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he integrated dif-
ferential ring oscil-
l at o r ( DRO) i n
complement a r y
metal oxide semi-
conductor (CMOS) technol-
ogy has been used in numer-
ous products for a long time.
Its presence has been extended
to high-speed clock and data
recovery (CDR) circuits for opti-
cal communication, analog and
digitally controlled oscillators, fre-
quency dividers of high-frequency
synthesizers, clock generators of digi-
tal circuits, analog-to-digital convert-
ers (ADCs), and many more applications
[1]–[5]. Implementations of these ring oscilla-
tors are seen in emerging technologies such as
ultrawideband (UWB) and radio frequency iden-
tification (RFID) as well as wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) and short-range communication devices [6], [7].
The DRO is a good design choice for integrated circuit (IC)
designers because of its continued use in different bulk CMOS tech-
© digital vision
nologies. This article presents implementation techniques and performance
comparisons of the DRO as a CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) in low radio

CMOS Differential
Ring Oscillators
Jubayer Jalil, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz,
and Mohd Alauddin Mohd Ali

Jubayer Jalil (jubayer.jalil@gmail.com), Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz (mamun.reaz@gmail.com), and Mohd Alauddin
Mohd Ali (mama@eng.ukm.my) are with the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2013.2259401

Date of publication: 11 July 2013

July/August 2013 1527-3342/13/$31.00©2013IEEE 97

Integrated oscillators in modern used in it with the on-chip inductor have limited
capacitance change with a very low supply voltage in
optical and wireless communication deep-submicron CMOS process. In order to address
devices are fabricated using a variety the design challenges of the LC oscillator in CMOS,
of technologies such as CMOS, the DRO is widely used in PLL designs of low giga-
hertz and multistandard RF transceivers.
BiCMOS, SiGe, InP, and GaAs.
Phase Noise in DRO
The DRO-based VCO design involves many trad-
frequency (RF) bands, along with presentation and dis- eoffs between frequency generation, phase noise,
cussion of a number of circuit approaches. tuning range, power, and multiphase output signals
(i.e. production of a number of multiple quadrature
Inductance-Capacitance (LC) Oscillators phases), and the phase noise is the most vital design
Versus Ring Oscillators concern among them. Now the question is: what is
Integrated oscillators in modern optical and wireless phase noise? Phase noise is the power spectrum of
communication devices are fabricated using a variety the oscillation frequency in real oscillators not being
of technologies such as CMOS, BiCMOS, SiGe, InP, concentrated at a single tone; rather it is spread into
and GaAs. CMOS has dominated the semiconductor adjacent frequencies around that tone and what is
industry for nearly three decades because of its rapid commonly known as phase noise (PN). We use the
evolution, continual downscaling of feature sizes, lower single-sided power spectral density (PSD) of the sig-
power dissipation and reduced cost of fabrication. The nal normalized to the power in the fundamental tone
current trend of fully integrated inductance-capaci- as a measure of phase noise. In the classical Leeson’s
tance (LC) oscillators and ring oscillators (ROs) is being model for the linearized oscillator, the PN, L ^∆~h is
exploited in phase-locked loop (PLL) based frequency written as [18], [19]
synthesizers in CMOS systems-on-chip (SoC) applica-
= 10 log =) 1 + 3
S U (D~) 2
tions [8], [9]. In the LC oscillator, the on-chip monolithic L (D~) =
2 (2D~Q) 2
or planar spiral inductor is one of the key passive com- 
c m mE,
D~ 1/f3 2FKT
ponents of the tank (resonator) circuit, along with the # 1+ c (1)
resonating capacitor such as an MOS varactor for tun-
ing purposes. Unlike LC oscillators, the on-chip RO is where, S U = the PSD of PN; D~ = the frequency offset
an inductor-free circuit. It is built using only amplifier from the carrier center frequency ^~ 0 h; D~ 31/f = flicker
blocks (or delay cells) without an external frequency corner frequency of the active devices used as the
selective network (resonant circuit). Still, the RO satis- oscillator; PDC = DC power consumption of oscillator;
fies two of Barkhausen’s criteria for oscillation, namely F = noise factor of the active devices; K = Boltzmann’s
that the phase shift around the feedback loop must be constant; T = absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin.
0° or an even multiple of 360° at some frequency and There are a few parameters that adversely affect
that the magnitude of the loop gain at that frequency PN performance of the DRO: low Q factor, high out-
be unity. put frequency, low power consumption, high tem-
In the PLL, the spiral inductor of the LC oscilla- perature, high voltage gain, number of delay stages
tor performs with higher linearity and a low level of of cascaded connections, and continuous conduction
phase noise (in frequency domain) or timing jitter of active and passive devices [13], [19]–[22]. Select-
(in time domain) than its ring oscillator counterpart ing proper delay cell topology for fast rail-to-rail
[10], [11] but exhibits several limitations in standard switching may reduce PN. Reducing flicker noise
CMOS process. First, the ohmic loss of the inductor at up-conversion in the tuning current and white
high frequencies yields a low quality factor [12] that noise in the delay cells can also provide better PN
degrades the overall Q of the resonant circuit. Sec- performance. In practice, the DRO gain or sensitiv-
ond, compared with the RO, the LC oscillator is not ity is much higher than the LC oscillator, and the
extremely compact and takes a significant amount DRO overall PN quality can be further improved by
of die space [13], [14]. Third, the inductance (L) value reducing tuning bandwidth and by using a noise-
of a planar spiral inductor becomes low and fixed free control path.
when the number of the turns of the spiral is kept The figure of merit (FOM) is an overall performance
constant [15]. Finally, the spiral inductor fills a large benchmark of the ring VCO and can be expressed
portion of area in any IC and suffers from substrate using the power consumption ^PDCh and the PN in the
losses because of high conductivity of the silicon sub- oscillation frequency ^~ 0 h by
strate [10], [16]. Moreover, the LC oscillator does not
have as wide a tuning range as the RO [17]; because
FOM dB = L (D~) + 10 log c m - 20 log ` j.
PDC ~ 0 (2)
integrated voltage dependent capacitors or varactors 1mW D~

