Tle Exam 4th

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Educare Schoolhouse

Fourth Quarter Assessment

April 19, 2024

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ___________

TEST I. TOPIC: Introduction to Computer, Internet, and E-mail

Direction: Write true if the following statements are true. Otherwise, write false.

_________________1. The internet is easy to use and gives you the chance to research and
share news and ideas.

_________________2. An e-mail is an electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes


_________________3. The CPU is the part of the computer that handles the data by following a
set of instructions called program.

_________________4. The Internet is an international communication network.

_________________5. RAM is a way of sending a letter using the computer and the Internet.

_________________6. Web servers are important because it is the one that manages websites
and pages.

_________________7. The e-mail has served as a great alternative to traditional mail.

_________________8. To send a message through an e-mail, you don’t need to have internet.

_________________9. A modem allows computers to be connected through phone lines.

_________________10. Output is the entering or feeding of data or information into a


TEST II. TOPIC: Safe and Responsible Use of Information and Computer Technology

Direction: Read each sentence below. Write R on the line for responsible computer
use and write IR if otherwise.

_______1. Unplug monitor from power supply before cleaning it.

_______2. Always install antivirus for your computer.

_______3. Eating and drinking while using computer.

_______4. Avoid giving personal data via e-mail.

_______5. Create a strong password for your computer.

_______6. Unplug the computer from the socket right away.

_______7. Always click the save button of the document you are working on.

_______8. Do not create backup copies of your files.

_______9. Avoid writing in capital letters in your e-mail.

_______10. Use the computer every day.

TEST III. TOPIC: Safety Rules and Proper Behavior Using the Computer and Internet
Direction: Identify what is being asked in each sentence. Write your answer on the
lines provided.

________________________1. This is a term used in acquiring private information such as

usernames and passwords using fake web pages.

________________________2. It is an illegal activity with the use of computer, the Internet, and

________________________3. It is any malicious software that installs itself to the computer.

________________________4. This is a computer software that is embedded or placed in Web

pages that logs your computer activity when you are using it.

________________________5. It is a series of connection of one computer to another.

TEST IV. TOPIC: Entrepreneurship and Livelihood

Direction: Make a list of 10 business products that are popular to customers and what
famous brands sell them.

Product Famous Brand Names

Example: Milk tea Pet Perry Suites
TEST V. TOPIC: Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Direction: Put if it is a good characteristic of an entrepreneur and put if it’s not.

______1. can create new business

______2. has no self-confidence

______3. too afraid to take risks

______4. adapts new ways and traditions

______5. has goals to follow

______6. has high standards of excellence

______7. opens his/her minds to new possibilities

______8. grabs opportunities to learn more

______9. doesn’t have a time schedule to follow

______10. always thinking positive.

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