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Let's see it a little with your eyes

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I always have my god by my side
The Fool is a believer. He has had many gestures that have placed him close to the Catholic religion.
Like when she locked herself in a convent as soon as she had resigned from the Argentine National
Team, or like when she posted posters with the name "Clarisa" on the substitute bench of Athletic
Bilbao , in gratitude to a Monastery of sisters who bear that name.

In this fragment, which corresponds to a talk he gave in Rosario in 2011, Bielsa explains how some
values and concepts of Catholicism helped him direct.

"Religion, especially Catholic religion, helped me lead. It has four antagonistic axes: guilt and
punishment, love and forgiveness. These two are less visible: punishment and guilt are much
more on the surface than forgiveness and love. To direct, I realized that forgiving the footballer
improves him. And loving him too. I don't have the slightest doubt about it. If I love him and for
loving him, I forgive him, it is better than if I punish him and accuse him. Loving him and being
loved is one of them. "the things that bring the most happiness to human beings."
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Good luck! And more than luck!
El Loco opened a Facebook account, just as he did almost a year ago to refer to the conflict over the
works in Lezama, to say goodbye to the Athletic people.

Here is the letter that Bielsa wrote.

"Bilbao June 30, 2013.

To the Athletic fans:

After two years, it is time to say goodbye and express my gratitude for everything I have
received during this period in Bilbao. I feel proud to have belonged to Athletic and honored to
have once had the opportunity to coach the first team. Football, which so often has a magical
side, rewarded me with the possibility of living two unforgettable campaigns, which in my
case have meant a formidable human and professional experience.

This intense stage has transcended football. I learned that Bizkaia expresses itself through
Athletic. The fans get excited about football in a unique way. I think I have understood the
feelings, values and principles that support Athletic.

I have received messages in the last few weeks. Under these circumstances, I want to thank all
the people who sent me gifts and farewell letters. I can't find a way to return that affection.

Finally, I want to fondly remember the children of Bizkaia, because with their ingenuity they
naturally transmit what the feeling for Athletic means and guarantee that the bond will
continue to be massive, lasting and indestructible.

I wish the team luck and the greatest success in the journey ahead.

"Marcelo Bielsa"
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On this day and every day
Miscellaneous of Loco Bielsa. About fear, error and gambling

-"Fear is very useful for competition, the body works better with fear. But if fear goes beyond
what is reasonable, the system makes anything uncontrollable. One thing that articulates a
lot with fear is error. "You cannot play if there is no right to make mistakes. Error is the axis of
improvement and it proposes self-criticism."

The role of the public in the game - "The players have the obligation to tell the fans how to try,
how to execute, how to play. But we , as fans, also have the responsibility if the player plays
poorly." -"Football increasingly resembles our goal of winning through colors and
increasingly distances itself from what brought us closer to it."

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It came fast...
Just a few days ago, Michael Owen announced his retirement from professional football. In 1998,
after the World Cup in France where the English player shone (with a great goal against Argentina
included), Loco Bielsa highlighted him, pointing him out as one of his favorites.
This said:

"Owen summarizes the player who is going to appear: with a change of pace, surprising, not
full of fantasies like Diego Maradona or Ariel Ortega himself. It will be difficult to see players
like that again."

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The market of all love

"If you dedicate yourself to playing, football will make you money; if you dedicate yourself to
making money, it won't let you play"
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Blowing embers into your heart
Today the full audio of the talk that Loco Bielsa gave to his players came to light the day after having
lost the Copa del Rey final against Barcelona and a few days after having lost the Europa League
final against Atlético de Madrid.

The content of it is beautiful. With a transparency and honesty that excites. Bielsa vindicates himself
in his own words. A man who says concepts in the locker room identical to those he maintains in front
of the microphones. A hurt man, but upright; annoyed, but deeply respectful; disappointed, but proud.

I transcribe, verbatim, the 9 minutes that the talk lasts. And below I leave the audio for you to enjoy
yourself. The best we are going to find around the ball, I promise you.

