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[ clinical commentary ]

Samuel R. Ward, PT, PhD1 • Taylor M. Winters, MS2 • Silvia S. Blemker, PhD3

The Architectural Design of the

Gluteal Muscle Group: Implications
for Movement and Rehabilitation

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omplex interactions between the nervous, muscular, and structure-function relationships of skel-
skeletal systems produce the wide variety of movements etal muscle and discuss these features in
the context of a comprehensive data set
available for human task execution. Each of these systems
of hip muscle architecture.30 To provide
is often studied in isolation, but movement scientists and clinical context for these data, we also
Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

clinicians are forced to integrate the entire neuromusculoskeletal present a brief illustrative description of
system to understand functional limitations and prescribe viable muscle-joint interactions during a com-
treatments. Although this approach is appropriate for clinical decision mon movement task and discuss their
making, the details of each system are often overlooked, perhaps at utility in rehabilitation.
the expense of accurate and/or innovative treatment approaches.
The purpose of this paper was to describe the fundamental

organization and physiology of the muscles controlling hip movement. he visual appearance of skel-
In the muscular system, the organiza- tially influence contractile properties, etal muscle is familiar to most cli-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tion of fibers within a muscle is highly none predict muscle function as well as nicians. It is a mass of organized
predictive of its functional capacity.3,4,25 muscle architecture.4,20 Architectural muscle fascicles, covered in connective
The organizational parameters (eg, nor- data, particularly in humans, are used ex- tissue, connected at each end to bones
malized fiber length and physiological tensively to understand muscle-joint be- through tendons. The sizes of muscles
cross-sectional area), termed muscle havior5 and to make surgical decisions.17 and tendons vary considerably; but a key
architecture, are often used to identify Although the architecture of the hip concept is that, macroscopically, the eye
muscles important in movement and muscles has been documented,6,34 these is drawn to the volume or mass of a mus-
stability.6,21,30,32,34 While other physical studies are limited in terms of size and, cle. For example, the gluteus maximus is
parameters, such as muscle mass and in some cases, lack appropriate methods larger in volume than the gluteus medius
volume, and other metabolic parameters, that confound accurate interpretation or minimus. The volume of a muscle is
such as fiber type distribution, substan- of the data. Here we present the basic dictated, in large part, by the total num-
ber of sarcomeres contained in that mus-
t SYNOPSIS: The organization of fibers within the hip muscles, and highlight the importance cle. Sarcomeres are approximately 1 μm
a muscle (architecture) defines the performance of muscle physiology and joint mechanics when in diameter and 2 to 3 μm long. These
capacity of that muscle. In the current commen- evaluating and treating musculoskeletal disorders. functional units of muscle are stacked
tary, basic architectural terms are reviewed in the J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(2):95-102. end-to-end (serially) to form myofibrils.
context of the major hip muscles and then specific Myofibrils are packed side-by-side (in
illustrative examples relevant to lower extremity re-
t KEY WORDS: exercise, gluteus maximus,
parallel) to form muscle fibers (approxi-
habilitation are presented. These data demonstrate
the architectural and functional specialization of gluteus medius, hip, rehabilitation mately 50 μm in diameter in humans).
Muscle fibers are packed in parallel to

Assistant Professor, Departments of Radiology, Orthopaedic Surgery, and Bioengineering, University of California and Veterans Administration Medical Centers, San Diego, CA.
PhD student, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, CA. 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Address correspondence to Dr Samuel R. Ward, Department of Radiology (0610), University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
CA 92124. E-mail:

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[ clinical commentary ]
form fascicles (approximately 1 to 3 mm A B
in diameter in humans), which are again
packed in parallel to form muscles (cen-
timeters in diameter in humans).
The organization of muscle fibers
6× 12×
(and therefore sarcomeres) relative to
the axis of force generation (tendon)
is called muscle architecture.7 That is,
muscle architecture defines how sar- C D
comeres (the functional units of muscle)
are packed into a muscle. There are es- C
sentially 2 extreme options: sarcomeres

Relative Tension (%P0)

packed end-to-end (in series) or side-by-
side (in parallel). The first option, pack-
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ing sarcomeres in series, yields very long

muscle fibers, which would allow a mus-
cle to change lengths over large distances 12×

and at relatively high velocities (FIGURE

1). 3,19,29 This architectural parameter is Length
Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

termed normalized muscle fiber length.

