Assignment 1

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Taxsila Public School

English Assignment 2

Session :2024-25

Flamingo: My Mother at Sixty Six


➢ The assignment contains three section i.e A,B,C based on Blooms Taxonomy
➢ Section A contains 1 marks question (extracts)
➢ Section B contains 2 marks questions knowledge based, understanding, application based etc.
➢ Section C contains long questions of 5 marks based on analyzing ,synthesis and evaluation


A1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face
Ashen like that of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away, ….

(a) What worried the poet when she looked at her mother ?
(b) Why was there pain in her realization ?
(c) Why did she put that thought away ?
(d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines.

(Board Questions )

B1. “See you soon ,Amma” How are these words contrary to the speaker’s emotions ?2024

B2. How do you know that the joyful scene did not help her fearful drive away “that thought” from her
mind? 2018

B3. What does the poets smile in the poem “my mother at Sixty-six” show? 2017

B4. What were the kamla das fears as a child?

why do they surface when she is going to the airport?

B5. What did the poet notice about her mother? 2011

B6. Why was her mother’s face looking like that of a corpse? 2011

B7. What did the poet notice about her mother? 2014

B8. What did the poet put ‘that thought away’? 2014

Why is the childish longing that the poet refers to? Why is it vain ?

B9. Which thought made the poet feel painful? 2020

B10. What are the feelings of the poet keep up girl about her aged mother with reference to the poem
my mother at 66 what was the poet’s childhood fear? 2013


C1. Analyse the concept of losing our dear ones on account of old age in context of the poem

C2.Bring out the poetic devices used in the poem “My Mother at sixty Six”

C3. Throw light on the significance of the poet’s parting words and her smile in the poem, My Mother at
Sixty Six”.

C4. Both “Mother at Sixty-Six “ and “Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger’s” are written by women poets and both the
poems have a women as the chief character. What similarities / dissimilarities do you find in the chief
ideas in the poem?

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