98 July/August 2013
Single-Ended Versus Both single-ended and differential
Differential Ring Oscillators
A ring oscillator is formed by using an odd and even topologies can be used in designing
number (N) of open loop inverting amplifiers (A) or fully integrated CMOS VCOs.
delay cells (or stages) which are coupled in a positive
feedback loop (Figure 1). During operation, if one of
the nodes of the RO is excited, then the pulse propa-
gates through all the cells and eventually reverses N
the polarity of the initially excited node. It is worth
mentioning that previously stated Barkhausen crite- Vout
ria are necessary for stable oscillation but not suffi- A A A A
cient for the start-up conditions. To ensure any sort of
oscillator’s start-up in the beginning, the open-loop
gain of the oscillator should always be higher than
unity. Whenever this condition is satisfied, perhaps Figure 1. The RO structure with N number of cells or
the oscillator is kicked by noise of the circuit, an ini- amplifier blocks (A).
tial condition or a small current pulse in one of the
nodes of that oscillator or a short pulse to the supply
voltage. These phenomena are conspicuous in every Frequency Control
practical oscillator.
tp tp tp
In RO, the propagation signal passes twice through
the chain of N delay cells, for a total delay of 2Nt p, to VA 1 VB 0 VC 1
complete one period ^Tosc h; t p denotes the propagation
+ - + - + -
time of a single delay cell. The frequency (f) of this - + - + - +
oscillator is a measure of the round trip time through
the loop and can be derived as

f = 1 = 1 . (3) Tosc
Tosc 2Nt P
tp Edge
Typically, t p of a RO is computed by a multiplica- tp X3
tion of the resistive load ^RLoadh and total capacitance
Edge tp
Edge X2
^ C total h of load and parasitics of active devices in a
1 1

delay cell circuit with a constant factor of ln2. More-

over, ^R Lqad h can be represented by the output voltage VA 0
swing over total load (bias) current in each delay cell. t = t1
The delay cells of the RO can be single-ended or dif- Total Phase Shift in Loop = r
ferential [20]. The single-ended RO (SERO) is a chain of Total Propagation Time in Loop = 3tp
inverters composed of an NMOS and PMOS transis- ` r = p ( Tosc = 6tp
2r Tosc
tor, and the number of delay cells must be odd. Delay
cells of the DRO can be an odd or even number and
are constructed using a load (active or passive compo- Figure 2. (a) A simple functional block diagram of
nents) with an input pair of NMOS differential pairs or the three-stage DRO-based VCO. (b) A corresponding
a push-pull inverter. The propagation time in this type waveform and period calculation.
of cell is set by the charge in each node and the current
through the load that may consist of a resistor for fixed
frequency or PMOS transistors. strate noise, the DRO has outperformed the SERO in
Both single-ended and differential topologies can both in digital and analog ICs [23]. Moreover, it is easy
be used in designing fully integrated CMOS VCOs. to achieve very high-frequency performance with both
Based on the outputs of its delay cell architectures, the in-phase and quadrature outputs in DRO [24].
DRO can be categorized in three ways: saturated type,
unsaturated type and nonsaturated type [21]. Com- DRO-Based VCO: Working Principles
pared with the unsaturated DRO, the output stage of To explain the basic working principle of the DRO, let
the SERO is always saturated. For this reason, the SERO us consider the circuit shown in Figure 2(a), illustrat-
exhibits better PN performance for an equal number of ing a three-stage DRO (N = 3), in which at time t 1 the
stages while also consuming very low power [22] and output of the first stage, VA changes to logic 1 (denoted
shows superior thermal noise performance [23]. Due by edge X 1 ) as shown in signal waveform in Figure 2(b)
to better common-mode rejection of supply and sub- [25]. When this logic 1 propagates to the end, it creates

