Report On Use of Waste Plastic in Concrete

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Project report

"Use of Plastic Waste in Concrete as Coarse Aggregate"

Subiniiiml itt partial ful filinani o(iyt requircmanis

Bachelor of Technology

Submitted Dy•-

Vc6prc¥mh ienpd t l5CEâ71 Dr. Santolp

Vaibluiv Kumar Pnndcy ISC ES3i ivti. Dhamindrz Singh Llhaka
Kamlcndni Kunuir Yadav } t5CE I it}
RajF•m«r Re-i fi 5CE391
Pri‹om A aw i iOcs7‹Di

Department of Clvll Engineering

Government Engineering College, Ajmer
1 hereby declaim ihnt the walk, which is being pivscnEd in ihc mnjor piojcct mpon, entitled
”Use of Plasiic Wasie in Concrcie us Coarse Aggmgate" in panial fulfilment for ilie oward of
of "Bt<hrlar at T•chnal<'i;y” in Qlunmcrit o/Cn'iI En6in<erins, Povcmmcnl
Fnginecring Col Icgc Ajmcr Rajasthan Twbnical Uniwrsi\y, kota is rt Tccord of my own
invertiga\iore carried urdcr tic Guidance of Mr. plant and Um. Dlmnrcndro Singh Dhake,
Depattmcnr of Civil Engjllocring. foventmenT En ring CoTTpe Ajmcr.

Vaibkov Kumnr I*gndcy

v w Jongid
Kamiendra Kumar Yadey

Roj£umar R*w«i

Government Engiruzering CoTTegc Ajmer


Tliis is to ctrtify that Yclbtiw Kutaar I'sndey, Vedpmliesh Jeng+d, Kaaslmiln Kumar

tCivII Enguoezfngj 2018-£9, haa rutxniTied the aemtmzr zepozt tiJed "Enzt gua e Rcsimt
euiląin8c" in pe‹tid I\iIfiItueni ror iłie e-rd of IIte dcgrcc of‘ Beclalor oF Techrolo y in
Civil £ngiacvring tiera it*iisitisn Tmhnic*l Univcisity. Kom.

fDr. Sankalp)
Asststonl pro •ssor{NBIU)

TMr. DI mon‹Ira Siogh Oh•Ło)

Assistent Profccsor fłflnU)
meal is formed Wm tk plastic wertc also gcnciaic‹L And be construction oI
brlildings gleo irczeased zo roe shortage oz iaiuzal ¥ggzegatc is e w pzobtem. To
redm boih Ihc problems of dieing of plaaic wgele and saving be naTuraT aggregates
we con use be

As T zeg4acment of natuzaT cozzze aggregau• {NCA} with pTasfic coarse aggregate {PCA)
is net reasible, partial mplecetncnl at various p4zccntagc were fisemifmd. Naiufal
qoztse aggregates W rcplaooJ by 5°6 If46 and I 5% with pI#sIic coarse aggzcgxtcs.
Corngrcssisc strength of thee oancrelc pwpared win pTasric coarse aggrega es are unted.
£ Iage tffia oppazunity la express my groLitu@ la all thosr penple who Taye born aizectly
md indirectly with mc during tfc compctiiie« oFihis jwc
T pay Thgnk Io Dr. Gupat Singh, Head of De;ortmmt of CiDT Engineeñng and njll
co• ordiruslor who gave me thia opportunity zo complete tile project on use of “Uac of
plastic w*sie in commic ss eoatse agI;rcbaic"
T pey Thank Io Mr. Dhorznnzdrs Singh Dhaka end Do. 8ankaTp who free give guidance and g
Tighl Io mc during this projm. His versatile knowledge about “Use of pTsstic wgsle in
concre • as nozrsn a tc" ta¥s cased me in 01e cntica4 him duting the span of this maja

A species gratitude T giw• O our final year projm oo•ordinntor, Mr. Pramh Saini, whose
in stimulating suggestion and ewouragemenu T\eTped me Io caordinaze rrty
grqoc’ oWieTly 'n ’Eng Lltir .

encouragement which help mc in completion of this pzojal.

My \T\mtks W a iotigms also go O ny cot League anlt co]legc staff in dcw•Toping rhe
rrej c 4A f›‹x›rlv ho has willingly kcIr›cd mc <u will Weir obiIitio•.

