Pharmacology 01

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Name: Roll No.

Chap No. 1,2,3,12
Study of effects of drugs on the body is called ……..
(a) pharmacokinetics (b) pharmacodynamics (c)clinical pharmacy

Neurons, which carry the motor impulses from central nervous system to the peripheral
effectors are called,,,,,
(A) sensory (B) motor (C) afferent

Enteral route …….

(a) oral, sublingual (b) oral ,IM (c) IV,IM,SC

……… is a chemical substance that acts as the mediator for the transmission of nerve impulse
from 1 neuron to other neuron through a synapse.
(A) neurotransmitter (B) local mediator (C) harmones

All are topical dosage forms except ……

(a) creams & solutions (b) sprays & powders (c) tablets & capsules

Relaxation of cilliary muscles is ……

(A) sympathetic action (B) parasympathetic action (C) None of them

Blood vessels constriction is………….

(A) sympathetic action (B) parasympathetic action (C) None of them

Apparent volume of distribution is …….

(a) VD= Dose administered/Plasma concentration of drug
(b)VD= Volume given/ Dose administered
(c)VD= Dose excreted/plasma drug concentration

The system which controls motility, exocrine and edocrine secretions & microcirculation of
(A) sympathetic NS (B) parasympathetic NS (c) enteric NS

Which one is ganglionic blockers

(A) mecamylamine (B) physostigmine (C) echothiophate
Phase –I reactions are …..
(a) oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis
(b) oxidation, hydrolysis
(c) conjugation, oxidation

Brands of prazosin & propranolol

(A) Minipress,inderal (B) reserpine,zantac (C) larodopa,inderal

The volume into which drugs distribute is called ,,,,,,

(a) plasma concentration (b) apparent volume (c) volume of distribution

Brands of epinefrine
(A) inderal (B) proparanol (C) adrenaline injection

Which one is indirect acting irreversible cholinergic agonists

(A) acetycholine (B) physostigmine (C) echothiophate

It is the branch of pharmacology, which deals with the dosage of drugs.

(a) Histology (b) physiology (c) posology

Communication between nerve cells and effector organs occurs through the release of
specific chemical signals called ,,,,,,,,
(A) neurotransmitter (B) local mediator (C) harmones

Amount of a drug given to an individual per unit body weight is called……

(a) dose (b) number of doses (c) dosage

Largest dose of a drug that can be taken safely is called ……….

(a)Maximal tolerated dose (b) fatal dose (c)maintenance dose

The drug moves from a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration is
(a) active diffusion (b) passive diffusion (c) active transport

Adult dose is for a person between the age of ……… years.

(a) 18-80 (b) 18-60 (c) 16-80

Exocytosis is a reverse of ,,,,,,,,

(a) endocytosis (b) phagocytosis (c) pinocytosis
A large dose initially used to produce an effective concentration as quickly as possible is
called (a) therapeutic dose (b) loading dose (c) toxic dose

Given formula is called ……….

Child’s dose = Age in years x Adult dose
Age in years + 12

(a) Young’s formula (b) Clark’s formula (c) Watson’s formula

Bound drugs are pharmacologically ,,,,,,

(a) active (b) inactive (c) prodrugs

A patient in renal failure may undergo ,,,,dialysis which removes small molecules such as
(a) extracorporeal (b) hemo-dialysis (c) intra peritoneal dialysis

Enzymes and structural proteins can be considered to be ,,,,,, receptors

(a) pharmacological (b) intacellular (c) enzyme linked

Given formula is called ……….

Infant dose = Infant weight in pounds x Adult dose
(a) Young’s formula (b) Clark’s formula (c) Watson’s formula

...........can be used in the mushroom poisoning

a)Acetylcholine b) atropine c) physostigmine

Epinephrine & nor- epinephrine secretion is ........

a)sympathetic action b) parasympathetic action c) none of them an organophosphate that covalently binds with acetylcholinestrase

a)physostigmine b)echothiophate c) acetylcholine

Muscle twitching in the whole body is due to .........

a)nicotinic action b) muscarinic action c)both of them

The agents which compete with the acetylcholine at the receptors are also called
competitive blockers
a)succinylcholine b) tubocurarine c)epinephrine a non-catecholaminergic sympathetic amine that shows similar effects as cocaine
a)epinephrine b) amphetamine c) ephedrine

It is not given intravenously as it is highly dangerous

a)epinephrine b) amphetamine c) ephedrine

2% solution of ....... may be used topically to reduce intraocular pressure in open angle
a)epinephrine b) amphetamine c) ephedrine

…….are the drugs that counteract the effect of a toxin or have over dosage by another drug.
a) poison b) antidote c) remedy selective competitive blocker α1 receptor & is useful in the treatment of hypertension
a) propranolol b) reserpine c) prazocin also effective in reducing migraine episodes when used prophylactically

a) propranolol b) reserpine c) prazocin

Which drug & its derivatives are used to improve attention in young children?
a)epinephrine b) amphetamine c) ephedrine

Epinephrine is available in the market as......

a)ephedra tab. b) adrenaline inj. c) minipress tab.

Short answers
What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(02)
What is narcolepsy (01)
Define toxicity (01)
Define sympatholytics (02)
What are therapeutic uses of propranolol(03)
Functions of antidotes (01)
Define pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics.(02)
What are three major routes of drug administration.(02)
Procedures to decrease GI absorption of orally ingested poisons (01)
Define sympathomimetics (02)
What is parentral route and write its two advantages.(01)
Difference b/w sympathetic & parasympathetic neurons.

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