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Study of distribution and density of fibres in SFRC tunnel segments

The orientation and segregation of steel fibres in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
(SFRC) is commonly used for mechanical characterization and to ensure the quality of SFRC.
Despite the general assumption that fibres within SFRC are isotropically distributed, the actual
procedures involved in specimen fabrication—ranging from mixing and pouring the concrete
to its compaction and curing—can lead to a non-uniform distribution of fibres.

The toughness of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is a critical measure of its
ability to absorb energy during failure, directly influencing its durability and reliability in
structural applications. This toughness is significantly affected by the distribution and
orientation of steel fibres within the concrete matrix, particularly in relation to potential crack
paths. The way fibres are dispersed and aligned can either enhance or undermine the
material's capacity to resist cracking and subsequent failure.

Traditionally, SFRC is assumed to have an isotropic (uniform and homogenous)

distribution of fibres, implying that the material properties are consistent in all directions.
This assumption simplifies the design and analysis of SFRC structures but may not accurately
reflect the real-world behaviour of the material. In certain cases, deliberately orienting fibres
in a specific direction can be more advantageous for structural performance than maintaining
isotropy. For example, in elements where cracking is anticipated in known directions (such as
in beams subject to bending), aligning fibres to bridge these expected cracks can significantly
enhance toughness and crack resistance.

Factors Influencing Fibre Orientation and Segregation:

The way fibres are dispersed and aligned can either enhance or undermine the
material's capacity to resist cracking and subsequent failure. Some of the factors affecting are
noted below.

 Mixing Process: The method and duration of mixing can cause fibres to orient in
certain directions. High-speed mixing might align fibres along the mixing direction,
while gentle mixing may preserve a more isotropic distribution.

 Pouring Technique: The manner in which the concrete mix is poured into moulds can
affect fibre orientation. For instance, pouring from a height or at an angle may cause
fibres to align vertically or in the direction of the pour.
 Compaction Method: Compaction is used to eliminate air pockets and ensure uniform
density. However, methods like vibration can cause fibres to settle and align in
particular orientations depending on the vibration direction and intensity.
 Curing Conditions: The environment in which the concrete cures, including
temperature and humidity, can influence the distribution and orientation of fibres,
especially if there is significant shrinkage or expansion.
 Effect on Toughness: The orientation of fibres relative to potential crack paths is
crucial. Fibres aligned perpendicular to cracks can effectively bridge these cracks,
enhancing toughness and energy absorption capabilities. Conversely, fibres aligned
parallel to the crack path offer less resistance to crack opening and propagation.

Implications for Mechanical Characterization:

Mechanical characterization involves the evaluation and analysis of the mechanical

properties of materials, such as their strength, stiffness, ductility, hardness, and toughness. This
process is critical, as it helps in understanding how materials behave under different conditions
and loads. The implications of mechanical characterization are,

 Anisotropy in Mechanical Properties: The non-uniform distribution of fibres can lead

to anisotropic mechanical properties, where the strength, ductility, and toughness of
the SFRC may vary significantly in different directions.
 Inaccurate Representation of Real-World Behaviour: Since many structural
applications of SFRC assume an isotropic fibre distribution, tests on specimens with
significant fibre orientation and segregation may not accurately predict the behaviour
of SFRC in actual structures.
 Need for Standardized Testing Protocols: There may be a need to develop and adhere
to standardized testing protocols that minimize fibre orientation and segregation,
ensuring that test results more accurately reflect the expected in-situ performance of

Approaches to Evaluate and Mitigate Fibre Orientation and Segregation:

There are many methods to evaluate and mitigate the orientation and segregation of fibres.
Some of them are explained here,

 Counting the number of fibres: This is the traditional method of counting the number
of fibres by having sections in the segments and dividing it into grids. This is more time
consuming and can only predict the fibre distribution in the cut section.
 Advanced Imaging Techniques: Techniques like X-ray tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to assess the distribution of fibres within
hardened concrete specimens, providing insights into the extent of anisotropy.
 Modification of Fabrication Procedures: Adjusting the mixing, pouring, compaction,
and curing procedures can help achieve a more uniform distribution of fibres. For
example, using lower compaction energies or different pouring techniques may
reduce orientation effects.
 Analytical and Numerical Modelling: Computational models can help predict how
different fabrication processes influence fibre orientation and segregation, allowing
for optimization of these processes to achieve desired properties.