Vaibhav Kumar Pandey

Rgjkumar R,awi
4.2 Casing................................................l9



4.2.4 WAigon*ub...........................................22


4.4 T* g Reys..................,...................................................................,...,.........28

4.4.1 SWykat7dog............................................28
LisT oy ncoRxs

twist of Graph

G h 4.B Free v tim gal Wr 2

Gmpb 4.9 home v tim gm@ Fm B rfi 2B dbp
Graph 4. IO Knrcr v/* TiTnc gzgph fnr S2 batch OR day...................................................................35

Gmph4.l2FoD;/stime pMforS4boi*h2Zd&ys............................36
List of Tables

Table 3.2 Obs<wa\Jø \ rnblc Fur s «ifi« govi\y uF fine aggazn...............................................3

Chapter I

Aa tic populolian is growing. wastes of vnrioos types are being general. Aa One
Wa¿ng gnd Tow biodegradable westc ma\crieTs err ping wilh consumer pa uIe\im, ii
is nothing waste disposal problems. For ciiics and towns having a popuTg\ion o£2•5 million
Ihc average per zapi\a sob id waste generation rots haa been of 0.35 kg per peraon per

end pspcr pinducis. This plssiic where is increasing sccoiding io incrcracni ir population. So.
ihe problem u'itt dispoisl of itis waxic is increasing day by dsy. Solution io ihis pnblm
is recycling wasies iato useful products Ai dcmlopmmi is increasing day by day iheie
is an inns ia censtniciion end the mainicn«acc work «f iruciw. So, we «re testing
fur ricu' concept of using where plastics in ccracni coacrcie sinicturcs. This can produce
cco•fiicndly constraciion and can eeduce the cost of thu coasiniction.

1.I Advantages of we of pleitle In concrete

Tfiis pmjeci is had on ase of ihese plasiic wnstea in concmtc as conese aggngates. U • of
pluiiw waste in emu w r 'duos ilic 8 al rioblcms «nu oilier cuvironmmial
problems which we arc facing due to Tkc increment in use of/›lauics.
rcplaccmcni of plume, were tend ai mom icrnpcmiurc znd ihc msulis were compared.
P-o ihesc rests eight cube uunples were costed to compn•seim siecngth tests nt seven dnys

chzrecncñsiic of cwncrcic wiili plzsiic. cighi bcerns ac • elm casied. The plastic teste
aggicgaies (PWA}used to icplaccmcni of rraiuml conisc aggrcgaie t NCA}was solid
wasir gcinrztcd frnm plasiic bagi. friipcr shape ané vizc of nggfcgatcs zero gimn tu these
ploRic 6«gs efter melting ui tit;h temmtun' in wrliiae. Ploiic o ne t;«ic* url
shuwr ia figure 1.1. Plos4ic oggrcgnics only which ore courses ihar l0mm ass used in
mpluccmcnt of nnueel aggrzgstes. Normal coaiac oggrcgnica t NfiA1 was paniolly a•placed
as 5•A l0k‹ and

we a nfiveiiun in workability end conpmivc slrcayh. n Her ynizlly rcplmxincni of

course sggrcgnics by plnsiic wssie sggrcgniea. So, these siniciums should be rz rely used aad
5% of replacement cnn be ollmvod of iuituial course sggicgntcs in coiicrcie.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Youcef Ghemnuii ct st’. In th is study he paefinlly replaced ilie fine oggrct;nie« in concise by

arc some for atT mistuzes. Lie observed d\ot ability ofconcMe incmsing in increment of

xcesic wear is ex'aiIgbIc. He mmcd slump test to ebb war ability. Tf Tele is incTcnsc
uF pTgsTic begs mesh, bulk donsiTy decreases. Ftexum\ and comprccsiv# strength a'erc tee+cd
aI 2B day and reductions in both strengths win inczeoying percentage of pTaazic obaezvcd.

use ufl plastic bags pim Io stwJy hic cm ia nnd spTiT \cmiIc slrcn@fi. He
conczcle r«is by using CTR can egt+ crushed unite atoncs as coarse aggregate and rtatuzoT
river aon0 ox fine oggtepte, portable water £w from impurities and containing aging
cmcn\agc ofl were pTn* i* begs T0°4. 0.2R+. Q.4%, 0.f°4 Q.R°4 .• 8 T .&). Comtrrcssivc
strength of concrete s imen is ‹hcruasing ‹*0'r dccre‹isc in comprcmivc strcn@h with ma
of addition of plastic tag pieces) with iareoaing percentage uf pTaalic bag pieces.

