Mint Kolkata 23-05-2024

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Think Ahead. Think Growth.


Patanjali among ad RBI’s big
violators in FY24 surplus
The latest transfer of surplus to
Varuni Khosla
the government approved by
the Reserve Bank of India’s
(RBI) board came as a big sur-
prise. At ₹2.1 trillion, the figure

oga Guru Ramdev’s Patan-
jali Ayurved Ltd, which for 2023-24—to be paid in
was recently rapped by the 2024-25—is the highest ever.
Supreme Court for its mis- It’s nearly double the ₹1.02 tril-
leading ads, was involved lion anticipated by the Centre
in as many as 28 advertising violations for its annual budget. The fig-
in FY24, the Advertising Standards ure is so large despite RBI set-
Council of India (ASCI) said on ting aside the highest pre-
Wednesday. scribed 6.5% of its balance sheet
These included endorsements of as its contingent risk buffer, up
products such as its DantKanti tooth-
from 6% in 2022-23 and 5.5%
paste, chyawanprash, infection-fight- Patanjali was recently pulled up for its
ing Ayurvedic medicines, heart medi- misleading endorsements. MINT
during the covid years, when
cines, ointments, honey, sprays, and the buffer was reduced to lend
orthopaedic and pain relief tablets, firms that are making false claims of the economy support. With the
according to an ASCI report. magical remedies as the most viola- economy’s recovery, RBI can
However, the report found Mamae- tive ads this year, said the report. afford to raise the buffer again.
arth parent Honasa Consumer Pvt. A majority or 85% of all complaints But what explains such a large
Ltd to be the biggest violator with 187 made against false and misleading payout? Higher interest earned
such ads, followed by sports betting advertisements last year were made on foreign securities may have
companies WinDaddy and Fun88 for those appearing on digital plat- spelt a bonanza, as bond yields
India with 98 each. forms.
reigned strong globally in line
Honasa also runs brands like Dr. Of all the ads listed, over 1,300 ads
Sheth’s Skin and Hair Clinic, Aqua- of illegal betting were reported to the with high policy rates. In the
logica, The Derma Co. and Ayuga. information and broadcasting minis- past, revaluation gains on RBI’s
Women’s fashion retailing plat- try, along with about 150 ads of liquor foreign exchange reserves had
form Urbanic’s parent Maysquare promotion and e-cigarettes and helped swell its surplus. The
Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd, Rummy24 run by vapes, said ASCI. government, on its part, would
Ability Games as well as makeup About 1,250 ads were reported for be chuffed, with over ₹1 trillion
brand Renee Cosmetics were also drugs and magical remedies to the extra coming its way. It will give
among companies allegedly violating ministry of Ayush. Nearly 250 adver- the current year’s final budget,
advertising standards. tisers were reported during the year due after the ongoing Lok
Other companies in the list for a potential violation of the Drugs
Sabha polls, some fiscal leeway.
included Bright Lifecare Pvt. Ltd and Magic Remedies Act, 1954.
which owns MuscleBlaze and Health- Most of these were website adver- The Centre could opt to spend
Kart and firms like Unacademy and tisements from marketplaces and 91% that much more, but it would be
FirstCry. of these ads were in violation since better to further reduce the
Interestingly, betting and gambling they dealt with maintenance and budget’s deficit instead.
companies have overtaken healthcare enhancement of “sexual prowess”.

Jal Jeevan Mission taps

yet to take water to all

The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has made significant progress on installing taps in rural households since 2019, but
only about half these taps are fully functional, according to a survey commissioned by the government.

The coverage of tap connections has grown fourfold in the past five years
Share (%) of rural households with a tap connection, by state

20 40 60 80

As of August 2019 As of May 2024

52.8 Rajasthan

Gujarat Madhya West

71.5 Pradesh Bengal
62.3 48


Source: Jal Jeevan Mission

Over 30% of tap connections The majority of projects A mere 20% of all villages
were found to be partially under JJM rely on have been certified as
functional in a 2022 survey groundwater Har Ghar Jal so far
Assessment of rural households' tap JJM projects available to households, Share (%) of administrative units based
connections on the basis of quantity, classified by source of water (share in %) on Har Ghar Jal status
regularity and quality of water supplied
Reported 40.2
Share (in %) of households that were getting Groundwater & Certified 37.7
Bulk water-based surface water-based
Adequate water (≥55 LPCD) (quantity)
85 Others** 25 25.8 25
Water on a daily basis (regularity) 20.3
80 Surface 6.1 13.1
Potable water (quality) water* 9.7 11.3
All three conditions met: Adequate quantity,
regular supply, potable water Districts Blocks Panchayats Villages
62 Groundwater Reported: The state water supply department has
confirmed that water is being supplied through taps
*Litres per capita per day 82.4 to all households, schools, and anganwadi centres in
The survey studied a sample of 298,377 households the administrative unit.
and 22,596 public institutions across 13,303 villages in Certified: The local body has passed a resolution
*Includes spring, check dam, river, lake, pond,
712 rural districts from 33 states and UTs. after ascertaining the water supply department's
reservoir, etc. **Rainwater, traditional, or other
Source: HTA-Kantar Public report titled "Functionality sources. Includes cases where data isn’t available. claim, and the department has issued a certificate
assessment of household tap connections, 2022", for the same.
ministry of Jal Shakti Source: Jal Jeevan Mission Source: Jal Jeevan Mission

lean water is a basic necessity. But access to it has biggest contaminants, while several also had arsenic and
been a longstanding challenge in India, especially fluoride contamination.
in rural areas. To address this, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi announced the launch of the Jal Jeevan SOURCE SUSTAINABILITY
Mission (JJM) on 15 August 2019. The progress of the More than 80% of the types of tasks taken up under the
scheme and the challenges it faces form the second part of JJM relies on groundwater. But if groundwater becomes
our ongoing Plain Facts series as the ruling party seeks a too depleted, the tap connection turns unsustainable.
third straight term. Considering that two-thirds of India’s terrain is hard
JJM aimed to provide safe and adequate drinking water rock, groundwater is not easy to extract and is vulnerable
through individual household tap connections to all rural to exploitation. Moreover, only a tiny percentage of
homes by 2024. It is yet to reach the target, but has in five rainfall makes its way into the ground. Groundwater levels
years covered 76.6% of the estimated 193 million rural also fall during summers, which adds to concerns over its
households as of 22 May, up from 16.8% when the scheme reliability. Groundwater levels in 25% of India’s districts
was announced in 2019. are already classified as overexploited, critical, or semi-
While 11 states and Union territories reported 100% critical by the Central Ground Water Board.
coverage, seven were behind the national average. (State- Groundwater is also susceptible to contamination by
level schemes helped some states, such as Bihar, to achieve chemicals such as arsenic and fluoride, which puts severe
better JJM coverage.) West Bengal and Rajasthan were strain on water availability, especially in rural areas.
particularly stressed, with less than half of rural Nitin Bassi, senior programme lead at the Council on
households having a tap connection. But after this Energy, Environment and Water, said these are natural or
infrastructure push comes the challenge geological constraints, and the solution is
of making it work. The progress there to increasingly shift to using surface
leaves much to be desired. JJM has covered water.
76.6% of the
To assess how functional these taps were, estimated 193 mn Once all households in an administrative
the government commissioned a survey rural households as unit receive a water connection, the unit
by HTA-Kantar Public in 2022, covering is granted “Har Ghar Jal” status.
nearly 300,000 households in 13,303
of 22 May According the latest data on the JJM
villages. The survey defined functionality dashboard, only 20% of villages have
on the basis of three criteria: adequate quantity (at least 55 been given this status as of 22 May.
litres per capita per day), prescribed quality (the water Under JJM , the quantity of water supply is measured at
should be potable), and regular availability (round the the village level. This poses a challenge in determining
year). whether the water is reaching the end user.
It found that 86% of the tap connections were working In 2020, internet-of-things-based sensors were
on the day the data was collected. Of these, 85% received installed in nearly 200 villages to measure water supply on
adequate quantity, 87% provided potable water, and 80% various parameters, including quantity. Barring this, there
had a regular supply. But only 62% of these connections is no primary data on how much water households in these
met all three criteria. villages receive. A household-level survey, or installing
For Rajasthan, Kerala and Manipur, this figure was 40% water meters, could help measure the distribution of water
or less, while it was 80% or more in four others: Tamil within villages in a more useful manner.
Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Goa, and Telangana. (Note that JJM has provided more than 115 million households
the 62% figure for functional taps translates to just 53% of with a tap connection since its inception, but experts say it
the overall sample.) This shows that infrastructure alone is is still a work in progress. “While physical infrastructure
inadequate to fulfil the needs of households. has been put in place, ensuring regular supply of adequate
A Parliamentary standing committee report said earlier and quality water to the end user remains a challenge,”
this year that of the 57,539 habitations across India where Bassi said. “Though steps have been taken in this
water quality was found to be poor as of 15 August 2019, direction, more needs to be done to make the water
38% still lacked safe drinking water as of February 2023. In systems reliable.”
these habitations, iron and salinity were found to be the This is the second of a four-part data journalism series.

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz

Kolkata, new delhi, mumbai, bengaluru, chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, chaNdiGarh*, pune*, lucknow* VOL. 18 NO. 124 Rs. 15.00 18 pages

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Why Generation Z is a US court pulls up Byju’s chief handful for HR uP12 for concealing $533 mn uP5

SENSEX 74,221.06 267.75 NIFTY 22,597.8 68.75 DOLLAR ₹83.28 ₹0.03 EURO ₹90.32 ₹0.27 OIL $81.66 $0.31 POUND ₹106 ₹0.00

Car firms fume over RBI’s dividend blitz smoothes

journey to fiscal deficit target

new emission goals Gopika Gopakumar
White knight
The record dividend is expected to help the Centre achieve its
fiscal deficit target of 5.1% of GDP for FY25.
EU standards to hit sales, jobs, since EV tech still nascent, say cos Surplus transfer to government Fiscal deficit

surprise dividend (₹ trillion) (₹ trillion)
bounty from the cen- 20 Paytm CEO says ‘the worst is
Alisha Sachdev tral bank cooled bond 16.9 behind us’ after Q4 results pushback yields on Wednesday, as the
2.1 16 Paytm founder and chief executive Vijay
new delhi
The carmakers say the target of close to 70 gm per km of CO2 emissions market bet that it would help Shekhar Sharma on Wednesday said that
by 2030 under the proposed CAFE-III norms is ‘highly impractical’. the government meet its fiscal 12 the worst is over for the company, on a day

ndian automakers have strongly deficit target for 2024-25. One97 Communications, its parent firm,
opposed a proposal from the EU CO2 EMISSION TARGETS (g CO2/km) The benchmark 10-year 1 reported a lower quarterly revenue and a
country’s energy efficiency and 153.9 For cars For vans bond slipped below 7% to the 8 larger loss. >P8
conservation agency to align lowest in nearly a year, after 4.9
their fuel efficiency standards
the Reserve Bank of India’s 0
2012-13 2023-24
2012-13 2024-25*
Tata Consumer set to enter
with Europe’s new vehicle carbon 93.6 90.6 (RBI’s) central board okayed a
*Budget estimate Source: RBI, CMIE
food services industry
emission norms. record ₹2.1 trillion dividend
49.5 SARVESH KUMAR SHARMA/MINT Tata Consumer Products is set to enter food
According to three people aware for 2023-24. This is twice what services market offering salt, tea, coffee and
of the matter, the automakers have 0 0
was estimated earlier, and 141% current dividend, paid in May to raise the contingency risk gravies to hotels and restaurants, MD and
told the Bureau of Energy Effi- 2020-2024 2025-2029 2030-2034 2035 onwards
higher than the previous fis- 2024, will be accounted for in buffer (CRB) to 6.5% from 6% CEO Sunil D’Souza said. Earlier this year,
ciency (BEE) that the target of close (NEDC) (WLTP) (WLTP) (WLTP) cal’s dividend of ₹87,416 crore. 2024-25 by the government. previously as the economy Tata Consumer had acquired Capital Foods
to 70 gm per km of CO2 emissions EMISSION TARGETS UNDER INDIA'S CAFE NORMS (g CO2/km) “The board...approved Aditi Nayar, chief economist remains robust and resilient, and Organic India. >P8
by 2030 under the proposed corpo- the transfer of ₹2,10,874 crore and head of research and out- it said.
rate average fuel efficiency (CAFE- 2017-2022
as surplus to the central reach at rating agency Icra Ltd, The contingency risk buffer Banks want MSME loans off
III) norms is “highly impractical”. government for the account- said the higher-than-bud- is a specific provision fund kept
They claim that despite significant 2022 onwards
ing year 2023-24,” RBI said in geted RBI surplus transfer by the central bank primarily
RBI’s infra lending rules rejig
NA Banks are planning to write to the Reserve
investments in electrification, Source: European WLTP: Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test a statement. would help boost the Centre’s to be used during any unex-
internal combustion engine (ICE) Commission, MoRTH Procedure, NEDC: New European Driving Cycle The 2023-24 dividend is resources, “allowing for pected and unforeseen contin- Bank of India (RBI) and the finance ministry
vehicles will dominate the market also higher than ₹1 trillion that enhanced expenditures or a gencies. These unforeseen to exempt loans given to micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs) from
for the next decade. was budgeted by the govern- sharper fiscal consolidation contingencies could include proposed rules for provisioning for
An expert committee steered by ment and estimated by ana- than what was pencilled into depreciation of securities val- infrastructure project financing. >P2
the BEE—and advised by US non- lysts. In the interim budget of the Interim Budget for FY25”. ues, risks from monetary rate
profit International Council on 2024-25, the government had The decision was taken at policy changes, systemic risks
Clean Transportation—has would include penalties for non- oped charging infrastructure com- budgeted a dividend of the 608th meeting of the Cen- to the system, etc. It is typically SpiceJet pursues ₹450 crore
impressed upon the automakers in compliance with emissions reduc- pared to Europe, against which the ₹1.02 trillion from RBI, tral Board of Directors of RBI in the range of 5.5-6.5% of refund post Delhi HC verdict
confidential meetings that it wants tion norms. BEE is benchmarking India’s car- state-run banks and other held under the chairmanship RBI’s balance sheet. SpiceJet will seek a refund of ₹450 crore from
to accelerate India’s CO2 reduction “(The proposal) will have devas- bon emissions,” one of the three financial institutions. of governor Shaktikanta Das. “Higher interest rates both its former promoter Kalanithi Maran, and his
efforts, and encourage faster adop- tating effects on sales, jobs and the persons cited above said on the con- The record dividend is The board reviewed the on domestic and foreign secu- firm, KAL Airways, the company said on
tion of electric vehicles (EV) by financial health of OEMs if such dition of anonymity. “So, there is expected to help the Centre global and domestic economic rities, significantly high gross Wednesday. SpiceJet said it will seek the
imposing stricter standards on stringent rules come into effect, certainly a rift between the two cur- achieve its fiscal deficit target scenario, including risks to the sale of forex, along with limited return of ₹450 crore out of the ₹730 crore it
original equipment manufacturers given the nascency of the EV tech- of 5.1% of gross domestic prod- outlook, said a statement. paid to KAL Airways and Maran. >P7
(OEMs), the people said. This nology in India, and its underdevel- TURN TO PAGE 6 uct (GDP) for 2024-25. The The RBI board also decided TURN TO PAGE 6

Anguish@IIT as jobs Climate combat

still distant for many comes to MBBS
Pratishtha Bagai & Somrita Ghosh
Devina Sengupta
new delhi

n a season of scorching heat

lacement concerns stalk waves bracketed by a pro-
the corridors of Indian longed winter and predic-
Institutes of Technology tions of extreme rains, climate
(IITs) as the batch of 2024 lessons are making their way
draws to a close, with hundreds to medical curriculums, as the
of students yet to find a job even government takes climate
in the second hiring round. combat to the campuses.
The elite institutions are If heatstrokes are rampant
reaching out to startups, IITs are reaching out to startups, as temperatures cross 45 The NCDC recently issued heat
alumni and recruiters from new alumni and recruiters. MINT degree Celsius in some states, stroke treatment guidelines. AFP
segments, and sounding out heavy rains in some parts of
companies that have previously said, adding the final numbers the some southern region have change education in the cur-
hired from their campuses, may be different. “There were triggered alerts for vector- riculum for medical students,
placement team members said. about 1,973 students who had borne diseases such as dengue. according to two officials
Departments and professors signed up for placements, and Doctors have also blamed aware of the matter.
are also asked to pitch in and about 1,187 from them were extreme weather for diseases Many doctors in India are
help place students. placed during the phase-1 pro- such as covid and monkeypox. still not knowledgeable
At IIT-Bombay, 300-400 cess. Another 200 have To equip medical profes- enough to treat health hazards
students finishing undergrad- already been placed in sionals to treat such conditions arising out of climate change
uate and post-graduate phase-2, and the numbers more appropriately and or natural calamities, one of
courses are yet to be hired, a timely, the health ministry is
member of its placement team TURN TO PAGE 6 considering including climate TURN TO PAGE 6

Even advertisers want you off smartphone

Katie Deighton because humanity wouldn’t look up from its screens.
The message extends

eineken last month beyond borders. Chinese elec-
introduced what it calls tronics firm Oppo last Decem-
the Boring Phone, an ber ran a campaign encourag-
early-00s style flip-to-answer- ing consumers across Asia to
device featuring a keypad, flash- put down their phones at the
light, FM radio, low-resolution dinner table.
camera and not much else. With The advertisers are tapping
an ability to make calls and send into a concern over the role of
texts, but under no circumstan- technology in society, and par-
ces access social media, the ticularly in the mental health of
phone is designed to be a portal young people , that has grown
back to the days when people The advertisers are tapping into a concern over the technology’s as social media and smart-
would socialize in person with- role in society, and in the mental health of young people. AFP phones have become omni-
out continually maintaining present. Even Snapchat is run-
parallel lives on the internet. The Boring Phone is really a last year ran a sweepstakes for ning an ad campaign position-
“Young generations are crav- marketing campaign disguised hundreds of its own so-called ing its social-media app as an
ing release from their smart- as a product drop, with only dumb phones, in another exam- “antidote to social media.”
phones and the constant buzzing 5,000 units available via givea- ple, urging drinkers to “go off” But marketing executives are
and dinging, especially on nights ways, part their smart- treading gently, tending toward
out and during social occasions,” of a wave of phones to humor rather than activism,
said Nabil Nasser, global head of advertising “go off” in partly because their brands are
the Heineken brand. “We want tapping the real life. This at least as present in the digital
to give them the freedom to dis- widespread fear technology is year’s Super Bowl ad by web world as any extremely online
cover that there is more to their ruining our ability to fully expe- design company Squarespace person. They advertise on the
social life when they are less on rience and enjoy the real world. imagined what would happen if
their phone.” Tequila brand Jose Cuervo nobody noticed an alien arrival TURN TO PAGE 4
02 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

National Health Claim Exchange
Banks want MSME loans off Govt likely
to review tax
may be operational in 2-3 months
New Delhi: The National Health Claim Exchange (NHCX) is
likely to be launched in the next two-three months, officials
aware of the matter said on Wednesday. NHCX is a digital health
RBI’s infra lending rules rejig on inputs to
aid local mfg
claims platform developed by the National Health Authority
(NHA) to ensure interoperability and faster processing of health PTI
insurance claims. NHA and the Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
opment Authority of India jointly operationalized NHCX. PTI The move aims to protect MSMEs, who are minor players in infra business but big in number NEW DELHI

he government is likely
NHPC hopes to finish Parbati-II Subhash Narayan & Rhik Kundu or applicable to investments above a to consider addressing
certain amount,” the person said, sug- the issue of inverted duty
hydroelectric project by Dec NEW DELHI
gesting that banks are yet to give their structure for certain products

anks are planning to write to suggestions. The RBI has sought com- like paper, furniture, washing
the Reserve Bank of India ments on its proposals by 15 June. machines, solar glass, and air
(RBI) and the finance minis- A senior finance ministry official said purifiers to promote domestic
try to exempt loans given to the government is studying the RBI manufacturing, an official has
micro, small and medium proposals and will respond to the regu- said. Inverted duty structure
enterprises (MSMEs) from proposed lator if required. Spokespersons for the refers to taxation on inputs at
rules for provisioning for infrastruc- finance ministry, the RBI and the higher rates than finished
ture project financing. Indian Banks Association didn’t products that result in the
The move is aimed at protecting respond to emailed queries. build-up of credits and cascad-
MSMEs, who are minor players in the On 3 May, the RBI issued a draft pru- ing costs.
overall infrastructure business but are, dential framework for lenders under- The official said the com-
nevertheless, large in number. With a taking project finance, which proposed merce and industry ministry
government thrust to boost work on increasing the standard asset provi- has shared a list of products
New Delhi: State-owned NHPC on Wednesday said all infrastructure, more and more small sioning to 1-5% of loans from the cur- with the finance ministry to
four units of its Parbati-II hydro electric project are businesses are looking to enter the sec- rent 0.4%. look at the inverted duty struc-
expected to be completed by December 2024. NHPC is tor. RBI's proposed rules are aimed at protecting lenders from risks such as cost- According to the draft prudential ture issues.
constructing an 800 MW (4 units of 200 MW each) Par- The RBI's proposed rules are aimed overruns, a frequent outcome of delayed construction projects. MINT framework, when a project is in the The list was shared after
bati-II HE (hydroelectric) project in Himachal Pra- at protecting lenders from risks such as construction phase, lenders must set holding detailed consultations
desh.“All four units of the project are anticipated to be cost-overruns—a frequent outcome of tioned above said. Some banks are also apply to all categories of infrastructure aside a provision of 5% of the loan with industry associations and
completed by December 2024,” the company said in a delayed construction projects, for expected to give their individual project financing to small industries amount in protect against defaults. export promotion councils.
regulatory filing. PTI instance. responses on RBI draft regulations. and MSMEs. The latter should be kept This will come down to 2.5% once a “We have already sent the
However, banks say MSMEs are sig- “There is a proposal among banks to out from proposed changes in provi- project is operational and 1% when list to the finance ministry. The
nificant borrowers for infra- write to the regulator, and sioning,” the person added. there’s adequate cash flow to list includes products such as
India in talks with Sri Lanka to structure projects, and need finance ministry to make The head of a prominent repay obligations. paper, furniture, washing
cheaper loans, two people special provisions for small public sector bank, who The RBI has allowed machines, solar glass, air purifi-
acquire graphite mines
New Delhi: India is in talks with Sri Lanka to acquire graphite
aware of the matter said.
The RBI seeks to over-
Standard asset
1-5% industries and MSMEs in spoke on the condition of
the context of the RBI's anonymity, said several
Current standard
lenders three years to
reach 5% provision- 0.4% ers, and some cases in apparel
and jewellery also,” the official
mines there. The demand for graphite is steadily increasing, as haul rules governing proposal to overhaul points will need to be ing—2% in FY25, 3.5% in said.
it is the most common material used for anodes in lithium-ion project-lending to enable provisioning RBI rules governing project discussed if RBI wants asset provisioning FY26 and 5% by FY27. Inverted duty structure
and other batteries. New Delhi held discussions with Colombo greater flow of funds to has proposed lending for the infrastruc- changes for all infrastruc- for lenders The draft rules also say impacts the domestic industry,
on acquiring graphite mines there, persons aware of the develop- the infrastructure sector ture sector,” one of the peo- ture project financing, that banks should have a as manufacturers have to pay
ment said and added the talks were in a preliminary stage. PTI and ensure that lower risks. ple mentioned above said including structures such as clear visibility on the date on more for raw materials in terms
The communication from the requesting anonymity. Infrastructure Investment which a project is expected to of duty, while the finished
banks is likely to come from by the “The idea of the draft RBI proposals Trusts. begin commercial operations and products land at lower duty and
Over 45,000 tonnes of onions Indian Banks Association, a Mumbai- is that projects are completed in time. “Clarification would also be required increase provisions if operations are cost. Expensive inputs make
based representative body of banks and We would like to get clarification on on whether changed provisioning delayed. products costly and cannot
exported after ban was lifted financial institutions, the people men- whether the changed provisioning will norms are appropriate for all projects compete in the export market.

