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Group assignment #7: Turning a dysfunctional group into a high-performing team

Mary, a recently promoted CEO of a medium-sized company, knows that if her team doesn't work well
together, she will not be able to implement the culture change she intended for the company. The team
has two senior members who have been there for between 15-25 years, including the former CEO (who
is now the Board President) and another member who has been working there for 5 years. The senior
members have long working relationships with each other (not all positive) and many communication
habits that result in poor idea sharing, a lack of participation in decision-making, and a risk-averse
mentality. This group is not even thinking or operating as a team.

a) Identify the main problems of this dysfunctional group that are preventing the members’ ability to
work together.

The main problems of this dysfunctional group that are preventing the members' ability to work together

• Lack of Communication: The team members have poor communication habits, which inhibit effective
idea sharing.

• Long-standing Relationships: While the senior members have long working relationships, not all of
these relationships are positive.

• Former CEO's Influence: The former CEO, who is now the Board President, may still exert a significant
amount of influence and control over the team, which can hinder the ability of the new CEO, Mary,
to implement her intended culture change.

• Risk-Averse Mentality: The team's risk-averse mentality is preventing them from making decisions
and taking necessary risks to move the company forward.

• Lack of Participation in Decision-Making: The team members may not be actively participating in
decision-making, which can result in top-down decision-making and a lack of buy-in from the team.

• Absence of a Team Mindset: They may prioritize their individual interests or the interests of their
subgroups over the collective goals and interests of the company. Does not appear to be thinking or
operating as a team.

b) What would you suggest to help Mary transform this group into a high-performing team?

To help Mary transform this group into a high-performing team, she can consider:

• Facilitate Open Communication: Create a safe space for members to share their ideas, concerns, and
feedback. Establish regular team meetings and channels for collaboration.

• Conflict Resolution: Address and resolve past conflicts and negative dynamics within the team.

• Redefine Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team
member, including the former CEO and Board President, to avoid confusion and conflicts regarding
decision-making and authority.
• Encourage Inclusivity: Foster a culture of inclusivity by involving all team members in decision-
making processes.

• Set a New Vision and Goals: Develop a shared vision and strategic goals for the team that align with
the culture change Mary intends to implement.

• Team Building Activities: Organize team-building activities and workshops to help team members
build trust, strengthen their relationships, and develop a sense of unity and shared purpose.

• Measure Progress: Regularly assess and measure the team's progress towards becoming a high-
performing team.


Ana Beatriz Santos Vilaça - A103272

Cláudia Castro Moreira - A103310

Fernanda Alves Bicalho - A102153

Inês Araújo Costa Cabral Caetano - A103266

Sofia do Anjo Vieira Oliveira - A103270

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