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By Ron Kosloff N/C NSP Research Nutrition As a clinical nutritionist I am encountering more and more as time goes by the condition known as gout or gouty arthritis. It can kind of mask itself, you think you have one but you actually have the other but, when your toes and your feet and your elbow swells beyond belief, then its mostly the gout which is extremely painful. Of course the gout is nothing very unusual for Americans. My step father suffered horribly from the gout, as he was a beer drinker and ultimately died an alcoholic, but his eating habits were just horrendous. It attacked my step fathers feet, his knees didnt swell, his ankles didnt swell, his elbow didnt swell, his shoulder didnt swell. Just his feet, they would inflame up to twice the normal size. Of course to say that he could hardly walk is an understatement. My step fathers eating habits were not good and ultimately the condition of gout is very, very simple, as it all comes back to the articles that Ive written concerning DIGESTION in particular, The Extremely Essential Seven. Now the condition of gout has its roots in the incomplete digestion of protein. One of the rules of the essential seven is to never mix proteins with starches, which he always did. This is ultimately the cause of the onset because as you know, mixing protein and starches is an incompatible combination where you get putrification and fermentation in your intestines (see my food combination sheet). My step father also drank a lot of liquids with his meals, especially beer, as he was a heavy been drinker. You also must remember gout is like any other so called disease or malfunction, as not everyone has the same condition. Remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I think youve read enough of my articles to get the point, that we are a nation of people that just dont digest their food and the ramifications are a 1000 or so called diseases. Not everyone gets the same symptom, but its the same cause. One of the by products of acute incomplete protein digestion is URIC ACID and URIC ACID has a nasty habit of creating crystals that float around in the blood stream and

decide where they are going to settle so they settle in the weakest link. Ive seen acute cases of knees and Ive seen acute cases of elbows and in my step fathers case, it was his feet. I always used to tell him, Dad, you can get rid of it. No, no, he wasnt going to listen to me, so his medical doctor gave him a drug. Well the drug was so strong and along with the beer, it inevitably affected his liver resulting in a malfunction and toxicity of the liver. Therefore, if you dont change your eating habits, then all is lost. Since the natural way is the only way, I cant tell you that Ive remedied many cases of gout in my tenure with nutrition. I cant make any claims. Im sure youve heard that one of the things that helps tremendously with some, not all gout patients, is sour cherries. Sour cherries have been used for eons to alkalize the crystals and with most people they work, but only treat the symptom if you dont get to the cause of the problem then nothing else is going to help you. This process doesnt take one or two weeks, in order to really cure gout, it takes from twelve to sixteen weeks. But the patient has to completely change their lifestyle. Thats the problem with most Americans, theyd rather take a drug than completely change their lifestyle. But if you are willing to do that, you have to clean your colon, your liver and your gall bladder, detox your kidneys and lymph nodes. This is what you want to do because there are large amounts of toxic elements in all of these glands. Then one of the things you can do is take a product by Standard Process called AC Carbidmide, which is just urea. Slowly but surely over a twelve to sixteen week period, it will wash away the crystals, but, only if you start to completely digest your food. So Im telling you what you can do, if you have the problem and if you dont do it, drugs will MANAGE the problem. Large amounts of protein will have to be curtailed because the tendency to have gout is there, especially if this runs in your family. You are going to have to eat more vegetables to alkalize the system. Vince always recommended alkalizing the system on Sunday by eating more fruits and vegetables and keeping the acid alkaline balance stable. If you have any problems with the gout, dont hesitate to give me a call because Im pretty sure I can help you, if youll listen and take the time! I recall several years ago, a fellow named Jerry Dill, a student of Vinces, that had gout. It was extremely serious. He changed his lifestyle as he was tired of having the gout. But lifestyle change has to be permanent. You cant go back to doing the things that you did because the gout will just

return. Its a horrible condition to have. Remember the natural way is the only way. You can do it. The careful balance between acid and alkaline, you have to be aware of it and you must implement it. Below I will list a low purine diet for gout. Roughly, after 12 to 16 weeks you can start to slowly implement other protein foods back into your diet! Without digesting your food, all is lost. Refer to my article The Essential Seven, found on my website at LOW PURINE (GOUT) DIET FOODS TO AVOID FRUITS 1. Raisins, cherries, strawberries, apples, fresh pineapple, dark grapes. 1. Fresh cooked or canned peaches, pears, apricots, bananas, pineapple, green grapes, grapefruit, oranges, plums, cantaloupe, watermelon. CEREALS 2. All commercial whole wheat cereals. 2. Any cereal except commercial whole wheat products. 3. Soups from allowed vegetables, listed below (not seasoned with salt). Chicken soup. FOODS ALLOWED

SOUPS 3. Meat stock. MEAT, FISH, POULTRY, EGGS & CHEESE 4. Lobster, beef veal, any style, crisp bacon,brains 4. Eggs cooked squab, goose, turkey, broiled and packaged beef products such much as desired). Also chicken, cottage cheese (as as, hot dogs, etc. Liver freshkidney. fish, broiled or baked. Beef may be and or frozen VEGETABLES eaten 1-2 times a week, broiled. Lean ham, cheese, 5. The following in moderation Asparagus, lima 5. Carrots, green beans, beets, corn, lettuce, white and pork steak. beans, celery, spinach, onions, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes (try to eat fish whenever possible). cucumbers, broccoli, dried beans and lentils, radishes, mushrooms and peas.

6. Whole wheat bread.

6.Rye Bread. BREADS

BEVERAGES 7. All alcoholic beverages and fruit flavored pop, pop 7. Postum, buttermilk, comfrey tea, herb teas, kava coffee, sanalac, iced tea, lemonade, vodka and rum. of any kinds. DESSERTS 8. Pies (raisin, cherry, strawberry). MISCELLANEOUS 9. Chocolate, jams, jellies, peanuts and peanut butter.

8. Rice, custard, jello or allowable fruits as above, under FRUITS.

9. All nuts except peanuts.

NUTRITION TO TAKE WITH ABOVE DIET 3 Tsp A & C Carbamide, 10 Thymex a day, if skin is involved, add 6 Cataplex E2 a day for 3 months Call if I can help and keep focused and disciplined! Thanks, Ron

Copyright 2010

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