Türkiye seeks three Cancer drug barred over safety worries

IVF drugs from India Priyanka Sharma
“We wish to inform you that
the company has now received
NEW DELHI permission for voluntary with-
Priyanka Sharma anonymity. India’s pharma drawal of Olaparib (Lynparza)

T exports to Türkiye have been he Drug Controller Gen- 100mg and 150 mg tablets from
NEW DELHI growing over the years, stand- eral of India (DCGI), the CDSCO (Central Drugs
New Delhi: India has exported more than 45,000 tonnes ing at $291.66 million in FY24, Rajeev Raghuvanshi, has Standard Control Organisa-

of onion since the ban on outbound shipments was lifted ürkiye has requested said the official. directed state authorities to tion),” AstraZeneca said in a fil-
early this month, a top government official said on Wednes- India for Gonadotropin Worldwide, around one in withdraw AstraZeneca’s Ola- ing with the BSE.
day. These exports provided relief to farmers after curbs drugs—used in obstetrics six adults, or 17.5%, struggle parib Tablets, 100mg and Queries sent to a health min-
were imposed to keep domestic supplies steady ahead of and gynaecology—given high with infertility, demonstrating 150mg, due to potential istry spokesperson remained
general elections. These exports provided relief to farmers demand for in-vitro fertiliza- the critical need to provide adverse effects on patients who unanswered till press time.
after curbs were imposed to keep domestic supplies steady tion (IVF) in that country. access to high-quality, reasona- have received three or more Dr Abhishek Shankar, onco-
ahead of general elections. PTI Every year around 65,000 bly priced fertility treatment. prior lines of chemotherapy. logist at AIIMS, Patna, said,
people receive IVF treatment The prices are similar in high-, The decision will impact the “This decision of withdrawing
in Türkiye—an expensive pro- middle-, and low-income treatment of ovarian and breast the use of Olaparib as mono-
India, China agreed to pay in local cedure in that country with nations, a sign that this is a sig- cancer patients with specific DCGI has ordered withdrawal of AstraZeneca’s Olaparib 100 mg therapy in patients with delete-
top-notch surger- nificant global genetic mutations. and 150 mg tablets over likely ill effects on repeated use. BLOOMBERG rious or suspected deleterious
currency for imports: Maldives ies costing India’s health issue. AstraZeneca, which received germline BRCA-mutated
Male: The Maldives on Wednesday said India and China have $3,500–4,500. Pharmaceutical “These are hor- approval for Olaparib in 2018, received three or more prior Raghuvanshi said state regu- advanced ovarian cancer who
agreed to cooperate in efforts to pay for imports in their respec- India’s Phar- Export Promotion monal drugs used has submitted an application to lines of chemotherapy, the firm lators must ensure implemen- have been treated with three or
tive countries’ currency instead of the US dollar, which is likely maceutical Council, for attaining preg- withdraw the drug for patients has now been directed to with- tation of the order until further more prior lines of chemother-
to help Male save almost 50% of the annual $1.5 million imports Export Promo- nancy. We have with gBRCA mutations (breast draw the said indication and notice. However, despite this apy is justified as patients who
Pharmexcil, is
bill from the two countries. Maldives’ economic development tion Council, been asked for cancer) and advanced ovarian revise the package insert,” the withdrawal, Olaparib will con- were taking Olaparib poten-
minister Mohamed Saeed said he met with the Indian high com- Pharmexcil, is supporting Urinary and/or cancer, especially those who DCGI said in a let- tinue to be mar- tially had a shorter OS than
missioner Munu Mahawar two weeks ago, who in turn, said New supporting Türk- Türkiye’s request R e c o m b i n a n t have undergone multiple ter, which has The decision will keted for other patients not on Olaparib, par-
Delhi would support and cooperate in arranging for the settle- iye’s request. FSH (Follicle chemotherapy treatments. been reviewed by affect treatment approved indica- ticularly in the subgroup analy-
ment of import payments in Indian Rupee. PTI “It is for the first Stimulating Hor- According to the DCGI, the Mint. of ovarian and tions, he added. sis of patients who had received
time we have received such a mone), Urinary HMG (Human move follows a subgroup analy- “In view of breast cancer Olaparib, mar- three or more lines of chemo-
request for such a drug used for Menopausal Gonadotropin) sis that indicated potential above circum- keted under the therapy.”
patients with
Calcuttta HC strikes down OBC gynaecology treatment. We are and Urinary HCG (Human adverse effects on patients stances, you (state
specific genetic
brand name Lyn- Dr Shyam Aggarwal, chair-
taking this as an opportunity Chorionic Gonadotropin),” treated with Olaparib. drug regulators) parza, was valued man of oncology department at
status of several classes in Bengal and encouraging our member said the official. India has 27.5 “Based on the post hoc sub- are requested to mutations at $10.3 billion in Sir Gangaram hospital echoed
Kolkata: The Calcutta high court on Wednesday struck down companies to support in this million infertile people, as per group analysis indicating a direct all the man- 2023, and is pro- Dr Shankar. He said that Ola-
the OBC status of several classes in West Bengal granted since and registration process of the the Indian Society of Assisted potential detrimental effect on ufacturers of the jected to reach parib shows good results when
2010, finding such reservations illegal. The court clarified that Indian firms is ongoing who Reproduction. overall survival (OS) for Olapra- said drug under your judica- $19.49 billion by 2030, with a used early in patients rather
the services of citizens of the struck-down classes, who are in ser- wish to supply their pharma Queries sent to Türkiye rib compared with the chemo- tions to withdraw marketing of compound annual growth rate than using it later in patients
vice or have availed the benefit or have succeeded in any selec- product to Türkiye,” said a embassy remained unan- therapy control arm in sub- the product and submit the (CAGR) of 10.1% between 2024 who have had two to three
tion process of the state will not be affected by the order. PTI Pharmexcil official requesting swered. group of patients, who have revised package insert,” he said. and 2030. chemotherapy earlier.

General elections: Big Tech accused of violating policy on political ads CORRECTIONS AND
Mint welcomes comments,
Shouvik Das cal advertising across social work of bad actors using Meta's did not receive details from Eko by Big Tech, industry stake- suggestions or complaints media platforms and claims by ads library to push hate speech to investigate. “[W]e have sev- holders said that there is a clear about errors.
NEW DELHI Big Tech firms to follow poli- and disinformation.” eral layers of analysis and need for third-party auditing of
Readers can alert the
cies to detect misinformation. While Meta had responded detection, both before and after Big Tech’s policy enforce-
newsroom to any errors in the

hatsApp, Instagram The two groups claimed to to Eko’s investigation, Ham- an ad goes live. Because the ments—especially amid the paper by emailing us, with your
and other social have collated 22 politically mad claimed the company “did authors immediately deleted elections. full name and address to
media platforms car- incendiary advertisements not directly answer our ques- the ads in question, we cannot Prateek Waghre, executive
ried political advertisements across Meta’s advertising plat- tions related to the detection comment on the claims made.” director at public policy think
with misinformation, religious forms. Of these, 14 passed and labelling of AI generated In the investigation by tank Internet Freedom Foun- It is our policy to promptly
respond to all complaints.
hate speech and incendiary Meta’s quality filters, the bodies images in their ad library”. Global Witness, a YouTube dation of India (IFF), said, “Var- Readers dissatisfied with the
content during the ongoing claimed. However, Eko said the Hammad shared a copy of statement claimed that none of ious ads that fall afoul of Big response or concerned about
general election, raising the ads in question were taken Meta’s response to Eko, dated the purported ads ran on the Tech’s own policies end up Mint’s journalistic integrity may
risk of electoral manipulation down before they went live on 13 May. platform, and refuted that they being published, which reveals write directly to the editor by
by malicious actors, according Meta’s platforms. Two groups have claimed to have collated 22 politically incendiary In the response, Meta under- showed “a lack of protections a clear enforcement gap of sending an email to
to a report by two civil rights Meta is not the only platform advertisements across Meta’s advertising platforms. ISTOCKPHOTO lined that it took multiple against election misinforma- quality controls. Advertising
groups. to have come under the scan- “actions” and “enforcement” tion.” content in India is multilingual, Mint’s journalistic Code of
The report by US-based Eko ner. On 2 April, a report by voter suppression on the check filters. against malicious ad content. YouTube was yet to respond but we don’t quite know how Conduct that governs our
and India Civil Watch Interna- human rights body Global Wit- world’s largest video distribu- Maen Hammad, a researcher However, a Meta India to Mint’s request for a state- good Big Tech’s quality classifi- newsroom is available at
tional, released on Tuesday, ness claimed that 48 advertise- tion platform YouTube cleared with Eko, told Mint that the spokesperson told Mint on ment at press time. ers are in most of our langua-
put the scanner back on politi- ments portraying violence and the latter’s electoral quality body “uncovered a vast net- Wednesday that the company Despite the defence put up ges.”


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04 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

S&P BSE Sensex Nifty 50 Nifty 500 Nifty Next 50 Nifty 100 S&P BSE Mid-cap S&P BSE Small Cap

74,221.06 0.36 22,597.80 0.31 21,237.75 0.24 68,328.25 0.13 23,633.90 0.27 43,170.41 -0.05 47,961.77 0.18

73,953.31 74,165.52 22,529.05 22,576.60 21,187.65 21,255.20 68,241.75 68,573.70 23,569.90 23,634.50 43,191.88 43,366.18 47,873.56 48,150.50

74,307.79 73,860.33 22,629.50 22,483.15 21,261.75 21,103.20 68,611.35 67,662.05 23,663.40 23,498.75 43,384.44 42,855.34 48,198.08 47,500.43

Japan reports trade deficit as
Can PSU Bhel reclaim its crown?
weak yen lifts cost of imports Manish Joshi
Impressive comeback Marching ahead ance peaked in FY13 when it reported an mens are enjoying because they have
Japan’s imports rebounded in April as the weak yen operating income of around ₹50,000 technological capabilities in sectors
Solid improvement in new orders gave Bhel shares have handsomely
boosted their value, pushing the nation’s trade balance crore with gross and Ebitda margins at beyond power. For instance, ABB is also
Bhel's order backlog a boost in FY24 outperformed the Nifty50 index in

into deficit and highlighting the increasing economic harat Heavy Electricals Ltd’s the past one year about 40% and 20%, respectively. The known for its robotics and Siemens for
burden stemming from the currency’s plunge. Imports (Bhel) shares have largely New orders won Order Backlog Sales revival in thermal power capacity addi- its medical devices.
BHEL Nifty 50
gained 8.3% from a year ago, compared with the consen- moved in line with its swell- 140,000
tion is unlikely to be enough to return to Even if the demand for setting up
sus estimate of an 8.9% increase, the finance ministry ing order book over the past In  crore 450 the glory days of peak performance. thermal power plants remains intact,
reported Wednesday. The trade balance registered a year. But disappointing 120,000
380.8 Plus, the revival may not be for a sus- the technology is not so complex to pre-
¥462.5 billion ($3 billion) deficit, flipping from a ¥387 bil- results for the fiscal ended March saw 400 tained period as there is a shift towards vent the entry of new players as was seen
lion surplus. Exports advanced 8.3%, compared with the the stock lose 5% of its value on Wednes- 100,000
renewable energy. At the in the past when Larsen &
consensus of an 11% increase. The trade deficit, a negative day. same time, the defence and WHAT’S Toubro, JSW Ene-
factor for gross domestic product, reflects the growing The public sector undertaking’s 80,000 300 railway orders, though good TROUBLING rgy and Thermax had all
economic pain associated with the weak yen. With FY24 Ebitda (earnings before interest, for headline news, may not invested heavily in power
Japan’s currency trading around a 34-year low versus the taxes, depreciation, and amortization) 60,000
250 provide a significant boost IN FY24, the balance equipment manufacturing.
dollar, a majority of Japanese companies in a survey fell by 36% year-on-year to ₹613 crore, 200
to the annual numbers sheet worsened
with borrowings
While it is difficult to pre-
reported it’s becoming more of a problem as it puts them thanks to doubling of other expenses. 40,000
because of the long execu- rising by 64% to dict numbers in firms like
under pressure to pass on rising costs of raw materials to Additionally, the balance sheet wor- 150 123.4 tion lifecycle of the orders. ₹8,808 crore Bhel as they follow percent-
customers via price hikes. BLOOMBERG sened with borrowings rising by 64% to 20,000
The company’s share in age of completion method of
₹8,808 crore. More debt was taken to 100 the Vande Bharat order is at MORE debt was accounting, the manage-
taken to finance
finance working capital as receivables 0 50
₹13,500 crore, won in con- working capital as ment expects revenue CAGR
went up and payables declined, which FY22 FY23 FY24 22 May 2023 22 May 2024 sortium with Titagarh Wag- receivables went up, of 12-15% for the next few
meant that finance cost jumped 40%, Source: Company Note: Values rebased to 100 Source: Bloomberg
ons for supplying 80 train- payables declined years. It will be mainly due to
causing pre-tax earnings to drop by a sets and servicing them for the revenue recognition
sharp 68% to ₹220 crore. 35 years. Bhel will supply 20 beginning from new projects
Though earnings appear modest, In recent years, the bill-to-book ratio crore for FY25. With a gross margin of super rapid naval guns worth ₹3,800 in Bhopal, Jhansi and Bengaluru.
investors may be anticipating a better has been about 25%, meaning annual 30% and other costs at FY24 levels, this crore to the navy. But beyond that, the revenue visibil-
outlook. This optimism is due to the turnover is about one-fourth of the out- should translate into an Ebitda of Despite diversification attempts over ity is bleak as orders for thermal power
outstanding order book expanding to standing order book of the previous ₹3,400 crore, nearly 5x the FY24 Ebitda the years, Bhel’s core strength remains capacity are likely to dry out. Hence,
₹1.3 trillion, a 44% increase, attributed to year, reflecting a typical execution cycle due to operating leverage. However, the its expertise in setting up thermal power investors need to look at the terminal
the highest ever yearly order booking of of four years. current market capitalization is already plants. This edge does not deserve high value for Bhel rather than getting exci-
₹77,907 crore, nearly 3x the previous Applying this criterion, the best-case 30x the potential Ebitda. valuation multiples that other capital ted about the current surge in the order
year. scenario for Bhel is revenue of ₹33,000 Note that Bhel’s financial perform- goods companies such as ABB and Sie- inflow of thermal power capacity.

On Wednesday, the pound rallied 0.4% against the dollar

to $1.2753, the highest since 21 March. BLOOMBERG Delhivery’s profit party cut short as express slump dents growth
Pound rallies, traders pare Manvi Agarwal weakness could not be fully off- mise existing resources. While Ebitda estimates by 5% and 8%,
A bumpy ride
bets on interest rate cuts set by the 10% and 35% sequen- Delhivery's express parcel business took a big beating in Q4FY24
the huge facility in Bengaluru respectively, after factoring in
The pound rose to its strongest in two months and traders tial revenue growth in part- will require significant capex, the insourcing hit, but said it
Shipment volume (in million)

Revenue (in ₹ crore) (right-hand scale)
priced in fewer and slower interest rate cuts after data elhivery Ltd’s shares are truck-load (PTL) and supply- the focus remains on expanding expected a profit-after-tax turn-
210 1,600
showed inflation slowed less than expected in April. Ster- down about 11% since the chain services. Express parcel
the tractor-trailer fleet. Delhiv- around in FY25.
ling gained 0.3% against the common currency to trade company returned to net Delhivery’s Ebitda more than 200 ery is also exploring engineer- Looking ahead, the comp-
at 0.8514 per euro, its strongest since 11 March. It also ral- loss in its March quarter halved to ₹45.9 crore in Q4 from 1,200 ing solutions to maximise the any’s ability to navigate the vol-
lied 0.4% against the dollar to $1.2753, the highest since (Q4FY24) results, even as it the previous quarter. The com- potential of current facilities to atile market and restore profita-
21 March. Traders are no longer fully pricing two rate cuts recorded its first Ebitda-level pany, however, expects growth 180 800 further enhance capacity. bility in its core segment will be
from the Bank of England in 2024. They now see a min- profit for the whole of FY24. in express-parcel revenue to 170 While Delhivery’s first year crucial to regaining investors’
uscule chance of a reduction at the bank’s decision next The culprit was the sharp rebound. As it renegotiates con- 400 of Ebitda profitability and confidence and reversing the
month, whereas previously it was seen as a coin toss. The slowdown in Delhivery’s key tracts, management projects growth in non-core segments stock’s downward trend. “Los-
UK’s Consumer Prices Index rose 2.3% from a year ago in express-parcel segment (62% of 15-20% year-on-year express- 150 0 are positive signs, the immedi- ses had been narrowing but still
Q3FY23 Q4FY24
April, down from 3.2% the previous month but below the FY24 revenue) owing to sub- parcel revenue growth in FY25, Source: Company data
ate future seems uncertain. The persist. Profitability remains the
economists’ consensus forecast for 2.1%. Services infla- dued online consumption and after 12% growth in FY24. significant drop in express-par- key for the stock price to start an
tion—which the BOE is watching carefully for signs of increased insourcing by A bright spot is the continued cel delivery highlights the vola- upward trajectory,” said Nuv-
domestic pressures—remained little changed at 5.9% Meesho. After a strong festival improvement in PTL profitabil- eventually match the 18-20% For FY25, Delhivery guided tility in its bread-and-butter ama Institutional Equities. The
compared to a 5.4% forecast. A core reading of prices that season, express-parcel revenue ity. Management reiterated that margin of the express-parcel for a lower capex range of 6.6% business, and is a concern. recent decline in Delhivery’s
excludes volatile food and energy costs fell to 3.9% versus plunged 16% sequentially in Q4 the PTL service Ebitda margin, service and significantly boost to 6.9% of annual revenue from Emkay Global Financial Ser- stock has meant that returns so
expectations for 3.6%. BLOOMBERG as shipment volumes fell. This which stood at 2.2% in Q4, could the profit. 7.4% in FY24 as it looks to opti- vices reduced its FY26 sales and far in 2024 stand at 3.6%.

Mark to Market writers do not have positions in the companies they have discussed here

BSE market cap closes a whisker short of $5 trillion Even advertisers are telling
Ram Sahgal
Higher and faster
The latest leg towards $5 tn accomplished in 118 trading sessions
In terms of stocks, the top 5
mid-cap movers over the
dend to the government
would enable whichever party
you to get off your smartphone
mumbai period included Trent, Cum- comes to power on 4 June in its
Total market capitalization of BSE-listed companies ($ trillion) mins India, REC, PFC and expenditure programme. FROM PAGE 1 lions of dollars “listening” to connect with Gen Z, a huge

fter kissing the $5 tril- 6 Bhel. Nirmal Jain, founder of IIFL the moods of consumers to consumer group known for a
lion mark intraday 4.997 The top 5 large-cap movers Group, said that the RBI pay- same social-media platforms refine their messages—can no lack of brand loyalty and a bit-
Tuesday, the market 4 were Reliance Industries, out was “a huge shot in the arm that their campaigns suggest longer tell consumers that ing awareness of how growing
capitalization of 5,389 listed ICICI Bank, SBI, Bharti Airtel for the new government to absorb too much of consumers’ everything is awesome. up online has affected them.
BSE companies fell just $3 bil- 2 and M&M. continue infra spending with- time. Meta Platforms , the Instead, they’re leaning into Companies who align them-
lion short of the magic figure The jump in value comes out having to increase the fis- owner of Instagram and Face- the fact it isn’t. selves with Gen Z’s anxieties
on a closing basis at $4.997 tril- 0
despite foreign portfolio cal deficit.” book, generated $36.5 billion in Celebrating tech can be dicey around their phones can
lion, fuelled by a rise in mid- 22 Sep 2003 22 May 2024 investors (FPI) net selling of Jain also expects the contin- revenue in the first quarter of in this environment, even for improve their chances of win-
cap and large-cap stocks. Source: Bloomberg
₹25,716 crore so far this year. It uation of political and eco- this year, up 27% from the companies typically lionized for ning them over as customers,
The near-historic closing is backed by DII net purchases nomic stability to benefit the period a year earlier, almost their accomplishments in the marketing executives say.
came on a day the Reserve of ₹1.9 trillion and proprietary markets over the long term. entirely from advertising. field. Apple this month apolo- “It just dawned on us that his
Bank of India (RBI) made a market experts. Sensex 30, which accounted trader net buying of ₹37,578 In terms of performance, “We’re obviously not anti- gized for an ad that depicted the group is feeling a dispropor-
bountiful dividend to the gov- The all-India m-cap rose a for ₹16.18 trillion of the rise crore, as per BSE data. the BSE Midcap 150 has given tech, but what we do know is literal crushing of art supplies tionate sense of loneliness and
ernment, which, at ₹2.11 tril- stupendous ₹77.45 trillion (20.9%) and the BSE Smallcap “Domestic retail investors a 24.1% return to a record that consumers want to detox and musical instruments to isolation, and really the root
lion, was twice the amount over 118 sessions to Wednes- 250, which contributed ₹6.73 using the MF route have been 14,642.43 from 29 November from their smartphones to dial yield a thinner-than-ever iPad. cause of that is the lack of time
markets had anticipated. day’s closing of ₹416.13 trillion. trillion (8.7%) to the total jump. the driving force of the rally to Wednesday closing. This is up their social life and enjoy real “Marketers don’t want to be spent in person,” said Jackie
Taken together with the jump The BSE Midcap 150 contrib- Taken together all three and would continue to absorb followed by BSE Smallcap 250 world connections,” Heineken’s seen as out of touch, and saying, Jantos, the chief marketing
in market cap, the develop- uted ₹18.4 trillion or 23.8% of indices contributed over half the FPI selling,” said Swarup index which has rallied 20.1% Nasser said. The Boring Phone ‘Buy this and your life’s going to officer of dating app Hinge. “I
ments could act as a sentiment the total increase in m-cap the increase in the all-India Mohanty, CEO of Mirae Asset to 6,377 over the same period campaign isn’t designed to get be amazing,’ because they think we all know what that
booster for the market over over 118 sessions. m-cap from 29 November MF. and the Sensex which has people buying know that the time has been displaced by.”
the long term, according to It was followed by the 2023 to 22 May 2024. Mohanty said the RBI divi- gained 10.9% to 74,222.06. more beer by leav- Marketers can no default where Hinge at the end of last year
ing them twid- longer tell people are com- began its latest push to get
dling their thumbs consumers that ing from is that young people to put down their
at the bar, but to everything is things feel worse phones and hang out in person

‘Record gold prices may reduce imports this year’ more indirectly
bolster the brand’s
association with
awesome. Instead, than they did 20
they’re leaning
years ago,” said
Lucy Jameson,
under the marketing banner of
“One More Hour.” The com-
pany promised as part of the
the joy of socializ- into the fact it isn’t co-founder of campaign to donate $1 million
Reuters increase,” said Prithviraj Old jewellery, also known as ing, he said. advertising and to social clubs in Atlanta, Los Kothari, president of the India scrap supplies, is recycled, and Advertisers’ design agency Angeles, and New York City
mumbai Bullion and Jewellers Associa- used for jewellery making. touch-grass campaigns repre- Uncommon Creative Studio. that provide Gen Z with oppor-
tion (IBJA). “Retail buyers pre- In the March quarter, scrap sent a broader shift in the indus- Middle-class families, one of tunities to connect in-person.

ndia’s gold imports in 2024 fer exchanging old jewellery supplies jumped 10% from a try, away from an always-sunny marketers’ most-coveted con- Hinge also published a physi-
could fall by nearly a fifth for new.” year ago to 38.3 tons, data from and aspirational style of mar- sumer groups, are particularly cal book of things to do without
from the previous year, as Buyers save money as they the World Gold Council keting and toward an accept- worried by the rise of tech use a screen in time for the annual
record high prices spur retail only pay the jewellery making showed. ance of a grimmer reality. and the mental-health prob- “Global Day of Unplugging” in
consumers to exchange old charges and tax when Lower demand due to The economy may be lems it might cause among chil- March. Suggestions include
jewellery for new items, the exchanging old ornaments for record prices and higher sup- improving, but consumers dren and teenagers, she said. birdwatching, reading, and
head of an industry body told new ones, since they do not plies of scrap will cut imports remain gloomy. The U.S. “If it’s at the top of their con- “lying in a park doing nothing.”
Reuters. have to pay for the gold. by 20% from a year ago, said dropped off the list of the cerns, then you’re going to see Hinge mailed 4,000 copies
Lower imports by India, the Preparing for his daughter’s IBJA’s Kothari. world’s 20 happiest countries , loads and loads of brands start of its offline-activity book,
world’s second biggest con- wedding, Vinayak Patil Retail buyers prefer exchange of old jewellery. HT India imported 744 metric and news of global conflicts and to play into it,” especially which it designed to resemble
sumer of the precious metal, exchanged 50 grams of old tons of gold in 2023. inflammatory politics at home among companies who rely on an iPhone, for free to users. The
could cap a rally that carried jewellery for new ornaments ges and taxes, I needed $5,700. “So, I decided to Domestic gold prices hit a is compounded by everyday people socializing, dating and website promoting the book
global prices to a record this this month as prices put new ₹475,000 to buy 50 grams of exchange old jewellery and record of 74,442 rupees for 10 annoyances, from the shrink- otherwise going outside into says there are no more left, but
week. jewellery out of reach finan- new gold jewellery, which I pay just the making charges grams this week, and have ing lifespan of refrigerators to the real world, Jameson said. “you can still download/read an
“Affordability is severely cially. couldn’t afford,” he explained, and taxes, which amounted to jumped 17% so far in 2024, concert tickets’ hidden fees . Brands are also leaning into online version.”
affected by the rapid price “After adding making char- referring to the equivalent of around ₹90,000,” Patil said. after a rise of 15% in 2023. Marketers—who spend mil- the tech use conversation to © 2024 DOW JONES & CO. INC.

UnifyApps bags $11 million in seed
Byju’s director penalized by
funding from Elevation Capital
Bengaluru: UnifyApps has raised $11 million (₹91.6 crore) in a seed
funding round from venture capital firm Elevation Capital along
with undisclosed angel investors. The platform, which uses gener-
US court for missing $533 mn
ative AI to connect disjointed SaaS applications enables enterprises
to develop complex applications, automate business workflows
and build data pipelines. K. AMOGHAVARSHA
This compounds problems for firm once valued at $22 bn but now reeling under legal cases.
Soleos Solar Energy secures Surendran Chemmenkotil, CEO
Sneha Shah
funds worth $5.82 million
at Metropolis Healthcare.



