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Language worksheet answers

Unit 1 The human body
Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 Circulatory system
2 Pulse
3 Windpipe
4 Diaphragm
5 Puberty
6 Fertilisation
7 Host
8 Defence
9 Mucus
10 Hygiene

Language worksheet 2: Language development

1 a Two signs that showed Amaal was ill were a headache and a fever.
b The disease that Amaal had is malaria.
c A mosquito spread the disease to Amaal.
d We can do things to stop or prevent us from getting malaria.

2 She left the window open at night.

3 Infected
4 He tested her blood.
5 It is caused by a parasite that enters or infects the body.
6 Vector
7 Parasite

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

8 To prevent malaria, Amaal and her family can do any three of the following:
 sleep under bed nets
 wear long sleeves and long pants
 keep doors and windows closed at night when mosquitoes are active
 use insect repellents on their skin to keep insects away
 burn mosquito coils to keep insects away.
9 Mosquitoes need water for reproduction, so there are more mosquitoes
in the rainy season because that is when they breed.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

Unit 2 Materials
Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid is called its melting point.
2 A property of a substance is something that makes it different from other substances.
3 The temperature at which particles throughout a liquid become a gas is called its boiling point.
4 A change is reversible if the substance can be changed back to the way it was before.
5 A change is irreversible if the substance cannot be changed back to the way it was before.
6 In a physical change, a substance does not change into a different substance.
7 The rate of dissolving increases if we heat a solution.
8 The substances that react together in a chemical reaction are called reactants.
9 The new substances that form in a chemical reaction are called products.
10 The way we know that a chemical reaction has happened is called evidence.

Language worksheet 2: Language development

1 Scientists needed to invent a temperature scale to make their investigations more accurate
and to be able to share their findings with other people.
2 a The thermometer
b To measure temperature
3 a Celsius gave values of 0 ° to the boiling point of water and 100 ° to the melting point of ice.
b He changed the values around and made the melting point of ice 0 ° and the boiling point
of water 100 °.
c Reversed

4 a To measure the temperatures of very cold things.

b ‘Absolute zero’ is the temperature at which particles do not move at all and
everything including air freezes solid.

5 a Both Kelvin’s and Celsius’s temperature scales have a 100 ° difference between the
freezing and boiling points of water.
b 0 ° on the Kelvin scale is -273 ° on the Celsius scale. 0 ° on the Celsius scale is the temperature at
which water freezes, and Kelvin’s scale starts at the temperature at which everything is frozen.

6 The Celsius scale. Learners’ own reasons which could include that it is based on convenient
whole numbers such as zero and 100.
7 The centigrade scale

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 3

Unit 3 Rocks
Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 1C; 2E; 3F; 4A; 5D; 6B
2 A: Igneous; B: Sediments; C: Sedimentary; D: Metamorphic; E: Magma

Language worksheet 2: Language development

1 Intrusive rock forms when magma cools inside the Earth’s crust, whereas
extrusive igneous rock forms when lava cools on the surface of the Earth.
2 Magma is molten rock inside the Earth’s crust, whereas lava is molten rock on the
surface of the Earth.
3 Erosion is the wearing down of weathered rocks into sediments, whereas deposition
is when sediments are laid down.
4 A mould fossil is the impression of the plant or animal in the rock, whereas a cast
is a fossil where the hard parts of the whole animal are preserved in minerals.
5 Sandy soil consists mainly of sand particles, whereas clay soil consists mainly
of shale particles.

Unit 4 Food chains and food webs

Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 A food web is made of linked/long food chains.
2 The Sun is a source/type of energy for all food chains.
3 Energy is used/transferred in a food chain.
4 A living thing that gets energy from eating plants is called a producer/herbivore.
5 A food web represents/lists feeding relationships between living things.
6 Arrows in a food chain show the amount/direction of energy flow.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 4

Language worksheet 2: Language development

1 Japan
2 No. They were running into walls, jumping around and falling into the sea.
3 a Scarce
b Symptoms
c Limbs
d Absorbed
e Microscopic
4 Numbness or insensitivity
5 The nervous system
6 a Mercury
b From waste that a chemical factory dumped into Minamata Bay.
7 a Both the people and cats ate fish and other animals from the sea.
b The birds also ate fish that contained mercury.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 5

Unit 5 Forces
Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 We use kilograms to measure mass.
2 An object will float when its mass is equal to or less than the mass of the water
displaced by upthrust.
3 A circuit where the electric current only has one pathway is a series circuit.
4 We measure weight in newtons with an instrument called a forcemeter.
5 We can show the components of a circuit with symbols on a circuit diagram.

Language worksheet 2: Language development

1 A (kneading dough): This force has the effect of changing
the shape of the dough.
B (catching a ball): This force has the effect of stopping the ball.
C (hitting a ball): This force has the effect of changing
the direction in which the ball travels and its speed.

3 1: lamp; 2: 3V battery; 3: switch; 4: connecting wire

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 6

Unit 6 Light
Language worksheet 1: Vocabulary building
1 Mirror image
2 Waning
3 Earth year
4 Convex lens
5 Refraction
6 Converge
7 Plane mirror
8 Optical illusion
9 Orbits

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Language worksheet 2: Language development


Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 8

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