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total=3+3+3+3=12 years
4. D
At 10% CI in 2 years=21 %
1. B
At 20% Ci in 2 years =44%
and 5350 is 107/4% of 20000, by using allegation
On SI, Rate for 3 years=3*10=30%
On CI rate for 3 years – 10%=1/10
21 44
3 1
A=3/4*20000= Rs 15000
5. B
=1331-1000/1000 *100=33.1%
SI for 2 years = Rs 1000 =.> Si 1 year = Rs 500
In the second years Rs 25 is added in CI (1025-1000)
100%=Rs 30,000
which is 5% of 500
2. C
Hence R=5%
5000—————– X ————16200
———–t——————- t ————
CI for 3 years= RS 1576.25
As we have to calculate the sum for half time, both time
6. C
period is same, and hence
a:b = b:c
SI=A-P=> A=3P as sum triples
5000:x = x:16200
SI=3P-P=2P in 6 years
x=Rs 9000
In 19 times SI=18 P—54 years (2:6 hence 18=54)
3. A
7. A
In C.I P increases like
Sum=353; Amount=512

as many year, put that many root i.e ———————B

cuberoot(343): cuberoot(512) ———————C
7:8 CI for 3 years=3A+3B+C
rate=(8-7)/7 *100 =14 (2/7)% SI for 3 years =3A
8. B Diff= 3B+cCI for 2 years=2A+B
Solution: SI for 2 years=2A
In half yearly=> Time-double; Rate= half diff=B
Rate=5% ; Time=4 years; Sum = Rs 20,000 ratio=(3B+C)/B=31/10
1 years————–2 years————3 years———-4 B=10; C=1
years Rate=C/B=1/10=10%
1000—————–1000—————1000————-1000 11. C
————————50——————50—————–50 Explanation:
———————————————50—————–50 S.I.=1000∗10∗4/100=400C.I.=[1000(1+10/100)4−1000
———————————————2.5—————-50 ]=464.10S.I.=1000∗10∗4100=400C.I.=[1000(1+10/100)
—————————————————————–2.5 4−1000]=464.10
—————————————————————–2.5 So difference between simple interest and compound
—————————————————————-0.125 interest will be 464.10 - 400 = 64.10
Total = Rs 4000 +300 + 10+0.125= Rs 4310.125 12. C
9. C Please remember, when we have to calculate C.I.
Solution: quarterly then we apply following formula if n is the
Formula= x/(1+R/100)^T number of years
x/ (1+20/100)^1 + x/(1+20/100)^2 = 6600
solve and get x=4320 Amount=P(1+R/4/100)4n
10. B
Solution: Principal = Rs.16,000;
Sum= A Time=9 months = 3 quarters;
Interest= B Rate = 20%, it will be 20/4 = 5%
So lets solve this question now, Rate = Rs.10%p.a.

Amount=16000(1+5100)3=18522C.I=18522−16000=2 Let the time be n years then,

13. B 1000(1+10/100)n=1331
Explanation: (11/10)n=1331/1000
Amount=[7500×(1+4/100)2]=(7500×26/25×26/25)=8 (11/10)3=1331/1000
)=8112 So answer is 3 years

So compound interest = (8112 - 7500) = 612 18.C

14. B Explanation :
Explanation: P*(1+5/100)^4 – P – P*(10/100)*2 = 248.10
Let the Sum be P P = 16000
S.I.=P∗4∗2/100=2P/25 19. A
C.I.=P(1+4/100)2−P=676P/625−P=51P/625As, C.I. - S.I Explanation :
= 1=> 51P/625−2P/25=1 =>51P−50P/625=1 240 = P*(5/100)*2, P = 2400
P=625 CI = 2400(1+5/100)^2 – 2400 = 246
15. B So, 246 – 240 = 6
In this type of question we apply formula 20. C
Amount=P/(1+R/100)n Amount=169/(1+4/100)2 Explanation :
Amount=169∗25∗25/26∗26 Amount=156.25 Amount >= P*(1+25/100)^n
16. B Amount = p*(5/4) ^n
C.I.=(4000×(1+10/100)2−4000)=4000∗11/10∗11/10− For n = 4, (625/256) which is greater than 2.
4000=840 So S.I. = 8402=420 So Sum 21. B
= S.I.∗100/R∗T= 420∗100/3∗8 =Rs1750 Explanation :
17. B Let the share of rakesh and prakash be R and P
Explanation: R*(1+10/100)^ 5 = (4420 – R)*(1+10/100)^ 7
Principal = Rs.1000; We get R = 2420, so P = 2000
Amount = Rs.1331; 22. C

