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CMOS Technology based LC VCO Review

V. Maþaitis R. Navickas
Computer Engineering Department Computer Engineering Department
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Lithuania Lithuania

Abstract— This paper reviews CMOS LC Voltage Controlled

Oscillators (VCO) for wireless multi-standard transceivers and
wireless communications. The main parameters, such as phase
noise, carrier frequency, supply voltage, tuning range, power
dissipation, figure of merit (FOMt) were reviewed in this paper.

Keywords—VCO, CMOS integrated circuits, transceivers,


Fig. 1. Block diagram of classical phase-locked loop (PLL).
Over time, wireless technology is improving so rapidly,
that more and more attention is appointed to high
Commonly two types of VCOs: ring oscillators (Ring-
performance, low cost, low power and small area transceivers.
VCOs) and LC oscillators (LC-VCOs) are used in high-
Currently, wireless communications applied to many areas
frequency PLL. The Ring-VCOs take a small area on a chip
such as wireless local area networks (WLAN), Global System
and can provide very wide tuning range but their phase noise
for Mobile Communications (GSM), Global Positioning
performance is very poor when compared to LC-VCOs. LC-
System (GPS) and etc. Transceiver is the main part of the
VCOs can operate in high frequency, but their tuning range is
wireless system and its main function is to receive and
relatively small and on-chip inductors occupy a lot of chip
transmit data. The basic transceiver consists of the following
blocks: low noise amplifier (LNA), power amplifier (PA),
down-conversion mixer, up-conversion mixer, filters and The schematic of basic LC-VCO is shown in Fig. 2. The
frequency synthesizer. In transceivers the phase locked loop LC-VCO consists of the following parts: high-quality inductor
(PLL) is mainly used as the frequency synthesizer. (L), varactors block, switched capacitors block, cross-coupled
transistors (M1, M2) and current control block. The inductor
PLL is a signal control system that generates an output
with varactors and the switched capacitors block form a LC
signal whose phase is comparable to the phase of an input
tank. The negative resistance of the LC-VCO is given by the
signal. The classical PLL consists of five basic components:
transconductance of the cross coupled M1 and M2 NMOS or
phase frequency detector (PFD), charge pump (CP), low pass
PMOS transistors. They generate the negative resistance to
filter (LPF), voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), and
cancel the loss in the LC tank so that the circuit can enable
frequency divider (÷N), as shown in Figure 1 [1] further. The
sustained oscillation.
PFD detects the difference in frequency and phase between the
FREF and feedback FDIV inputs and generates an UP or DN
control signal based on whether the feedback frequency is A. Switched Capacitor Block
lagging or leading the FREF frequency. If the CP receives an First, confirm that you have the correct template for your
UP signal, current is driven into the LPF filter. If the CP Frequency calibration is consisted by two steps of fine tuning
receives a DN signal, current is drawn from LPF. In next and coarse tuning to widen the operating frequency range. The
operation LPF converts these signals to a control voltage that coarse tuning is obtained using the switched capacitor block.
is used to control the VCO. Therefore, the principle of A switched capacitor block is used in classic design. The
operation is as follow: if the PFD generates an UP signal, then block consists of capacitors arrays connected in parallel,
the VCO frequency increases; a DN signal decreases the VCO which can be turned on or off depending on the required
frequency. The VCO stabilizes only when FREF and FDIV capacity. When the blocks are switched on, the capacity is
frequency and phase coincides. Under these conditions, the reduced, when the blocks are switched off, the capacity
PLL is locked. Thus, the VCO is the key component that increases. Switches in the LC-VCOs is realized using NMOS
controls the frequency of the PLL. or PMOS transistors or capacitors.

978-1-4673-7445-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

B. Varactor Block
A C0
en bit 0
The fine tuning is obtained using the varactors block in
en bit 2
order to get precise operation frequency. This block consists
C1 C1
of parallel connected multi-fingered varactors. These varactors
en bit 3
maximize the tunability of the LC-VCOs. The external voltage
C2 C2 Vtune is used for varying linearly the equivalent capacitance of
Vout- Vout+ varactors. Basically Vtune control voltage can range from 0 V
to ~5 V.

en bit N
C. Current Control Block
The last component of the LC-VCO is the current control
block. In this block bias current is controlled by several bits.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, ictrl is a binary array of several
B C1 Vt une C1 independent control signals for corresponding bias current
switches. Therefore, by choosing ictrl signals, the LC-VCO
C2 C2
can get various bias current values, which means that LC-
Vout- Vout+ VCO can adjust its power consumption to the optimum.
Compared with bandgaps reference current biasing this
structure has the advantage of simplicity and power
consumption selection flexibility [2-4].
The paper is organized as follows: section II describes the
analysis of the LC-VCOs overview; conclusions are
VDD summarized in section III.


This paper provides an overview of forty different VCOs.
Vout- Vout+
Switched Varactors All information has been compiled from IEEE Xplore digital
Block library. The results comparison of VCOs are given in Table I
Vtune and Table II . The main parameters of the VCO are: IC
technology Tch. (nm), carrier frequency Fc (GHz), frequency
Switched Capacitors tuning range ǻF (%), phase noise PN (dBc/Hz), power
N bit control
Block dissipation P (mW), figure of merit FOMt (dBc/Hz).