rniz. I\ also stans decreasing whm ndding more then 0.H% of pTaslic bngs piers.

rgyen Mn has ct al. [*0 Tñ]“’, To study chat on compn•ssivc st ngth, moduTos ut”
clwlicity. apTit tunaiTe aiwng0\ and 0cxuzoT strent,'th properties of concrete \T\u suilatrility of
wy•lc'J plastic es nanial opt+cm•i io casnc » s»‹c n ‘oricrcic mix w ob+'web. Tlt
m rc*nT\* were bred cm 20% lbs ibution of na uraT cwTsc Bggrcgaw with t+me ie
aggregate. Caorsc aggregate from pTaalic waa obtained by heating tile plastic pieces and
crushing la required size of aggregate hon observed auT\a acs Wz plWic a tc hire Tow
cosh ng
‹2.0 «s <omIt••- ie 78 lot Naiml aI;8r<¿icj. Ion sr›cc fir sr•vi‹y ‹0.9 «s cor•pn' o 7,74
fw Natural a gave}, and density wTuo (U. g T as compare Io 3. T4 for Natural aggregate),
as compare Io Nartual cosrac aggregate. Slump test obwwed ‹he increment in war nbiTity

Zainnb k lsrng I cl gt. They conduc\J tc's s o« concrcw sgmp\n a gM'ta\
rcpTgccmonl of fine gone in concrete. Dmeily, slump, compressiw and flexuraT
alrengih and finally loubhnea w'ew tested. TI1ey used BOX polyethylene and 20%
pa(payee in Fl•s‹ic wont . This nIw« wane vas cah«4 \› nS IwSIJt nr 0.IN-
hmm au with •F
0. T3•4mm}. Ttu mited ordin.try PonTnnd wmmt, find Bggrcgato lnalura I send of 4.74mm
masi num eiac), coorac oggtcgctc (mvsize tteTow 20rnm/ and addition of T0°6 T5S end
2& of plastio were as HsM wplannlcnt n concrete miXtm. Tfiis test Wen'c0 o why
d'ucrcasc in slump with increasing Ihc rc¢n\ ufi plastic. A Wrcrricnt in
Cash and dry density with incwsing Ihe pTgstic waste radio was also observed. Darnese
in compressive oHd fteauroT e\nmgg\ way obxervod by incrccaing the waue plaazic ratio.

mix Iu @ m in cws\ lion industry.49 ed T T50mm x Thmm s T30mm} were popored

for di ferent test results from varying percentage of polyethylene fibws {0.3, 0.G, and 0.9
io TI% of vottune of cone-rete) wi\T\ q‹s vesttiouT co\wete material io prepare mises. Two
type of pbs‹ic bad fi wrr< v 4 wc cut meniully f60mm x 3mj erld f<r
sfirrd8c‹L Cv mere u•stcd for 7@2tt days comprcssiw strength md compaction. They
obarved good wozkobit icy oF tkc unix wi\T\ ahred c0 fiW. A reduction in compressive
lrength and compaction wet also observed. No mark waa curdles out on chief cadre •
pro\tenies like

I’. Sugamhyel nl.[20I3]’ This sttidy is based on Ihc nplication of fine crushed plnaic
{producefm\ melting md carting of high density polyethylene) as repTecemenz of” find
» m•gozc in eo+\cW win vying knewn percnniages. The main aim oF this uJy is
optimum rcgtaocmcnT of natu iT and by pTas\ic sand. fit concrete mines wwc produced

voñousronerccpmptni .Toechk•cUtxirtd00mmounwtw umpvvec2 m0n mGoi•

increased wilh incwsc rcpTaccmcn\ ofwnd will pTes\ic panicTcs. It is nTso observed from the
iesi remits ihst strength of coacecic specimen for plnsiic rcptzccrricni vp to 25•ñ is grodunlly
decreased bul dwwoa in lrfgtfif is rapid for plastic rcg)eccmcnt abrnrc 25H which shows
suitnbTe wg'Iouozncnt up to 25•4 of ord with plxie puTxec! 0 .szul& I‹ is also
canciudnd oder ieslins uf sI•'cim n ifovin6 JifTcrrn‹ pre/›oni a +f plastic renfscc nn
fr•r Ul‹ims e«4 yield Mrcngth slim both strengths
dream with incrclssc placement of sod wi h pleMic policies. The main éraa'back
of this stcdy ia heat only con\prcssis'e s\wgtfi and w/c alia ic;is w'Il noi be suflic cm io
st«dy 8oo›I<d m'a of concrete for s•ir•bIe <o• ir«ci'on.
W other dnswbgck 4fl this sTydy is fhal Ifi*ir will @ no olTons we rrnxfc a cxpTow Ihv
ua ufl admiztuzcs in controlling of coinprcsaivo etrenglh redccIi+m in a mix con aim ng

