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Reduced Physical Risks: Compared to childbirth, which carries inherent risks of bleeding, infection,
and other complications, legal abortion in the first trimester is significantly safer.

Reduced Mental Health Risks: Unplanned pregnancies can cause significant stress, anxiety, and
depression. Abortion allows individuals to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being.

Continuation of Healthcare: Some medications or treatments become unsafe during pregnancy.

Abortion allows individuals to continue necessary healthcare they may need to manage pre-
existing conditions.

Management of Pregnancy Complications: Certain medical conditions, like pre-eclampsia or

placenta previa, can be life-threatening for both the pregnant person and the fetus. Abortion can
be a life-saving option in these situations.

Reduced Risk of Future Complications: Some pregnancy complications, like pre-eclampsia, can
increase the risk of developing similar issues in future pregnancies. Abortion can allow individuals
to plan for a healthier pregnancy when they're ready.

Financial Stability: Raising a child is expensive. Abortion allows individuals to delay parenthood
until they feel more financially secure, which can lead to better opportunities for both parent and
child in the long run.

Educational Attainment: Continuing education can be difficult or impossible with a child. Abortion
allows individuals to pursue educational goals that may be interrupted by pregnancy and

Career Advancement: For some, career advancement may be hindered by pregnancy and
childcare responsibilities. Abortion allows individuals to focus on career goals without

Escape from Abusive Relationships: In situations of domestic violence, continuing a pregnancy

could put the pregnant person at further risk. Abortion can be a way to escape an abusive
situation and prioritize safety.

Focus on Existing Children: For individuals who already have children, abortion can allow them to
focus on providing for the needs of their existing family.

Family Planning: Abortion allows individuals to plan their families when they feel ready, both
physically and emotionally. It allows them to choose the number and spacing of children they

Birth Control Issues: Even with birth control, there's always a chance of unintended pregnancy.
Abortion provides an option if birth control methods fail.

Fetal Abnormalities: In cases of severe fetal abnormalities incompatible with life, abortion allows
individuals to make a difficult decision with some control and avoid carrying a pregnancy to term
when the fetus has no chance of survival.
Genetic Screening: For individuals with a family history of genetic disorders, abortion after genetic
testing allows them to make informed choices about their reproductive future.

Reduces Overpopulation: In some areas with limited resources, access to safe abortion can
contribute to population control efforts.

Economic Benefits: Studies suggest that access to safe abortion can lead to increased economic
participation for women, which benefits society as a whole. This is because women can pursue
education and careers without the limitations of unwanted pregnancy.

Reduces Strain on Social Services: May reduce the number of children entering foster care or
relying on public assistance, as individuals can plan their families and raise children when they're

Reduces Risk of Unsafe Abortions: When abortion is illegal and inaccessible, individuals may resort
to unsafe procedures, which significantly increase health risks and can lead to death.

Protects Bodily Autonomy: Abortion is a fundamental right that allows individuals to make choices
about their own bodies.


Grief and Loss: Even if the pregnancy was unplanned, some individuals may experience feelings of
grief and loss after an abortion.

Regret: While uncommon, some individuals may experience regret later in life about their
decision to have an abortion.

Anxiety and Depression: The abortion process itself, or the decision leading up to it, may cause
anxiety or depression in some individuals.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): In rare cases, individuals may experience symptoms of
PTSD after an abortion, particularly if it was traumatic or under difficult circumstances.

Physical Complications: Though uncommon with legal abortions, there can be physical
complications like infection, bleeding, or cramping.

Future Fertility Issues: While rare, some studies suggest a possible increased risk of certain
complications in future pregnancies after an abortion, such as miscarriage or premature birth.
However, the evidence on this is not conclusive.

The Beginning of Life: Some people believe that abortion is morally wrong because they consider
a fetus to be a human person from the moment of conception.

Religious Beliefs: Many religions have teachings that oppose abortion.

Stigma: In some social circles, there may be stigma associated with abortion, which can lead to
feelings of shame or isolation for those who choose to have one.
Relationship Strain: The decision to have an abortion can cause strain on a relationship,
particularly if partners disagree about it.

Legal Restrictions: Access to safe and legal abortion can vary depending on location. In places with
restrictive abortion laws, individuals may face significant challenges in obtaining a safe abortion.

Financial Burden: Even with insurance, there can be out-of-pocket costs associated with an
abortion procedure.

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