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PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023

Emirates International School Meadows

Term 3 (2022 - 2023)
Prepared: June 21, 2023

Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain

Student ID Year Homeroom Teacher
M8929 Year 3 Sima Basim Akkawi

Tim Wade Sumayya Shariff

Head of Primary PYP Coordinator
Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023

Assessment Descriptors

Attainment Level Descriptors for Ministry Subjects

Arabic, Islamic, MSC

Attainment Descriptors

E Exceeding Working above age related curriculum expectations

M Meeting Working at age related curriculum expectations

D Developing Working towards age related curriculum expectations

B Below Working at least a year below age related curriculum expectations

Attainment Level Descriptors for all non Ministry subjects

Language, Maths, Science, French, Drama, Music, PE

Attainment descriptors to be used for ALL non Ministry subjects

Attainment will use the 1-7 Levels

Levels 1-3 are students working below age related expectations

Level 4 – A student working at age related expectations

Levels 5-7 are students working above to well above age related expectations

Effort Descriptors for ALL subject areas

Effort Descriptors

EE Exceeding expectations

ME Meeting expectations

AE Approaching expectations

BE Below expectations
Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023

Learner Profile Attributes


Balanced 6
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and
emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people
and with the world in which we live.

Caring 6
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive
difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Communicators 6
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Inquirers 5
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with
others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable 5
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with
issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

Open-minded 5
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Principled 5
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Reflective 5
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

Risk-takers (Courageous) 6
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore
new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Thinkers 6
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise
initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Approaches to Learning Skills


Communication Skills 6

Social Skills 5

Thinking Skills 6

Research Skills 5

Self-management Skills 4
Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023



Effort Attainment

Mathematics ME 5

Data Handling 6

Measurement 5

Shape and Space 6

Pattern and Function 5

Number 5

Teacher Comment

Karmanya has made excellent progress in Mathematics this year and continues to fully understand the taught concepts
well. He is able to use the skills he knows in unfamiliar or different situations and can apply previously taught concepts to
his learning. Karmanya understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and
division. He needs to work on being able to use this to show written strategies for problem solving. Karmanya is able to
identify the different denominations of UAE and UK currency. He is able to apply this knowledge to solve real life word
problems. Karmanya is able to solve simple time interval problems and is able to tell the time to quarter to the hour in
digital and analogue form. He can confidently identify fractions of shapes and quantities and apply this knowledge to solve
simple fraction challenges.

Seema Akkawi


Effort Attainment

Science ME 5

Living things 5

Earth and space 6

Forces and energy 5

Overall Attainment 5

Working Scientifically 6

Teacher Comment

Karmanya worked hard on understanding the various concepts taught this term in Science, he enjoyed learning about the
process of the rock cycle and demonstrated his learning by explaining how volcanoes erupt and what happens to the rocks
with some support. During the process of pollination and learning about plants Karmanya did his best with using some
scientific vocabulary to explain his understandings, similarly with forces and magnetism, as he explored magnetic poles
and how friction works. With experiments, Karmanya was an inquisitive learner when looking at different hypotheses and
coming up with reasonings. He was able to go through the process of the scientific method with little support. He tries to
understand the purpose of each experiment and its outcome.

Seema Akkawi
Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023


Effort Attainment

Language EE 5

Written Language - Reading 6

Written Language - Writing 5

Oral Language - Listening & Speaking 6

Visual Language - Viewing & Presenting 5

Teacher Comment

Karmanya has explored various genres of writing this term, he enjoyed exploring narratives and persuasive writing, as he
had to gather information to be able to write different features of these texts such as introductions, body and conclusions.
He is a strong reader and enjoyed reading aloud to others with improved expression and confidence during our Guided
Reading sessions. Karmanya mostly enjoyed learning about poetry as he wrote cinquain and haiku poems and displayed
various features in his own poem by showcasing rhymes, alliteration and similes. He should continue to focus on his time
management and being able to complete his work to the best of his abilities within the allocated time given to him by
adding more grammatical concepts taught such as superlatives, adverbials, and metaphors.

Seema Akkawi


Effort Attainment

AE Developing
Samira Al Matooq, Naglaa Elasawy, Asmaa Elhendy

Oral language - listening and speaking Meeting

Visual language - viewing and presenting Developing

Written language - reading Developing

Written language - writing Developing

Overall Attainment Developing

Teacher Comment

Karmanya works collaboratively with his teacher in order to raise his attainment in Arabic. Karmanya can often understand some
information out of simple sentences in personal and social contexts. His conversation is limited to familiar topics related to his
personal life, direct environment, interests and needs. He can also respond to simple and direct questions or information requests
with clear sentences, but cannot keep up the same level of performance at all times. In reading, Karmanya can understand simple
and predictable words, phrases and sentences using words he learned previously. In writing, he can express simple and limited
practical needs by writing short, simple sentences on familiar descriptive topics.

Karmanya showed commitment to learning the Arabic language by persevering and working regularly and responsibly. He
participated actively during the lessons and always made sure to complete the tasks provided on Seesaw.

Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023

Moral, Social and Cultural Studies

Effort Attainment

Moral, Social and Cultural Studies ME M

Teacher Comment

In Moral, Social and Cultural studies our students have been engaged in understanding the social, economic, and political
systems in the UAE, as well as developing themselves with universal principles and values that reflect the shared
experiences of humanity.

This term, our students focused on understanding how to give and take constructive feedback, understand and describe
their feelings, and the importance of teamwork. In addition, a lot of time was spent on identifying our strengths and how
resilience teaches us to learn from our mistakes.

Seema Akkawi

Physical Education

Effort Attainment

Physical Education ME 4

Teacher Comment

During Term 1 students in year 3 were able to work on developing different components of Fitness which included:
Endurance, power, speed and flexibility as well as beginning to gain an understanding of what happens to our bodies
before and during exercise. Students were also able to progress in their invasion game skills whilst focusing on Football.
They were able to improve their passing, attacking and defending skills whilst gaining an understanding of the basic rules
of Football. They were able to improve their passing, attacking and defending skills whilst gaining an understanding of the
basic rules of Football. The start of term 2 students were engaged with our Athletics unit which involved throwing, running
over a short and long distance and jumping. This then led to high preparation and success for Sports Day. Throughout the
year students in Year 3 have had the exciting opportunity to access our Swimming Pool and have been looking at the three
basic Swimming strokes. They have also engaged in a short Personal survival unit, whereby students have been learning
how to gain water confidence and how to perform fundamental survival skills with peers.

Karmanya has a willingness to push himself outside of his comfort zone and take on new challenges. He has shown that he
is making positive strides towards improving their overall performance within PE. Karmanya has demonstrated resilience
throughout the year and should be proud of all they have achieved. It has been a pleasure to teach Karmanya, keep up all
your hard work and enthusiasm.

Miss Western.


Effort Attainment

Drama AE 4

Teacher Comment

In Year 3 Drama, students began the year by focusing on character analysis, learning to understand the different aspects
that make up a character in a play. They also studied the art of puppetry, creating their own sock puppets and using them
to write and perform their own plays. Towards the end of the year, students researched different countries and portrayed
locals who would persuade someone to visit their country. Overall, the year was filled with creativity and confidence-
building activities, allowing students to explore different forms of expression, and develop their own unique skills.

It is unfortunate that Karmanya did not accomplish much in Drama class this year, but it's important to understand that this
Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023

is mainly due to not completing the required work (throughout the year). As a result, Karmanya may have missed out on
opportunities to learn new skills, and explore his creative side. In order to make progress and achieve success, it is
important that Karmanya dedicate time and effort towards his studies. While it may be challenging to stay motivated, it's
essential to remember that practice and hard work are the key to success. With hard work and dedication, I am sure that
Karmanya can accomplish great things, and reach his full potential in the future.

Ms. Evan Johnson


Effort Attainment

Music ME 5

Teacher Comment

Throughout terms 2 and 3, Year 3 students began to develop a more sophisticated sense of rhythm and timing and were
able to maintain a steady beat while playing or singing. They showed great enthusiasm accompanying “Contradandanse
No.5” with different Percussion instruments, and playing rhythm games in the “Clap song”. They also developed some ear-
training skills by singing the welcome song “Laugh, Ha, Ha” in canon, and “It’s all about the Beat “as a choir in unison.
Students were able to sight-read simple rhythm lines and identify notes’ value, beats, and tempo. Year 3 students finally
expressed themselves through body percussion and Percussion instruments in “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff and
demonstrated great skills in working collaboratively with others.

They are more than ready to dig into the musical world of Year 4!

Karmanya has demonstrated an excellent sense of rhythm and timing and consistently maintains a steady beat while
playing and singing. In group activities this year, he has shown great enthusiasm and has contributed significantly to the
group's progress. Karmanya is a positive role model for his peers. Well done on a very successful year!

Visual Arts

Effort Attainment

Visual Arts ME 5

Teacher Comment

During this academic year, year 3 students expressed their personal preferences and interests in relation to engaging in art
activities. They displayed their imaginative and creative abilities through various art projects, demonstrating their aptitude
for the subject. The students delved into different geometric shapes by studying historical monuments and structures,
further expanding their understanding of art. Additionally, they developed a proficiency in using tools, materials, and artistic
conventions in a manner that was appropriate for each project.

Karmanya has a solid understanding of proportion and is able to apply this concept effectively in his artwork. His pieces
demonstrate a keen sense of balance and proportion, with elements positioned in a way that feels visually pleasing and
aesthetically satisfying.

Ms. Hala Baroud - Visual Art Teacher.

Karmanya Jain Ankit Jain PYP Academic Report 2022 - 2023



Homeroom ME

Teacher Comment

Karmanya is a well mannered boy who is quite independent with his routines in class. He enjoys participating and
expressing himself in classroom discussions and often has a competitive nature which challenges him often to work hard.
He is learning to work collaboratively with his peers and sharing ideas as well as listening to them. Karmanya is able to
produce very effective work when fully focused. He has shown very good progress in all subject areas and began to reflect
further on feedback given to him during lessons. Karmanya has established good friendships and displayed confidence and
understanding within the whole school year.

Seema Akkawi

Sima Basim Akkawi

Homeroom Advisor

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