July/August 2013 99
Recent developments of the DRO have cations. Most DRO topologies currently use one of these
two topologies.
evolved based on various FD or PD
configurations of delay stages both Effects of Delay Stages in DROs
in single- and dual-delay loop ring The VCO is a major and critical building block in high-
frequency PLLs, and employing fewer delay stages for
architectures. this module can reduce the power dissipation, chip
area and cost. In wired and wireless communication
systems, two, three or four stages of both fully and
a logic 1 at the third stage, which, when fed back to the pseudodifferential delay cells are usually adopted
input of the first stage, creates a logic 0 in the first stage for construction of high-frequency DROs. Though a
output denoting edge X 2 . When this logic 0 is propa- three-stage DRO cannot produce a quadrature output
gated again through the loop, it toggles the output of compared to two- and four-stage DROs, the three-
the first stage, VA and trigger edge X 3 . For every single stage DRO is faster than its four-stage counterpart.
cycle, there are a downward as well as an upward tran- It is desirable to design a two-stage DRO to reduce
sition, and the intrinsic propagation delay times of each power and improve phase noise performance, but
delay cell, high-to-low ^t PHL h and low-to-high ^t HPL h, when designing a two-stage DRO, an additional phase
are associated with these transitions. Nevertheless, shift is required in each delay cell in order to satisfy
^ t PHL h and ^ t HPL h could be equal or not depending on the Barkhausen criteria, and extra power is consumed
the specific delay cell configurations, and so the aver- in order to achieve the excess phase shift. For all even
age propagation delay can be implied by the arithmetic numbered DROs, latch-up or no oscillation may occur
mean of transition times, ^t PHL + t HPL h /2. if oscillators fail to fulfill the proper start-up conditions
In order to vary the frequency of the RO, either the or by not swapping input and output connections.
number of stages (N) or the propagation time ^t p h must We find from (3) that the oscillation frequency of
be changed. The following frequency tuning mecha- the DRO is mainly determined by the propagation
nisms are often employed in all ROs: by varying the time ^t P h of each stage and the number (N) of stages;
output capacitance load, by varying “on resistance” the maximum frequency of this type of oscillator
of a linear MOSFET, by varying current handling is limited by the propagation time of the delay cells,
capability of the circuits driving the load and even by in which only a set of primary inputs are used. This
changing the dc supply voltage of oscillators. Besides type of DRO architecture is known as single-loop or
these approaches, another unique method of tuning is single-path. A technique initiated for the maximum
known as delay interpolation for the DROs, for which frequency levels of the DRO is called a dual-delay
wide tuning range and relatively linear volt-to-fre- loop. In a dual-delay loop (sometimes referred to as
quency characteristics can be attained [26], [27]. In this a multiloop) structure, auxiliary or secondary inputs
approach, a fast path and a slow path are operated in are added, along with the primary inputs of existing
parallel at each delay interpolation stage. Total propa- delay cells. These auxiliaries are in fact switched ear-
gation delay is controlled by increasing the gain of one lier than the primary inputs and signals are fed from
path and decreasing that of the other, and consequently the preceding stages during operation. Recent devel-
their outputs are summed together at the end. There- opments of the DRO have evolved based on various
fore, the frequency of the DROs can be adjusted by FD or PD configurations of delay stages both in single-
steering the current between the fast and slow paths. and dual-delay loop ring architectures. The following
sections discuss a number of PD and FD delay cells
Fully Differential Versus used in two, three and four stages of DROs in conjunc-
Pseudodifferential DROs tion with their performance as VCOs in contemporary
The use of DRO circuit configurations such as true or CMOS technologies.
fully differential (FD) and pseudodifferential (PD) are
generally dominant in CMOS ICs [28]. The FD struc- DRO by PD Delay Cells
ture is based on a differential pair whereby the tail
current source has better common-mode noise rejec- Park-Kim Delay Cells and Their Modifications
tion, reduced harmonic distortion, and enlarged output A four-stage DRO based on PD amplifier delay cell,
voltage swing. The FD common-mode gain is lowered proposed by Park-Kim, is fully switched: the output of
by increasing the output resistance of the tail current the DRO reaches the power rail within the period of
source. The PD configuration is based on two indepen- oscillation [30]. The DRO made by this fully switched
dent inverters without tail current sources and results type delay cell is normally termed a saturated-type
in a larger common-mode gain [29]. Wider input range oscillator. This delay cell includes an NMOS differen-
is possible in PD structures due to avoidance of the tail tial input pair (M1, M2), a pair of PMOS load transistors
current source, making it suitable for low voltage appli- (M3, M4) for providing a positive feedback latch and