FIGURE 1. Schematic of muscle architectural parameters. A short-fibered muscle (A) has relatively short excursion
The normalization process, described
compared to a longer-fibered muscle (B). A muscle with few fibers in parallel (B) produces less maximum
below, simply allows fiber lengths to be isometric force compared to a muscle with more fibers in parallel (C). These concepts can also be illustrated in
compared at the same sarcomere length. the context of force-length curves, where relative tension (expressed as a percentage of its maximum isometric
The second option, packing sarcomeres tension; P0) is plotted against length (D). For example, muscle B has twice the excursion and the same force as
in parallel, yields higher forces because muscle A and muscle C will produce 3 times the force and will have the same excursion as muscle B.
more sarcomeres are simultaneously
pulling on the tendons (FIGURE 1).25 This from the contractile tissues. A series of the quadriceps. These long (hamstring)
calculated parameter is called physi- small muscle fiber bundles are isolated and short (quadriceps) sarcomere lengths
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

ological cross-sectional area (PCSA). In and their pennation angles are mea- are dictated by the inherent sarcomere-
humans and animals, the architectural sured. The fiber bundles are then dis- length joint angle configuration of each
features of muscle are somewhere in sected from the muscle and their lengths individual muscle. In this specific case,
between these 2 extremes, which allow measured. Following this procedure, sar- when the hip and knee are at zero degrees
muscles to change length and to gen- comere length is measured using laser of flexion, the hamstrings have relatively
erate enough force to accomplish the diffraction.36 A normalized fiber length is long sarcomere lengths compared to the
functional demands imposed on them. then calculated for the isolated bundles quadriceps. The normalization procedure
Importantly, these architectural features according to the following equation22: allows fiber lengths from any muscle to
(fiber length and PCSA) provide a near- be compared, regardless of the amount
comprehensive picture of the functional
capacity of a muscle. 3,4,19,25 Muscles with
L f = L f'
( 2.7 μm
L S' ) of tension on that muscle at the time of
large PCSAs and short fiber lengths PCSA is calculated according to the
generate large forces over small length Where Lf' is the measured fiber length, following equation25:
changes, while muscles with small PC- Ls' is the measured sarcomere length in
SAs and long fibers generate small forces each fiber bundle, Lf is normalized mus- M (g)  cosθ
PCSA (cm2) =
over large length changes. Functionally, cle fiber length, and 2.7 μm represents ρ (g ÷ cm3)  Lf (cm)
we would categorize these 2 examples as the optimum sarcomere length for hu-
muscles designed for “stability” or “ex- man muscle.22 This normalization pro- Where M is muscle mass, θ is penna-
cursion,” respectively. cedure is important because muscles are tion angle, ρ is muscle density (1.056 g ÷
The methods used to calculate these fixed at a variety of lengths in vivo. For ex- cm3),33 and Lf is the normalized muscle
architectural parameters have been well ample, a muscle fixed in tension, like the fiber length calculated above. This cal-
described21 but are important to under- hamstring muscles, will appear to have culated value is an estimate of the sum
stand. First, muscles are isolated and relatively long fiber lengths compared of all of the muscle fiber cross-sectional
connective tissue is sharply removed to a muscle fixed in a slack position, like areas in a muscle and it is dependent on

96 | february 2010 | volume 40 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

40-02 Ward_folio.indd 96 1/20/10 4:08:14 PM

an accurate calculation of normalized fi-
ber length (Lf). As described above, cal-
culation of Lf requires a measurement of
GMed GMax
sarcomere length. Therefore, PCSA can-
not be determined by simply measuring 30.0

the anatomical cross-sectional area of a

muscle (eg, from an MRI cross-section).

PCSA (cm2)
Determination of Lf requires invasive Piri QF
20.0 Add M
measurements, and true calculations of SM

PCSA have, to date, been limited to ca-

daveric specimens. Assessment of PCSA BFSH
10.0 OI
in individual patients has therefore been Iliacus
Pect Psoas
impossible. However, new minimally in- IG
Add L ST
Add B
vasive imaging techniques23 may allow GR SR
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for in vivo sarcomere length determina- 0.0
tion, enabling us to calculate PCSA from 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
noninvasive MRI-based measurements
Fiber Length (cm)
of muscle volume and Lf.
Recently, we studied the architecture
Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