Tch., Fc, ǻF, PN, PN@df, FOMt,
M1 M2 Nr. P, mW
nm GHz % dBc/Hz MHz dBc/Hz
[5] 350 5.88 3.91 -112.00 1 19.20 -166.40
[6] 250 7.45 30.76 -100.00 1 0.54 -189.87
[7] 250 4.89 13.09 -124.00 1 22.00 -186.70
bit control
control [8] 250 3.61 6.38 -130.70 1 22.60 -184.39
Current Control Block [9] 180 4.00 47.70 -115.60 1 2.99 -196.45
[10] 180 12.77 15.75 -110.20 1 1.08 -195.93
[11] 180 1.85 9.21 -126.00 1 1.35 -189.31
[12] 180 13.00 25.62 -101.40 1 2.40 -188.05
VSS [13] 180 18.90 1.06 -129.30 1 10.00 -185.32
[14] 180 1.82 10.99 -127.00 1 6.30 -185.03
[15] 180 5.32 7.52 -122.00 1 13.50 -182.74
C [16] 180 5.36 13.81 -127.00 3 18.00 -182.29
[17] 180 12.31 28.11 -108.00 0.1 50.00 -180.88
R0 R1 R2 RN R0 R1 R2 RN
[18] 180 3.3 21.21 -91.00 1 5.04 -181.79
[19] 180 5.56 15.30 -105.83 1 5.60 -176.94
[20] 180 7.65 6.54 -108.30 1 4.90 -175.38
[21] 180 29.82 1.38 -104.10 1 2.30 -172.74
[22] 180 5.25 0.76 -117.62 1 1.05 -169.45
B0 B1 B2 BN B0 B1 B2 BN ictrl0 [23] 180 2.05 63.08 -83.82 1 11.20 -155.54
ictrl1 [24] 130 5.71 37.69 -132.68 1 2.21 -215.88
ictrlN [25] 130 3.88 37.42 -138.00 3 13.60 -200.35
[26] 130 13.93 13.29 -100.60 1 0.60 -188.16
[27] 130 4.90 2.50 -135.70 3 3.00 -183.15
[28] 130 8.58 15.51 -106.20 1 4.00 -182.66
[29] 130 13.75 10.91 -104.60 1 5.00 -181.13
[30] 130 19.48 4.88 -103.00 1 5.00 -175.56
Fig. 2. Schematic of basic LC-VCO. [31] 130 6.00 5.33 -115.00 1 12.50 -174.13
TABLE II. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF VCOS (NANO) Fig 3 describes different micro technology VCOs FOMT.
Tch., Fc, ǻF, PN, PN@df, FOMt, The lowest FOMT is in 24th VCO (FOMT = –215.88 dBc/Hz).
Nr. P, mW
nm GHz % dBc/Hz MHz dBc/Hz
[32] 90 34.34 62.12 -100.80 1 20.00 -194.37 This VCO is designed in 0.13µm IC technology.
[33] 90 5.63 45.12 -108.00 1 14.00 -184.64
[34] 90 15.06 5.84 -94.86 1 13.69 -162.39 Fig 4 describes different nano technology VCOs FOMT.
[35] 65 1.17 83.44 -124.30 1 2.40 -200.28 The lowest FOMT is in 35th VCO (FOMT = –200.28 dBc/Hz).
[36] 65 3.54 34.46 -142.10 10 13.70 -192.46 This VCO is designed in 65nm IC technology.
[37] 65 4.50 77.78 -110.00 1 9.36 -191.17
[38] 65 6.85 27.74 -118.30 1 20.20 -190.82
[39] 65 6.85 27.74 -118.30 1 20.20 -190.82 CONCLUSIONS
[40] 65 5.40 29.63 -113.00 1 8.71 -187.68
[41] 65 8.75 17.14 -108.00 1 2.49 -187.56 This paper provides an overview and analysis of forty (in
[42] 65 6.36 27.67 -118.00 1 41.04 -186.78 Table I and Table II [5]–[44]) different VCOs. Overview was
[43] 65 3.37 18.72 -104.00 0.1 28.80 -185.39
[44] 65 2.33 9.03 -111.00 1 0.58 -179.81
separated into micro and nano sections in order to view the
information more obviously. VCOs designed in 0.35 – 0.13
µm IC technology belongs micro section, and VCOs designed
The main parameters was separated into micro (Table I) in 90 – 65 nm belongs nano section. The folowing parameters
and nano (Table II) sections in order to view the information were taken into account during this analysis: IC technology
more obviously. VCOs designed in 350–130 nm IC Tch. (nm), carrier frequency Fc (GHz), frequency tuning
technology belongs in micro section, and VCOs designed by range ǻF (%), phase noise PN (dBc/Hz), power dissipation P
90–65 nm belongs in nano section. (mW) and figure of merit FOMt (dBc/Hz).
To evaluate the overall performance of the VCO, a The lowest FOMT in micro section is in 24th VCO
figure-of-merit including the tuning range (FOMT) is used. (FOMT = –215.88 dBc/Hz). This result was affected by
following parameters: very low phase noise at 1 MHz offset
§ F ⋅ ∆F · from carrier frequency (PN = –132.68 dBc/Hz), low power
§ P · (1)
FOM T = PN (∆f ) − 20 log ¨ C ¸ + 10 log ¨ ¸ consumption (P = 2.21 mW) and wide frequency tuning range
© ∆f ⋅10 ¹ © 1mW ¹ (ǻF= 37.69 %). This VCO was designed in 0.13 µm IC
where PN(ǻf ) is the phase noise at an offset frequency ǻf, Fc The lowest FOMT in nano section is in 35th VCO
is the carrier frequency, P is the power consumption in mW (FOMT = –200.28 dBc/Hz). This result was affected by
and ǻF is a percentage of the frequency tuning range. In this following parameters: low phase noise at 1 MHz offset from
paper all VCOs FOMT values was recalculated by formula (1) carrier frequency (PN = –124.30 dBc/Hz), low power
and shown in Table I and Table II. consumption (P = 2.4 mW). This VCO was designed in 65 nm
IC technology.
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