"In the next few days the club and I will decide if I am going to continue working next season
here at Athletic. The vacation has to start and I don't know if I will see you again. If it
continues, I would connect with you to schedule everything that has to do with dates and so
on. Or maybe I won't see them again, because the holidays are starting and if the club decided
that I wouldn't be the next coach, then I wouldn't want to see them. It's just a farewell greeting
for the next preseason or maybe I wouldn't see them again.

Briefly tell you that it was a season that ended very badly, it really ended very badly. I think we
can't ignore how it ended. It would be a deception to value the development because the
closing was very bad, guys, honestly it was very bad. I take absolute responsibility for how we
closed and I tell you clearly why: we played a great game against Portugal and from then on
everything was negative. Yesterday's match (against Barcelona) confirms it from my point of
view. Because the players who are emblematic of my way of thinking, of my way of feeling
about football, the case of De Marcos, Amorebieta, Susaeta, Muniain, who is a guy with whom I
am emotionally on the same wavelength, were not up to the task. of the party. In a group of 20
players, there are players who are similar to what you want, and there are players who are
different from what you want. But they are all useful and together we made enormous efforts
to achieve the very important things we achieved.

But, guys, we didn't live up to the illusion we generated. It's a scar, a wound. Yesterday I heard
conversations, laughter on the bus. It seems to me inadmissible, in-admissible, guys, to
mobilize a people, to disappoint a people, to not live up to the illusions they generated.
Because I am truly ashamed of having disappointed the Athletic Bilbao fans. Because don't
lose sight, guys, that we let her down. It is truly a failure and it is a negative season. Because
if you play two finals you can lose them, not 3-0, but 5-0. You can lose them, there is no
problem. But losing both finals like we lost them, guys! Honestly, I don't know how you see it.
If what happened with Atlético de Madrid was bad, what happened yesterday was much worse.
And I tell them that I am responsible. We played the game against Barcelona knowing which
Barcelona we were going to face, knowing what type of game we had to neutralize, absolutely
nothing surprised us. Everything that we thought was going to happen and we prepared to
neutralize, is what happened. So how can I not feel responsible? And how can I not feel
responsible if the guys who most genuinely represent my idea are the ones who have the least
involvement in the orientation and movement of the team? I don't know if you understand
what I want to tell you.

You can take responsibility away by saying: “ No, because this one ”, “ No, because that
one ”, “ No, because the other one ”, “ No, because they didn't pay attention ”, “ No, because
we didn't prepare ”. No, guys, nothing like that. They trained for ten days like animals, they
obeyed and submitted and applied themselves to everything I asked of them, to everything I
proposed, to everything I wanted us to do so that the differences would not be what they were.
So, be very clear guys, but be very clear!, and do not take it as a drawing, that I am
responsible and that is how I feel. I feel that way, but do not ignore that you cannot disappoint
a people, apart from such a naive people, guys, so naive!, that is losing three to zero with an
open wound and you make a minimally positive play and they applaud it at minute eighty. It is
such an extraordinary town, guys, so extraordinary, so extraordinary and you are a part of that
town. You are that people! You are the same kind of people we are talking about: extraordinary
people. But unfortunately, guys, we didn't measure up. I'm ashamed, a-ver-gon-za-do!
Because having played the game we played against Sporting Lisbon, and from then on, when
all the objectives had been achieved, where we had to demonstrate greatness, strength,
personality, self-confidence...reinforce everything we had done , we did the opposite.

