115-01 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 1] 1979
RG 115-02 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 2] 1979
RG 115-03 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 3] 1979
RG 115-04 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 4] 1979
RG 115-05 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 5] 1979
RG 115-06 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 6] 1979
RG 115-07 14-1,14-4 YND [Young New Democrats] 1979
RG 126-06 11-1: Alberta 1970-72
RG 126-07 11-2: Saskatchewan 1970-72
RG 126-08 11-3: Manitoba 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Related Groups

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RG 126-09 11-4: Ontario 1970-72
RG 126-10 11-5: Quebec 1970-72
RG 126-11 11-6: Maritimes 1970-72
RG 127-01 11-7: United States 1970-72
RG 129-13 P-8-1: Affiliate Correspondence 1972
RG 129-14 P-8-2: BCTF – General 1972
RG 129-15 P-8-3: BCTF – Organizers 1972
RG 144-16 11-1 Alberta 1973
RG 144-17 11-4 Ontario 1973
RG 144-18 11-5 Quebec 1973
RG 144-19 11-6 Maritimes 1973
RG 144-20 11-8 Out of Country 1973
RG 146-04 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence 1973
RG 146-05 13-2 BC Federation of Labour 1973
RG 146-06 13-3 Briefs 1973
RG 146-07 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1973
RG 146-08 13-5 Non-Affiliates 1973
RG 146-09 13-6 Labour-Liaison Committee 1973
RG 146-10 14-1 YND Minutes 1973
RG 146-11 14-2 YND Correspondence 1973
RG 146-12 15-1 General Information 1973
RG 146-13 12-4 1973
RG 147-01 15-1 General Information 1973
RG 148-03 19-2 F.A.S.T [For All Surrey Team] 1973
RG 148-04 19-3 C.O.P.E. [Committee of Progressive Electors] 1973
RG 148-17 23-4 Burnaby Tenants Association 1973
RG 148-18 23-5 Vietnam Action Committee 1973
RG 159-09 11-1 Alberta 1974
RG 159-10 11-2 Saskatchewan 1974
RG 159-11 62-5 Ontario NDP 1974
RG 159-12 11-6 Maritimes 1974
RG 159-13 11-3 Manitoba [Part 1] 1974
RG 159-14 11-3 Manitoba [Part 2] 1974
RG 159-15 11-3 Manitoba [Part 3, 1974 Manitoba Provincial 1974
RG 161-01 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence 1974
RG 161-02 13-3 Union Briefs 1974
RG 161-03 14-1 YND Minutes 1974
RG 161-04 14-2 YND Correspondence 1974
RG 163-01 25-5 BC Federation of Labour 1974
RG 199-08 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
RG 199-09 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
RG 199-10 13-2 BC Federation of Labour 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Related Groups

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RG 200-01 [1974 BC Fed convention document] 1974
RG 200-02 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1976
RG 200-03 13-5 Non-Affiliates 1976
RG 200-04 [Loose union newspapers] 1976
RG 200-05 14-2 Young New Democrats 1976
RG 217-05 11-1 Alberta 1977
RG 217-06 11-2 Saskatchewan [Part 1] 1977
RG 217-07 11-2 Saskatchewan [Part 2] 1977
RG 217-08 11-3 Manitoba [Part 1] 1977
RG 217-09 11-3 Manitoba [Part 2] 1977
RG 217-10 11-4 Ontario 1977
RG 217-11 11-5 Quebec 1977
RG 218-01 11-6 Maritimes 1977
RG 218-02 11-7 Nova Scotia 1977
RG 218-03 11-8 Out of Country 1977
RG 219-04 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 1] 1977
RG 219-05 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 2] 2]1977
RG 219 [Large Information Documents from Various Labour 1977
RG 220-01 13-3 Briefs 1977
RG 220-02 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1977
RG 220-03 13-7 Applications for Affiliation 1977
RG 220-04 [Loose material] 1977
RG 220-05 14-1 YND – Minutes 1977
RG 220-06 14-2 YND – Correspondence 1977
RG 222-04 19-1 Vancouver Area Council 1977
RG 237-04 [11] Other Provincial Sections [Part 1] 1978
RG 237-05 [11] Other Provincial Sections [Part 2] 1978
RG 239-01 [13] Affiliates [Part 1] 1978
RG 239-02 [13] Affiliates [Part 2] 1978
RG 239-03 [13] Affiliates [Part 3] 1978
RG 239-06 [14] YND [Young New Democrats [Part 1] 1978
RG 240-01 [14] YND [Young New Democrats [Part 2] 1978
RG 269-10 Socialist International [Part 1] 1981
RG 269-11 Socialist International [Part 2] 1981
RG 279-03 Affiliates [Part 1] 1982
RG 279-04 Affiliates [Part 2] 1982
RG 280-11 Coalition [Operation Solidarity] 1983
RG 282-10 YND 1983
RG 283-07 Affiliates [Part 1] 1983
RG 283-08 Affiliates [Part 2] 1983
RG 287-03 Affiliates [Part 1] 1984
RG 287-04 Affiliates [Part 2] 1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Related Groups

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RG 287-05 Other Provinces Correspondence [Part 1] 1984
RG 287-06 Other Provinces Correspondence [Part 2] 1984
RG 287-08 YND 1984
RG 291-05 Affiliates, YND and [other] Organizations – 1985
RG 317-13 NDP – Other Provinces (Election Results, Membership 1966-1967
Counts, Canvass Results etc.)
RG 325-17 Civic Politics 1975-1979
RG 326-13 Alberta NDP – Speaker‟s Notes 1978-1982
RG 327-07 Saskatchewan NDP, 1978 Election 1978-1982
RG 328-11 [YND] Council Minutes 1964-1965
RG 328-12 Executive Minutes of all [YND] Meetings 1964-1965
RG 329-01 [YND] Treasurer‟s Reports 1964-1965
RG 329-02 [YND] General Correspondence [Part 1] 1964-1965
RG 329-03 [YND] General Correspondence [Part 2] 1964-1965
RG 329-04 [YND] Convention Material (Executive Reports) 1964-1965
RG 329-05 [YND] Convention Material (Odds and Ends) 1964-1965
RG 329-06 [YND] Fraser Valley Regional Vice-Presidency – Report 1964-1965
RG 329-07 [YND] Interior Vice-Presidents – Report 1964-1965
RG 329-08 [YND] Lower Mainland Vice-Presidents – Reports 1964-1965
RG 329-09 [YND] Membership Secretary 1964-1965
RG 329-10 [YND] Education Chairman Report 1964-1965
RG 331-14 Canadian Labour Council 1970-1972
RG 331-15 Ontario Caucus [Part 1] 1970-1972
RG 332-01 Ontario Caucus [Part 2] 1970-1972
RG 332-02 Ontario Caucus [Part 3] 1970-1972
RG 332-03 Ontario Caucus [Part 4] 1970-1972
RG 332-04 Ontario Caucus [Part 5] 1970-1972
RG 332-05 [Loose materials] 1970-1972
RG 335-02 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing Manual 1986
[Part 1]
RG 335-03 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing Manual 1986
[Part 2]
RG 335-04 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing Manual
[Part 3]
RG 335-06 NDP Organizing Materials 1988-1989
RG 335-07 Socred Stuff 1988-1989
RG 335-08 [Material from Rita Johnson‟s Election Campaign] 1991
RG 335-09 Articles on NDP/YND
RG 335-10 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1980-1987
RG 335-11 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1960-1969
RG 335-12 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1970-1979
RG 335-13 NDYC Journal and Other [Journals] 1970-1990

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Related Groups

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RG 335-14 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1990-1992
RG 336-01 NDYC Materials 1990-1991
RG 336-02 NDYC Minutes 1989-1992
RG 336-03 Miscellaneous NDYC Articles and Papers 1989-1991
RG 336-04 [Loose YND Material] 1989-1991
RG 336-05 YND Executive [Part 1] 1989-1991
RG 336-06 YND Executive [Part 2] 1989-1991
RG 336-07 YND Constitution 1989
RG 336-08 YND Organizing Handbook 1990
RG 336-09 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1988-1990
RG 338 [Various BC CCF convention reports] 1944-1947
RG 340-11 YND – Constituency 1963
RG 340-12 BC YND – Minutes and Magazine 1964
RG 340-13 New Democratic Youth [Part 1] 1961-1964
RG 340-14 New Democratic Youth [Part 2] 1961

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Research and Public Communications

Series Name: Research and Public Communications
Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 70-10 MLA Tour Nov 1964 1964
RP 71-01 Advertising/Media 1962-1963
RP 71-13 MLA‟s tour 1964
RP 71-15 MLA Tour 1964
RP 77-03 [Untitled folder of Speaker‟s Notes] 1963
RP 77-08 General [NDP] 1962-64
RP 77-09 Alberta [NDP] 1962-64
RP 77-10 Saskatchewan [NDP, Part 1] 1962-64
RP 78-01 Saskatchewan [NDP, Part 2] 1962-64
RP 78-02 Manitoba [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-03 Ontario [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-04 Quebec [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-05 New Brunswick [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-06 Nova Scotia [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-07 Prince Edward Island [NDP] 1962-64
RP 80-01 Speaker‟s Notes Binder [Part 1] 1968
RP 80-02 Speaker‟s Notes Binder [Part 2] 1968
RP 80-04 MPs at Work: TC Douglas, Grace MacInnis 1966
RP 80-06 US Socialist Party Literature 1967
RP 80-08 CLC Material 1966-67
RP 80-10 CC-op 1967
RP 80-11 Press Clippings 1967-1968-
RP 81-08 Policy Material 1966-67
RP 82-10 Federal Research 1965
RP 82-15 New Democratic Party: All Provinces 1965
RP 83-02 All Newsletters 1965
RP 84-14 Democrat 1965
RP 85-01 Democrat – Miscellaneous 1965
RP 85-02 Democrat – Sales and Distribution 1965
RP 85-04 Redistribution 1965
RP 87-03 Labour Management Conference, May 21, 22 1964
RP 87-04 1964 Local Unions A-C 1964
RP 87-05 1964 Local Unions D-H 1964
RP 87-06 1964 Local Unions I-M [Part 1] 1964
RP 87-07 1964 Local Unions I-M [Part 2] 1964
RP 87-08 OEIU [Office Employees International Union] 1964
RP 88-01 1964 Local Unions O – Railway Carmen [Part 1] 1964
RP 88-02 1964 Local Unions O – Railway Carmen [Part 2] 1964
RP 88-03 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 1] 1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 88-04 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 2] Sub-file 1964
titled Mitchell Press US et al
RP 88-05 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 3] 1964
RP 88-06 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 4] 1964
RP 88-07 Medicare 1964
RP 88-08 Minimum Wage 1964
RP 89-05 Untitled file. [Speaker‟s Notes] 1964
RP 89-06 1964 Strikes 1964
RP 89-07 BC Federation of Unemployed 1964
RP 89-08 Workmen‟s Compensation Board [Part 1] 1964
RP 89-09 Workmen‟s Compensation Board [Part 2] 1964
RP 89-10 Wage Policy – Conference 1964
RP 90-01 Arbitration 1964
RP 90-02 Anti-Hate Legislation 1964
RP 90-03 [Unfiled papers mostly relating to trade union issues] 1964
RP 90-05 BC Fed Committees [Part 1] 1964
RP 90-06 BC Fed Committees [Part 2] 1964
RP 90-07 BC Fed Committees [Part 3] 1964
RP 90-08 Press Releases 1964
RP 91-03 Department of Labour – Federal 1964
RP 91-04 Department of Labour – Provincial 1964
RP 91-07 Fisheries 1964
RP 91-08 [BC Fed] Financial Statements 1964
RP 91-09 Government – Provincial 1964
RP 91-10 Labour Councils [Part 1] 1964
RP 91-11 Labour Councils [Part 2] 1964
RP 91-12 Labour Councils [Part 3] 1964
RP 91-13 Labour Councils[Part 4] 1964
RP 92-02 BC Fed 1970-1972
RP 92-03 Vancouver District Labour Council 1971
RP 92-04 Non-affiliates 1971
RP 92-08 Verne Hardman Survey 1971
RP 93-10 Democrat Correspondence 1971-72
RP 93-11 Democrat Production [Part 1] 1971-72
RP 93-12 Democrat Production [Part 2] 1971-1972
RP 93-13 Other Publications 1970-72
RP 94-01 Data – Aptitude/IQ Tests 1957-1961
RP 94-02 Data – Agriculture 1961
RP 94-03 Data – Apprenticeship 1953
RP 94-04 Data – Auto 1967
RP 94-05 Data – Research – Biog Profiles – Fed. and Provincial 1963-64
RP 94-06 Data – Research – Constitution 1961-1967
RP 94-05 Data – Research – European Economic Community 1964-65

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 94-06 Data – Research – Economics 1965
RP 94-07 Data – Research – Election 1963 and 1965 1963 and
RP 94-08 Data – Education 1967
RP 94-09 Data – British Labour Party 1964-65
RP 94-10 Data – Labour [Part 1] 1950-1967
RP 95-01 Data – Labour [Part 2] 1950-1967
RP 95-02 Data – Research – Municipal Affairs [1965?]
RP 95-03 Data – Research – Medicare 1965
RP 95-04 Data – Research – Medicare Submissions 1965
RP 95-05 Data – Research – Mental Health 1967
RP 95-06 Data – History – T.C. Douglas (John A. Macdonald) 1967
RP 95-07 Data – Research – Newsletters 1964-67
RP 95-08 Data – Newspaper Circulation [1965?]
RP 95-09 Data – Data Research – Nuclear Arms 1965
RP 95-10 Data – New Zealand 1962-64
RP 95-11 Data – NDP – Federal 1965
RP 95-12 Data – Research – Ontario 1962-68
RP 96-01 Data – Research – Press – Press, 1966 1966
RP 96-02 Data – Research – Profit Sharing 1960-63
RP 96-03 Data – Research – Political Info, 1968 Federal Votes 1968
and Proceedings
RP 96-04 Data – Research – Statement of Principles 1961-63
RP 96-05 Data – Research – Cost of Living, Prices 1967
RP 96-06 Data – Research –Quebec 1967
RP 96-07 Data – Research – Sample Literature 1964
RP 96-08 Data – Research – Questionnaire 1967
RP 96-09 Data – Research – Radiation 1963-67
RP 96-10 Data – Research – Radio/TV, Election 1965 1965
RP 96-11 Data – Research – Resources, Water 1964-65
RP 96-12 Data – Research –Socred – Gagliardi 1965
RP 97-01 Data – Research – Redistribution 1965
RP 97-02 Data – Research – Real Estate 1967
RP 97-03 Data – Research – Safety 1964
RP 97-04 Data – Research –Socred Theory 1962
RP 97-05 Data – Research – BC Tel 1964-65
RP 97-08 Data – Research – Pacific Tribune, 1966 1966
RP 97-09 Data – Research – BC Wenner/Green Agreement 1957
RP 97-10 Data – Research – Women 1964
RP 97-11 Data – Research – Welfare 1964
RP 105-04 Democrat 1974
RP 106-07 Media 1974
RP 106-10 MLAs at Work 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 106-15 BC Progress 1974
RP 107-04 Advertising 1973
RP 116-03 Democrat 1979
RP 116-04 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 1] 1979
RP 116-05 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 2] 1979
RP 116-06 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 3] 1979
RP 116-07 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 4] 1979
RP 116-08 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 5] 1979
RP 116-09 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 7] 1979
RP 117-01 Vancouver Urban Conference 1979
RP 130-01 P-9: General Information [Part 1] 1972
RP 130-02 P-9: General Information [Part 2] 1972
RP 130-03 P-10: Municipal By-laws (Re: Electioneering) 1972
RP 132-13 Questionnaires – Provincial 1972
RP 132-14 Questionnaires – Federal 1972
RP 132-15 Public Opinion Polls 1972
RP 132-16 Quotes 1972
RP 132-18 80-2 Provincial Constituency Maps 1972
RP 148-05 19-4 Municipal Politics General 1973
RP 148-07 20-2 Democrat Correspondence 1973
RP 148-08 20-3 Democrat Production 1973
RP 148-09 20-4 Other Publications [Part 1] 1973
RP 148-10 20-4 Other Publications [Part 2] 1973
RP 149-03 25-0 Ministry of Agriculture Press Releases [Part 1] 1973
RP 149-04 25-0 Ministry of Agriculture Press Releases [Part 2] 1973
RP 149-05 25-0 Attorney General Press Releases 1973
RP 149-06 25-0 Consumer Affairs 1973
RP 149-07 25-0 Education Press Releases 1973
RP 149-08 25-0 Health Press Releases 1973
RP 149-09 25-0 Highways Press Releases 1973
RP 149-10 25-0 Minister Without Portfolio/Housing 1973
RP 149-11 25-0 Human Resources Press Releases [Part 1] 1973
RP 149-12 25-0 Human Resources Press Releases [Part 2] 1973
RP 149-13 25-0 Labour Press Release 1973
RP 150-01 25-0 Land Forests Press Releases 1973
RP 150-02 25-0 Mines Press Releases 1973
RP 150-03 25-0 Municipal Affairs Press Releases 1973
RP 150-04 25-0 Premier‟s Press Releases 1973
RP 150-05 25-0 Provincial Secretary Press Releases 1973
RP 150-06 25-0 Public Works Press Releases [Part 1] 1973
RP 150-07 25-0 Public Works Press Releases [Part 2] 1973
RP 150-08 25-0 Recreation and Conservation 1973
RP 150-09 Transportation and Communications 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 151-01 25-6 CLC 1973
RP 151-02 25-5 BC Federation Press Releases 1973
RP 151-03 25-7 [Part 1] 1973
RP 151-04 25-7 [Part 2] 1973
RP 151-05 25-7 [Part 3] 1973
RP 151-06 25-8 1973
RP 151-07 80-1 Literature Requests 1973
RP 151-08 80-1-A: [Information from] Action Canada 1973
RP 151-09 80-1-B [Information from] Liberal Party 1973
RP 151-10 80-1-C [Information from] Progressive Conservative 1973
RP 151-11 80-1-D [Information from] Social Credit Party 1973
RP 151-12 80-1-E [Information from] New Democratic Party 1973
RP 152-01 80-1-E Pamphlets 1973
RP 152-02 80-1-F 1972 US Election Brochures 1973
RP 152-03 80-2 Requests for Speakers 1973
RP 152-04 80-3 Advertisements [Part 1] 1973
RP 152-05 80-3 Advertisements [Part 2] 1973
RP 152-06 80-4 Opinions 1973
RP 152-07 90-1 General Information Sheets and Pamphlets from 1973
Provincial Office
RP 162-05 20-1, Democrat Correspondence; 20-2 Democrat 1974
RP 162-06 20-4 Other Publications 1974
RP 163-03 25-8 Miscellaneous Press Releases 1974
RP 163-04 [Unfiled Miscellaneous Press Releases] 1974
RP 163-05 Majority Movement 1974
RP 163-06 Socred Party 1974
RP 163-07 80-1 Literature Requests 1974
RP 163-08 80-3 Advertising [Part 1] 1974
RP 163-09 80-3 Advertising [Part 2] 1974
RP 163-10 80-4 Opinions and Suggestions 1974
RP 163-11 80-5 Newspaper Clippings 1974
RP 163-12 25-0 Minister Education 1974
RP 163-13 25-0 Minister Finance 1974
RP 163-14 25-0 Minister Transport and Communications 1974
RP 163-15 25-0 Minster Consumer Affairs 1974
RP 163-16 25-0 Minister Health 1974
RP 164-01 25-0 Minister Highways [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-02 25-0 Minister Highways [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-03 25-0 Minister Housing 1974
RP 164-04 25-0 Minister Human Resources 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 164-05 25-0 Minister Industrial Development 1974
RP 164-06 25-0 Minister Labour 1974
RP 164-07 25-0 Minister Lands 1974
RP 164-08 25-0 Minister Mines 1974
RP 164-09 25-0 Minister Municipal Affairs 1974
RP 164-10 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-11 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-12 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 3] 1974
RP 164-13 25-0 Provincial Secretary 1974
RP 164-14 25-0 Minister Public Works [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-15 25-0 Minister Public Works [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-16 25-0 Minister Recreation and Conservation 1974
RP 171-06 9-1 Department of Agriculture 1975
RP 171-07 9-1 Attorney-General Department 1975
RP 171-08 9-1 Department of Consumer Affairs 1975
RP 171-09 9-1 Department of Finance 1975
RP 171-10 9-1 Department of Highways 1975
RP 171-11 9-1 Human Resources: Department of Rehab and Social 1975
RP 171-12 9-1 Department of Industrial Development 1975
RP 171-13 9-1 Department of Labour 1975
RP 171-14 9-1 Department of Mines 1975
RP 171-15 9-1 Department of Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 171-16 9-1 Department of Northern Affairs 1975
RP 171-17 9-1 Office of the Premier 1975
RP 171-18 9-1Department of the Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 171-19 9-1 Department of Public Works 1975
RP 171-20 9-1 Department of Transport and Communication 1975
RP 172-10 16-6 The Generator 1975
RP 172-11 16-7 Bulletins 1975
RP 172-18 25-0 Minister of Agriculture 1975
RP 172-19 25-0 Attorney-General 1975
RP 172-20 25-0 Minister of Consumer Affairs 1975
RP 172-21 25-0 Minister of Education 1975
RP 172-22 25-0 Minister of Finance 1975
RP 172-23 25-0 Minister of Health 1975
RP 173-01 25-0 Minister of Highways 1975
RP 173-02 25-0 Minister of Housing 1975
RP 173-03 25-0 Minister of Human Resources 1975
RP 173-04 25-0 Minister of Labour 1975
RP 173-05 25-0 Minister of Lands 1975
RP 173-06 25-0 Minister of Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 173-07 25-0 Minister of Northern Affairs 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 173-08 25-0 Premier‟s Office 1975
RP 173-09 25-0 Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 173-10 25-0 Minister of Public Works 1975
RP 173-11 25-0 Minister of Recreation and Conservation 1975
RP 173-12 25-0 Minister of Transport and Communication 1975
RP 173-13 25-0 Minister of Travel 1975
RP 173-14 25-1 BCNDP 1975
RP 173-15 Federal NDP 1975
RP 173-16 25-8 Miscellaneous Press Releases 1975
RP 173-17 25-9 Women at Work 1975
RP 173-18 25-10 Government Agent Information 1975
RP 173-19 25-11 Provincial Government Orders-in-Council 1975
RP 180-09 Legislation, 74 1975
RP 180-10 Agriculture 1975
RP 180-11 Attorney-General 1975
RP 180-12 Consumer Services 1975
RP 180-13 Education 1975
RP 180-14 Economic Development 1975
RP 180-15 Finance 1975
RP 180-16 Health 1975
RP 180-17 Highways 1975
RP 180-18 Housing 1975
RP 181-01 Human Resources 1975
RP 181-02 Labour [Part 1] 1975
RP 181-03 Labour [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-04 Mining 1975
RP 181-05 Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 181-06 Northern Affairs and Nunweiler‟s Column [Part 1] 1975
RP 181-07 Northern Affairs and Nunweiler‟s Column [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-08 Premier 1975
RP 181-09 Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 181-10 Public Works [Part1] 1975
RP 181-11 Public Works [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-12 [Lands, Forests and Resources] 1975
RP 182-01 Recreation 1975
RP 182-02 Transportation and ICBC 1975
RP 182-03 Travel Industry 1975
RP 185-01 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 185-02 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 185-03 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 185-04 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 185-05 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 185-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-01 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-02 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-03 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-04 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-05 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-07 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 186-08 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC provincial 1974-1975
RP 198-06 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-07 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-08 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-09 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-10 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 202-10 19-4 General Municipal Politics 1976
RP 202-11 19-6 Surrey Municipal Politics 1976
RP 203-01 Democrat [Part 1] 1976
RP 203-02 Democrat [Part 2] 1976
RP 203-03 Democrat [Part 3] 1976
RP 203-04 Democrat [Part 4] 1976
RP 205-09 [UN] Habitat [Conference] 1976
RP 205-10 [Miscellaneous literature file, Part 1] 1976
RP 205-11 [Miscellaneous literature file, Part 2] 1976
RP 205-12 80-1 Literature Requests 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 205-13 80-1-b Liberal 1976
RP 205-14 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
RP 205-15 80-4 Opinions and Suggestions 1976
RP 205-16 80-6 News Media and Press 1976
RP 206-01 80-3 Advertising 1976
RP 206-02 90-1 Bulletins and Information from PO [Provincial 1976
RP 206-03 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 1] 1976
RP 206-04 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 2] 1976
RP 206-05 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 3] 1976
RP 206-06 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976
RP 206-07 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976
RP 206-08 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976
RP 207-01 71 Campaign Literature – Out of Province 1976
RP 207-02 120 Policy Passed [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-03 120 Policy Passed [Part 2] 1976
RP 207-04 130 Miscellaneous Information Pamphlets [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-05 130 Miscellaneous Information Pamphlets [Part 2] 1976
RP 207-06 110 Legislation [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-07 110 Legislation [Part 2] 1976
RP 211-03 Public Works 1975-1976
RP 211-04 Quebec 1975-1976
RP 211-05 Redistribution 1975-1976
RP 211-06 Electoral Reform 1975-1976
RP 211-07 Rent Control 1975-1976
RP 211-08 RCMP 1975-1976
RP 211-09 Saskatchewan 1975-1976
RP 211-10 Socialist International 1975-1976
RP 211-11 Socred Party – Advertising 1975-1976
RP 211-12 Socred Party – Literature 1975-1976
RP 211-13 Socred Party – Election Clippings 1975-1976
RP 211-14 Socred Party – In Government 1975-1976
RP 211-15 Socred Party – Policies/Convention Report 1975-1976
RP 211-16 Taxation 1975-1976
RP 211-17 [Legislature Issues?] 1975-1976
RP 211-18 Transit 1975-1976
RP 211-19 Transportation – General 1975-1976
RP 211-20 Transportation – Marguerite/Prince George 1975-1976
RP 211-21 Transportation – E and N Railway 1975-1976
RP 211-22 Transportation – PWA 1975-1976
RP 212-01 Travel 1975-1976
RP 212-02 Tripartism 1975-1976
RP 212-03 Unemployment – Provincial 1975-1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 212-04 Unemployment – National 1975-1976
RP 212-05 Unemployment – Youth 1975-1976
RP 212-06 VSE [Vancouver Stock Exchange] 1975-1976
RP 212-07 Wage and Price Controls – Provincial Controls 1975-1976
RP 212-08 Wage and Price Controls –Federal Controls 1975-1976
RP 212-09 Women – Historic 1975-1976
RP 212-10 Bates Inquiry (Uranium) 1979
RP 212-11 Petro Canada [Part 1] 1979
RP 212-12 Petro Canada [Part 2] 1979
RP 212-13 Petro Canada [Part 3] 1979
RP 213-01 Johnson – Clippings 1979
RP 213-02 Lettergate – Dirty Tricks [clippings] 1979
RP 213-03 Saskatchewan – NDP and Government 1979
RP 213-04 Land Commission [clippings] 1979
RP 213-05 Miscellaneous Government News Releases 1979
RP 213-06 CALM/APCS [Canadian Association of Labour Media] 1979
RP 213-07 Latin America 1979
RP 213-08 Labour – Press Releases and Miscellaneous Newsletters 1979
RP 213-09 BC Federation of Labour 1979
RP 213-10 Socialist International and Affiliates 1979
RP 213-11 Social Credit – Promises 1979
RP 213-12 INFACT (Infant Formula Action Coalition) 1979
RP 213-13 Marketing Malnutrition 1979
RP 213-14 MPs Press Releases 1979
RP 220-11 15-2 Federal Electoral Boundaries 1977
RP 220-12 15-2 Requests for Literature 1977
RP 222-06 20-2 Democrat Correspondence 1977
RP 240-07 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 1] 1978
RP 240-08 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 2] 1978
RP 241-01 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 3] 1978
RP 241-02 Agriculture 1978
RP 241-03 Economic Development 1978
RP 241-04 Education [Part 1] 1978
RP 241-05 Education [Part 2] 1978
RP 241-06 Energy 1978
RP 241-07 Environment 1978
RP 241-08 Forestry 1978
RP 241-09 Health 1978
RP 241-10 Human Resources 1978
RP 241-11 Indian Affairs 1978
RP 241-12 Justice 1978
RP 242-01 Labour 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 242-02 Municipal Affairs 1978
RP 242-03 Northern Affairs 1978
RP 242-04 Women‟s Rights [Part 1] 1978
RP 242-05 Women‟s Rights [Part 2] 1978
RP 248-04 7-5 BC Resource Investment Corporation 1979
RP 248-05 7-6 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1979
RP 254-01 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 1] 1979
RP 254-02 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 2] 1979
RP 254-03 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 3] 1979
RP 264-06 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1980
RP 267-05 Democrat 1981
RP 267-06 BC Government News Releases 1981
RP 267-07 BC Government News Releases [Part 1] 1980
RP 267-08 BC Government News Releases [Part 2] 1980
RP 267-09 BC Government News Releases [Part 3] 1980
RP 267-10 BC Government News Releases [Part 4] 1980
RP 268-01 BC Government News Releases [Part 5] 1980
RP 268-02 BC Government News Releases [Part 6] 1980
RP 268-03 BC Government News Releases [Part 7] 1980
RP 268-04 Communications Committee 1981
RP 268-05 Federal Ridings 1981
RP 279-05 Democrat 1982
RP 281-02 Media Committee 1983
RP 281-04 Report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission 1983
RP 281-05 Memo to Teachers 1983
RP 282-11 Democrat 1983
RP 295-14 Municipal Politics 1987-1992
RP 296 [Loose Information Pamphlets] 1987-1992
RP 318-17 Democrat 1966-1967
RP 319-05 Literature [Part 1] 1964-1965
RP 319-06 Literature [Part 2] 1964-1965
RP 319-07 Literature [Part 3] 1964-1965
RP 319-08 Literature – NDP 1964-1965
RP 319-09 Legislation 1964-1965
RP 319-10 [Unlabeled folder] 1964-1965
RP 319-11 Labor 1964-1965
RP 319-12 John Howard Society 1964-1965
RP 319-13 Johnson, Lyndon B 1964-1965
RP 319-14 Vancouver Centre – Chris Hoddlestar 1964-1965
RP 319-15 Hydro 1964-1965
RP 319-16 Gasoline 1964-1965
RP 319-17 Free Time Radio and TV 1964-1965
RP 319-18 Foreign Affairs 1964-1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 319-19 Federal Officers – NDP 1964-1965
RP 319-20 Federal – Biographies 1964-1965
RP 319-21 Democrat 1964-1965
RP 319-22 Douglas, Tommy 1964-1965
RP 319-23 Defence 1964-1965
RP 319-24 Indian Affairs 1964-1965
RP 319-25 Confederation 1964-1965
RP 319-26 Columbia Treaty 1964-1965
RP 319-27 Economic 1964-1965
RP 320-01 Economic – BC Development 1964-1965
RP 320-03 Clippings 1964-1965
RP 320-04 Capital Punishment 1964-1965
RP 320-05 Canada Pension Plan 1964-1965
RP 320-06 Confederation 1964-1965
RP 320-07 Car Insurance
RP 320-08 [Untitled folder] 1964-1965
RP 320-09 Prices and Profits 1964-1965
RP 320-16 Advertising [Part 1] 1964-1965
RP 320-17 Advertising [Part 2] 1964-1965
RP 320-18 Advertising [Part 3] 1964-1965
RP 320-19 Liquor Advertising 1964-1965
RP 321-07 Agricultural Marketing Boards 1975-1979
RP 321-08 Alberta 1975-1979
RP 321-12 The Arts – Film 1975-1979
RP 321-13 Attorney General – Corrections 1975-1979
RP 321-14 Attorney General – Courts 1975-1979
RP 321-15 Attorney General – General 1975-1979
RP 321-16 Attorney General – Legal Aid 1975-1979
RP 321-17 Attorney General – Youth 1975-1979
RP 321-18 Hydro – General 1975-1979
RP 321-19 BC Rail – General 1975-1979
RP 321-20 Stolen Telex 1975-1979
RP 322-01 BC Tel – General 1975-1979
RP 322-02 Business – Foreign Land Ownership 1975-1979
RP 322-03 Budgets – Provincial 1975-1979
RP 322-04 Budgets – Federal 1975-1979
RP 322-05 Business – General 1975-1979
RP 322-06 Banks 1975-1979
RP 322-07 Capital Punishment 1975-1979
RP 322-08 CLEU – Comment and Year End Review 1975-1979
RP 322-09 Conservatives 1975-1979
RP 322-10 Civil Service 1975-1979
RP 322-11 Consumers 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 322-12 Economic Development – General 1975-1979
RP 322-13 Economic Indicators 1975-1979
RP 322-14 Economic Development – Statistics 1975-1979
RP 322-15 Education – Costs 1975-1979
RP 322-16 Education – General 1975-1979
RP 322-17 Pensions 1975-1979
RP 322-18 Education – Post Secondary [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 322-19 Education – Post Secondary [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 322-20 Education – Teachers 1975-1979
RP 322-21 Education – Value Schools 1975-1979
RP 322-22 Elections – Polls 1975-1979
RP 322-23 Elections – General 1975-1979
RP 322-24 Energy – General 1975-1979
RP 322-25 Energy – Coal 1975-1979
RP 322-26 Energy – Oil – General 1975-1979
RP 322-27 Energy – Oil Refinery 1975-1979
RP 323-01 Energy – Oil – Mackenzie Valley 1975-1979
RP 323-02 Energy – Natural Gas – General 1975-1979
RP 323-03 Environment – Air 1975-1979
RP 323-04 Environment – Water 1975-1979
RP 323-05 Environment – General 1975-1979
RP 323-07 BC Ferries 1975-1979
RP 323-12 Fisheries – General 1975-1979
RP 323-13 Food – General 1975-1979
RP 323-14 Forestry – General [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 323-15 Forestry – General 1975-1979
RP 323-16 Health – Abortion 1975-1979
RP 323-17 Health – Costs 1975-1979
RP 323-18 Health – Drugs 1975-1979
RP 323-19 Health – General [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 323-20 Health – General [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 324-01 Highways 1975-1979
RP 324-02 Housing 1975-1979
RP 324-03 Human Resources – Daycare 1975-1979
RP 324-04 Human Resources – DERA 1975-1979
RP 324-05 Human Resources – General 1975-1979
RP 324-06 Human Resources – Handicapped 1975-1979
RP 324-07 Human Resources – Poverty 1975-1979
RP 324-08 Human Resources – Senior Citizens 1975-1979
RP 324-09 Human Resources – VRB 1975-1979
RP 324-10 Human Resources – Welfare 1975-1979
RP 324-11 Human Resources – Gain 1975-1979
RP 324-12 Human Rights – General 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 324-13 Human Rights – Daycare 1975-1979
RP 324-14 Human Rights – Prisons 1975-1979
RP 324-15 Human Rights – Women 1975-1979
RP 324-16 ICBC [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 324-17 ICBC [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 324-18 ICBC [Part 3] 1975-1979
RP 324-19 Immigration 1975-1979
RP 324-20 Indian Affairs – General 1975-1979
RP 324-21 Indian Affairs – Land Claims 1975-1979
RP 324-22 Indian Affairs – Band Aid Programs 1975-1979
RP 324-23 JP Stevens 1975-1979
RP 325-01 Labour – General [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 325-02 Labour – General [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 325-03 Labour – Disputes 1975-1979
RP 325-04 Labour – Workers Compensation Board 1975-1979
RP 325-05 Labour – Student Jobs 1975-1979
RP 325-06 Socreds/Right to Work 1975-1979
RP 325-07 Legislative Sessions – BC 1975-1979
RP 325-08 Letters to the Editor 1975-1979
RP 325-09 Liberals 1975-1979
RP 325-10 Liquor 1975-1979
RP 325-11 Manitoba 1975-1979
RP 325-12 Mining – Cooper 1975-1979
RP 325-13 Mining – General 1975-1979
RP 325-14 Minister of Justice 1975-1979
RP 325-15 Municipal Affairs – General 1975-1979
RP 325-19 Northern Affairs 1975-1979
RP 325-20 Ocean Falls 1975-1979
RP 325-21 Cancel 1975-1979
RP 325-22 Ontario 1975-1979
RP 325-23 Ottawa Report 1975-1979
RP 325-24 Parks and Recreation 1975-1979
RP 325-25 Pensions 1975-1979
RP 325-26 Personalities 1975-1979
RP 326-01 Pipeline 1975-1979
RP 326-02 Potash 1975-1979
RP 326-08 Right to Work 1978-1982
RP 326-09 [Untitled file of material related to energy, part 1] 1978-1982
RP 326-10 [Untitled file of material related to energy, part 2] 1978-1982
RP 326-11 Farmland and Food[Part 1] 1978-1982
RP 326-12 Democratic Socialism (Overview) 1978-1982
RP 326-14 Cargill – Corporations [Part 1] 1978-1982
RP 327-01 Cargill – Corporations [Part 2] 1978-1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Series)

