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nM royal hospital Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MIR No. 'uas300000065265 Age/Sex 59 YIM Visit 1D ‘A13123090000526 Weight: 4 ‘Admission Date: 07-09-2023 1727 Doctor: Dr. Kamal Al Abdi Discharge Date: 10.00.2028 18:00 Department. Carsiclogy WardiBea cou, SFiccU 2 ‘Sponsor, DAMAN - NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE Company 1UAS30000006 4. Final Diagnosis Diag. Type Diag. Code Description Remarks Principal 09 Angina pectors, unspeotied Secondary O43 ‘Amnormal electrscardiogram [ECS] [eK] Secondary 78S Hypetipidemia, unspecified Secondary 94.39 ‘Abnormal result of other cardiovescular function stusy Secondary 21.9 Gastro-esophageal refux disease without esopnagtis Allergies Details: Allergy Type Allergy Description Date of Onset Reaction Status Severity rug Allergy to emoxicilin 07-09-2023 nt Active Mid Food Allergy to egg protein 07-09-2023 Redness ‘Active Mid 2.Operations/Procedures Operation Name Operation Code Operation Type Remarks Not Applicable 4.Chief Complaint / Reason for Admission Complaint: Central chest pain for 5 days. refered from NMC Specialty Other Complaints: Not Applicable Significant Findings Significant History: “The pation isa 69 years old male, known smoker, wth no notable past medical history. who presente to emergency department with 2 complaint of on and off chest pain for the past § days, worsened with exertion, Patient vised ANG ‘Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi last week and had a posite tteadmil test. Troponin | was negate Electtocardiram showed T inversion in lateral leads, VS and VB. In Emergency Department, he was loeded wath Acpiin. He was transferred to Coronary Care Unit for close observation, further investigation ard management Physical Examination: CARDIOVASCULAR - Palpation of Heart, Yes, Auscultation of Heart. Ves, Measurement of Pin two or more extremities, Yes, Examination of Carat Arteries Yes, Examination of Abdominal Aorta, Yes Examination of Femoral Arteries, Yes, Examinaton of Pedal Pulses, Yes, Examination ol Extremities of perpheral {edema and/or vancosttes, Yes, RESPIRATORY - Assescment of Respiratory Effort. Yes, Ausculation of ange Yes, GASTROINTESTINAL - Abdomen Sof, with no masses, Yes, No Hepatospleromegaly Yes, Guinic Negative lf cated). Yes, NEUROLOGICALIPSYCHIATRIC - Brief assessment of mental status inchiding Onentation te time, place and person . Yes, Brel assessment of mental status Including Mood and affect (e.g. depression anxiaty, agitation). Yes, Cardiovascular System - Cardiac Rhythm Regular. Yes. Cardiac Rhythm Iregular, No, Ch NMC Royal Hospitat Les soe steest en cn = Registered office: 004#16-109-009, 16 Floor, WeWiork Hub7I, AL Khater Tower 764859, Abu Dhabi, UAE. ADGM CL 0000024 AADGM Square, Al Maryah laland, P.O. Discharge Summary Name: MR.IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUODIN AHMED KHAN. MR No: ‘assoond0063265, AgelSex 591M Vist 1: ‘A13122080000526 Weight: ‘drission Date: 07-09-2003 17:27 Doctor: Dr Kamal Al Abdi Discharge Date: 40.09.2023 18:00 Department Cardiology WrarasBeo! ecu, SFICCU2 Sponsor DAMAN - NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE ‘COMPANY. uassoonn0063365 Gacanfaripan Win), NoRECEIED MEDICATION FROM ER, Pam score, No-0IT0, Gyanosis (VN) No, Edema YIN) No, Pulse rate Normal, Yes, Puls rate Tachycardia, No, Pulse rate Bradycarda, No. Equal penphera puses (YN), Yes, Capliary rel (2 Sec), Yes, Capilary ref 