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L-3 The Flower

Short answer question

(a) Placenta:
Location: Cushion or swollen region in the ovary
Function: Gives origin to ovules

(b) Thalamus:
Location: Tip of the ower stalk
Function: Bears all the parts of the ower

(c) Anther:
Location: Part of the stamen
Function: Produces male gametes or pollen grains

(d) Stigma:
Location: Terminal knob-like part
Function: Serves as the landing place for pollen grains during pollination
Long question answer
(a) Differences between Monoecious and Dioecious plants:

(b) Differences between Perfect and Imperfect owers:

(c) Differences between Unisexual and Bisexual owers:

(d) Differences between Essential and Non-essential whorls of a

(e) Differences between Polyandrous and Polyadelphous stamens:

Solution D.2
(a) The androecium of pea ower is diadelphous because it has 10
stamens, which are arranged in two separate groups or bundles.
The shorter bundle contains 9 stamens and the longer bundle
contains a single free stamen.
(b) Ray orets of sun ower are neuters because they do not
possess both male and female reproductive structures.
(c) The sepals of Salvia are brightly coloured and showy, attracting
insects for pollination. The petals are reduced or absent, making the
sepals the most prominent part of the ower.
Solution D. 3
When a ower arises in the axil of a leaf-like structure, this structure
is known as bract. Because bracts are large and brightly coloured
structures, they are often mistaken for petals. This helps to attract
insects for pollination.
Solution D.4
Type of Exampl
Androec Explanation Diagram e of a
ium ower
Stamens are united in
Monade one group by their China
lphous laments but anthers are rose

Diadelp Filaments are united in

hous two bundles

Polyade Filaments are united in

lphous several groups

Solution E.1
1 - Anther
2 - Filament
3 - Placenta
4 - Ovule
5 - Stigma
6 - Style
7 - Ovary
8 - Petal
9 - Sepal
10 - Receptacle / Thalamus
Solution E.2
(a) Figure A represents stamen. Stamens collectively form Androecium.
(b) Contents of the pollen sacs in B are male gametes.
(c) The contents of the pollen sacs would come out through agents like air, wind,
insects leading to pollination in owers.
Solution E.3
Kind of androecium Example of a ower

A Polyandrous Petunia

B Monadelphous China rose

C Diadelphous Pea

D Polyadelphous Bombax

Solution E.4
(a) Anther and lament are two important parts of the male
reproductive organ (stamen).

(b) Stigma, style, ovary and ovule are four important parts of the
female reproductive organ (pistil).
(c) Stamens are collectively named as androecium while pistils
(carpels) are collectively referred to as the gynoecium.
(d) Pollen grains are produced in the anthers (stamen) and ovules
are formed in the ovary (pistil).
(e) Ovary transforms into a fruit while the ovules turn into seeds
Solution E.5
(a) Polysepalous calyx

(b) Gamosepalous calyx

(c) Polypetalous corolla

(d) Gamopetalous corolla

(e) Bracteate ower


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