Series Name: Research and Public Communications

Code Box-File # File Name Years
RP 327-02 Socred Government 1978-1982
RP 327-03 MacMillan-Bloedell 1978-1982
RP 327-04 Pulp and Paper 1978-1982
RP 327-05 BC Fed Print Ads 1978-1982
RP 327-06 BCGEU Ad Campaigns 1978-1982
RP 327-10 Speakers‟ Notes 1978-1982
RP 327-11 Talking Democrat Volunteers 1978-1982
RP 327-12 SPARC 1978-1982
RP 327-13 Economic Facts – Trade Union Research Bureau 1978-1982
RP 327-14 BCRIC 1978-1982
RP 327-17 Women‟s Leaflet 1978-1982
RP 327-18 Transit Leaflet 1978-1982
RP 327-20 Nuclear Leaflet 1978-1982
RP 327-21 Uranium Mining 1978-1982
RP 327-22 [Untitled folder related to international affairs] 1978-1982
RP 327-23 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-01 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-02 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-03 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-04 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-05 Press File 1964-1965
RP 328-06 Miscellaneous Newsletters 1960-1969
RP 328-07 Club Constitutions 1960-1969
RP 328-08 Information (Newsletter) 1964-1965
RP 330-07 Native People 1968
RP 331-08 [Untitled folder relating to Municipal Affairs] 1970-1972
RP 336-11 Democrat Committee – Minutes 1983
RP 336-12 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1979
RP 336-13 Briefs [For Task Force on Electoral Reform] 1978-1979
RP 336-14 Drafts of Committee Work 1978-1979
RP 336-15 NDP Government Act 1975 and Background 1978-1979
RP 337-01 [Press Clippings] 1947
RP 338 [Bound volume of clippings] 1945
RP 338-01 [Press Clippings] 1943
RP 339 [Bound Volume of Press Clippings] 1942-1943
RP 339 [Bound Volume of Press Clippings]
RP 339 1946 [Bound volume of newspaper clippings] 1946
RP 339 BC Legislature 1945, Press Clippings 1945
RP 340-03 Literature Lists 1960

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

New Democratic Party of British Columbia Finding Aid

(Listed by Box-File Number)

Series Legend
Series Title Series Code
Constituency Association Correspondence CA
Conventions, Councils and Committees CC
Correspondence with Elected Representatives EC
Elections El
Finance and Commonwealth Societies FR
General Correspondence GC
Membership Me
Miscellaneous Mi
Provincial Executive ER
Provincial Staff Administration OA
Related Groups RG
Research and Public Communications RP
Sound and Visual Communications AV

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 69-01 Nominating Conventions – Federal 1962-1963
OA 69-02 Provincial Office – Office Supplies 1962-1965
CC 69-03 Nominating Conventions – Provincial 1963
RG 69-04 New Democratic Youth – Federal 1963
ER 69-05 Minutes - Master Copies 1963-1964
CC 69-06 Nominating Convention – Trade Union Call 1963
ER 69-07 Party Constitution 1963
OA 69-08 Provincial Office CU and G Health Service 1962-1964
Me 69-09 Resignations 1963
CO 69-10 Seminars 1963-1963
GC 69-11 [Correspondence] 1964
GC 69-12 [Correspondence] 1964
CC 69-13 Standing Committee – Buildings 1963
CC 69-14 [Pre-Election Planning Committee 1964
CC 69-15 Standing Committee – Democrat 1963-1964
OA 69-16 Provincial Office – Organization 1963-1964
GC 69-17 Federal Correspondence [Part 1] 1963-1964

GC 70-01 Federal Correspondence [Part 2] 1963-1964

CC 70-02 Standing Committees – Education 1963-1964
FR 70-03 [Financial Records] 1962-1964
FR 70-04 [G Hobbs Memorial Fund Records] 1962-1964
FR 70-05 G Hobbs Memorial Fund (200 Club) 1962-1964
CC 70-06 Democrat – Miscellaneous [Part 1] 1962-1964
CC 70-07 Democrat – Miscellaneous [Part 2] 1962-1964
CC 70-08 Standing Committees – NDP Lawyers 1952-1963
GC 70-09 [Miscellaneous Letter] 1964
RP 70-10 MLA Tour Nov 1964 1964
CO 70-11 Lower Mainland Committee Meetings 1961-1964
CO 70-12 Standing Committee – Pioneer Committee 1964
CO 70-13 Standing Committees – Public Relations 1962-1963
CO 70-14 Standing Committees – Provincial Policy 1962-1964

RP 71-01 Advertising/Media 1962-1963

CC 71-02 Standing Committees – Radio and TVA 1963-1964
CC 71-03 Standing Committees – Research 1963
CC 71-04 Standing Committees - Summer School 1964
CC 71-05 Standing Committees – Youth Advisory 1964
CC 71-06 Women‟s Committee – Federal 1963-1964
CC 71-07 Women‟s Committee – Provincial 1963-1964
CC 71-08 Travel 1963

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 71-09 Federal Election – Lower Mainland Committee 1964
CC 71-10 Democrat Committee Minutes 1962-1964
CC 71-11 Democrat – Editorial 1963-1964
El 71-12 [Miscellaneous material relating to elections and 1964
caucus tours]
RP 71-13 MLA‟s tour 1964
CC 71-14 Standing Committees – Organization 1964
RP 71-15 MLA Tour 1964
GC 71-16 Organizational Correspondence 1964

EC 72-01 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 1] 1959-1964

EC 72-02 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 2] 1959-1964
EC 72-03 Robert Strachan – MLA and Leader [Part 3] 1959-1964
EC 72-04 Dave Barrett – MLA 1959-1964
EC 72-05 Cedric Cox – MLA 1962-1963
EC 72-06 Frank Calder – MLA 1964
EC 72-07 Gordon Dowding – MLA 1963-1964
EC 72-08 Rae Eddie – MLA 1963-1964
EC 72-09 A.J. Gargrave – MLA 1964
EC 72-10 Lois Haggen – MLA 1964
EC 72-11 Randolph Harding – MLA 1964

EC 73-01 C Mather – MLA 1963

EC 73-02 Leo Nimsick – MLA 1964
EC 73-03 John Squire – MLA 1964
EC 73-04 Dave Stupich – MLA 1964
EC 73-05 Arthur Turner – MLA 1964
CA 73-07 Alberni 1962-1964
CA 73-08 Atlin 1962-1964
CA 73-09 Burnaby 1962-1964
CA 73-10 Cariboo 1962-1964
CA 73-11 Chilliwack 1962-1964
CA 73-12 Columbia 1962-1964
CA 73-13 Comox 1962-1964
CA 73-14 Cowichan Newcastle 1962-1964

CA 74-01 Cranbrook 1962-1964

CA 74-02 Delta [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 74-03 Delta [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 74-04 Delta [Part 3] 1962-1964
CA 74-05 Dewdney 1962-1964
CA 74-06 Esquimalt 1962-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 74-07 Fernie 1962-1964
CA 74-08 Fort George 1962-1964
CA 74-09 Grand Forks – Greenwood 1962-1964
CA 774-10 Kamloops [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 74-11 Kamloops [Part 2] 1962-1964

CA 75-01 Kaslo-Slocan 1962-1964

CA 75-02 Lilloet 1962-1964
CA 75-03 Mackenzie 1962-1964
CA 75-04 Nanaimo and The Islands 1962-1964
CA 75-05 Nelson-Creston 1962-1964
CA 75-06 New Westminster 1962-1964
CA 75-07 North Okanagan 1962-1964
CA 75-08 North Peace River 1962-1964
CA 75-09 North Vancouver [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 75-10 North Vancouver [Part 2] 1962-1964
CA 75-11 Oak Bay 1962-1964
CA 75-12 Omineca 1962-1964
CA 75-13 Prince Rupert [Part 1] 1962-1964
CA 75-14 Prince Rupert [Part 2] 1962-1964

CA 76-01 Revelstoke 1962-1964

CA 76-02 Rossland-Trail 1962-1964
CA 76-03 Saanich 1962-1964
CA 76-04 Salmon Arm 1963-1964
CA 76-05 Similkameen 1962-1965
CA 76-06 Skeena 1962-1964
CA 76-07 South Okanagan 1962-1964
CA 76-08 South Peace River 1962-1964
CA 76-09 Vancouver Burrard 1963-1964
CA 76-10 Vancouver-Centre 1962-1964
CA 76-11 Vancouver-East 1962-1964

CA 77-01 Vancouver-Point Grey 1964-1964

CA 77-02 Victoria City 1962-1964
RP 77-03 [Untitled folder of Speaker‟s Notes] 1963
CC 77-04 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 1] 1963-64
CC 77-05 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 2] 1963-64
CC 77-06 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 3] 1963-64
CC 77-07 Standing Committee-Medicare A [Part 4] 1963-64
RP 77-08 General [NDP] 1962-64
RP 77-09 Alberta [NDP] 1962-64
RP 77-10 Saskatchewan [NDP, Part 1] 1962-64

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 78-01 Saskatchewan [NDP, Part 2] 1962-64

RP 78-02 Manitoba [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-03 Ontario [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-04 Quebec [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-05 New Brunswick [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-06 Nova Scotia [NDP] 1962-64
RP 78-07 Prince Edward Island [NDP] 1962-64
RG 78-08 Colin Gableman Federal YND Convention, 1967 1967
RG 78-09 [YND] Pamphlets 1965-67
RG 78-10 Pamphlets, Reports, Newspapers includes 1965-67
Forward, the official organ of the BCYND

RG 79-01 [Loose BCYND Papers Re: Federal NDP and 1968 1967-68
RG 79-02 [Loose BCYND Papers: Pamphlets, Forward etc.] 1967-68
RG 79-03 [BCYND material related to] Proceedings of the 1967
6th Annual Convention of the BC NDP
RG 79-04 BCYND: Seventh Annual Convention, 1967 1967
RG 79-05 [BCYND material related to] Federal NDP 1968
Convention, 1968
RG 79-06 [BCYND material related to] Proceedings of the 1966
Fifth Annual BCNDP Convention, 1966
RG 79-07 [BCYND material related to] Seventh Annual 1968
BCNDP Convention, 1968
RG 79-08 Nelson-Creston NDP Convention [1967?]
RG 79-09 Loose Papers: Convention Minutes, Financial 1965
Documents, Ephemera [Includes 1965 Federal
Constitution of the NDP] etc.

RP 80-01 Speaker‟s Notes Binder [Part 1] 1968

RP 80-02 Speaker‟s Notes Binder [Part 2] 1968
CC 80-03 Constitution, etc Committee Resolutions 1967
Provincial NDP Convention 1967
RP 80-04 MPs at Work: TC Douglas, Grace MacInnis 1966
El 80-05 Vancouver South By-Election, May 21, 1968 1968
RP 80-06 US Socialist Party Literature 1967
EC 80-07 Leader‟s Office 1965-68
RP 80-08 CLC Material 1966-67
CA 80-09 BC Constituency Material, Odds and Ends 1966-67
RP 80-10 CC-op 1967
RP 80-11 Press Clippings 1967-1968-

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 81-01 BC NDP Minutes 1966-1967
ER 81-02 Personal 1966-68
RG 81-03 Federal YND: Minutes Correspondence etc. 1966-67
RG 81-04 BC YND: Minutes, Correspondence 1966-67
RG 81-05 Forward Original copies of Forward 1966-67
RG 81-06 Pamphlets [1966?]
EC 81-07 Tom Berger 1967
RP 81-08 Policy Material 1966-67

CA 82-01 Burnaby 1965

ER 82-02 Meeting Notices 1965
CO 82-03 Douglas Dinner Committee 1965
CO 82-04 Convention Arrangements Committees 1965
ER 82-05 Agendas 1965
ER 82-06 Bulletins and Circulars – Master Copies 1965
GC 82-07 Federal Correspondence 1965
ER 82-08 Federal Council Minutes 1965
ER 82-09 Federal Executive Minutes 1965
RP 82-10 Federal Research 1965
RP 82-11 Literature Lists 1965
Me 82-12 Membership – General 1965
Me 82-13 Membership – Transfer 1965
Me 82-14 Miscellaneous Committees 1965
RP 82-15 New Democratic Party: All Provinces 1965

RG 83-01 New Democratic Youth-Provincial 1965

RP 83-02 All Newsletters 1965
CC 83-03 Nominating Convention – Federal 1965
CC 83-04 Nominating Convention – Trade Union Call 1965
ER 83-05 Party Constitution (Contains 1956 CCF 1965
PR 83-06 Press Releases 1965
OA 83-07 Provincial Office – C.U. and C. Health Services 1965
ER 83-08 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1965
OA 83-09 Provincial Office – Office Supplies 1965
OA 83-10 Provincial Organizer 1965
ER 83-11 Frank Snowsell, Provincial President 1965
Me 83-12 Resignations – From Executive Members etc. 1965
CO 83-13 Special Committees 1965
Me 83-14 Special Mailing List 1965
CC 83-15 Standing Committee – Agriculture 1965
CC 83-16 Standing Committee – Election Planning 1965
CC 83-17 Standing Committee – Democrat 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 84-01 Standing Committee – Finance 1965

CC 84-02 Standing Committee – George Hobbs Memorial 1965
Fund (200 Club)
CC 84-03 Standing Committee – Medicare 1965
CC 84-04 Standing Committee – Municipal Affairs 1965
CC 84-05 Standing Committee – Organization 1965
CC 84-06 Standing Committee – Provincial Policy 1965
CC 84-07 Standing Committee – Public Relations 1965
CC 84-08 Standing Committee – Public Relations 1965
CC 84-09 Standing Committee – Publicity and Propaganda 1965
CC 84-10 Standing Committee – Summer School 1965
CC 84-11 Women‟s Committee – Federal 1965
CC 84-12 Women‟s Committee – Provincial 1965
OA 84-13 Travel 1965
RP 84-14 Democrat 1965

RP 85-01 Democrat – Miscellaneous 1965

RP 85-02 Democrat – Sales and Distribution 1965
GC 85-03 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1965
RP 85-04 Redistribution 1965
EC 85-05 Robert Strachan MLA – Leader 1965
EC 85-06 Dave Barrett, MLA 1965
EC 85-07 Frank Calder, MLA 1965
EC 85-08 Gordon Dowling, MLA 1965
EC 85-09 Rae Eddie, MLA 1965
EC 85-10 A. J. Gargrave, MLA 1965
EC 85-11 Lois Haggen, MLA 1965
EC 85-12 Randolph Harding, MLA 1965
EC 85-13 W.L. Hartley, MLA 1965
EC 85-14 Alex Macdonald, MLA 1965
EC 85-15 Leo Nimsick 1965

EC 86-01 Dave Stupich, MLA 1965

EC 86-02 John S Squire, MLA [Empty] 1965
EC 86-03 Arthur J. Turner, MLA 1965
CA 86-04 Alberni 1965
CA 86-05 Atlin 1965
CA 86-06 Cariboo 1965
CA 86-07 Chilliwack 1965
CA 86-08 Columbia 1965
CA 86-09 Comox 1965
CA 86-10 Cowichan-Newcastle 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 86-11 Cranbrook 1965
CA 86-12 Delta 1965
CA 86-13 Esquimalt 1965
CA 86-14 Fernie 1965
CA 86-15 Fort George 1965
CA 86-16 Grand Forks – Greenwood 1965
CA 86-17 Dewdney 1965
CA 86-18 Kamloops 1965
CA 86-19 Kaslo – Slocan 1965
CA 86-20 Lillooet 1965
CA 86-21 Mackenzie 1965

Me 87-01 Pioneer Members 1963

Me 87-02 Alex Macdonald – Discipline
RP 87-03 Labour Management Conference, May 21, 22 1964
RP 87-04 1964 Local Unions A-C 1964
RP 87-05 1964 Local Unions D-H 1964
RP 87-06 1964 Local Unions I-M [Part 1] 1964
RP 87-07 1964 Local Unions I-M [Part 2] 1964
RP 87-08 OEIU [Office Employees International Union] 1964
RP 88-01 1964 Local Unions O – Railway Carmen [Part 1] 1964
RP 88-02 1964 Local Unions O – Railway Carmen [Part 2] 1964
RP 88-03 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 1] 1964
RP 88-04 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 2] 1964
Sub-file titled Mitchell Press US et al
RP 88-05 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 3] 1964
RP 88-06 1964 Local Unions Refrig. Workers – Z [Part 4] 1964
RP 88-07 Medicare 1964
RP 88-08 Minimum Wage 1964
GC 88-09 NDP Correspondence – Federal 1964

GC 89-01 NDP Correspondence – Provincial 1964

RG 89-02 NDP Re: Unions Affiliating 1964
ER 89-03 NDP Minutes – Federal 1964
ER 89-04 NDP Minutes – Provincial 1964
RP 89-05 Untitled file. [Speaker‟s Notes] 1964
RP 89-06 1964 Strikes 1964
RP 89-07 BC Federation of Unemployed 1964
RP 89-08 Workmen‟s Compensation Board [Part 1] 1964
RP 89-09 Workmen‟s Compensation Board [Part 2] 1964
RP 89-10 Wage Policy – Conference 1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 90-01 Arbitration 1964
RP 90-02 Anti-Hate Legislation 1964
RP 90-03 [Unfiled papers mostly relating to trade union 1964
OA 90-04 Keith Barker Medical Assistance Fund 1964
RP 90-05 BC Fed Committees [Part 1] 1964
RP 90-06 BC Fed Committees [Part 2] 1964
RP 90-07 BC Fed Committees [Part 3] 1964
RP 90-08 Press Releases 1964
GC 90-09 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence 1964
[Part 1]
GC 90-10 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence 1964
[Part 2]

GC 91-01 Canadian Labour Congress – Correspondence 1964

OA 91-02 C.U. and C. Health Services 1964
RP 91-03 Department of Labour – Federal 1964
RP 91-04 Department of Labour – Provincial 1964
ER 91-05 Executive Council – Minutes and Notices [BC Fed 1964
Exec Council?]
ER 91-06 Executive Officers – Minutes and Notices 1964
RP 91-07 Fisheries 1964
RP 91-08 [BC Fed] Financial Statements 1964
RP 91-09 Government – Provincial 1964
RP 91-10 Labour Councils [Part 1] 1964
RP 91-11 Labour Councils [Part 2] 1964
RP 91-12 Labour Councils [Part 3] 1964
RP 91-13 Labour Councils[Part 4] 1964

GC 92-01 Affiliates Correspondence 1971-1972

RP 92-02 BC Fed 1970-1972
RP 92-03 Vancouver District Labour Council 1971
RP 92-04 Non-affiliates 1971
CC 92-05 Labour Liaison Committee 1972
RG 92-06 YND Minutes 1971
RG 92-07 YND Correspondence 1971-72
RP 92-08 Verne Hardman Survey 1971
OA 92-09 15-1 [No title include records relating to the re- 1971-72
organization of provincial office in 1971/1971,
Part 1]
OA 92-10 15-1 [No title include records relating to the re- 1969-1972
organization of provincial office in 1971/1971,
Part 2]
CC 92-11 16-1 Wally‟s Drawer: Vancouver Area Council 1969-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

[1970 Municipal Election Campaign]

CC 93-01 16-3 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing 1972

El 93-02 16-4 Federal Electoral Committee 1972
OA 93-03 [No Title, Loose Papers Mostly Re: Data 1970-71
Processing Contracts]
El 93-04 Canvassers 1972
El 93-05 BC Provincial [Election Statistics] 1970-1972
CC 93-06 Election Schools 1972
CC 93-07 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 1] 1970-1972
CC 93-08 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 2] 1970-72
Mi 93-09 F.A.S.T [For A Surrey Team] 1972
RP 93-10 Democrat Correspondence 1971-72
RP 93-11 Democrat Production [Part 1] 1971-72
RP 93-12 Democrat Production [Part 2] 1971-1972
RP 93-13 Other Publications 1970-72