US court has imposed
penalties on Riju Ravin-
dran, director of edtech
major Byju’s, for contempt
of court after he refused to
“disclose or ascertain the location of
to expand to
$533 million in term loan proceeds”, a
release from the company’s group of 1,000 towns
lenders said.
The court will announce the amount
for financial penalties during a future
within 2 yrs
hearing, it said.
“At a show cause hearing on May 20, Naman Suri
2024 in the United States Bankruptcy
New Delhi: Soleos Solar Energy on Wednesday said it has Court for the District of Delaware, NEW DELHI
secured ₹48.5 crore ($5.82 million) in funding, which will be Judge John T. Dorsey found Riju

utilised as working capital and renewable energy portfolio Ravindran, brother of Byju Raveen- etropolis Healthcare
development. India Ahead Venture Fund, Sunil Singhania’s dran and one of three directors of Ltd aims to expand its
family office; Madhuri Madhu Kela; Nabs Vriddhi; Pawan Think & Learn Pvt Ltd to be in con- reach to 1,000 towns
Agarwal, Head of PCG at InCred Capital; Faruk G Patel, CMD, tempt of court following his repeated Several cases have been filed against the edtech firm by its key global investors, vendors and bondholders. . BLOOMBERG within two years using a mix of
KP Group, and others participated. The fund will help the refusal to disclose or ascertain the loca- organic and inorganic growth
firm generate its working capital, develop global renewable tion of the $533 million in term loan loan B bonds. ing fraudulent transfer litigation, that stale information.” strategies, focusing on north
energy portfolio and establish manufacturing facilities. PTI proceeds that he transferred from In 2021, Byju’s Alpha, Inc. was estab- the transfers that are the subject of that “I conclude Ravindran’s testimony is and east Indian markets, Sur-
BYJU’s Alpha, Inc,” the release said. lished as a US subsidiary of the com- litigation were made for a legitimate not truthful, that he either knows endran Chemmenkotil, chief
The court also prohibited further pany to receive proceeds of the term purpose. where the funds are located, or is inten- executive officer of the domes-
NoPo Nanotechnologies raises transferring or using any of the $533 loan. In 2022, Byju’s Alpha, transferred “This sanction effectively renders tionally avoiding obtaining the infor- tic diagnostic chain, said.
million in loan proceeds, found Byju $533 million in loan proceeds to Cam- Ravindran without a defense to those mation from other sources. I therefore “We are strongly positioned
$3 mn in pre-Series A funding round Raveendran and Divya Gokulnath, shaft Capital Fund, LP, a hedge fund causes of action,” it said. find that he is in contempt of my previ- in 600 towns, but in the next
Bengaluru: NoPo Nanotechnologies has raised $3 million (₹25 co-founders of the company, to be founded by William Morton. The judge observed that Ravindran ous order to provide the information,” two years, we plan to extend
crore) in a pre-Series A funding round co-led by Micelio Fund and working in concert with Riju Judge Dorsey said in the ruling. our services to around 1,000
Inflexor Ventures. Spectrum Impact, Aureolis, and other undis- Ravindran, and ordered the arrest HOW BYJU’S LANDED IN SOUP “Today’s ruling validates what towns. Now, the growth will be
closed angel investors also took part in the funding round. The of hedge fund manager William we have known all along: Riju a blend of organic and inor-
startup plans to deploy the funds to scale up production, improve Morton for his repeated refusal to RIJU Ravindran was THIS followed his RULING comes after A PANEL of term Ravindran, his brother and ganic projects, not just in exist-
its engineering capabilities, and execute a global go-to-market appear in court. found to be in repeated refusal to year-long legal battle loan lenders says co-founder, Byju Raveendran, and ing geographies but in newer
contempt of court disclose location of between Byju’s they will continue to
strategy. K. AMOGHAVARSHA This compounds the problems during a show-cause $533 mn in term loan parent & a group of take legal actions to their conspirators fraudulently regions that we are exploring,”
for the company that was once val- hearing on Monday. proceeds. bondholders. recover stolen funds. transferred $533 million in loan Chemmenkotil told Mint.
ued at $22 billion and has been proceeds for no legitimate purpose With a foothold in 23 states,
YCombinator, others back edtech reeling under several legal cases other than to hide the money from including a robust presence in
filed against it by its key global inves- In March 2023, Byju’s Alpha’s LP submitted a sworn declaration, in the lenders to whom it is rightfully southern and western India,
startup SuperKalam in seed round tors, vendors and bondholders. interest in Camshaft Capital Fund was which he proposed to explain why he owed,” the steering committee of the the Mumbai-based firm is now
Bengaluru: SuperKalam has raised $1.95 million (₹16.3 crore) in A company spokesperson did not transferred to Inspilearn LLC, and then could not obtain the information even ad hoc group of term loan lenders of planning to expand its foot-
a seed funding round co-led by YCombinator and Fundersclub. immediately respond to queries from again transferred to, and then though he is one of the three directors Byju’s $1.2 billion term loan said. “With print to Uttar Pradesh, Uttara-
The round also saw participation from Puneet Kumar (YCcombi- Mint. redeemed by, a still undisclosed entity of Think and Learn. William Morton and now Riju found in khand, Assam, Madhya Pra-
nator partner), GoodWater Capital, Nurture Ventures, SuperCapi- The ruling comes after a year-long in February 2024. “The actions outlined in the declara- contempt, the walls are closing in desh, Telangana and Andhra
tal, and Pareto Ventures. The funds will be utilized to improve legal battle between Think & Learn, the As per the lenders, the court further tions were tepid at best, identifying a around Byju and his house of cards. We Pradesh. Besides, it also oper-
SuperKalam’s AI-based educational platform, expand its reach and parent company of Byju’s and the sanctioned Ravindran by precluding few emails that were unanswered and will continue to take all necessary legal ates chains across South Asia,
improve user experience. K. AMOGHAVARSHA group of bondholders holding term him from arguing, in the parties’ ongo- a request for financials that resulted in actions to recover the stolen funds.” Africa and West Asia.
“We have been reinforcing
our strategy to expand foot-
prints to tier-III and tier-IV

Microsoft AI push may boost India PC sales Warburg Pincus arm sells towns, while concentrating
efforts in vital clusters in our
core geographies. We are tar-
Shouvik Das
3.5% stake in Apollo Tyres generative image editing, and
local search queries. Yusuf
geting the states after careful
consideration. While UP and
MP are vast markets, the north-
NEW DELHI Mehdi, Microsoft’s executive east including Assam is under-
vice president and chief mar- Mayur Bhalerao & Sneha Shah results show a 13.7% year-on- served. So, there are lots of

icrosoft’s new-genera- keting officer, stated in a recent MUMBAI year drop in net profit to ₹354.1 opportunities in these markets.
tion artificial intelli- blog post that the AI features crore. It posted a marginal Besides, Telangana and AP have

gence (AI) PCs, will “remove previous limita- hite Iris Investment, uptick of 0.17% in operating great growth opportunities.”
recently unveiled by CEO Satya tions on things like latency, cost a subsidiary of pri- revenue to ₹6,258 crore during Riding on increasing health
Nadella, is set to transform the and even privacy to help you be vate equity giant the period. However, Apollo awareness, India’s diagnostics
personal computing landscape more productive, creative and Warburg Pincus, on Wednes- Tyres’ gross debt reduced from space holds significant poten-
in India, according to industry communicate more effec- day offloaded a 3.5% stake in ₹56 billion in March 2023 to tial to expand, given its current
insiders. tively”. Apollo Tyres in a bulk deal on ₹39 billion in March 2024. fragmented landscape domi-
Equipped with the capability However, despite the poten- the BSE. The transaction, Meanwhile, JPMorgan has nated by financially-stressed
to independently execute com- tial, analysts cautioned that ini- which included 22.4 million upgraded Apollo Tyres to regional players. According to
plex AI algorithms, these devi- Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. AFP tial adoption may be sluggish shares priced at ₹477.35 apiece, “overweight” citing its commit- a Praxis Global Alliance report,
ces are expected to have a due to the higher price point helped the firm rake in ₹1,073 ment to reducing debt and India’s diagnostics industry is
growing impact on overall PC sales with a 75% share. At an these devices will feature a ded- compared to standard laptops. crore. The shares price repre- The transaction helped White achieving sustainable growth. expected to nearly double to
shipments, despite restricted average selling price of $900 icated AI co-processor, or neu- “The new batch of hardware sents a 3.97% discount to the Iris rake in ₹1,073 crore. MINT While the company’s fourth- $25 billion by FY28, up from
release this year, they added. (~₹75,000), this translated into ral processing unit, enhancing would be more expensive than closing price on Tuesday. quarter results fell slightly short $13 billion in FY23.
According to a consensus of net revenues exceeding $9.5 processing capabilities. the average market selling The divestment by White Emailed queries sent to a of expectations on margins, In line with its growth strat-
three industry analysts sur- billion. As per While Micro- price of laptops in India. This in Iris Investment garnered buy- spokesperson for IIFL Securi- JPMorgan believes upcoming egy, the company aims to kick-
veyed by Mint, PC shipments estimates, laptop With capability to soft will initially turn would mean that the ing interest from ICICI Pruden- ties Ltd, which is managing the price increases will counter it. start FY25 with two or three
are expected to stabilize this shipments alone execute complex roll out surface- uptake could initially be slow, tial and Morgan Stanley, which sale process, did not elicit any According to JPMorgan, sev- bolt-on acquisitions to supple-
year following a 6% dip in 2023. could exceed 11.5 AI algorithms, the branded laptops, and any major impact in India acquired stakes of 0.66% and response till press time. eral factors are going in favour ment its presence via organic
However, rising adoption of AI million units by PCs are likely to third-party adop- will likely not be seen at least 0.63% in Apollo Tyres, respec- This isn’t White Iris Invest- of Apollo Tyres, including a rise expansion.
PCs, tailored to Microsoft’s December 2025, tion is imminent, until next year,” Navkendar tively, at the same price band. ment’s first divestment in in replacement truck tyre sales, It plans to allocate around
have growing
specifications, could drive a 5% propelling net considering that Singh, associate vice-president The move coincided with a Apollo Tyres. In December, the strategic capital allocation that ₹70 crore towards capital
surge in PC shipments, and by revenues to impact on overall industry giants, at market researcher IDC India, surge in Apollo Tyres’ share investment firm had offloaded improves return on capital expenditure for its organic
up to 15% in revenues by nearly $12 billion, device shipment including Dell, said, price, which rose by 5.7% intra- a 4.5% stake in the company employed, and its focus on growth initiatives. A bolt-on
December 2025. up 26% in just two HP, and Lenovo, Ultimately, Microsoft aims to day, hitting its highest levels through multiple block deals, higher product margins acquisition is a strategic acqui-
Data from market researcher years. are poised to challenge Apple’s dominance since 3 May. This surge was amounting to ₹1,281 crore. through price adjustments to sition of smaller firms aligning
IDC revealed that as of Decem- Analysts attribute much of launch Copilot+ PCs laptops in the consumer laptop market, fuelled by trading of a signifi- The news of the stake sale offset material costs and envi- with a company’s objectives.
ber, PC shipments, including this projected growth to the next month onwards. particularly its MacBook Air cant volume of shares, totalling follows recent financial ronmental regulations. At present, it operates 199
tablets, stood at 13.9 million introduction of Microsoft’s AI AI PCs offer offline support series, which starts at a price of 22.5 million, on the BSE, updates by Apollo Tyres. The mayur.bhalerao@live- labs and 4,150 collection cen-
units. Laptops dominated PC PCs. Branded as ‘Copilot+ PCs,’ for tasks including file recall, $1,200 in India. according to Bloomberg. company’s fourth-quarter tres.
06 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

Ericsson looks to raise India Anguish@IITs as jobs still

distant for many students
share on Voda Idea orders FROM PAGE 1

have increased since the last

count,” the person said on the
condition of anonymity.
A student at IIT-Delhi who
Voda Idea will spend the bulk of its fundraise on enhancing 4G services and rolling out 5G was placed in the first phase
said that from every stream,
some students are yet to be
Gulveen Aulakh with more details on which countries, hired. “The placement team is but currently we’re expanding to meet reaching out to alumni several
New Delhi the requirements of the India market.” times, and students were
Ericsson uses facilities of Jabil, an asked to fill up forms on

elecom equipment provider American contract manufacturer that whether they would still want A student at IIT-Delhi who was placed in the first phase said from
Ericsson aims to increase its has its India unit in Pune, to make tele- the placement team to get every stream, some students are yet to be hired. HT
share in the Indian market com gear in India that are deployed them a job so that the college
on the back of new orders locally. The capacities have been on an can keep a track on who needs checked,” the member added. find a job.
that it expects to come from increase as telcos rolled out 5G services to be placed. Many are trying Most large IT services com- “There has been a slight
existing customer Vodafone Idea, throughout the country last year. on their own as well,” the stu- panies have decided not to hire decrease in the packages. Last
which will spend the bulk of its fun- Carriers Bharti Airtel and Reliance dent said. from campuses this year. A year, the average package was
draise on enhancing 4G services and Jio, which aggressively rolled out their At IIT-Bombay, IIT-Delhi, TeamLease Digital report in ₹26 lakh. This time, it has gone
rolling out 5G services. 5G networks, will go slow on their capex IIT-Kharagpur, IIT-Madras February said the hiring intent down to ₹25 lakh,” the place-
Nitin Bansal, India managing plans from this year on, which is set to and IIT-Kanpur—so-called for freshers in the IT sector has ment team member added.
director of the Swedish gear maker, spell a slowdown in revenue for telecom older IITs—placements begin decreased to 42% in H1 2024 While the crore-plus packages
said in an interview that discussions gear makers including Ericsson. in December, while the newer compared to 49% in the same did come in from the high-fre-
with the No. 3 carrier were ongoing but However, Bansal said the growth was ones start earlier in August- period in 2023. In January, quency trading firms this year
new purchase orders were yet to be likely to continue albeit the pace may September. The placements Mint reported that India’s as well, the numbers were a
given out. “We continue to talk. We be slower than 2023. “We’re seeing are conducted across two pha- freshly graduating tech talent handful and core sector firms
have been discussing across all telcos in more subscribers coming in, more data ses a few months apart. as well as entry- to mid-career saw many takers.
India. Once they decide, they will tell us being consumed, networks not being After a year and half of reck- employees are staring at a bleak “There were a lot of students
what they have in mind,” he said. congested but used even more. So, it less hiring, many businesses immediate future as the coun- to place and there were fewer
“As a technology provider, our ambi- will continue to grow, maybe not the entered a downturn, with try’s top tech recruiters pull companies that came. There
tion is always to get more but I will Carriers Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio will go slow on their capex from this year on, same level as we saw last year, but the funds drying at startups, con- back on new hiring. The last were around 2,000 students
never say we want to get less from any which means a slowdown in revenue for telecom gear makers such as Ericsson. growth will continue,” he said. sulting companies hit by cli- time the country’s largest tech- this year compared to around
customer. But the discussions are The carriers that have invested heav- ents reviewing work, global nology services 1,700 last year. By
ongoing, and we will wait for them to ₹50,000-55,000 crore for the next now engaging with Vodafone Idea, ily into offering 5G services across the conflicts and supply chain dis- companies shied Most large the end of last
decide what they have in mind,” Bansal three years, which will be primarily which was a change from the past cou- country were now looking at monetisa- ruptions. Companies that had away from cam- IT services month, close to
said in response to a question on getting aimed at improving 4G services across ple of years when they refrained from tion but have noted that opportunities over-hired during the boom of puses was during companies 60% students
more business from circles of Vodafone the country, and launching 5G services offering equipment on credit to telcos were absent, prominently by Airtel’s 2021 and 2022 began slough- the global finan- have decided were placed on
Idea that are currently using gear from in its 17 priority circles. It aims to begin that were unable to pay up past con- top executive Gopal Vittal in the telco’s ing off staff, and the domino cial crisis of 2008. campus,” said a
Chinese vendors Huawei and ZTE. 5G roll-outs within six to nine months tractual dues. earnings call last week. “This time,
not to hire
impact was felt by colleges in placement team
The latter could be replaced when and achieve 40% revenue coverage Bansal said Ericsson was looking at Ericsson on Wednesday launched its both B-school and engineer- since the stu- from campuses member at IIT-
the telco upgrades to 5G as the Indian within 24-30 months. exports of telecom equipment from innovative software toolkit and show- ing campuses. This has forced dents were antic- this year Kharagpur.
government rules do not permit cased 5G advanced use cases offer- them to chase a wider set of ipating a down- IIT-Delhi has
‘non-trusted’ sources for telecom SIGNAL STREET ing Massive Mimo, advanced RAN companies and, in some cases, turn in the indus- reached out to its
equipment. Huawei and ZTE are yet slicing, time-critical communica- inviting recruiters setting the try due to recession, there alumni, a person aware of the
to get this status, while Ericsson and ERICSSON has gear HUAWEI, ZTE could HUAWEI and ZTE VODA Idea raised tion and 5G core. Bansal said telcos salary standards lower. were more students who matter said, and students have
Finnish rival Nokia have got theirs. deployed in 8 circles
of Voda Idea, while
be replaced when Vi
upgrades to 5G as
are yet to get this ₹18,000 cr from
status, while Ericsson India’s largest FPO
were in discussions to take the The placement team mem- decided to pursue higher stud- approached professors and
Vodafone Idea recently raised Nokia in 9, Huawei in India does not permit and Finnish rival and another ₹2,075 enterprise use cases to market, but ber cited above said some ies instead of placements. Usu- department heads to help them
₹18,000 crore from India’s largest 7 and ZTE in 5 circles ‘non-trusted’ sources Nokia have got theirs cr from the promoter did not put a timeframe for these to companies which had hired ally, there are about 200 stu- get hired. The Office of Career
follow-on public offer till date and become mainstream among enter- before this recruitment season dents who pursue higher stud- Services (OCS), IIT-Delhi has
another ₹2,075 crore from pro- prises. “There are multiple levers to were returning with new pro- ies, this year around 300 also asked other departments
moter Aditya Birla Group. The loss- Ericsson has telecom gear deployed India where it currently has surplus having a live (5G enterprise) deploy- files. “The new session starts in students are doing that,” said a to inform the placement team
making telecom services provider is in eight circles of Vodafone Idea, while equipment. “Our factory that we run is ment. It’s the need for investment, an July and we have a month and placement team member at in case recruiters were con-
also in talks with banks and financial Nokia has gear in nine circles, Huawei in over-capacity in the last few months, interest (from enterprises) and we have a week to place the rest of the IIT-Kanpur. The member tacted directly for the unplaced
institutions to raise another ₹35,000 in seven and ZTE in five circles. but going forward, we’re looking at to identify what problem are we trying students. Every call from any highlighted that the college students.
crore through debt. Senior sector executives who did not exports and that’s still work in to solve. So those discussions are hap- company is getting looked into had about 2,000 students to pratishtha.bagai@hindu-
The telco has planned capex of want to be named said vendors were progress,” he said. “We will come back pening,” he said. and student interest is place and 100-150 are yet to

Climate combat in MBBS curriculum RBI’s dividend blitz smoothes ‘OYO may
FROM PAGE 1 600 million children globally journey to fiscal deficit target raise funds
them said.
“There are a lot of diseases
would be living in areas of
extremely high water stress.
The NCDC has also been FROM PAGE 1 platform X on Wednesday,
at $3-4 bn
emerging because of climate
change. But not all doctors are
working on vector-borne dis-
eases and zoonotic diseases, drag from liquidity operations
congratulating the central
bank for the record payout. valuation’
much aware of them and transmitted from animals to compared to the previous year “It’s important to note that
hence are not able to provide humans, that could be exacer- have probably led to such a this record amount was PTI
the right treatment,” the offi- bated by climate change. whopping dividend,” said declared AFTER increasing
cial said on the condition of “The impact of climate Upasna Bhardwaj, chief econ- the contingency risk buffer to New delhi
anonymity. “A basic course on change is clearly visible on vec- omist, Kotak Mahindra Bank. 6.5% from 6%. I would like to

climate action at the MBBS tor-borne diseases, and zoo- “Positively, this comes with compliment @DasShaktikanta ravel tech platform OYO
level will enable them in a notic diseases are also a rising the contingency risk buffer & the entire team at the RBI for is likely to raise equity
much better way” to treat such concern,” said a second official being kept at the higher end of their diligent & judicious man- funds from institutional
conditions, the official added. A basic course on climate action at the MBBS level will enable familiar with the matter, also the statutory requirement. We agement of this vital institu- investors at a valuation of $3-4
The Union health and fam- doctors to treat conditions like heat stroke. HT speaking on the condition of expect such a windfall to help Shaktikanta Das, the governor tion,” tweeted Mahindra. billion, its founder Ritesh
ily welfare ministry did not anonymity. “The decrease in fiscal deficit ease by 0.4% in of RBI. PTI A significant part of RBI’s Agarwal told employees on
reply to emailed queries. working on an action plan to ronmental hazard. forest areas will lead to a rise in FY25,” Bhardwaj added. surplus comes from its opera- Wednesday, according to peo-
The National Centre for combat the effects of climate The World Health Organi- zoonotic diseases, and there is The increased dividend by FPIs (foreign portfolio tions in financial markets, when ple aware of the matter.
Disease Control (NCDC) change on people’s health at zation has predicted an addi- a high probability that new from RBI will offset the gov- investors) due to inclusion in it intervenes to buy or sell for- The firm, backed by Soft-
recently issued guidelines on the state level. Most states and tional 250,000 climate-re- viruses will emerge.” ernment’s lower-than-ex- the global bond index will fur- eign exchange. It also earns bank, had its maiden net prof-
how to treat patients suffering Union territories, in collabo- lated deaths worldwide every Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan, a pected revenue from divest- ther lend support,” said econ- income from government itable year in 2023-24 when it
from heat strokes. ration with the year from 2030 to public health expert, said it ment and other proceeds. It is omists at Bank of Baroda in a securities it holds and as returns posted a profit after tax (PAT)
The NCDC and the National NCDC, have sent Many doctors in 2050 through was important for doctors to also expected to help the gov- note. FPIs refer to foreign from its foreign currency assets of ₹99.6 crore ($12 mil-
Programme on Climate drafts of their India are still not m a l n u t r i t i o n , go beyond common health ernment cut back on its gross portfolio investors. that are investments in the lion).The company registered
Change and Human Health action plans to knowledgeable malaria, diar- complications such as diabetes borrowing estimate of ₹14.13 According to Icra’s Nayar, bonds of foreign central banks a profit after tax (PAT) of ₹100
have also prepared guidelines the Union health enough to treat rhoea and heat and heart diseases and also trillion in 2024-25, helping increasing the funds available or top-rated securities. crore in the March quarter, the
for hospitals on deaths that can ministry for s t r e s s , focus on diseases caused by lower borrowing costs. for capex would boost the Other sources of income for people said.
health hazards
be labelled as heat-related or approval. with women, climate change. The benchmark 10-year quality of fiscal deficit, but RBI include deposits with It also reported an adjusted
because of heatstroke, as part These plans arising out of children and peo- “Climate change is real. bond yield dropped five basis additional spending may be other central banks or the Ebitda of ₹888 crore ($107 mil-
of introducing evidence-based include a set of climate change ple with disabili- Animals are entering human points to 6.99% after the difficult to incur within the Bank for International Settle- lion) for the full fiscal year, up
medical decision-making. guidelines to ties particularly at habitats, which was not hap- announcement, its lowest eight-odd months left in the ment (BIS). Additionally, it also from ₹274 crore ($33 million)
“Identifying a patient suc- handle the risk. pening earlier. Zoonotic dis- level in nearly a year. fiscal year after the final bud- earns from lending to banks in 2022-23, the people said,
cumbing due to heatstroke is impact of climate change on Unicef has estimated that eases like covid, ebola, mon- “Overall, this is likely to get is presented. for very short tenures and citing a presentation shared in
not easy; it can only be done by people’s health over the next about 25% of the children in keypox are some examples of have a positive impact on gov- Industrialist Anand Mahin- management commission on the townhall. Oravel Stays Ltd,
experts,” said the official five years. Each plan has four India experience high or how climate change has been ernment yields. We expect 10Y dra, chairperson of Mahindra handling the borrowings of the operator of the travel-tech
quoted earlier. main chapters—vulnerability, extremely high water vulnera- threatening public health,” yield to go below 7% in the & Mahindra and RBI board state governments and the company OYO, will refile its
The government is also demography, illness and envi- bility, and that by 2040 almost said Dr. Jayadevan. coming months. Frontloading member, tweeted on social central government. initial public offering (IPO)
documents with the Securities
and Exchange Board of India
(Sebi) after the refinancing of