I insist: when I tell you that I feel responsible, I would not feel responsible if I had managed a
group that did not obey, that did not feel, that did not allow itself to be convinced, that held
back, that opened internal cracks, but this was quite the opposite. . Those who didn't play,
guys, the Zuabiaurre, the Koikili, the Aitor Ocio, guys who could have swollen their balls, but
no. Everyone gathered behind the project of what I was proposing. I have nothing to complain
to anyone, but for your sake, for your future, I have the obligation to tell you that: you
disappointed a people that did not deserve it. And it wasn't necessary to be champion to not
disappoint, eh! Be clear. It was necessary, as I told you yesterday: instead of being afraid of
losing, play to win. We did not play to win, we did not play to win yesterday and we did not
play to win with Atlético. Because to play, to win, guys, you have to do what you planned to
do, believing that that would allow you to win. And we didn't do that. Everything is in the past,
there are no more games to watch, no things to analyze, no heads to organize, no messages
to give. We already let the opportunity pass. And besides, also, be aware that they are very
young, they are very young, they are premature millionaires, they have no problems, they
don't care much about what is going to happen, because everyone has figured out what is
going to happen, they allow themselves to laugh afterwards. to see that there are guys who
come walking from Madrid. And we are on top of a group laughing after having lost a final.

All those things are allowed but neither football nor life is like that, guys, because these two
opportunities are going to take a long time, a very long time!, for you to have revenge. And
you will remember what I am telling you; and I insist, it is not about, it is not about! of having
won, but of how we lost.

So for me all the traffic, which was extraordinary, because they played extraordinary games,
truly extraordinary, is overshadowed by this. And it is even more obscured by not knowing
why. Because the reality guys is that we don't know why. It is not enough for me to say the
conclusions from the first game (against Atlético de Madrid) were that we were too nervous,
and all the ones that you attributed. And if you ask me why, worse still, I wouldn't know why.

Well, nothing more guys. I greet you in case we don't see each other again. And if we see each
other again we will fight to continue producing something important."

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I won't change it for anything
This is a fragment of an interview that El Loco gave to Minuto 90 magazine in 1992, when he was still
directing Newell's Old Boys.
In this talk with journalist Aldo Schiappacasse, Bielsa reveals a little about his obsession with work
and his daily demands. Really worth it.

-"The player who doesn't understand me is left out. It's very simple. This is high competition,
which is only for the chosen ones and not just anyone can be there. Look: in training we put
two hundred and twenty crosses into a guy, with the conception that the ball and the player
have maximum speed and meet at a certain point. This is how goals are scored from stopped
balls, it doesn't matter if they head well or not. Of the two hundred and twenty that we shoot,
only five will come, but the obligation. What I impose on him is that he goes to all of them,
thinking that it is one of those five that will come to him. That is concentration: do everything
as if it were your only opportunity. Because an opportunity is a goal and a goal is life for us.
Now, if a guy doesn't go to one of the two hundred and twenty that I throw at him, I'll kill him. I
have to make him feel like he's raped a woman because in that ball he let go he took away our
money, our triumph, our glory. , life. Do you think I'm crazy? It's just a ball in training. But the
guy who missed is going to think I'm really crazy, and if he doesn't run the next ball he's going
to think I'm going to hit him. That's creating a climate, mentalizing."
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I toast to your luck
Finally, Marcelo Bielsa renewed his contract with Athletic for one more year. And to celebrate his
continuity I bring you some quotes from Loco from a little over a year ago, when he offered a talk
about football (and life) in his hometown, Rosario.

- " Leading a group has to do with trying to neutralize the anxiety of those who want to win at
any cost, conveying to people that a style defends them. "

- "You need tolerance for error. It is not the same to lead while admitting error than to drive by
discarding the error." - "As a coach, one has to understand that the idea is not to get it right,
but not to make mistakes, to understand that the players are going to get it right on their own."
- "The mood is the party that usually defines a result." - "There are many victories that do not
deserve to be celebrated." - "The press has an idea of how to be good, how to shine, how to
be the best, and it is a different idea than the coach."

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When the fire grows I want to be there
With less than a day to go before the final in Bucharest, I leave a summary with some of Bielsa's
reflections ahead of one of the most important games in Athletic's history.

- "Emotions and sensations multiply in these types of circumstances, but the important thing
is how they manifest themselves in the game."

-"The counterattack is a possibility, and perhaps it would be a resource, but we know that our
way of playing has a risk and we try to avoid imbalances. In exchange for that risk we try to
have more time of possession and more quantity of attacks."

-"We are going to try to play uninhibited, naturally, as we would do on any other occasion
because that brings us closer to victory."