RP 94-01 Data – Aptitude/IQ Tests 1957-1961

RP 94-02 Data – Agriculture 1961
RP 94-03 Data – Apprenticeship 1953
RP 94-04 Data – Auto 1967
RP 94-05 Data – Research – Biog Profiles – Fed. and 1963-64
RP 94-06 Data – Research – Constitution 1961-1967
RP 94-05 Data – Research – European Economic Community 1964-65
RP 94-06 Data – Research – Economics 1965
RP 94-07 Data – Research – Election 1963 and 1965 1963 and
RP 94-08 Data – Education 1967
RP 94-09 Data – British Labour Party 1964-65
RP 94-10 Data – Labour [Part 1] 1950-1967

RP 95-01 Data – Labour [Part 2] 1950-1967

RP 95-02 Data – Research – Municipal Affairs [1965?]
RP 95-03 Data – Research – Medicare 1965
RP 95-04 Data – Research – Medicare Submissions 1965
RP 95-05 Data – Research – Mental Health 1967
RP 95-06 Data – History – T.C. Douglas (John A. Macdonald) 1967
RP 95-07 Data – Research – Newsletters 1964-67
RP 95-08 Data – Newspaper Circulation [1965?]
RP 95-09 Data – Data Research – Nuclear Arms 1965
RP 95-10 Data – New Zealand 1962-64

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 95-11 Data – NDP – Federal 1965
RP 95-12 Data – Research – Ontario 1962-68

RP 96-01 Data – Research – Press – Press, 1966 1966

RP 96-02 Data – Research – Profit Sharing 1960-63
RP 96-03 Data – Research – Political Info, 1968 Federal 1968
Votes and Proceedings
RP 96-04 Data – Research – Statement of Principles 1961-63
RP 96-05 Data – Research – Cost of Living, Prices 1967
RP 96-06 Data – Research –Quebec 1967
RP 96-07 Data – Research – Sample Literature 1964
RP 96-08 Data – Research – Questionnaire 1967
RP 96-09 Data – Research – Radiation 1963-67
RP 96-10 Data – Research – Radio/TV, Election 1965 1965
RP 96-11 Data – Research – Resources, Water 1964-65
RP 96-12 Data – Research –Socred – Gagliardi 1965

RP 97-01 Data – Research – Redistribution 1965

RP 97-02 Data – Research – Real Estate 1967
RP 97-03 Data – Research – Safety 1964
RP 97-04 Data – Research –Socred Theory 1962
RP 97-05 Data – Research – BC Tel 1964-65
RP 97-08 Data – Research – Pacific Tribune, 1966 1966
RP 97-09 Data – Research – BC Wenner/Green Agreement 1957
RP 97-10 Data – Research – Women 1964
RP 97-11 Data – Research – Welfare 1964

Me 98-01 Special Discipline 1965

CA 98-02 Nanaimo and the Islands 1965
CA 98-03 Nelson-Creston 1965
CA 98-03 New Westminster 1965
CA 98-04 North Okanagon 1965
CA 98-05 North Vancouver 1965
CA 98-06 Omineca 1965
CA 98-07 Prince Rupert 1965
CA 98-08 Revelstoke 1965
CA 98-09 Rossland-Trail 1965
CA 98-10 Saanich 1965
CA 98-11 Similkameen 1965
CA 98-12 Skeena 1965

CA 99-01 South Okanagon 1965

CA 99-02 South Peace River 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 99-03 Vancouver-Burrard 1965
CA 99-04 Vancouver Centre 1965
CA 99-05 Vancouver East 1965
CA 99-06 Vancouver Point Grey 1965
CA 99-07 Victoria City 1965
CA 99-08 Yale 1965
CA 99-09 Federal Constituencies: Bur-Coquitlam to 1965
CA 99-10 Federal Constituencies: Kootenay East to 1965
Vancouver Burrard
CA 99-11 Federal Constituencies Van Centre to Yukon 1965
OA 99-12 Party Personnel A-I 1965
OA 99-13 Party Personnel J-R 1965
OA 99-14 Party Personnel S-Z 1965
OA 99-15 Staff-Personnel S-Z 1965

OA 100-01 Staff Personnel, 1963, 64, 65, and 66 1965

El 100-02 1965 Federal Election 1965
El 100-03 Election Expenses Committee 1965
ER 100-04 Officers 1965
OA 100-05 Staff – Application for Employment 1965
OA 100-06 Staff – T.U. Contract [Part 1] 1963-65
OA 100-07 Staff – T.U. Contract [Part 2] 1963-65
OA 100-08 Staff – General 1965
OA 100-09 Staff – Payroll 1965

OA 101-01 Staff – Time Book 1965

GC 101-02 Maynard Woollard: Executive Assistant to TC 1965
Douglas MP
FR 101-03 Credit Unions 1965
FR 101-04 Financial Reports 1964-65
FR 101-05 G. Hobbs Memorial Fund (200 Club) 1965
OA 101-06 Secretary‟s File 1965
Me 101-07 Special Confidential Documents 1965
Me 101-08 Discipline 1965
Me 101-09 Special Disputes 1965
Me 101-10 Special Expelled Members 1965
FR 101-11 Unfiled Receipt Book 1965

EC 102-01 Mr. TC Douglas MP Leader 1965

EC 102-02 Mr. T Barnett MP 1964-65
EC 102-03 Mr. Colin Cameron MP 1965
EC 102-04 Mr. HW Herridge MP 1965

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

EC 102-05 Mr. F Howard MP 1965
EC 102-06 Grace Macinnis MP 1965
EC 102-07 Barry Mather MP 1965
EC 102-08 Mr. RW Prittie MP 1965
EC 102-09 Mr. A Webster MP 1965
EC 102-10 Mr. HE Winch MP [Part 1] 1965
EC 102-11 Mr. HE Winch MP [Part 2] 1965
EC 102-12 Other MPs and MLAs 1965
El 102-13 Federal Election 1965: Minutes of Committees 1965
[Part 1]
El 102-14 Federal Election 1965: Minutes of Committees 1965
[Part 2]

El 103-01 Miscellaneous Election Correspondence 1965

El 103-02 Douglas Front Page 1964-65
El 103-03 Federal Election – Campaign Manager‟s File 1965
El 103-04 Fixed Elections 1965
El 103-05 Green – Front Page of Democrat 1965
El 103-06 Election Finances 1965
El 103-07 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 1] 1965
El 103-08 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 2] 1965
El 103-09 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 3] 1965
El 103-10 Federal Election – Radio and TV [Part 4] 1965

CC 104-01 [Miscellaneous papers; mostly regarding 1965 1965

federal NDP convention
CC 104-02 [Federal New Democratic Youth Convention, 1965
CC 104-03 [Untitled folder of material relating 1965 Federal 1965
NDP convention, Part 1]
CC 104-04 [Untitled folder of material relating 1965 Federal 1965
NDP convention, Part 2]
CC 104-05 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 [Part 1] 1965
CC 104-06 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 [Part 2] 1965
CC 104-07 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 1965
(Resolutions) [Part 1]
CC 104-08 Provincial Convention, April/May 1965 1965
(Resolutions) [Part 2]

Me 105-01 Honorary Life Membership Photographs 1974

Me 105-02 M/S 1974
ER 105-03 Provincial Council and Executive July 19-21 1974
RP 105-04 Democrat 1974
ER 105-05 Minutes of the Last Meeting 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Me 105-06 M/S Org 1974
OA 105-07 PNE Booth Space 1974
Me 105-08 Quotas 1974
Mi 105-09 Bob Stevenson [Folder 1] 1974
Mi 105-10 Bob Stevenson [Folder 2] 1974
Mi 105-11 Judy Korbin 1973-74
CC 105-12 Education Committee 1974
FR 105-13 Finance Committee 1974
CC 105-14 Labour Liaison 1974
FR 105-15 Property Committee 1974

CC 106-01 Policy Review Committee 1974

GC 106-02 Correspondence to be Answered 1974
106-03 Membership Organizations – Duties and 1974
Suggestions (G. Holter)
GC 106-04 Correspondence 1974
GC 106-05 Correspondence (Answered) 1974
GC 106-06 Correspondence –To Be Looked At 1973-74
RP 106-07 Media 1974
OA 106-08 Constituency Executive Mailing List Additions 1974
EC 106-09 Caucus 1974
RP 106-10 MLAs at Work 1974
CC 106-11 GVRD NDP Conference 1974
CC 106-12 Sign Board 1973
CC 106-13 Sign CC-coordinating Committee 1972
Mi 106-14 [Miscellaneous loose papers] 1972
RP 106-15 BC Progress 1974
OA 106-16 Information Re: Problems 1973
OA 106-17 Beth 1972-73

El 107-01 Provincial Election 1972 1972

Mi 107-02 [Unlabeled folder, re: NDP policy, but also some 1973
OA 107-03 [Folder containing contact information] 1973
RP 107-04 Advertising 1973
FR 107-05 Finances 1972
Mi 107-06 [Miscellaneous loose papers] 1974
El 107-07 [Unlabeled folder re: re-election materials] [1974?]
CA 107-08 North Vancouver- Capilano 1974
CA 107-09 North Vancouver – Seymour 1973
CA 107-10 [Miscellaneous loose papers, re: constituency and 1973-74
other finances]
CA 107-11 North Vancouver – Capilano, By-election 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 107-12 V.A.C [Vancouver Area Council] 1973

CA 108-01 West Vancouver – Howe Sound 1973

CA 108-02 Vancouver – Center 1973
CA 108-03 Vancouver – East 1973
CA 108-04 Vancouver – Little Mountain [good description of 1973
org structure]
CA 108-05 Vancouver – Point Grey 1973
CA 108-06 Vancouver – South 1973
CA 108-07 Surrey 1973
CA 108-09 Vancouver – Burrard 1973

ER 108-10 Federal Executive Minutes 1977

ER 108-11 Federal Secretary [Part 1] 1977
ER 108-12 Federal Secretary [Part 2] 1977

ER 109-01 Federal President 1977

ER 109-02 Socialist International [Part 1] 1977
ER 109-03 Socialist International [Part 2] 1977
ER 109-04 Socialist International [Part 3] 1977
ER 109-05 Socialist International [Part 4] 1977
ER 109-06 Socialist International [Part 5] 1977

ER 110-01 Report: Bureau Socialist International London 1976

May 29-30
ER 110-02 [Material from Socialist International Meeting 1976
mainly re: People‟s Action Party of Singapore
ER 110-03 Federal Council Correspondence 1977
El 110-04 Federal Election Planning Committee 1977
El 110-05 Federal Riding Association – General 1977
El 110-06 A Federal Candidates 1977
EC 110-07 NDP Ottawa Reports 1977
EC 110-08 Non BC – NDP Reports 1977
EC 110-09 Federal Leader 1977

Me 111-01 [Printouts of membership lists] 1977

CA 111-02 [Alberni] 1977
CA 111-03 [Skeena] 1977
CA 111-04 [Boundary-Similkameen] 1977
CA 111-05 [Burnaby-Edmonds] 1977
CA 111-06 [Burnaby North] 1977
CA 111-07 [Burnaby Willingdon] 1977
CA 111-08 [Cariboo] 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 111-09 [Chilliwack] 1977
CA 111-10 [Comox] 1977
CA 111-11 [Coquitlam] 1977
CA 111-12 [Chemainus-Crofton] 1977

CA 112-01 [Delta] 1977

CA 112-02 [Dewdney] 1977
CA 112-03 [Esquimalt] 1977
CA 112-04 [Fort George] 1977
CA 112-05 [Kamloops] 1977
CA 112-06 [Revelstoke-Slocan?] 1977
CA 112-07 [Cowichan] 1977
CA 112-08 [Langley] 1977
CA 112-09 [Mackenzie] 1977
CA 112-10 [Nanaimo] 1977
CA 112-11 [Nelson] 1977

CA 113-01 [New Westminster] 1977

CA 113-02 [North Okanagan] 1977
CA 113-03 [North Peace River] 1977
CA 113-04 [North Vancouver – Capilano] 1977
CA 113-05 [North Vancouver – Seymour] 1977
CA 113-06 [Oak Bay] 1977
CA 113-07 [Omineca] 1977
CA 113-08 [Prince Rupert] 1977
CA 113-09 [Richmond] 1977
CA 113-10 [Rossland-Trail] 1977
CA 113-11 [Saanich and the Islands] 1977

CA 114-01 8-70 [Shushwap] 1977

CA 114-02 8-72 [Skeena] 1977
CA 114-03 8-74 [South Okanagan] 1977
CA 114-04 8-76 [South Peace River] 1977
CA 114-05 8-78 [Surrey] 1977
CA 114-06 8-80 [Vancouver – Burrard] 1977
CA 114-07 8-82 [Vancouver – Centre] 1977
CA 114-08 8-84 [Vancouver – East] 1977
CA 114-09 8-86 [Vancouver – Little Mountain] 1977
CA 114-10 8-88 [Vancouver – Point Grey] 1977
CA 114-11 8-90 [Vancouver – South] 1977
CA 114-12 8-92 [Victoria] 1977
CA 114-13 8-94 [West Vancouver – Howe Sound] 1977
CA 114-14 8-96 [Yale-Lillooet] 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 114-15 8-98 [Outside of BC?] 1977

RG 115-01 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 1] 1979

RG 115-02 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 2] 1979
RG 115-03 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 3] 1979
RG 115-04 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 4] 1979
RG 115-05 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 5] 1979
RG 115-06 13-1 Labour Affiliates [Part 6] 1979
RG 115-07 14-1,14-4 YND [Young New Democrats] 1979
OA 115-08 Organizers (Organizer Evaluation) 1979

OA 115-09 Organizers [Loose Papers] 1979

OA 116-01 Organizers (Campaign Workshop, March 1979) 1979

OA 116-02 Organizers [Loose Papers] 1979
RP 116-03 Democrat 1979
RP 116-04 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 1] 1979
RP 116-05 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 2] 1979
RP 116-06 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 3] 1979
RP 116-07 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 4] 1979
RP 116-08 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 5] 1979
RP 116-09 [20-4 Other Publications, Part 7] 1979

RP 117-01 Vancouver Urban Conference 1979

Me 117-02 [Loose Papers re: Membership] 1979
Me 117-03 17-3 Transfers (Federal) 1979
Me 117-04 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 1] 1979
Me 117-05 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 2] 1979
Me 117-06 [Loose Papers re: Membership Transfers, Part 3] 1979
ER 118-01 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes [Part 1] 1970
ER 118-02 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes [Part 2] 1970
ER 118-03 1-2 Federal Executive Correspondence 1970
ER 118-04 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 1] 1970
ER 118-05 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 2] 1970
ER 118-06 1-3 Federal Office – Scotton [Part 3] 1970
ER 118-07 1-4 T.C. Douglas-Coldwell Foundation 1972
ER 118-08 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1971-72
ER 118-09 2-3 Federal Finance Statements 1971
CA 118-10 3-1 Federal Riding Association Correspondence 1970-1972

EC 119-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports 1972

EC 119-02 4-2 Tom Barnett 1970

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

EC 119-03 4-2 T.C. Douglas 1970-71
EC 119-04 4-2 Ran Harding 1971-72
EC 119-05 4-2 Frank Howard 1970-71
EC 119-06 4-2 Barry Mather 1970-71
EC 119-07 4-2 Grace Macinnis 1970-72
EC 119-08 4-2 Paddy Neale 1970
EC 119-09 4-2 Mark Rose 1968-71
EC 119-10 4-2 Harold Winch 1970-72
EC 119-11 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1972
EC 119-12 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1972
EC 119-13 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 3] 1971-72
EC 119-14 60-7 Hans Brown 1971-72

ER 120-01 3-3 Provincial President 1971-72

ER 120-02 5-2 Provincial Officer‟s Minutes 1970-72
ER 120-03 5-2 Provincial Officer‟s Correspondence 1970-72
ER 120-04 8-4 George Hobbes Fund 1971
ER 120-05 6-1 Provincial Executive Minutes 1971-72
ER 120-06 6-1 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1970-1971
ER 120-07 6-2 Provincial Secretary Reports 1972
CC 120-08 7-1 Provincial Council Reports [Part 1] 1971-1972
CC 120-09 7-2 Provincial Council Reports [Part 2] 1971
CC 120-10 7-2 Council Correspondence 1970-1972
CA 120-11 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – General 1972
CA 120-12 [Loose paper re: correspondence with 1972

CA 121-01 Provincial Constituency No. 2: Alberni 1970-72

CA 121-02 [Loose papers re: Burquitlam constituency, no. 1972
CA 121-03 Provincial Constituency No. 6: Boundary- 1970-72
CA 121-04 Clubs in Similkameen (# 6) 1970-72
CA 121-05 Clubs in Burnaby Edmonds (#8) 1970-72
CA 121-06 Provincial Constituency No. 8: Burnaby-Edmonds 1970-72
CA 121-07 Clubs in Burnaby North (#10) 1970-72
CA 121-08 Provincial Constituency No. 10: Burnaby-North 1970-72
CA 121-09 Provincial Constituency No. 12: Burnaby- 1970-72
CA 121-10 Provincial Constituency No. 14: Cariboo 1970-72
CA 121-11 Polling Cariboo Division 1970-72
CA 121-12 Provincial Constituency No. 16: Chilliwack 1970-72
CA 121-13 Provincial Constituency No. 18: Columbia River 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 121-14 Provincial Constituency No. 20: Comox 1970-72
CA 122-01 Provincial Constituency No. 22: Coquitlam 1970-72
CA 122-02 Provincial Constituency No. 24: Cowichan- 1970-72
CA 122-03 Provincial Constituency No. 26: Delta 1970-72
CA 122-04 Provincial Constituency No. 28: Dewdney 1970-72
CA 122-05 Provincial Constituency No. 30: Esquimalt 1970-72
CA 122-06 Provincial Constituency No. 32: Fort George 1970-72
CA 122-07 Provincial Constituency No. 34: Kamloops 1970-72
CA 122-08 Provincial Constituency No. 36: Revelstoke- 1970-72
CA 122-09 Provincial Constituency No. 38: Kootenay 1970-72
CA 122-10 Provincial Constituency No. 40: Langley 1970-72
CA 122-11 Provincial Constituency No. 42: Mackenzie 1970-72
CA 122-12 Provincial Constituency No. 44: Nanaimo 1970-72
CA 123-01 Provincial Constituency No. 46: Nelson-Creston 1970-72
CA 123-02 Provincial Constituency No. 48: New Westminster 1970-72
CA 123-04 [Loose Papers re: provincial constituency No. 50, 1970-72
North Okanagan]
CA 123-05 Provincial Constituency No. 52: North Peace 1970-72
CA 123-06 Provincial Constituency No. 54: North Vancouver- 1970-72
CA 123-07 Provincial Constituency No. 56: North Vancouver- 1970-72
CA 123-08 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency No. 58, 1970-72
Oak Bay]
CA 123-09 Provincial Constituency No. 60: Omineca 1970-72
CA 123-10 Provincial Constituency No. 62: Prince Rupert 1970-72
CA 123-11 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency no.64: 1970-72
CA 123-12 Provincial Constituency No. 66: Rossland-Trail 1970-72
CA 123-13 Provincial Constituency No. 68: Saanich and the 1970-72
CA 123-14 Provincial Constituency No. 70: Shushwap 1970-72
CA 123-15 Provincial Constituency No. 72: Skeena 1970-72
CA 124-01 Provincial Constituency No. 74: South Okanagan 1970-72
CA 124-02 Provincial Constituency No. 76: South Peace 1970-72
CA 124-03 Provincial Constituency No. 78: Surrey 1970-72
CA 124-04 [Loose Papers re: provincial constituency no. 80: 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Vancouver Center]

CA 124-05 Provincial Constituency No. 88 and 90: 1970-72

Vancouver-Point Grey
CA 124-06 Provincial Constituency No. 84: Vancouver-East 1970-72
CA 124-07 Provincial Constituency No. 86: Vancouver-Little 1970-72
CA 124-08 Provincial Constituency No. 82: Vancouver- 1970-72
CA 124-09 Provincial Constituency No. 92: Victoria 1970-72
CA 125-01 Provincial Constituency No. 94: West Vancouver- 1970-72
Howe Sound
CA 125-02 Provincial Constituency No. 96: Yale Lillooet 1970-72
CA 125-03 [Loose papers re: membership and by-laws] 1970-72
EC 125-04 9: Provincial Leader [Photographs] 1970-72
EC 125-05 9: Provincial Leader‟s Office 1970-72
EC 125-06 9-1: Ministry Correspondence 1970-72
EC 125-07 9-2: Correspondence from MLAs [Part 1] 1970-72
EC 125-08 9-2: Correspondence from MLAs [Part 1] 1970-72
EC 125-09 9-4: Provincial Caucus Information 1970-72
EC 125-10 9-5: Caucus Tours 1970-72
CC 125-11 10-1: Northern Council 1972

CC 126-01 10-2: Central Interior Council 1972

CC 126-02 10-3: Island Council 1972
CC 126-03 10-4: Kootenay Council 1972
CC 126-04 10-5: Lower Mainland Council 1972
CC 126-05 10-6: North Shore Council 1970-72
RG 126-06 11-1: Alberta 1970-72
RG 126-07 11-2: Saskatchewan 1970-72
RG 126-08 11-3: Manitoba 1970-72
RG 126-09 11-4: Ontario 1970-72
RG 126-10 11-5: Quebec 1970-72
RG 126-11 11-6: Maritimes 1970-72

RG 127-01 11-7: United States 1970-72

CC 127-02 1971 Federal Convention Master File – 1970-72
Correspondence [12] [Part 1]
CC 127-03 1971 Federal Convention Master File – 1970-71
Correspondence [12] [Part 2]
CC 127-04 12-1: Convention General [Part 1] 1970-71
CC 127-05 12-1: Convention General [Part 2] 1970-71
CC 127-06 12-1: Convention General [Part 3] 1970-72

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 127-07 12-1: Convention General [Part 4] 1970-72
El 128-01 Mailings – EPC, Candidates [Part 1] 1972
El 128-02 Mailings – EPC, Candidates [Part 2] 1972
El 128-03 Lists of Provincial Election Officers 1972
El 128-04 P-1-1: Dunsky – Montreal 1972
El 128-05 P-1-2: Dunsky – Winnipeg 1972
El 128-06 P-1-3: Central Tabloid 1972
El 128-07 P-1-4: Provincial Media 1972
El 128-08 P-1-5: Provincial Speakers Notes 1972
El 128-09 P-1-6: Provincial Leaflets 1972
El 128-10 P-1-7: Barrett Press Releases 1972

El 129-01 P-2: Morton – Chief Registrar of Voters 1972

El 129-02 P-3-3: Organizers: Request from provincial office 1972
to other sections
El 129-03 P-3-4: Car Leases 1972
El 129-04 P-4-1: EPC. – Inter-Committee Correspondence 1972
[Election Planning Committee]
El 129-05 Organizers – Requests from constituency to 1972
provincial office
El 129-06 P-3-1: Organizers – General 1972
El 129-07 [Loose Materials re: Chinatown News] 1972
El 129-08 P-4-2: EPC – Minutes and Meeting Minutes 1972
El 129-09 P-4-5: EPC – Reports 1972
OA 129-10 P-5-1: Provincial Leader‟s Tour 1972
CA 129-11 P-6-1: Provincial Bulletins 1972
OA 129-12 P-7-1: Sign Production 1972
RG 129-13 P-8-1: Affiliate Correspondence 1972
RG 129-14 P-8-2: BCTF – General 1972
RG 129-15 P-8-3: BCTF – Organizers 1972
CA 129-16 P-9: Instructions 1972

RP 130-01 P-9: General Information [Part 1] 1972

RP 130-02 P-9: General Information [Part 2] 1972
RP 130-03 P-10: Municipal By-laws (Re: Electioneering) 1972
ER 130-04 Hans‟ Personal Working File: Peter Borkeat 1972
ER 130-05 Organizers – Hans‟ File 1972
CA 130-06 2: Alberni 1972
CA 130-07 4: Atlin 1972
CA 130-08 6: Boundary-Similkameen 1972
CA 130-09 10: Burnaby-North 1972
CA 130-10 8: Burnaby-Edmonds 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 130-11 12: Burnaby-Willingdon 1972
CA 130-12 14: Cariboo 1972
CA 130-13 16: Chilliwack 1972
CA 130-14 18: Columbia River 1972
CA 130-15 20: Comox 1972
CA 130-16 24: Cowichan Malahat 1972
CA 130-17 26: Delta 1972
CA 130-18 28: Dewdney 1972
CA 130-19 30: Esquimalt 1972
CA 130-20 32: Fort George 1972

CA 131-01 34: Kamloops 1972

CA 131-02 36: Kootenay 1972
CA 131-03 40: Langley 1972
CA 131-04 42: Mackenzie 1972
CA 131-05 44: Nanaimo 1972
CA 131-06 46: Nelson-Creston 1972
CA 131-07 48: New Westminster 1972
CA 131-08 50: North Okanagan 1972
CA 131-09 52: North Peace River 1972
CA 131-10 54: North Vancouver – Capilano 1972
CA 131-11 56: North Vancouver – Seymour 1972
CA 131-12 58: Oak Bay 1972
CA 131-13 60: Omineca 1972
CA 131-14 62: Prince Rupert 1972
CA 131-15 36: Revelstoke-Slocan 1972
CA 131-16 64: Richmond 1972
CA 131-17 66: Rossland-Trail 1972
CA 131-18 68: Saanich and the Islands 1972
CA 131-19 70: Shushwap 1972
CA 131-20 72: Skeena 1972

CA 172-01 74: South Okanagan 1972

CA 132-02 76: South Peace River 1972
CA 132-03 78: Surrey 1972
CA 132-04 80: Vancouver – Burrard 1972
CA 132-05 82: Vancouver – Centre 1972
CA 132-06 84: Vancouver – East 1972
CA 132-07 86: Vancouver – Little Mountain 1972
CA 132-08 88: Vancouver – Point Grey 1972
CA 132-09 90: Vancouver – South 1972
CA 132-10 92: Victoria 1972
CA 132-11 94: West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 132-12 96: Yale-Lillooet 1972
RP 132-13 Questionnaires – Provincial 1972
RP 132-14 Questionnaires – Federal 1972
RP 132-15 Public Opinion Polls 1972
RP 132-16 Quotes 1972
OA 132-17 Linidex Strips: Filing System, WSR 11 July 72 1972
RP 132-18 80-2 Provincial Constituency Maps 1972

El 133-01 Federal Candidates 1972

El 133-02 Federal Campaign Managers 1972
El 133-03 CBC – Radio and TV 1972
El 133-04 F-1-1 Dunsky – Federal 1972
El 133-05 Election Planning – Provincial 1972
El 133-06 F-1-2 Media – Federal 1972
El 133-07 35: Burnaby-Richmond 1972
El 133-08 39: Burnaby-Seymour 1972
El 133-09 35: Capilano 1972
El 133-10 31: Coast Chilcotin 1972
El 133-11 3: Comox-Alberni 1972
El 133-12 43: Esquimalt-Saanich 1972
El 133-13 5: Fraser Valley – East 1972
El 133-14 33: Fraser Valley – West 1972
El 133-15 7: Kamloops-Cariboo 1972
El 133-16 11: Kootenay – West 1972
El 133-17 15: New Westminster 1972
El 133-18 9: Okanagan-Kootenay 1972
El 133-19 Brian McIver, Okanagan Boundary 1972
El 133-20 41: Okanagan Boundary 1972
El 133-21 1: Peace George – Peace River 1972
El 133-22 17: Skeena 1972
El 133-23 19: Surrey 1972

El 134-01 21: Vancouver – Centre 1972

El 134-02 23: Vancouver – East 1972
El 134-03 27: Vancouver – South 1972
El 134-04 37: Vancouver – Quadra 1972
El 134-05 29: Victoria 1972
El 134-06 F-1-3: Federal Tabloid 1972
El 134-07 F-1-3: Federal Tabloid 1972
El 134-08 F-1-4: Leader‟s Tour 1972
El 134-09 Organizers – Requests from Ridings to Provincial 1972
El 134-10 F-3-1: EPC – Correspondence 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 134-11 F-3-2: EPC – Minutes 1972
El 134-12 F-3-3: Federal Election Budget 1972
El 134-13 F-4-1: Bulletins – From Provincial Office 1972
El 134-14 F-4-3 Bulletins From Federal Office 1972
El 134-15 Federal Bulletins, 1973 1972
El 134-16 F-5: Cliff Scotton 1972
El 134-17 F-6: Federal Leader‟s Tours 1972
El 134-18 F-6: Requests for Information 1972
El 134-19 F-7: Election Information from Individuals 1972
El 134-20 F-8: Newspaper Clippings 1972
El 134-21 F-9: Lewis Rally 1972
El 134-22 F-10: General Information 1972

