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By Ron Kosloff N/C NSP Research Nutrition When living on the farm, I recall my grandfather making the statement to keep the cows away from the electrical lines because they would get sick. Sure enough once in a while youd have a cow that would stray near the lines and just as he said, it would get sick. I didnt know exactly what sickness it was, because I was just a kid, but it severely affected them. I thought, wow, if that affects cows, cant it affect human beings? Years later I heard of a precursor of EMFs and of course its the microwave. The Nazis invented the microwave when they invaded Russia in 1941 and they quickly revealed that they were very detrimental to their troops. They were causing cancer, tumors and malnutrition. For decades they were banned in Russia and Germany, but the commercialism and convenience took over, so they inevitably returned. I recall a test done by a student at Rochester High School where he took micro waved water and tried to grow vegetables and alas, the vegetables wouldnt grow. In America or anywhere in the world when something is invented to make your life easier or beneficial to you, lo and behold, the first law of physics seems to be invoked and it states, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. These reactions with EMFs are just too numerous to ignore so inevitably many of their side effects cant be ignored any longer. As I stated, big corporations that invent very profitable things, if they discover that they are detrimental, their first direction is to suppress the information. For example, chlorine in our water, heavy metals and mercury in our teeth, aluminum chlorohydrate in deodorant and the female tampons I wrote about are serious problems which havent been exposed in the press! They dont want you to know about this because it affects our economy and their profits. So you are just a stooge for the economy, which seems to be the norm these days. Its the economy, its not your health, its not your children, its not your mother, your 1

grandfather, its just the economy. Your just like a cog in the wheel, if you die or become sick they just discard you and install a new cog! Thats a shame because the constitution of the United States of America says that the government, you and I, by the people and for the people are responsible for the health and welfare of its citizens. Thats pass isnt it! Of course this prodded me to set out on a quest to see whether all the research is true or false on EMFs. I think its pretty much given that people somewhat understand that sitting in front of a television set or a microwave, nuking and cooking food is not really that good for you. Reminds me of that college test where they fed micro waved foods to rats until they died. Or the test where they fed rats white bread until the rats died two months later because white bread cant sustain life. This is what we encounter and deal with! The necessary invention that has crept upon us in this last century is the thing that is so handy and conducive for communication and its called a cell phone. We know that they are unbelievably wonderful devices, there is no doubt about it. What would I do if I didnt have a cell phone? The communication is right at your fingertips no matter where you are. IN case of emergencies, what would you do without one? They have literally changed our lives, but you have to remember that they are devices that rely upon EMFs (electromagnetic fields). When you dial and speak on a cell phone, those towers are beaming that radiation directly to you. Those rays come right toward your head, right toward your body and my first impression is, they are suspect. So what Ive done is to set out on a journey to gather as much information as I can so I can give you an honest appraisal of the cell phone. When I started I didnt know that my findings were going to be conducive, I really didnt. After a while to my surprise, I was shocked! One of the things that you can do, like pollution in our environment, nutritionally, you can help your body clear itself of pollution with nutrients. There are homeopathic remedies that will detoxify your body of environmental toxins, P450/liver tablets will help keep your liver clean. So, I was certain, there must be a number of things, preventative things you can do, that will minimize or eliminate the effects of EMFs. I am very fortunate that, although NSP is not a huge company, I do have customers all over the world, Spain, Sweden, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Egypt, Mexico and South America, etc. One of the customers I have is a gentleman in Sweden, that fortunately for me is a scientist and is very

familiar with the studies conducted in Sweden. I told him he has my word that I will not reveal his name, so he has shared much information with me about truth and fiction concerning EMFs. Why is it that most US companies will not tell you the detrimental affects of anything as they produce slighted studies, funded by them, that are complementary to their products. In speaking to this man, I was enlightened to the fact that everything that weve heard detrimental about cell phones, he has concluded scientifically to be true. But, there are ways that you can deal with this problem so effects will be less harmful. The simple fact remains that even if people knew conclusively cell phones were harmful, they are not going to give them up! So people just put out of their minds that there are detrimental effects. Well folks, you cant do that, because electromagnetic fields are nasty, nasty things and we must do everything we can to minimize or eliminate their effects. Im going to start one by one by one and tell you how you can do it. THE DONTS OF CELL PHONES: NEVER HOLD A CELL PHONE UP TO YOUR EAR. Thats what the Swedish test proved. Buy a cell phone with a speakerphone and hold it in front of you to speak to someone this way as they have excellent volume. You may also clip it to your dashboard so you can hear the people talking to you and they can hear you. A little better way is to get yourself an extension wire that plugs into your ear, as they are about three and half feet long and you put the cell phone on the seat or dashboard. You can talk to people just fine this way! NEVER PUT YOUR CELL PHONE IN YOUR POCKET ABOVE YOUR HEART. It can actually weaken your heart over time! My friend Denard is a car salesman. He always had his phone in his breast pocket of his shirt or jacket. He also had the cell phone near his head on the bedside table as he slept. He was also wearing a very powerful battery watch. I asked him to remove the watch and muscle tested the watch and it proved to be altering his heartbeats. Then I tested the cell phone and it was weakening his heart. I put him on a heart strengthening nutrient called Cardio-Plus from Standard Process. He put a shield on his phone and started wearing a Q-Link (which I will explain later in this article). In a short time, like magic, his heart became stronger and healthier! Of course, this doesnt happen for everybody as some people have extra