Khitesfi Sazwe.[20T4}’’ Thia study ia baacd on sddi\ion of waaze plastics along with azceT
fib a Cth in objective iu seek muirnum uy ct basic pIu4p in ¢crimtc.Two difFcs\
concrcic mints were casted in cuts t l50frirn x l50mm z l50mmk one wiih 'zqing
percentages of plastic Yes (0.2#a, 0.4%, 0.gH, 0.8% and T% weight of ccmmt} and
another concrete nip oE pTaazic waste/stecl f!Itrea(0.Z/0.I , 0.4/0.2, 0.6/0.3. 0.b/0.4 and I/0.5
°A by weight of comm) w *tidy site cpmpos»e strcn@h si 7 and 2R day sewn . TI+c
mix of pTgstic ml steel lobes has shown as mrnparc la
concn•\e mix prep only a'ith pTae\ic waste. According Io Ihe zest zesuTts ii is concluded
IhaT a pTnszic wasic ct 0.M wci@i o£ < ment when used wilh steel fibre ct Q.3 #< ( i hz \
F cement) free sfio'rm The mesimum compwssivc shrink. The mean drgwbncL of Th *
study is IhaT BUM fibres 'hm oTung with plastic wastes wilt atlccT all Ihc properties of
screw but the reseawI\er only focused on co\\ restive strength progeny which docs \ot
give clear
ictm cF ccc-refs behaviour.

M. Chimney c\ aT. (*005)"This s udy i* bscd cm u*c of w Tod pea tic a gave in
concn•\e material for a building to work out its pezforr«ence witk regards e thermal
otlribulcs and clfic ienz cHe y peJormonce in caingarim wi\T\ wormaT a regcte concrete.

The plastic nonienT cnnnrcic was prepaid Tom •fid high n•nyc1c0 pTasiicsa i *arinus
requirement of building constniclion Tile *lrcng\h, workabifi\y and finish abiTiTy and abjwl
to long end skort com moniloring in order @ determine energy efficiencies md lcvcT of
common and uormuT acreage on*o\e also aubjcnled to log full altart ten monitaring
AAwr IwUing ili ob ocd lfiu‹ yl‹d
pl^»k courk building fi>ving mod in laGvn g^4 Tess energy in comparison of
normal concrete. however. saving in energy wee more
profound in cold cTimzK in building with tower insui\ion. According a Ihc lest asoIt i\ is
concluded lhgl efficiency of mergy cen t)arthcr be increase if recycle pTeslic of fitigb \
ficrmaT capacity ia used ond i\ t also euggeazed th+• use of recycle plnatic negate
tcncretc be!ng

compare both buildings witk regards la durability and strength.

Iran ad 5i. Palil.el aT'” This shady is based on use of pTaslic recycled aggregate as

pTgstic ggrcen\ {0, Tfl', 2\T,$0A end EU%}. They hgsc conducted s'arious Icsls and
ob'swed Ihat density of concrete is dacreascd with inczeaac pczcco\agc of replacement of
z Isle with yeTc p|actin screw a0 it ia also cbscwnd ihat decade n o rnp ive
length for 7 end 28 days wilh increase in pcrccnra of pTgccrn¢n\ of coat oggrc aK
with cycle plastic aggregate. Tip hBW Rh0I«dcd them replacing by 20°4 plastic will
satisfy the permissible Timiss of azm glh. Again, tfiese archers Timized their reecozch zo
only cpmprcs w s\rcngIIt pay. The mptn drawback of this s\qdy is hat no work wa*
carried out \o study tic other inn am propniw of cwcrc c nrld w of wrious rldrnis\urcs in
concn•\e is deltwd to rodm Tosh a F strength.
2. A thcrrnDsoITcaTty couTmllgd own to mainoin lemp¢zalure aT TOO-I TO° C
3. A wire basket
4. A oontninw for filling wau•r

Figure 3.2 allows the oppazotua zoguized for gifa• gravity leat of coarae aggregnzes.