of the major hip muscles in 20 cadaveric FIGURE 2. Scatter plot of muscle normalized fiber length versus physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) for the
specimens.30 These data demonstrate a major hip muscles. Increasing muscle fiber length is associated with increasing excursion and velocity capacities in a
muscle, while increasing PCSA is associated with increasing maximum isometric force-producing capacities. Gluteus
number of important concepts. First,
medius (GMed), gluteus maximus (GMax), adductor magnus (Add M), adductor longus (Add L), adductor brevis (Add
the trade-off between PCSA and fiber B), semitendinosus (ST), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris long head (BFLH), biceps femoris short head
length can be readily observed (FIGURE (BFSH), rectus femoris (RF), iliacus, psoas, sartorius (SR), gracilis (GR), piriformis (Piri), quadratus femoris (QF),
2). For example, the gluteus medius obturator internis (OI), pectinius (Pect), internal gemellus (IG), obturator externus (OE), and superior gemellus (SG)
muscle has a large PCSA and relatively are depicted. Data are presented as mean  SE and adapted from Ward et al30 and Friederich and Brand.5
short fibers compared to the sartorius
muscle, which has very long fibers and a and/or modulating joint stiffness, in ef- gests that it produces maximum force
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

very small PCSA. Using these 2 muscles fect, “tuning” the hip joint. Importantly, isometrically when there are a maximum
as an example, the gluteus medius ap- the masses of these muscles tell you rela- number of cross-bridges formed be-
pears to be designed to stabilize the hip tively little about their performance. For tween actin and myosin. This occurs at
by generating very large forces over a example the gluteus maximus muscle has optimum myofilament (actin and myo-
narrow range of lengths, in contrast to the largest mass, but not necessarily the sin) overlap. In humans, this is between
the sartorius, which appears to be de- largest force-producing capacity because 2.6 and 2.8 μm (FIGURE 3A).22 At longer
signed to generate much smaller forces it has very long fibers. lengths, fewer cross-bridges are formed
over a much wider range of lengths. A and there is less active force production.
few muscles, like the gluteus maximus MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY This region of the length-tension curve
and adductor magnus, have large PCSAs is called the “descending limb.” Impor-

and long fibers, suggesting that they are lthough architectural fea- tantly, passive force is also generated by
expected to generate large forces over a tures are important for describing the noncontractile elements of muscle
wide range of lengths. These 2 muscles the functional capacity of muscle, in this region. At shorter lengths, again,
are likely to be clinically meaningful, as it is important to recognize that muscles there are fewer cross-bridges formed due
we may rely heavily upon them to gen- are exposed to length changes and ve- to overlapping actin filaments and less
erate force throughout the range of pos- locities during movement, and both of force is produced. This region is called
sible hip motions. Other muscles, like these change absolute force production. the “ascending limb.”9,10,26
the short external rotators, have large For example, the previously described ar- The force-generating capacity of a
PCSAs and very short fibers, suggesting chitectural feature PCSA is predictive of muscle is also greatly influenced by ve-
that they are designed to stabilize the maximum isometric force-generating ca- locity. As muscle begins to actively short-
hip and pelvis. These muscles may also pacity at optimal muscle length.25 How- en, force declines precipitously (FIGURE
be clinically meaningful because they ever, force-generating capacity changes 3B). When muscle actively lengthens,
are, perhaps, responsible for providing with muscle length. The well-described force rises to levels greater than can be
minor position adjustments to the hip force-length relationship of muscle8 sug- achieved isometrically (FIGURE 3B). These

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[ clinical commentary ]
A lated to the mechanical energy needed to
120 physically break the connection between
actin and myosin, although this is the fo-
cus of much current work in basic muscle
Although these relationships are dog-
matic in the literature, it is important to
Relative Tension (%P0)

understand that they are achieved under

60 well-controlled, maximum activation
of isolated muscle systems. In vivo, the
relationships change slightly because of
submaximal muscle activations,14,27 the
interactions between muscles and con-
20 nective tissues,15 and tendon elasticity.18
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However, they should be considered as an

0 accurate general framework for muscle
0 1 2 3 4 5 physiology.

Sarcomere Length (µm) MUSCLE-JOINT

Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.


lthough muscle architecture
and physiology explain muscle
120 function in isolation, human move-
ment requires muscles to operate in the
Muscle Force (%P0)

context of the skeleton. Specifically, the
organization of a joint has a profound
impact on the function of muscle. For
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