El 135-01 1966 and 1969 Election Results 1972

El 135-02 [Loose Papers Re: 1972 Federal Election] 1972
El 135-03 Federal Candidates [Photographs] 1972
El 135-04 Interim Report on the 1972 Federal Election 1972
El 135-05 [Loose Materials re: elections other than 1972] 1972
El 135-06 CBC Freetime; TV – Federal 1972
El 135-07 [Loose Materials re: 1972 provincial election] 1972
El 135-08 October 19 – overnight with Nigel Nixon 1972
El 135-09 Lewis Tour – Media Day E-50, September 11, 1972 1972
El 135-10 Central Sign Purchasing File 1972
El 135-11 [Unnamed file, re: Dave Barrett itinerary 1972
El 135-12 Northern Policy and Indian Policy 1972
El 135-13 [Unnamed file, primarily phone messages] 1972
El 135-14 Barrett‟s Schedule 1972
El 135-15 Old Press Releases 1972

El 136-01 Background Material 1972

El 136-02 Contacts – Party and Candidates 1972
El 136-03 Blue Line File 1972
El 136-04 Barrett Press Releases 1972
El 136-05 Press Releases [Provincial Office, not Barrett?] 1972
El 136-06 Barrett Releases 1972
El 136-07 Radio 1972
El 136-08 Affiliates 1972
El 136-09 Circulars 1972
El 136-10 Hans‟ Finance Election 1972

El 137-01 Negatives of Barrett [Photos] 1972

El 137-02 Fotheringham and Wasserman [Clippings] 1972
El 137-03 Issues [Clippings] 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 137-04 Socreds [Clippings] 1972
El 137-05 Barrett [Clippings] 1972
El 137-06 Bennett [Clippings] 1972
El 137-07 Barrett Bibliography 1972
El 137-08 Religion – Cards etc. 1972
El 137-09 Candidates Press Releases 1972
El 137-10 Itinerary – Final Draft 1972
El 137-11 Itinerary and Travel Arrangements 1972
El 137-12 Correspondence 1972
El 137-13 Twigg Correspondence 1972
El 137-14 D.B. Correspondence – Labour Policy 1972
El 137-15 D.B. Correspondence 1972
El 137-16 CBC Free Time – Williams‟ File 1972

El 138-01 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972

El 138-02 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972
El 138-03 [Loose Electoral Districts Maps] 1972
El 138-04 The Barrett Bible [notebook diary of Barrett‟s 1972
activities during the election]
El 138-05 Election – General [Clippings] 1972
El 138-06 Ads 1972
El 138-07 NDP [Clippings] 1972

El 139-01 Liberals and Tories 1972

El 139-02 3: Comox Alberni 1972
El 139-03 5: Fraser Valley East 1972
El 139-04 7: Kamloops-Cariboo 1972
El 139-05 9: Okanagan-Kootenay 1972
El 139-06 11: Kootenay – West 1972
El 139-07 13: Nanaimo, Cowichan and the Islands 1972
El 139-08 15: New Westminster 1972
El 139-09 17: Skeena 1972
El 139-10 19: Surrey 1972
El 139-11 21: Vancouver Centre 1972
El 139-12 25: Capilano 1972
El 139-13 29: Victoria 1972
El 139-14 31: Coast-Chilcotin 1972
El 139-15 33: Fraser Valley – West 1972
El 139-16 35: Burnaby-Richmond 1972
El 139-17 37: Vancouver – Quadra 1972
El 139-18 41: Okanagan-Boundary 1972
El 139-19 43: Esquimalt-Saanich 1972
El 139-20 45: Vancouver – Kingsway 1972

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 139-21 Re – Work Nights 1972

El 140-01 Golden Speech – Resources and Provincial Council 1972

El 140-02 [Untitled Notebook] 1972
El 140-03 Kickoff Press Conference, Prince George- 1972
Smithers, Expenses and [1 Untitled, Notebooks]

El 140-04 Auto Insurance Press Release (July 22) 1972

El 140-05 Auto Insurance Press Release – New Westminster 1972
El 140-06 Auto Insurance Press Release (Trail) 1972
El 140-07 Auto Insurance Press Release (Salmon Arm) 1972
El 140-08 Auto Insurance Press Release (Kamloops) 1972
El 140-09 Auto Insurance Press Release (Terrace) 1972
El 140-10 Auto Insurance Press Release (Hope) 1972
El 140-11 Civil Servants Press Release 1972
El 140-12 Policy Statement – Education 1972
El 140-13 Environment Press Release 1972
El 140-14 Gasoline Rates Press Release 1972
El 140-15 Kootenay and Elk Railway 1972
El 140-16 Policy Statements – Northern Affairs 1972
El 140-17 Policy Statement – Labour 1972
El 140-18 Labour Press Release 1972
El 140-19 Land Use Press Release 1972
El 140-20 Northern Development 1972
El 140-21 Oil Press Release 1972
El 140-22 Pension Press Release 1972
El 140-23 Speakers Notes 1972
El 140-24 Religion Press Release 1972
El 140-25 Wildlife Press Release 1972
EC 141-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1973
EC 141-02 4-1 Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1973
EC 141-03 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 1] 1973
EC 141-04 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 2] 1973
EC 141-05 4-2 MP Reports and Correspondence [Part 3] 1973
EC 141-06 4-3 Non-BC MP Reports 1973
EC 141-07 [Loose papers re: federal leader David Lewis] 1973
Er 141-08 5-1 Provincial Officers Minutes 1973
Er 141-09 5-2 Provincial Officers Correspondence 1973
Er 141-10 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1973
CC 141-11 7-1 Provincial Council Minutes 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 142-01 7-2 Provincial Council Correspondence 1973
Er 142-02 1-3 Federal Office 1973
Er 142-03 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1973
Er 142-04 2-2 Federal Council Correspondence 1973
Er 142-05 2-3 Financial Statements 1973
Er 142-06 2-4 Federal Election Planning Committee 1973
Er 142-07 3-1 Federal Riding General 1973
Er 142-08 [Loose papers re: federal finances] 1973
Ca 142-09 3-2 Federal Ridings Correspondence 1973
Er 142-10 [Loose papers re: federal activities] 1973
CC 142-11 7-3 Provincial Council Budget 1973
ER 142-12 8-1 Secretary‟s Form Letter to President 1973
CA 142-13 8-02 to 8-16; Provincial Constituency 1973
CA 142-14 8-18 to 8-28; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 142-15 8-18 to 8-28; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 2]

CA 143-01 8-30 to 8-40; Provincial Constituency 1973

Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 143-02 8-30 to 8-40; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 143-03 [Loose papers re: provincial constituency 1973
ER 143-04 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes 1973
ER 143-05 1-2 Federal Executive Correspondence 1973
CC 143-06 [Loose papers re: provincial council minutes] 1973

CA 143-07 8-54 to 8-70; Provincial Constituency 1973

Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 143-08 8-54 to 8-70; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 143-09 8-72 to 8-84; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 143-10 8-72 to 8-84; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 2]

CA 144-01 8-86 to 8-96; Provincial Constituency 1973

Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 144-02 8-86 to 8-96; Provincial Constituency 1973
Correspondence [Part 2]
EC 144-03 9-1 Ministries Correspondence [Part 1] 1973
EC 144-04 9-1 Ministries Correspondence [Part 2] 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

EC 144-05 9-2 1973
EC 144-06 9-3 MLAs at Work 1973
EC 144-07 9-4 Chairman of Caucus 1973
EC 144-08 9-6 Premier‟s Tour 1973
EC 144-09 9-7 John Twigg 1973
EC 144-10 Correspondence – Non-Resident 98 1973
CC 144-11 Northern Council 1973
CC 144-12 10-2 Central Interior Region 1973
CC 144-13 10-3 Island Region 1973
CC 144-14 10-5 Lower Mainland Region 1973
CC 144-15 10-6 North Shore Region 1973
RG 144-16 11-1 Alberta 1973
RG 144-17 11-4 Ontario 1973
RG 144-18 11-5 Quebec 1973
RG 144-19 11-6 Maritimes 1973
RG 144-20 11-8 Out of Country 1973

GC 145-01 12-1 Provincial General Correspondence 1973

CC 145-02 12-5 Convention Mailings 1973
CC 145-03 Policy Papers 1973
CC 145-04 Kit Originals 1973
CC 145-05 Hotel Vancouver 1973
CC 145-06 [Loose papers re: ministerial correspondence] 1973
CC 145-07 12-1 Provincial Convention Correspondence 1973
CC 145-08 Federal Convention 1973
CC 145-09 Provincial Convention 1973
CC 145-10 Hotel Vancouver Information 1973
CC 145-11 12-2 Convention Budget 1973

CC 146-01 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 1] 1973

CC 146-02 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 2] 1973
CC 146-03 12-6 Federal Convention [Part 3] 1973
RG 146-04 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence 1973
RG 146-05 13-2 BC Federation of Labour 1973
RG 146-06 13-3 Briefs 1973
RG 146-07 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1973
RG 146-08 13-5 Non-Affiliates 1973
RG 146-09 13-6 Labour-Liaison Committee 1973
RG 146-10 14-1 YND Minutes 1973
RG 146-11 14-2 YND Correspondence 1973
RG 146-12 15-1 General Information 1973
RG 146-13 12-4 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RG 147-01 15-1 General Information 1973
OA 147-02 16-1 Organizers 1973
147-03 12-3 1973 Delegate Entitlement 1973

CC 147-04 17-8 Political Action Committee 1973

CC 147-05 16-2 Election Instructions 1973
CC 147-06 16-3 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing 1973
CC 147-07 16-3 LMOC 1973
CC 147-08 16-4 Federal Electoral Committee 1973
CC 147-09 [Miscellaneous papers] 1973
Me 147-10 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretaries 1973
Me 147-11 17-2 Membership Counts and Targets 1973
Me 147-12 [Loose papers re: membership] 1973
El 147-13 18-1 Federal Election Upcoming [Part 1] 1973
El 147-14 18-1 Federal Election Upcoming [Part 2] 1973
El 147-15 18-2 BC By-Election 1973

El 148-01 By-elections 1973

CC 148-02 19-1 V.A.C. [Vancouver Area Council] 1973
RG 148-03 19-2 F.A.S.T [For All Surrey Team] 1973
RG 148-04 19-3 C.O.P.E. [Committee of Progressive 1973
RP 148-05 19-4 Municipal Politics General 1973
OA 148-06 17-8 Data Processing 1973
RP 148-07 20-2 Democrat Correspondence 1973
RP 148-08 20-3 Democrat Production 1973
RP 148-09 20-4 Other Publications [Part 1] 1973
RP 148-10 20-4 Other Publications [Part 2] 1973
CC 148-11 21-1 EPC Minutes 1973
CC 148-12 21-2 EPC Correspondence 1973
CC 148-13 22-1 Policy Committee Minutes 1973
CC 148-14 22-2 Policy Committee Correspondence 1973
CC 148-15 22-3 Policy Committee Reports 1973
CC 148-16 23-1 Environmental Committees 1973
RG 148-17 23-4 Burnaby Tenants Association 1973
RG 148-18 23-5 Vietnam Action Committee 1973
CC 148-19 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1973

CC 149-01 23-8 Women‟s‟ Committees 1973

CC 149-02 [Loose Papers re: Douglas-Coldwell Foundation] 1973
RP 149-03 25-0 Ministry of Agriculture Press Releases [Part 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 149-04 25-0 Ministry of Agriculture Press Releases [Part 1973
RP 149-05 25-0 Attorney General Press Releases 1973
RP 149-06 25-0 Consumer Affairs 1973
RP 149-07 25-0 Education Press Releases 1973
RP 149-08 25-0 Health Press Releases 1973
RP 149-09 25-0 Highways Press Releases 1973
RP 149-10 25-0 Minister Without Portfolio/Housing 1973
RP 149-11 25-0 Human Resources Press Releases [Part 1] 1973
RP 149-12 25-0 Human Resources Press Releases [Part 2] 1973
RP 149-13 25-0 Labour Press Release 1973

RP 150-01 25-0 Land Forests Press Releases 1973

RP 150-02 25-0 Mines Press Releases 1973
RP 150-03 25-0 Municipal Affairs Press Releases 1973
RP 150-04 25-0 Premier‟s Press Releases 1973
RP 150-05 25-0 Provincial Secretary Press Releases 1973
RP 150-06 25-0 Public Works Press Releases [Part 1] 1973
RP 150-07 25-0 Public Works Press Releases [Part 2] 1973
RP 150-08 25-0 Recreation and Conservation 1973
RP 150-09 Transportation and Communications 1973
EC 150-10 25-0 Travel Press Release 1973
EC 150-11 25-0 Weekly Summary 1973

EC 150-12 25-1 BC NDP 1973

EC 150-13 25-2 BC NDP Caucus 1973
EC 150-14 25-3 Federal NDP 1973
EC 150-15 25-4 Federal NDP Caucus 1973

RP 151-01 25-6 CLC 1973

RP 151-02 25-5 BC Federation Press Releases 1973
RP 151-03 25-7 [Part 1] 1973
RP 151-04 25-7 [Part 2] 1973
RP 151-05 25-7 [Part 3] 1973
RP 151-06 25-8 1973
RP 151-07 80-1 Literature Requests 1973
RP 151-08 80-1-A: [Information from] Action Canada 1973
RP 151-09 80-1-B [Information from] Liberal Party 1973
RP 151-10 80-1-C [Information from] Progressive 1973
Conservative Party
RP 151-11 80-1-D [Information from] Social Credit Party 1973
RP 151-12 80-1-E [Information from] New Democratic Party 1973

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 152-01 80-1-E Pamphlets 1973
RP 152-02 80-1-F 1972 US Election Brochures 1973
RP 152-03 80-2 Requests for Speakers 1973
RP 152-04 80-3 Advertisements [Part 1] 1973
RP 152-05 80-3 Advertisements [Part 2] 1973
RP 152-06 80-4 Opinions 1973
RP 152-07 90-1 General Information Sheets and Pamphlets 1973
from Provincial Office
OA 152-08 100 Services 1973
FR 152-09 F-27-D C.I.S Insurance Policies, 1973-1974 [CC- 1973
operative Insurance Services]
FR 152-10 [Loose Cheque Stubs from Broadway 1971-1973
Commonwealth Society]

FR 153-01 [Loose insurance policies for BCNDP and BCS] 1973

FR 153-02 [Untitled folder of BCS materials from the 1960s] 1960-1970
FR 153-03 Specification of Building for Commonwealth [1960?]
FR 153-04 1881 Building Transfer 1970
FR 153-05 Correspondence re: Donation of part of 2nd 1970
Meeting Debenture
FR 153-06 Broadway Commonwealth Society [1960s?]
FR 153-07 BCS etc. Work Papers 1971
FR 153-08 Commonwealth, BCS and Democrat Statements 1970
FR 153-09 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence 1947-1973
[Part 1]
FR 153-10 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence 1947-1973
[Part 2]
FR 153-11 Commonwealth Society General Correspondence 1947-1973
[Part 3]
FR 153-12 Commonwealth Society – Minutes 1966-1973
FR 153-13 517- BCS Financial Reports to 1973 1960-1972

FR 154-01 BCS Minutes to 1973 1960-1972

FR 154-02 BCS 517 Correspondence to 1973 1960-1973
FR 154-03 BCS 517 and 1881 Correspondence to 1973 1968-1973
FR 154-04 BCS 1881 Correspondence to 1973 1971-1973
FR 154-05 F-27-B Financial Statements 517 and 1881 to 1969-1973
FR 154-06 1972-1973 CIS 1973
FR 154-07 T-5 1972 1973

ER 155-01 1-3 Ed Broadbent, 1-1 Federal Executive Minutes, 1974

1-2 Federal Executive Correspondence

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 155-02 Federal Executive – Scotton
CC 155-03 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 1]
CC 155-04 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 2]
CC 155-05 2-1 Federal Council Minutes, 2-2 Federal Council 1974
Correspondence [Part 3]
CA 155-06 Federal Riding Associations – General 1974
CA 155-07 3-2 All Federal Ridings in Alphabetical Order 1974
CA 155-08 [Raymond] Rogers 1974
CA 155-09 Tom Barnett, MP Comox-Alberni, Tommy Douglas 1974
Nanaimo, H. Olaussen, Mark Rose – Fraser Valley
EC 155-10 4-1 MPs at Work (Ottawa) 1974

EC 156-01 4-4 Federal Leader 1974

ER 156-02 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1974
ER 156-03 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Reports 1974
ER 156-04 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1974
ER 156-05 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1974
CC 156-06 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes 1974
CC 156-07 7-2 Secretary‟s Report 1974
CC 156-08 7-2 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1974
CC 156-09 7-3 Provincial Council – Budget 1974
CA 156-10 8-1 Provincial Constituency Form Letters to 1974
President, Secretary, Treasurer
CA 156-11 Alberni 1974
CA 156-12 Atlin 1974
CA 156-13 Boundary-Similkameen 1974
CA 156-14 Burnaby – Edmonds 1974
CA 156-15 Burnaby – North 1974

CA 157-01 Burnaby – Willingdon 1974

CA 157-02 Cariboo 1974
CA 157-03 Chilliwack 1974
CA 157-04 Columbia River 1974
CA 157-05 Comox 1974
CA 157-06 Coquitlam 1974
CA 157-07 Cowichan-Malahat 1974
CA 157-08 Delta 1974
CA 157-09 Dewdney 1974
CA 157-10 Esquimalt 1974
CA 157-11 Fort George 1974
CA 157-12 Kamloops 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 157-13 Revelstoke 1974
CA 157-14 Kootenay 1974
CA 157-15 Langley 1974
CA 157-16 Mackenzie 1974
CA 157-17 Nanaimo 1974
CA 157-18 Nelson 1974
CA 157-19 New Westminster 1974
CA 157-20 North Okanagon 1974
CA 157-21 North Peace River 1974
CA 157-22 North Vancouver – Capilano 1974

CA 158-01 North Vancouver – Seymour 1974

CA 158-02 Oak Bay 1974
CA 158-03 Omineca 1974
CA 158-04 Prince Rupert 1974
CA 158-05 Saanich 1974
CA 158-06 Richmond 1974
CA 158-07 Rossland and Trail 1974
CA 158-08 Shushwap 1974
CA 158-09 Skeena 1974
CA 158-10 South Okanagon 1974
CA 158-11 South Peace River 1974
CA 158-12 Surrey 1974
CA 158-13 Vancouver-Burrard 1974
CA 158-14 Vancouver-Centre 1974
CA 158-15 Vancouver-East 1974
CA 158-16 Vancouver Little Mountain 1974
CA 158-17 Vancouver Point Grey 1974
CA 158-18 Vancouver South 1974
CA 158-19 Victoria 1974
CA 158-20 West Van Howe Sound 1974
CA 158-21 Yale Lillooet 1974
CA 158-22 Chartered Clubs 1974

EC 159-01 [Miscellaneous 1974 Materials] 1974

EC 159-02 9-1 Provincial Legislature – Correspondence 1974
EC 159-03 9-2 Provincial Legislature – MLA Correspondence 1974
EC 159-04 9-3 Provincial Legislature – MLA‟s at Work 1974
CC 159-05 10-1 Regional Council – Northern 1974
CC 159-06 10-4 Regional Council – Kootenay 1974
CC 159-07 10-7 Regional Council – To All Regions 1974
CC 159-08 10-8 Lower Island 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RG 159-09 11-1 Alberta 1974
RG 159-10 11-2 Saskatchewan 1974
RG 159-11 62-5 Ontario NDP 1974
RG 159-12 11-6 Maritimes 1974
RG 159-13 11-3 Manitoba [Part 1] 1974
RG 159-14 11-3 Manitoba [Part 2] 1974
RG 159-15 11-3 Manitoba [Part 3, 1974 Manitoba Provincial 1974
CC 159-16 11-3 Manitoba [Part 4] 1974

CC 160-01 1974 Convention [Part 1] 1974

CC 160-02 1974 Convention [Part 2] 1974
CC 160-03 1974 Convention [Part 3] 1974
CC 160-04 1974 Convention [Part 4] 1974
CC 160-05 Run on Convention Site 1974
CC 160-06 12-7 1974 Convention – Policy Passed 1974
CC 160-07 Convention 1974 – Advertising 1974
CC 160-08 11-7 Nova Scotia 1974
CC 160-09 11-8 Out of Country 1974
CC 160-10 1974 Delegate Entitlement 1974
CC 160-11 [Correspondence] to and From Convention 1974
CC 160-12 Convention Mailings 1974
CC 160-13 Late Resolutions and Unauthorized 1974
CC 160-14 Originals [Part 1, Convention notes including, 1974
1973 Convention Minutes]
CC 160-15 Originals [Part 2, 1974 New Democratic Party 1974
Policy, Passed by Convention and Council, 1971-
CC 160-16 Originals [Part 3, Convention Notes] 1974

RG 161-01 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence 1974

RG 161-02 13-3 Union Briefs 1974
RG 161-03 14-1 YND Minutes 1974
RG 161-04 14-2 YND Correspondence 1974
CC 161-05 Mini Education Convention 1974
OA 161-06 16-1 Frank Nolan 1974
OA 161-07 Richard Von Fuchs 1974
OA 161-08 16-1 Organizers Correspondence 1974
CC 161-09 16-3 Lower Mainland Organizing Committee 1974
CC 161-10 16-5 BC Progress 1974
Me 161-11 17-2 Membership Counts and Progress 1974
Me 161-12 Membership Fee Structure 1974
Me 161-13 17-1 Form letters to Membership Secretaries 1974
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Me 161-14 17-2 Membership Secretaries 1974
Me 161-15 17-2 Membership Reports 1974
Me 161-16 17-3 [Membership] Transfers [Part 1] 1974
Me 161-17 17-3 [Membership] Transfers [Part 2] 1974
El 161-18 18-1 Federal Elections 1974
El 161-19 18-5 By-elections 1974

Me 162-01 17-7 MICR [Computerized Membership Processing 1974

System] Correspondence (Ed Stines – Toronto)
[Part 1]
Me 162-02 17-7 MICR [Computerized Membership Processing 1974
System] Correspondence (Ed Stines – Toronto)
[Part 2]

CC 162-03 19-1 Vancouver Area Council 1974

Mi 162-04 19-4 [Unfiled planning document from the City of 1974
RP 162-05 20-1, Democrat Correspondence; 20-2 Democrat 1974
RP 162-06 20-4 Other Publications 1974
CC 162-07 22-3 [Executive Standing Committees] 1974
CC 162-08 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1974
CC 162-09 23-8 Women‟s Committee 1974
CC 162-10 23-10 Democrat Committee 1974
CC 162-11 23-12 Labour Liaison Committee 1974
CC 162-12 23-15 Education Committee 1974
CC 162-13 23-15 Education Policy 1974
CC 162-14 23-16 Human Resources Committee 1974
CC 162-15 23-17 Policy Review [Part 1] 1974
CC 162-16 23-17 Policy Review [Part 2] 1974
CC 162-17 23-21 Constitution and By-laws 1974
EC 162-18 25-0 Minister Agriculture 1974
EC 162-19 25-0 Attorney-General 1974
EC 162-20 25-0 Minister Travel 1974
EC 162-21 25-4 Federal NDP Caucus – House of Commons 1974

RG 163-01 25-5 BC Federation of Labour 1974

Me 163-02 17-8 June 1972 – December 1974 Journal Entries 1974
for PAC
RP 163-03 25-8 Miscellaneous Press Releases 1974
RP 163-04 [Unfiled Miscellaneous Press Releases] 1974
RP 163-05 Majority Movement 1974
RP 163-06 Socred Party 1974
RP 163-07 80-1 Literature Requests 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 163-08 80-3 Advertising [Part 1] 1974
RP 163-09 80-3 Advertising [Part 2] 1974
RP 163-10 80-4 Opinions and Suggestions 1974
RP 163-11 80-5 Newspaper Clippings 1974
RP 163-12 25-0 Minister Education 1974
RP 163-13 25-0 Minister Finance 1974
RP 163-14 25-0 Minister Transport and Communications 1974
RP 163-15 25-0 Minster Consumer Affairs 1974
RP 163-16 25-0 Minister Health 1974
RP 164-01 25-0 Minister Highways [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-02 25-0 Minister Highways [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-03 25-0 Minister Housing 1974
RP 164-04 25-0 Minister Human Resources 1974
RP 164-05 25-0 Minister Industrial Development 1974
RP 164-06 25-0 Minister Labour 1974
RP 164-07 25-0 Minister Lands 1974
RP 164-08 25-0 Minister Mines 1974
RP 164-09 25-0 Minister Municipal Affairs 1974
RP 164-10 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-11 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-12 25-0 Premier‟s Office [Part 3] 1974
RP 164-13 25-0 Provincial Secretary 1974
RP 164-14 25-0 Minister Public Works [Part 1] 1974
RP 164-15 25-0 Minister Public Works [Part 2] 1974
RP 164-16 25-0 Minister Recreation and Conservation 1974

CA 165-01 18-6 Ron Anderson, Kamloops-Cariboo 1974

CA 165-02 18-6 Don Barker, Comox-Alberni 1974
CA 165-03 18-6 Jean Daem, Burnaby-Richmond-Delta 1974
CA 165-04 18-6 Tommy Douglas Cowichan North and the 1974
CA 165-05 18-6 Leonard L Friesen, Surrey 1974
CA 165-06 18-6 Ran Harding 1974
CA 165-07 18-6 Frank Howard, Skeena 1974
CA 165-08 18-6 Ron Johnson, Vancouver Center 1974
CA 165-09 18-6 Roger Howard, Vancouver South 1974
CA 165-10 18-6 Peter James, Victoria 1974
CA 165-11 Stu Leggatt [Dewdney] 1974
CA 165-12 18-6 Peter Maksylewich, Okanagan Kootenay 1974
CA 165-13 David Menzies, Fraser Valley East 1974
CA 165-14 Lawrence Minchin, Capilano 1974
CA 165-15 Dennis Mulroney, Vancouver Kingsway 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 165-16 Paddy Neale, Vancouver – East 1974
CA 165-17 Ed Nelson, Burnaby – Seymour 1974
CA 165-18 Nigel Nixon, Vancouver – Quadra 1974
CA 165-19 Harry Olaussen, Coast-Chilcotin 1974
CA 165-20 Mark Rose, Fraser Valley – West 1974
CA 165-21 Bob Stevenson, Prince George-Peace River 1974
CA 165-22 Arnett Tuffs, Okanagan – Boundary 1974
CA 165-23 Peter Smart, Esquimalt-Saanich 1974
CA 165-24 Provincial Office Election Bulletins 1974

El 166-01 Mailings 1974

El 166-02 Mailings to Federal Office 1974
El 166-03 Speaker‟s Notes 1974
El 166-04 Election School Info 1974
El 166-05 Candidates 1974
El 166-06 Campaign Managers 1974
El 166-07 Campaign Offices 1974
El 166-08 Federal Election Organizers 1974
El 166-09 Central Leaflet Orders 1974
El 166-10 Press Releases 1974
El 166-11 Lewis Tours 1974
El 166-12 1974 Elections Act 1974
El 166-13 Media 1974
El 166-14 Federal Election Results 1974
El 166-14 Other Parties 1974
El 166-15 Returning Officers 1974
El 166-16 [Miscellaneous loose papers regard 1974 federal 1974
El 166-17 Federal Election 1974
El 166-18 [Miscellaneous papers regarding 1974 federal 1974
El 166-19 Vancouver East Federal Riding 1974
El 166-20 Federal Election Expenses Act [Part 1] 1974
El 166-21 Federal Election Expenses Act [Part 2] 1974
El 167-01 [Miscellaneous loose papers regarding 1974 1974
federal election]
El 167-02 [Miscellaneous loose papers regarding 1974 1974
federal election]

El 167-03 Federal Election – Media 1974

El 167-04 Federal Election 1974
El 167-05 Lewis Tour 1974

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 167-05 Election Central 1974
El 167-06 Federal Caucus – Caucus Tour 1974
El 167-07 Federal Election 1974
El 167-08 Cliff Scotton 1974
El 167-09 Frank Nolan 1974
El 167-10 Federal Minutes 1974
El 167-11 Leader‟s Tour – Lewis 1974
El 167-12 Election Expenses Act 1974
El 167-13 Federal Election Planning 1974
El 167-14 Federal Election Planning 1974
El 167-15 [Loose census data from Statistics Canada [1974?]
relating to federal ridings in BC]
El 167-16 [Loose census data from Statistics Canada [1974?]
relating to federal ridings in BC]

El 168-01 [Loose speaker‟s notes] [1975?]