Automakers fume over new Europe-like carbon emission goals its $450 million Term Loan B
(TLB) at a lower interest rate,
PTI reported last week.
“OYO has also been
FROM PAGE 1 negatively,” another person behind CAFE norms for the CAFE-IV proposed standards, report, published on 2 May, approached by friendly inves-
cited above said, declining to future, he said the way M&M we, along with the industry estimates India will see 15% tors and may do a small equity
rently, and it is reasonable to be identified as the talks are understands the norms, “the body SIAM, are actively partici- electrification in EVs by 2030. round at a $3-4 billion valua-
believe such standards cannot private. “It’ll be challenging to mindset right now is to create pating in discussions with the The BEE is holding consul- tion, or at $38-45 per share to
come to pass as it is.” meet such a target, so I don't CAFE norms, which encourage relevant authorities. Hyundai tations to formulate CAFE-III further reduce its debt,” Agar-
CAFE norms relate to car- believe the government will go companies to have a very high Motor India is dedicated to pro- and -IV norms to set targets for wal told employees in the
bon emissions from the full for such strict standards.” portfolio of electric cars. It is viding customers with prod- fuel consumption and CO2 townhall. In 2023-24, OYO
fleet of a company, including Mint has learnt that some being designed in a way that lit- ucts that comply with all gov- emissions. CAFE III and CAFE added about 5,000 hotels and
vehicles with conventional sections of the auto industry erally discourage non-electric ernment regulations." IV norms will kick in from 6,000 homes globally.
and clean-fuel engines. So, a have also sought a carbon trad- (cars). The direction of the con- Queries sent to BEE, Maruti 2027 and 2030, respectively. Gross booking value (GBV)
higher number of EVs, ing mechanism, which will versation right now is to move Suzuki and Tata Motors Currently, the threshold for per storefront per month for
hybrids, small ICE vehicles enable OEMs to buy and sell OEMs, and push them to have remained unanswered till CO2 emissions under the pre- hotels stood at ₹3.32 lakh
(which emit less carbon), or carbon credits, but the pro- EVs because that’s the only way press time. vailing CAFE-II norms is 113 ($4,000). The travel tech plat-
those with more fuel-efficient posal isn’t actively being con- CAFE norms relate to carbon emissions from a firm’s full fleet, to meet the CAFE norms”. The European Union aims gm per km. By 2027, the BEE form’s gross margins
fossil engines such as CNG, in sidered yet. In Europe, OEMs including conventional and clean-fuel vehicles. ISTOCKPHOT “At Hyundai Motor India, we to completely phase out sales has proposed to shrink it close improved in 2023-24, reach-
a company’s fleet of cars sold that exceed their CO2 emis- fully support government initi- of fossil fuel-run passenger to 94 gm/km, the people cited ing ₹2,508 crore ($302 mil-
would reduce its carbon emis- sions targets for vehicles can automotive and farm business happen with the portfolio of atives that promote sustainable vehicles by 2035. India does above said. Significantly, eight lion) up from ₹2,350 crore
sions under CAFE-III. purchase carbon credits or at Mahindra & Mahindra, told electric cars that we have in and environmentally friendly not have such a deadline yet— out of 18 OEMs reportedly did ($283 million) in 2022-23.
“The bigger play is to reduce allowances from other OEMs analysts post its March quarter FY25 as well.” On the upcoming transportation,” said Puneet the government has set a 30% not meet CAFE-II norms in Operating costs also improved,
oil imports, but such hastened to offset their excess emissions. earnings call that the company CAFE-III norms, he said they Anand, the company’s AVP and electrification target by 2030, 2023, which could cumula- decreasing from 19% of GBV in
electrification will come at a Rajesh Jejurikar, executive has met its CAFE-II targets in are “still under discussion”. vertical head (corporate affairs). but various industry estimates tively attract upwards of 2022-23 to 14% of GBV in
cost, which will affect demand director and chief executive, 2023-24. “We expect that to On the thought process “Regarding the CAFE-III and are much lower. A BNP Paribas ₹1,000 crore in penalty. 2023-24, the people said.
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SpiceJet to seek
₹450 crore refund
Co. has paid Kalanithi Maran, KAL Airways ₹730 crore
Krishna Yadav

udget airline Spice-
Jet will seek a
refund of ₹450
crore from its
former promoter
Kalanithi Maran, and his firm,
KAL Airways, the company
said on Wednesday.
This follows a Delhi High
Court order on 17 May that
overturned an earlier judg-
ment upholding an arbitral
award in Maran's favour.
SpiceJet said it will seek the SpiceJet’s chairman and managing director Ajay Singh.
return of ₹450 crore out of the
₹730 crore it paid to KAL Air- and Ravinder Dudeja passed their annulment.
ways and Maran. This the order on a plea filed by The division bench found
includes ₹580 crore in princi- SpiceJet's chairman and man- that the single judge had
pal and ₹150 crore in interest. aging director (CMD), Ajay erred in dismissing the Sec-
“The Division Bench of the Singh, and the airline, chal- tion 34 petitions of Ajay Singh
Delhi High Court ruled on lenging a single-judge order and SpiceJet without due
May 17 in favour of SpiceJet from July 2023 that had consideration of claims of pat-
and its promoter, Ajay Singh, affirmed the arbitral award. ent illegality and admitted
in the long-standing share SpiceJet and Ajay Singh breaches by KAL Airways and
transfer case against former had challenged many por- Kalanithi Maran. The court
promoter Kalanithi Maran tions of the award, including noted that penal interest had
and his firm, KAL Airways,” the direction to refund ₹270 been charged despite Spice-
SpiceJet said in a statement. crores to KAL Airways and Jet not being in breach of the
“This ruling overturns a pre- Maran and the imposition of share purchase agreement.
vious decision by a single- 12% interest on warrants and These aspects were not ade-
judge bench, positioning Spi- 18% interest on the awarded quately considered by the sin-
ceJet to claim a substantial amount. They argued that gle judge, leading to the
refund based on legal advice.” these portions of the award allowance of the appeals by
Justices Yashwant Varma were unjustified and sought Ajay Singh and SpiceJet.

Office of the Executive Engineer (E)

RDSS Division, Electricity Department-II
New Delhi Municipal Council
Room No. 1804 “A”, 18th Floor, Palika Kendra,
New Delhi: 110001
Email ID:
e-procurement Tender Notice
Name of Work:- RFP for SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in NDMC
Tender Value: Rs. 1,14,45,17,000/-
Tender ID No.: 2024_NDMC_256928_1
Date of Release of tender through e-procurement solution: 17.05.2024
Pre-Bid Meeting (In the O/o CE(E-II), Palika Kendra, New Delhi): 03.06.2024 at
12:00 Hrs
Last date/time for receipt of tenders through e-procurement: 18.06.2024 at 15:00
Date/time for opening of Bid through e-procurement: 18.06.2024 at 16:00 Hrs
Further details can be seen at and
Note:- To participate in e-tender in NDMC registration with application services
provider NIC is mandatory. Executive Engineer (E) RDSS


CIN NO. L74899UP1995PLC043677
Regd. Office: Plot No. 1A, Sector – 16A, Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh
Corporate Office: 15 Floor, Tower E, Skymark One, Plot No. H-10/A, Sector-98, Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh
Contact No: +91-120-6927500, +91-120-6935400
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(Figures-INR in Million, Unless Otherwise Stated)
Sr. For the Quarter ended For the year ended For the Quarter ended For the year ended
st st
No. PARTICULARS 31 March 31 Dec 31st March 31st March 31st March st
31 March st
31 Dec 31st March 31st March 31st March
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Refer Note 3 Unaudited Refer Note 3 Audited Audited Refer Note 3 Unaudited Refer Note 3 Audited Audited
1 Total Income from Operations (net) 15,727.97 13,781.17 12,698.47 56,540.88 51,582.47 13,313.00 13,550.58 12,523.11 53,408.50 50,959.92
2 Net Profit for the period/ year (before Tax, Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items) 548.61 858.40 534.01 3,155.51 4,887.31 508.18 818.75 929.66 3,303.46 5,384.71
3 Net Profit for the period/year before Tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 2,250.26 858.40 534.01 4,857.16 4,887.31 388.18 818.75 729.66 3,183.46 4,918.32
4 Net Profit for the period/ year after Tax (after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items) 2,082.45 657.09 285.42 4,000.73 3,530.34 256.27 609.52 475.25 2,339.09 3,562.12
(Refer Note 3)
5 Total Comprehensive Income for the period/ year [comprising Profit for the period 1,468.10 440.96 (495.10) 3,225.47 1,839.35 (294.54) 355.19 (605.60) 1,873.69 1,518.88
after Tax and Other Comprehensive Income after Tax]
6 Equity Share Capital 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69 1,319.69
7 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as at Balance Sheet date 20,386.73 19,058.21 20,797.09 20,135.03
8 Earnings per share (after exceptional items) (of INR. 2/- each)
From continuing operations
a) Basic (in INR.) 3.15 1.00 0.43 6.06 5.35 0.39 0.92 0.72 3.54 5.40
b) Diluted (in INR.) 3.15 1.00 0.43 6.06 5.35 0.39 0.92 0.72 3.54 5.40
From continuing operations
a) Basic (in INR.) (0.01) (0.01)
b) Diluted (in INR.) (0.01) (0.01)
1 These financial results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles as laid 5 During the financial year ended March 31, 2024, Jubilant Foodworks Netherlands B.V. ("JFN"), wholly owned subsidiary
down in the Indian Accounting Standards (referred to as "Ind AS") prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies of the Parent Company has acquired further stake in DP Eurasia N.V. (DPEU) for an aggregate consideration of INR
Act, 2013 read with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as amended from time to time, to the extent 7,702.69 million and JFN holds 94.33% in DPEU as on March 31, 2024. Pursuant to the aforesaid acquisition, DPEU has
applicable. The above consolidated and standalone financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and become subsidiary of JFN and accordingly the Group has accounted for its investment in accordance with IND AS 103
approved by the Board of Directors at their meetings held on May 22, 2024. The statutory auditor’s report on review “Business Combinations” and Ind AS 110 "Consolidated Financial Statements" w.e.f. February 1, 2024. Consequent to
of consolidated and standalone financial results for the quarter and audit of consolidated and standalone financial the same a gain of INR 1,701.65 million on remeasurement of previously held equity interest at acquisition date fair
results for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 is being filed with the BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of value has been disclosed under exceptional item in the financial results. Further, results of DPEU duly inflation adjusted
India Limited. in accordance with IAS 29 on“Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies”are consolidated in these results and
2 The Company's business activity falls within a single business segment i.e. Food and Beverages in terms of Ind AS 108 accordingly results of the quarter and year ended March 31, 2024 are not comparable with that of previous periods/
on Segment Reporting. year. Based on the Purchase Price Allocation carried out by the independent valuer, the purchase consideration has
3 The figures for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 and the corresponding quarter ended in the previous year, as been assigned as follows i) INR 9,718.10 million on identifiable intangibles (INR 5,761.30 million for master franchise
reported in these financial results, are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of the full financial agreement and INR 3,956.80 million for Coffy brand) and ii) INR 7,706.44 million is accounted for as goodwill.
year and the published year to date figures upto the end of third quarter of the relevant financial year. Also, the 6 The Board of Directors of the Company has recommended a dividend of INR 1.2 per Equity share of INR 2/- each fully
figures upto the end of the third quarter had only been reviewed and not subjected to audit. paid up for the financial year 2023-24, subject to approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
4 The Company has investment in its wholly owned subsidiary viz Jubilant FoodWorks Lanka (Private) Limited (JFLPL) 7 The above is an extract of detailed format of financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2024 filed with
having operations in Sri Lanka. During the quarter, the management has recorded an impairment charge of INR 120 the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
million (INR 466.39 million in previous year) which is shown under exceptional items. 2015. The full format of the financial results are available on the Stock Exchanges websites ( and and on Company's website (
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Date: May 22, 2024 DIN No. 00010484
08 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

Sun Pharma
posts higher Worst behind us, says Paytm
Q4 profit at
₹2,655 cr
CEO after losses widen in Q4
new DELHI Firm’s revenue also drops to ₹2,399 crore in March quarter from ₹2,465 crore a year earlier

un Pharmaceutical
Industries Ltd on Priyamvada C. Bank, State Bank of India and Yes Bank The Falguni Nayar-led firm was buoyed by robust growth in the
Wednesday reported a for this. beauty and personal care segment. MINT
consolidated net profit of BENGALURU Paytm is also in the midst of a
₹2,654.58 crore in the fourth restructuring and has seen several top-
Nykaa net profit up
quarter ended on 31 March aytm founder and chief exec- level exits and layoffs in recent months.
2024. utive Vijay Shekhar Sharma “There is an opportunity for us to cre-
The company had posted a
consolidated net profit of
₹1,984.47 crore in the fourth
on Wednesday said that the
worst is over for the company
on a day One97 Communica-
ate a much leaner organisation in line
with some of the revenue and profita-
bility impact that we have had... We’re
300% in Q4 even
quarter of the previous fiscal, tions, its parent firm, reported a lower very conscious about the fact that we
Sun Pharma said in a regula-
tory filing.
Consolidated total revenue
quarterly revenue and a larger loss.
“We learned a lot of our lessons to
become better and resilient. We also
need to relook at every cost… our larg-
est indirect cost is of course people,”
Deora said.
as expenses surge
from operations in the fourth resolved to be fully compliant accord- The company expects further reduc- Sowmya Ramasubramanian FY24, indicating its ability to
quarter was at ₹11,982.9 crore ing to the regulators’ expectations in tions in other employee costs and capitalize on modest con-
in the quarter under review. It letter and spirit,” Sharma told share- anticipates annualised people cost sav- BENGALURU sumption patterns throughout
was at ₹10,930.67 crore in the holders in an earnings call. ings of ₹400-500 crore. Deora the financial year.

same quarter a year ago, it Earlier this year, the Reserve Bank of explained that this “takes a little bit of osmetics and fashion In line with its expansion
added. India (RBI) directed Paytm Payments time to come through fully in the finan- retailer Nykaa has strategy, the FSN E-Com-
Sun Pharma’s India formu- Bank Ltd (PPBL) to halt new credit and cial numbers”, which is why the com- reported a significant merce board also approved the
lation sales were at ₹3,707.8 deposit operations, top-ups and fund pany has not yet seen all of these gains surge in profits for the quarter acquisition of Nykaa Fashion’s
crore while US formulation transfers, among other banking activi- in Q1. Paytm expects to see the full ended March, buoyed by western wear and accessories
sales were at $476 million ties. The action followed a comprehen- Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma. MINT financial impact of the disruptions in robust growth in its beauty business during the quarter
(around ₹3,964 crore) in the sive review by external auditors, which Q4 in the current quarter. It has fore- and personal care (BPC) seg- through a slump sale. This seg-
fourth quarter. uncovered consistent non-compliance tion and a temporary rental waiver to increase marketing spends in the sub- cast Q1 (April-June) revenue at ment. The company, operated ment reported a turnover of
The company said the and supervisory concerns at the bank. ring-fence certain cohorts of mer- sequent quarters to acquire new cus- ₹1,500-1,600 crore and is confident of by FSN E-Commerce, posted a ₹37.6 crore as of 31 March.
results for the quarter ended As a result of these sanctions, Febru- chants, the company said in a state- tomers. “We do expect our marketing “seeing meaningful improvement net profit of ₹9.07 crore, up Additionally, Nykaa Fashion
31 December, and the quarter ary and March were “uncomfortably ment. cost to be higher in Q1 than in Q4 (of starting from Q2FY2025” from restart- around 300% compared to a was merged with Iluminar
and the year ended 31 March bad” and filled with lessons for “long- The active rate and per-device sub- FY24), which was abnormally low,” ing certain paused products and year ago period. Media’s LBB, a digital lifestyle
were not comparable with term sustainability and growth of the scription revenue were also hit. In Q4, Madhur Deora, group CFO, said in the achieving steady growth in operating Nykaa’s operating revenue platform acquired in August
other periods due to the company,” Sharma said. merchant subscription revenue was earnings call. metrics. Due to a pause on PPBL prod- also witnessed a significant 2022, to bolster content dis-
acquisition of a 60% share- The company’s revenue dropped to around ₹90 per device per month. The The company has started acquiring ucts like Paytm wallet and FASTag, the uptick, rising 28% year-on- covery and delivery capabili-
holding in Vivaldis Health ₹2,399 crore in Q4 from ₹2,465 company also expects annualised year (y-o-y) to reach ₹1,667.9 ties, according to a separate fil-
and Foods Pvt. Ltd, which was crore a year earlier. Losses widened SETBACKS TO COMPANY direct impact on Ebitda to be about crore. However, the growth ing with bourses.
completed during the quarter to ₹551 crore in a quarter, from ₹168 ₹500 crore. was accompanied by a surge in Falguni Nayar-led Nykaa
ended 30 June last year. crore a year earlier, largely due to EARLIER this year THE action followed FEB and Mar were THE company’s “Most of this impact will be in Q1 total expenses, amounting to reappointed two independent
Sun Pharma’s board has an impairment of ₹227 crore on the RBI directed Paytm
Payments Bank Ltd
an audit by external
auditors, which
bad” and filled
as these products were operational ₹1,655.4 crore during the directors—Pradeep Parames-
recommended a final divi- company’s investment in Paytm to halt new credit, uncovered with lessons, to ₹551 crore during most part of Q4FY24” the quarter. waran and Seshashayee Srid-
dend of ₹ 5 per equity share of Payments Bank Ltd, in which it deposit operations supervisory concerns Sharma said during the quarter company said in the statement. According to Nykaa’s dis- hara—for another three years
₹1 each subject to approval by holds 49%. Temporary disruptions in oper- closure to the stock exchanges, starting 1 July. The firm
shareholders at the ensuing Paytm’s stock gained nearly 5% ating metrics (monthly transacting its profit after tax for FY24 appointed Santosh Desai, the
annual general meeting, the to close at ₹369 on the BSE on Wednes- company expects it to bottom out new merchants and is also focusing on users, merchant base, payment gross stood at ₹39.74 crore, up from managing director and chief
company said. day. around ₹80 in Q1 FY25 before rising to reactivating inactive merchants, Deora merchandise value) during February ₹20.9 crore in FY23. The executive officer of Future-
This is in addition to the The company’s active point-of-sale about ₹100 by Q4 FY25. added. and March are also expected to have an beauty and personal care seg- brands India, as an independ-
interim dividend of₹ 8.5 per device base on the merchants’ side fell The company’s indirect expenses In March, Paytm received approval incremental Ebitda impact of ₹100-150 ment, accounting for the larg- ent director effective 15 July.
share paid in FY24, taking the by about a million due to higher attri- decreased 9% sequentially on account from the National Payments Council of crore in Q1FY25 and should start recov- est share of the company’s rev- The board also approved an
total dividend for FY24 to bution in these months and no new of lower employee costs and a tempo- India (NPCI) to operate as a third-party ering from Q2 as seen from the stabili- enues, was the primary driver, investment of ₹20 crore in
₹13.5 per share compared to additions from February. rary reduction in marketing costs as UPI app, allowing it to function like its zation of growth in consumer and mer- with gross merchandise value FSN International, a wholly
₹11.5 per share for FY23, it Subscription revenue was also onboarding of direct users was halted competitors Google Pay and PhonePe. chant base metrics from April/May, the (GMV) witnessing a 25% owned subsidiary of FSN
added. affected by lower new-merchant addi- in February. However, it expects to It has partnered with Axis Bank, HDFC company added. increase to ₹8,340 crore in E-Commerce.

Tata Consumer ‘Reduced flights are Hospitality sector sees muted growth
set to enter food impacting salaries’ Not so bright
Varuni Khosla
In Q4FY24, the hospitality sector saw muted growth in terms of
conversions of other hotels,
accounting for 12% of the inven-
new delhi tory signed during the quarter.
services industry PTI the room revenues
Conversions happen when the

T he hospitality sector in RevPAR growth* Total number of Total number of owner of a hotel decides to
(in %)
hotel signings rooms signed in
new delhi India experienced muted 100.8 these hotels make their hotel move from an
Suneera Tandon growth in the fourth quar- Q4
unbranded property to work
56 FY23

L ess than two weeks after ter of the financial year ended 31 Q4 FY22 3,739 with a brand or change their
new delhi the airline’s cabin crew March in terms of the room reve- 54 Q4 4,497 brand to another hotel manage-
Q4 FY23 FY22
called off their strike, a nues generated. ment company, let’s say, for

ata Consumer Products union of the Air India Express The sector, which has seen instance, the owner of a Taj
Ltd (TCPL) is set to enter has flagged concerns about interesting developments in 9,710 Hotels property decides to
90 Q4 FY24
the food services market flight delays and cancellations, growth momentum with new 11.4 Q4 FY24 move to working with ITC
by offering its range of salt, tea, saying that the reduced num- hotel signings in tier-II and Q4 Q4 Q4
Hotels to manage the hotel.
coffee and gravies to hotels and ber of departures is adversely tier-III cities, has not registered FY22 FY23 FY24 There were 36 hotel open-
restaurants, said a top execu- impacting the salaries of the a similar kind of growth on the *Revenue per available room Source: JLL Hotels and Hospitality Group
ings across India with about
tive at the company. cabin crew. Air India Express Employees operational side, where it has 2,316 rooms, of which 75% of
“We are looking at setting up The Air India Express Union has flagged concerns. seen some slowdown. the total keys were in tier-II and
our distribution system for Employees Union (Aixeu) also According to a report by JLL, year-on-year because the Omi- tions, right from January when III cities including Jaipur,
HORECA, i.e. hotel, restau- Sunil D’Souza, TCPL’s MD and claimed that more than 100 labour commissioner (Central) a real estate and hospitality cron wave of the covid-19 pan- the wedding season began. Indore, Surat and Ayodhya.
rants and cafes,” Sunil D’Souza, CEO. cabin crew are sitting idle in the national capital. consultancy, the RevPAR (rev- demic had shut down operations The occupancy levels in key The rates of increase in aver-
TCPL’s managing director without flying duties for the The strike, to protest against enue per available room) met- of many businesses in the early business markets were also age daily rates (ADR) and Rev-
(MD) and chief executive offi- arate distribution arm that last two months due to the alleged mismanagement at the ric, which hoteliers utilize to months of 2022. strong, averaging around 70%. PAR were higher in the last
cer (CEO), said. “Everyone uses caters to hotels and restaurants, non-availability of airport airline, had resulted in signifi- gauge room yield based on The fourth quarter of FY24 In the same quarter, 90 quarter of 2023 and 2024 over
water, spices, pulses, tea, cof- supplying them with products entry passes. cant flight disruptions. occupancy rates, has grown by saw a sequential RevPAR branded hotel signings com- 2022, indicating a post-pan-
fee; now, I’ve got sauces and such as salt, water, sauces and The union represents a sec- In a letter to the commis- 11.4% year-on-year (y-o-y) dur- growth of 5.5%. This is because prising 9,710 rooms were regis- demic recovery.
dips. It’s a separate distribution tea, among other products, in tion of the airline’s cabin crew. sioner on Tuesday, the union ing the last quarter of FY24. the October-December period tered. Hotel signings entail In FY24, Goa stood out with
channel. There are distributors its portfolio of packaged foods. On 9 May, the cabin crew claimed that the cabin crew The report said that the Rev- typically sees a fall in hotel stays owners of individual hotels ask- the highest ADR and maintained
who only address that, but now Currently, this is done through strike was called off after a data was lost during the transi- PAR numbers have stabilized in owing to the festive season. ing hotel management chains a lead over other cities. New Delhi
with Capital Foods coming in, third-party wholesalers. meeting of the representatives tion to a new software man- the Q4. The corresponding The Q4 also saw a robust to take over the day-to-day and Mumbai also showed high
we have the luxury of building “Companies (hotels, restau- of the union and the airline aged by the scheduling quarter in FY23 experienced a demand for hotel rooms in both operations of their properties. ADR values, indicating strong
out a strong channel only rants) are currently buying (our that was convened by the chief department. very large growth of 100.8% business and leisure destina- Also, 13 hotels signed were pricing power in these markets.
addressed to this. We’re still products) from wholesalers or
working out how it will operate. some unorganized distributor.
That is a channel opportunity Some of the big multinationals
which exists and we’ve not operating in this country do
addressed it yet.” have food service businesses,
Earlier this year, TCPL we don’t. This is an opportunity
Popular faces, TV franchises top OTT viewership charts
announced the acquisition of for us to build,” D’Souza said.
Capital Foods, the owner of the TCPL was formed after Tata Lata Jha RRR have also grabbed eye- ent will pull in the next set of films. “This highlights the abil-
Ching’s Secret Chemicals, a balls. Platform executives say a audiences to OTT. ity of films and film star-led
packaged noodles D’Souza said the chemicals com- new delhi spike in viewership is guaran- To be sure, media-industry properties being able to break
and condiments firm is looking to pany selling salt teed with such mainstream experts emphasize that growth through the clutter. However,

brand; the Smith set up a separate and pulses, was he roaring success of content. Also, with awareness in paid OTT subscriptions will six of the top 10 properties on
& Jones brands; distribution arm merged with Tata popular TV franchises levels high, entertainment now need to come from smaller Appeal, which is the intention
and Organic India, Global Beverages and family dramas breaks properties are able to break Indian towns and content that to watch the property on OTT,
that caters to
a company that in 2019. TCPL the myth that explicit, dark through the clutter. speaks to the masses will be are also theatrical films. 75% of
sells organic teas hotels and now sells a wide content tends to do better on “While star-studded titles required to help SVoD (subscrip-
and health foods. restaurants range of packaged streaming platforms, given that often grab attention, they don't bridge the gap Experts tion video-on-de-
T hi s , said food products they are a personalized always guarantee success. Ulti- between rising emphasize that mand) audiences
D’Souza, allows across pantry sta- medium. mately, it’s the quality of story- content costs and growth in paid are also theatre
the company to expand its dis- ples and snacks. Increasingly, many top-per- telling and content that matter the slowing user OTT subscriptions goers, which
tribution channels beyond The company is also working forming titles across OTT plat- most. While mainstream shows acquisition rate.
will now need to explains their
general and modern trade towards selling more products forms tend to be mainstream with familiar faces tend to draw Keerat Grewal, propensity
stores, and take its wide range in pharmacies. “...we never had shows and films, some of them larger crowds, it's crucial for the head, business come from towards theatrical
of products to the business-to- the heft or the scale to build a spin-offs of established fran- content to resonate with the The latest Kapil Sharma Show on Netflix has been topping the development smaller towns content,” Grewal
business market. For instance, dedicated go-to-market. So, chises and featuring popular audience to retain their inter- weekly viewership charts X@FINFLOWW (streaming, TV explained.
Ching’s Secret gives the com- like Tata GoFit, Soulfull, Tet- faces, drawing in a large mass of est,” Gaurav Banerjee, head, and brands) at To be sure,
pany a large play in the gravies ley—these do sell in the pharma viewers. The latest Kapil content, Disney+ Hotstar and attract a wide audience, Baner- OTT platform. Hence, bigger media consulting firm Ormax, platforms are also exploring
and condiments segment. It channel. But now, with the Sharma Show on Netflix has HSM (Hindi-speaking market) jee said the platform has also streaming companies will con- said that based on Ormax strategies like restricting pass-
also owns Tata SmartFoodz Ltd Organic India infusions and, been topping the weekly view- entertainment network, Dis- seen success with titles like 12th tinue to experiment with, and Stream Track, which is the word sharing and increasing
that operates in the ready-to- more importantly, the supple- ership charts, as did Koffee With ney Star said. Fail and Manjummel Boys, with invest into building original company’s awareness and subscription fees to ensure
eat segment, selling pasta, noo- ments coming in, we will focus Karan on Disney+ Hotstar ear- While Koffee with Karan lev- the former becoming the most- content, said Rajni Daswani, appeal tracker for properties financial stability, Shrenik
dles, biryani and combo meals. on building a full go-to-market lier. Both are new versions of erages its years of TV legacy watched film on the service in director, digital marketing, launching on OTT properties, Gandhi, co-founder and CEO,
D’Souza said the company is to address the pharma oppor- TV shows. Further, theatrical and star power—Karan Johar is 2023. Exclusive content is the SoCheers, adding that invest- seven of the top 10 properties White Rivers Media, a digital
contemplating setting up a sep- tunity in India,” D’Souza said. hits such as Jawan, Animal and a famous film director—to primary differentiator for any ment in bigger names and tal- on Buzz this year are theatrical marketing agency, said.