Explanation : 2 + 2000*(1+20/100) + 2000 = 7280

600 = p*4*(15/100), P = 1000 So remaining amount = 10000
CI = 1000(1+10/100)^ 2 – 1000 = 210 28. C
23. B Explanation :
Explanation : 10*3*x/5*2*y = 1/2
Take principal as 100 and then calculate, x/y = 1/6
A = 100*(1+5/100)^ 2 6/7*70000 = 60000
A = 110.25 29. D
So effective rate is 10.25 Explanation :
24. C In S.I,
Explanation : Let P=100, I=50, T=5 yrs
Rate of interest is 25 paise per rupee per annum. R = 50*100/100*5 = 10%
So for 100 rupees it is 2500 paise i.e. 25 percent In C.I,
Now, CI = 3200(1+25/100)^ 2 – 3200 = 1800 P = 12000, T=3 yrs, R= 10%
25. B C.I = [12000*(1 + 10/100)^3 – 1 ] C.I = 3972.
Explanation : 30. C
3600 = 3000*(1+15/100)^ 3 Explanation :
(1+15/100)^ 3 = 6/5 SI=20*2=40%
Amount = 3000*[(1+15/100)^ 3]^ 3 CI=20+20+(400/100)=44%
Amount = 3000*(6/5)^ 3 = 5184 Diff = 44-40=4%
26. A 31. C
Explanation : Explanation :
Total amount = 500*(1+10/100)^ 3 + 500*(1+10/100)^ 2 + After one year amount = 3000 *110/100 = 3300
500*(1+10/100) He pays 1000 back, so remaining = 3300-1000 = 2300
= 1820.5 After two year amount = 2300 *110/100 = 2530
27. D He pays 1000 back, so remaining = 2530-1000 = 1530
Explanation : After three year amount = 1530*110/100 = 1683
Amount to be paid at the end of three years = He pays 1000 back, so remaining = 1683-1000= 683
10000*(1+20/100)^ 3 = 17280 After fouth year = 683 * 110/100 = 751.3
Amount paid as instalment by the man = 2000*(1+20/100)^ 32. D
Explanation : 37. C
800*(11/10)³=1064.8 Explanation :
800*(11/10)²=968 4500*3/100(R1-R2) = 405
800*(11/10)=880 R1-R2 = 405*100/13500 = 3%
Total amount =2912.8 38. D
33. C Let the amount invested in scheme B is ₹ x.
Explanation :
SI =300 ∴ Amount invested in scheme A be ₹ (23000 – x).
Per yr = 100
Rate = 10% According to the question,
C.I = 1000*(108/100)³ -1000
C.I = 259.712 (23000 – x) × 20 × 1 10 1
(23000 – x) + = x + x(1 + ) –x
34. D 100 100
Explanation :
Difference = Pr2/(100)2 6 11x
⇒ (23000 – x) × =
= (450×100×100)/(P×r2) 5 10
P is not given
35. D ⇒ 11x = 276000 – 12x
Explanation :
A = 6000*108/100*107/100*106/100 ⇒ 23x = 276000
= 6000*1.08*1.07*1.06
= 7349.616 = 7350 ⇒ x = 12000
CI = 7350-6000 = 1350
36. B Hence, option D is correct.
Explanation : 39. C
D =[(30,000 *110/100*110/100) – 30,000] – 30,000 Let the amount taken from Suresh is x and amount taken 18x
*10*2/100 from Raj = 25
=[36300-30000]- 6000
=6300 – 6000 18x 43x
D = 300 Amount taken from Akash = 32500 – x – = 32500 –
25 25