-"A match like this does not have any type of alternatives that explain the reality of a team. We
feel good and we must be good, what is going to happen is irreversible and we have to know
how to live up to it."
-"Reaching two finals is always valuable, winning them is much more valuable and losing
them is very sad. I am satisfied to have arrived, excited to win them and God protect us from
losing them. That would be the order."

-"It is very difficult to personalize this. If there is something that Athletic has, it is the
predominance of collective expression over any singular or particular incident. I am not
excited for myself but for the team. It would be extraordinary if it happened."

-"It would be impossible for me to repeat that expression of 'Newell's damn it!' but yelling for
Athletic. People notice when one falsifies."
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Hidden and lurking

When he coached in Chile, as when he did in Argentina, journalists and photographers

tried to capture any activity or movement of Marcelo Bielsa: whether on the field or off
it. Once, they photographed him riding a bicycle and on another occasion they
reproduced in a newspaper a joke that he had made to the player Alexis Sánchez in the
privacy of a training session.
In a conference after these two episodes, the Fool told journalists the following:

-" If I had only known that any journalist could be evaluating something that I
expressed privately, I would have lost my spontaneity. For a group leader it is
essential to be able to handle oneself spontaneously. To the extent that
journalists mediate between us and the public, It is inconvenient for us to
express our feelings, our privacy or that of Sánchez, to which I referred,
ignoring what he was saying, as a joke. The same with the bicycle: the fact that
it has been portrayed when I ride a bicycle simply indicates that. It accesses a
part of me that I have the right to keep ."

And followed:

-"This of mine is irrelevant, but it also makes one say, wow, would I like to
make a joke to Sánchez about an aspect of his personal life, knowing that it is
going to be published? No."
-"Training should be private. Just one example: in every training session there
is always friction and when those frictions are publicly disseminated, the
consequences multiply and that brings internal problems. But friction on a
court is the most normal thing in the world. The player is in debt of oxygen and
that alters patience and tolerance. And we coaches have to demand from the
player in debt of oxygen. What's more, one provokes it. The consequences of a
verbal fight between the coach and the coach. player are minimal if they do not
transcend and maximum if they transcend. An episode observed by 10 people is
not the same as by a million. It is very difficult for me to have a difference with
a player, but I do know that it is necessary to encourage a footballer at the
most. uncomfortable. So one needs to do that in private so that the reactions
do not become public and are not magnified."

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It will smell like a legend

Three phrases from the Fool. From yesterday, from today. Always.

- "High competition is for a select group, not for those who only want to
participate in it. In practice we throw 220 crosses at a player; if he refrains
from hitting one of the 220, I correct him. An opportunity "It is the goal and in
that goal it took away our victory and glory, which for me is much more
motivating than money."

- "Do you know that I ' die ' after every defeat? The following week is hell. I
can't play with my daughter, I can't go to eat with my friends. It's like I don't
deserve those everyday joys. I feel disqualified from happiness for seven

- "There is no more precise method to educate than the media and I rebel
against the messages that are sent through them."
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Order and progress

Bielsa has been Athletic's coach for almost four months. It has been difficult for him in the first official
matches to get the team to acquire the desired rhythm and dynamic, but as the weeks go by, Athletic
increasingly resembles the ideal of the game to which El Loco aspires.

I am transcribing some statements from Marcelo after some of the games played up to this point. I
chose these and not others because I understand that they show the evolution that Athletic has been
showing over the course of the season.

After the first game in the League, in the 1-1 draw with Rayo Vallecano:
-" At times we responded to the profile we wanted, but the sensations at the end of the game
were one of instability. If we had closed the game with more of a sense of danger, I would have
moderated my opinion. But the end of the game lowered the grade. "

After the 2-1 defeat against Espanyol, on September 11 in the League:

-" I poorly managed the availability of the players. I made decisions that were not satisfactory
and linked to my wrong assessments and not to unexpected productions. I did not choose the
ideal formation. "

Once the first victory of the season had been achieved, on September 15 against Slovan Bratislava,
the Loco said:

-" My idea is that when developing possession of the ball, when you reach sectors where you
have to be vertical and you don't do it, you compromise your options. If you reach a height on
the field, it is counterproductive to rework the action; there is " I have to finish each attack. "

And yesterday, Athletic beat Osasuna 3-1 in the team's strongest performance so far this year. After
the match, Bielsa said:

-" In the first half we suffered scoring chances that did not correspond to the dominance we
had. And in the second half, based on the possession we had, we should have converted.
These are aspects to correct. In any case, the performance today seemed solid, forceful and
satisfactory .