24th May,


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10 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

China’s $10,000 EV is coming

for Europe’s carmakers
A competition investigation in Brussels isn’t likely to extinguish the threat posed by Chinese manufacturers
Businesses are looking to methods like RAGs for up-to-date and
specific knowledge that makes them useful for the firm. BLOOMBERG
Bloomberg Model Y. Incumbent European carmakers
are considering unorthodox steps to From RAGs to vectors:
heap electric vehicles counter the challenge, including new
(EVS) from China are
already pushing into
Europe, undercutting
alliances. Renault is openly shopping
around for partners to cut costs on a
small-car platform, while Stellantis
How businesses are
one of the region’s big- will start sales in September of cars
gest industries. BYD Co., which over-
took Tesla Inc. last year to become the
biggest global EV maker, is about to
made through its joint venture with
China’s Zhejiang Leapmotor Tech-
nologies Ltd.
customizing AI models
raise the stakes. “We have no intention to let this Belle Lin PDFs, spreadsheets and data-
The Chinese manufacturer last price band open for our Chinese bases, images and audio files.
month announced plans to introduce competitors,” Stellantis Chief Execu- For instance, developers at

its Seagull hatchback in Europe tive Officer Carlos Tavares said arge language models, Workday used RAG to link the
next year, which offers premium last week about the upcoming Euro- which are the AI algo- cloud software provider’s cor-
features like cruise control and pean Seagull, dismissing calls for tar- rithms that power chat- porate employee guidelines
wireless phone charging but sells iffs. “We don’t think that protection- bots like ChatGPT, are power- with an underlying AI model.
for less than $10,000 in China. ism will give us a long-term way out of ful because they are trained on When employees ask the AI a
Even after tariffs and modifications to this competition.” enormous amounts of publicly question like, “What’s our
meet European standards, BYD exec- Tavares has long emphasized act- available data from the inter- expense policy when I travel to
utives have pledged to sell the Seagull ing swiftly to counter the growing net. While they are capable of New York City?”, the system
for less than €20,000 ($21,500) on competition. The deal with Leapmo- summarizing, creating, pre- will return an answer with a list
the continent. tor, forged in October, allows the Jeep dicting, translating and syn- of its sources and suggestions
That would price the four-seater and Peugeot owner to benefit from thesizing text and other con- for further research, said Jim
thousands below electric runabouts China’s cost advantages and tent, they can only do so on the Stratton, the company’s chief
that Stellantis NV, Renault SA and advanced EV technology, which the data they have been trained technology officer.
others are counting on to help them BYD plans for two plants in China to blunt the effects of any European Union tariffs meant to slow its path. BLOOMBERG US and EU have say has been propped on, at a specific point in time. Fine-tuning: A method of
bridge the energy transition. Its up by unfair government aid. While That’s why businesses are customizing a large language
arrival is ratcheting up pressure on to slow its path. While President Joe Biden has cles and e-mobility supply chains at the overall share of Chinese brands in looking to methods like model with private or com-
Europe’s automakers for dominance The model is already doing well moved to almost quadruple US duties lobby group Transport & Environ- Europe’s electric market was around retrieval-augmented genera- pany data, so that it becomes
in the post-combustion-engine era. A outside its Asian home base. In Mex- on Chinese EVs, essentially slamming ment. “What matters on top of cli- 7% last year, Transport & Environ- tion, or RAG, and fine-tuning better at specific tasks like
competition investigation in Brussels ico, where the car is dubbed the Dol- the door on near-term imports, tariffs mate targets, which are critical, is ment projects they could reach 11% to bridge the gap between the analyzing legal contracts and
isn’t likely to extinguish the threat. phin Mini, drivers have been flocking are more complicated for Europe. actually to have local jobs and for this year and 20% in 2027. general knowledge these writing marketing documents.
“We are looking very closely at this to buy the 358,800-peso ($19,780) car That’s because the region’s carmak- decarbonization not to result in Judging by the reviews, incumbent LLMs have and the up-to-date An LLM can also be fine-tuned
model and others coming from Chi- since its introduction in February, ers are more dependent on the Chi- de-industrialization.” automakers in Europe and the US are and specific knowledge that for industries like healthcare
nese EV makers,” said Martin Sander, despite a charging infrastructure nese market than their US counter- Founded in 1995, BYD started by right to take the Seagull seriously. makes them useful for enter- and finance, which have
head of Ford Motor Co.’s European that’s still in its infancy. parts, making them vulnerable to making batteries before expanding Caresoft Global, a Michigan engi- prises. Here’s what to know specialized terminology and
EV business. “Of course, we are nerv- Mexico “is not great for us, but in retaliatory measures from Beijing. into automobiles in 2003. It started neering firm that tears down vehicles about these techniques, and strict requirements around
ous when new competition is coming the end we found a lot of demand, a And Europe’s plan to phase out sales passenger car sales in Europe three to evaluate quality and manufactur- how they work: data handling.
to the market.” lot of heat for this,” BYD Executive of combustion-engine cars will years ago with splashy displays at ing techniques, pored over the Sea- Vector database: A database Fine-tuning involves train-
The Seagull has won plaudits for Vice President Stella Li said at an require cheaper cars to boost mass- both the Paris and Munich car shows. gull to assess money-saving details in designed to store a massive ing a general, pretrained AI
the build quality, design and technol- event last week in the capital, unveil- market adoption. Shares of BYD have advanced 9.6% its construction. amount of data as “vectors,” model like OpenAI’s GPT-3.5,
ogy BYD has packed in for the price. ing a plug-in hybrid pickup for the The EU has launched a probe of this year, after losing 23% in 2023. For “Everyone in the industry should be which are numerical represen- on data related to the task. For
It’s no one-off: the company plans to Mexican market. China’s EV industry and is nearing a now it’s the former British brand MG talking about this car, seriously, tations of the task of
introduce a higher-end €25,000 EV BYD is in the vanguard of Chinese decision on raising barriers, but Motor that’s leading the charge, after because it’s quite a vehicle,” Caresoft the raw drafting
even before the city car, European carmakers that are increasingly target- industry executives and experts have spending years to rebuild its dealer President Terry Woychowski said in a d a t a . marketing
managing director Michael Shu said ing exports after seizing control of pushed back. network and customer base since its video posted on InsideEVs. “It changes Depending d o c u -
at an industry event in London this their home market. Tesla CEO Elon “Tariffs should not be used to 2007 acquisition by Shanghai Auto- the definition of cheap and cheery, on the amount and type of ments, that data might include
month. BYD’s plans for two plants in Musk warned in January they’ll “pretty shield our lead manufacturers from motive Industry Corp. It now has the which basically said, ‘Oh, sell some- data—from images and text to information about a com-
the region will help it blunt the effects much demolish” most other carmak- meaningful competition,” said Julia UK’s second-best selling EV with the thing that’s just really cheap.’ This tables—each vector can contain pany’s products, its competi-
of any European Union tariffs meant ers if trade barriers aren’t erected. Poliscanova, senior director for vehi- Chinese-made MG4, behind Tesla’s doesn’t come across that way at all.” tens to thousands of dimen- tive positioning and brand
sions grouped by similarity. voice.
This format, which differs Fine-tuning is generally
from a traditional database more costly and time-consum-

Nvidia is the final hurdle for mega tech’s earnings victory lap with columns and rows, allows
AI models to quickly search for
contextually similar vectors
ing than RAG because it
requires computing power
and advanced AI expertise to
and identify the context of a change the underlying model.
Bloomberg So, Nvidia arrives with the had slumped as much as 14% a high stakes event for the user’s question. Traditional Roughly 80% of enterprises expectation that it will confirm this year, is close to turning entire market. databases require specific are using RAG, compared with
the enthusiasm — and poten- positive for the year after its Nvidia shares tumbled 10% text-matching searches, 20% using fine-tuning,

surprisingly strong tially offer a glimpse into the strong results. on 19 April, their worst day whereas vector databases can according to market research
earnings season for big future for stocks. The com- “The market has gotten a since March 2020, as investors search for similarities in the and consulting firm Gartner.
tech reaches its grand pany’s shares have been on a lot of what it’s wanted this seemed to grow skeptical of the data based on a user’s query— Prompt engineering: The
finale Wednesday afternoon rocket ride since its blow-out earnings season,” said Phil AI boom. But subsequent finding instances of “coffee” process of asking questions
when Nvidia Corp., the artifi- fiscal fourth-quarter results Blancato, chief executive offi- earnings reports from Alpha- that likely relate to “beverage,” and giving instructions to a
cial intelligence (AI) chipmak- and outlook a year ago, soaring cer of Ladenburg Asset Man- bet,, Microsoft for example. large language model so it
ing giant, reports its results and 212% and adding roughly $1.5 agement and chief market and Facebook-parent Meta Retrieval-augmented gen- responds with more accurate,
gives a much anticipated out- trillion in market value in the strategist at its parent Osaic Platforms Inc. showed how eration (RAG): A method used specific and relevant outputs.
look that could set the tone for past 12 months. With a market Holdings Inc. “Nvidia is sort of much companies are planning by developers to connect large Prompt engineering has
the second half of the year. capitalization of $2.3 trillion, icing on the cake.” to spend on computing language models with external emerged over the past year as
Investors were nervous Nvidia’s weighting in the S&P After four-consecutive quar- infrastructure. That helped data sources, such as a busi- an essential new skill for
as technology companies 500 is more than 5%, up from ters of Nvidia earnings that propel the stock to a record ness’s private information, so employees, so that they can
started reporting, with ques- 2.2% a year ago. Nvidia added $1.5 trillion in market value in the past 12 months. AFP have blown past Wall Street close on Tuesday. that it can provide more per- generate better text summa-
tions about whether the AI “It is the leader, and if the estimates, investors have come “The demand is still out- sonalized, accurate and rele- ries, data analyses and email
boom had run too far and if the demand remains strong in stocks in the semiconductor Alphabet Inc. and to expect a repeat performance. stripping the supply,” said Mike vant responses. The term orig- drafts from AI chatbots and
group could meet the lofty Nvidia then you know that space, but it could dictate the Inc. showed that demand for AI What’s less certain is how the Sansoterra, chief investment inated from a 2020 paper by other applications. It is also
expectations set for it. A month means demand is going to be market.” services is helping to fuel reve- shares will respond. The officer at Silvant Capital Man- Meta Platforms AI researchers. used as a way to provide gen-
later, most of those concerns strong across the board,” said An index that tracks seven of nue growth. Alphabet has ral- stock has gained 0.1%, lost 2.5% agement. “You can always have The RAG technique enables eral large language models
have been put to rest with the Jay Woods, chief global strate- the biggest US technology lied 14% since beating first- and jumped 16% following the an overreaction to the upside an AI model to reference any with specific company infor-
S&P 500 Index sitting at an all- gist at Freedom Capital Mar- stocks is at a record high after quarter sales estimates and ini- company’s last three reports. and downside in the short data stored in a vector data- mation, so that it provides
time high on the back of strong kets. “That will dictate not only earnings from the likes of Mic- tiating a dividend last month. With an implied day-after- term, but fundamentals for the base, which can include a com- more tailored responses.
corporate profits. the next leg in the AI-deemed rosoft Corp., Google-parent And Apple Inc., whose shares earnings move of about 8%, it’s business have not changed.” pany’s emails, documents and ©2024 DOW JONES & CO. INC.

Risky bonds join the everything rally

Vicky Ge Huang and Carl Icahn’s Icahn Enter- ers to invest, and there are few said Brian Schell, chief finan- conditions.” among the most at-risk sec- prises in recent weeks. Collec- concerns about a declining cial officer of SS&C Technolo- There are signs of stress tors, she said.
tively, low-rated businesses economy.” gies. The company primarily lurking. The default rate has “We are in this benign envi-

f the U.S. economy is headed issued $131 billion of specula- Bonds of all kinds are used debt to finance mergers ticked up to 5.8% of junk bond ronment where everyone
for trouble, no one told the tive-grade debt this year rebounding after three and acquisitions in the past. issuers over the 12 months wants to earn a little bit extra
junk-bond market. through mid-May, according straight months of hotter- Heading into the year, through March, its highest yield and take a little more
The premium that investors to PitchBook LCD, up from than-expected inflation data Allied Universal, a provider of level in three years, according credit risk, but the credit risk is
demand to hold debt from about $71 billion during the rattled markets, denting inves- facility services and security, to a Moody’s Ratings analysis. ticking up,” said Kevin Loome,
sub-investment-grade compa- same period of 2023. tors’ hopes for interest-rate had about $1.9 billion of That figure includes bank- a high-yield portfolio manager
nies instead of relatively safe Investors and analysts cuts. Now, signs of cooling secured debt due ruptcies and out- at T. Rowe Price.
Treasurys has shrunk to near closely watch junk bonds price increases have rekindled in 2026. In Feb- Over the past few of-court debt Still, technical factors could
pandemic-era lows, a sign of because companies with bets that the Federal Reserve ruary, the com- years, more restructurings. keep spreads on high-yield
dwindling worries about an weaker could cut pany refinanced businesses The rise bonds relatively low. Over the
economic slowdown that credit rat- rates more $1 billion of that climbed into reflects ongoing past few years, more busi-
would cause a big jump in ings tend to than once debt, extending
investment-grade financial difficul- nesses climbed into invest-
defaults and bankruptcies. be hit by this year, Investors have added a net $3.7 billion into junk-bond funds so its maturity to ties at some pri- ment-grade territory, or
Low-rated debt has been economic problems first. according to CME Group data. far this year. ISTOCKPHOTO 2031. More territory, while vate-equity- returned there, while fewer
swept up in a broad market Strong demand there—along Many companies are taking recently, i t fewer fell into junk owned compa- fell into junk. That cuts into
rally fueled by signs of cooling with a recent surge in profits advantage of investors’ ing interest rates, the bonds bonds as less risky than the tapped the bond nies that had the supply available for inves-
inflation and hopes for inter- among S&P 500 companies— demand to refinance existing sold at a 6.5% yield, a percent- older bonds when they were markets again for struggled to refi- tors, analysts said.
est-rate cuts. Attracted by boosts hopes that the econ- debt. SS&C Technologies, age point more than the initial first issued. $500 million after seeing a nance debt at today’s higher “It’s more money chasing
yields around 8%, investors omy will cool enough for rates which provides software for yield on the company’s older SS&C Technologies’ refi- softer-than-expected jobs rates, said Julia Chursin, a sen- the same amount of paper out-
have added a net $3.7 billion to come down, without sliding the financial-services and bonds that were issued in nancing effort also included report and a persistent tight- ior analyst with Moody’s lever- standing, and that’s also been
into junk-bond funds so far into a recession. healthcare industries, recently 2019. Still, the premium, or a $3.9 billion loan, which was ening in spreads. aged-finance and private- very supportive of the market
this year, according to Refini- “Markets continue to buy in issued $750 million of bonds spread, to Treasurys was 1.91 larger than initially planned “It was an opportunistic credit team. valuations,” said Michael
tiv Lipper—the first inflows in that there will be a soft land- that will mature in 2032 to percentage points—or a per- because of stronger-than- trade for us,” said Lasse Glas- Telecommunications and Anderson, head of U.S. credit
that period since 2020. ing,” said Matt Brill, head of help pay back floating-rate centage point lower than the expected demand from sen, global chief communica- media businesses, which face strategy at Citigroup.
That demand has powered North America investment- debt that was coming due as initial spread on the bonds investors. tions and investor relations challenges including cord- Sam Goldfarb contributed to
bond sales from companies grade credit at Invesco. “The soon as April 2025. sold in 2019. That suggests “We caught an opening for officer for Allied Universal. cutting and the shift to this article
including Jack Dorsey’s Block all-in yields are enticing buy- Thanks to higher underly- investors viewed the new the timing for the refinancing,” “We took advantage of good streaming services, are ©2024 DOW JONES & CO. INC.

₹2.11 tn
THE AMOUNT the Reserve Bank of
₹39.74 cr
THE NET profit reported by Nykaa for
THE YEAR-on-year growth in the Indian
₹450 cr
THE REFUND SpiceJet will seek from its
$25 bn
THE PROJECTED size of India’s
IN India is transferring to the government FY24, up 90% from ₹20.9 crore in FY23, hospitality sector’s revenue per available former promoter Kalanithi Maran, and his diagnostics industry by FY28, up from
NUMBERS of India as dividends for FY24,
the highest so far
aided by growth in its beauty and
personal care segment
room (RevPAR) in the fourth quarter of
FY24, according to JLL, a consultancy
firm, KAL Airways, following a recent Delhi
high court order in its favour
$13 billion in FY23, according to a report
by Praxis Global Alliance


Govt fines LinkedIn FALSE ALARM Granules promoter

India and Nadella sells 3.09% stake

he corporate affairs ministry on rishna Prasad Chigurupati, one of the
Wednesday slapped fines on Microsoft- promoters of Granules India, on
owned LinkedIn India, Satya Nadella and Wednesday pared a 3.09% stake in the
eight other individuals for violation of the company for ₹304 crore through an open
significant beneficial owner norms under the market transaction. According to the block deal
companies law. Nadella is the chief of Microsoft, data available on the NSE, Chigurupati
which acquired the professional networking offloaded 7.5 million shares, amounting to a
platform LinkedIn in December 2016. 3.09% stake in Granules India.
In a 63-page order, the Registrar of The shares were disposed of at an average
Companies ((NCT of Delhi and Haryana) said price of ₹405.08 apiece, taking the deal size to
that LinkedIn India and the individuals violated ₹303.81 crore, as per the data on the National
the significant beneficial owner (SBO) norms Stock Exchange (NSE).
under the Companies Act, 2013. As per a regulatory filing on Wednesday,
“... Satya Nadella and Ryan Roslansky are the Granules India said, “the primary objectives of
SBOs in relation to the subject company and are the deal was to clear personal debt, to release the
liable to a penalty under section 90(10) of the existing pledge on his holding in the company,
Act, due to their failure to report as per section and creating a small personal liquidity.”
90(1). Ryan Roslansky was appointed as the Chigurupati further notified the company that
global CEO of LinkedIn Corporation on 1st June he has no plans to sell his shareholding in
2020 and started reporting to Satya Nadella,” Granules India Ltd in the foreseeable future. PTI
the RoC said in the order. PTI

Firefighters arrive at the ministry of home affairs office after an email threat about a bomb was received, at North Block in New Delhi on Wednesday. PTI

Tesla Inc. filed the lawsuit to prevent Tesla Power

Doctors alert about heatstroke The shareholders’ e-voting will start at 9 am on
Thursday and will end at 5 pm on 21 June. REUTERS
from using the “Tesla” trademark.

HC to hear Tesla

amid severe heatwave warning Vedanta seeks nod

to raise ₹8,500 cr
case on 28 May
ining billionaire Anil Agarwal-led

he Delhi High Court will hear Tesla Inc’s Vedanta Ltd has sought shareholders’
trademark infringement case against Ten cities nationwide have recorded the hottest temperatures in the past 24 hours nod to raise up to ₹8,500 crore through
Gurugram-based Tesla Power India Pvt issuance of securities.
Ltd next on 28 May. The case was initially slated “We hereby submit a copy of postal ballot
to be heard by justice Anish Dayal on Somrita Ghosh experienced temperatures between 45 and 47 pressure was low requiring ionotropic medication. notice...seeking approval of the members of the
Wednesday, but was deferred because of time degrees, Sirsa in Haryana recorded 47.8 degrees. He was given a final diagnosis of heatstroke with company in respect of...issuance of securities up
constraints. On 2 May, the court issued a notice New Delhi In Maharashtra, the temperature has similarly multiple organ dysfunctions. But, with aggressive to ₹8,500 crore,” the company said in a filing on
in response to Tesla Inc.’s plea and restrained lingered between 44 and 45 degrees Celsius during cooling and hydration, he responded well. the BSE. The e-voting for postal ballot will start

Tesla Power from publishing any n addition to growing worries about extreme the past 24 hours. It is anticipated that the highest While so far there has not been any major surge at 9 am on Thursday and will end at 5 pm on 21
advertisements featuring electric-vehicle heatwave conditions, there is also a major risk daily temperatures in these states would rise in the number of admissions or cases associated June, the filing said.
(EV) products with a trademark similar to to public health. Over the next five days, there beyond 47°C, pro- with severe heat The company’s board had earlier approved
Tesla’s. It also instructed Tesla Power to reply could be high to extremely high heatwaves in viding minimal res- conditions, medical raising funds via instruments like American
to the allegations. several regions of the nation, according to the pite to those endur- IMD has issued red alert for regions experts advise cer- depository receipts, global depository receipts
The American EV giant filed the lawsuit to India Meteorological Department (IMD). ing the extreme including west UP, Rajasthan, Punjab, tain precautions and foreign currency convertible bonds.
prevent Telsa Power from using the “Tesla” A red alert has been issued by the Met depart- summer heat.
trademark. It argued that Tesla Power’s use of ment for several regions, including west Uttar Pra- Recently, Fortis and Delhi, due to severe heatwave which will help avoid
any major health
Vedanta, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources
Ltd, is one of the world’s leading natural
the trademark in India was causing confusion desh, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Punjab, Delhi, Hary- Hospital Gurgaon expected over the next five days calamities. resources companies which is spread across
among consumers and potentially harming its ana, and portions of Gujarat, due to extreme heat- received a case of Other complica- countries like India, South Africa, Namibia,
business interests. It claimed Tesla Power not wave conditions expected in these areas over the severe heatstroke tions faced in heat- Liberia and UAE. PTI
only had a similar trademark but also next five days. where an 80-year-old man with body temperature waves are cardiovascular issues which is increased
advertised itself as an EV company in The private sector weather forecaster Skymet shooting up to 105 degrees, along with a state of strain on the heart, which can lead to heart attacks,
newspapers. It said consumers were mistakenly also indicated that this week's heatwave will only deep sleep from which he couldn’t wake up. Multi- high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular
buying Tesla Power batteries, assuming they
are associated with the US company, and
get worse. Ten cities nationwide have recorded the
hottest temperatures in the past 24 hours. While
ple tests, including MRI scans were done which issues, electrolyte imbalance which is caused due
came normal however he had low urine output, to excessive sweating and can lead to imbalances in
Mahindra Fin to sell
sending complaint to Tesla Inc. KRISHNA YADAV Pilani in Rajasthan, certain areas of UP, and Punjab kidney and liver enzymes were high, and his blood essential electrolytes, affecting muscle function.
insurance products

ahindra & Mahindra Financial
Disney to sell stake Services on Wednesday said it has
SRK hospitalized after heatstroke received corporate agency licence
in Tata Play from insurance regulator Irdai, which will
enable it to sell life and general insurance
Indian Premier League (IPL) match of his policies offered by various insurers.

alt Disney Co. has struck a deal to sell Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team at the The registration shall be valid from 21 May
its minority stake in a subscription Narendra Modi Stadium. 2024 to 20 May 2027, Mahindra Finance said
television broadcaster to Tata Group, “Actor Shah Rukh Khan was admitted in a regulatory filing.
people familiar with the matter said, allowing to K D Hospital after suffering from a heat The registration as ‘Corporate Agent
the US media giant to focus on the merger of its stroke,” Ahmedabad (Rural) (Composite)’ will enable the company to
Indian unit with billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s superintendent of police Om Prakash Jat undertake supplemental business activity
media arm. said. Security has been tightened around of soliciting and procuring insurance
The transaction values Tata Play Ltd at about the hospital, they said. Ahmedabad business in the areas of life, health and
$1 billion, the people said. Tata Group took full recorded a maximum temperature of general insurance—both group and
control of the TV platform after buying the 45.2°C on Tuesday. It rose to 45.9°C on individual, it said.
29.8% stake from Disney, said the people, who Wednesday. KKR entered their fourth Mercedes-Benz India is focused on strengthening The process would augment the company’s
asked not to be identified as the information is IPL final with a thumping eight-wicket the top-end vehicles segment. REUTERS existing sources of revenue and profits as it
private. The deal came as the India’s media Actor Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to K D win over Sunrisers Hyderabad in qualifier would deploy its common infrastructure of
landscape is going through a major shakeup.
Disney signed a binding agreement in late
hospital in Ahmedabad. AFP 1 here on Tuesday.
Videos shared by the official X account
‘See double-digit branch network and feet on street. PTI

B FY25 sales growth’

February to combine its India unit with Viacom ollywood superstar Shah Rukh of KKR showed Khan celebrating his
18 Media Pvt., creating an $8.5 billion Khan was admitted to a hospital in team’s triumph with a lap of honour, with
entertainment giant that will have 750 million Ahmedabad on Wednesday after his children Suhana Khan and AbRam
Power Grid Corp
viewers and dominate the sector in the world’s suffering from a heatstroke, police said. Khan accompanying him. ercedes-Benz India is eyeing double-digit
populous country. Tata Play was incorporated in
2001 as a joint venture between Tata Group and
He was admitted to multi-speciality K D
Hospital, they said. Khan was in
Khan also greeted fans and players at
the stadium. KKR will play the final in
sales growth this fiscal as demand remains
strong, especially for high-end models, a Q4 net profit dips
TFCF Corp., formerly known as Twenty-First Ahmedabad on Tuesday to attend an Chennai on Sunday. PTI senior company executive said on Wednesday.