Total interest he gives -
So, Bede has Rs. (113374.08 + 11337.408 – 2267.4816) = Rs.
18x 43x 122444 at the end of 4th year.
( ) × 12 (32500 – ) × 16
25 25 x × 18
⇒ + + = 5090 (Given)
100 100 100 Hence, option (A) is correct.
41. A
216x – 688x + 450x = 12725000 – 13000000 Suppose the person has deposited Rs. X at the time of
opening account.
22x = 275000
After one year, he had
x = 12500
x × 10 × 1 11x
Rs.(x + ) = Rs.
Amount taken from Akash 100 10
= 32500 – 43 × = 32500 – 21500 = Rs.11000
25 After two years, he had
11x 11x 10 × 1 121x
Rs.( + × )=
Hence, option (C) is correct. 10 10 100 100
40. A
Bede has Rs 90000 with him after paying 25% as gift tax. 121x
After withdrawing Rs 5000 from Rs. , the balance
Interest Tax
Invested 121x – 500000
= Rs.
Year 100
90000 9000 1800
Year After 3 years, he had
97200 9720 1944
2 121x – 500000 121x – 500000 10 × 1
+ ×
Year 100 100 100
104976 10497.60 2099.52
Year 113374.08 11337.408 2267.4816 = 11(121x – 500000)
After withdrawing 6000 from above, the balance Now amount remaining after 2 years
1331x x
= Rs.( – 11500) = (1320 – x) + (264 – ) – x = 0
1000 5

After 4 years, he had x

⇒ 2x + = 1320 + 264
11 1331x 5
Rs. ( – 11500) – 10000 = 0
10 1000
⇒ = 1584
⇒ Rs 15470 5

Hence, option (A) is correct. ⇒ X = 720

42. D
Let x = equal instalment at the end of each year Hence, option (D) is correct.
43. A
Now 1st year, We know that

P = Rs. 1100 SI × 100

Rate =
Principal × Time
1100 × 20 × 1
Interest at the end of 1st year = = Rs. 220
100 7770 × 100
= = 14% per annum
18500 × 3
Now, at the beginning of 2nd year,
We know the formula for compound interest -
P = Rs. (1100 + 220 – x) = Rs. (1320 – x) r t
⇒ CI = [P{(1 + ) – 1}]
Interest at the end of 2nd year
(1320 – x) × 20 × 1 x Where,
= = 264 –
100 5
CI = Compound interest

115.73 × 250000
Now, 115.73% of 250000 = = 289,325.
P = Principal 100

R = Rate of interest Hence, option D is correct.

45. E
T = Time period Approach I: To solve this question, we can apply the net %
effect formula
14 3
= 18500[(1 + ) – 1] = 18500 [(1.14)3 –1]
100 xy
x+y+ %
⇒ 18500 × 0.481544 = Rs 8908.56 Compounded annually at rate 20% per annum for 2 years,
we get
Hence, option (A) is correct. 20 × 20
= 20 + 20 + = 44%
44. D 100
CI for 2 years 6 months at the rate of 6, applying the net%
effect for first 2 years Similarly, compounded half yearly at rate 10%, we get
10 × 10
6×6 = 10 + 10 + = 21%
=6+6+ = 12.36% 100
21 × 10
6 And, 21 + 10 + = 33.1%
Rate of interest for 6 months = × 6 = 3% 100
33.1 × 10
12.36 × And, 33.1 + 10 + = 46.41%
For next 6 months = 12.36 = 15.36 + 0.37% = 100
+3+ 15.73%
100 Now as per the question,

Here, we can see that in 2 years 6 months the given Difference between compound interest yearly and half
compound rate of interest is approximate 15.73%. yearly = 46.41 – 44 = 2.41%
Given, 2.41% ≡ 482
100% ≡ x ∴ P = Rs. 20,000
482 × 100
⇒x= = 20,000
2.41 Hence, option E is correct
46. D
Approach II: Total Income = 67,280

When compounded annually, the amount received at the end After giving 50% salary to his wife the man is left with an
of the period is amount = 33,640

r n Let's assume the man gave Rs. x to A. Therefore B will get Rs.
A = P[1 + ]
100 (33640 – x).