2 Se), No, Palitation (YIN), No, Any pressure Gressingsipressure bandagelsheatn (YIN), No, Dstended juguar veins (YPN) No, osprey System. Nona reepfatory rate and pattern, Ves, Cough f Yes Specty (Productive / Non Prosuctve) NevDycorea No. Use of accessory muses of respraton, No, Acentry equa on BOM sides, Yes, Abnormal breath weinda Ne, On oxygen therapy (yee specty the flow fate), No, Gastrointestinal System - Ora hrushiueers/any Fart ouomen cote Yer” Pai tenemess, No, Abdominal Distention (i yes speciy the abdominal get), No, seeezdivonming, No, Hematerness (yes how many episodes), No, Constipation’ Diarmea, No, Melena (if yes how aa a ycsoes) No, Normal bowel sounds, Yes, Gensounnary System Unnary incontinence, No, Unnary retention: ra Agoacate ouput (Ire spect) Yes, Hemetisia, No, Dysuraluigancyrequency. No, Foley insu, No. Urine color, oa tow, Neulogical sytem. Glasgow Coma Scale, Yes-16'15, Speech Clea, Yes, Aphasic, No, Steady Taree Tremors Ne, Soares, No, Headache. No, erg, No, lnvlurary movernens, No, Nermal muscle Srenatr. Yes, Normal reflexes", Yas, Sensation present nal rcas (ino spect)". Yes sere lie “Depression, No, Ansty, No, Inomma. No, AgtatedRestess, No, Alcohol drug withdrawal (yes Peer scacsraetal este - Ful Range of Moon, Yes, Normal gat, Yes, Any Deformity, Ne Atala, No Seen iarwen No, Tracioricast No Integumentary System - Clean and intact, es, Normal sn turgor. Yes, arr ie aor No, Endocrine system - Heglcadinflerance, No, Thyra enlargement. No, Excasswve sveatg ao ne alpyosia Ne, Repl weit ganfoss, No, Excessive fatigue, No, ENT -Rrinormen/Cohoea No a eee int, No, Sore toa. No, Deviate nasal septum. No, Normal heating, Yes, Normal vision - Normal Eas srg wsion Yes USEING EYE GLASSES, Diplopia, No, Redness, No, Watering scharge, No, Tubes vision, No. Bi eyatcandom suprepubeeatte, No, ICD, No, Surcal in, No, Ryle s tube feeing/aspraton”). Br ine Oia biners (Spec), No, ivasve Lins - IV cannula (Specity Ste), Yes-18 gon left han, Physical Findings - Normal, Yes, past Family & Social History: Past Mesical/ Surgical History: NS, Family istry: CORONARY ARTERY BISEASE, HYPERTENSION, Social History: nonsmoker, Significant investigation Results: Siar glood Count With WBC Ditforetial, EDTA Whole Blood CPT: 85025 Last Updated Dat: 2022-08-10 16:13:43.0 ‘Sampled Date : 07-09-2025 18:37:17 Test Description Result Units Total W 8 C Count 309 10°91. RBC Count 467 MAO Hemoglobin 146. oa. Hematocrit (CV) 24 e Mean Corpuscular Volume 08 a Mean Corpuscular Hemaglobin, 313 a Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin C a, Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR Noi Age'Sex 59 yin Visit 1D ‘uas300000083265 {484 Last Updated Date: 2022.09.08 08:55:21.0 Sampled Date : 07-09-2023 18:37-17 Test Deseription Resutt Troponin =|, High sensitive, Serum =0.002 Samed eee Na. K, Cl, Bicarbonate) Serum CPT: 0081 Last Sampled Date : 07-09-2035 18.37.17, Test Description K Se Bicarbonate, Serum 254 a ‘Sampled Date : 08-09-2023 99. 