Implications for Structural Design and Performance:

The data received from knowing the number of fibres and it’s distribution helps in improving
the performance by,

 Design Considerations: Engineers must consider the potential variation in fibre

orientation and distribution when designing SFRC structures. Understanding how
fabrication processes influence these factors can lead to more accurate predictions of
structural behaviour and optimized designs.
 Optimization of Fabrication Techniques: Tailoring the placing and compaction
methods to achieve desired fibre orientations can optimize the toughness and crack
resistance of SFRC in specific applications. For instance, vibration techniques, pouring
methods, and compaction strategies can be adjusted to align fibres more effectively
against anticipated stress paths.
 Quality Control and Testing: Standardized tests and quality control measures should
account for the variability in fibre distribution and orientation. This may involve

developing new testing protocols that consider the anisotropic properties of SFRC or
adjusting existing ones to ensure they reflect the material's in-situ behaviour

In conclusion, the orientation and segregation of fibres in SFRC specimens are crucial
factors that can significantly influence the mechanical characterization of the material. While
the toughness of SFRC is enhanced by the presence of steel fibres, the degree of this
enhancement is contingent upon the fibres' distribution and orientation, which are influenced
by the concrete's fabrication procedures. Recognizing and mitigating these effects through
careful control of fabrication procedures and advanced analysis techniques is essential for
ensuring that test results accurately reflect the behaviour of SFRC in practical applications.

Manufacture of Test specimens:

Concrete with a characteristic compressive strength of 50 MPa is used in making the

segment. The mix contained 40 kg/m3 of Bekart 4D hooked ended steel fibres with 60 mm
length and 0.75 mm diameter. The segments are cast on extrados surface on top. The slump
of the fresh concrete is 55, which indicates medium workability. The segments were
compacted using vibration. The size and dimensions of the segment is as shown below. The
segment was casted extrados upside in the casting yard.

The segment is cut to 6 pieces: one longitudinal cut (X-X) and two transversal cuts (Y-Y & Z-Z),
as shown below.

Fibre Distribution:

The fibres are counted and recorded by making grids of suitable sizes. To count and
record the number of fibres on the longitudinal direction, a grid comprising of 378mm x 91mm
and in transversal direction a grid of 235mm x 91mm was formed. The fibres in each grid, on
both faces of the longitudinal cut and transversal cut, were counted and the average was

Longitudinal Cut (X-X) and Transverse Cuts (Y-Y and Z-Z)

Longitudinal Section (X-X):

The longitudinal section is divided into 9 sub sections of dimensions 378mm x 91mm.
The number of fibres in each sub-section or grid is represented in the below drawings,

Number of fibres along longitudinal plane X-X (on both the sides)

The below table represents the average of fibres on both the surfaces.

Mean % Fibres
Intrados 275 338 348 282 221 456 345 299 351 324±62 38.2%
Middle 303 379 355 330 163 191 245 319 337 337±71 34.3%
Extrados 266 267 241 174 131 221 223 242 333 233±54 27.5%

Mean 281±16 328±46 314±52 262±65 171±37 289±118 271±53 287±33 340±7
% Fibres 11.1% 12.9% 12.4% 10.3% 6.7% 11.4% 10.6% 11.3% 13.4%


 End portions has more fibres and centre section has very less fibres. This show that
the fibres are segregated due to over vibration.
 There is minor variation along the thickness i.e. intrados has comparatively more
fibres compared to extrados.

Transverse Section (Y-Y) & (Z-Z):

The transversal section is divided into 6 sub sections of dimensions 235mm x 91mm.
The number of fibres in each sub-section or grid is represented in the below drawings,

Number of fibres along transversal plane Y-Y (on both the sides)

The below table represents the average of fibres on both the surfaces.