El 168-02 Speaker‟s Notes [Part 1] 1975
El 168-03 Speaker‟s Notes [Part 2] 1975
El 168-04 [Speaker‟s Notes] 1975
El 168-05 [Speaker‟s Notes] 1975
El 168-06 [Miscellaneous] 1975
El 168-07 Organizers 1972
El 168-08 Harold Winch Election Fund 1972
El 168-09 Budget 1972
El 168-10 [Miscellaneous relating to 1972 election] 1972
El 168-11 Leader‟s Tour 1972
El 168-12 Election Finance 1972
El 168-13 Car Leases 1972
El 168-14 Mcruer 1972
El 168-15 Laxton 1972
El 168-16 Quotas 1972
El 168-17 Mini-Program 1972
El 168-18 Education Leaflet 1972
El 168-19 Central Leaflet 1972
El 168-20 All Constituencies – Pre-Election Campaign 1975
El 168-21 Election 75 – Miscellaneous 1975

El 169-01 Election 75 – Leader‟s Tour 1975

169-02 1975 Election – Coquitlam [Recount] Appeal for 1975
D. Barrett
El 169-03 Election 75 – Organizers 1975

El 169-04 Daily Social Credit Thing 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 169-05 Atlin 1975
CA 169-06 Boundary-Similkameen 1975
CA 169-07 Burnaby – Willingdon 1975
CA 169-08 Burnaby – North 1975
CA 169-09 Burnaby – Edmonds 1975
CA 169-10 Cariboo 1975
CA 169-11 Chilliwack 1975
CA 169-12 Columbia River 1975
CA 169-13 Comox 1975
CA 169-14 Coquitlam 1975
CA 169-15 Cowichan Malahat 1975
CA 169-16 Delta 1975
CA 169-17 Dewdney 1975
CA 169-18 Fort George 1975
CA 169-19 Kamloops 1975
CA 169-20 Kootenay 1975
CA 169-21 Langley 1975
CA 169-22 Mackenzie 1975
CA 169-23 Nanaimo 1975
CA 169-24 Nelson-Creston 1975
CA 169-25 New Westminster 1975
CA 169-26 Vancouver – South 1975
CA 169-27 North Okanagan 1975
CA 169-28 North Peace River 1975
CA 169-29 North Vancouver – Capilano 1975
CA 169-30 North Vancouver – Seymour 1975
CA 169-31 Omineca 1975
CA 169-32 Prince Rupert 1975
CA 169-33 Revelstoke-Slocan 1975
CA 169-34 Richmond 1975
CA 169-35 Rossland-Trail 1975
CA 169-36 Shushwap 1975
CA 169-37 South Okanagan 1975
CA 169-38 South Peace River 1975
CA 169-39 Surrey 1975
CA 169-40 Vancouver – Centre 1975
CA 169-41 Vancouver – East 1975
CA 169-42 Vancouver – Little Mountain 1975
CA 169-43 Vancouver – Point Grey 1975
CA 169-44 West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1975
CA 169-45 Yale Lilloett 1975

El 170-01 [Loose papers relating to 1975 election] 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 170-02 18-2 Election info 1975
El 170-03 Biographies – Candidates 1975
El 170-04 [Loose materials related to election telephone 1975
El 170-05 [Loose materials related to election telephone 1975
El 170-06 Bulletins [Part 1] 1975
El 170-07 Bulletins [Part 2] 1975
El 170-08 [Miscellaneous loose papers relating to election] 1975
El 170-09 Election Instructions (Samples) 1975
El 170-10 Form Letters 1975
El 170-11 Campaign Literature 1975
El 170-12 Press Releases 1975
El 170-13 Press Releases, Copies [Part 1] 1975
El 170-14 Press Releases, Copies [Part 2] 1975

CC 171-01 12-1 General Correspondence (1975 Provincial 1975

CC 171-02 1975 Convention 1975
CC 171-03 12-2 Budget (1975 Provincial Convention) 1975
CC 171-04 12-3 Delegate Entitlement (Provincial Convention 1975
CC 171-05 12-5 Convention Mailings 1975
RP 171-06 9-1 Department of Agriculture 1975
RP 171-07 9-1 Attorney-General Department 1975
RP 171-08 9-1 Department of Consumer Affairs 1975
RP 171-09 9-1 Department of Finance 1975
RP 171-10 9-1 Department of Highways 1975
RP 171-11 9-1 Human Resources: Department of Rehab and 1975
Social Improvement
RP 171-12 9-1 Department of Industrial Development 1975
RP 171-13 9-1 Department of Labour 1975
RP 171-14 9-1 Department of Mines 1975
RP 171-15 9-1 Department of Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 171-16 9-1 Department of Northern Affairs 1975
RP 171-17 9-1 Office of the Premier 1975
RP 171-18 9-1Department of the Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 171-19 9-1 Department of Public Works 1975
RP 171-20 9-1 Department of Transport and Communication 1975
EC 171-21 9-2 Barnes 1975
EC 171-22 9-2 Gabelmann 1975
EC 171-23 9-2 Lea 1975
EC 171-24 9-2 Lockstead 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

EC 172-01 9-3 MLAS At Work 1975
EC 172-02 9-4 Chairman of Caucus 1975
EC 172-03 9-5 Provincial Caucus Tours 1975
EC 172-04 9-6 Premier‟s Tours 1975
EC 172-05 9-7 John Twigg 1975
EC 172-06 9-8 Provincial Legislature – Bryan McIver 1975
OA 172-07 10-3 Invitations to Staff 1975
El 172-08 16-2 Election Instructions 1975
CC 172-09 16-3 Lower Mainland Organizing Committee 1975
RP 172-10 16-6 The Generator 1975
RP 172-11 16-7 Bulletins 1975
Mi 172-12 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1975
CC 172-13 20-4 Railway Brief 1975
CC 172-14 22-3 Policy Committee Briefs 1975
CC 172-15 23-10 Democrat Committee 1975
CC 172-16 23-4 Burnaby Tenants 1975
CC 172-17 23-7 Miscellaneous Committees 1975
RP 172-18 25-0 Minister of Agriculture 1975
RP 172-19 25-0 Attorney-General 1975
RP 172-20 25-0 Minister of Consumer Affairs 1975
RP 172-21 25-0 Minister of Education 1975
RP 172-22 25-0 Minister of Finance 1975
RP 172-23 25-0 Minister of Health 1975

RP 173-01 25-0 Minister of Highways 1975

RP 173-02 25-0 Minister of Housing 1975
RP 173-03 25-0 Minister of Human Resources 1975
RP 173-04 25-0 Minister of Labour 1975
RP 173-05 25-0 Minister of Lands 1975
RP 173-06 25-0 Minister of Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 173-07 25-0 Minister of Northern Affairs 1975
RP 173-08 25-0 Premier‟s Office 1975
RP 173-09 25-0 Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 173-10 25-0 Minister of Public Works 1975
RP 173-11 25-0 Minister of Recreation and Conservation 1975
RP 173-12 25-0 Minister of Transport and Communication 1975
RP 173-13 25-0 Minister of Travel 1975
RP 173-14 25-1 BCNDP 1975
RP 173-15 Federal NDP 1975
RP 173-16 25-8 Miscellaneous Press Releases 1975
RP 173-17 25-9 Women at Work 1975
RP 173-18 25-10 Government Agent Information 1975
RP 173-19 25-11 Provincial Government Orders-in-Council 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

GC 174-01 January 1973 Day By Day Correspondence 1973

GC 174-02 February 1973 Day By Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-03 March 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-04 April 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-05 May 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-06 June 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-07 July 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-08 August 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-09 September 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-10 October 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-11 November 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973
GC 174-12 December 1973 Day by Day Correspondence 1973

GC 175-01 January 1974 Day By Day Correspondence 1974

GC 175-02 February 1974 Day By Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-03 March 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-04 April 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-05 May 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-06 June 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-07 July 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-08 August 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-09 September 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-10 October 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974
GC 175-11 November 1974 Day by Day Correspondence 1974

GC 176-01 January 1975 Day By Day Correspondence 1975

GC 176-02 February 1975 Day By Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-03 March 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-04 April 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-05 May 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-06 June 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-07 July 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-08 August 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-09 September 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-10 October 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-11 November 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975
GC 176-12 December 1975 Day by Day Correspondence 1975

OA 177-01 Master File Index 1975

ER 177-02 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes 1974-1975
ER 177-03 5-2 Presidents – Correspondence 1975
ER 177-04 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 1] 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 177-05 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 2] 1975
ER 177-06 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1975
ER 177-07 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1974-1975
ER 177-08 6-A1 Provincial Executive 1975
ER 177-09 6-2 Provincial Executive Correspondence 1975
CC 177-10 7-1 Provincial Council Minutes 1975
CC 177-11 7-A1 Provincial Council Agenda and Meeting 1975
CC 177-12 7-2 Secretary‟s Reports 1975
CC 177-13 7-3 Provincial Council Correspondence 1975
CC 177-14 8-1 Provincial Constituencies Form Letters [from] 1975
President, Secretary, Treasurer
CC 177-15 7-4 Provincial Council Budget 1975
CA 177-16 8-1-Constituency Questionnaires and Surveys 1975

CA 178-01 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies ]: Chilliwack 1975

(16) to Dewdney (28) [Part 1]
CA 178-02 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies]: Chilliwack 1975
(16) to Dewdney (28) [Part 2]
CA 178-03 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies]: Esquimalt 1975
(30) to Mackenzie (42) [Part 1]
CA 178-04 5-1 to 8-8 [Provincial Constituencies ?]: 1975
Esquimalt (30) to Mackenzie (42) [Part 2]
CA 178-05 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) 1975
to Cariboo (14) [Part 1]
CA 178-06 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) 1975
to Cariboo (14) [Part 2]
CA 178-07 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Alberni (02) 1975
to Cariboo (14) [Part 3]
CA 178-08 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo 1975
(44) to Prince Rupert (62) [Part 1]
CA 178-09 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo 1975
(44) to Prince Rupert (62) [Part 2]
CA 178-10 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo 1975
(44) to Prince Rupert (62) [Part 3]

CA 279-01 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond 1975

(64) to Vancouver East (84) [Part 1]
CA 179-02 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond 1975
(64) to Vancouver East (84) [Part 2]
CA 179-03 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Richmond 1975
(64) to Vancouver East (84) [Part 3]
CA 179-04 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Vancouver 1975
Little Mountain (86) to Out of Province (98) [Part

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 179-05 5-1 to 8-8, Provincial Constituencies: Nanaimo 1975
(44) to Prince Rupert (62) (14) [Part 2]
CA 179-06 [Miscellaneous loose material including master 1975
file index from 1973]

CC 179-07 [Miscellaneous loose material relating to the 1974-1976

NDP‟s labour policies]
CC 179-08 [Miscellaneous loose material relating to the 1974-1976
NDP‟s labour sub-committee]

CC 180-01 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 6 1975

and 13/75
CC 180-02 15-1 Present Policy, Feb/75 1975
CC 180-03 Letter April 15/75 1975
CC 180-04 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 1975
CC 180-05 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, April 1975
CC 180-06 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes, February 1975
CC 180-07 [Labour Policy Sub-Committee] Minutes January 1975
CC 180-08 15-2 Resolutions 75 Convention 1975
RP 180-09 Legislation, 74 1975

RP 180-10 Agriculture 1975

RP 180-11 Attorney-General 1975
RP 180-12 Consumer Services 1975
RP 180-13 Education 1975
RP 180-14 Economic Development 1975
RP 180-15 Finance 1975
RP 180-16 Health 1975
RP 180-17 Highways 1975
RP 180-18 Housing 1975

RP 181-01 Human Resources 1975

RP 181-02 Labour [Part 1] 1975
RP 181-03 Labour [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-04 Mining 1975
RP 181-05 Municipal Affairs 1975
RP 181-06 Northern Affairs and Nunweiler‟s Column [Part 1] 1975
RP 181-07 Northern Affairs and Nunweiler‟s Column [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-08 Premier 1975

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 181-09 Provincial Secretary 1975
RP 181-10 Public Works [Part1] 1975
RP 181-11 Public Works [Part 2] 1975
RP 181-12 [Lands, Forests and Resources] 1975

RP 182-01 Recreation 1975

RP 182-02 Transportation and ICBC 1975
RP 182-03 Travel Industry 1975
EC 182-04 MLAs At Work 1975
EC 182-05 MLA Reports 1975
EC 182-06 NDP Releases – Other Provinces 1975
EC 182-07 Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1975
EC 182-08 Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1975
EC 182-09 Ottawa Reports [Part 3] 1975
EC 182-10 BC Weekly Summaries 1975
Mi 182-11 Miscellaneous 1975

CC 183-01 [Convention] Policy Compilation 1975

CC 183-02 [Miscellaneous loose convention materials] 1975
CC 183-03 Convention Minutes 1975
CC 183-04 Convention Minutes and Notices 1975
CC 183-05 Convention Forms 1975
CC 183-06 Convention Officer‟s Report 1975
CC 183-07 Convention Form Letters 1975
CC 183-08 Convention Indian Affairs – Panel Information 1975
CC 183-09 Nominations for Executive 1975
CC 183-10 Convention Call 1975
CC 183-11 Convention Press Release 1975
CC 183-12 Convention Originals – Policy Sub-committee 1975
Submission [Part 1]
CC 183-13 Convention Originals – Policy Sub-committee 1975
Submission [Part 2]
CC 183-14 Convention Democrat 1975
CC 183-15 Convention Correspondence 1975
CC 183-16 Morgantaler Resolution 1975
CC 183-17 Convention 1975
CC 183-18 [Working Papers] 1975
CC 183-19 Late Resolutions 1975

CC 184-01 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975

1975 [Part 1]
CC 184-02 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975
1975 [Part 2]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 184-03 Contents of Darlene‟s Orange Binder, Convention 1975
1975 [Part 3]
CC 184-04 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-05 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-06 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975
CC 184-07 [Loose convention resolutions] 1975

RP 185-01 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975

provincial government]
RP 185-02 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 185-03 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 185-04 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 185-05 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 185-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-01 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-02 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-03 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-04 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-05 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-07 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]
RP 186-08 [Miscellaneous loose material related to BC 1974-1975
provincial government]

FR 187-01 Finance Committee 1976

ER 187-02 [Miscellaneous] 1976
ER 187-03 [Federal Membership Printout] 1976
ER 187-04 Organizers [Part 1] 1976
ER 187-05 Organizers [Part 2] 1976
ER 187-06 Organizers [Part 3] 1976
ER 187-07 Organizers [Part 4] 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 187-08 Organizers [Part 5] 1976
ER 187-09 Ed Broadbent 1976
ER 187-10 Civic Meeting 1976

ER 188-01 Convention 76 [Part 1] 1976

ER 188-02 Convention 76 [Part 2] 1976
ER 188-03 Convention 76 [Part 3] 1976
ER 188-04 Van East Federal 1976
ER 188-05 Federal President – Meetings [Part 1] 1976
ER 188-06 Federal President – Meetings [Part 2] 1976
ER 188-07 Federal President – Meetings [Part 3] 1976
ER 188-08 Federal President – Meetings [Part 4 1976
ER 188-09 Federal President Meetings [Part 5] 1976

ER 189-01 [Assistant Secretary, Part 1?] 1976

ER 189-02 [Assistant Secretary, Part 2?] 1976
ER 189-03 Joyce Nash 1976
ER 189-04 Labour Liaison [Part 1] 1976
ER 189-05 Labour Liaison [Part 2] 1976
ER 189-06 Federal Council – Vancouver [Part 1] 1976
ER 189-07 Federal Council – Vancouver [Part 2] 1976

ER 190-01 1-1 Federal Executive – Minutes 1976

ER 190-02 1-2 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1976
ER 190-03 1-3 Federal Executive – Federal Office 1976
ER 190-04 1-4 Federal President – Correspondence 1976
ER 190-05 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
ER 190-06 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
ER 190-07 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1976
ER 190-08 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 2] 1976
ER 190-09 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes [Part 3] 1976
ER 190-10 2-2 Federal Council – Correspondence 1976

ER 191-01 2-3 Federal Council – Financial Statements 1976

ER 191-02 2-4 Federal Council – Federal Election Planning 1976
ER 191-03 3-1 Federal Riding Associations – General 1976
ER 191-04 3-3 Canada Election Act [Part 1] 1976
ER 191-05 3-3 Canada Election Act [Part 2] 1976
ER 191-06 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the 1976
federal party in BC]
ER 191-07 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the 1976
federal party in BC]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 191-08 [Miscellaneous loose material related to the 1976
federal party in BC]
EC 191-09 4-1 MPs At Work (Ottawa Reports) 1976
EC 191-10 4-3 Non BC MP Reports 1976

EC 192-01 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1976

EC 192-02 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1976
ER 192-03 5-1 Provincial Officers Minutes (Table Officers, 1976
Commonwealth, Broadway Commonwealth)
ER 192-04 5-2 President‟s Correspondence 1976
ER 192-05 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, 1976
January-June [Part 1]
ER 192-06 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, 1976
January-June [Part 2]
ER 192-07 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, 1976
January-June [Part 3]
ER 192-08 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 1]
ER 192-09 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 2]
ER 192-10 5-3 Provincial Secretary‟s Correspondence, July- 1976
December [Part 3]

Mi 193-01 [Untitled folder related to social problems] 1976

FR 193-02 5-4 Treasurer‟s Reports 1976
EC 193-03 5-5 Provincial Leader 1976

CA 193-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

CA 193-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 193-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

ER 194-01 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1976

ER 194-02 6-1A Provincial Executive – Notices and Agendas 1976
ER 194-03 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1976
OA 194-04 PNE Booth [Part 1, includes photographs] 1976
OA 194-05 PNE Booth [Part 2,includes photographs] 1976
ER 194-06 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Report 1976
ER 194-07 6-4 Joint Caucus-Executive 1976
CC 194-08 7-1A Provincial Council Agenda and Meeting 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 194-09 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1977 1976
CC 194-10 7-2 Secretary‟s Report 1976
CC 194-11 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1976 1976
CC 194-12 7-3 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1976
CC 194-13 7-5 Open Caucus 1976
CC 194-14 8-1 Form Letters to [Constituency] 1976
CC 194-15 7-1 Provincial Minutes 1976 [Part 1] 1976

CC 195-01 7-1 Provincial Minutes 1976 [Part 2] 1976

CA 195-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 195-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

CA 196-01 [Loose club correspondence] 1976

CA 196-02 [Loose club correspondence] 1976
CA 196-03 [Loose club correspondence] 1976
CA 196-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 196-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 196-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

CA 197-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976

CA 197-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1976
CA 197-05 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 1] 1976
EC 197-06 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 2] 1976
EC 197-07 9 Provincial Legislature and MLAS [Part 3] 1976

EC 198-01 9 NDP Caucus 1976

EC 198-02 9-3 Hansard Votes and Proceedings (Extras) 1976
EC 198-03 9-4 Leader‟s Tour 1976
CC 198-04 [Loose material related to regional councils] 1976
CC 198-05 [Loose material related to regional councils] 1976
RP 198-06 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-07 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-08 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 198-09 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976
RP 198-10 [Loose material related to other provincial NDP 1976

CC 199-01 Honorary Life [Committee] 1976

CC 199-02 12-4 Honorary Life Committee (Provincial 1975
Convention 1975)
CC 199-03 12-4 Honorary Life, 1974 1974
CC 199-04 12-4 Honorary Life Committee, 1973 1973
CC 199-05 12-20 1975 Federal Convention 1975
CC 199-06 1975 Federal Convention Mailings from Provincial 1975
CC 199-07 12-50 Provincial Mini-Convention 1974
RG 199-08 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
RG 199-09 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
RG 199-10 13-2 BC Federation of Labour 1976

RG 200-01 [1974 BC Fed convention document] 1974

RG 200-02 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1976
RG 200-03 13-5 Non-Affiliates 1976
RG 200-04 [Loose union newspapers] 1976
RG 200-05 14-2 Young New Democrats 1976
OA 200-06 16-1 Organizers [Part 1] 1976
OA 200-07 16-1 Organizers [Part 2] 1976
CC 200-08 LMOC [Lower Mainland Organizing Committee] 1976
CC 200-09 LMOC 1976
Me 200-10 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretaries 1976
Me 200-11 Letters to Membership Secretaries 1976

Me 201-01 17-2 Membership Counts and Targets 1976

Me 201-02 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 1] 1976
Me 201-03 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 2] 1976
Me 201-04 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 3] 1976
Me 201-05 17-3 Transfers (Provincial) [Part 4] 1976
Me 201-06 Requests for Memberships 1976
Me 201-07 17-4 Membership Resignations 1976
Me 201-08 17-5 National Datacentre 1975-1976
Me 201-09 17-5 National Datacentre 1976
Me 201-10 National Datacentre – Correspondence, 1972 to 1972-1974
Me 201-11 17-10 Memberships – Checkoffs 1976
Me 201-12 17-8 PAC [Pre-authorized checking] 1976
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 201-13 18-1 Federal Elections 1976

El 202-01 18-2 BC Elections 1976

El 242-02 18-3 Campaign Schools 1976
El 242-03 18-5 By-elections [Part 1] 1976
El 242-04 18-5 By-elections [Part 2] 1976

El 202-05 18-6 [Federal elections] Legislation 1976

El 202-06 Central Sign Shop 1976
CC 202-07 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 1] 1976
CC 202-08 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 2] 1976
CC 202-09 19-1 VAC [Vancouver Area Council] [Part 3] 1976
RP 202-10 19-4 General Municipal Politics 1976
RP 202-11 19-6 Surrey Municipal Politics 1976

RP 203-01 Democrat [Part 1] 1976

RP 203-02 Democrat [Part 2] 1976
RP 203-03 Democrat [Part 3] 1976
RP 203-04 Democrat [Part 4] 1976
CC 203-05 Pre-Election Planning 1976
CC 203-06 Policy Review [Part 1] 1976
CC 203-07 Policy Review [Part 2] 1976
CC 203-08 Women‟s Committee 1976

CC 204-01 Douglas-Coldwell 1976

CC 204-02 Labour 1976
CC 204-03 Education 1976
CC 204-04 Human Resources 1976
CC 204-05 Housing 1976
CC 204-06 Agriculture 1976
CC 204-07 Internal Education [Part 1] 1976
CC 204-08 Internal Education [Part 2] 1976
CC 204-09 Internal Education [Part 3] 1976

CC 205-01 Transportation and Communication 1976

CC 205-02 Health 1976
CC 205-03 Indian Affairs 1976
CC 205-04 Mines 1976
CC 205-05 Lands and Forests 1976
CC 205-06 Judicial Affairs 1976
CC 205-07 Travel Industry 1976
CC 205-08 Communications Committee 1976
RP 205-09 [UN] Habitat [Conference] 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 205-10 [Miscellaneous literature file, Part 1] 1976
RP 205-11 [Miscellaneous literature file, Part 2] 1976

RP 205-12 80-1 Literature Requests 1976

RP 205-13 80-1-b Liberal 1976
RP 205-14 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1976
RP 205-15 80-4 Opinions and Suggestions 1976
RP 205-16 80-6 News Media and Press 1976

RP 206-01 80-3 Advertising 1976

RP 206-02 90-1 Bulletins and Information from PO 1976
[Provincial Office]
RP 206-03 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 1] 1976
RP 206-04 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 2] 1976
RP 206-05 100 Booklets, Magazines Etc. [Part 3] 1976
RP 206-06 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976
RP 206-07 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976
RP 206-08 [Pamphlets, Newspapers, Brochures etc.] 1976

RP 207-01 71 Campaign Literature – Out of Province 1976

RP 207-02 120 Policy Passed [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-03 120 Policy Passed [Part 2] 1976
RP 207-04 130 Miscellaneous Information Pamphlets [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-05 130 Miscellaneous Information Pamphlets [Part 2] 1976
RP 207-06 110 Legislation [Part 1] 1976
RP 207-07 110 Legislation [Part 2] 1976

CC 208-01 Convention 1976 1976

CC 208-02 Convention Forms 1976
CC 208-03 Policy – Meeting Notices 1976
CC 208-04 Delegate Entitlement 1976
CC 208-05 Convention Mailings 1976
CC 208-06 [Policy Booklets] 1976
CC 208-07 Policy Sub-Committee Correspondence 1976
CC 208-08 Miscellaneous Convention Sites [Part 1] 1976
CC 208-09 Miscellaneous Convention Sites [Part 2] 1976
CC 208-10 Cuttings re Winch Resignation and Webster 1959
Election, 1959

CC 209-01 [Miscellaneous materials relating to 1960s 1960-1965

disciplinary hearings]
CC 209-02 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-03 [Resolutions] 1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 209-04 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-05 [Resolutions] 1976
CC 209-06 Late Resolutions 1976
CC 209-07 Originals 1976
CC 209-08 [Policy related materials] 1976
CC 209-09 Convention Minutes 1976
CC 209-10 [Loose Convention Materials] 1976

CC 210-01 [Loose Convention Materials] 1976

CC 210-02 [1976 Resolutions and Media Kit] 1976
CC 210-03 [NDP policies information] 1976
CC 210-04 Convention Secretary‟s Information Binder 1976
CC 210-05 [NDP of BC Convention Papers and Background 1976
CC 210-06 Booths 1976
CC 210-07 Convention – General Correspondence 1976
CC 210-08 [Nomination forms and Convention Calendars] 1976

ER 201-01 Provincial Secretary – General 1975-1976

ER 211-02 Provincial Secretary – Information Services 1975-1976
RP 211-03 Public Works 1975-1976
RP 211-04 Quebec 1975-1976
RP 211-05 Redistribution 1975-1976
RP 211-06 Electoral Reform 1975-1976
RP 211-07 Rent Control 1975-1976
RP 211-08 RCMP 1975-1976
RP 211-09 Saskatchewan 1975-1976
RP 211-10 Socialist International 1975-1976
RP 211-11 Socred Party – Advertising 1975-1976
RP 211-12 Socred Party – Literature 1975-1976
RP 211-13 Socred Party – Election Clippings 1975-1976
RP 211-14 Socred Party – In Government 1975-1976
RP 211-15 Socred Party – Policies/Convention Report 1975-1976
RP 211-16 Taxation 1975-1976
RP 211-17 [Legislature Issues?] 1975-1976
RP 211-18 Transit 1975-1976
RP 211-19 Transportation – General 1975-1976
RP 211-20 Transportation – Marguerite/Prince George 1975-1976
RP 211-21 Transportation – E and N Railway 1975-1976
RP 211-22 Transportation – PWA 1975-1976

RP 212-01 Travel 1975-1976

RP 212-02 Tripartism 1975-1976

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 212-03 Unemployment – Provincial 1975-1976
RP 212-04 Unemployment – National 1975-1976
RP 212-05 Unemployment – Youth 1975-1976
RP 212-06 VSE [Vancouver Stock Exchange] 1975-1976
RP 212-07 Wage and Price Controls – Provincial Controls 1975-1976
RP 212-08 Wage and Price Controls –Federal Controls 1975-1976
RP 212-09 Women – Historic 1975-1976
RP 212-10 Bates Inquiry (Uranium) 1979
RP 212-11 Petro Canada [Part 1] 1979
RP 212-12 Petro Canada [Part 2] 1979
RP 212-13 Petro Canada [Part 3] 1979
RP 213-01 Johnson – Clippings 1979
RP 213-02 Lettergate – Dirty Tricks [clippings] 1979
RP 213-03 Saskatchewan – NDP and Government 1979
RP 213-04 Land Commission [clippings] 1979
RP 213-05 Miscellaneous Government News Releases 1979
RP 213-06 CALM/APCS [Canadian Association of Labour 1979
RP 213-07 Latin America 1979
RP 213-08 Labour – Press Releases and Miscellaneous 1979
RP 213-09 BC Federation of Labour 1979
RP 213-10 Socialist International and Affiliates 1979
RP 213-11 Social Credit – Promises 1979
RP 213-12 INFACT (Infant Formula Action Coalition) 1979
RP 213-13 Marketing Malnutrition 1979
RP 213-14 MPs Press Releases 1979
ER 214-01 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes, Agendas etc. 1977
ER 214--02 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1977
ER 214--03 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary‟s 1977
ER 214--04 5-4 Provincial Officers – Treasurer 1977
ER 214--05 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes, Agendas, Etc 1977
[Part 1]
ER 214--06 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes, Agendas, Etc 1977
[Part 2]
ER 214--07 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1977
ER 214--08 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary‟s Reports 1977
ER 214--09 6-4 Provincial Executive – Caucus – Executive 1977
ER 214--10 6-5 Administration Committee (Executive 1977
ER 214--11 6-6 Communications Committee (Executive 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 215-01 6-7 Policy Committee (Executive Committee) 1977
ER 215-02 6-8 Election Planning Committee (Executive 1977
ER 215-03 6-8 EPC (Provincial) 1977
ER 215-04 6-9 Constitution Committee (Executive 1977
ER 215-05 6-10 Socialist International Congress (Executive 1977
ER 215-06 6-11 Election Planning Committee (Federal) 1977
OA 215-07 PNE 1977 1977
CC 215-08 6-12 Resource Education and Literature 1977
CC 215-09 7-2 Provincial Council – Secretary‟s Report 1977
CC 215-10 7-3 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1977
CC 215-11 7-4 Provincial Council – Budget 1977
CC 215-12 7-7 Quota Committee [Audio Recording Removed] 1977
CC 215-13 7-8 Nomination Guideline Committee 1977
CC 215-14 7-1 Provincial Council [Part 1] 1977
CC 215-15 7-1 Provincial Council [Part 2] 1977
CC 215-16 7-6 Management Committee 1977
CC 215-17 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – Form Letters [Part 1977
EC 216-01 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1977
EC 215-02 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1977
EC 215-03 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 1] 1977
EC 215-04 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 2] 1977
EC 215-05 9-1 Newsletters From The Legislature [Part 3] 1977
EC 215-07 [9-2 MLA‟s Correspondence] 1977
EC 215-08 [Legislature publications] 1977
EC 215-09 9-4 Leader‟s Itinerary 1977
CC 215-10 10-4 Regional Council – North 1977
CC 215-11 10-4 Regional Council – Kootenary 1977
CC 215-12 10-4 Regional Council – Lower Mainland 1977

