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Pioneer Middle School Council Parent Council Meeting Monday, November 14, 2011 12:00 Pioneer Middle School

Present Shelley Anderson (Chair), Bobbie-Jo Douglas (Principal), Leanne Chatwood, Chris Chabot, Annette Chambers, Dixie McLeod, Jenn Pike, Lori Davis Call to Order 12:05 Changes / Additions to the Agenda Boot Racks under old business Excellence in Teaching Awards under new business Annette Chambers moved to accept agenda as amended. Seconded by Jenn Pike. Carried Approval of Minutes Minutes of last regular meeting not available, tabled to next meeting. Correspondence None Old Business Student Art Show Art Show is on for the spring, date to be determined. Has been discussed at staff meetings, will be discussed again in the New Year. Financial Statement Not available Shelley left message for Rhonda Serhan to try to obtain. WRSD Parent Conference Cancelled due to lack of registrations. Boot Racks Request for boot racks for students winter boots. Dixie will see if a request was placed under Infrastructure, maintenance and repairs to Division Office. New Business Quebec Trip Due to uncertainty with teacher contract, the trip will be organized by parents through CPF. There will be a meeting on November 29 at 6:30 pm in the Pioneer School Library to start the planning and organizational process. Chris will submit an announcement to go to all Grade 6 & 7 students with report cards. Disclosure of School Fees Request that expenditure of school fees be published for parents to be informed. Bobbie-Jo indicated that fees are used for agendas, school supplies (toner, printers, ink), gym equipment, basic tools and equipment for everyday. School fees received by Pioneer remain in Pioneer. 96% of the school budget is used for staffing. The school determines what the remaining 4% will be used for. Renaissance is funded via 100% fundraising, magazine sales, donations.

Monthly Newsletter Contest The contest has been removed from the newsletter. There was a request for teachers to add to the agendas that the newsletter will be out the next day. For rural parents, the newsletter can be cumbersome to try to access. Paper copies are available at the front office. Class Size Concern with possible class size for French Immersion Grade 7 & 8 split next year brought forward, as there are potentially 39 students. Reports Trustees Report Dixie McLeod presented WRPS board news. Questions surrounding provincial funding, which Dixie will clarify at the next trustee meeting, and will provide clarification next meeting in December. Town Halls are planned differently this year, WRPS is looking for ideas for topics, world caf models, possible five topics, and people choose which topics. Topics should be global, pertaining to all schools in the division. Town Hall meeting will take place February 15, 6:00, location to be determined. Principals Report Due to Provincial cutbacks reinstated, Pioneer received just under $21,000, and will get $35,000 for an additional EA. Money was put into library, $10,000 into Professional Development budget. Every teacher was given a classroom budget this year. PT Interviews are next week. Traditionally Pioneer paid for supper for Teachers to have supper during the interviews. Request for Parent Council to sponsor supper for Teachers on Wednesday, November 23. PAC members will bring in food for Teachers on Wednesday. Excellence in Teachers Award Packages are now available to nominate Teachers and Principals, deadline is in February. Next meeting Monday, December 12 at noon in the Pioneer Middle School Library Adjourned at 1:22 pm

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