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By Ron Kosloff, N/C NSP-Research Nutrition

Hippocrates was the Greek Nutritionist, Physician, & Surgeon who lived 400 years before Jesus Christ was born. He is considered The Father of Medicine & completely laid out these 10 rules which have been largely ignored by the medical profession, to this time!











THE NATURAL WAY IS THE ONLY WAY! Note: This should be an obvious medical pursuit, according to Mother Nature & Hippocrates. TREAT THE CAUSE OF AN ILLNESS, NOT THE SYMPTOM! Note: Modern synthetic drugs just mask the illness, but never deal with the origin. LOOK TO THE SPINE FOR ILLNESSES! Note: Hippocrates strongly suggested this modern day Chiropractic treatment THROW AWAY YOUR DRUGS & HEAL THE PEOPLE WITH FOOD! Food is medicine medicine is food Note: Hippocrates knew that food had health giving qualities now known as Protein, Vitamins & Minerals. MOST ILLNESS CAN BE PREVENTED BY EATING NATURAL FOODS! Note: The majority of foods Americans consume are processed, refined, overcooked, denuded, chemicalized, and grown in mineral depleted soil. A HEALTHY COLON IS ESSENTIAL! Note: The U.S. Government reports that colon problems are dramatically increasing in America. DO NOT ADMINISTER DANGEROUS & HARMFUL DRUGS! Note: The F.D.A. Admits that prescription drugs kill 50,000 350,000 people a year in America. DO NO HARM TO YOUR PATIENTS! Note: The New England Journal of Medicine reports that the end result of most drug therapy is harmful side effects. DO NOT PERFORM SURGERY FOR MONEY! Note: The U.S. Government reports that 75% of all surgeries in this country are unnecessary. THE WORD PROTEIN MEANS MOST IMPORTANT! Note: Hippocrates named Protein as the most essential food we should consume, as the greater percentage of our bodies are comprised of it. Carbohydrates are secondary.

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