Rolling - Trains Rulebook - Color

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1. Action Grid.

This is place where you will assign

dice and then do actions on a Map. There are 4 basic
types of actions included in 9 grid spaces.
2. Price List. This list shows prices of Railroads
on each terrain type and costs of building Factories
and Train Stations.
In Rolling Trains your goal will be to deliver 3. Score List. This list shows points multiplier for
goods from Factories to Cities. This game presents delivering particular Goods.
you unique challenges during creating Railroads. 4. Score Board. This is a table where you write
You must create them so that you’d deliver down all points you’ve gained during the game and
a lot of goods without blocking yourself as each number of rounds that are remaining until the end
Railroad may be used only once. of the game. In a top row there are also informations
about maximum delivery distance and bonus points
received for deliveries in certain rounds.
5. Map with terrains. Here you will build your
Before playing you need to do 3 things: Railroads, Factories and Train Stations. Each tile may
- Print out a map you will play on. have place for Factory, Railroads, Good Type and
- Get 3 dice. (4 if you are playing solo). Train Station.
- Get 1 colored pencil for each player.
- Choose first player randomly. Terrain type
- Fill in spaces on Score Board with colored pencils
Train Station
in order of playing.

Good Type
Rules for placing Railroads:
- Railroads must be placed either on or adjacent
to tiles where you have your other structures.
The game is divided into 9 rounds. Each player (Except for 1st placed Railroad, where you may
will get 1 turn during each round. Starting from first build it anywhere on a map.)
player you make your turns in clockwise order.
- Cost of these Railroads depends only on a terrain
Each turn consists of 3 steps: of a tile it is built on. Costs are shown in a Price List.
1. Rolling 3 dice. Active player rolls 3 dice. Any - Each symbol of Railroads on grid space gives
number of these dice may be rerolled once. Then you a chance to place 1 Railroad on a Map.
these dice must be assigned to Action Grid.
- On each tile there may be only 1 Railroad
2. Resolving actions. Each die assigned to Action belonging to the same player. If you placed any
Grid may be used to resolve actions from one of Railroad no matter if it was used to delivery and
three available grid spaces. then crossed out or not, you may not place anymore
There are 4 types of basic actions: Railroads there. On a tile there is a place for each
player to place their Railroad.

Gathering Funds. Funds are

used to place Railroads, build
Factories and Train Stations.

Placing Railroads. Railroads

are used to deliver Goods from
Factories to Cities.

Building Factories. Factories

are used to produce a Good
that must be delivered to City to
gain points.

Building Train Stations.

Train Stations are used to gain
points for all goods transported
through City.

Rules for gathering Funds:

- All funds gained during the turn that were not
used are discarded at the end of that turn.
- To complete all other basic actions, you need to
gather those funds.
- If you lack Funds necessary to complete other
actions, those actions are also lost. Rob used his die with 3, to gather 1 Fund and
place 1 Railroad. Rob placed Railroad on a tile next
- Each symbol of a coin gives you 1 Fund.
to his existing Factory. The terrain type is Farmlands
and he paid 1 Fund for it.
Rules for building Factories: Rules for building Train Stations:
- Factories must be built either on or adjacent to - Train Stations may be placed only in cities and
tiles where you have your other structures. only in those where you have placed your Railroad.
- Cost of these Factories depends only on a type - Cost of Train Stations is always 2 Funds. This cost
of good that is produced on a tile it is built on. Costs is listed on a Price List.
are shown in a Price List. - Each symbol of Train Station on grid space gives
- Type of terrain a Factory is built on does not you a chance to build 1 Train Station on a Map.
change price in any way. - In each city there may be at most 1 Train Station
- Each symbol of Factory on grid space gives you in 2 player game and 2 Train Stations in 3+ player
a chance to build 1 Factory on a Map. game.
- In each city there may be only 1 Train Station
belonging to the same player.
- If Train Stations you deliver through belong to
you, then you receive 2 points for each such passed
Train Station. If any Train Stations belong to other
players, they will receive 1 point for each passed
Trains Station that belongs to them.

Rob used his two dice with 3, to gather 6 Funds in

total and a die with 4 to build 1 Factory. Rob built
Factory on a tile next to his existing Railroad. This
Factory produces Iron, so he needs to pay 4 Funds
to build that Factory. The fact that it is on Grassland
does not influence the price in any way.

Rob used his die with 3, to gather 3 Funds and

a die with 5 to build 1 Train Station. Rob placed Train
Station on a city tile where he has existing Railroad.
This Train Station costs him 2 Funds.
During your turn you also receive - The earlier in the game it is delivered. In rounds
one free action tile that is in upper left 1-3 you may get 5 points, in round 4-6 you will get
corner outside of Action Grid. 3 points and in 7-9 you get no additional points.
This action lets you gather
1 Fund and place 1 Railroad. This
action does not require usage of any die, may be
used before actions from dice, after them or even
between them.
To build this Railroad, you may use Funds from
other actions.
You may use these actions once each turn.
3. Goods delivery. Goods are delivered from
Factories through Railroads and end up in Cities.
To deliver the Good you must have Factory built
on a tile with a Good. This tile must be connected
with a City that takes this type of Good with your
Railroads. You may deliver only 1 Good per round. During 3rd round, Rob decided to send
wood from Factory to City that takes wood.
He gets 6 points (4*1,5 rounded down) for
delivering Wood, while removing 4 constructions
(3 Railroads and 1 Factory) . He also gets bonus
5 points for delivering during 3rd round. In total he
got 11 points.
If the Good was delivered through or into a City
that has Train Stations, owners of Trains Stations wil
receive additional points.

Rob connected Factory producing wood with City

that takes wood, so it can (but don’t have to) be
delivered in this step.
After delivering a Good you must remove
Railroads from all tiles used for delivery. However
you do not remove those that were on Cities or on a
tile with Factory this Good was delivered from.
You do that by crossing out Railroad with a pencil.
Those crossed out Railroads may not be used again
by that player.
Goods may be delivered only through limited
amount of tiles.
This limit is 4 tiles in rounds 1-3, 5 tiles in rounds During 7th round, Rob decided to send
4-6 and 6 tiles in rounds 7-9. To this limit you count wood from Factory to City that takes wood.
only tiles from which you had to cross out Factory He gets 4 points (3*1,5 rounded down) for
or Railroads from. delivering Wood, while removing 3 constructions
Delivering Goods gives points depending on a (2 Railroads and 1 Factory). Railroads in Cities are
few factors for which you will get more of them: not removed.
- The more expensive that Good was and how He also received 4 additional points, because he
many Railroads were removed to deliver it. Points went through 2 Cities with his Train Stations. Blue
for that are calculated by taking a Good Multiplier and Green players both gained 1 point, because this
and multiplying it by number of Railroads and Good was delivered through 1 of their Train Stations
Factories crossed out rounded down. each.
After 9th round ends each player must add up While playing 1 player game, you will play as
their points and write them down in a last column usual except for following changes:
of Score List. - Before beginning of 7th round you receive
Player with the most points wins the game. If 1 additional die.
there is a draw you check who got more points - During 9th round you may deliver 2 Goods
earnt in the earliest round. If there is still a draw, instead of 1.
continue until the Score List ends. If there is still no - Your goal is to get enough points to win.
clear winner, you get a draw.
- There are 3 difficulty levels. Harder difficulty
is indicated by more stars on a badge. Each level
is beaten if you gather at least as many points as
written on right side of the badge.

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