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2 Read Text A and Text B in the insert and then answer Section A, Question 1 on this question paper. Section A: Directed Writing Question 1 ‘A young child in your family has been selected to join an intensive training programme for their chosen sport and is eager to join. The child's parents have asked for your views about whether or not their child should join. Write a letter to the child's parents. In your letter you should: + evaluate the views, attitudes and ideas given in both texts + discuss the factors the parents should consider before deciding + based on what you have read, give your views on whether or not the child and their family will benefit from the programme. Base your letter on what you have read in both texts, but be careful to use your own words. Address both of the bullet points. Write about 250 to 350 words. Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 25 marks for the quality of your writing. Vrindavan Apartments, ‘47 Diamond Harbour Road, Koikata-700027, 19th November'2023. Dear Yash and Avni, Its been a long time since | have seen both of you, however | did receive your | 7” liter regarding advice for Nathan's admission in an intensive training programme for basketball IZ | read the brochure for the training programme and | noticed that the training academy is located in the United States so that entails frequent traveling abroad to visit Nathan, high cost in fees and | tains a ig fo his ing costae tose and mation aid physicherSpy ih cass of janie aid adaitionial cost oF saiication ce uciEs 2028 osoorzanwui2a g | believe that Nathan should join the intensive training camp only if he is really interested in the basketball and wants to pursue it as his career in the future. If he is just playing the sport as a hobby © then I would not encourage it because if the sport loses it spontaneity in his eyes and he loses interest in the sport, then it would just be a waste of time, money and resources, He has to be fully committed ‘and ready for rigorous training Since Nathan is still nine years old, he is at the right age to receive higher training in his sport of choice | believe that he should go fort. But at the same time, he is going to be thousands of kilometers from both of you and since he is stl so young | would caution you to consider this factor and rethink twice before making your decision since this can change his life forever. Another factor that you should consider is the fact that Nathan would be at the training center for most of the day, he would haraly get any time to study, so this training camp could hamper his education a lt. fhe wants to pursue a profession in academics, i would be wiser for him to stay in India, he can sill tain there, butt would not hamper his education as much, | hope | have been able to answer most of your questions but the final decision has to be taken by both of you Your's affectionately, Wan, ce ucies 2028 osoorzanwui2a

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