60 example, most are familiar with the con-

cept of torque (force  moment arm),

which is, in fact, how muscles generate
motion. A simple yet important concept
is that moment arms serve to magnify or
0 attenuate the torque-generating capacity
–100 –50 0 50 100 (strength) of a muscle or muscle group.
However, it is also important to under-
Contractile Velocity (%Vmax)
stand the moment arms change with
joint position and they directly influence
FIGURE 3. The shape of the force-length relationship (A) is dictated by the amount of actin and myosin overlap the amount of length change imposed on
in a sarcomere. At optimal length (2.6-2.8 µm in humans) there is maximum overlap and maximum isometric
a muscle as a joint rotates. This has 2 key
force production. At shorter sarcomere lengths, there are fewer cross-bridges formed and therefore less force
production. This region is termed the ascending limb of the force-length curve. At longer lengths, again, fewer
consequences on muscle force-generat-
cross-bridges are formed and there is less active force production. This region is termed the descending limb of ing capacity. First, large moment arms
the force-length curve. Importantly, passive tension begins to rise on the descending limb of the length-tension are associated with large muscle length
curve. Muscle is also very sensitive to velocity and this physiological property of muscle is characterized by the changes. As muscles are forced to shorten
force-velocity curve (B). Force-producing capacity falls rapidly as the muscle shortens at progressively higher
and lengthen over large sarcomere length
velocities, while force increases to a level beyond isometric maximum when the muscle actively lengthens. Notice
that muscle is not particularly sensitive to lengthening velocity, as force is relatively constant as lengthening
ranges, force-generating capacity is com-
velocity increases. promised (FIGURE 4). As an aside, the pre-
cise relationship between joint angle and
relationships have also been charac- bridges being formed when actin and sarcomere length for each lower extrem-
terized extensively.13 The rationale for myosin are moving relative to each other. ity muscle is largely unknown but is the
force decline during active shortening During active lengthening, the increase focus of current research in our labora-
is thought to be related to fewer cross- in force production is thought to be re- tory. However, we do know from work

98 | february 2010 | volume 40 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

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in the upper extremity and spine that
optimal muscle length does not neces- Lf Lf
sarily occur in the anatomically neutral
joint configuration.22,31,32 Second, large MA 2
moment arms are associated with higher
MA 1
muscle velocities for a given joint angular
velocity. As muscles are forced to operate
at higher velocities (at least shortening
velocities), force-generating capacity is
also compromised. Therefore, large mo-
ment arms do not necessarily guarantee
high torque-generating capacity. Impor-
tantly, the complex interaction between

Relative Tension (%P0)

muscles and moment arms is a key rea-
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son why musculoskeletal models are used

to understand movement.


Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.


o illustrate the combined
effects of muscle architecture, mo-
ment arms, and force-velocity rela- FIGURE 4. The relationship between moment arm and muscle fiber length is complex. The amount of length
tionships, we have modeled the potential change imposed on a muscle (dashed lines) is directly related to the size of the muscle moment arm. Therefore,
if we consider 2 hypothetical muscle-joint systems (left and right) with identical muscle fiber lengths but different
moment-producing capacities of the glu-
moment arms, we would expect the muscle with the larger moment arm to operate over a wider range of the
teus maximus (sagittal plane), gluteus length-tension curve (P0 is maximum isometric tension). Additionally, assuming the angular velocity of the joint
medius (frontal plane), adductor mag- is the same, we would expect the muscle with the larger moment arm to be operating at higher velocities. Both of
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

nus (sagittal plane), and the hamstrings these interactions would be expected to compromise the force-generating capacity of the muscle.
(sagittal plane), during a simple squat
task (FIGURE 5). We use the term “poten- ilar maximum extension torques at the to limit net muscle length changes. Third,
tial” specifically because we are modeling hip in the sagittal plane, despite the fact the gluteus medius produces nearly the
the moment-generating capacity of each that gluteus maximus has a larger PCSA. same torque as the gluteus maximus but
muscle, assuming maximum activation of This is due to the fact that adductor mag- in the frontal plane (abduction).
that muscle, which is clearly not the case nus has a larger hip extension moment To illustrate the effect of kinematic
during normal movements. However, this arm when the hip is flexed. Importantly, changes on torque-generating capacity,
exercise does allow us to compare the the adductor magnus retains its ability to we simply added 15° of internal rotation
relative strength capacity of each muscle. generate hip extension as the hip is flexed, to the hip during the same motion. Based
The task involves squatting to 90° of hip unlike the gluteus maximus (FIGURE 5A and on the model, it can be readily observed
flexion and 90° of knee flexion, and is 5C). Second, the combined efforts of the that this movement change impairs the
performed relatively slowly. This speed hamstring muscles produce a much larg- hip extension torque generated by the
allows us to consider the effects of muscle er hip extension moment (nearly 2-fold gluteus maximus, but increases the ab-
architecture, moment arms, and muscle higher) than the gluteus maximus. This duction moment capacity of the gluteus
length quite easily within the theoretical is due to the larger combined PCSA of medius when the hip is in flexion (FIGURE
framework of the model. Although more the hamstrings compared to the gluteus 5A and 5B). This is an intriguing concept,
sophisticated musculoskeletal models are maximus and the fact that the hamstrings because it is commonly believed that this
available for the hip,2 here we have used have larger hip extension moment arms movement pattern is indicative of hip
the standard SIMM (software for interac- when the hip is flexed. This is important weakness, particularly in patients with pa-
tive musculoskeletal modeling) model.5 because the combined effect of hip flexion tellofemoral joint dysfunction28 and sub-
These data presented in FIGURE 5 illus- (which tends to lengthen the hamstrings) jects at risk for anterior cruciate ligament
trate a few key concepts. First, the gluteus and knee flexion (which tends to shorten injury.16 Perhaps it is a compensation for
maximus and adductor magnus exert sim- the hamstrings) offset each other enough weak abductor muscles, as internal rota-