When compounded half yearly, the amount received at the 33640

end of the period is 14 years A↙ ↘12 years B
r/2 2n x (33640 – x)
A = P[1 + ]
Now, as per the question A & B will be getting an equal
Let the principle be P. amount with CI at 5% rate per year at the 18th year.

Interest on this amount when compounded annually at the 5 4 5 6

⇒ x(1 + ) = (33640 – x)[1+ ]
rate of 20% per annum = P [(1.20)2 − 1] 100 100
Interest on this amount when compounded half yearly = P
[(1.10)4 − 1]
5 6
(1 +
The difference between the two is Rs. 482 x 100
⇒ =
(33640 – x) 5 4
(1 + )
∴ P [(1.10)4 − 1] – P [(1.20)2 −1] = 482 100

∴ P [1.4641 – 1.44] = 482 ⇒ x = (21 × 21)

(33640 – x) 20 20
Here Aditya will get, 2.9% of 10000 = 290
⇒ 400 x = 33640 × 441 – 441x
So Aditya will have Rs. 290 more than Bhushan.
⇒ 841x = 33640 × 441
33640 × 441 ---
x= = 40 × 441 = 17640/-
841 Sub-details:-

Therefore, at the time of divison of money, B would have got xy

Net% effect = x + y = %
a sum = (33640 – 17640) = Rs. 16000 100

Hence, option D is correct. For the first 2 years: Here, x = y = 10%

47. C
Lets first calculate the total rate % that Aditya will have after 10 × 10
= 10 + 10 = = 21%
3 years: 100

As per the question Aditya invested at rate of 12% pa simple And for the next year: Here x = 21% and y = 10%
interst 21 × 10
= 21 + 10 = = 33.1%
So, for 3 years tenure he will get = 12 × 3 = 36%
Hence, option C is correct.
And the amount that Bhushan invested at rate of 10% pa 48. B
compound interest Let the each instalment be x.

By net% effect formula, we can calculate the total perecntage x x

for 3 years tenure = 33.1% (sub details) + = 9960
15 15 2
(1 + ) (1 + )
2 × 100 2 × 100
So, the difference between SI and CI = 36% – 33.1% = 2.9%
(SI is more) x + x = 9960
3 3 2 so the difference is Rs.1080 .,
(1 + ) (1 + )
40 40
investment in scheme B =Rs. × 1080. = Rs.45000
40 x 1600 x 6
⇒ + = 9960
43 1849
Hence, option A is correct.
1720 x + 1600 x 50. B
⇒ = 9960
1849 According to the question,
⇒ 3320 x = 9960 × 1849 ⇒ x = Rs. 5547
12 2
A(1 + ) – A = (A + 1500) × 8% × 3
Hence, option B is correct. 100

49. A 112 112 24

A× × –A=A× + 360
Let the amount invested in scheme A is 2 × 50 = 100, the 100 100 100
amount invested in scheme B is 5 × 50 = 250
12544 24
A× –A–A× = 360
10000 100
30 2
Interest from scheme A = 100 × (1 + )
100 12544A – 10000A – 2400A
= 360
= 169 – 100 = Rs.69
144A = 3600000
Interest from scheme B = 250 × 15% × 2
A = 25000
= Rs.75
Amount invested by Reet = Rs 25000
Difference between interest = 75 – 69 = Rs.6
Hence, option B is correct.
If the difference is Rs.6., investment in scheme B = Rs.250 51. A