strong hearts and some people dont use their cell phones that much. Some people dont place it in their breast pocket. It doesnt happen this way for everybody, but this is a contributing factor to dis-health. NEVER PUT YOUR CELL PHONE IN YOUR LOWER POCKETS IN YOUR PANTS ON YOUR RIGHT OR LEFT HAND SIDE. Why? Because they have been proven to lower a mans sperm count. You didnt know that did you? When using cell phones utilize a clip on your pants or belt line on your right side above your buttocks, this is the best place to position a cell phone. Buy yourself a cell phone shield and then two way tape them to your speaker and to your aerial, as these eliminate up to 70% of all EMFs. Just remember what I said about microwave ovens, gamma rays and radiation, its the same thing that telephone towers emit and what Nazis discovered out about microwaves. So remember, dont hold a cell phone to your ear, put it in your pocket above your heart or put it in your pants pocket. Now how can I prove this very easily? Remember on the DVD #4 video that I did, I spoke about Contact Reflex Analysis (muscle testing). I spoke about Dr. Dick Versendaal who is a personal friend of mine and Dr. George Goodheart, aka, applied kinesiology. Well this testing works! Dr. Versendaal can perform CRA on anyone and within five minutes tell them with no blood work, no x-rays, no MRI, no cat scans, what health problems you have! I tested Yovans thyroid (this is on my Q & A DVD #4 found on my website) and I told him his thyroid was fine because of the contact points that I used from my training in CRA. The Asians invented this thousands of years ago because they knew that for each specific gland in the body there was a contact reflex point that monitored that gland. With this tool you can check your thyroid, brain function, adrenals, etc., so this is how its done. Im going to prove to you again that CRA works. Listen to me very carefully. When I do muscle testing your arm goes out to your side and if I take an egg and hold it to your body and I pressed down on your arm, your arm will reflect the likes and dislikes of your body. I force your arm down and your arm remains very, very strong, that indicates that your body likes eggs. You can do that with a steak, with fish, you can do that with any good food that you consume. Then you can take a cigarette, alcohol, prescription drugs, cyanide, you can take anything thats detrimental, hold it up against the body, press down on the arm and your arm will become very, very weak. Dr. Versendaal knew that and

Dr. Goodheart knew that. So Im telling you now that if you put your cell phone up to your ear and I muscle tested you while you were doing that, you arm would go down and become weak. Your body is telling you that this is not good for it! So then if you hold the phone three feet away from you and you spoke to someone utilizing the speakerphone or an earpiece and I muscle tested you, that phone is far enough away from you that it doesnt affect your body. Your arm would be strong. Number two, I take a cell phone that is on, put it in your pocket of your heart, push down on your arm and your arm becomes weak. Take that cell phone out of your pocket and put if four or five feet away from you and your arm becomes strong. Number three, you take that cell phone thats still on and I put it in your pants pocket (left or right) and your arm will go down, bang. I take it out of your pocket, set it three or four feet away and your arm is strong again. It works every time folks, IT works every time. These are the things that you should be doing. Ive proved to people many, many times and they are just flabbergasted. Ive tested many, many thyroids when people were told that their thyroid panel came back from the doctor as normal, I say, let me muscle test you. I touch the thyroid point and their arm becomes weak. I take product from Biotics called GTA, hold it up to their body and their arm becomes strong. So the ingredients in GTA are what the thyroid needed and will make it stronger. I take my I/KI (iodine) and their arm becomes strong, I take the iodine away and their arm becomes weak. I prove to them what is good for them and what is bad for them. My friends, Ive never seen muscle testing, if a person knows how to do it correctly, that has ever been proven wrong. It is a phenomenal diagnostic tool of holistic people. Thats why medical doctors and the FDA do not want us to practice this method because it could curtail the medical professions profits by 60% or put them out of business. Is that going to happen? Of course not. Down the road you might consider to protect yourself against all of the electromagnetic fields; your computer, your television set, your microwave oven, the electric clocks that you go to bed with and are near would be to use a Q-Link. I wear one around my neck. I have proven to people through muscle testing that when someone wears the Q-Link around their neck and puts a cell phone in the pocket above your heart, the cell phone cannot penetrate the Q-Link. The Q-link repels the electromagnetic fields. You can sit by a television set and muscle test

someone. There arm will be weak. You put the Q-Link around their neck and retest them, their arm is strong. What other things can you can do protect yourself and they absolutely work? It has been suggested (no conclusive study yet) that well nourished people are able to withstand harmful effects of EMFs better than poorly nourished people! I believe this to be true! The medical profession, drugs companies, and the FDA are trying to ban vitamins and minerals, which is a known fact! I am not even allowed to say that vitamins and minerals will cure you. Thats the way, theyve taken my freedom of speech because it could seriously curtail drug companies and drugs, but thats not about to happen. Remember I told you that the easiest thing to do is to buy a senator and congressman. So its the same thing, whether its a drug company or whether its a cell phone company, microwave company or TV company. They dont want you to know that the EMFs and gamma rays and radiation are harmful to you. If you doubt me, find a nutritional chiropractor or someone that knows how to apply CRA to you, he can test you exactly the way I explained it, with the cell phone, T.V., gamma radiation, microwave and the electromagnetic fields. It has been suggested but not proven yet that cell phones can alter your brain waves. Why are people acting so crazy today and violence so normal? Is this a contributing factor? Who knows, it just might be. Give it a try and give me a call and let me know. By the way I will be handling the shields for cell phones and I will be handling the Q-Links down the road. You know Im not a salesman. This is quite an investment for me as a small business owner to handle these products, so if I get enough requests I can sell them for a reduced price. Just letting you know. In the meantime, Google Q-Links and cell phone shields and read about them. If you have any questions at all, dont hesitate to call and I can give you my views and you can give me your views and Ill see if I can help you out. FINAL NOTE: There had been many occurrences of bees disappearing in all parts of the country and no one seemed to know why. Then, one researcher proved that cell phone EMF signals disrupt the honing radar systems of the bees and they became lost of just moved away!


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