Century Fox. BLOOMBERG The company, which on Wednesday tate-owned Power Grid Corp. on
introduced luxury models—Maybach GLS 600 Wednesday reported a nearly 4% dip in its
4MATIC SUV and AMG S 63 E Performance consolidated net profit to ₹4,166.33 crore
Edition 1 on Wednesday, had sold 18,123 units in the March 2024 quarter, mainly due to a
UK inflation shrinks to 2.3% in Apr, lowest level in nearly 3 yrs last fiscal. It was a growth of 10% over 16,497
units sold in 2022-23. “We expect double-digit
marginal decline in income.
The company reported a consolidated net
sales growth this fiscal as well. The demand for profit of ₹4,322.87 crore in the quarter ended on

nflation in the UK fell sharply to its lowest level in nearly three years in the company’s top-end vehicles (TEV) remains 31 March 2023, a BSE filing showed.
April on the back of big declines in domestic bills, official figures showed robust,” Mercedes-Benz India VP (Sales & Total income declined to ₹12,305.39 crore in
on Wednesday. Marketing) Lance Bennett told PTI. the quarter as compared to ₹12,557.44 crore in
The Office for National Statistics said inflation, as measured by the He said the company is focused on the same period a year ago.
consumer prices index, fell to 2.3% in the year to April, down from 3.2% in strengthening the TEV segment, which For fiscal 2023-24, the consolidated net profit
March. That is the lowest level since July 2021 when the global economy was accounted for 1 out of 4 Mercedes cars sold in rose to ₹15,573.16 crore from ₹15,419.74 crore a
still being held back by the coronavirus pandemic. The fall also takes inflation India during the first quarter of 2024. year ago. Total income in the fiscal rose to
nearer to the Bank of England’s target rate of 2% and is likely to pile pressure The TEV segment remains buoyant, fuelled by ₹46,913.12 crore as against ₹46,605.64 crore in
on its nine-member rate-setting panel to cut interest rates from the current demand and unwavering customer loyalty, the year-ago period.
16-year high of 5.25%. comprising 25 % of Mercedes-Benz sales in India, The board also recommended a final dividend
The next rate meeting is on 20 June and many economists think the bank Mercedes-Benz India managing director and CEO of ₹2.75 per share (i.e. 27.5% on the paid-up
will cut borrowing costs. However, others think that ongoing concerns on the Santosh Iyer said. equity share capital) for the financial year
panel over the scale of price rises in the crucial services sector and the pace of The new Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC is priced 2023-24 subject to the approval of the
wage increases, which raise the risks of an inflation rebound if interest rates at ₹3.35 crore while the AMG S 63 E Performance shareholders at the ensuing annual general
are cut too soon, make an August reduction more likely. AP Inflation still remains above Bank of England’s target rate of 2%. AFP is priced at ₹3.3 crore. PTI meeting of the company. PTI
12 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

Middle and senior managers at many firms have been struggling to cope with new-age attitudes towards work

Devina Sengupta

n a Tuesday afternoon in
New York last month, a WHAT
40-year-old senior execu-
tive was waiting for her Managers across the board,
28-year-old colleague to sectors, and the world have
join her on a video call to discuss the been walking on eggshells
launch of a website for their employer— around younger executives
one of the largest product firms in the in their 20s with less than a
world. She had already been waiting for decade of work experience.
25 minutes—they were both working
from home and she was worried. It would
have been unusual for the employee to AND
abscond from office, but home was a differ-
ent turf. “I logged out, and within a few Many young people joined their
minutes got a message from him apologis- jobs during the pandemic and its
ing for the delay. He had taken his dogs for lockdowns, which mitigated any
a walk and lost track of time.” bonding in offices with peers or
The senior recounted how the shock of seniors because of the work-
skipping the meeting to “take dogs for a from-home imperative.
walk” gave way to anger, which ebbed to
exasperation and finally acceptance. Los-
ing the young executive was not an option SO
since he was good at his work. And explain-
ing to him that deadlines are sacrosanct, Those at the start of their careers
even if that meant delaying a dog walk, have a different experience and
could lead to questions over work-life bal- perception of the workplace
ance and even a revolt. Besides, all dogs, compared to earlier generations
noble creatures that they are, deserve a and are less committed to
good walk, if not a good run. The trick is organizational goals.
to simply ensure that it does not clash
with work.
The senior executive, a millennial working hours of the law firm she was look-
(from the generation born between 1981- ing to join with seniors before her intern-
1996), is not the only one walking on egg- ship started. “Many in my batch find out the
shells around younger executives in their working hours and check if the policies are
20s with less than a decade of work experi- conducive to a work-life balance…if there
ence (the latter belong to Generation Z or is time for us to meet our friends and pur-
iGen, and were born between 1997 and sue our hobbies,” she told Mint.
2012). Managers across the board, across When reminded that for many a good
sectors, and across the world have been part of their initial career is spent in the
grappling with the same challenge. office, Nazia said that would not be some-
To be sure, generational differences thing she or her classmates would be keen
have always existed. For instance, in the on. “Money is important and some may
West, those who belonged to the Silent make that choice. But most of us already
Generation (born between 1928-1945) were know the kind of legal practice we want to
people who fought in or grew up during the get into and the hours that we will put into
Second World War. They were called tradi- the workplace,” she declared.
tionalists or conformists and were followed “It is an understanding within my age
by their polar opposites, the Baby Boomers group that two years is what you give a firm
(those born between 1946 and 1964). The because beyond that there is not much to
Boomers were the brash young rebels of offer. If you work in larger consumer firms
the 1960s and 70s who turned the that have role-change opportunities, then
Western world upside down with one must ask for that or leave,” said Gauri.
their counter-culture—flower power, She is willing to commute long hours to
free love, drug use and hippie com- work but insists that her employer, a mid-
munes. There probably will never be size manufacturing firm, offer her training
another generation quite like the Boom- courses in the latest skillsets. “I do not want
ers when it comes to being rebellious. But to be unemployed for lack of updated skills.
those same rebels, and those who came We also want to work in firms where there
after them, have been left confounded by is little hierarchy,” she said.
the attitudes and expectations of Gen Z.
(Note: The term Baby Boomer was FASHION FAUX PAS
coined after the spike in the global birth rate
after the Second World War, until 1964.
Generation X refers to people born between
W hile it has made progress, Axis Bank,
and many other firms, are continu-
ing to evolve in their understanding of new-
1965 and 1980. Neil Howe and William age attitude towards work. Attire, for
Strauss are credited with naming Millenni- instance, may be a simple matter but it has
als in their book Generations—The History often become a big bone of contention. In
of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069. Social banks, formal attire is mandatory and fresh
analyst and demographer Mark McCrindle graduates are trained in grooming since
came up with the term Generation Alpha, customers expect to see bank executives
after the first letter in the Greek alphabet, to dressed formally. It may be regarded as “old
indicate they were all born in the 21st cen- school” today but appearances inspire con-
tury, from 2010 to 2024.) fidence that their money is parked safely,
say senior bankers.
SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT Younger executives, however, prefer to be

T here has been a shift from “col-

lectivism to individualism as soci-
ety is going through major changes,” said TARUN KUMAR SAHU/MINT
casual about their attire. It is not unusual for
them to tell managers that the organization’s
sartorial rules are outdated, and this is a trend
Kavil Ramachandran, senior advisor at the seen even in smaller towns. “The definition of
Thomas Schmidheiny Centre for Family casual and formal has blurred to the extent
Enterprise in the Indian School of Business chief human resources officer at Yokohama this sector that was forced to deal with its Mukherji, who teaches Organizational A few years later, the US made its first that managers in our offices have been
(ISB), Hyderabad. “As an economy devel- Off-Highway Tires. But, he noted, Gen Z is mostly young workers taking to moon- Behavior & Human Resources Manage- manned moon landing (in 1969). nudged to give their teams grooming tips.
ops, business is no longer about survival and not afraid to question the efficiency of the lighting to earn some extra bucks. ment at Indian Institute of Management- The story has been cited in B-schools for And if that fails, ask some of them to go home,
children have been insulated from their fundamental policies of a company. “Young people report physical-health Bangalore. In his discussions with IIM-B decades as an example of how a company shave, change their clothes and return. This
parents’ struggles. Wealth is considered to The Japanese tyre maker learnt a lesson issues as an impediment to effectively per- students, Mukherji says many cite how needs to ensure that its goals remain the kind of policing was unthinkable in our
be inherited and one may not have to from the incident. It realized that the young forming work at higher rates than the gen- they can make more money by being social same across hierarchies. But the managers times,” said Vempati.
actively contribute to creating it,” said the workforce needed to know that the firm eral population, which includes people media influencers rather than work in a Mint spoke to opined that the younger set Another reason for the clash in approach
professor, whose clients include some of the was listening to them. It has since created a decades older than them. In fact, on every corporate. “Their success stories are differ- of employees today do not consider a com- is the need to know where employers stand
largest Indian business families. At the policy called ‘HR aapke dwaar’, which asks metric that interferes with effectively per- ent. Hence, N.R. Narayana Murthy (Infosys pany’s goals to be critical. on certain principles. For instance, leading
Mumbai office of Japanese tyremaker Yok- employees to talk about policies that need forming work, Gen Z reports more strug- co-founder) talking about long hours (a Did the signs crop up now? Apparently law firms are seeing junior employees ques-
ohama Off-Highway Tires, the entire team to ‘Start’, those that can ‘Continue’, and gles than the general population,” noted a 70-hour week) may not inspire them,” he not. Rajkamal Vempati, president and head tion how a client is selected.
meets every Tuesday at 9.30 am. Since most those that need to ‘Stop’. While changes in study released in October told Mint. of human resources, Axis Bank, says she “The younger generation thinks about
of the tyre manufacturing happens in India administrative issues like canteen, break 2022 by consulting firm “There are teams spotted them years ago. A 33-year-old rela- the views and actions of clients on issues
and the company’s customers are overseas, timings, etc. were put in the first category, McKinsey & Company. With their basic needs where the bosses insist tionship manager was unhappy with his around diversity, climate, and impact on
this meeting is one of the more important a large set of employees asked the manage- The study, called ‘How taken care of, GenZers are on clocking in at 9 am hike. The reason cited was novel; he said his society, more than young lawyers did in the
ones of the week for planning, coordination ment “not to micromanage” under the Stop does Gen Z see its place in and one can leave by 7 wife and he were used to taking four holi- years gone by,” said Bishen Jeswant, part-
and demand-supply matching. category. the working world? With perceived to have a sense pm. Those teams have days in a year and given that she was now ner, Labour and Employment for law firm
The senior executive leading the meeting trepidation’, looked into of entitlement when it the highest attrition. No on a sabbatical, the hike he got wasn’t suffi- Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. “While the
is a Boomer with more than three decades of A VERY DIFFERENT START responses from 25,062 one my age stays in such cient to cover their four holiday expenses. firm does consider these issues, there isn’t
experience. A few weeks ago, three of his
team members did not make it for the meet-
ing. It turned out they had gone on a week-
T he pandemic has played a key role in
widening the gap between the genera-
tions. Many young people joined their jobs
Americans, including comes to adhering to policies, firms,” said Gauri B., a
1,763 in the Gen Z age
range of 18 to 24. It found processes and standards.
22-year-old professional
working in Delhi.
“I was shocked. I thought he would raise
the issue of a home loan or other expenses.
But a holiday, earlier a discretionary
currently a formal process around
onboarding or off boarding clients on these
parameters. That these matters are even
end trip and their phones were switched off. during the pandemic and its lockdowns, “concerning levels of dis- expense, had become a necessary experi- being considered by the younger lawyers in
Towards the end of the day, one of the trio which mitigated any bonding in offices tress” among young people, including an BEYOND MOONSHOTS ence that couldn’t be traded off. It got me the context of clients is itself new and com-
picked up and simply said they had overslept.
The veteran’s initial fury was replaced by a
worrying thought: was there a lack of trust in
with peers or seniors because of the work-
from-home imperative. Consequently,
those who are at the beginning of their
astounding 55% reporting having either
been diagnosed with or having received W hen Mint spoke to senior executives
across sectors for this story, those
treatment for mental illness (compared with who had heard the anecdote about the jani-
thinking on how we have to think differ-
ently,” said Vempati.
Axis Bank, which has 104,000 employ-
While the struggle to understand Gen Z
continues, India Inc. will have to soon deal
the younger executives that kept them from careers have a different experience and 31% of people aged 55 to 64 reporting the tor at the National Aeronautics and Space ees of which 45-50% are under 30, has with Gen Alpha—those who were born
revealing where they were and why they had perception of the workplace compared to same). Administration (Nasa) said it does not apply since revised its leave policy to include after 2010. By many indications, these kids
been delayed? earlier generations. Corporates that hire “They (Gen Z) have grown in a different today. The story goes that in 1962, when US more time off for fathers, parents who have are non-conformist digital natives with a
“For the first time we are grappling with a youngsters in the hundreds of thousands environment, where access to information, president John F. Kennedy visited Nasa, he just adopted etc., and so on. The expecta- keen sense of their ecological footprint. So,
generation whose basic needs are taken care from campuses, such as the IT sector, have both good and bad, is easy. They did not noticed a janitor with a broom. The presi- tions of what a workplace should be are fossil fuel-powered companies could well
of and there is a perceived sense of entitle- had to resort to making attendance an have gatekeepers and have entered the dent introduced himself and asked the jani- chalked out right at the internship stage by end up missing out on their talents. As for
ment around policies, processes and stan- appraisal parameter to get executives back workplace with a confidence and belief that tor what he was doing. The latter replied some. For instance, Nazia K. , a second-year HR managers, they will have to listen more
dards,” explained Amit Chincholikar, global to the office. In 2020 and 2021, it was again chest-thumping is necessary,” said Sourav that he was helping put a man on the moon. law student in Mumbai, discussed the to understand them. Much more.

How CAMS is making sure MINT 20* MUTUAL FUND

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We have hand-picked 20 mutual funds for your portfolio that have jumped
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Neil Borate & 3-years return 5-years return Corpus
Sashind Ningthoukhongjam EQUITY
Enhancing the investor experience (%) (%) (₹ cr)
Quick takes with CAMS' Anuj Kumar. UTI Nifty Index Fund - Growth 15.57 15.45 16,695

hat do UPI transac- HDFC Index Fund - Nifty 50 Plan 15.47 15.26 13,788
tions worth a nomi- 2% SIPs fail due to insufficient funds.
Any solution? Category average 15.05 15.05
nal ₹16 or ₹18
reveal? Anuj Kumar,  We can now tell you, ‘Hey, you don’t have EQUITY FLEXICAP
managing director enough balance’ using AA tech. This will reduce
the failure rate. Canara Robeco Flexi Cap 16.71 17.90 12,325
of CAMS, provides a clue: “Chips and
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap 21.17 23.85 63,934
(bottled) water sell for ₹10 or ₹20.”
Therefore, frequent ₹16 or ₹18 trans- Any other innovation using AA? Category average 17.70 18.16
actions might hint at cigarette pur-  There are many. Frequent 16 transactions indicate
cigarette purchases, information which we can share EQUITY SMALL AND MIDCAP
chases—crucial information if you’ve with insurance companies. Axis Midcap 21.21 23.28 26,637
declared yourself a non-smoker to
your underwriter. SBI Small Cap 24.17 26.77 27,760
How can we use emails for transcations?
Computer Age Management Servi- Category average Midcap 25.33 24.29
 Write to us saying ‘I want to buy 1,000 units of the
ces Ltd (CAMS), India’s largest mutual XYZ, scheme’ and we’ll send you a link to complete Category average Smallcap 27.15 26.60
fund transfer agency, is now leverag- the transaction.
ing such granular data through the EQUITY (TAXSAVER)
Account Aggregator (AA) framework, How are you using AI and ML? Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver 17.52 19.83 7,761
raising critical considerations for both  Our chatbot captured 30 questions before. Now it Mirae Asset Tax Saver 17.90 20.26 22,472
consumers and financial institutions. can understand the intent of the question better and Category average 20.04 19.02
The AA framework can also alert you also take voice commands.
if your bank balance is insufficient HYBRID
right before a systematic investment Anything on the PMS and AIF side?
plan (SIP) debit, preventing rejections.  We are doing digital onboarding. About 50
signatures from the client is required, almost all of it Edelweiss Balanced Advantage 13.64 15.11 11,136
In this interview, Kumar shares
can now be done online. ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage 13.15 13.13 56,709
insights on how CAMS is enhancing
investor experiences, particularly in Category average 12.85 12.63
What about non-financial transcations?
the mutual fund ecosystem.
 We have moved 95% of non-financial transactions to ARBITRAGE
Edited excerpts:
T+1. It used to be 3 to 5 days. Kotak Equity Arbitrage 5.91 5.40 43,515
How are you innovating with the Anything else? Tata Arbitrage 5.51 5.31 11,606
Account Aggregator?  I think the UPI mandate will replace NACH Category average 5.56 5.10
We found that 2-3% of SIPs fail due (& e-NATCH) for registering SIPs. Trigger time is
to insufficient balance in bank shorter for UPI. Returns since Date of Corpus
accounts. With the consent of the OU T OF TH E B OX launch launch (₹ cr)
mutual fund asset management com- BHARAT Bond ETF - April 2031 5.33 23-Jul-20 13,425
pany (MF AMC) on the Account CAMS is the largest MF transfer agency Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund 18.40 28-Apr-20 3,157
Aggregator, we can ping you on the and it is actively participating in the AA Returns as on 17 May 2024; Corpus data as of April 2024; Growth option in regular plans has been used
morning of the SIP debit date and ecosystem Absolute returns for 'Out of box', CAGR for the rest. For detailed methodology refer to:
notify you if your balance is low. This Anuj Kumar, Keep a smart, flexible and minimalist MF portfolio
Managing director, CAMS
ensures your SIP goes through and Download mint app for latest in Business News -
also helps you avoid bounce charges *Debt funds can be viewed in the full table online
that some banks impose. Data and analysis by CRISIL Research Compiled by Neil Borate
We’re also using AA for personal the NAV has also not gone up by much had to locate the same documents telecom provider, whether the tele-
finance management (PFM) and lend- so please redeem and send me the through the Aadhaar or from Digi- com company sent the message to the
ing. In PFM, we enable AMCs and money as my daughter is getting mar- Locker. That’s because we had to com- customer, and if the customer
wealth managers to provide advisory ried.” Such instructions can be confus- pare the details including the inves- received the message or not.
services even to smaller clients. Here’s ing for automated systems. We now tor’s name, father’s name, date of
how we help: if you are the target cus- have the capability to read these birth, etc.
And if they did not receive, or there
was a glitch in the network we can find
Retirement planning for
tomer, we would ask you to register intents, confirm them through a Now, through smart ML and AI, we out if you had gone outside your circle
with CAMSfinserv. This allows us to checker, and then execute the trans- can do this in less than 10 minutes. or if your phone was shut. We can fig-
fetch details of your bank, depository, action or respond to the customer This has crunched the time it takes to ure all these out.
mutual fund, insurance, pension fund, query more quickly. start investing especially for mutual Your opinion on MFCentral?
NRIs: How to invest in India
among others, on behalf of your We were also the first to introduce a funds as the person can start transact- MFCentral has two objectives: to
wealth manager. chatbot in the mutual fund space, ing from day one. This has taken a lot attract traffic to the site and to enable Harshad Chetanwala seven years. Alternatively, you
Once done, they can analyse the capable of answering about 30 to 40 of wrinkles out of the KYC system. MF capabilities on partner websites. can start with a monthly invest-
patterns and help plan your finances different queries. This is now being However, on the demat form of Today, on MFCentral, you can do ment of ₹2.70 lakh and increase
more effectively. enhanced with artificial intelligence holding, the creation of the unique cli- financial transactions, you can take I am a non-resident India this every year by 10% for the

For insurance use, if UPI payments (AI) and machine learning (ML) to ent code (UCC) still takes about a common account statement (CAS), (NRI) working in Finland coming seven years. All the
of ₹16 or ₹18 are frequent, indicating understand both voice and intent. day. So they cannot you can take capital gains and want to start investing above calculations are done
cigarette purchases, we can alert Any innovation on the AIF and transact on the same day (CG) statements, etc. All in the Indian stock market. assuming your investment gen-
underwriters to verify the policy- PMS side? of registration. Email transactions these capabilities are While I live alone here, my erates 12% per annum returns
holder’s disclosures. Additionally, AA We were the first ones to bring What about non-fi- can become now live on partner web- family resides in India. I during the investment stage.
facilitates refreshing about digital onboard- nancial transactions? confusing when sites. Today, more than 1 plan to work for a maxi- Investing through equity
bank account details ing. This was the last We have moved all lakh people use CAS mum six to seven years in mutual funds will be much eas-
for F&O (futures and m INTERVIEW bastion of the relation- non-financial transac- people send capability each day. Finland and then come ier and more effective for you as
options) accounts ship manager where tions to T+1. This used to double-intent MF Central is gather- back to India. I have a house the money will be managed by
annually. they had to collect 50 happen over a period of messages ing users at a rate of in Pune that is loan-free, experienced fund managers.
How can we use email for trans- signatures from the end investor. time typically three or about 60,000 to 80,000 and I will be settling there You can consider investing in
Anuj Kumar
actions? Today, almost all of it is done online five days. But we realized Managing director,
a month and this is an era once I return. I want to ASK MINT the following funds: UTI Nifty
Today, we allow our users to send with a few clicks. We have already that the expectation of CAMS where we haven’t know how much money I m RETIREMENT PLANNING Index Fund (20%), Parag Par-
emails for transactions. You can write onboarded 130 portfolio management the customer is the same pushed the pedal on will need if I assume 30 ikh Flexi Cap Fund (16%),
to us requesting to buy or sell 1,000 services (PMSes) and alternative as the same-day food marketing. That aside, years of monthly expenses HDFC Flexi Cap Fund (16%),
units of the XYZ fund. Our system investment funds (AIFs). We are cur- service delivery. This has taken a lot of financial transactions are one area of ₹1.25 lakh. Also, how do I post-retirement inflation at the ICICI Large & Mid Cap Fund
reads the message, calculates the NAV rently adding about one new player automation and investment in it. Cur- where we expected a lot more growth. go about starting with my same rate and post-retirement (16%), 360 One Focused Equity
(net asset value) times the quantity, every week. They are acquiring the rently, we are executing more than Anything else? investments and where portfolio returns of 9% per Fund (16%) and Nippon India
converts it into a link, and sends it digital solution from us. And a lot of 95% of non-financial transactions on a For years, the National Automated should I invest to begin? annum, you will need a corpus Growth Fund (16%). You should
back to the investor for verification them have moved 25% to 35% of their T+1 basis. Clearing House (NACH) and the —Name withheld on request. of ₹4.56 crore for your monthly try to review the progress every
and execution. traffic to online. That makes things a We also have immense capabilities e-NACH, which was the SIP mandate, withdrawal when you are back six months to one year.
Often, users don’t remember login lot easier. for fraud prevention. We send more have been the standard way of paying The decision to invest in in India. Please note that you Harshad Chetanwala is a cer-
details for multiple apps and have one If investors were in Mumbai, it was than 1 billion emails and 1 billion for mutual funds. Now UPI autopay is India is good, and considering will be technically consuming tified financial planner and
preferred app. If that platform is down still simpler, but think of those in SMSes every year. We can reconcile all becoming a viable alternative for that. the potential we have in the this corpus that will remain co-founder of MyWealth-
or under maintenance, this feature Nashik or Ludhiana, etc. The flow of of that. Any investor could come up to In some time, you may see UPI coming future, it will help you invested during the withdrawal
can be very useful. information has now become much us and say their units got redeemed replacing NACH since the time to reg- to build a good portfolio and stage as well. You will be with-
However, email transactions can faster. but they hadn’t applied for it. They ister and time to trigger are both generate returns over the long drawing the monthly require- Do you have a personal
become confusing when people send Any improvement in account might say that they did not receive the shorter in case of a UPI mandate. UPI term. If we consider a 6% ment from this corpus and let- finance query? Send in your
double-intent messages. For example, opening speed? SMS or email for this. In this case, I can mandate happens on the date of the annual rate of inflation, the ting the remaining money be queries at
a customer might write, “I bought this What used to happen was that KYC search my archives and establish what SIP while for NACH this timeline is monthly expenses of ₹1.25 lakh invested. To reach this amount,
and get them answered by
MF which you said will pay an annual verification consumed time. Investors messages were sent from our side to T-1. will become around ₹1.87 lakh you will need to invest ₹3.58
industry experts.
dividend and I haven’t received it, but submitted a set of documents and we the service provider, from them to the after seven years. Assuming lakh per month for the coming


to hold it as a full owner, with complete autonomy and control. This mented through a registered will. Also, to ensure that the family
ensures women have the freedom to manage and dispose of their interests are safeguarded, women must be the first choice to be
POWER property according to their wishes, without any undue restrictions.
What is holding back women’s role in estate planning?
nominees for all types of investments.
4. Working women today have one more major challenge to
POINT It has more to do with legacy factors, or factors that Indian soci- worry about, and that is retirement planning. Once there is clarity
ety has got used to over the years. on what she inherits, she can make a more rational plan for retire-
N E H A L M OTA • For a long time, estate planning was a domain of the Indian ment. A typical retirement plan needs around 30-35 times a
male, and the woman did not have much say in such matters. How- month’s spending as retirement corpus
Respond to this column at
ever, the legal provisions of the Hindu Succession Act have stated Reality has to take care of costs and inflation. The
that women not only have equal inheritance rights, but also equal proved that calculations become a lot simpler with
rights in deciding how to deal with the property and enjoying estate inheritance imbued.
women are

he active involvement of women in estate planning has unfettered rights. 5. Indian households have been
always been a grey area. While traditional perceptions are • Secondly, there is some gender stereotyping—that women savvier in aggressive buyers of gold, insurance
changing, there is still a mind block in the way of giving don’t give their best when it comes to managing money. However, money and land. As the experience of the last
women a bigger say in estate planning. Let us go back to what the reality has proved that not only are women savvier in money man- management few years shows, all these have stood the
Hindu Succession Act, 1956, says about the property rights of agement, they are also willing to play the more conservative and test of time. These are assets where
women? Section 14 of the Act, which deals with the property rights long-haul game in financial planning. women have had a strong influence.
of female Hindus, is categorical that any property possessed by a • One of the things that has reduced the role of women in estate higher life expectancy than men. That means women are more Today, women are among the major buyers of insurance and that
female Hindu, whether acquired before or after the commence- planning is that they have to give up quite a few years of their work- likely to inherit family property. Also, today women are a lot more will continue to remain a key component of women planning their
ment of the Act, shall be held by her as the full owner thereof and ing life towards bringing up children and bringing about balance socially aware, as is evident from the impact that women voting finances.
not as a limited owner. This provision essentially confers absolute of priorities in the family. Hence, the belief was that this would patterns have on Indian elections. A bigger share and a bigger decision-making power in estate
ownership of property upon a female Hindu, granting her the same hamper their ability to make key decisions. Once again, this is not 2. Children learn habits like thrift and the need for financial sta- planning for women is the need of the hour. For years, Indian
rights and privileges as a male Hindu in matters of property owner- substantiated by anecdotal evidence. bility from their mothers. In a sense, women act as key influencers women played a pivotal role in families, which was largely counted
ship and management. Let us turn to why estate planning for women is mandatory and of how families shape up. Having a larger role for women in estate as unproductive labour. However, these are the kind of services that
One of the key implications of Section 14 of the Hindu Succes- a plausible model for the same. planning sends out the right message to children at a young age. are remunerated at a hefty premium globally. The bare minimum
sion Act is that it applies to ancestral and self-acquired property of Why, and how? 3. Name women as successors in the will and as nominees for that can be done is to compensate women with a fair share of estate
a female Hindu. Whether the property was inherited, gifted, pur- Why women must drive estate decisions in the emerging model: investments. Parents and spouses must ensure that women get a and a major say in estate planning. That would be poetic justice!
chased or acquired by any other means, a female Hindu is entitled 1. As per the latest National Population Survey, women have a fair share of family property and that such transitions are docu- Nehal Mota is co-founder and chief executive officer, Finnovate.
14 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024