T. Abauc 2 kg of aggregate sempTo is skcn and washed ThorougfiTy Io wmoye fit

drained azd placed in wire tmdtet and immersed in dieli1kd water.
2. By lifting the basket coniaining it 25 mm above ilie bar abide tanL immedioiely ofler
immersion, the entrapped eiz is rcmo•od fiom the sample by drogq'ing n\ be etc of
about one drop per sooond. The 0aâI‹ct md aggregate slid be mined
compTe4cTy intmczsod in woiez faz a genod of 24 hour.
3. Then th WLct and fbe sample +rc •ciyIu›d while suspended in +uer. The weiyht is
4. The basic and engages gre taken out from water nod aTT \o drain, gfter o
Act minutes The sggrcgatcg grc surfaw dried with Ihe dry adsoWnl cTo\hes. Tfic
em@y I›ashcz is Allen imn etged in water and weighed in water as W, AJ1d tic
aurFace dncd atIt;‹exei< is•nghed u \\'.8.
•i. The negate is kcpl in an own nT a \ernpcra\urc of I TO° C for *4 hrs. After
zenming from the oven+ these me cooled in an air tight c+moiner and weighted as

Ohr ed values of wcit;hi src shnwn in Tebte ?.1.

Sr. No.

3927. T


3 Weight ofsaturated wrfeoc dry nggrcga u in ui«W.› 2002.3

$ Weight of emulated oggfegntc in woier • Wi — W, I 282.B



• YVate AbaoipA|on = ’j, "

I. Specific gravity • 2.77
2. Apparent cific gravity =
3. Water Absmp ion= 0.37•A

3.2 FlneAggregm#m
For samples smoTTs than IO rum P)/czarnzler test is uacd and stxeific gravity is tested foz
sa-nd •ccoidiny to IS: 338a II'4ti-3T rine eel;rtI;+ s used 4s sfo•n in fi8vrc 3.1.

2. Tlicmiosiaiieally coniiollcd osn

Pycnomclcr end \hcrmosTatica1Ty conlroTTod oven is shown in figuw 3.g nod figuw

lempcwwre o£ 22 zo 32°C. Ron ove mir enuappc0 in k e auJoee oE Ste oggregatc.
AmpcšnWJMimm u w,urfw34fim.
2. Now drain ogt tfc waNr Grem ime semgc, using a 6IIw pač. Air dy eggrcga\w
reloin on the film poper. Nor weighl tfie satuared and ¥uzface•dy aanq1c {A).
3. No' a tc pleccs in if c nycitomeier =i8 nli ii w'th 8isiilfc8 wairt. Rcmw
OniHJggod eir f Omcfcr. WeJgf4t t/W pycromcTN JTt ThiSdJtion ‹B}.
4. £mpty tke matcrigJ of tke pycnomeler inlo a tny. bill čic pycromeTer wilh dis\iIIed
wozer again oR meosure the weight {C).
5. 0 oMy tlt< «sgtcsair in IItc itey a‹ a im›pm•iu of l0o to I lo C Gor 34 iti. Tale
ou\ gnd cooT dc aggrcgaTes and caTcufa\c its migh\ {D).
6. CaTcufa\e Ae apecific gavity, appBzeM s ific groviy and Ihe water atteorption az

Dbscrved values of ncigfiis zrc shown in izble 3.2.

• Appazent Specific gmviy =

,. - {B - /,

• Wster absorption (in %) = - oi


T. S ocific ty = *.60
2. Appawnt sgecific grexiy = 2.64


! Weight in gin of snmested 508 500 soo 500

en rmoiy s*mpi lAi
2 Weight in km gf pycmotttct¢r TBI 8 I R00.7 @5.4 BO30
containing sample nnd fi iTcd
witlt diuillcd wa\cr (dJ

3 Weight in gm uf p cllarnczer T504 1B92 T4B6 i4g4

fi IkJ with dieiII‹^d weicr

498 498 497

I. Stuck of iesi sieves

2. Balance tu'itg occupy to 0.01t;)
3. Stem shaker

1. Sieves of sieve shzkt should b'e cTcagod.
2. Weight of zeceixing pan ie recorded.
3. roe 2 kg sample /›•ssing through io mm Ig size.
4. Weigh the specimen and n•cord its wciglg.
Age tile eims in order of TO mm, 4.3Jimm, 2.36mzn, T.Tgmm, 0.600mzn,

6. 0.Ikm and gen ii Inst From Ihc

7. Lid should be oI be log of sicscs.
8. Fix the sieve steels on Mae aieve ahaker.
9. Allow the sieve silken £m 3 minutes of sieving.
10. how zemoyc he sick s\ack From tic machine zn4 weigh of ma\maT rclzinod on
cach siem end receiving pan scpniatcly.
11.Fiad out the weight of cumulniim perccninge passing end chenk ihr ringm according
in IS oedc â81 — 1970 ia which cult canes R‹sult from sic•e amltsis tee
«r: shown in izblc 3.3. Now zone of send cen be find out.

