Health Screenings - Eminent Danger

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Purely and simply stated, with no reservations whatsoever, never participate in medical health screenings! Why? Because they were created for one reason and one reason only: to make tons of money for doctors, nurses, medical clinics, and rst and foremost to enrich the pharmaceutical empires of dispensing poisons called prescription drugs. Please visit my website,, and read the article by Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D./N.D. who has taken the pharmaceutical companies to the world court in The Hague (Europe) for peddling disease for pro t and crimes against humanity for dispensing legal poisons. He himself is a medical doctor who now is also nutritional doctor using vitamin and mineral supplements to cure illnesses! Ask yourself ifyou can name one drug that has ever cured anyone of any illness. As Hippocrates stated, "Throw away your drugs and heal the people with food, and treat the cause of an illness not the symptom!" Allow me to relate an example of why I take this position. A nutritional doctor in Los Angeles named Bruce West printed in his newsletter of an incident involving a mother of one of his patients. This lady was 82 years old and was in excellent health with no serious physical or mental problems. Her church was conducting health screenings for senior citizens, and she was urged to participate, which she did. (Note: On April 19, 1998, thelournal of the American Medical Association [JAMA] stated prescription drugs kill 200,000 people annually. Today it is 400,000.) Within the same day she was told her cholesterol and blood pressure levels were extremely high. She was immediately was prescribed drugs, as their scare and terror tactics were in motion. We in the holistic eld vehemently disagree with their cholesterol and blood pressure standards, as they progressively lower them to totally unrealistic levels to force you to take drugs! It is also factual that your blood pressure rises naturally as you grow older. Now, the extremely tragic story: Within a few short months the woman`s health started to decline, and she informed her doctor of this problem of not feeling well. He informed her it wasnt the drugs, but it was all in her head, and now she was depressed. So he prescribed another poison: Prozac! Six weeks later she became disoriented, fell down her stairs and broke her hip. Six weeks later she died of complications, according to her M.D. This incident, as you know, is quite common. The exact same incident happened to my good friends mother. What the medical profession calls modern medicine has only been in existence for 110 years, and all it has ever done is cause more harm than good. Holistic doctors are not alternative medicine doctors. They are real doctors that treat the cause, not the symptom. By law I cannot call that a cure, but you can gure out what it is on your own. I hope you will take heed and reconsider these screenings and remember to consider seeing a holistic doctor for their opinion. Thanks, Ron Copyright 2008

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