Spare a thought for people who

live amid our heaps of garbage
A little compassion and care in how we get rid of our waste is the least ‘ragpickers’ deserve from us

on foot every day. If they don’t, because permit construction of any sort. Resi-
of illness, they lose that day’s earning. dent families don’t have ration cards,
Weather conditions are just another having migrated from afar. Rare are
obstacle—a downpour, blazing sun or those who get any of the most basic gov-
freezing wind can’t stop them, just slow ernment schemes. Getting children
them down. Rain is particularly bad. It admitted to schools is hard. Even when
makes the waste messier, and its collec- the family is willing and the schools
tion and sifting that much harder. legally bound to, the latter find excuses
In journeys of dredging the city, day- not to admit them; they probably find
ANURAG BEHAR after-day, year-after-year, those few the children dirty, smelly and wayward.
is CEO of Azim Premji Foundation. who have been able to acquire a There is one tree on the two acres—the
decrepit cart are in a different league, only shade on that precipice of survival.
and even higher are those two or three A few hundred metres away on tree-
who possess broken rickshaws. Both lined avenues and gleaming plazas are

Sebi’s open offer pricing

enable coverage of larger territory and Munich-style bier-gartens and pubs,
collection of greater volumes. But none Japanese and Italian restaurants among

eaps of rubbish dot the two can escape the basic peril of their scores of others, and four five-star
acres. Each heap is dense and trade—putting their hands in the bins, hotels, all buzzing from dawn till late
tightly packed with months of dumps and cesspools that we create night. Hundreds of families spend

tweak will boost M&As accumulation—remnants of waste col-

lected from the city. Workers, usually
called ragpickers, collect the waste and
bring it to this site. Then they sift and
across the city, with invisible shards of
glass, corrosive chemicals, rotting
organic material and worse. Hands with
deep and shallow wounds, infected or
₹10,000 an evening on a single dinner
outing, and people like us pay ₹12,000
for a room-night. Remnants of waste
from all this revelry add to the heaps
strip the waste of everything and any- not, and skin diseases are daily rewards. close-by. If not those very heaps, then
thing that has the smallest of value. All The first thekedaar got hold of a piece some other somewhere in our urban
Market rules that let the open offer of a company acquirer ignore share price moves caused by of which is taken by the thekedaars of the site 15 years ago. Others came in wasteland. Wherever you live in this
(contractors) they work for and sold to over the next three or four years. The country, with no effort beyond opening
information leaks should ease acquisitions and favour the economy. But beware complexity the recycling chains of different materi- two acres are mired in land-title dis- your gaze, you will find an identical twin
als—plastics, bottles, metals and more. putes. The state government and a reli- of that site with the lone tree and 500
After the to-the-bone stripping, the gious institution are among the many families living amid rubbish heaps.
worthless remnants form heaps that claimants. Titles don’t matter on the Excavating our conscience buried at

he Securities and Exchange Board suited to maximize the value they generate for grow for months and even years. ground in such disputes; control does. the bottom of those heaps is too much
of India (Sebi) has changed its take- all stakeholders. When this is not the case, the The workers live amid rubbish heaps Those who control the land can’t sell or to hope for. We are unlikely to change
on the site. In structures made of waste build on it without title papers, but they our society structurally. It demands
over regulations to shield acquirers market’s self-corrective devices are expected to metal and plastic sheets, and makeshift charge rent with impunity. Jockeying sustained collective and political action,
from cost spikes in the event infor- kick in. Typically, weak performers that are wooden frames. The two acres are for control is continuous. A couple of apart from sacrifices and moral courage
mation of a merger and acquisition listed see their share value slump. Widely held divided among 12 thekedaars, all of months ago, in the middle of the night, of the kind we seem incapable of today.
(M&A) plan gets leaked. From 1 firms without a single majority owner are thus whose workers live on their portion of one of the claimants sent a platoon of When we regain some of that, we may
June, when its new rumour verification frame- exposed to takeovers by parties that can inte- the land. These are entire families, not thugs to get a portion vacated. Panic change. Till then, we will live as we do
only men. The contractors have gripped the thekedaars of that portion and they will live as we let them.
work comes into effect, the pricing formula for grate them with other operations or appoint brought them here from distant parts of and their workers. Their unlikely sav- Perhaps we can do some small things.
an open offer will be stripped of any spike that their own managers to run them better. This the country, usually from the vicinity of iours turned out to be the local police, Don’t call them ‘ragpickers’—they keep
arises from the stock market getting whiff of a not only keeps incumbents on their toes, it the towns that they themselves hail who thrashed the thugs and sent them us clean. City and state officials should
company’s control being in play. At one level, boosts overall value generation by placing from. The 500 odd resident families do packing. It is not clear why. ensure that they receive the benefits of
India’s top 100 listed entities will be mandated assets in more capable hands. Ownership not pay any rent, but must work for There is no water at the site. It is all government schemes; and others too
their thekedaars. For many workers, it’s brought by tankers—to drink and wash. who live in similar settlements and sub-
to confirm, deny or clarify market rumours in changes can even give dying firms fresh leases a full family enterprise with their chil- About 10-20% of family incomes are sist on other trades. We should tolerate
case of significant movements in their share of life. Minority shareholders, though, may dis- dren working side-by-side. A family of spent on water. There are no toilets, a few smelly children in school, or get
price. This requirement will be expanded to the approve of shifts in control and direction, which five may earn up to ₹10,000 in a good other than a few constructed by an NGO them water to wash everyday. And be
next 150 companies from December 2024. At explains Sebi’s mandate of an exit path laid out month and ₹4,000 in a bad one, after much struggle. Those who rent the careful of how we dispose shards of
another level, a party seeking to acquire a com- for them via an open offer to tender their shares. depending on how much territory they land do not want the faintest sign of a glass and jagged metal, so that a child’s
scrounge. Most cover 30-40 kilometres permanent settlement—so they do not hand isn’t hurt. At least that much.
pany will have an easier path. Under Sebi rules, The price must be fair, of course, which is why
if a quarter of a target firm’s equity is acquired the weighted-average formula was created. Yet,
(granting a veto on special resolutions), the this protection of minority shareholders should
acquirer needs to make an open offer to share- not deter acquisitions, which is what happens
holders for additional shares that would give it when prices shoot up on the buzz of firms being
majority control. A 26% stake bought this way eyed. Lowering the bar could give India’s M&A
can prove expensive. Currently, to even it out arena some dynamism.
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Friday, May 23, 2014 Vol.8 No.122 `4.00 in Delhi-NCR/`5.00 outside Delhi-NCR 24 PAGES

for both the buyer and sellers, this offer price Complexity, however, may hamper the idea’s
MARKETS: A requiem for
Calcutta Stock Exchange >7
INTERNATIONAL: Thai army stages coup
after six-month political stalemate >3

goes by the stock’s average price over 60 days implementation. To clip out a “material share CONTENT PARTNER
CORPORATE: Kotak Mahindra Bank
submits binding offer to buy MCX stake >3
CNBC-TV18: Govt should open up e-commerce
sector to FDI, says DIPP secretary >9

before the announcement, weighted by vol- price move,” we need it defined clearly. Indian
SENSEX 24,374.40 Æ 76.38

NIFTY 7,276.40 Æ 23.50

DOLLAR `58.46 Æ `0.32

EURO `79.92 Æ `0.33

Lanka invite
GOLD `27,690 æ `780 OIL $110.43 æ $0.12

QUICK EDIT by Bibek Debroy

Cafe talks row poses first The taper
58% (315 out of 545) members of the 16th Lok Sabha have been elected for the first
time to the lower house of Parliament—the highest proportion in three decades.

umes traded. In case market participants hear stock exchanges are to issue a framework for test for Modi tremors
First time MPs in Lok Sabha (year-wise)
313 315

seal biggest I
B Y S . B RIDGET L EENA & t is a year since Ben
E LIZABETH R OCHE Bernanke first hinted
························· that the US Fed he then
CHENNAI/NEW DELHI headed would begin to
T he incoming Bharatiya Ja- trim its monthly bond

of a control play, we often see them piling into it, but market confidence will depend on how
196 nata Party (BJP)-led Na- purchases funded

e-retail deal
1957 1962 1967 1971 1977 1980 1984 1989 1991 1996 1998 1999 2004 2009 2014 tional Democratic Alliance through new money
(NDA) government faced its creation—the famous
MPs elected from the 15th Parliamentary experience of MPs first crisis even before it as- taper of quantitative
to the 16th Lok Sabha in the 16th Lok Sabha* sumes office, with several par- easing. The financial
ties from Tamil Nadu, includ- markets went into a funk.
1st term 315
BJP 29% ing its allies, criticizing prime Emerging markets were
minister-designate Narendra battered. India was one

A UP man’s only crime,

2nd term 110
Flipkart to buy Myntra Modi’s decision to invite Sri of five fragile economies

the stock, raising its price beyond a level judged convincingly leak-related moves are isolated.
for $330 mn; fashion
retailer to stay
Convinced INC 70% 3rd term

4th term
Lankan President Mahinda Ra-
japaksa for his swearing-in on
addicted to cheap global
capital for funding
massive current account
independent in bid to
tackle competitors
that 1+1 AIADMK 8%
5th term 23
Modi has decided to invite
the leaders of all countries that
deficits. The rupee
dropped like a stone in


can be four AITC 41% 6th term 10

7th term 8
are part of the South Asian As-
sociation for Regional Co-op-
eration (SAARC) to the cere-
the middle of 2013.
The taper began in
January. Markets have
BJD 40%
mint INTERVIEW mony—a move widely ap- taken the actual event

reasonable by the acquirer. Once Sebi’s revised Identifying the precise start of a rumour isn’t
························· 8th term 4 plauded by analysts, who saw with far more equanimity

He forgot to buy kurkure sublime.

Shiv Sena 33% it as a positive first step by the than they did when it was

F or and Myn- B Y M IHIR D ALAL 9th term 3 *Only includes new government to get its for- first announced. Part of, merging with Lok Sabha experience eign policy off the ground. the reason is that
each other is all about re- ····················· First time MPs by party First timers Re-elected As of press time on Thurs- countries such as India
maining separate. BANGALORE 100% day, six of the seven countries have worked hard to cut
80% 44% 41% 40% 33% 25%
Flipkart, India’s largest e-com- agreed to 90% (other than India) that are part their current account
merce firm, announced on buy rival 70%
of SAARC, had confirmed their deficits. The RBI has
Thursday it had bought Myntra, in India’s largest-ever presence at Monday’s event. been emboldened to start

rule takes effect, however, ‘material’ leak- easy; would subjective calls need to be made?
India’s largest online fashion re- deal in the fast-growing 50% According to the Indian for- easing curbs on gold
tailer, in the biggest deal ever in Internet business. 40% eign ministry, the presidents of imports. But there could
India’s Internet space. Flipkart’s chief execu- 30% Afghanistan, Maldives and Sri be shocks ahead once the

Missing her favourite treat,

The e-commerce business in tive officer Sachin Bansal 20% Lanka, prime ministers of Bhu- US Fed begins to reduce
India is valued at $3.1 billion, ex- and chief operating offic- 10% 20% 56% 59% 60% 67% 75% 92% tan and Nepal, and the speaker its bloated balance sheets
cluding travel services and tick- er Binny Bansal, as well INC AITC BJP BJD Shiv Sena AAP AIADMK of the Bangladesh Parliament by selling the bonds it
ets, according to a November re- as Myntra’ chief executive Note: AAP’s Harinder Singh Khalsa contested and won on an Akali Dal ticket in 1996 accumulated since 2009.
Source: PRS Legislative
port by CLSA. Mukesh Bansal, none of TURN TO PAGE 4®
The long-awaited, cash-and- whom are related, spoke

driven upshoots will be clipped out. This, in How the verification rule impacts a target’s
stock deal is likely to value on- on rationale behind the
line fashion retailer Myntra at merger. Edited excerpts:
more than $330 million, one per-
son familiar with the matter said,
Why sell to Flipkart? Why
not continue independently? FDA to expand SEVERING TIES
requesting anonymity. Mukesh Bansal: This
Sun Pharma Hero to stop paying fixed royalty
The wife beat a hasty retreat.
Following two-month long ne- merger significantly in-
gotiations that led to Thursday’s creases our odds of build-
announcement, both sets of ing what we want to data scrutiny to Honda in boost to profits
principle, is fair to retail investors as well, since share price will also be tested. This part may
Bansals—Sachin and Binny at
Flipkart and especially Mukesh TURN TO BACK PAGE ®
at Myntra—were clear that for a B Y C .H . U NNIKRISHNAN & RAMESH PATHANIA/MINT
merger to make sense, Myntra L ESLIE D ’M ONTE B Y A MRIT R AJ
would need to be kept independ- portant for me to ensure that we ·························
ent. would not be integrating any- MUMBAI ·························
The lessons of the past two
years showed that apparel, un-
thing. Most of the discussions
were to ensure that there is abso- S un Pharmaceutical Indus-
tries Ltd seems headed for

H ero MotoCorp. Ltd will

Leaving him in his amnesic grime.

like books and electronics, is a lute alignment about the man- more trouble with the US Food stop paying royalties to

such gains are not performance led. take time to settle. All said, how smoothly our
product category that requires agement autonomy.” Drug Administration (FDA), Honda Motor Co. Ltd in June
specialization, deeper under- He got what he wanted. which in its latest letter to the on products that it inherited
standing of fashion, aesthetic Flipkart has agreed to keep company on its Karkhadi fac- from their erstwhile partner-
presentation and experience, Myntra (pronounced Mint-rah) tory in Gujarat has pointed to ship, resulting in a saving of
rather than volume-focused ap- as a separate entity that will re- company-wide data integrity `415 crore that will provide a
proach of Flipkart. tain its website and continue to issues similar to those that sizeable boost to the current
“Mergers are risky and inte- be led by Mukesh Bansal, co- plagued Ranbaxy Laboratories. year’s net profit at India’s larg-
gration can be very dicey,” Myn- founder Ashutosh Lawania and In April, Sun acquired Ran- est maker of scooters and mo-
tra’s CEO Mukesh Bansal said in the rest of the current manage- baxy in a deal worth $3.2 bil- torcycles. Reduced burden: After June, Hero will only need to pay royalty to Honda

A level playing field for M&As would serve us markets operate under Sebi’s new rules will
an interview. “So it was very im- ment team. lion. Under the separation agree- on products for which it sourced technology from Honda.
For Flipkart, which started The 7 May letter, posted on ment announced on 16 De-
selling apparel two years ago, the the FDA’s website, which says cember 2010, Hero was to pay after tax) in the remaining need to pay royalty to Honda
deal is about gaining size and Sun’s response to FDA’s earlier the Japanese company 45 bil- three quarters (July-March) of on the products for which it
keeping the Amazon India, findings is inadequate, was re- lion yen (`2,350 crore then) in FY 15 will be in the region of sourced technology from Hon-
Snapdeal and others at bay. The ported in Indian media, in- four instalments by June 2014. about `415 crore,” said a per- da following the separation—
company started selling fashion cluding Mint, on Wednesday. The amount was amortized son with direct knowledge of the Maestro scooter, and the
products only two years ago but What the reports missed out over 14 quarters starting in estimates made by the compa- Impulse, Ignitor and Passion X
fell way short of its target to be was that the US regulator was January 2011 and ending in ny, who spoke on condition of Pro bikes. As per its annual re-

well as it has the potential to make our economy determine the difference they make. The regu-
the No.1 in the category by Octo- raising concerns about the in- June 2014, which roughly anonymity. port for 2013-14, Hero Moto-
ber 2013. tegrity of “all data” generated translated into about `180 Honda and Hero MotoCorp, Corp paid `50 crore as royalty
The deal was stitched together by Sun Pharma. crore per quarter, excluding then known as Hero Honda on new products to Honda that
over several meetings in March, FDA, which has banned im- the impact of exchange rate Motors Ltd, ended a 26-year- fiscal year.
mostly held at the coffee shop in ports from Sun Pharma’s fac- swings. This amount was in old partnership when the “With sales of Maestro and
the Grand Mercure hotel near tory in Karkhadi, is expanding line with its 2010 rate of royalty Munjal family bought out the Passion X Pro picking up, this
Flipkart’s office in the Koram- its scrutiny to the company’s payment, which was 2.7-2.8% Japanese company’s 26% stake (the royalty payment on new
angala area of Bangalore. The other factories, including the of net sales. in their joint venture, Hero models) is likely to be around
two export-oriented ingredient “So post June 2014, with the Honda Motors Ltd, for `3,842 `100 crore this year,” the per-

more efficient. In an ideal scenario, the control lator’s effort to rebalance the pricing of open
TURN TO BACK PAGE ® production sites and two for- payment period getting over, crore at the end of 2010. In July son cited above said.
mulation units located in Gu- this is going to reflect positive- 2011, the Hero Honda Motors Hero also expects the end of
ALSO SEE jarat, Maharashtra and Dadra ly on financials of Hero Moto- Ltd renamed itself Hero Moto- royalty payments to improve
Mint is also available for R8 with >MARK TO MARKET: Flipkart’s Myntra Corp. As an immediate result, Corp.
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only
acquisition: on a wing and a prayer >P14 TURN TO PAGE 2® the net impact on PAT (profit After June, Hero will only TURN TO PAGE 2®

of companies would be vested in those best offers is laudable. Now let’s see some action.


Politically exposed persons ought to keep banks alert

was charged with having accepted bribes mate also includes the proceeds of other tions through the bank. These govern- Banks should invest in systems to iden-
JAIDEEP MEHTA from various businesses. crimes, like illegal money made off drug ments are under US government sanctions, tify, monitor and report to regulators their
The vast quantities of cash recovered trafficking and gold smuggling. and when the regulator found out, it PEP relationships as part of their anti-
time and again from our own politicians PEP-related corruption is especially resulted in a court case and massive fine. money laundering and counter-terrorism
here in India have also often travelled insidious, as it nibbles away at the fabric of In extreme cases, PEPs may also have financing obligations.
through benami bank accounts and other the nation and weakens democratic struc- links with individuals or organizations From RBI to the US Federal Reserve, bank

he general election currently under- dubious channels. Note that the currency tures in ways that are still being discovered. involved in terrorist financing. Due dili- regulators around the globe not only have
way is the only thing hotter than the notes printed by the Reserve Bank of India From the distortion of gence exercises could well laid-out policies, procedures and rules,
weather in India these days. With talk (RBI) are distributed only through what are elections to the award of ensure that bank services but are also raising the bar on these continu-
of tempos full of cash, and the discovery of described in banking regulations as ‘sched- contracts for flyovers and It’s prudent for are not surreptitiously ally. While this adds to the cost of bank oper-
more than ₹30 crore of unexplained cur- uled banks.’ There is no other way for them highways to contractors used for nefarious ends. As ations, it is seen as necessary to ensure that
rency in a Jharkhand legislator’s home, it is to enter general circulation. that deliver sub-standard banks to keep a recently as in 2020, it was political corruption is stemmed and terrorist
time to shine a light on a somewhat obscure Within the bounds of privacy norms, it quality, the impact covers found that banks in Syria financing stops. Compliance need not be too
term: Politically exposed persons (PEPs). would be prudent for banks to keep a watch a vast range of activities.
vigil on the risk were facilitating the trans- burdensome, though. Digital technologies

is an investor and a tech

This term refers to individuals who hold
political office or public positions such as
on the actions of customers who are PEPs,
not just to manage their financial risks, but
Connecting the dots
between political corrup-
of their services fer of millions of dollars to
the terrorist group ISIS;
are playing a welcome role in ensuring effec-
tive compliance and helping banks manage
industry watcher. judgeships and bureaucracy posts, or have
a close association with those who hold
also to satisfy the regulatory requirements
of India’s central bank and other regulators
tion and India’s low-qual-
ity infrastructure—roads
being misused these lenders paid a heavy
price, as they were subse-
complex processes and reporting cycles.
In election years, the challenge is steeper
such authority. around the world. that barely survive mon- by clients for quently cut out of the than usual. Countries with over half the
Data from Rzolut, a risk and compliance Although there are no credible figures soon rains, for example— international payments world’s population are election-bound in
technology and data provider, reveals that available to quantify political corruption, does not require much financial crimes settlement system, as per 2024. The list includes robust democracies
there are over 2.3 million PEPs around the the scale of money-laundering that takes imagination. Washington Institute. such as India and the US, but also countries
world, ranging from country presidents to place globally is estimated to be monumen- For their own reputa- Given the dangers faced like Russia and North Korea.
municipality officials. These positions tend tal. According to the United Nations Office tion and balance-sheet health, banks by the world, it is no surprise that banks It is well understood that the pressures of
to have stronger links than others with on Drugs and Crime, an estimated 2%-5% of should maintain a vigil to prevent their ser- around are being asked by regulators to election-funding needs could combine
cases of corruption, money-laundering and global GDP is laundered. In today’s sce- vices from being used to facilitate illicit enhance their due diligence in dealing with with the temptations of power to elevate
other financial crimes. nario, this would amount to more than $2 financial activities. Negligence can prove PEPs, including obtaining information on levels of corruption and illicit financial
For instance, in December 2023, Senator trillion annually. It is safe to assume that a costly. A few years ago, BNP Paribas was their source of funds and nature of business activity. Banks should stay extra vigilant
Bob Menandez in the US was found in pos- significant proportion of this money is from fined $9 billion for letting the governments relationships. Growing online transactions and ensure that their books and business
session of several gold bars at his home. He corruption involving PEPs, though the esti- of Sudan, Cuba and Iran conduct transac- are also being kept track of. reputations stay spotless.


