Cover Leter Jaya Baya

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Yosafat Manik

Bangun Reksa Indah 2 Blok SS No.4
Tangerang, 15157
September, 26, 2023
Human Resources Division

Subject: Application for Pilot Position

Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Cadet Pilot position at PT Jaya Baya. With my
passion for aviation, outstanding flying skills, and strong leadership abilities, I am confident that
I would be a valuable addition to your esteemed organization.

Having recently graduated from Sekolah Tinggi Penerbang Indonesia Curug (STPI Curug) two
years ago, I am equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as a professional pilot.
Throughout my training, I consistently demonstrated exceptional aptitude and proficiency in
flying an airplane. My dedication to honing my skills and passion for aviation have allowed me
to develop a deep understanding of aircraft systems, navigation procedures, and safety protocols.

Beyond my technical abilities, I possess a range of soft skills that are essential for success in the
aviation industry. My experience in team-based flight training programs has instilled in me the
importance of effective communication and collaboration. I have consistently proven my ability
to work seamlessly within diverse teams, contributing to a harmonious and productive
environment. Additionally, my leadership qualities have been cultivated through various
experiences, both within and outside the aviation industry. I am adept at making critical decisions
under pressure, maintaining calmness in challenging situations, and ensuring the safety and
well-being of all passengers and crew members.

Enclosed you will find my Curriculum Vitae, license, Medical Certificate, IELP Certificate, and
Log Book, and also a Written ATPL results which provide a comprehensive overview of my
qualifications and achievements. These documents reflect my commitment to excellence and my
dedication to continuous professional development.

Furthermore, I am willing to take a contract in my own type rating on the Airbus aircraft if given
the opportunity to work at PT Jaya Baya. I currently lack an Airbus type rating, and I am eager to
undergo the necessary training. I am fully committed to covering the expenses of the type rating
through a reasonable portion of my salary, in line with the terms outlined in my employment
contract. My dedication to obtaining the Airbus type rating reflects my determination to enhance
my skills and contribute effectively to the team. I am demonstrating my strong commitment to
becoming a valuable asset to your organization. I believe that such an investment will not only
enhance my skills but also align my abilities directly with the requirements of PT Jaya Baya.

PT Jaya Baya is renowned for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer
satisfaction, all of which resonate deeply with my personal values. I am inspired by your
company's unwavering dedication to safety and your vision for the future of aviation. Joining PT
Jaya Baya would provide me with an incredible opportunity to contribute to your esteemed
organization, and I am eager to be part of a team that shares my passion for aviation.

Thank you for considering my application. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further
how my skills and experience align with PT Jaya Baya's objectives. I am available for an
interview at your convenience and can be reached at the contact information provided above.

I am confident that my enthusiasm, technical expertise, leadership skills, and dedication to

aviation would make me an exceptional asset to the PT Jaya Baya team. I look forward to the
possibility of contributing to your organization's continued success.
Yours sincerely,

Yosafat Manik

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