Mean % Fibres
Intrados 175 145 60 98 185 203 144±50 38.3%
Middle 163 131 55 90 150 185 129±44 34.2%
Extrados 145 104 40 82 105 144 103±36 27.4%

Mean 161±12 127±17 52±8 90±7 147±33 177±25

% Fibres 21.4% 16.8% 6.8% 11.9% 19.5% 23.5%

Number of fibres along transversal plane Z-Z (on both the sides)

The below table represents the average of fibres on both the surfaces.

Mean % Fibres
Intrados 197 144 102 127 168 216 159±39 40.5%
Middle 185 113 93 114 139 190 139±37 35.4%
Extrados 100 105 54 78 102 131 95±24 24.2%

Mean 161±43 120±17 83±21 106±21 136±27 179±36

% Fibres 20.5% 15.3% 10.6% 13.5% 17.3% 22.8%


 End portions has more fibres and centre section has very less fibres. This show that
the fibres are segregated.
 There is variation along the thickness i.e. intrados has comparatively more fibres
compared to extrados showing minor settlement of fibres.
 More settlement is visible in longitudinal section of Y-Y and lateral section of Z-Z.


 Significant settlement is observed.

 Spread of fibres/flow of fibres are more towards the corner and centre portion has
significantly less fibres.
 We have seen significant amount of settlement in all the directions. Hence the
distribution is not homogenous. This can be preferential distribution.
 Balling was observed in a couple of locations.
 The average fibre count is found to be 0.69 No’s/cm2 (Varying btw 0.5 to 0.8

Fibre Density:

The fibre density is measured by collecting the cylindrical cores and measuring the
amount of fibres by crushing the cores and separating fibres using a strong magnet. This gives
the idea of mixing of fibres in the concrete. This verifies the mix dosage and theoretical
dosage. Here we have taken eights cores using 100mm diameter core cutter to measure the
fibre density. The location and fibre density is as shown below.

Location and density of fibres in the segment

Core Extraction Crushing

Separation of fibres Weighing

Wt of Density of Density of
Dia Height Volume Weight
Specimen fibres SFRC fibres
(mm) (mm) (m^3) (kg)
(gm) (kg/m^3) (kg/m^3)
A 93 189 0.001283 3.084 54.2 2403.35 42.2
B 93 183 0.001242 3.045 48.75 2450.76 39.2
C 93 189 0.001283 3.153 54.28 2457.12 42.3
D 93 187 0.001270 3.096 49.25 2438.51 38.8
E 93 187 0.001270 3.143 51.11 2475.52 40.3
F 93 188 0.001276 3.172 51.57 2485.08 40.4
G 93 186 0.001263 3.083 47.95 2441.32 38.0
H 93 186 0.001263 3.081 50.1 2439.74 39.7
Average 2448.92 40.1±1.55


The density of the fibres is almost uniform in all the directions. The mixed dosage and design
dosage is same i.e. 40 kg/m3. The average density of SFRC is 2449 kg/m3.

Compressive strength:

The cores are tested for compressive strength and the equivalent cube strength is determined
according to IS 516: 1959, clause 5.6.1.

Density of Cylinder Eq Cube

Dia Height Weight
Specimen SFRC Strength Strength
(mm) (mm) (kg)
(kg/m^3) (MPa) (MPa)
A 93 189 3.084 2403.35 69.92 87.40
B 93 183 3.045 2450.76 64.48 80.60
C 93 189 3.153 2457.12 65.43 81.79
D 93 187 3.096 2438.51 62.42 78.03
E 93 187 3.143 2475.52 67.13 83.91
F 93 188 3.172 2485.08 67.90 84.88
G 93 186 3.083 2441.32 50.66 63.33
H 93 186 3.081 2439.74 73.69 92.11
Average 65.20 81.50

The average compressive strength of SFRC comes out to be 81.5 MPa.


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