100 July/August 2013

cross-coupled NMOS transistors (M5, M6) for control-
By employing a dual-delay scheme or
ling the gate voltage of the load transistors and limiting
the strength of the added latch (Figure 3). With the help loop, higher oscillation frequency can
of the positive feedback of the latch, the transition edges be managed.
of the output waveform of the oscillator remain sharp
in spite of slow delay time. Moreover, the positive feed-
back latch speeds up the transitions and offers a much delay cell, the cross-coupled PMOS transistors (M3,
higher oscillation frequency since the negative-skewed M4) are adopted as loads, but to control the oscilla-
cells turn on the PMOS devices before the low-to-high tion frequency, auxiliary PMOS transistors (M5, M6)
output transition, and turn off the PMOS devices before are placed parallel with these loads (Figure 5). Unlike
the high-to-low output transition. By employing a dual- conventional Lee-Kim delay cells, two NMOS tran-
delay scheme or loop, higher oscillation frequency can sistors (M7, M8) are added between the output nodes
be managed [31]. This delay structure has the drawback and ground. For biasing purposes, the gates of M7
of the existence of a dead zone in its voltage response. and M8 are connected to the diode-connected NMOS
This dead zone is the flat response of the output volt- transistor ^M 0 h and this transistor is biased by a pro-
ages with respect to the input voltages [32]. Adding two grammable current source ^I bh . The typical program-
PMOS transistors in parallel with the pull-up PMOS mable current source ^I bh could be controlled by a
load provides an additional charge path and overcomes digital-to-analog converter (DAC) in association with
the dead zone problem. Further increases in oscillation a successive approximation register (SAR) as shown in
frequency were realized by self-biased active inductors
as reported in [32], demonstrating better performance
than the original Park-Kim delay cell.
For low voltage operation, a delay cell with a com- VDD
plementary current control technique also based on
M5 M9 M10 M6
the Park-Kim delay cell is presented in [33] (Figure 4). Vin2- Vin2+
Here, a pair of PMOS complementary control transis- M7 M8
tors (M9, M10) is added, offering extra current to over-
come the restriction of low voltage control operation Vout- Vout+
and increasing the oscillation frequency by dual delay
loop structure. It has full supply voltage range control- M3 M4
lability and wide tuning range of 43.39%. Its better
phase noise performance is achieved at the expense of
high power dissipation of 100 mW. Vin1+ Vin1-
M1 M2
Compensated Lee-Kim Delay Cell
Wu et al. use another fully switched delay cell based
on the Lee-Kim delay cell stated in [34] for the four-
stage dual-delay loop DRO [35]. Like the Park-Kim Figure 4. A complementary current control delay cell [33].


M5 M4 M0
M3 M4 Vc M3 M6 Vc

Vout- Vout+
Vb Vin+ Vin- Vb
M7 M1 M2 M8
M5 M6
Vout- Vout+ n: Digital Inputs
SAR: Successive Iout = Ib DAC
Appromixation S
M1 Vc M2 A
Vin+ Vin- R
DAC: Digital-to-Analog

Figure 3. A Park-Kim delay cell for single delay path Figure 5. A compensated Lee-Kim delay cell with diode-
oscillator [30]. connected transistor and current source [35].

July/August 2013 101

Vins+ M5 M3 M4 M6 Vins-
M7 M3 M9 M10 M8 M7 M8
Vins+ M4 V Vc
Vout- (Coarse) Vout+
M9 M10
M5 M6
M1 M2
Vout- Vout+ Vinp+ Vinp-
Vc (Fine)
M1 Vc M2
Vinp+ Vinp-

Figure 8. A delay cell with positive feedback latch for

Figure 6. A voltage and current controlled delay cell [37]. coarse and fine tune [39].

VDD it suffers from poor phase noise of -99 dBc/Hz at

Vins+ Vins- 1 MHz offset from 5.5 GHz while consuming 58 mW
M3 M4 M5 M6 of power in comparison with [37].
M7 Vout+ Vout- M8 Delay Cell with Symmetric Load
A delay cell demonstrated in [38] for a three-stage
M1 M2 dual-delay loop DRO is different from the preceding
Vinp+ Vinp-
delay cells. In this delay stage, input NMOS pair (M1,
M2) and input PMOS pair (M3, M6) are employed for
the primary loop and secondary loop, respectively
Figure 7. A PD delay cell with symmetric load [38].
(Figure 7). This DRO combines composite loads of
two (M3 and M7, M6 and M8) in each cell and feed-
Figure 5. This type of configuration is used to reduce forward techniques rather single delay path to reduce
supply voltage sensitivity. In contrast to the Manea- the propagation time of each cell. The size of M4 and
tis delay cell (described later), a replica bias circuit M5 determines the tuning range and controls the fre-
and a current bias transistor are not required for both quency of oscillation by tuning the gate voltage. The
conventional and compensated Lee-Kim delay cells. proposed composite loads behave as active inductors
For construction of the dual delay path architecture, at the drain of M3, M6 and M7, M8 by eliminating
two PMOS transistors can be added in parallel with conventional active loads, and these active inductors,
M5 and M6. In spite of digital calibration techniques which cause the time constant reduction obtained
to compensate for supply noise, this design requires from inductive peaking, increase the oscillation
large and complex digital controllers. frequency of the DRO. Additionally, this oscillator
acquired wide tuning range due to moderately high
Voltage and Current Controlled Delay Cell quality factor (Q) of the active inductor. The wide tun-
In [36], a four-stage DRO was designed for the dual- ing range of 180% attained at low voltage is the main
loop PLL, utilizing voltage control and current feature of this oscillator.
control simultaneously to provide dual-controlled
inputs. Based on the delay latch proposed by Eken- Coarse and Fine Tuning Pseudodifferential
Uymera in [37] for the three-stage RO, the positive Cell with Positive Feedback Latch
feedback gain in the latch (M3, M4) of this circuit The delay cell mentioned in [39] can be used for the
increases with Vc (coarse tuning) by reducing the multiloop three-stage DRO (Figure 8). In this cell,
MOS resistance of M5 and M6 (Figure 6). A pair NMOS transistors M1 and M2 form the input pair
of PMOS transistors (M7, M8), the gates of which of the primary loop, while PMOS M7 and M8 serve
are connected to ground to keep the devices in the as the input pair of the secondary loop. PMOS tran-
saturation region, provide an additional amount of sistors M3 and M4 form the load of the delay cell.
injected current ^I p h that splits into the output nodes In order to circumvent the loss of oscillation at the
^ Vout-, Vout+ h . The injected current ^ I p h is fed by sepa- extreme range of frequency tuning, extra PMOS
rate voltage-to-current modules, which changes the loads M5 and M6 are inserted in shunt with the con-
total injected current using the differential input trollable load M3 and M4. In this design, the gates
control signal. Even though this DRO generates a of M5 and M6 are connected to bias the transistors
higher frequency signal and widens tuning range, into the triode region of operation. Coarse tuning is

