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The pie charts show six reasons for insomnia; in two groups of people.

Group A is
aged 20-40 and group B is aged 60-80.

In group A, stress is the most common cause of insomnia (40%), while ill health, is
the least common cause at 6%. Ten per cent of people in this group indicate both;
depression and environmental factors as causes. Six per cent of respondents indicate
medication and 5% say ill health is a factor.

In group B, most people indicate that their sleeplessness is caused by ill health (31%)
followed by medication (20%). A similar proportion of people report depression and
drinks with caffeine as causes of insomnia (16% and 15% respectively), while stress
and environmental factors cause sleeplessness for eight to ten per cent of people in
this group.

Overall, the younger age group regards stress as the primary cause of insomnia while
the older group identifies ill health as the most common cause.

I strongly disagree with the statement that "It is not up to doctors to keep us healthy; we
should do it ourselves." While individuals certainly play a crucial role in maintaining their
own health, it is essential to recognize the significant impact that healthcare professionals,
particularly doctors, have in promoting and preserving overall well-being.

Doctors are highly trained and knowledgeable professionals who provide essential medical
care, diagnose illnesses, and offer treatment options to patients. They play a critical role in
preventive healthcare by conducting regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations to detect
and prevent potential health issues before they escalate. Additionally, doctors offer valuable
guidance on lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, and stress management, that can
significantly impact an individual's health.

Furthermore, doctors are instrumental in managing chronic conditions and diseases,

providing necessary medications, monitoring progress, and offering necessary interventions
to improve health outcomes. Their expertise and experience are invaluable in addressing
complex health issues and guiding patients towards optimal health.

While individuals have a responsibility to take ownership of their health by making healthy
choices, seeking medical advice, and adhering to treatment plans, doctors serve as partners in
this journey towards well-being. They provide essential support, expertise, and resources that
empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and take proactive steps
to maintain and improve their overall well-being.

In conclusion, doctors play a crucial role in keeping us healthy by providing medical care,
preventive services, and guidance on health-related matters. While individuals should take an
active role in maintaining their health, doctors are essential partners in this process, offering
expertise, support, and resources that contribute to overall well-being. It is a collaborative
effort between individuals and healthcare professionals to achieve and sustain optimal health

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