CC 217-01 Regional Council – North Shore 1977

CC 217-02 Regional Council – To All Regions 1977
CC 217-03 10-9 Vancouver Area Council 1977
CC 217-04 10-8 Lower Island 1977
RG 217-05 11-1 Alberta 1977
RG 217-06 11-2 Saskatchewan [Part 1] 1977
RG 217-07 11-2 Saskatchewan [Part 2] 1977
RG 217-08 11-3 Manitoba [Part 1] 1977
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RG 217-09 11-3 Manitoba [Part 2] 1977
RG 217-10 11-4 Ontario 1977
RG 217-11 11-5 Quebec 1977

RG 218-01 11-6 Maritimes 1977

RG 218-02 11-7 Nova Scotia 1977
RG 218-03 11-8 Out of Country 1977
CC 218-04 1975 Convention – Originals 1975
CC 218-05 [Convention Materials] 1977
CC 218-06 [1977 Convention Papers, Part 1] 1977
CC 218-07 [1977 Convention Papers, Part 2] 1977
CC 218-08 1977 Convention [Part 1 of a binder] 1977
CC 218-09 1977 Convention [Part 2 of a binder] 1977
CC 218-10 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 1977
CC 219-01 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 1977
CC 219-02 12-1-A Convention Procedures Committee [Part 1977
CC 219-03 Convention 1976 1976
RG 219-04 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 1] 1977
RG 219-05 13-1 Affiliates Correspondence [Part 2] 2]1977
RG 219 [Large Information Documents from Various 1977
Labour Organizations]

RG 220-01 13-3 Briefs 1977

RG 220-02 13-4 Vancouver District Labour Council 1977
RG 220-03 13-7 Applications for Affiliation 1977
RG 220-04 [Loose material] 1977
RG 220-05 14-1 YND – Minutes 1977
RG 220-06 14-2 YND – Correspondence 1977
OA 220-07 15-1 Provincial Electoral Boundaries 1977
OA 220-08 [Loose mailing information] 1977
OA 220-09 [Loose mailing information] 1977
OA 220-10 [Loose mailing information] 1977
RP 220-11 15-2 Federal Electoral Boundaries 1977
RP 220-12 15-2 Requests for Literature 1977
OA 220-13 16-1 Organizers [Part 1] 1977
OA 220-14 16-1 Organizers [Part 2] 1977

El 221-01 16-1 Election Instructions 1977

CC 221-02 16-6 September Schools 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 221-03 16-8 Schools and Workshops 1977
Mi 221-04 16-8 1977
Me 221-05 17-1 Form Letters to Membership Secretary 1977
Me 221-06 Panel Forms [Part 1] 1977
Me 221-07 Panel Forms] [Part 2] 1977
Me 221-08 Panel Forms [Part 3] 1977
Me 221-09 [Loose material relating to canvassing] 1977
Me 221-10 17-6 Fund Drive 1977/1978 1977
Me 221-11 17-6 Membership Fee Structure and Finance 1977
OA 221-12 17-7 MICR [Data processing] 1977
Me 221-13 17-8 PAC [Pre-authorized chequing] 1977

OA 222-01 17-9 Shand, Mcafee and Company 1977

OA 222-02 17-10 Membership Check-Offs 1977
Mi 222-03 [Miscellaneous loose material] 1977
RG 222-04 19-1 Vancouver Area Council 1977
Mi 222-05 19-4 General 1977
RP 222-06 20-2 Democrat Correspondence 1977

CC 222-07 Convention Forms 1977

CC 222-08 Copies – Convention Kit Material 1977
CC 222-09 Convention Mailings 1977
CC 222-10 Policy Minutes and Notices 1977
CC 222-11 Policy Sub-Committees Correspondence 1977
CC 222-12 Originals [Part 1] 1977
CC 222-13 Originals [Part 2] 1977
CC 222-14 Delegate Entitlement 1977
CC 222-15 Unsigned Resolutions and Miscellaneous 1977

CC 223-01 Existing Policy (Resolutions Returned to Riding) 1977

CC 223-02 Late Resolutions 1977
CC 223-03 Convention – General Correspondence 1977
CC 223-04 Honorary Life Membership – Organizing 1977
CC 223-05 Honorary Life Membership – Awards 1977
CC 223-06 Convention – Onsite Runs 1977
CC 223-07 Originals – Onsite Convention Materials 1977
CC 223-08 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 1] 1977
CC 223-09 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 2] 1977
CC 223-10 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 3] 1977
CC 223-11 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 4] 1977
CC 223-12 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 5] 1977

CC 224-01 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 6] 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 224--02 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 7] 1977
CC 224--03 Policy Areas [Resolutions] [Part 8] 1977
CC 224--04 [Miscellaneous Loose Materials] 1977
CC 224- Convention Papers 1977

GC 224--05 January 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976

GC 224--06 February 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-01 March 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-02 March 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-03 April 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-04 April 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-05 May 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-06 May 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 2] 1976
GC 225-07 June 1976 Day by Day Correspondence [Part 1] 1976
GC 225-08 July 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-09 August 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-10 September 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-11 October 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976
GC 225-12 November 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976

GC 226-01 December 1976 Day by Day Correspondence 1976

GC 226-02 January 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-03 February 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-04 March 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-05 April 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-06 May 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-07 June 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-08 July 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 226-09 August 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977

GC 227-01 September 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977

GC 227-02 October 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-03 November 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
GC 227-04 December 1977 Day by Day Correspondence 1977
OA 227-05 [Master File Index] 1978
ER 227-06 1-1 Federal Executive 1978
ER 227-07 1-2 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1978
ER 227-08 1-3 Federal Executive – Secretary 1978
ER 227-09 1-5 Socialist International [Part 1] 1978
ER 227-10 1-5 Socialist International [Part 2] 1978
ER 227-11 1-5 Socialist International [Part 3] 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 228-01 1-5 Socialist International [Part 4] 1978
ER 228-02 1-5 Socialist International [Part 5] 1978
ER 228-03 1-6 Douglas-Coldwell Foundation 1978
ER 228-04 2-2 Federal Council – Correspondence 1978
ER 228-05 2-3 Federal Council – Financial 1978
CA 228-06 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence 1978
[Part 1]
CA 228-07 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence 1978
[Part 2]
CA 228-08 3-1 Federal Ridings – General Correspondence 1978
[Part 3]
EC 228-09 4-1 NDP Ottawa Reports 1978
EC 228-10 4-2 BC NDP Reports 1978
EC 228-11 4-3 Non BC NDP Reports 1978
EC 228-12 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 1] 1978
EC 228-13 4-4 Federal Leader [Part 2] 1978
EC 228-14 Federal Convention 1978

ER 229-01 2-1 Federal Council – Minutes 1978

El 229-02 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 1]
El 229-03 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 2]
El 229-04 [3] Federal – Candidates; Campaign Managers; 1978
Returning Officers; Official Agents [Part 3]
CA 229-05 [3-01, Prince George?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-06 [3-03 Comox-Powell River?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-07 [3-05 Fraser Valley East?] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-08 [3-07 Kamloops Cariboo] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-09 [3-09 Okanagan-Kootenay] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-10 [3-10 Kootenay West] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-11 [3-13 Cowichan-Malahat-The Islands] Federal 1978
CA 229-12 [3-15 New Westminster-Coquitlam] Federal 1978
CA 229-13 [3-17 Skeena] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-14 [3-19 Surrey-White Rock-North Delta] Federal 1978
CA 229-15 [3-21 Vancouver Centre] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-16 [3-23 Vancouver East] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-17 [3-25 Capilano] Federal Riding 1978
CA 229-18 [3-27 Vancouver South] Federal Riding 1978

CA 230-01 [3-31 Cariboo Chilcotin] Federal Riding 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 230-02 [3-33 Fraser Valley West] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-03 [3-35 Burnaby-Richmond-Delta] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-04 [3-37 Vancouver Quadra] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-05 [3-39 North Vancouver Burnaby] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-06 [3-41 Okanagan North] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-07 [3-43 Esquimalt Saanich] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-08 [3-45 Vancouver Kingsway] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-09 [3-47 Burnaby] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-10 [3-49 Mission-Port Moody] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-11 [3-51 Kootenay East] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-12 [3-53 Prince George-Peace River] Federal Riding 1978
CA 230-13 [3-55 Nanaimo-Alberni] Federal Riding 1978

ER 230-14 5-1 Provincial Officers – Minutes 1978

ER 230-15 5-2 Provincial Officers – Correspondence 1978
ER 230-16 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary [Part 1] 1978
ER 230-17 5-3 Provincial Officers – Secretary [Part 2] 1978
ER 230-18 5-4 Provincial Officers – Treasurer 1978

ER 231-01 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1978

ER 231-02 6-1 Provincial Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1978
ER 231-03 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence [Part 1978
ER 231-04 6-2 Provincial Executive – Correspondence [Part 1978
ER 231-05 6-3 Provincial Executive – Secretary Reports 1978
ER 231-06 6-4 Provincial Executive – Joint Caucus 1978
ER 231-07 6-5 Provincial Executive – Administration 1978
ER 231-08 6-6 Provincial Executive – Communications 1978
ER 231-09 6-7 Provincial Executive – Policy Review 1978
ER 231-10 6-8 Provincial Executive – EPC [Election 1978
Preparation Committee] (Provincial)
ER 231-11 6-9 Provincial Executive – Constitution 1978

ER 232-01 6-9-A Constitutions – Other Provinces 1978

ER 232-02 1978 Redistribution 1978
ER 232-03 6-8 Provincial Executive – EPC [Election 1978
Preparation Committee] (Federal)
ER 232-04 6-11 Provincial Executive – Resource Education 1978
and Literature Committee
CC 232-05 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1978
CC 232-06 7-1 Provincial Council – Minutes [Part 1] 1978
CC 232-07 7-2 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1978
CC 232-08 7-3 Provincial Council – Quota and Budget 1978
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 232-09 7-2 Provincial Council – [Constituencies] Financial 1978
FR 232-10 [Constituencies] Financial Disclosure, 1978 1978
FR 232-11 [Constituencies] Financial Disclosure , 1977 1977
CA 232-12 8-1 Provincial Constituencies – General 1978
CA 232-13 [Loose material related to constituencies] 1978

CA 233-01 [8]-2 Alberni and Clubs in Alberni 1978

CA 233-02 [8]-4 Atlin 1978
CA 233-03 [8]-6 Boundary-Similkameen and Clubs in 1978
CA 233-04 [8]-8 Burnaby – Edmonds and Clubs in Burnaby – 1978
CA 233-05 [8]-10 Burnaby – North and Clubs in Burnaby – 1978
North [Part 1]
CA 233-06 [8]-10 Burnaby – North and Clubs in Burnaby – 1978
North [Part 2]
CA 233-07 [8]-12 Burnaby – Willingdon and Clubs in Burnaby 1978
– Wllingdon
CA 233-08 [8]-14 Cariboo and Clubs in Cariboo 1978
CA 233-09 [8]-16 Chilliwack and Clubs in Chilliwack 1978
CA 233-10 [8]-18 Columbia River and Clubs in Columbia 1978
CA 233-11 [8]-20 Comox and Clubs in Comox 1978
CA 233-12 [8]-22 Coquitlam and Clubs in Coquitlam 1978
CA 233-13 [8]-24 Cowichan-Malahat and Clubs in Cowichan- 1978
CA 233-14 [8]-26 Delta and Clubs in Delta 1978
CA 233-15 [8]-28 Dewdney and Clubs in Dewdney 1978
CA 233-16 [8]-30 Esquimalt and Clubs in Esquimalt 1978
CA 233-17 [8]-32 Fort George and Clubs in Fort George 1978

CA 234-01 [8]-34 Kamloops and Clubs in Kamloops 1978

CA 234-02 [8]-36 Revelstoke-Slocan and Clubs in Revelstoke- 1978
CA 234-03 [8]-38 Kootenay and Clubs in Kootenay 1978
CA 234-04 [8]-40 Langley and Clubs in Langley 1978
CA 234-05 [8]-42 Mackenzie and Clubs in Mackenzie 1978
CA 234-06 [8]-44 Nanaimo and Clubs in Nanaimo 1978
CA 234-07 [8]-46 Nelson-Creston and Clubs in Nelson- 1978
CA 234-08 [8]-48 New Westminster and Clubs in New 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 234-09 [8]-50 North Okanagan and Clubs in North 1978
CA 234-10 [8]-52 North Peace River and Clubs in North 1978
Peace River
CA 234-11 [8]-54 North Vancouver – Capilano and Clubs in 1978
North Vancouver – Capilano
CA 234-12 [8]-56 North Vancouver – Seymour and Clubs in 1978
North Vancouver – Seymour
CA 234-13 [8]-58 Oak Bay 1978
CA 234-14 [8]-60 Omineca and Clubs in Omineca 1978
CA 234-15 [8]-64 Richmond and Clubs in Richmond 1978
CA 234-16 [8]-66 Rossland-Trail and Clubs in Rossland-Trail 1978
CA 234-17 [8]-68 Saanich and the Islands and Clubs in 1978
Saanich and the Islands
CA 234-18 [8]-70 Shushwap and Clubs in Shushwap 1978
CA 234-19 [8]-72 Skeena and Clubs in Skeena 1978

CA 235-01 [8]-74 South Okanagan and Clubs in South 1978

CA 235-02 [8]-62 Prince Rupert and Clubs in Prince Rupert 1978
CA 235-03 [8]-76 South Peace River and Clubs in South 1978
Peace River
CA 235-04 [8]-78 Surrey and Clubs in Surrey 1978
CA 235-05 [8]-80 Vancouver – Burrard and Clubs in 1978
Vancouver – Burrard
CA 235-06 [8]-82 Vancouver – Centre and Clubs in 1978
Vancouver – Centre
CA 235-07 [8]-84 Vancouver – East and Clubs in Vancouver – 1978
CA 235-08 [8]-86 Vancouver – Little Mountain and Clubs in 1978
Vancouver – Little Mountain
CA 235-09 [8]-88 Vancouver – Point Grey and Clubs in 1978
Vancouver – Point Grey
CA 235-10 [8]-90 Vancouver – South and Clubs in Vancouver 1978
– South
CA 235-11 [8]-92 Victoria and Clubs in Victoria 1978
CA 235-12 [8]-94 West Vancouver-Howe Sound 1978
CA 235-13 [8]-96 Yale-Lillooet and Clubs in Yale-Lillooet 1978
CA 235-14 [8] Out of Province 1978
CA 235-15 [Miscellaneous constituency material] 1978
EC 235-16 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 1] 1978
EC 235-17 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 2] 1978

EC 236-01 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 3] 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

EC 236-02 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 4] 1978
EC 236-03 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 5] 1978
EC 236-04 [9] Leader and MLAS [Part 6] 1978
EC 236-05 [9] Legislature [Part 1] 1978
EC 236-06 [9] Legislature [Part 2] 1978
EC 236-07 [9] Legislature [Part 3] 1978
EC 236-08 [9] Legislature [Part 4] 1978

EC 237-01 [9] NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1978

EC 237-02 [9] NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1978
CC 237-03 [10] Regional Areas 1978
RG 237-04 [11] Other Provincial Sections [Part 1] 1978
RG 237-05 [11] Other Provincial Sections [Part 2] 1978

CC 237-06 [1978 Convention Material] 1978

CC 237-07 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 1] 1978
CC 237-08 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 2] 1978
CC 237-09 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 3] 1978

CC 238-01 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 4] 1978

CC 238-02 [1978 Convention Resolutions, Part 5] 1978
CC 238-03 12-7 Convention Form Letters 1978
CC 238-04 12-5 Convention Kit 1978
CC 238 Convention Background Papers 1978
CC 238-05 12-1 Convention 1978 [Part 1] 1978
CC 238-06 12-1 Convention 1978 [Part 2] 1978
CC 238-07 12-4-D Honorary Life Member – Pin Distribution 1978
CC 238-08 12-4-C Honorary Life Member – Correspondence 1978
[Part 1]
CC 238-09 12-4-C Honorary Life Member – Correspondence 1978
[Part 2]
CC 238 Convention Papers 1978

RG 239-01 [13] Affiliates [Part 1] 1978

RG 239-02 [13] Affiliates [Part 2] 1978
RG 239-03 [13] Affiliates [Part 3] 1978
CC 239-04 [16] Organization 1978
CC 239-05 16-9 January Schools 1978
CC 239-06 [Various NDP „Schools‟ Handbooks] 1978
CC 239 [Naramata Federal School Handbook] 1978
RG 239-06 [14] YND [Young New Democrats [Part 1] 1978

RG 240-01 [14] YND [Young New Democrats [Part 2] 1978

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Me 240-02 [17] Membership [Part 1] 1978
Me 240-03 [17] Membership [Part 2, includes a journal of 1978
membership transfers]
Me 240-04 [17] Membership [Part 3] 1978
Me 240-05 [17] Membership [Part 4 1978
El 240-06 [18] Elections – By-elections – Sign Shop 1978
RP 240-07 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 1] 1978
RP 240-08 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 2] 1978

RP 241-01 [20] Democrat and Other Publications [Part 3] 1978

RP 241-02 Agriculture 1978
RP 241-03 Economic Development 1978
RP 241-04 Education [Part 1] 1978
RP 241-05 Education [Part 2] 1978
RP 241-06 Energy 1978
RP 241-07 Environment 1978
RP 241-08 Forestry 1978
RP 241-09 Health 1978
RP 241-10 Human Resources 1978
RP 241-11 Indian Affairs 1978
RP 241-12 Justice 1978

RP 242-01 Labour 1978

RP 242-02 Municipal Affairs 1978
RP 242-03 Northern Affairs 1978
RP 242-04 Women‟s Rights [Part 1] 1978
RP 242-05 Women‟s Rights [Part 2] 1978
ER 242-06 [Loose Executive Minutes?] 1978
ER 242-07 February 1978 [minutes and other duplicate 1978
ER 242-08 [Loose Executive Material] 1978
OA 242-09 [Master File Index] 1979
ER 242-10 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 1] 1979
ER 242-11 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 2] 1979
ER 242-12 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 3] 1979

ER 243-01 1-1 to 2-3 Federal Executive [Part 4] 1979

ER 243-02 2-1 Federal Council Minutes 1979
El 243-03 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 243-04 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 243-05 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 1] 1979
El 243-06 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 2] 1979
El 243-07 3-1-A Federal Candidates [Part 3] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 243-08 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979

El 244-01 3-1-B Campaign Managers 1979

El 244-02 3-1-C Official Agents 1979
El 244-03 [Miscellaneous federal election material] 1979
El 244-04 3-1-D Returning Officers 1979
El 244-05 3-4 Federal Conventions 1979
El 244-06 Flight Information 1979
El 244-07 Direct Mail Information 1979
EC 244-08 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 1]
EC 244-09 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 2]

EC 245-01 4-1 Ottawa Reports; 4-2 BC NDP Reports; 4-3; 4-4 1979
Federal Leader [Part 3]
CA 245-02 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 1] 1979
CA 245-03 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 2] 1979
ER 245-04 [Miscellaneous Federal Material, includes federal 1979
financial documents]
ER 245-05 5-1 Officer‟s Correspondence 1979
ER 245-07 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 1] 1979
ER 245-08 5-3 Provincial Secretary Correspondence [Part 2] 1979
FR 245-09 5-4 Treasurer‟s Report 1979
FR 245-10 5-6 Provincial Income Tax Act 1979

El 246-01 [Loose material related to election surveys] 1979

El 246-02 [Loose material related to election advertising] 1979
OA 246-03 Bryan Mciver [NDP Employee] 1979
OA 246-04 Jack Currie [NDP Employee] [Part 1] 1979
OA 246-05 Jack Currie [NDP Employee] [Part 2] 1979
ER 246-06 6-1 Executive – Minutes [Part 1] 1979
ER 246-07 6-1 Executive – Minutes [Part 2] 1979
ER 246-08 6-2 Executive Correspondence 1979
ER 246-09 [Loose election planning material] 1979
ER 246-10 6-3 Secretary‟s Report 1979

ER 247-01 6-4 Joint Caucus/Executive 1979

ER 247-02 6-6 Communications Committee 1979
ER 247-03 6-7 Policy Review 1979
ER 247-04 6-8 EPC [Election Planning Committee] 1979
ER 247-05 6-9 Constitution and By-laws 1979
ER 247-06 6-10 EPC [Election Planning Committee] 1979
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 247-07 6-11 Internal Education 1979
OA 247-08 6-12 PNE [Part 1] 1979
OA 247-09 6-12 PNE [Part 2] 1979
CC 247-10 7-1 Council Minutes [Part 1] 1979
CC 247-11 7-1 Council Minutes [Part 2] 1979
CC 247-12 7-2 Council Correspondence 1979

FR 248-01 7-3 [Constituencies] Quotas and Budgets [Part 1] 1979

FR 248-02 7-3 [Constituencies] Quotas and Budgets [Part 2] 1979
FR 248-03 7-4 [Constituencies‟] Financial Disclosures [Part 1979
RP 248-04 7-5 BC Resource Investment Corporation 1979
RP 248-05 7-6 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1979
CA 248-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-08 8 Clubs in Alberni 1979
CA 248-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-10 8 Clubs in Atlin 1979
CA 248-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 248-12 8 Clubs in Boundary-Similkameen 1979
CA 248-13 8 Clubs in Burnaby – Edmonds 1979

CA 249-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

CA 249-02 8 Clubs in Burnaby – Wllingdon 1979
CA 249-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-04 8 Clubs in Cariboo 1979
CA 249-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-06 8 Clubs in Chilliwack 1979
CA 249-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-08 8 Clubs in Columbia River 1979
CA 249-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-10 8 Clubs in Comox 1979
CA 249-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-12 8 Clubs in Coquitlam 1979
CA 249-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-14 8 Clubs in Cowichan-Malahat 1979
CA 249-15 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-16 8 Clubs in Delta 1979
CA 249-17 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-18 8 Clubs in Dewdney 1979
CA 249-19 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 249-20 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 250-01 8 Clubs in Esquimalt 1979

CA 250-02 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-03 8 Clubs in Kamloops 1979
CA 250-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-05 Clubs in Kootenay 1979
CA 250-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-07 8 Clubs in Langley 1979
CA 250-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-10 8 Clubs in Nanaimo 1979
CA 250-11 8 Clubs in Mackenzie 1979
CA 250-12 8 Clubs in Nelson-Creston 1979
CA 250-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 250-14 [Loose constituency correspondence]v 1979

CA 251-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

CA 251-02 8 Clubs in Peace River 1979
CA 251-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-04 Clubs in North Vancouver – Capilano and North 1979
Vancouver – Seymour
CA 251-05 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-08 8 Clubs in North Okanagan 1979
CA 251-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-12 8 Clubs in South Okanagan 1979
CA 251-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-14 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 251-15 8 Clubs in Omineca 1979
CA 252-01 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-02 8 Clubs in Fort George 1979
CA 252-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-05 8 Clubs in Richmond 1979
CA 252-06 8 Clubs in Rossland-Trail 1979
CA 252-07 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-08 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-10 8 Clubs in Saanich and the Islands 1979
CA 252-12 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 252-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 252-14 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979

CA 253-01 8 Clubs Revelstoke-Slocan 1979

CA 253-02 8 Clubs in Shushwap 1979
CA 253-03 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-04 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-05 8 Clubs in Skeena 1979
CA 253-06 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-07 8 Clubs in Surrey [Part 1] 1979
CA 253-08 8 Clubs in Surrey [Part 2] 1979
CA 253-09 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-10 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-11 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-12 8 Clubs in West Vancouver Howe Sound 1979
CA 253-13 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
CA 253-14 8 Clubs in Yale-Lillooet 1979
CA 253-15 [Loose constituency correspondence] 1979
RP 254-01 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 1979
RP 254-02 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 1979
RP 254-03 9-1 Legislature – Ministries [Press Releases] [Part 1979
OA 254-04 PNE 1979
EC 254-05 [Loose material] 1979
EC 254-06 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 1] 1979
EC 254-07 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 2] 1979
EC 254-08 9-2 NDP Caucus [Part 3] 1979
EC 254-09 [Loose press releases from provincial leader‟s 1979
EC 254-10 9-4 Leader‟s Itinerary 1979
EC 254-11 [Loose material related to Socreds] 1979
EC 254-12 9-6 MLA‟s itineraries 1979

EC 255-01 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979

EC 255-02 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979
EC 255-03 [Government and Opposition Press Releases] 1979
CC 255-04 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 1] 1979
CC 255-05 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 2] 1979
CC 255-06 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 3] 1979
CC 255-07 Regional Areas and Other Provinces [Part 4] 1979
CC 256-01 Agriculture [Policy Review Committee] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 256-02 Economic Development [Policy Review 1979
Committee] [Part 1]
CC 256-03 Economic Development [Policy Review 1979
Committee] [Part 2]
CC 256-04 Economic Development [Policy Review 1979
Committee] [Part 3]
CC 256-05 Education [Policy Review Committee] [Part 1] 1979
CC 256-06 Education [Policy Review Committee] [Part 2] 1979
CC 256-07 Environment [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-08 Finance [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-09 Forestry [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-07 Francophone [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 256-08 Health [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-01 Human Resources [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-02 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-03 Labour [Policy Review Committee] [Includes 1979
photographs from the 1930s]
CC 257-04 Recreation and Conservation [Policy Review 1979
CC 257-05 Women‟s Rights [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-06 Energy [Policy Review Committee] 1979
CC 257-07 Panel Reports Done 1979
CC 257-08 Originals [Part 1] 1979
CC 257-09 Originals [Part 2] 1979
CC 257-10 Advertisements Received For Convention 1979

CC 258-01 Convention [Part 1] 1979

CC 258-02 Convention [Part 2] 1979
CC 258-03 Convention [Part 3] 1979
CC 258-04 [Loose convention-related material] 1979
CC 258-05 Minutes of the Convention Arrangement 1979
CC 258-06 Physical Arrangements – Hotel Vancouver 1979
CC 258-07 Honourary Life Members [Includes Photographs] 1979
CC 258-08 Regional Policy Conferences 1979
CC 258-09 Pre Convention Runs 1979
CC 258-10 On Site Runs 1979
CC 258-11 [Resolutions] 1979

CC 259-01 [Duplicate convention material] 1979

CC 259-02 [Duplicate convention material] 1979
CC 259-03 [Annotated resolutions] 1979
CC 259-04 Original Resolutions [Part 1] 1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 259-05 Original Resolutions [Part 2] 1979
CC 259-06 Original Resolutions [Part 3] 1979
CC 259-07 Original Resolutions [Part 4] 1979
CC 259-08 [Binder of convention materials, part 1] 1979

CC 260-01 [Binder of convention materials, part 2] 1979

CC 260-02 [Binder of convention materials, part 3] 1979
CC 260-03 Resource Material Education Committee 1979
CC 260-04 [Loose education policy committee material] 1979
CC 260-05 [Education related material]
CC 260 [Education related pamphlets, handbooks and 1979
other information]