102 July/August 2013

accomplished by varying the load through changing
A DRO with a wide tuning range of
the gate voltage of M3 and M4. Fine-tuning is steered
by adjusting the amount of tail current flowing 130%, good linearity and low power
through the positive feedback latch, M9 and M10. In is proposed in [47] and is designed for
this oscillator, both coarse and fine tuning is applied
the applications like vital sign radar
to decrease the VCO tuning sensitivity and the low-
frequency noise-up conversion without impairing monitor, UWB impulse radio (IR), and
the tuning range. However, this DRO’s power dissi- clock recovery in broadband optical
pation of 60 mW and a phase noise of -103 dBc/Hz
at 1 MHz offset from 7.64 GHz are not suitable for
portable, high-data rated wireless devices.

Differential Cascode Voltage-Switch-Logic

with Resistance VDD
Compared to current mode logic (CML) or source- Vc Vf Vf Vc
M7 M5 M3 M4 M6 M8
coupled pair, differential cascode voltage-switch-
logic (DCVSL) circuits offer low transistor count, Vout- Vout+
Vf = Fine
no headroom limitation, rail-to-rail swing, and no Tuning R
static current consumption and can be used in ROs. Vc = Coarse
However, a DCVSL circuit suffers from a large low- Tuning
to-high propagation delay, limiting its speed and
resulting in asymmetrical output waveforms. In [40], M1 M2
Vin+ Vin-
a DCVSL-based delay cell with resistance (DCVSL-
R) is presented for three-stage RO (Figure 9). It can
overcome the delay asymmetry and reduce total Figure 9. A delay cell of differential cascode voltage-
propagation delay. The replacement of DCVSL delay switch-logic with resistance [40].
cells in DROs with DCVSL-R cells expedites circuit
speed for a given power budget without sacrificing
phase noise.

Latch Pair Based Delay Cell Vc

The circuit schematics of the delay cell performed in
[41] consists of one NMOS input pair (M1 and M2), one M7 M5 M6 M8
PMOS pair (M7 and M8) for frequency tuning, and one
latch pair including two inverters made up of M3, M5 Vout- Vout+
and M4, M6 (Figure 10). Because of this construction,
M3 M4
the delay cell can be turned on and off completely which M1 M2
Vin+ Vin-
shortens transition time. Besides good phase noise and
wide tuning range, the latch pair delay cell reveals good
tuning linearity of the control voltage. This low fre-
quency, two-stage single delay path DRO’s power dissi- Figure 10. A latch pair based delay cell [41].
pation of 65.5 mW is higher than that of the other DROs
developed in the 0.18 micron CMOS process [41]. (Barkhausen criterion) by the additional phase shift.
If the amplitude and the frequency of the injected
Delay Cell of Injection Locking Technique signal are selected correctly, then the RO annuls the
Another type of two-stage DRO formed by the PD effect of the phase shift by oscillating at the injection
delay cells with three NMOS switches uses a subhar- frequency and eventually, injection-locking occurs.
monic injection-locking technique generating a stable Here, to carry out subharmonic injection-locking, two
harmonic of a pure reference signal [42]. In subhar- of the NMOS switches (M1, M2) are connected at the
monic injection (/n) [note: integer n stands for the differential output node of each delay cell (Figure 11).
subharmonic factor], a free-running DRO is locked The rail-to-rail pulses are injected into M3 to initiate
onto the nth harmonic of the injected or incident injection-locking. The rail-to-rail pulses are created
signal generated because of circuit nonlinearities. by an external signal generator. In order to satisfy
When this injected signal inserts an additional phase the oscillation condition, the delay cell also includes
shift into the feedback loop of the DRO, it no longer an NMOS latch created by M6 and M7 that gener-
oscillates at the free-running frequency because the ates a propagation delay through positive feedback.
total phase shift at this frequency deviates from 2r The oscillation frequency is determined by the ratio