IS wł,

9.935 90.M5

5 2,36 524.2 26.2 T 739

4 I. Ifi 415.9 47,Œt S3

5 0,ML 32.?6

6 0.300 415,0 ek,J9 I 1.6 I

Id 1.0 1909 95,45

91.0 3ûD

Chapter 4
Methodology Aaelyds and Celcul»tione

4.1.1 D4T8 Wgblred her Concrete Mlx Oedgu

i. Sgecifie vity ofwmm‹ — 3.IN
3. Stifle grgfity of FA —2.6
3. Specific gravity of CA —2.77
4. Water absorption Ear flue aggregates •O.4Q%
S. wstcr*ibs‹XT'uon For e»aoc 8nmIrts -0.J7•4
6. Fire aggregates confirm la Z‹mc I of TS — 383

s% risk Sector is I.65.

Tn this can stondzud WJofion is \ekeo E JS:4S6 egoinst M 25 is 4.0.
= f• * 1.65 s S

= Jl.6 Mnun:

r-rom use s or is 4s«, (rage no °o)

Maximum wntcr•cetn•nt niiio for Mild rapesure coivdiiioii • 0.55 Based on enpericacc. sdopi

0.44 < 0.55, hocc OE.

From Table 4 oFIS I0762- 2019,

Maximum worn content For 20 znm nominal size of a gtegole • T86 Kg for 25•50mm aTump

Slump vslac in pirseni case — 150-75 mmi

k Cement Content
Woter•ccmeiit eatio - 0.44
Ceireci d waicf lenient = 19 t.* k8
/in' Cement content = l9l.6/0.4d
= 455.45
From Tob • 5 o£TS 456,
Minimum imens Cun\#n\ lur miTi csposuø• aridi\io« - 500 Lg/m' 43*i.4*i Xg/in'* 300
Maxirnum cen ent conh•nt 4Ii0 kg/ni'
Estimstion o£ C0atcc Aggmgøtc
propoftion From Tabk 5 of IS I0262-
For NoninaT man imum øizc o£aggregalc = 20 znm,
Zorlc oFfinc aggteyoze • Zone I

Volume ofcoazse aggregate per unit s'oIumc of iool Bggn•ga\c = 0.80 m’

Tf he w/¢ is mere Then 0.5, plume cduocs to incur befit eggrcga\o ccmNnl.
How. corrocTion in tTomc according lo U.4d w/c ratio

Volume of Inc aggrcga cs = T - 0.BT *

1. Volume oFconcrcle = 1 m•
2. volm or<niup/›«l ât° to • a.oi «r' ‹mm - o¥h - 3 is «›ar ‹ ioz6z - zolsjj

me arev* i
4. YWumeo£vawr= X

= 0.1916 m'
3. Volamc of toinl oggecgates - (a - b)• (c * d)

ñ h4nis of cause aggrcgniee = 0.6604 x A612 z 2.77 z 1000

7. Mess of finn aI;gmgaies= 0.6604 x 0.388 x 2,6 c iaoo

= 662.2 kg/m’

Ccmce\ comm = 43'L45 kg/J

Flue gggteggzo - 662.2 kg

Coarse 4s8mptcs = I I19.5 Xg

‹CEMENT: r. A : C.A : WAZERi = i1 : 1.53 : 2.5i : 0.44i

1. Toiol volume of mixture = 0.05175m’

3. Wear= 9.915 Lg
4. Fire aggregates = 34.47 kg
S. CoomroggmgoIrs-57.Vlkg
4.2 Cas •s
TIa• acceptance enteric of quad icy coacreTc arc given in TS•456. En aH the cases, for check of
the cri •riun for onccptaecc gr wjwtion of the c‹mrreic ia the compressive stmngth et 28-

o£quatily oFconcwtc.
For tfie compreayion e gth and 0ecu«st strength teeming, Your caalinga were com peeled
wiki n , 5°4, l0°4 m8 I 5% wrI«c<mcnI of naiml rwrsc «I;grcI¥'i with ihc pI«'c
•os‹c oggrcgnim. In every casting number of siz cube specimens of dimension 150 1â0 z I
5il mm were casied for icuiag of compremion strength ni 7 dnys and ct 28 dog Two
beans z‹eie olso cried in even c«siing lot hexml en•ngih rest or 7 daja and 2f1 tlnys
iniervzt< Totnl