CA 261-01 Federal Ridings [Correspondence] [Part 1] 1980

CA 261-02 Federal Ridings [Correspondence] [Part 2] 1980
ER 261-03 Federal Executive – Minutes 1980
ER 261-04 Federal Executive – Correspondence 1980
ER 261-05 Federal Secretary 1980
ER 261-06 Provincial Secretary [Part 1] 1980
ER 261-07 Provincial Secretary [Part 2] 1980
ER 261-08 [Socialist International material, part 1] 1980
ER 261-09 [Socialist International material, part 2] 1980
ER 261-10 [Socialist International material, part 3] 1980
ER 261-11 [Socialist International material, part 4] 1980

ER 362-01 Federal Council – Minutes 1980

ER 262-02 Federal Council – Correspondence and Reports 1980
[Part 1]
ER 262-03 Federal Council – Correspondence and Reports 1980
[Part 3]
ER 262-04 Federal Council – Financial Statements 1980
ER 262-05 Federal Correspondence re Ridings 1980
El 262-06 Federal Candidates 1980
El 262-07 Canada Elections 1980
EC 262-08 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports [Part 1] 1980
EC 262-09 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports [Part 2] 1980
EC 262-10 House of Commons – BC NDP Reports 1980
EC 262-11 Non-BC NDP Reports 1980

EC 263-01 Federal Leader 1980

ER 263-02 Provincial Table Officer‟s Minutes 1980
ER 263-03 Federal Government Information 1980
ER 263-04 Provincial Table Officer‟s Minutes 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 263-05 Provincial Officer‟s Correspondence 1980
ER 263-06 Income Tax 1980
ER 263-07 [Provincial Executive Material?] 1980
ER 263-08 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1980
ER 263-09 Provincial Secretary‟s Report 1980
ER 263-10 Joint Caucus and Executive 1980

ER 264-01 Communications 1980

El 264-02 Election Planning 1980
OA 264-03 PNE 1980
CC 264-04 Provincial Council – Correspondence 1980
FR 264-05 [Constituency] Quotas and Budgets 1980
RP 264-06 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1980
CC 264-07 Provincial Council – Minutes 1980
ER 264-08 Federal Council – Report 1980
CA 264-09 Constituencies – General Correspondence 1980
CA 264-10 Alberni [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-11 Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-12 Columbia River [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-13 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency 1980
CA 264-14 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency 1980
CA 264-15 Burnaby – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-16 Burnaby – Willingdon [Constituency 1980
CA 264-17 Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-18 Central Fraser Valley [Constituency 1980
CA 264-19 Chilliwack [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 264-20 Comox [Constituency Correspondence] 1980

CA 265-01 Coquitlam-Moody [Constituency Correspondence] 1980

CA 265-02 Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1980
CA 265-03 Delta [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-04 Dewdney [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-05 Esquimalt-Port Renfrew [Constituency 1980
CA 265-06 Kamloops [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-07 Kootenay [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-08 Langley [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-09 Mackenzie [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-10 Maillardville-Coquitlam [Constituency 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 265-11 Nelson-Creston [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-12 New Westminster [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-13 North Island [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-14 North Peace River [Constituency 1980
CA 265-15 North Vancouver – Capilano [Constituency 1980
CA 265-16 North Vancouver – Seymour [Constituency 1980
CA 265-17 Nanaimo [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 265-18 Oak Bay-Gordon Head [Constituency 1980
CA 265-19 Okanagan – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1980

CA 266-01 Okanagan – South [Constituency Correspondence] 1980

CA 266-02 Omineca [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-03 Prince George – North 1980
CA 266-04 Prince George – South 1980
CA 266-05 Prince Rupert [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-06 Richmond [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-07 Rossland-Trail [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-08 Saanich and the Islands [Constituency 1980
CA 266-09 Shushwap-Revelstoke [Constituency 1980
CA 266-10 Non-residents [Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-11 Yale-Lillooet [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-12 West Vancouver – Howe Sound [Constituency 1980
CA 266-13 Victoria [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-14 Vancouver – South [Constituency 1980
CA 266-15 Vancouver – Point Grey [Constituency 1980
CA 266-16 Vancouver – East [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 266-17 Vancouver – Little Mountain [Constituency 1980
CA 267-01 Vancouver – Centre [Constituency 1980
CA 267-02 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
CA 267-03 South Peace River [Constituency 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 267-04 Skeena [Constituency Correspondence] 1980
RP 267-05 Democrat 1981
RP 267-06 BC Government News Releases 1981
RP 267-07 BC Government News Releases [Part 1] 1980
RP 267-08 BC Government News Releases [Part 2] 1980
RP 267-09 BC Government News Releases [Part 3] 1980
RP 267-10 BC Government News Releases [Part 4] 1980

RP 268-01 BC Government News Releases [Part 5] 1980

RP 268-02 BC Government News Releases [Part 6] 1980
RP 268-03 BC Government News Releases [Part 7] 1980
RP 268-04 Communications Committee 1981
RP 268-05 Federal Ridings 1981
ER 268-06 Federal Executive – Minutes 1981
ER 268-07 Federal Executive – Correspondence[Part 1] 1981
ER 268-08 Federal Executive – Correspondence [Part 2] 1981
CC 268-09 Provincial Council – Minutes 1981
CC 268-10 Provincial Correspondence 1981
ER 268-11 Federal Secretary 1981

CC 269-01 1981 Federal Convention [Part 1] 1981

CC 269-02 1981 Federal Convention [Part 2] 1981
CC 269-03 1981 Federal Convention [Part 3] 1981
CC 269-04 1981 Federal Convention [Part 4] 1981
ER 269-05 Provincial Officers Correspondence 1981
ER 269-06 Provincial Secretary [Part 1] 1981
ER 269-07 Provincial Secretary [Part 2] 1981
FR 269-08 Provincial Treasurer 1981
ER 269-09 Provincial Executive – Minutes 1981
RG 269-10 Socialist International [Part 1] 1981
RG 269-11 Socialist International [Part 2] 1981
FR 269-12 Income Tax 1981
ER 269-13 Provincial Executive - Correspondence 1981

ER 270-01 Federal Council 1981

CC 270-02 Report – International Affairs Committee 1981
CC 270-03 Federal Council Report to Provincial Council 1981
CA 270-04 House of Commons – Ottawa Reports 1981
CA 270-05 House of Commons – BC NDP Reports 1981
CA 270-06 Non BC NDP Reports 1981
Mi 270-07 To Be Done 1981
Mi 270-08 [Loose material] 1981
CC 270-09 Policy Review Committee 1981

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 270-10 Policy Review Committee 1980
CC 270-11 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-12 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-13 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-14 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-15 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-16 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-17 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 270-18 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1981

CC 271-01 Labour [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981

CC 271-02 Petroleum Resources [Policy Review Sub- 1981
CC 271-03 Transportation and Communication [Policy 1981
Review Sub-Committee]
CC 271-04 Human Rights [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1981
CC 271-05 Agriculture [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-06 Culture [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-07 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1980
CC 271-08 Education [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part2] 1980
CC 271-09 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-10 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 271-11 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1980
CC 271-12 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 2] 1980

CC 272-01 Francophone [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980

CC 272-02 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1980
CC 272-03 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part2] 1980
CC 272-04 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-05 Human Resources [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-06 Indian Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-07 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1980
CC 272-08 Judicial Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-09 Labour [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-10 Municipal Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-11 Mines and Petroleum Resources [Policy Review 1980
CC 272-12 Transportation and Communication [Policy 1980
Review Sub-Committee]
CC 272-13 Women‟s Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1980
CC 272-14 [Miscellaneous policy review material] 1980

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 272-15 Mailouts to Ridings 1980

El 273-01 Federal Election Information [Part 1] 1980

El 273-02 Federal Election Information [Part 2] 1980
El 273-03 Federal Election Campaign Material [Part 1] 1980
El 273-04 Federal Election Campaign Material [Part 2] 1980
El 273-05 [Loose campaign material] 1980
El 273-06 Federal – Speaker‟s Notes – Campaign Issues – 1980
Women‟s Issues [Part 1]
El 273-07 Federal – Speaker‟s Notes – Campaign Issues – 1980
Women‟s Issues [Part 2]
El 273-08 Federal Candidate Information 1980
El 273-09 Federal Donations 1980
El 273-10 Federal Questionnaires 1980

El 274-01 Federal – Broadbent Itinerary 1980

El 274-02 Federal – Ad Copy 1980
El 274-03 Federal – Other Parties 1980
El 274-04 Federal – Memos From Ottawa 1980
El 274-05 Federal – Leaflets 1980
El 274-06 Federal – Riding Correspondence 1980
El 274-07 Xerox Copies 1980
El 274-08 Federal Information 1980
El 274-09 [Loose federal election material] 1980
EC 274-10 Barber C. [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-11 Barnes, E [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-12 Barrett D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-13 Brown, R [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-14 Cocke, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-15 Dailly, E [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-16 D‟Arcy, A [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-17 Hanson, G [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-18 Howard, F [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-19 King, W [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-20 Lauk, G [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-21 Leggatt, S [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-22 Lockstead, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-23 Macdonald, A [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-24 Nicholson, L [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-25 Sanford, K [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-26 Skelly, R [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-27 Stupich, D [MLA Press Releases] 1982
EC 274-28 Wallace, B [MLA Press Releases] 1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 274-29 Non-residents [Correspondence] 1981
CA 274-30 Vancouver – Point Grey [Constituency 1981
CA 274-31 Yale Lillooet [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-01 West Vancouver – Howe Sound [Constituency 1981
CA 275-02 Victoria [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-03 Vancouver – South [Constituency 1981
CA 275-04 Vancouver – Little Mountain [Constituency 1981
CA 275-05 Vancouver – East [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-06 Vancouver – Centre [Constituency 1981
CA 275-07 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence][Part 1] 1981
CA 275-08 Surrey [Constituency Correspondence] [Part 2] 1981
CA 275-09 South Peace River [Constituency 1981
CA 275-10 Skeena [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-11 Shushwap-Revelstoke [Constituency 1981
CA 275-12 Saanich and the Islands [Constituency 1981
CA 275-13 Rossland-Trail [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-14 Prince George South [Constituency 1981
CA 275-15 Prince George North [Constituency 1981
CA 275-16 Omineca [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-17 Richmond [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 275-18 Prince Rupert [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

CA 276-01 Okanagan South [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

CA 276-02 Okanagan North [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-03 Oak Bay-Gordon Head [Constituency 1981
CA 276-04 North Vancouver – Seymour [Constituency 1981
CA 276-05 North Vancouver – Capilano [Constituency 1981
CA 276-06 North Peace River [Constituency 1981
CA 276-07 North Island [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 276-08 Nelson-Creston [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-09 Nanaimo [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-10 New Westminster [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-11 Mackenzie [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-12 Langley [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-13 Kootenay [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-14 Kamloops [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-15 Esquimalt-Port Renfrew [Constituency 1981
CA 276-16 Dewdney [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-17 Delta [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-18 Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1981
CA 276-19 Coquitlam-Moody [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 276-20 Maillardville-Coquitlam [Constituency 1981
CA 276-21 Comox [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

CA 277-01 Columbia River [Constituency Correspondence] 1981

CA 277-02 Chilliwack [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-03 Central Fraser Valley [Constituency 1981
CA 277-04 Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-05 Burnaby – Willingdon [Constituency 1981
CA 277-06 Burnaby – North [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-07 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency 1981
CA 277-08 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency 1981
CA 277-09 Alberni [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-10 Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1981
CA 277-11 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 1] 1982
CA 277-12 Federal Riding Correspondence [Part 2] 1982
CA 277-13 Estate of Wilhelmena Lane 1982
CA 277-14 Federal [Part 1] 1982
CA 277-15 Federal [Part 2] 1982
CA 277-16 Federal [Part 3] 1982
CA 277-17 Federal [Part 4] 1982
CA 277-18 Federal [Part 5] 1982

OA 278-01 Provincial Office – General 1982

ER 278-02 Condolonces 1982
ER 278-03 [Loose material] 1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 278-04 Minutes of Executive Table Officers and Council 1982
[Part 1]
ER 278-05 Minutes of Executive Table Officers and Council 1982
[Part 2]
ER 278-06 Notices of Motions 1982
CC 278-07 Policy Review Committee 1982
CC 278-08 Communications 1982
CC 278-09 Constitution and By-laws 1982
CC 278-10 Democrat Committee 1982
CC 278-11 Convention Arrangements Committee 1982
CC 278-12 Convention 1982
CC 278-13 Originals – Convention Forms 1982
El 278-14 Pre-Election 1982
El 278-15 MLA Candidates – Biographies 1982

EC 279-01 MLA and Caucus Correspondence [Part 1] 1982

EC 279-02 MLA and Caucus Correspondence [Part 2] 1982
RG 279-03 Affiliates [Part 1] 1982
RG 279-04 Affiliates [Part 2] 1982
RP 279-05 Democrat 1982
OA 279-06 Organizing and Fundraising 1982
EC 279-07 Dave Barrett – Itinerary 1979
GC 279-08 Chronological File – March to July [Part 1] 1982
GC 279-09 Chronological File – March to July [Part 2] 1982
GC 279-10 Chronological File – March to July [Part 3] 1982
GC 279-11 Chronological File – December 1982

GC 280-01 Chronological File – August 1982

GC 280-02 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1] 1982
GC 280-03 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 2] 1982
Mi 280-04 [Loose Miscellaneous Material] 1982
Mi 280-05 [Loose Materials] 1983
GC 280-06 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 1] 1983
GC 280-07 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 2] 1983
ER 280-08 Election 1983
ER 280-09 Council and Executive Meetings and Reports – Not 1983
ER 280-10 Provincial Secretaries Meeting – May 1983
RG 280-11 Coalition [Operation Solidarity] 1983
EC 280-12 Office of [the leader of the] Official Opposition – 1983

Mi 281-01 [Loose materials] 1983

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 281-02 Media Committee 1983
CC 281-03 Federal Convention 1983
RP 281-04 Report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission 1983
RP 281-05 Memo to Teachers 1983
CC 281-06 Survey Committee 1983
El 281-07 Election Planning 1983
El 281-08 Federal Election Planning Committee 1983
El 281-09 Election Planning Committee [Part 1] 1983
El 281-10 Election Planning Committee [Part 2] 1983
CC 281-11 Boag Foundation Seminar – October 1983
CC 281-12 BCCD 1983
CC 281-13 Windjammer Barefoot Cruise 1983
GC 281-14 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1] 1983
GC 281-15 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 2] 1983

GC 282-01 Correspondence – Other Regions [Part 1983

GC 282-02 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 1] 1983
GC 282-03 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 2] 1983
GC 282-04 Chronological [Correspondence] File [Part 3 1983
GC 282-05 Notice of Motions 1983
GC 282-06 Federal [Part 1] 1983
GC 282-07 Federal [Part 2] 1983
GC 282-08 Federal [Part 3] 1983
GC 282-09 Federal [Part 4] 1983
RG 282-10 YND 1983
RP 282-11 Democrat 1983

Me 283-01 Transfer Members [Part 1] 1983

Me 283-02 Transfer Members [Part 2] 1983
El 283-03 Federal EPC – BC Sub-Committee 1983
GC 283-04 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 1] 1983
GC 283-05 Miscellaneous Correspondence [Part 2] 1983
CA 283-06 Federal Riding Correspondence 1983
RG 283-07 Affiliates [Part 1] 1983
RG 283-08 Affiliates [Part 2] 1983
ER 283-09 Provincial Secretary Correspondence 1984
ER 283-10 Provincial Secretary‟s Report 1984
GC 283-11 Chronological File October to November [Part 1] 1984
GC 283-12 Chronological File October to November [Part 2] 1984

GC 284-01 Chronological File October to November [Part 3] 1984

Mi 284-02 Miscellaneous 1984
ER 284-03 Provincial Executive – Correspondence 1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 284-04 State of the Party Committee 1984
CC 284-05 Convention – Credentials Committee 1984
CC 284-06 Convention Minutes 1984
CC 284-07 Convention – Rules and Procedures Committee 1984
GC 284-08 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1984
ER 284-09 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 1]
ER 284-10 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 2]
ER 284-11 Table Officers, Executive and Council Minutes – 1984
Chronological [Part 3]
El 284-12 By-election 1984

El 285-01 Chief Electoral Office 1984

El 285-02 Polls, Polling 1984
El 285-03 Federal 1984
El 285-04 Minutes of Federal Election Planning Committee 1983-1984
[Part 1]
El 285-05 Minutes of Federal Election Planning Committee 1984
[Part 2]
GC 285-06 Chronological File – January to September [Part1] 1984
GC 285-07 Chronological File – January to September [Part 1984
GC 285-08 Chronological File – January to September [Part 1984
Mi 285-09 [Miscellaneous loose material]
CA 285-10 Federal Constituency Correspondence 1984
CA 285-11 Transfer Members 1984
CA 285-12 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]

CA 286-01 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984

Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-02 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 3]
CA 286-03 Delta [to] Kootenay Constituency 1984
CA 286-04 Alberni [to] Cowichan-Malahat Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-05 Langley [to] North Island Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 286-06 Langley [to] North Island Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-07 North Peace [to] Omineca Constituency 1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 286-08 North Peace [to] Omineca Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-09 Prince George [to] Rossland-Trail Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 1]
CA 286-10 Prince George [to] Rossland-Trail Constituency 1984
Correspondence [Part 2]
CA 286-11 Saanich [to] Surrey Constituency Correspondence 1984
[Part 1]

CA 287-01 Saanich [to] Surrey Constituency Correspondence 1984

[Part 2]
CA 287-02 Van Centre [to] Yale Lillooet and Non-Resident 1984
Constituency Correspondence
RG 287-03 Affiliates [Part 1] 1984
RG 287-04 Affiliates [Part 2] 1984
RG 287-05 Other Provinces Correspondence [Part 1] 1984
RG 287-06 Other Provinces Correspondence [Part 2] 1984
RG 287-08 YND 1984
CC 287-09 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1983
CC 287-10 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1983
CC 287-11 [Loose material related to task force on cultural 1982
CC 287-12 Policy Review Committee – Policy and Leadership 1984

CC 288-01 Policy Review Committee [Part 1] 1984

CC 288-02 Policy Review Committee [Part 2] 1984
CC 288-03 Policy Review Committee – Correspondence [Part 1984
CC 288-04 Policy Review Committee [Part 2] 1984
CC 288-05 Policy Review Committee 1982
CC 288-06 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 1] 1982-1984
CC 288-07 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 2] 1982-1984
CC 288-08 Education Policy Review Sub-Committee [Part 3] 1982-1984
CC 288-09 Energy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1983
CC 288-10 Environment [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 288-11 Finance [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1983
CC 288-12 Fisheries [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1983
CC 288-13 Forestry [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982

CC 389-01 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 1] 1982-1984

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 389-02 Health [Policy Review Sub-Committee] [Part 2] 1982-1984
CC 389-03 Housing [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-04 Human Resources [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-05 Indian Affairs and Native Rights [Policy Review 1982-1984
CC 389-06 Intergovernmental Affairs [Policy Review Sub- 1982-1984
CC 389-07 Judicial Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-08 Labour Policy [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-09 Municipal Affairs [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1983
CC 389-10 Mining [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-11 Racism and Human Rights [Policy Review Sub- 1984
CC 389-12 Transportation [Policy Review Sub-Committee] 1982-1984
CC 389-13 Provincial Executive [Part 1] 1985
CC 389-14 Provincial Executive [Part 2] 1985

ER 290-01 Provincial Executive [Part 2] 1985

ER 290-02 Executive Committees – Democrat [Part 1] 1985
ER 290-03 Executive Committees – Democrat [Part 2] 1985
ER 290-04 Executive Committees 1985
ER 290-05 Executive Committees 1985
ER 290-06 Minutes – Provincial Executive and Council 1985
GC 290-07 Legislature/Caucus Other Provinces 1985
GC 290-08 Correspondence – February [to] March [Part 1] 1985
GC 290-09 Correspondence – February [to] March [Part 2] 1985

GC 291-01 Correspondence – April [Part 1] 1985

GC 291-02 Correspondence – April [Part 2] 1985
GC 291-03 Correspondence – January [Part 1] 1985
GC 291-04 Correspondence – January [Part 2] 1985
RG 291-05 Affiliates, YND and [other] Organizations – 1985
El 291-06 EPC [Part 1] 1985
El 291-07 EPC [Part 2] 1985
ER 291-08 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and 1985
Miscellaneous – Correspondence [Part 1]
ER 291-09 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and 1985
Miscellaneous – Correspondence [Part 2]
ER 291-10 President, Provincial Secretary, DOA and 1985
Miscellaneous – Correspondence [Part 3]

El 292-01 EPC Sub-Committees [Part 1] 1985

El 292-02 EPC Sub-Committees [Part 2] 1985

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 292-03 Election Planning and Organization Conference 1985
Mi 292-04 Miscellaneous 1985
CC 292-05 Council Meetings [Part 1] 1985
CC 292-06 Council Meetings [Part 2] 1985
CC 292-07 Council Meetings [Part 3] 1985
CA 292-08 Mailings to All Constituency Executives [Part 1] 1985
CA 292-09 Mailings to All Constituency Executives [Part 2] 1985
CA 292-10 Nominating Meetings, [Nominating] 1985
Correspondence with Constituencies [Part 1]
CA 292-11 Nominating Meetings, [Nominating] 1985
Correspondence with Constituencies [Part 2]
CA 292-12 Federal [Part 1] 1985

CA 293-01 Federal [Part 2] 1985

CA 293-02 Alberni and Atlin [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-03 Boundary-Similkameen [Constituency 1985
CA 293-04 Burnaby – Edmonds [Constituency 1985
CA 293-05 Delta to Kamloops [Constituency 1985
CA 293-06 Cariboo to Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 1]
CA 293-07 Cariboo to Cowichan-Malahat [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 2
CA 293-08 Kootenay Cariboo [Constituency Correspondence] 1985
CA 293-09 Kafuffle in Kootenay 1985
CA 293-10 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail 1985
[Constituency Correspondence] [Part 1]

CA 294-01 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail 1985

[Constituency Correspondence] [Part 2]
CA 294-02 Oak Bay-Gordon head to Rossland-Trail 1985
[Constituency Correspondence] [Part
CA 294-03 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 1]
CA 294-04 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 2]
CA 294-05 Langley to North Okanagan [Constituency 1985
Correspondence] [Part 3]
CA 294-06 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 1]
CA 294-07 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 2]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CA 294-08 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 3]
CA 294-09 Saanich and the Islands to Surrey-White Rock- 1985
Cloverdale [Part 4]

CA 295-01 Vancouver – Center to Yale-Lillooet [Part 1] 1985

CA 295-02 Vancouver – Center to Yale-Lillooet [Part 2] 1985
CA 295-03 Membership Transfers and Resignations 1985
El 295-04 Provincial Strategy Group [Part 1] 1992
El 295-05 Provincial Strategy Group [Part 2] 1992
El 295-06 SPEC [Strategic Provincial Election Committee?] 1992
FR 295-07 [Loose financial documents] 1987-1992
FR 295-08 Commonwealth/Rio 1986-1992
FR 295-09 Sale of Hillcrest 1987
FR 295-10 [Loose Financial Documents] 1987-1992
FR 295-11 Space Considered/Not Acceptable 1987-1992
FR 295-12 Office Lease 1987-1992
CC 295-13 Vancouver NDP 1988
RP 295-14 Municipal Politics 1987-1992

CC 296-01 Provincial Policy Review Committee 1987-1992

FR 296-02 Federal Financial Proposal 1987
OA 296-03 Computer Reorganization 1992
OA 296-04 Federal Election – Computerization 1987-1992
CC 296-05 Corporate Contribution Policy 1987
GC 296-06 Federal NDP – Allan Whitehorn 1987-1992
Mi 296-07 [Loose material] 1987-1992
RP 296 [Loose Information Pamphlets] 1987-1992
El 296-08 Point Grey By-Election [Part 1] 1988
El 296-09 Point Grey By-Election [Part 2] 1988
El 296-10 Point Grey By-Election [Part 3] 1988
El 297-01 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-02 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-03 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988
El 297-04 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 1] 1988
El 297-05 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 2] 1988
El 297-06 Point Grey/ Nanaimo By-Election Polling [Part 3] 1988
El 297 [Viewpoints Research Reports] 1988

El 298-01 Alberni By-Election [Part 1] 1988

El 298-02 Alberni By-Election [Part 2] 1988

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 298-03 Boundary-Similakemeen By-Election [Part 1] 1988
El 298-04 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 1] 1988
El 298-05 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 2] 1988
El 298-06 Boundary-Similkameen Poll, April [Part 3] 1988
El 298-07 Cariboo By-Election [Part 1] 1989
El 298-08 Cariboo By-Election [Part 2] 1989
El 298-09 Cariboo By-Election [Part 3] 1989
El 298-10 Cariboo By-Election [Part 4] 1989

El 299-01 Cariboo By-Election [Part 5] 1989

El 299-02 Cariboo By-Election [Part 6] 1989
El 299-03 Cariboo By-Election [Part 7] 1989
El 299 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Cariboo 1989
El 299-04 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 1] 1989
El 299-05 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 2] 1989
El 299-06 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 3] 1989
El 299-07 Oak Bay/Gordon Head By-Election [Part 4] 1989
El 299 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Oak 1989
Bay/Gordon Head By-Election]

El 300 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Oak 1989

Bay/Gordon Head By-Election]
El 300-01 Nanaimo By-Election 1989
El 300-02 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Nanaimo 1989
and Point Grey by-elections]
El 300 [Viewpoints Research reports related to Nanaimo 1989
El 300-03 Port Moody/Port Coquitlam Poll, October 1987
El 300-04 Federal Redistribution 1987
El 300-05 Federal Election Workshops 1988
El 300-06 Election Workshops 1987
El 300-07 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 300-08 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988

El 301-01 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988

El 301-02 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-03 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-04 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 301-05 Finance and Campaign Reports 1988
El 301-06 Federal Election Budget Report 1988
El 301-07 [Loose Newspaper Clippings] 1988
El 301-08 Federal Election reports and Analyses 1988
El 301-09 Broadbent Policy Announcements – Federal 1988
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Election [Part 1]
El 301-10 Broadbent Policy Announcements – Federal 1988
Election [Part 2]
El 301-11 Federal Election – „Reliable Source‟ 1988
El 301-12 Federal Election – Press Statements 1988

El 302-01 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988

El 302-02 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 302-03 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 302-04 SEPC [Strategic and Election Planning 1989
Committee], January Poll [Part 1]
El 302-05 SEPC, January Poll [Part 2]9 1989
El 302-06 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 1] 1989
El 302-07 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 2] 1989
El 302-08 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet [Part 3] 1989
El 302-09 SEPC, June 1988 Song Sheet [Part 1] 1988

El 303-01 SEPC, June 1988 Song Sheet [Part 2] 1988

El 303-02 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 303-03 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 2] 1989
El 303-04 SEPC, Panel Poll June 1989 [Part 3] 1989
El 303-05 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 1] 1990
El 303-06 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 2] 1990
El 303-07 SEPC, Poll August, 1990 [Part 3] 1990
El 303-08 SEPC, October 1989 Song Sheet 1989
El 303-09 SEPC, October 1988 Song Sheet 1988
El 303-10 SEPC, Strategy Report, November 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 303-11 SEPC, Strategy Report, November 1989 [Part 2] 1990

El 304-01 Polling 1988 1988

El 304-02 [Loose SEPC material] 1990
El 304-03 [Loose SEPC material] 1990
El 304-04 BC Today [Part 1] 1988
El 304-05 BC Today [Part 2] 1988
El 304-06 SEPC, Bud Smith Affair 1990
El 304-07 SEPC Bill Vander Zalm 1989
El 304-08 [Newspaper Clippings] 1988-1990

El 305-01 SEPC April 1990 1990

El 305-02 SEPC March 1990 1990
El 305-03 SEPC February 1990 1990
El 305-04 SEPC January 1990 1990
El 305-05 SEPC November 1989 1989

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 305-06 SEPC September 1989 1989
El 305-07 SEPC Caucus Retreat, September 1989 1989
El 305-08 SEPC August 1989 [Part 1] 1989
El 305-09 SEPC August 1989 [Part 2] 1989
El 305-10 SEPC May/June 1989 1989

El 306-01 SEPC March/April 1989 1989

El 306-02 SEPC Caucus Retreat February 1989 1989
El 306-03 SEPC February 1989 1989
El 306-04 SEPC October 1988 1988
El 306-05 SEPC Caucus Retreat September 1988 1988
El 306-06 SEPC August 1988 1988
El 306-07 SEPC Reports, 1988 1988
El 306-08 SEPC April 17, 1988 [Part 1] 1988
El 306-09 SEPC April 17 1988 [Part 2] 1988