July/August 2013 103

The DROs based on the Maneatis transistors M8 and M9 to make the range of sensitive
voltages identical to the rail-to-rail voltage range. In
delay cell are popular among this circuit, the frequency tuning range is linear over
designers both in microprocessor a certain range of control voltage. Changes of the total
and RF oscillators. equivalent resistance of the two PMOS transistors
(M4 and M5) with the main control voltage (Vb) rang-
ing from 0 V to 0.4 V ensure frequency tuning from
10 GHz to 7.8 GHz, and this tuning range seems to
VDD be almost linear. By altering the control voltage from
Vb Vbn Vinj Vbn Vb 0.4 V to 1 V, the frequency decreases from 7.8 GHz to
M4 M8 M9 M5 2.4 GHz but the tuning range loses linearity. However,
M3 key advantages of this DRO are its scalability, wide-
Vout- Vout+
frequency-range and low noise. The VCO based on
Vin+ M2 Vin-
M1 M6 M7 this two-stage pseudodifferential DRO is suitable for
use the UWB of 2.4–10 GHz.

DRO by FD Delay Cells

Figure 11. An injection locking delay cell [42].
Classical Fully Differential Delay Cell
Like the PD delay cell, the FD delay cell is widely
used for the design DROs. The classical FD delay
cell is built by a differential pair loaded by two resis-
tors (either active or passive). In this delay cell, an
RC equivalent is formed in each branch by the load
l2 /2 l2 /2 resistor and the parasitic capacitance of the transis-
V2 tors. The variation of the current flowing through
M1 M2
Vin+ Vin- the delay stage changes the propagation delay. This
l1 change ultimately results in the variation of the
V1 M3
(From Bias oscillation frequency of the ring. In addition, when
and Control changing the oscillation frequency, the variation of
Circuit) the tail bias current flowing through the delay stage
modifies the amplitude of the output signal and the
Figure 12. A modified classical FD delay cell [43]. average dc level of oscillation. To alleviate the use of
a replica bias circuit in FD delay cells for biasing, a
modified classical delay cell is explored in [43] (Fig-
ure 12). In this circuit, a constant value for the dc level
of the output signal is done without the need for a
replica bias circuit, thus saving area and reducing the
M3 M4
Vbias Vbias power dissipation for the four-stage DRO. To keep the
M6 average dc level of oscillation for a certain frequency
Vout- Vout+
range constant, the current flowing through the load
resistors at a fixed value needs to be held constant. In
M1 M2
Vin+ Vin- this delay cell topology, the variation of the bias cur-
rent that causes the change in frequency is balanced
at the resistors by the current carried through the
Vc M5 branches in parallel with the classical FD delay cell.
The current flowing through the delay stages form-
ing the DRO is reduced, resulting in enhanced phase
noise performance. Moreover, the dc-level stabiliza-
Figure 13. Delay cell with active load [44]. tion stage implemented in this DRO after forming
the ring allows inclusion of a one-stage output buffer,
and hence significant power is reduced for the DRO.
of the inverter sizes of the ring and the latch, and con-
trolled by varying the inverter size of the ring relative Delay Cell with Active Load
to that of the latch. PMOS resistive loads are assigned The FD amplifier-based delay cell depicted in [44]
for tuning the output oscillation frequency. The bias- is designed for a three-stage DRO (Figure 13). This
level-shifted control voltage ^V bn h controls the PMOS circuit can be divided into three parts in terms of

