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Elastic BeanStalk:

Web Server Environment:

The Web Server environment is designed to host web applications that serve HTTP requests or
handle incoming traffic from users.

It typically runs applications that handle client requests, such as serving web pages, processing API
requests, or handling user interactions.

Web Server environments are configured to expose endpoints to the internet and manage incoming
traffic using load balancers.

Worker environment-
1. Background Processing:

The Worker environment in AWS Elastic Beanstalk is designed for executing background processing
tasks or jobs asynchronously.

Unlike web servers that handle incoming user requests directly, Worker environments handle tasks
that typically run in the background without direct user interaction.

These tasks could include processing large datasets, performing batch operations, sending emails,
generating reports, or any other work that doesn't require immediate user interaction.

2. Asynchronous Processing:

In a Worker environment, tasks are executed asynchronously, meaning they are processed
independently of the main application flow.

Rather than waiting for a user request to trigger an action, tasks are typically added to a queue or
submitted via an event mechanism for later processing.

This asynchronous processing allows the main application to remain responsive to user requests
while background tasks are executed separately.

 Elasticbean stalk can be integrated with Route53 also

Platform Types:
1. Managed Platform:
 A Managed platform, also known as a Managed Environment, is a pre-configured and
managed runtime environment provided by AWS.
 It includes a predefined combination of operating system, programming language, web
server, and application server components optimized for specific use cases, such as Java,
Python, Node.js, or Docker.
 AWS manages the underlying infrastructure, including provisioning, scaling, monitoring, and
maintenance tasks, allowing developers to focus solely on deploying and managing their
2. Custom Platform:
 A Custom platform, also known as a Custom Environment, allows users to create their own
runtime environments with custom configurations and components.
 It enables users to define and customize the underlying infrastructure, including the
operating system, software stack, middleware, and runtime environment, to meet specific
application requirements.

1. General Purpose (SSD):
 General Purpose (SSD) volumes provide a balance of performance and cost-
 They offer moderate I/O performance and are suitable for a wide range of
workloads with varying I/O requirements.
2. General Purpose 3 (SSD):
 General Purpose 3 (SSD) volumes are an evolution of the General Purpose (SSD)
volumes, offering improved performance and reliability.
 They provide higher baseline performance and burst performance compared to
the original General Purpose (SSD) volumes.
3. Provisioned IOPS (SSD):
 Provisioned IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) volumes are designed
for applications that require predictable and consistent I/O performance.
 With Provisioned IOPS volumes, you can specify the desired level of IOPS and
throughput to meet your application's performance requirements.
 These volumes are ideal for high-performance databases, I/O-intensive
applications, and workloads that demand low-latency storage.

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