Explanation: =>P[(2120)4−1−15]=124.05P21204-1-15=124.05
For 1st year S.I =C.I. 53. B
Thus, Rs.16 is the S.I. on S.I. for 1 year, which at 8% is thus
Rs.200 Explanation:Let rate = R% and time = R years.
Then, (1200*R*R100)=4321200*R*R100=432
i.e S.I on the principal for 1 year is Rs.200 12R2=43212R2=432
Principle = Rs.100*2008*1Rs.100*2008*1 = Rs.2500 54. B
Amount for 2 years, compounded half-yearly Explanation:
Rs.[2500*(1+4100)4]=Rs.2924.4Rs.2500*1+41004=Rs.292 difference in C.I and S.I in 2years =Rs.32
4.4 S.I for 1year =Rs.400
C.I = Rs.424.64 S.I for Rs.400 for one year =Rs.32
Also, S.I=Rs.(2500*8*2100)=Rs.400S.I=Rs.2500*8*2100=Rs. rate=[100*32)/(400*1)%=8%
400 difference between in C.I and S.I for 3rd year
Hence, [(C.I) - (S.I)] = Rs. (424.64 - 400) = Rs.24.64 =S.I on Rs.832= Rs.(832*8*1)/100=Rs.66.56
55. B
52. B Explanation:
Explanation: Difference in C.I and S.I for 2 years
= Rs(696.30-660)
Compound Interest on P at 10% for 2 years when interest is =Rs. 36.30.
compounded half-yearly S.I for one years = Rs330.
=P(1+R2100/)2T−P=P(1+120)4−P=P(2120)4−PP1+R21002 S.I on Rs.330 for 1 year =Rs. 36.30
T-P=P1+1204-P=P21204-P Rate
Simple Interest on P at 10% for 2 years = (100x36.30/330x1)%
= PRT100=P×10×2100=P5PRT100=P×10×2100=P5 = 11%
Given that difference between compound interest and 56.B
simple interest = 124.05
Explanation: Explanation:
The population grew from 3600 to 4800 in 3 years. That is a Shyam's share * (1+0.05)9 = Ram's share * (1 + 0.05)11
growth of 1200 on 3600 during three year span. Shyam's share / Ram's share = (1 + 0.05)11 / (1+ 0.05)9 =
Therefore, the rate of growth for three years has been (1+ 0.05)2 = 441/400
constant. Therefore Shyam's share = (441/841) * 5887 = 3087
The rate of growth during the next three years will also be 60. A
the same. Explanation:
Therefore, the population will grow from 4800 Let the two parts be Rs. x and Rs. (1301 - x).
by 4800*134800*13= 1600 x(1+4100)7=(1301−x)(1+4100)9x1+41007=1301-
Hence, the population three years from now will be 4800 + x1+41009
1600 = 6400 x(1301−x)=(1+4100)2=(2625*2526)x1301-
57. A x=1+41002=2625*2526
5% is the rate of interest. 20% of the interest amount is paid => 625x=676(1301-x)
as tax. 1301x=676 x 1301x=676.
i.e 80% of the interest amount stays back. So,the parts are rs.676 and rs.(1301-676)i.e rs.676 and
if we compute the rate of interest as 80% of 5% = 4% p.a., 61. C
we will get the same value. Explanation:
The interest accrued for 3 years in compound interest = 3 x C.I.= Rs.[4000*(1+10/100)^2-4000]
simple interest on principal + 3 x interest on simple interest =Rs.840
+ 1 x interest on interest on interest. sum=Rs.(420 * 100)/3*8=Rs.1750
= 3 x (200) + 3 x (8) + 1 x 0.32 =600 + 24 + 0.32 = 624.32 62. C
The amount at the end of 3 years = 5000 + 624.32 = 5624.32 Explanation:
58. B The mathematical formula for calculating compound interest
Explanation: depends on several factors. These factors include the
Let the sum be Rs. P. amount of money deposited called the principal, the annual
Then,[p(1+10/100)2-p]=525 interest rate (in decimal form), the number of times the
Sum =Rs.2500 money is compounded per year, and the number of years the
S.I.= Rs.(2500*5*4)/100= Rs. 500 money is left in the bank.
59. C FV=p(1+rn)ntFV=p1+rnnt