104 July/August 2013

its operation: load devices with bias
network, switching network, and tun- VDD
ing transistor. In this circuit, in order
to implement the linear relationship M11 M9 M7 M8 M10 M12
between the input control current and
Vout+ Vc Vout-
the output frequency, the PMOS tran-
sistors that act as loads in the delay cell
Vins+ M1 M5 M6 M2 Vins-
are biased in the linear region. A bias Vinp+ Vinp-
circuit with active feedback is used M3 M4
to provide the gate bias for these load
transistors. The variation of the oscil-
lation frequency is achieved by chang- Vbias
ing the tail current flowing through the
delay cell.
Figure 14. A delay cell with push-pull inverters [45].
Delay Cell with
Push-Pull Inverters
By using two push-pull inverters as secondary inputs,
the delay cell proposed in [45] was used for high-speed VDD
optical communication and clock generation systems.
This three-stage, multiloop DRO helps to reduce both R Vc R
low-to-high and high-to-low propagation delays, result- M7 M9 M10 M8
ing in a higher operating frequency (Figure 14). In this
circuit, M1 and M2 form the input pair of the primary
loop, while inverters formed by M3–M11 and M4–M12 M3 M4
serve as the input pair of the secondary loop. PMOS M5 M6
M7-M8 forms the load of the delay cell. To avoid the loss
M1 M2
of oscillation at the extreme ranges of frequency tun- Vin+ Vin-
ing, extra transistors M9 and M10 are added in shunt to
the controllable load M7 and M8. The gates of M9 and
M10 are connected to ground in order to bias the tran-
sistors in the triode region of operation. This ensures
sufficient current for charging the output node even
Figure 15. Shunt-shunt feedback delay cell [27].
when the control voltage approaches the supply voltage,
which shuts M7–M8 down completely. The cross-cou-
pled NMOS latch (M5 and M6) was introduced for two exhibit the property of inductive peaking so that the ac
purposes: first, to prevent the differential output nodes small signal gain at the oscillation frequency and the
from converging at the same voltage so that the differ- output signal swing can be boosted. Although the total
ential oscillation operation can become single-ended; power dissipation seems to be increased due to the
and second, the positive feedback caused by the latch addition of two more current paths organized by M5,
is able to reduce the slew time of the output nodes, both M6, M9 and M10, the property of shunt-shunt feedback
low-to-high and high-to-low, allowing better phase makes the required dc current associated with these
noise attribute. Achieving faster speed of operation at two paths very small compared to that of the main sig-
the expense of lowering the swing amplitude does not nal paths. This circuit shows lower power dissipation
really improve the phase noise performance, and its of 17 mW, large output signal swing, and wide tuning
power consumption of 72 mW is indeed very high due range of 75%.
to many transistors. Reference [46] reports that replac-
ing the push-pull inverter of this delay circuit by only Delay Cell with
one PMOS transistor pair can increase frequency oscil- Cross-Coupled Symmetric Load
lation up to 10 GHz. A DRO with wide tuning range of 130%, good lin-
earity, and low power is proposed in [47] and is
Shunt-Shunt Feedback Delay Cell designed for the applications like vital sign radar
In [27], a two-stage DRO is presented where excess monitor, UWB impulse radio (IR) and clock recov-
phase shift is provided by the shunt-shunt feedback ery in broadband optical communication. This
configuration using M3, M4, M5, and M6 (Figure 15). DRO employs cross-coupled symmetric load delay
The loading circuit, containing a resistor and an NMOS cell, and loads of each delay cell encompass PMOS
loading transistor (M7 or M8), can be designed to transistors M3, M5 and M4, M6 (Figure 16). In order

July/August 2013 105

The choice of the various Delay Cell with Programmable
Resistive Network
DRO topologies depends on the A two-stage DRO using a FD delay cell with a pro-
application, so it is necessary grammable resistive network is designed in [6] for a
to estimate the performance of digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) of UWB appli-
cation (Figure 17). This delay cell consists of a cross-
different DRO topologies prior to coupled PMOS load, a pair of NMOS as inputs, and
choosing them. a programmable resistive network (Rp) with a tail
current transistor (M5) for frequency tuning. Unlike
[47], this circuit is less power-efficient because of the
to cancel out resistive effects, these PMOS load tran- absence of a diode pair, which cancels the resistive
sistors are configured as diodes (M5 and M6) and load but does have a wide tuning range of 139%.
negative resistance by M3 and M4. A NMOS trans-
conductance pair (MN1 and MN2) and a tail current Maneatis Delay Cell of Symmetric Load
transistor (M7) operated in the deep triode region The DROs based on the Maneatis delay cell are
act as inputs and as a frequency tuning device, popular among designers both in microprocessor
respectively. Stringent supply voltage regulation is and RF oscillators. The delay topology for a giga-
necessary for frequency stability. hertz PLL proposed in [48] is based on the Maneatis
delay cell. In this modified delay cell, the incorpora-
tion of additional transistors with the conventional
Maneatis delay cell provides the necessary bias
conditions for DRO oscillation by means of posi-
tive partial feedback. According to [49], the original
Maneatis circuit consists of two symmetric loads,
a NMOS input pair (M1 and M2) and a tail current
M5 M3 M4 M6 source, NMOS transistor (M7) (Figure 18). A single
symmetric load comprises of a pair of equally sized
Vout- Vout+ PMOS transistors (M3 and M5), of which one tran-
sistor (M3) is biased at the control voltage and the
M1 M2 other transistor (M5) is diode connected. For cor-
Vin+ Vin-
rect operation of the delay cell, the diode is kept in
Vc saturation and the PMOS transistor is operated in
M7 the linear or triode region. To vary the frequency of
this DRO, the replica bias circuit creates a bias volt-
age, and this voltage compensates the delay current
changes due to process variations. The tuning range
Figure 16. Delay cell with cross-coupled load [47]. is controlled by adjusting the tail current. This cell
suffers from high sensitivity to voltage supply varia-
tions and requires stabilizing circuitry to eliminate
noise variation from the power source [50].

M3 M4

Vout- Vout+
Vc M5 M3 M4 M6 Vc
M1 M2
Vin+ Vin- Vout- Vout+

Rp M1 M2
Vin+ Vin-

M5 Vbias M7

Figure 17. Delay cell with programmable resistive network [6]. Figure 18. Maneatis delay cell of symmetric load [49].