2. MouJJ Ear making W cube

4. Completing bsr
5. Curing tank
6. Comreic mixer

42J Meted¥ls for Cmstng
AST ma\cz!eT for preparation of concrete were mzangcd. Using weight machine gggrcgelcs,
cement and water were weight accuzatcTy according Io desig« mis. protxmion.
For rest aimpTe M25 cowteTe eube c48tin , e'eIgh\s of mnzerioTs were
\. Ccmmt oontcni = 22.53 kg
2. Wetcr= 9.915 Lg
3. Fiza• eggrcgaies = 34.447 Mg
4. Coarse eggrcgnw = 37.91 kg
For socond concmc cubic casting Cth 5% replacmnt of n uraT uggregst with plastic
waale o gn•gotea, weighB of meKriats were
|. femmt‹:onwn=*°'3kg
2. WBOP " 9.315 kg
3. Fine aggregates = I4.447 kg
4. Noiur»i cm n e yus - ss.u
5. Pisflic Waste zggrtyics = 2.89hg
For third concrete cube earring witfi I0•A mplsceracni of normal aggrcgnies wiih plovtic
waaze aggregates, weights of materials wete
1. Cement centcni = 22.53 Lt;
2. Water = 9.915 kg
3. Fine aggregates = 34.4•¥7 kg
4. No\ozol coozae aggregates • 52.T2 kg

I. Cement cont+ni = *+ "3 k6

2. Water= 9.915 kg
3. Fira• aggregates = I4.4d7 kg
4. N»iuroi cosrsr eggrrtlsics = 49J3 kg

I. Removing ufi eubc and Imam mould pto es UM were properly oheM end
belt mmdc fully tight. On all lhc Lancs of Ihc mould a Ihin layer of oil was applied.

3. The sampic of concrete wcs filtcd into the cube moulds in 3 layers with 35 s4rofiea
ring bumping md otter fiI link eirh foyer. Each layer was oppinx imniely 5 cm deep.
4. Fe sq-ethical disiñb«ion of r mtc, i •«s comF+cmd nB ieblc vibioior.
5. A fler vibiviions, finishing of top surface wns done.
6. Now ihe concrete cubes wm nomd under shed at ixnnn temperature for 24 hours.
7. After 24 hunts, cubes veer mmovod from moulds and mark:ing on enter was dome on
it. After meting echos wcs sion•ti in were «i a iwnpcniion• 24°C to ?& mil be 7
or 28•dnysaccoiding ie egc of veering.

MWing on cubes but in litre 4.4. wcs complctoJ as

fotloWng Making on cub we SnCand
kms markod as SUB»
Where. m • sec!oT number o£casting n • eerial wnber oE specimen cuhe in a
casting 5 Cls identified as nzh cube specimen o£mzh eeting identified as wth beam sgocimcn ofmth casting,

S;C;. fini cube of lirsi earring

SEC,- third cube of attend c+stia¢
sic, = riits crime or tsi d
casting SEC = sizth cube of
founh earring
St8i nd 1›t* i q›etirncn of'fire ‹»siiat;
Compressive Strength
43. 1.3 Procedrrr o/rimipzeccfon W
1. The specimen '*es Dw out him Weicr after specified curing tiint end n:Moved
erm wear from the sWacc.
2. Ckock be dimension of the specimen and rote ific wcighl of epecimn suing weight

3. The spccimm was ptaood in lhe machine in such a manor That The id should &
apps iod to Ihc opposite sides of Ihe wbc cast.
4. AIigra•0 be apncimn ccnua1Ty on tile base p|éIe of be mmhine.
5. Now ihc k+d • ›nIM gradually c‹mtinvowII md wiifioul skocL e \Ic ralc of 140
kg/cm•/mi nutc lily Ihe s imcn fails.
6. Who Ihe specimen boils, ifie machine cops automolicoTTy.
7. Now mr=imum ko8 um rtccrdctl end gal e rrr›on.
Minimum Ics\cd not of ••• •• + specimens Would be flno¢ st each sclcelcd age. Ruths of
a specimen 8hDDTd be rejected ifl its atength voriea by more than 15 X of axezage sWngth.