35:20 em) {Troponin | High sensitive, Serum S244 Profile, Sorum CPT: go0st Last U oor dated Date; 2022.00. ‘Sampled Date 08-09-2023 06:17:19 eae Test Oesertion ore Result Result ort Troponin -1, High Sensitive CPT: 84484 Last y; dated Date: 2023.09.08 og-s5. ‘Sampled Date : 08.08.2023 08:17:19, aan ett 20z2-00.08 mse Test Description 21.0 Haemoglobin 1c, HDA te, Rosuit s oot "Whole Blood CPT: 83036 Last Updated Date: 202 Updated Date: 2023-0 stsizoa0o00sze Oost Pekan ab DaaageOe: —tmanes ioe Deparment Cede Waraibed Cou, srrcctia Spent.” DAMN NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE ssolute Neutrophil Count 210997. fbechie Wren 10°91 Absolute Monocyt x10°9/L_ Absclute Eosinophil Count 10% Samed Date OF ona ae Slo ures Strum CPT: 3820 LatUpsted Ot: 2300.08 othr g Samstag ite oF cones age Font Beasrpe eayt Unis Boat one hrs mmo Sretinng, Serum CPT: £256 Lax Updated Dae: 2029.09.08 omg? Samlog Bate oF soso a Units gin 9-08 08:55:21.0 Units mmol, mmoul. mmol. Units, git. Units Units Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No ‘uas300000063265 AgelSex 59M Visi iD ‘a13123090000526 Weight 84 Admission Date: 07-09-2023 1727 Doctor: Dr. Kamal Ai Abdi Discharge Date 10.00-2023 18:00 Department. Cardiology WardiBed: cou, sFiccu2 Sponsor. DAMAN NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY. vasso0n00063265 ‘Sampled Date : 08-08-2023 06:17:18 Test Description Result Units Haemoglobin Atc, HAC, Whole Blood 39 % ‘Troponin -1, High Sensitive CPT: 84484 Last Updated Date: 2023-09-09 09:16:50.0 Sampled Date : 08.08.2023 06:01:44 Test Description Result Units Troponin «High sensitive, Serum oot imi. Xr Chest 1 View Performed Date: 07-09-2023 19:35:45 Ghest xray (PA } view Indication: Cental enest pain for § days. refered from NMC Specialy Comparison: None Findings: ‘The lungs are clear. There is no mass, consoldation cr atelectasis The trachea and main bronchi show no fing defect. The hila are normal in postion, symmetric in size and density. The heart fs normal in size and outing ‘The mediastinal one s normal “The lateral costophenic angles are sharply demarcate. ‘There is no preumothorax ‘The included bones show no destructive lesion ‘The included soft tissues show no radiopaque foreign body or emphysema Impression «There is no pulmonary consolidation, lobar aelectasis or mass, "Rete is no pleural efusen or pneumothorax Disclaimer Please noto, This ror has been generated using specch recogniton sofware and may contin errors related to that System software including artorsn grammar, punctuation. spelings well 3s words and phrase: appropriate If there are any questions arconcems please fee es t2 Fungal Culture Definitive kentifieation ‘Sampled Date : 08-0 Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No ‘uasso0o00063265 AgeiSex 59M Visit 0: .a13123080000526 ae a Admission Date: 07-09-2028 17:27 nO Kamal Rt Discharge Date: 10.09.2023 18:00, Department: Carsiclogy WardiBed cu, SFiccu2 ‘Sponsor DAMAN NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY LVASson000063368 atredeegy Seer Cron Agr Investigation History: S.Hospital Course ‘Summary of Treatment Patient was admitted and had all necessary investigations and workups dane ‘Troponin - |, High sensitve - 0.01 HDL Cholesterol 0.71 1108.00 m High sensitive Troponin «| repeated and shows 0.01 Chest x-ray showed no pulmonary consolidation, lobar atelectasis or mass, There is no pleural efusion or Pheumothorax ECHO showed goed If ventricular function race mitral and ricuspid regurigation Patents stable, no complaints. no ches pain at rest, no shortness of breath, vitals and exam normal Electocardiogram showed normal sinus rythm, no significant dynamic changes. Patient is insisting to go home, al rsks and possible complications explained. LAMA signed Further management and secondary prevention, sdherence to medication, especially antiplatelets, discussed wih the patient in deta, dscharge home and folow up in carcology OPD an 16-09-2023 at 08 30H Procedura/ Operation: Medications: TRIMETAZIDINE 35 MG MODIFIED RELEASE TAB! RELEASE TABLETS, TRIMETAZIDINE 35 MG MODIFIED RELEASE NG FILM COATED TABLETS, ROSUVASTATIN AS CALCIUM 10 MG FILM COATE [AS CALCIUM 10 MG FILM COATED TABLETS, ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE MONONITRATE 20 MG TABLETS, ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 20 MG TABLE 40 MG ENTERIC COATED TABLETS, PANTOPRAZOLE AS SODIUM 40 MG ENTERIC COATE A PANTOPRAZOLE AS SODIUM 40 MG ENTERIC COATED TABLETS, BISOPROLOL 2.5 MG FILM COATED FRBLETS. SISCPROLOL 2.5 MG FILM COATED TABLETS, SISOPROLOL 2.5 MG FiLM COATED TABLETS, MG TABLETS, ISOSORBIDE PANTOPRAZOLE AS SODIUM ——_—_________=ll Discharge Summary Name: MR.IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No: ‘uasao0000063265 fgvsexSOvN Mt prszatecooses weg at Kamion ate: 070820201727 Decor Br Kanal Aba Decry Dal Ocb-2023 1800 Departmen Corday ard: ou. sree Sony Balan: NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE Conan TIGAGRELOR 30 NG TABLETS, TICAGRELOR 60 NIG TABLETS, TICAGRELOR 90 MG TABLETS, ASPIRIN 100, NG ENTERIC COATED TABLETS, ASPIRIN 100 MG ENTERIC COATED TABLETS, ASPIRIN 100 MG ENTERIC COATED TABLETS, PARACETAMOL 100ML, TICAGRELOR 90 MG TABLETS, Response to teatment: ‘Complication’ Adverse reaction (if any): 6 Condition on Discharge 7.Vitals Signs Vitals Captured Date and Time: User: Vital Parameters: Vital Values 09-08.2023 20.00 aM 2774 (09-09-2028 20.08 Systolic BP 121 03.09.2023 20:09 Diastolic BP 74 03.09-2023 20:09 Weight a4 08-09-2023 20.08 Height 174 09-09-2028 20:09 18 (08-09-2023 20:08 68 08-09-2023 20:09 363 08.09.2023 20:09 99 ns of. ort Services: Service Name: CPT Code: Remarks: Doctor prescriptions: Prescribing Beeserb IG type Name DosageFrequancy Route Start Or. DEXKETOPROFEN 25 Mohamed NGIML SOLUTION FOR ‘Shakaib— MecicineINJECTION/SOLUTION 1 nj Once wv 07-09-2023 07-0 Ahmed FOR INJECTIONS 1906 Nayaz or. Mchamed End Remarks 2023 yy estan) Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No ‘uasso0000063265 Ago’Sex 59 Yin Vist 1 ‘1312398000056 Weight: a4 ‘Admission Date 07-09-2023 17:27 Doctor Dr. Kamal Al Abd Discharge Date: 10-09-2023 18:00 Department Cardiology WaresBeus cou, sFiccu2 ‘Sponsor: DAMAN - NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPA STG Hieione FOR NFUSONFOWDER TH Oise yO FOR INFUSION ING 1308 1908 ASPIRIN 1004S Moamed exrentc conreo i Nasa sieseeo Stoke MadcneTABLETSENTERIC 1 Ome ona 07 08202807-09:2025300 mg Anned Conte TasLersi100 nyas wie . PanroPRAzoLe AS Testa CON oe ENTERIC Se tate 07-09-2029 10-09-2023 Endele Medion COATED, Tablet Moming}{i0;001°°A+ 22:00" 10:00 ce TABLETSIENTERIC Moming}{ 10:0 — COATED TABLETS/40MG_ oy, Atred : ora TICAGRELOR 901M iad Sy MedcneTABLETSTASLETSO 24 Once ORAL 222920291 mai Shae Be bit os bane Dr Mua : THCAGRELOR 90 MG ; teakeen FOREMG, 1 s-leaty) aa 08002025 11.002009 ‘Abdaigadeer Medione TABLETSITABLETS/SO Tablet (08:00.20:00] ORAL 15:29 ag.00 | Ahmed = Or. Mustat ASPIRIN AON NG | rronuagl ENTERIC COATEL 1-0-(Earty 4 SeietaModkreTARETSENTERC Tia, tmnng” ona 290202091082023 panel COATED TABLETS/100 {08:00} fie Soy Dr sunita ——-ROSUVaSTaTINAS lzaeen gggng ALON TOMGFLM 1 O.4Eaty 2028 11.08.2003 Abialedeer SS OsTeD TARLETSILM Toblt_ Nghe 3] teoe mes COATED TABLETS 10M TRIMETAZIOINE 36 Mustafa rt Uae Medcne REARS 1 OANemy) pq, Oa0200811.082003 Aidanadee atone TAELETEMODEIED, Taye fpf) ORAL 92029 1.05 Ne Dr Musta ——_{SOSOREIDE 13007 sedge MONONTRATE20MG 2 1.0-eany os-08.2008 11.09.2003 Abdalqadeer™ ‘ABLETS/TABLETS/20 #:00,20:00) ORAL 16. Drusate ——ISOPROLOL 25 uc ZzaldeeN acicing FLM COATED 1. $eOEety Absaigadeer™*2°*TASLETSLM COATED Tabi MENG Ahmed TABLETS/2.5 MG 08:00} . ISosonsioe Feataaet MONONTTRATE20MG 1 s.1/eany) Discharge Summary Name: MR.IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No ‘uasz00000083265 AgelSex 59m Vist 0: «a19123090000526 Weight) 84 ‘Admission Dato (07-09-2023 17:27 Doctor Or. Kamal Al Abd Discharge Date: 430.09-2028 18:00 Department Cardiology Warde! ecu, SFICCU 2 ‘Sponsor’ DAMAN - NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY LUassunon0063265 Trae MaUaneTABLETSTABLETSO Tabet [OHDOT ORALTO= 2000 Erote te E PARACETAMOL 10 Oe ie tana SOLUTION FOR Muhamed NedcmeMFUSIONSOLUTION inj Once «WW 10992029 umeta) or neadach coe FOR INFUSIONAO wen DISCHARGE PLAN 2, Discharge Medication: a eee eam ecco are Special TBiscont] [mine nine [orm celRmafoe Poa [marion lO [Sua Ferormcnen REE foNG fone pNCEONTIOOA [ET Ta 7 f° tere or Soe en ee ea Fhe sree Sette fseisre Fesoona TES pone as — BOTS oR ape = at come earns, Fane Fritz fron Discharge Summary a ae fae hasooea ee coerce noel Sire | cee hare fetes Gretab Madore TABLETSENTERIC, 14.4, once ona. 27 02 20237-00-20209009 Tesoiet SOORMAOMGENTERIC, scot o7.05-20281009-2008 Endale Medicine COATED Tablet Morning)[10:00}°RAL 29:09 10:00 Ibrahim ua ‘Abdalgadoer Mesicine TABLETS/TABLETSICO Tablet (08:0020:00} ORAL 1629 aai0g tzralcoen ENTERIC COATED, ToS egy 02-09-2028 11-09-2028 CSTE gy ane Mme ro & Reusit® MOOD RELEASE edie ideas a lezaldeen — yeciing FILM COATED 1 ee Abdaieadeer LM COATED Tablet Merming Discharge Summary Name: MR. IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No: ‘uass00000065265 AgelSex 59VIMt visit iD ‘A13123090000526 Weight: 84 Aamission Date: 07-09-2023 17:27 Doctor: Dr. Kamal Al Aba Discharge Date: 10-09-2023 18:00 Department: Carciology WerdiBed: cu, SFICCU 2 ‘Sponsor, DAMAN- NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY Uassonoo0n6s265 WONONTARTE INS ISOFORA [racters louzarion lor? Daye PatientiFamily Edueation Education Goals Subject Details Accomplished eel puieNse angine pectors, postive treadmill test, abnormal ECG, aaa hypertipicemia, gastroesophageal refux disease esta At Hone Explained regarng use of madeaton and heathy Medical Equipment Medication / Diet Interaction _-«ExPlaIned regarding use of medication and heathy ltestye Bae Explained regarding use of medication and healthy Bae eat estye NUTRITION /DISCHARGE Healthy lifestyle DAILY ACTIVITIES Normal Restrictions Explained Exercise Normal PROGNOSIS Good, Appointment Date 15-08-2023 at 08:30 Appointment Doctor Dr. Kamal Al Ab Tests required before next ‘consultation ‘Special instructions if any) FPN 908 0° to come tothe hospital immediately in case Of any emergency or if symploms worsen Instructions given by DR, KAMAL AL ABD! Signature Doctor's Seal Date: 10.00.2023 21:10:51 In case of emergency please contact: 02633 above instructions, Discharge Summary Name: MR.IRFAN AZIZ KHAN AZIZUDDIN AHMED KHAN MR No: 'uass00000063265 AgelSex 59MM Visit 10: ‘813123090000526 Weight 84 ‘Admission Date: (07-09-2028 17:27 Doctor: Or. Kamal Al Abd Discharge Date: 10-09-2023 18:00 Deparment: Cardiology WardiBed ecu, sFiccu2 Sponsor: DAMAN- NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY (vas20000006; Patient Nex of Kin Name Signature Date; 10-09-2023 Time: 21:10:51 Follow Up Details 15.09.2023 Dr. Kamal Al Abdi 08:30

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