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Scventh Scmester (Civil Enginee ng) (CGS)

10224 : Elective-I : Advance Earlhquake Engineering: 7 CE 05
P. Pages : I AW - 329r
'l'ime: I hree Hous rfi riliti ll]11 ilrili l\'lax- l\4arks : 110

Notes : 1. Assume suitable data $,herever necessary.

2. nlustrate yout answer nccessary with the help ofneat sketches.
3. lS 1893-2002 may be consultcd.

I Flxplain plate tectonic theory in detail, rvith hclp ofneat diagrams? l3

Explain elastic Rebound theory with near sketch? 13

3 a) Explain conccpt oi- 1

i) Sotl Storcy ii) 'l'orsion & Twisting
iii)Continuous load path iu) Geometrical shap€?
b) I-,xplain seismic coclficicrr method? 7
1. Find out storey & Base sheau for a 2 storey singlebay OMRF ofresidertial building location IJ
in Mumbai olr Hard rock. Fleight ofeach slorey is 3.6 m and span is 4.2 m? subjected ro D.
L of2400 kN at top and 3000 kN at other lloors? Assume any other data if needed?

a Explain seismic design coruideration of chimncy? l3

6. Explain seismic design considerdtion lbr Dam with neat figure? l-l
7. a) What do you mean by vuherabilit"v Atlas? IIow it is used? 7

b) Explain various Hazrd map & statisrics givcn in Vulnerability Adas? 7

8. a) Explair teclno-legal issue ofvulnembiliq Atlas? 1

b) Explain the use ofNsk Table with example? 7

9 What are various defccts iD masonry slructure? How to rpair them? l3

10. Explain Ductjle provisions for R(l structure as per IS 13920? l3
lt. Explain with neat figures:-
i) Column Jacketing ncthods? 1
ii) Wall retrofitting methods? 6
12, Explain rctlolitting ot-
i) Beams? 6
ii) Footings? 7

AW - 3291 I

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