106 July/August 2013

Table 1. Performance comparison among various architectures of the DRO for high-frequency VCOs.

PN (dBc/ Power
Year Oscillation Tuning Hz) @ Offset Supply (mW) or FOM CMOS
Published Differential Frequency Range (MHz) or Voltage Current (dBc/ Process
[Ref. No.] Architecture Topology (GHz) (GHz) Jitter (ps rms) (V) (mA) Hz) (μm)
1998 [44] Three-stage, Fully — 1.3–1.8 0.3* 3 23 mW — 0.5
1999 [30] Four-stage, Pseudo 0.9 0.75–1.2 -117@0.6 3 3** -165.8 0.6
2004 [37] Three-stage, Pseudo 5.79 5.16– -99.5@1 1.8 80 mW -155.72 0.18
multiple pass 5.93
2004 [27] Two-stage, Fully 3.6 2.5–5.2 -90.1@1 1.8 17 mW -148.92 0.18
2005 [46] Three-stage, Fully 9.5 8.5–10.5 -92@1 1.8 30–38 — 0.18
multiloop mA
2006 [41] Two-stage, Pseudo 0.9 0.73– -106.1@0.6 1.8 65.5 -151.46 0.18
single-delay 1.43 mW
2007 [35] Four-stage, Pseudo 1.4 0.5–2 3.9* 1.4 — — 0.13
2007 [48] Two-stage, Fully 0.85 0.186– -113.5@0.6 1.8 11.38 -165.96 0.18
single-delay 1.5 mW
2008 [45] Three-stage, Fully 7 6.24– -107@10 1.8 72 mW -145.1 0.18
multiloop 7.04
2008 [38] Three-stage, Pseudo 5 0.5–9.5 -85.3@1 1.2 9 mW -172.3 0.13
dual-delay (180%)
2009 [36] Four-stage, Pseudo 5.5 4.2–5.9 -99.1@1 1.8 58 mW -156.28 0.18
2009 [6] Two-stage, Fully 5.65 139.4% -121.7@10 1.3 5 mW — 0.13
2009 [39] Four-stage, Pseudo 7.64 7.3-7.86 -103.4@1 1.5 60 mW -163.3 0.13
2010 [33] Four-stage, Pseudo 5.22 3.03– -107.7@1 1.8 100 mW -161.35 0.18
dual-delay 5.36
loop (43.39%)
2010 [47] Two-stage, Fully 6 1–9 -112.3@10 0.58-1.6 3.7 mA — 0.13
2011 [42] Two-stage, Pseudo 9 2.4–10 -125@1 1 9.5 mW -194.3 0.09
2011 [43] Four-stage, Fully 3.125 18% -91@1 1.8 12.6 mW -149.1 0.18
2011 [31] Four-stage, Pseudo — 1.77– -123.4@10 1.8 13 mW — 0.18
dual-delay 1.92
loop (continued )

July/August 2013 107

Table 1. Performance comparison among various architectures of the DRO for high-frequency VCOs (continued ).

PN (dBc/ Power
Year Oscillation Tuning Hz) @ Offset Supply (mW) or FOM CMOS
Published Differential Frequency Range (MHz) or Voltage Current (dBc/ Process
[Ref. No.] Architecture Topology (GHz) (GHz) Jitter (ps rms) (V) (mA) Hz) (μm)
2011 [40] Three-stage, Pseudo 2.4 2.34– -113@10 1.05 2 mW -157.6 0.13
single-delay 3.11
*Timing jitter (ps rms)
**Current (nA)

Discussion and Concluding Remarks noise, low power dissipation, low voltage operation,
This review article presented a variety of low giga- high-speed oscillation, multiphase clock generation,
hertz, inductorless DROs published in different sci- supply sensitivity reduction, wide tuning range, and
entific papers in the last 15 years. Table 1 shows a higher linearity. As advances in downsizing CMOS
chronological summary of empirical results for VCOs feature sizes allow for smaller and faster transistors,
extracted from research papers of the previous DRO DROs are now competitive with LC resonators or even
by means of fully and pseudodifferential topologies other RC based oscillators. Besides their use in tradi-
including phase noise, oscillation frequency, tuning tional analog charge-pumped PLLs or digital PLLs, the
range, supply voltage, power dissipation, FOM, and topologies discussed in this article could be embraced
CMOS feature size. As the free running DRO is very as viable candidates in emerging high-frequency
sensitive to process, supply voltage, and temperature all-digital PLL (ADPLL) based frequency synthesiz-
(PVT), strict design regulation is desirable to minimize ers. Research in this field, therefore, is, and will con-
unwanted frequency variations [35], [42], [43], [49]. tinue to be, extremely active for the development of
All major long-range and short-range wireless com- RF devices operating in a high-frequency range with
munication standards such as GSM, DCS-1800, WLAN optimum power.
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n and IEEE 802.11 FH (Bluetooth)
operate in the frequency range of 0.8–5 GHz, where References
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