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 40 | number 2 | february 2010 | 99

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[ clinical commentary ]
A B the squatting task. However, internal ro-
Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius tation is also a difficult measurement to

Hip Abduction Moment (Nm)

Hip Extension Moment (Nm)

60 60 make in vivo, so a precise representation

50 50 of patient-specific kinematics is problem-
40 40 atic. All of these factors can change on a
30 30 subject-by-subject basis. Although many
20 20 of these assumptions have been tested in
10 10 cadaveric specimens, others are unknown
(ie, the sarcomere length-joint angle re-
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
C D lationship of each muscle). These prob-
lems are the focus of much work in the
Adductor Magnus Hamstrings
Hip Extension Moment (Nm)
Hip Extension Moment (Nm)

60 area of musculoskeletal biomechanics.
50 While such models are being validated,
40 such thought exercises should be used to
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guide empirical experiments.
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Copyright © 2010 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Squatting Motion Cycle (%) Squatting Motion Cycle (%) uscles are the organs that
directly produce movement.
Therefore, a comprehensive un-
derstanding of their design and physiol-
ogy is critical for the precise identification
Sagittal squatting motion Sagittal squatting motion, 15° internal rotation of (1) sources of pathologic movement
and (2) targets of exercise interventions.
FIGURE 5. The interaction between muscle architecture, muscle physiology, and joint mechanics is complex. For example, understanding that the
Therefore, the influence of each of these properties is often evaluated within the context of a musculoskeletal gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, and
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

model. Using a simple lower extremity model,5 we characterized the hip extension moment-generating capacities hamstrings have the potential to generate
of the gluteus maximus (A), adductor magnus (C), and hamstrings muscle group (D) and the hip abduction
the vast majority of hip extension torque
moment-generating capacity of the gluteus medius (B) during a simple squatting task (solid blue line). These data
are compared to a squatting task with 15° of internal rotation at the hip (dashed orange lines). It can be observed will allow the clinician to rapidly assess
that the hip extension capacity of the gluteus maximus declines, while the hip abduction movement capacity of the the strength of these muscles when hip
gluteus medius increases, with this small kinematics variation. Although this is a hypothetical scenario depicted extension weakness is suspected. If hip
with a generic musculoskeletal model, it illustrates that small changes in movement can influence the physiology extension weakness is found when the
of the system.
hip is flexed, adductor magnus and the
hamstring muscles would be the most
tion will increase the torque-generating than expected. likely culprits, because they are capable
capacity of the gluteus medius, without This modeling approach is useful for of generating the most torque in this joint
changing the architectural features of guiding further research in the area of position. Similarly, gluteus medius is the
the muscle. This has been demonstrated movement disorders, but should not be dominant hip abductor and should be as-
previously in children with cerebral pal- considered empirical data. The model it- sessed when hip abduction weakness is
sy.12 Also, the net effect on hip extension self has a series of assumptions built into suspected.
would be relatively minor, as the ham- it (for example, the architectural features The architecture of these muscles is
strings, gluteus maximus, and adductor of the muscles, the range in which they also important when assessing and tar-
magnus all contribute to hip extension operate on the length-tension curve, the geting these muscles. For example, the
moment-generating capacity. Although moment arms of each muscle, and the as- gluteus medius produces an exceptional
these muscle-level changes seem to fit sumption of maximal activation for each amount of force given its size. This is ac-
previously described movement patterns muscle). Additionally, it is important to complished by packing many short fibers
observed in patients, it should be noted recognize that this amount of internal in parallel. The consequence, however, is
that within the framework of this model rotation is greater than the amount re- that the muscle is not designed to pro-
the changes are fairly small and appear ported in patients with patellofemoral duce very large forces over a wide range
to occur deeper in hip and knee flexion dysfunction28 and is constant throughout of lengths (or hip positions). Basically,

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40-02 Ward_folio.indd 100 1/20/10 4:08:25 PM

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more sarcomeres in rat vastus intermedius 31. Ward SR, Hentzen ER, Smallwood LH, et al.
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