What does an emerging Squad in It’s Bidenomics that has made

America’s EV tariffs necessary
the Indo-Pacific mean for India? One bad idea after another: EV subsidies have spelt trade barriers

This new mini-lateral grouping of the US and three of its allies could coordinate actions with the Quad for regional stability


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and
member of the editorial board covering
are, respectively, vice president for studies at
Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and
a Philippines-based geopolitical analyst author
and lecturer at De La Salle University.

n one sense, US President Joe Biden’s
punitive new tariffs on Chinese electric
vehicles (EVs) are indeed necessary, just

arlier this month, US Secretary of as he argues. What makes them so are the Joe Biden’s industrial policy has resulted in
Defense Lloyd Austin met his Australian, enormous sums that the administration is a trade-distortive follow-up BLOOMBERG
Filipino and Japanese counterparts to devoting to expanding US capacity to pro-
institutionalize and launch the ‘Squad’ as duce its own EVs. An almost-invariable the market uptake of a much-needed tech-
a new four-way security arrangement in characteristic of industrial policy is to start nology. If the administration is to keep its
the Indo-Pacific. The Squad has become with one dumb idea, after which many promises on climate change, it will need
an essential addition to the series of security ‘mini- more then follow—by necessity. other ways of inducing Americans to use
lateral’ groupings in the Indo-Pacific, such as the America’s local EV makers are strug- EVs. One such policy is in the works: New
Quad, Aukus, the US-Philippines-Japan trilateral gling despite generous subsidies. Output EPA rules to control the proportion of EVs
and the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral. and sales are growing, but not as quickly as and gas-powered vehicles sold in the US.
The Philippines, Japan and Australia are not hoped. Early adopters have adopted and Unless demand patterns shift, producers
treaty allies; however, each of these countries the rest are less enthusiastic. That could will be induced to lose money on EVs and
shares a bilateral treaty alliance with the US. Thus, change, but the charging infrastructure recover the losses by selling their reduced
the idea behind the Squad centres on the desire has been slow to roll out and converting output of fossil-fuel vehicles at far higher
of all four democracies to deepen their level of American drivers to EVs isn’t easy. Even prices. If this arithmetic doesn’t work out,
integration beyond the hub-and-spokes format at a after the subsidies, EVs made in the US demands for more subsidy may arise.
time when China has been militarizing the South aren’t cheap. Hence the need for tariffs to Support for persistently uncompetitive
China Sea at the expense of the rules-based order make the competition more expensive. industries sometimes makes sense. Access
of the Indo-Pacific. The high cost of producing EVs in the US to some kinds of goods really is a national-
The seeds for the Squad’s creation were already is partly by design. Bidenomics aims to do security imperative. Some of the products
planted in 2023 through the efforts of the four two things that are in tension: Suppress covered in America’s new bundle of tariffs,
countries to enhance their strategic collaboration carbon emissions by speeding adoption of such as high-end semiconductors, might
in the South China Sea. Manila has broadened its EVs and create high-wage manufacturing qualify. EVs plainly don’t.
alliance with the US and is currently negotiating a jobs. Well-paid workers making cheap EVs Right now, Biden’s officials aren’t really
reciprocal access agreement (RAA) with Japan to is a tricky combination. “Good-paying pressing the national-security argument.
enhance troop deployments between both coun- Moreover, the absence of a resident Southeast the capabilities of friendly regional countries to union jobs” of the kind Biden advocates are The China threat lurks in the background,
tries. This also complements the existing Visiting Asian anchor further constrained the ability of the attain a genuinely free and open Indo-Pacific. Aus- difficult for a high-wage economy like the of course, but the main case for high tariffs
Forces of Agreement (VFA) that the Philippines US and its two treaty allies to play a more robust tralia has also been showing greater interest in US to sustain because the resulting pro- on EVs and other Chinese exports rests on
has with the US and the Status of Forces Agree- role in securing the South China Sea collectively. playing a more prominent role as a security and duction is likely to be globally uncompeti- Beijing’s market-distorting policies. In this
ment (SOFA) between Manila and Canberra. In While the Philippines seemed like the most development partner in Southeast Asia. tive. A low-wage country can use subsidies view, US producers can’t match their Chi-
June 2023, the defence chiefs of all four countries practical Southeast Asian partner then, given its Since Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr to incubate a new industry that might in nese rivals not because US costs are too
met for the first time on the sidelines of the Shangri treaty alliance with the US, its close strategic ties took office in June 2022, Manila has taken a more due course thrive abroad, letting govern- high but because China’s exports are artifi-
La security dialogue in Singapore. Moreover, in with Japan and its defence relations with Australia, proactive role in safeguarding its EEZ against Chi- ments withdraw support. In pricey-labour cially cheap, driven down by Beijing’s pur-
April this year, the US, Japan, the Philippines and the former administration of Rodrigo Duterte sig- nese expansionism by strengthening its partner- economies, this formula is less successful. suit of industrial excess capacity.
Australia conducted their first-ever multilateral nificantly reoriented Philippine foreign and secu- ships to improve its maritime security capabilities As incomes rise, factory employment is apt A stickler for consistency might pause at
maritime exercise in the Philippines’ exclusive rity policy. In the hope of gaining economic con- and ability to exercise its sovereignty. This shift to decline; work moves to more productive this logic. When the US adopts trade-dis-
economic zone (EEZ). cessions from Beijing by appeasement, Manila opened doors for the Philippines to participate sectors. Just maintaining factory employ- torting policies, it’s presented as an over-
Though the creation of the Squad may have refrained from taking direct action against China more actively in the emerging network of like- ment requires ongoing government sup- due recognition of market failures. When
seemed quite natural, due to the loose and through the US alliance network. This policy shift minded democracies of the Indo-Pacific. By play- port, which, in turn, retards growth by China does it, it’s decried as artificial and a
informal nature of mini-laterals, their develop- limited the Philippines’ participation in security ing the anchor’s role in Southeast Asia, the country slowing the flow of resources to better uses. threat to global economic stability.
ment relies on the convergence of political will and arrangements to secure the South China Sea. has positioned itself as the Squad’s fulcrum. Bidenomics favours sustaining persist- Be that as it may, trade-distorting poli-
the intersection of shared interests and threat per- However, this strategic dynamic significantly The proliferation of informal strategic arrange- ently uncompetitive industries. Some- cies do distort trade. America’s industrial
ceptions among its potential members. Conse- changed in 2022. While still heavily engaged in ments suggests that Indo-Pacific security will be times that’s defensible, provided the costs polices can make its trading partners worse
quently, the degree of collective participation Europe and the Middle East, Washington recog- underpinned by flexible, area-specific and practi- aren’t too high. China’s ability to produce off. The same goes for China. The question
among all four democracies only began to nized more clearly that China is the only major cal elements of cooperation, rather than traditional vast quantities of usable cheap EVs seems is whether disputes and imbalances can be
heighten in 2023. power with the material capacity and ambition to and rigid alliances. At the heart of these develop- to have surprised the administration. The resolved cooperatively. Pro-trade, posi-
In the past decade, the US, Philippines, Japan, dismantle the established rules-based order in the ments lie concerns of a potential challenge posed subsidies and incentives that the US has tive-sum outcomes are at least imaginable.
and Australia lacked a collective and homogenous Indo-Pacific. Similarly, with China showing no by China to the stability of the established regional offered to this point aren’t enough. The US But governments, led by the US, have cho-
strategic vision vis-a-vis the region. While Wash- sign of managing its expansionist and belligerent order. All four members of the Squad must consist- faces another “China shock,” as National sen to go the other way. Some argue it was
ington was initially preoccupied with Europe and activities in the Western Pacific, Japan has recog- ently engage with one another and explore new Economic Council Director Lael Brainard a mistake even to hope for cooperation.
the Middle East during the latter years of the nized the need to play a more robust defence role means of collective capacity building. Moreover, puts it. Tariffs of no less than 100% are China, it’s argued, is a cheat and should
Obama administration, the Trump presidency in the Indo-Pacific. This reorientation has its roots the Squad needs to coordinate with other existing needed to protect America’s nascent EV never have been allowed into the World
sought to reconfigure US commitments towards in Tokyo’s National Security Strategy (NSS) mini-laterals (like the Quad) to achieve a more industry. For the sake of good-paying Trade Organization, a defunct institution.
its alliances based on a greater level of transaction- released on 16 December 2022, which encom- robust network-based cooperative framework of union jobs, Americans must be prohibited I disagree, but let’s see how the negative-
alism. On the other hand, while Japan and Austra- passes several notable objectives, including expe- like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific. from buying cheap imported EVs. sum alternative of protection, retaliation
lia recognized the challenges posed by China in the diting Japan’s military modernization and enhanc- It is in the very nature of the Indo-Pacific that This won’t be the last stupid-but-neces- and counter-retaliation works out.
South China Sea, there were still limitations in ing its military forces based on the acute traditional mini-laterals will proliferate and the nature of sary idea in the sequence. The tariffs will It’s early days for such policies, and the
their abilities to project a more military and security challenges in the region. Importantly, the security threats in the region demand that they prevent EV prices in the US from falling as cycle of error piled upon error has plenty of
defence-driven approach in the geographic space. NSS also highlights the need for Tokyo to enhance coordinate their actions closely. quickly as they otherwise would, slowing room to run. ©BLOOMBERG


Electoral bonds case: Do not nullify past transactions

unconstitutional. These amendments per- Thus, the settled position is that judge- parties were not disclosed in the profit-and- Indian Constitution. Recently, this was
LALIT KUMAR & MUSKAAN GUPTA tained to exemptions given to political par- ments declaring any law as unconstitutional loss statements filed by most of these com- re-affirmed in its ruling on State of Manipur
ties from publishing details of electoral bond are retrospective. This issue was decided by panies. For political parties, it is known they vs Surajkumar Okram. The SC held that it
contributions, maintaining records of the the SC’s ruling in CBI vs. R.R. Kishore. In this hadn’t published any details of electoral has the power to apply this doctrine to save
same and from disclosing the names and case, an amendment made to the Delhi Spe- bond contributions and haven’t maintained past transactions under statutes which have
addresses of donors. Another amendment cial Police Establishment Act of 1946 (DSPE) records of the donations received. been declared unconstitutional, or it can

ne of the compelling stories during had removed the upper limit for corporate was held to be unconstitutional from the So, we have a unique set of challenges if mould the relief provided by exercising its
India’s ongoing general elections donations to political parties, earlier fixed at very date it was inserted in we reverse the actions ret- power under Article 142 of the Constitution.
has concerned electoral bonds. On 7.5% of the company’s average net profits of the DSPE. The SC held that rospectively. How will con- Conversely, if the SC chooses not to apply
15 February 2024, the Supreme Court (SC) the past three years. Perhaps the most telling once a law is declared to be Donors need tributions beyond the 7.5% this doctrine, then past transactions exe-
struck down the electoral bond scheme for was an amendment that exempted compa- unconstitutional, then it is limit or those made by loss- cuted under the aegis of the struck-down
political donations as unconstitutional. This nies from disclosing the names of political void since its beginning. clarity from the makers be returned to con- law will be void and null.
has meant serious ramifications for corpo- parties favoured by donations in their profit- Such a law would be still- tributors? How will firms Unfortunately, from the language in the
rate houses that made contributions to polit- and-loss statements. Of all the strike-downs, born, unenforceable and
SC on whether re-open or amend the duly electoral bond ruling, it appears that the SC

are, respectively, a partner and

ical parties based on this scheme and the
three statutes which were amended to facili-
this one has hit businesses the hardest.
A well settled position under Article 13(2)
have no legal effect.
In the electoral bond
this political audited and approved
financial statements of past
has applied this doctrine only to save elect-
oral bonds that have already been encashed,
associate at JSA Advocates and
tate it. If transactions done before the ruling
are not preserved by the SC, it is going to
of the Constitution is that the state cannot
make any law which takes away or abridges
context, the critical ques-
tion is this: What happens
funding scheme years, unless they approach
the National Company Law
but not for amendments made to the three
statutes. Although unintentional, this has
cause donor companies a lot of hardship. rights given by Part III of the Constitution. If to deeds done in the past has been axed Tribunal? This is a serious created ambiguity and uncertainty, with
First, let’s look at what these amendments any law is made in contravention of these when the statutes were still challenge for donors. divergent views on the subject being taken
were and why the scheme was held uncon- rights, then to the extent of such a contra- considered valid? retrospectively It was to avoid back- by different stakeholders.
stitutional. A related question also arises: Is vention, that law will be void. Part III deals Let’s look at the impact tracking and incompatible Given the magnitude of the issue, this
the strike-down retrospective or prospec- with fundamental rights guaranteed by the that the SC’s ruling could reversals that the doctrine needs a quick resolution. So, how can India
tive? And, if it is retrospective, what impact Constitution. It was violations of Articles 14 have on the past actions of companies and of prospective overruling was introduced in Inc expect to get legal relief for past actions?
will it have on past actions under the scheme and 19 on the rights to equality and informa- political parties if it has retrospective effect. Indian jurisprudence. Taken originally from For now, the only and best course would be
by corporates and political parties? tion, respectively, that led to the scheme and The available data shows that companies American jurisprudence, this doctrine was to approach the SC for appropriate direc-
The verdict scotched the scheme as it vio- related amendments being struck down. have already made donations exceeding the first applied in India in the 1967 case of I.C. tions to be issued so that past transactions
lated Article 19 of the Indian Constitution. Article 13(2) makes it clear that once a law is earlier cap of 7.5%; companies with zero Golaknath vs State of Punjab. There, the are saved. This would set a precedent and
Simultaneously, four amendments made in struck down as being unconstitutional, it profits and even losses have made contribu- court held that only the SC can choose to reduce ex-post facto complications.
three different laws were also struck down as ceases to have effect. tions and the names of favoured political apply this doctrine in matters involving the These are the authors’ personal views.
16 THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2024

‘Outside In’ offers up

a study of contrasts IMAGES: COURTESY ANINDO SEN

Karla Sofia Gascon stars in ‘Emilia Perez’ PHOTO:AFP

Moving trans
issues forward
at Cannes
Transgender identity and issues are a
theme at the Cannes Film Festival 2024

‘Outside In’, a two- dered futile by human solidarity against the lop- Agencies
sided odds.
person show on the Mukherjee’s virtuoso metal work is epito-

mised by the way she has made the water glis- rans identities have emerged as a recurring theme at the
work of Jaidev Baghel ten on the faces and the bodies, while the for- Cannes Film Festival this year, including in frontrunner
mation of green patina has added a surreal layer Emilia Perez. The musical by Cannes veteran Jacques Aud-
and Meera Mukherjee, over time. iard about a drug lord with a family who has always wanted to be
blurs the line between Nearby is Coal Miners (1980), another
haunting sculpture made in the same year,
a woman stars Karla Sofia Gascon.
The 52-year-old has written a book about having a gender
artist and artisan which shows the pathos of a densely packed transition operation at the age of 46, when she already had an act-
group of miners, exploited under inhuman ing career, a wife and a daughter. “It was a very tough journey,”
working conditions. she told AFP, hailing her family’s courage.
Anindo Sen The embroidered kantha works I came The film has earned particular praise for not fixating on the across subsequently in the exhibition, albeit (top left) ‘The Thinker’ gender transition, but moving far beyond to explore themes of
exemplifiers of her community-based art (1980) by Meera parenthood, love and the victims of Mexico’s gang violence. Aud-

he pairing of Meera Mukherjee practice, struggled to spark a dialogue with Mukherjee; Madiya iard, 72, sensitively portrays the main character’s intimate strug-
with Jaidev Baghel in the Outside Baghel’s works, and would be best experi- and Madin’ (2007) by gle to be herself.
In exhibition at the Museum of enced in isolation. Jaidev Baghel “It’s surprising to see this issue being picked up by seasoned
Art and Photography (MAP) in Critically engaging with her works remains filmmakers, who are often cisgender outside the LGBT sphere,”
Bengaluru (on till 20 October) is incomplete without appreciating her journey. said Franck Finance-Madureira, the founder of the Cannes Queer
an intriguing one. She was a young divorcee left to fend for herself the adivasi communities of central India. In an endeavour to be better recognised as Palm. “It’s been the emerging issue
Mukherjee was 26 years older than Baghel. in a conservative post-independence Bengali By proclaiming the Mahua tree as their an artist, he started signing his works, created It took 30 years to in the LGBT fight for a decade now,
When she visited his father, Sriman, in Konda- society, who rejected painting and took to sculp- Banyan, Baghel asserts that indigenous peo- his own iconographies and explored non-tra- normalise gay or and it was about time we had trans
gaon in Chhattisgarh in the early 1960s to learn ture, and looked to indigenous crafts for inspira- ple have their own beliefs, rituals and customs ditional themes.
Dhokra metal casting, Jaidev would have barely tion—she went against the odds on many fronts whose pluralism need to be acknowledged Their works do not stylistically resemble lesbian characters, leads in films.”
“It took 30 years to normalise
been an adolescent. and lived life on her own terms. and celebrated. each other—Meera’s exhibited figures are but with trans gay or lesbian characters, but with
While there may be some evidence to suggest Many of Baghel’s works are representations Baghel’s Raodeo (2012-2024) has an interest- somewhat abstracted, roughly finished and characters it’s trans characters it’s going much
that they met, it is unlikely they collaborated or of the men and women from the Madia commu- ing story. When the curators visited the late art- intense, while Baghel’s are more precise, much faster faster,” he added. Increasingly
influenced each other during their long careers. nity, who were the main patrons for Ghadwa ist’s home in Chhattisgarh earlier this year, they ornamental and serene. more films are including gender
The connections are therefore apparent only in sculptors like him. came across his unused moulds. With the Mukherjee’s works in the exhibition come identity, an issue first explored in
their shared metal casting approach using the A work that stands out is Madiya and Madin involvement of his son Bhupendra, who now from the personal collection of Radhika and films like Laurence Anyways by Xavier Dolan in 2012 and Girl by
lost wax method, and the presence of common (2007), where he sculpted local gods as a work- runs the workshop, they commissioned this Abhishek Poddar (who are also the founder- Lukas Dhont in 2018.
folk in both their sculptures. ing adivasi couple, bridging folk mythology and piece, unsure how it would turn out after all trustees of MAP), while the works of Baghel are Among them is Argentinian director Daniel Burman’s Trans-
The most synergistic pairing, in hindsight, is the everyday. these years. from a single unnamed Indian private collector. mitzvah. The feature, which premiered at a public screening out
served as soon as one enters the exhibition. He Lakkad Deo, the The sculpture of Mukherjee’s works are spread across a wider of competition, follows a Jewish boy who wants to be a girl and
Who Saw, one of Mukherjee’s early works, is a woodcutter god, has Baghel’s works are rooted in the tribal god, feared timeframe; almost all of Baghel’s works on show does not want the religious initiation ceremony for boys called
towering two-metre-high figure. It was inspired an axe over his shoul- representation of community; for shooting weapons are from a brief three-year period from 2004 to a bar mitzvah.
by the local deities she saw during her visits to der; Gappa Dei is at those who dare pass 2007. While that makes the curation appear Burman said trans identity needs to be included in cinema but
Bastar, and is meant to represent the one who shown with a basket Mukherjee’s are liberated by by his side, material- convenient and limited, the exhibition does not as a be-all and end-all. “We should render these situations vis-
witnessed the creation of the world. on her head and a their depictions of humanity ised fairly robustly, manage to raise germane issues. ible but not lock ourselves in them,” he said. “There is excessive
Her work is presented alongside Panch crowbar in her hand, perhaps as a defiant The documentary film accompanying the focus on gender identity as the only pillar of identity.”
Mukhi Vandevi (Five-Headed Forest Goddess), dressed as an adivasi. metaphor in support exhibition highlights the vital need to preserve Trans actors now mostly play trans roles. But Hunter Schafer,
Baghel’s polemic response to the exploitation of A closer look at the sculpture also reveals of Baghel’s legacy. the artistic traditions of the indigenous commu- who has been on the Cannes red carpet after acting in Palme d’Or
the environment in his region, where a glower- mother earth opening up and reptiles and The exhibition ultimately ends up as a study nities, without leaving them dependent on the contender Kinds of Kindness, in April said she no longer wanted
ing five-headed-goddess of the forest foretells insects crawling out, drawing attention to our of contrasts, rather than welding convergen- mass market for their survival. to play queer roles. “I worked so hard to get to where I am, past
the destruction of the world. diverse forest ecosystems. ces. While Baghel’s works are rooted in repre- Amid the ongoing centennial celebrations of these really hard points in my transition, and now I just want to
Throughout the exhibition, Mukherjee’s fire- In Tree of Life (2006), another work drawn sentation of his community; Mukherjee’s are many male modernist peers, Meera Mukher- be a girl and finally move on,” the 25-year-old, who broke
brand approach shimmers through the dark from folk ecology, Baghel creates the kalpa- liberated by their depictions of humanity. jee’s has come and gone quietly last year, which through in Euphoria, told GQ magazine.
purple setting of the exhibition. Rain (1980), vriksha (a wish-fulfilling divine tree, which is Her works are more palpable in their sub- makes this exhibition a timely intervention. Trans women also starred in The Belle of Gaza, a documentary
perhaps the most evocative of her works on of immense significance in religions such as version and forceful in their expression. Perhaps From the Depth of the Mould, the screening out of competition and unrelated to the conflict. The
show, captures masses huddled against a mon- Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism) but Home-schooled Baghel on the other hand commemorative book on her to be released film is an intimate portrait of Palestinian trans women living on
soon downpour. The water fails to pierce and embodied by the Mahua tree. It emphasizes walked a fine line between authenticity and shortly, will put her life and work in focus once the margins of Israeli society in Tel Aviv, whom French film-
drips down the bodies, its force of nature ren- the pivotal role this tree plays in the lives of innovation. again. maker Yolande Zauberman calls “warriors of their own destiny”.

The radical honesty of Uma in ‘Sister Midnight’

Radhika Apte’s abilities as adventure. (The film shares DNA, in more about an outlaw… a dust bowl ballad.”
ways than one, with the Iranian “western Uma is the archetypal outsider, both mis-
an actor power this title, horror” film A Girl Walks Home Alone at anthropic and misunderstood, and he
which has been selected Night.) With each of her nocturnal jaunts, found the loneliness of her character
Uma inches closer towards a derangement reflected in the songs he selected and pre-
as part of Cannes’ neither she nor the audience quite under- cleared for the film before shooting.
stands until deep into the film. “The music is very important, and a lot
Directors’ Fortnight Kandhari, an Indian writer/director of the spirit of the film comes from the
born in the Middle East and now based in music. There’s no Indian music in the
Pahull Bains London, returns with a feature film after film and I quite like putting things nearly two decades, following his 2005 together that shouldn’t go together.
debut Bye Bye Miss Goodnight and a hand- Cambodian music is beautiful to me

hat depths of madness can sti- ful of shorts. Sister Midnight has been because it’s got a sort of flavour that you
fling boredom and loneliness selected as part of Cannes’ Directors’ Fort- find in Indian traditional or pop music,
drive a homemaker to? That’s night, an independent sidebar at the festi- but it’s not [that]. You can’t quite place it.
the question Karan Kandhari pursues to val that is dedicated to showcasing “the It sounds like it got mutated through
strange and stomach-turning ends in his most singular forms of contemporary cin- some interpretation of Phil Spector stuff,
feature film Sister Midnight, which pre- ema,” and in particular those that “rein- mouth. Her Uma is tightly wound, tingling with that sort of 2am deadpan haze. And
miered at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. vent cinematic genres.” with an anger that’s ready to burst out of the rest of the music, it’s just what felt
The film features a knockout performance Kandhari’s film certainly occupies a her at any moment. And it finally finds an right as I was writing it.”
by Radhika Apte as Uma, a disgruntled space unto itself, quite unlike anything outlet, in incredibly dark and comical With Uma’s wild and unpredictable
new bride left to her own devices in an else in contemporary Indian cinema. It’s ways. The absurdist humour of the film is behaviour comes a radical honesty, a
overwhelming and chaotic new city by a impressive how much he and cinematog- compounded with some magical realism rejection of propriety that makes her both
recalcitrant husband she barely knows. rapher Sverre Sørdal can do within the The film features a knockout performance by Radhika Apte as Uma featuring stop motion animation (which enchanting and formidable. “Why can’t
Hardly a “domestic goddess” by her own confines of a tiny room, using light, shad- Kandhari chose for its “inherent weird- you be like other people?” Gopal asks her
admission, Uma must learn the basics of ows and small dark corners to disquieting she’s immediately at odds with her nosy amount of dialogue possible,” said Kan- ness”) and an unexpected soundtrack fea- at one point. But even as he says it, you
cooking and running a modest household, effect. (Sound also plays an outsize role in and judgmental neighbours. Kandhari’s dhari at a post-screening Q&A. turing Cambodian music as well as coun- sense that there’s a part of him that mar-
while her husband Gopal spends his days this film.) Featuring Wright-esque quick droll and deadpan script arms her with The lack of dialogue gives Apte, an out- try and rock from the likes of Motorhead vels in how she isn’t like the others, how
at work and evenings out drinking. cuts and Andersonian zoom pans, it’s shot some audaciously funny lines, but the real rageously expressive actor whom Kan- and The Band, making you half-expect to she nudges him out of his own milque-
Constantly itching to escape their tiny with a frenetic and impatient energy that beauty of the film (and Apte’s perform- dhari likens to Buster Keaton, the perfect see a tumbleweed go rolling by. toast existence. It’s the cross to bear for
single-room home in a shanty somewhere echoes Uma’s own restlessness. As a hero- ance) lies in the moments where no words platform to shine. With a gift for physical And that’s precisely what Kandhari was any anti heroine: she must make peace
in Mumbai, Uma sets off on her own at all ine, she’s as iconoclastic as they come. are being exchanged. comedy, Apte conveys magnitudes with trying to evoke. With Sister Midnight, he with being beloved and reviled all at once.
hours of the day and night in pursuit of Foul-mouthed, quick-witted and acerbic, “I tried to do everything with the least just the twitch of an eyebrow or turn of her set out to create “an American folk song Uma would certainly think it’s worth it.
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