El 307-01 SEPC Meeting Minutes (1988 to 1989) [Part 1] 1988-1989

El 307-02 SEPC Meeting Minutes (1988 to 1989) [Part 2] 1988-1989
El 307-03 Meech Lake Accord 1987
El 307-04 Provincial EPC 1986-1987
El 307-05 Gerry Scott – Handwritten Notes 1985-1986
El 307-06 1986 Provincial Election [Part 1] 1986
El 307-07 1986 Provincial Election [Part 2] 1986
El 307-08 BC EPC [Part 1] 1988
El 307-09 BC EPC [Part 2] 1988
El 307-10 BC Federal EPC [Part 1] 1988
El 307-11 BC Federal EPC [Part 2] 1988

El 308-01 Federal Election SEPC 1988

El 308-02 Federal SEPC January 29 1988
El 308-03 Federal SEPC October 9/1987 1987
El 308-04 Federal EPC [Part 1] 1987-1988
El 308-05 Federal EPC [Part 2] 1987-1988
El 308-06 Federal EPC [Part 3] 1987-1988
El 308-07 [Loose material related to federal election] 1988
El 308-08 Fact Sheets 1988

El 309-01 Federal Scripts 1988

El 309-02 Federal Election Results 1988
El 309-03 Campaign Directory and Lists 1988
El 309 [Viewpoints Research voting studies and opinion 1988
polling reports]

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 310-01 Viewpoints October 1986 1986
El 310-02 June 92 Baseline and Panel Poll [Part 1] 1992
El 310-03 June 92 Baseline and Panel Poll [Part 2] 1992
El 310-04 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 1] 1992
El 310-05 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 2] 1992
El 310-06 Federal Poll – BC June 92 [Part 3] 1992
El 310-07 Viewpoints Research Ltd. 1989
El 310-08 [Untitled folder related to Viewpoints
El 310 [Bound Research Report] 1990

El 311-01 [Various Bound research reports related to 1985-1990

elections and opinions]
El 311 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988
El 311-01 [Telecommunications related to polling] 1988
El 311 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988

El 312 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988

El 313 [Bound Viewpoints Research polling reports] 1988

El 313-01 [Loose newspapers] 1992
El 313-02 [Unlabelled binder related to leaders‟ tours, part 1990
El 313-03 [Unlabelled binder related to leaders‟ tours, part 1990
El 313-04 [Unlabelled binder related to leader‟ tours, part 1990
CC 313-05 [Packet of material related to 1989 Federal 1989
Convention, part 1]
CC 313-06 [Packet of material related to 1989 Federal 1989
Convention, part 2]

CC 314-01 [Packet of material related to 1988 Convention, 1988

part 1]
CC 314-02 [Packet of material related to 1988 Convention, 1988
part 2]
CC 314-03 SEPC October 1989, Ontario NDP Campaign 1989
El 314-04 Leader‟s Tour 1991
El 314-05 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 1] 1990
El 314-06 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 2] 1990
El 314-07 SEPC Leader‟s Tour [Part 3] 1990
El 314-08 Federal Election Bulletins 1965
ER 314-09 Secretary‟s File – All Telegrams Included [Part1] 1966-1967

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

ER 314-10 Secretary‟s File – All Telegrams Included [Part 2] 1966-1967

EC 315-01 T. Barnett [Elected Representative] 1966-1967

Mi 315-02 [Loose material] 1966-1967
OA 315-03 File Index 1966-1967
EC 315-04 Former MLAs 1966-1967
FR 315-05 Financial Statements 1967
EC 315-06 MPs Before 1968 Federal Election in BC 1966-1967
FR 315-07 Bank of Montreal Correspondence 1966-1967
FR 315-08 George Hobbs Memorial Fund 1966-1967
ER 315-09 Special Confidential Documents 1966-1967
OA 315-10 Staff – General 1966-1967
OA 315-11 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 1] 1966-1967
OA 315-12 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 2] 1966-1967
OA 315-13 Staff – Applications For Employment [Part 3] 1966-1967
FR 315-14 Financial Reports – Other Provinces and Federal 1966-1967
FR 315-15 Financial Statements – Spare Copies [Part 1] 1966-1967
FR 315-16 Financial Statements – Spare Copies [Part 2] 1966-1967
FR 315-17 Spare Copies of Financial reports 1966-1967

FR 316-01 Finances 1966-1967

FR 316-02 Staff – Payroll, OTEU 1966-1967
FR 316-03 Staff – Payroll [Tax Deductions and Pension 1966-1967
FR 316-04 Staff – Sick leave and Holiday Records 1966-1967
FR 316-05 Staff – Trade Union Contract and Correspondence 1966-1967
El 316-06 Federal Candidates 1966-1967
El 316-07 Provincial Candidates 1966-1967
El 316-08 Election Bulletins – Out 1966-1967
ER 316-09 Press Releases, Meetings, Minutes 1966-1967
ER 316-10 Agendas for All Meetings 1966-1967
FR 316-11 Financial Statements – 1966 1966-1967
El 316-12 Campaign Manager‟s File 1966-1967
El 316-13 Newspaper Clippings, 1966 Provincial Election 1966-1967
EC 316-14 Other MPs and MLAs throughout Canada 1966-1967
El 316-15 Campaign Material File [Part 1] 1966-1967
El 316-16 Campaign Material File [Part 2] 1966-1967
El 316-17 Provincial Election Literature 1966-1967
El 316-18 Cariboo Voter‟s Lists 1966-1967
El 316-19 Provincial By-Election, Cariboo 1966-1967
El 316-31620 Miscellaneous – Election 1966-1967

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 317-01 Provincial Election – Radio and Television 1966-1967
El 317-02 Rallies 1966-1967
CA 317-03 Riding Information 1966-1967
CA 317-04 Special Mailing Lists 1966-1967
ER 317-05 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 1] 1966-1967
ER 317-06 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 1966-1967
GC 317-07 Press Releases and Notices of News Conferences 1966-1967
Me 317-08 Membership – General 1966-1967
Me 317-09 Meeting Notices for All Meetings 1966-1967
Me 317-10 Membership – Transfers 1966-1967
Mi 317-11 Miscellaneous 1966-1967
Mi 317-12 Miscellaneous (file #2) 1966-1967
RG 317-13 NDP – Other Provinces (Election Results, 1966-1967
Membership Counts, Canvass Results etc.)
GC 317-14 Bulletins and Circulars 1966-1967
OA 317-15 Dunsky Advertising Ltd 1966-1967
ER 317-16 Federal Executive Minutes 1966-1967
ER 317-17 Resolutions Referred to the Federal Council by 1966-1967
the 1967 Federal Convention

ER 318-01 Federal Council Minutes and Financial Statements 1966-1967

[Part 1]
ER 318-02 Draft Copies of All Minutes [Part 2] 1966-1967
318-03 Federal Research 1966-1967
318-04 Federal Correspondence 1966-1967
FR 318-05 Convention Expense Claim Forms 1966-1967
Mi 318-06 [Unlabeled folder of material] 1966-1967
Mi 318-07 [Loose Material] 1966-1967
Me 318-08 Membership Count 1966-1967
FR 318-09 Expense Sheets – Blank Forms 1966-1967
Mi 318-10 [Unlabeled folder] 1966-1967
FR 318-11 Financial Statements 1966-1967
GC 318-12 Copies of Memos Sent 1966-1967
FR 318-13 Quota 1966-1967
FR 318-14 BC Constituency Quotas and Quota Information 1966-1967
GC 318-15 [Unlabeled folder] 1966-1967
GC 318-16 [Unlabeled folder containing correspondence] 1966-1967
RP 318-17 Democrat 1966-1967
El 318-18 By-elections – Provincial, 1968 – Sign Expenses 1966-1968
El 318-19 Election – Federal, 1968 – Douglas Picnic – 1966-1967

El 319-01 Election – Federal, 1968 Temporary Staff – 1966-1967

Expenses – E. Hall
BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

El 319-02 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – 1966-1967
Expenses – J. Hill
El 319-03 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – 1966-1967
Expenses – S White
El 319-04 Election, Federal, 1968 –Temporary Staff – 1966-1967
Expenses – D. Smith
RP 319-05 Literature [Part 1] 1964-1965
RP 319-06 Literature [Part 2] 1964-1965
RP 319-07 Literature [Part 3] 1964-1965
RP 319-08 Literature – NDP 1964-1965
RP 319-09 Legislation 1964-1965
RP 319-10 [Unlabeled folder] 1964-1965
RP 319-11 Labor 1964-1965
RP 319-12 John Howard Society 1964-1965
RP 319-13 Johnson, Lyndon B 1964-1965
RP 319-14 Vancouver Centre – Chris Hoddlestar 1964-1965
RP 319-15 Hydro 1964-1965
RP 319-16 Gasoline 1964-1965
RP 319-17 Free Time Radio and TV 1964-1965
RP 319-18 Foreign Affairs 1964-1965
RP 319-19 Federal Officers – NDP 1964-1965
RP 319-20 Federal – Biographies 1964-1965
RP 319-21 Democrat 1964-1965
RP 319-22 Douglas, Tommy 1964-1965
RP 319-23 Defence 1964-1965
RP 319-24 Indian Affairs 1964-1965
RP 319-25 Confederation 1964-1965
RP 319-26 Columbia Treaty 1964-1965
RP 319-27 Economic 1964-1965

RP 320-01 Economic – BC Development 1964-1965

EC 320-02 Robert Strachan 1964-1965
RP 320-03 Clippings 1964-1965
RP 320-04 Capital Punishment 1964-1965
RP 320-05 Canada Pension Plan 1964-1965
RP 320-06 Confederation 1964-1965
RP 320-07 Car Insurance
RP 320-08 [Untitled folder] 1964-1965
RP 320-09 Prices and Profits 1964-1965
EC 320-10 Banks, Hal 1964-1965
EC 320-11 Berger, Tom 1964-1965
EC 320-12 Barrett, Dave 1964-1965
CC 320-13 Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Convention of the 1963

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

New Democratic Party of BC, 1963
CC 320-14 Convention Material – Provincial and Federal 1964-1965
[Part 1]
CC 320-15 Convention Material – Provincial and Federal 1964-1965
[Part 2]
RP 320-16 Advertising [Part 1] 1964-1965
RP 320-17 Advertising [Part 2] 1964-1965
RP 320-18 Advertising [Part 3] 1964-1965
RP 320-19 Liquor Advertising 1964-1965
El 320-20 Electoral Officers 1964-1965

GC 321-01 Correspondence – McCarthy-Hall (Democrat) 1964-1965

CC 321-02 [Loose material, photograph of 1959 CCF 1964-1965
convention, removed for preservation]
Mi 321-03 [Loose material] 1964-1965
Mi 321-04 Walter 1964-1965
Mi 321-05 [Loose Material] 1964-1965
Mi 321-06 [Loose Material] 1964-1965
RP 321-07 Agricultural Marketing Boards 1975-1979
RP 321-08 Alberta 1975-1979
OA 321-09 Appointments – Fired 1975-1979
OA 321-10 Appointments – Hired 1975-1979
OA 321-11 Appointments – Resigned 1975-1979
RP 321-12 The Arts – Film 1975-1979
RP 321-13 Attorney General – Corrections 1975-1979
RP 321-14 Attorney General – Courts 1975-1979
RP 321-15 Attorney General – General 1975-1979
RP 321-16 Attorney General – Legal Aid 1975-1979
RP 321-17 Attorney General – Youth 1975-1979
RP 321-18 Hydro – General 1975-1979
RP 321-19 BC Rail – General 1975-1979
RP 321-20 Stolen Telex 1975-1979

RP 322-01 BC Tel – General 1975-1979

RP 322-02 Business – Foreign Land Ownership 1975-1979
RP 322-03 Budgets – Provincial 1975-1979
RP 322-04 Budgets – Federal 1975-1979
RP 322-05 Business – General 1975-1979
RP 322-06 Banks 1975-1979
RP 322-07 Capital Punishment 1975-1979
RP 322-08 CLEU – Comment and Year End Review 1975-1979
RP 322-09 Conservatives 1975-1979
RP 322-10 Civil Service 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 322-11 Consumers 1975-1979
RP 322-12 Economic Development – General 1975-1979
RP 322-13 Economic Indicators 1975-1979
RP 322-14 Economic Development – Statistics 1975-1979
RP 322-15 Education – Costs 1975-1979
RP 322-16 Education – General 1975-1979
RP 322-17 Pensions 1975-1979
RP 322-18 Education – Post Secondary [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 322-19 Education – Post Secondary [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 322-20 Education – Teachers 1975-1979
RP 322-21 Education – Value Schools 1975-1979
RP 322-22 Elections – Polls 1975-1979
RP 322-23 Elections – General 1975-1979
RP 322-24 Energy – General 1975-1979
RP 322-25 Energy – Coal 1975-1979
RP 322-26 Energy – Oil – General 1975-1979
RP 322-27 Energy – Oil Refinery 1975-1979

RP 323-01 Energy – Oil – Mackenzie Valley 1975-1979

RP 323-02 Energy – Natural Gas – General 1975-1979
RP 323-03 Environment – Air 1975-1979
RP 323-04 Environment – Water 1975-1979
RP 323-05 Environment – General 1975-1979
ER 323-06 Federal Council 1975-1979
RP 323-07 BC Ferries 1975-1979
FR 323-08 Finances – Provincial Finances [Part 1] 1975-1979
FR 323-09 Finances – Provincial Finances [Part 2] 1975-1979
FR 323-10 [Loose Finances Information] 1975-1979
FR 323-11 Finances – 1975 Election Statements 1975-1979
RP 323-12 Fisheries – General 1975-1979
RP 323-13 Food – General 1975-1979
RP 323-14 Forestry – General [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 323-15 Forestry – General 1975-1979
RP 323-16 Health – Abortion 1975-1979
RP 323-17 Health – Costs 1975-1979
RP 323-18 Health – Drugs 1975-1979
RP 323-19 Health – General [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 323-20 Health – General [Part 2] 1975-1979

RP 324-01 Highways 1975-1979

RP 324-02 Housing 1975-1979
RP 324-03 Human Resources – Daycare 1975-1979
RP 324-04 Human Resources – DERA 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 324-05 Human Resources – General 1975-1979
RP 324-06 Human Resources – Handicapped 1975-1979
RP 324-07 Human Resources – Poverty 1975-1979
RP 324-08 Human Resources – Senior Citizens 1975-1979
RP 324-09 Human Resources – VRB 1975-1979
RP 324-10 Human Resources – Welfare 1975-1979
RP 324-11 Human Resources – Gain 1975-1979
RP 324-12 Human Rights – General 1975-1979
RP 324-13 Human Rights – Daycare 1975-1979
RP 324-14 Human Rights – Prisons 1975-1979
RP 324-15 Human Rights – Women 1975-1979
RP 324-16 ICBC [Part 1] 1975-1979
RP 324-17 ICBC [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 324-18 ICBC [Part 3] 1975-1979
RP 324-19 Immigration 1975-1979
RP 324-20 Indian Affairs – General 1975-1979
RP 324-21 Indian Affairs – Land Claims 1975-1979
RP 324-22 Indian Affairs – Band Aid Programs 1975-1979
RP 324-23 JP Stevens 1975-1979

RP 325-01 Labour – General [Part 1] 1975-1979

RP 325-02 Labour – General [Part 2] 1975-1979
RP 325-03 Labour – Disputes 1975-1979
RP 325-04 Labour – Workers Compensation Board 1975-1979
RP 325-05 Labour – Student Jobs 1975-1979
RP 325-06 Socreds/Right to Work 1975-1979
RP 325-07 Legislative Sessions – BC 1975-1979
RP 325-08 Letters to the Editor 1975-1979
RP 325-09 Liberals 1975-1979
RP 325-10 Liquor 1975-1979
RP 325-11 Manitoba 1975-1979
RP 325-12 Mining – Cooper 1975-1979
RP 325-13 Mining – General 1975-1979
RP 325-14 Minister of Justice 1975-1979
RP 325-15 Municipal Affairs – General 1975-1979
OA 325-16 PNE 1975-1979
RG 325-17 Civic Politics 1975-1979
EC 325-18 NDP – MLAs 1975-1979
RP 325-19 Northern Affairs 1975-1979
RP 325-20 Ocean Falls 1975-1979
RP 325-21 Cancel 1975-1979
RP 325-22 Ontario 1975-1979
RP 325-23 Ottawa Report 1975-1979

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 325-24 Parks and Recreation 1975-1979
RP 325-25 Pensions 1975-1979
RP 325-26 Personalities 1975-1979

RP 326-01 Pipeline 1975-1979

RP 326-02 Potash 1975-1979
EC 326-03 Premier 1975-1979
EC 326-04 MLAs Press Releases [Part 1] 1978-1982
EC 326-05 MLAs Press Releases [Part 2] 1978-1982
EC 326-06 MLAs Press Releases [Part 3] 1978-1982
EC 326-07 Ottawa Reports 1978-1982
RP 326-08 Right to Work 1978-1982
RP 326-09 [Untitled file of material related to energy, part 1978-1982
RP 326-10 [Untitled file of material related to energy, part 1978-1982
RP 326-11 Farmland and Food[Part 1] 1978-1982
RP 326-12 Democratic Socialism (Overview) 1978-1982
RG 326-13 Alberta NDP – Speaker‟s Notes 1978-1982
RP 326-14 Cargill – Corporations [Part 1] 1978-1982

RP 327-01 Cargill – Corporations [Part 2] 1978-1982

RP 327-02 Socred Government 1978-1982
RP 327-03 MacMillan-Bloedell 1978-1982
RP 327-04 Pulp and Paper 1978-1982
RP 327-05 BC Fed Print Ads 1978-1982
RP 327-06 BCGEU Ad Campaigns 1978-1982
RG 327-07 Saskatchewan NDP, 1978 Election 1978-1982
OA 327-08 Pauline Jewett 1978-1982
El 327-09 Provincial Nominations 1978-1982
RP 327-10 Speakers‟ Notes 1978-1982
RP 327-11 Talking Democrat Volunteers 1978-1982
RP 327-12 SPARC 1978-1982
RP 327-13 Economic Facts – Trade Union Research Bureau 1978-1982
RP 327-14 BCRIC 1978-1982
CA 327-15 Fraser Valley – East 1978-1982
CA 327-16 North Vancouver – Seymour 1978-1982
RP 327-17 Women‟s Leaflet 1978-1982
RP 327-18 Transit Leaflet 1978-1982
CA 327-19 North Vancouver – Howe Sound 1978-1982
RP 327-20 Nuclear Leaflet 1978-1982
RP 327-21 Uranium Mining 1978-1982
RP 327-22 [Untitled folder related to international affairs] 1978-1982

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RP 327-23 [Loose research material] 1978-1982

RP 328-01 [Loose research material] 1978-1982

RP 328-02 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-03 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-04 [Loose research material] 1978-1982
RP 328-05 Press File 1964-1965
RP 328-06 Miscellaneous Newsletters 1960-1969
RP 328-07 Club Constitutions 1960-1969
RP 328-08 Information (Newsletter) 1964-1965
ER 328-09 Senior Party (BCNDP) 1964-1965
ER 328-10 Federal File of All Correspondence 1964-1965
RG 328-11 [YND] Council Minutes 1964-1965
RG 328-12 Executive Minutes of all [YND] Meetings 1964-1965

RG 329-01 [YND] Treasurer‟s Reports 1964-1965

RG 329-02 [YND] General Correspondence [Part 1] 1964-1965
RG 329-03 [YND] General Correspondence [Part 2] 1964-1965
RG 329-04 [YND] Convention Material (Executive Reports) 1964-1965
RG 329-05 [YND] Convention Material (Odds and Ends) 1964-1965
RG 329-06 [YND] Fraser Valley Regional Vice-Presidency – 1964-1965
RG 329-07 [YND] Interior Vice-Presidents – Report 1964-1965
RG 329-08 [YND] Lower Mainland Vice-Presidents – Reports 1964-1965
RG 329-09 [YND] Membership Secretary 1964-1965
RG 329-10 [YND] Education Chairman Report 1964-1965
CC 329-11 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 1] 1976-1977
CC 329-12 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 2] 1976-1977
CC 329-12 Naramata [Leadership Training School] [Part 3] 1976-1977
FR 329-13 Finance Committee 1977-1978
OA 329-14 [Loose materials] 1975
OA 329 [Bound visitor‟s book] [1960s?]
OA 329 [Bound visitor‟s book] 1978

CC 330-01 [Proceedings of the 1953 CCF convention 1953

CC 330-02 [Loose material related to seminars] 1977
CC 330-03 Committees 1979
CC 330-04 Provincial Convention 1977 – Caucus Rooms 1977
El 330-05 Federal Election 1973
EC 330-06 [Loose materials related to Tommy Douglas] 1960s
RP 330-07 Native People 1968
El 330-08 [Untitled folder related to 1969 election school] 1969
El 330-09 [Untitled folder related to federal elections] 1960s

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Mi 330-10 [Loose materials] 1960s
FR 330-11 [Loose material] 1972
FR 330-12 [Loose architectural plans of CCF and NDP owned 1972
FR 330-13 [Loose architectural plans of CCF and NDP owned 1972

El 331-01 Election Planning Committee 1972

CC 331-02 [Loose material related to policy committees] 1972
CC 331-03 Policy Committees 1972
CC 331-04 [Loose material related to committees] 1972
CC 331-05 Miscellaneous Committee [Correspondence and 1972
Other Material] [Part 1]
CC 331-06 Miscellaneous Committee [Correspondence and 1972
Other Material] [Part 2]
CC 331-07 Women‟s Committee 1970
RP 331-08 [Untitled folder relating to Municipal Affairs] 1970-1972
EC 331-09 BC NDP Caucus 1970-1972
EC 331-10 Federal NDP [Part 1] 1970-1972
EC 331-11 Federal NDP [Part 2] 1970-1972
EC 331-12 Federal NDP [Part 3] 1970-1972
EC 331-13 BC Fed 1970-1972
RG 331-14 Canadian Labour Council 1970-1972
RG 331-15 Ontario Caucus [Part 1] 1970-1972

RG 332-01 Ontario Caucus [Part 2] 1970-1972

RG 332-02 Ontario Caucus [Part 3] 1970-1972
RG 332-03 Ontario Caucus [Part 4] 1970-1972
RG 332-04 Ontario Caucus [Part 5] 1970-1972
RG 332-05 [Loose materials] 1970-1972

El 332-06 Pre-Election Planning Committee – Minutes 1977

El 332-07 Pre-Election Planning Committee – 1977
El 332-08 Pre-Election Committee – Sub-Committees 1977
CC 332-09 Policy Committee – Minutes 1977
CC 332-10 Policy Committee – General Correspondence 1977
CC 332-11 Policy Review Committee 1977
CC 332-12 Women‟s Committee 1977
CC 332-13 Labour Liaison Committee 1977
CC 332-14 Education Policy Sub-Committee [Part 1] 1977
CC 332-15 Education Policy Sub-Committee [Part 2] 1977

CC 333-01 Finance 1977

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

CC 333-02 Housing Committee 1977
CC 333-04 Agricultural Committee 1977
CC 333-05 Municipal Affairs Committee 1977
CC 333-06 Constitution and By-Laws 1977
CC 333-07 Internal Education 1977
CC 333-08 Cultural Affairs 1977
CC 333-09 Transportation and Communication 1977
CC 333-10 Health [Part 1] 1977
CC 333-11 Health [Part 2] 1977
CC 333-12 Forest 1977
Me 333-13 LSA and „Trots‟ 1977
CC 333-14 Lands, Forests and Water 1977
CC 333-15 Party Communications Committee 1977
CC 333-16 Energy Policy Sub-Committee 1977
El 333-17 CA Scotton – Election Planning, Federal NDP [Part 1977
El 333-18 CA Scotton, – Election Planning, Federal NDP 1977
[Part 2]

ER 334-01 CA Scotton – Executive, Federal NDP [Part 1] 1977

ER 334-02 CA Scotton – Executive, Federal NDP [Part 2] 1977
FR 334-03 CA Scotton – Finance Committee, Federal NDP 1977
ER 334-04 CA Scotton – Miscellaneous Reports and 1977
Correspondence, Federal NDP
CC 334-05 CA Scotton – Convention Procedures, Federal NDP 1977
[Part 1]
CC 334-06 CA Scotton – Convention Procedures, Federal NDP 1977
[Part 2]
CC 334-07 CA Scotton – Federal Council [Part 1] 1977
CC 334-08 CA Scotton – Federal Council [Part 2] 1977

ER 335-01 CA Scotton – Federal Officers 1977

RG 335-02 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing 1986
Manual [Part 1]
RG 335-03 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing 1986
Manual [Part 2]
RG 335-04 British Columbia Young Socreds Organizing
Manual [Part 3]
RG 335-06 NDP Organizing Materials 1988-1989
RG 335-07 Socred Stuff 1988-1989
RG 335-08 [Material from Rita Johnson‟s Election Campaign] 1991
RG 335-09 Articles on NDP/YND
RG 335-10 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1980-1987
RG 335-11 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1960-1969

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

RG 335-12 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1970-1979
RG 335-13 NDYC Journal and Other [Journals] 1970-1990
RG 335-14 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1990-1992

RG 336-01 NDYC Materials 1990-1991

RG 336-02 NDYC Minutes 1989-1992
RG 336-03 Miscellaneous NDYC Articles and Papers 1989-1991
RG 336-04 [Loose YND Material] 1989-1991
RG 336-05 YND Executive [Part 1] 1989-1991
RG 336-06 YND Executive [Part 2] 1989-1991
RG 336-07 YND Constitution 1989
RG 336-08 YND Organizing Handbook 1990
RG 336-09 [Copies of YND newsletter] Forward 1988-1990
FR 336-10 Estate of Hilda M. Petz (D. Stupich) 1983
RP 336-11 Democrat Committee – Minutes 1983
RP 336-12 Task Force on Electoral Reform 1979
RP 336-13 Briefs [For Task Force on Electoral Reform] 1978-1979
RP 336-14 Drafts of Committee Work 1978-1979
RP 336-15 NDP Government Act 1975 and Background 1978-1979
RP 337-01 [Press Clippings] 1947
El 337 [Bound volume of election material including 1941
budgets and poster templates]
CC 337 [Bound volume of press clippings of CCF 1941-1949
conventions and conferences]
El 337 [Bound volume of federal election press 1945

RG 338 [Various BC CCF convention reports] 1944-1947

RP 338 [Bound volume of clippings] 1945
Me 338 [Bound volume of membership information] 1944
RP 338-01 [Press Clippings] 1943

RP 339 [Bound Volume of Press Clippings] 1942-1943

RP 339 [Bound Volume of Press Clippings]
RP 339 1946 [Bound volume of newspaper clippings] 1946
RP 339 BC Legislature 1945, Press Clippings 1945

EC 340-01 AM Nicholson – MLA Saskatchewan 1964

GC 340-02 Bulletins and Circulars, Master Copies 1962-1964
RP 340-03 Literature Lists 1960
ER 340-04 Federal Council Meeting 1963-1964
CC 340-05 Provincial Council Minutes 1963-1964
ER 340-06 Extra Copies – (Table Officer‟s and Executive‟s) 1963-1964

BCNDP Finding Aid (By Box-File Number)

Code Box-File File Name Years

Me 340-07 Membership – General 1963-1964
ER 340-08 Federal Executive Minutes 1964
Me 340-09 Membership – Transfer 1962
ER 340-10 [Minutes of Table Officers Meetings] 1963-1964
RG 340-11 YND – Constituency 1963
RG 340-12 BC YND – Minutes and Magazine 1964
RG 340-13 New Democratic Youth [Part 1] 1961-1964
RG 340-14 New Democratic Youth [Part 2] 1961

El 341-01 [Loose materials related to federal election] 1984

El 341-02 [Loose materials related to federal election] 1984
El 341-03 [[Loose materials related to federal election] 1984
El 341-04 Organizing File – BC Federal Election Planning 1984
Committee [Part 1]
El 341-05 Organizing File – BC Federal Election Planning 1984
Committee [Part 2]
El 341-06 Federal Election Results 1984
El 341-07 MPs and Ridings Info 1984
El 341-08 Mondale/ US Election Campaign 1984

El 342-01 Vancouver Centre Leaflet 1984

El 342-02 Polling Information 1984
El 342-03 Correspondence 1984

El 343 [Bound copies of election editions of The CCF 1952

FR 343 Provincial Executive – Financial Statements 1952


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