FV = Future value of the Deposit 66. A

p = Principal or Amount of Money deposited Explanation:
r = Annual Interest Rate (in decimal form ) Given compound interest for 3 years = Rs. 1513.2
n = No of times compounded per year and simple interest for 5 years = Rs. 2400
t = time in years Now, we know that C.I = [P(1+R100)n − 1]P1+R100n - 1
FV=4000[1+0.064]4(5)FV=40001+0.0644(5)= 5387.42 => 1513.2 = [P(1+R100)3 − 1]P1+R1003 - 1 ...........(A)
63. D And S.I = PTR/100
Explanation: => 2400 = P5R/100 ..................(B)
Shawn received an extra amount of (Rs.605 – Rs.550) Rs.55 By solving (A) & (B), we get
on his compound interest paying bond as the interest that he R = 5%.
received in the first year also earned interest in the second 67. C
year. Explanation:
The extra interest earned on the compound interest bond = Diff = 960-800 = 160
Rs.55 r = 2*Diff*100/SI
The interest for the first year =550/2 = Rs.275 So r = 2*160*100/800 = 40%
Therefore, the rate of interest =55275*10055275*100= Now 160 = Pr2/1002
20% p.a. 68. D
20% interest means that Shawn received 20% of the Explanation:
amount he invested in the bonds as interest. 6000[1 + r/100]3 = 7200
If 20% of his investment in one of the bonds = Rs.275, then So [1 + r/100]3 = 6/5
his total investment in each of the bonds So 6000[1 + r/100]9 = 6000*(6/5)*(6/5)*(6/5)
=27520*10027520*100 = 1375. 69. E
As he invested equal sums in both the bonds, his total Explanation:
savings before investing = 2 x 1375 =Rs.2750. Amount after 1 yr = 4000[1 + 8/100] = 4320
64. A Paid 500, so P = 4320 – 500 = 3820
65. A Amount after 2nd yr = 3820[1 + 8/100] = 4125.6
Explanation: So P= 4125.6-500 = 3625.6
FV = $1000(1.04)(1.045)(1.05)(1.055)(1.06) = $1276.14 Amount after 3rd yr = 3625.6[1 + 8/100] = 3915.6
the maturity value of the regular GIC is 70. B
FV = $ 1000 x (1.05)51.055= $1276.28
Explanation: Divide both, B/A = (1 + 4/100)2 = 676/625
P[1 + (r/2)/100]4 – P[1 + r/100]2 = 482 So A’s share = 625/(676+625) * 3903
P[1 + 10/100]4 – P[1 + 20/100]2 = 482 77.B
Solve, P = 20,000 Explanation:
71. B Let the sum be Rs. P
Explanation: P{ (1+8100)2- 1 } = 2828.80
Difference in interest for both yrs = 172.8 – 160 = 12.8 It is in the form of a2-b2 = (a+b)(a-b)
So (r/100)*160 = 12.8 P(8/100)(2 + 8/100) = 2828.80
72. A P = 2828.80 / (0.08)(2.08)
Explanation: = 1360/0.08 = 17000
P[1 + r/100]3 = 37,044, and P[1 + r/100]2 = 35,280 Principal + Interest = Rs. 19828.80
Divide both equations, [1 + r/100] = 37044/35280 = 21/20 78. C
So P[21/20]2 = 35280 Explanation:
73. A C.I. =Rs[4000x(1+10/100)²-4000]
Explanation: Rs.(4000x11/10x11/10-4000) = Rs.940.
[P[1 + 5/100]3 – P] – P*4*4/100 = 76 Sum
P [9261/8000 – 1 – 16/100] = 76 =Rs. [420 *100 /3 * 8]= Rs.1750.
74. C 79. A
Explanation: Explanation:
Difference in 3 yrs = Pr2(300+r)/1003 Let the sum be Rs.x. Then,
Difference in 2 yrs = Pr2/1002 [x(1+10100)2-x]=1155
So Pr2(300+r)/1003 / Pr2/1002 = 35/11 (300+r)/100 = ⇒x[(1110)2-1]=1155
35/11 => x =5500
75. D sum = Rs. 5500. So, S.I = Rs. (5500×5×4100) = 1100
Explanation: 80. B
P = 882/[1 + 5/100] + 882/[1 + 5/100]2 Let the sum(principal) received by A and B are x and y.
76. B
A’s share = (1 + 4/100)7 (1+r) = =
B’s share = (1 + 4/100)9

Then, =

Hence, the ratio in which the sum is divided =121:100

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