T. lgocimen Age day

2. Specimen Shape
3. Sg<cimm Size
4. Width man

6. UW-leFmm

9. heat Dale Test Time

4.2.I+S C premise $nvwJ o/Conrrefe ez P'rri‹oir

5nagh of conmie inns wiih •sr which is 4owi»¢ in inble 4. I esd a' difFomni y4c of’
caacrcic compressive sircngih ct 7 dsys end 28 days src shown in table 4.2.
Grade of k\inimum cornpressiw eoeng\h Specified clazaclcziatic comqieaiw
Cancte\e N/mzrt2 at 7 strength
day IN/mml) st 2P d yrs



M2S 25


M3S 23.5

M40 27

30 45
Ptexurat 6treozth

Its salt is osge*scd in tnrrns of modulus of rupiuit *•liict dvoete* *s tldR) irt f•4Pa or psi.
Thcecan two methods to condini fiexurnl test

2. Four-poini flee scsi


int m1d Four ’nt fox ere

li is observed ihet modulus of rupture mmains low if is achieved whn coicivic specimen is

FinoTTy, the Io\towing equation is uaed to find ouc 6esuzaJ uzx•n$th of Irene using
compressive scengib This est be used in 4rsinn celculaii us w in laboruory iesftngs.

2. Specimen size
3. MOi8tlJze o0z ditiQn OFtbc cQn¢zeu• specimen

4. Curing ofrtc comrcic specimen

5. Ard wfcihw ihc speciwon is moulded oz sawed To The required siac

I. Testing machine capable of epgTying Toads eI a uniform rate witWt inlerruplia of

stu+du. Tully Machine ie glowrf in figure 4.9.
2. B&ance with ocmzz8cy oE Ig

4.2.2 +4 Pfiecedaee @FImamI her an ba ciefi#

T. Tfie imen was out from wow alter spgc!£ted curing time and removed
oxcas wear I\ozn the srrrfeoe.
2. Clock ihc diwonrie ofihc sp«cirion.
3. Load i£e apecimn in leslfizg machine.
4. All inFormstion icganlcd la flcxurel in like pace re\c and dupe of bum cix wcm
fizcd in machine.
5. Stated applying Tance on W sgecimnn Waoe at be heading point.
6. Theo beam boils, machine sumps ouTomet@lTy. Not file iest number, peak Toad and
sprees Ww recorded.
7. Turned oWtk macbiw again and cleaned in

TM following expre8sian is osed for estimation of modulus of zuptwe:


MR: modulM ofnir›twr

P: ultimate applied load indica\<d by Noting machine
L: span Tnngzh
b: avenge Miami ofilhe specimen oz Ihe fracture
d: average dctnh o'f The specimen e\ the fulurc

Al Stre 8•^ •t 7 doys

Different icsiin wss corn leied after 7 de of curt . Total of two cube imeris r

W ends epecinv•us freed fur compression siimgih usr was meited ai S,C„ S Ct SJ;.
SiCi. SEC i. S Ct. S+Ci end 5tCi. Bearers which were used for fkxuixl sircngih icaiing
scre mzrf:nd zs Sr B t. S•Bi. S Bi and SiB i,Tmiirig msults of the obom specimns ore
given as



Obserwd resuI\g from diITmn\ I1exuzaI tes\g nzr down in tabs 4.4.

S1B2 I7.15



Beon e which were usmt for flexura1 atrength a•sting were morked as S1&2, S2B2, 53B3 and
W4M.Combixd omgn›ponwofttw bow imcxwyrcnWgmm wn*•folouüng
Obwrwd wsulu of comprcssion oud NcsumT Icsis el 28 days gw *hoe in tabTc 4.*i end Able



(M} (MPo)


S1 B1 M.16 46.89

S2b2 21.61 41.9 3.B4

3 MBI I8.Π3RΠ3.37

4 S4BT 3477 z.ia

4.5 Bzoken eubes and beam

Fï$crc 4. 0 Bnnkm cube JJzid bœoŁ ærngtzs

aggregates azc she in table 4.

Age pI h@ctMenß

7 ‹Bys iu

28 ôays iv

io II.37

10 21.44
IS 25.b7
Chapter S Conclusion

5. It can mince the cost of worL.

6. Ii w c»ly bø used for amatT constrticiion wutka.

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