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Let's drink from the pretty cups

"When I played soccer with my friends, we wanted to have the ball. When we lost it, we just
tried to get it back to attack again"
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Now and always
I leave you some reflections from the Fool . Some are current, others from a few years ago. But all
-" Principles are much more important than sporting conveniences. Teams with principles end
up being better sportingly in the long run. "

-" Like everyone, I lose much more than I win. So this identification of the winner in turn with
the values is a trap, a big trap."

-" When you have the ball you have to unmark. And why unmark? So that
possession of the ball and progress are more fluid. Fixed positions, without
movement, make the formation of the lines more perceptible for the rival. But
Be careful, the more you unmark, the more disorder you generate in your own
rearming when you have to cover the field in such a way that the players who
perform best in them are in the positions. And that is the great difficulty. It is
simply summarized: the more. If you unmark, it is more difficult to recompose.
And if you do not unmark enough, you do not give fluidity to the circulation of
the ball. Do you know what happens then? When they are very tight, no one
unmarks. close to their defensive position. By having a hard time recovering,
you compromise your own goal; but if you don't take risks, you lose the ball
very quickly and give it to your opponent, who then attacks you . "
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Hyper football - Second Delivery
More than what Bielsa said in the football clinics he gave in the interior of the country.

- " Those of us who carry out this profession cannot allow it to be earned in any
way. "

- " Paying more to the player in order to make him perform more is a way of
perverting him."

- " Football needs the player to have high self-esteem, but self-esteem leads to
vanity and vanity makes you selfish. The coach must learn to control that
within a group and find a balance."
-" I highlight 4 things about Gerardo Martino as a leader: 1. Whenever he said
he spoke, he had something to say, something worthwhile; 2. When he spoke,
he never raised his voice; 3. He entered the locker room and even if he didn't
speak, the level of murmuring dropped; 4. When he told a joke, we all
laughed. When I went home and told it, no one laughed. And that was playing
at home.

-" If one day I had to analyze a coach, I would ignore the result, I would
examine the method."

-" If whoever arrives first by taking shortcuts does not suffer condemnation
within the group, that team is sick. It also applies to society."

-" I truly believe that this driving condition is not very different from that of a
parent. I, sincerely, say that it has much more to do with the impact of what we
do than with what we really do. That is to say: They put us here because of the
background, because of the impact, because everyone likes football. Football is
embodied in the being of Argentines, but a father of a family also manages the
emotions of the group he leads, of his team. children, your wife, the rest that
come together in the family, so what I tell you can also be linked to each one of
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hyper football
In recent days, Marcelo Bielsa has been giving a football clinic in some cities in
Argentina. There are countless phrases and concepts that he has left behind. In this first
post I will try to explain some of the ideas raised by the Fool . I promise to follow her,
because this is not all.

- " Everything I can tell you I read somewhere. Nothing I tell you has to do
directly with me. In fact, ' The strength of the team lies in the individual ' is the
title of the talk and it is a phrase that my sister told me was said by Jorge
Valdano. And I agree with that ."

- " The other day I had to watch the game between Barcelona and Real Madrid.
Barcelona played the ball backwards, ran the width of the field and the public
applauded. The public was always intolerant of the return of the ball and the
circulation For me, Barcelona's great achievement, beyond having managed to
play the way it plays, is to have achieved that its public, and I would almost say
the universal public, recognizes its style and has tolerance and patience for it.
And that is essential in any project: how we are going to do things is not the
same. We belong to a time and a society in which everything that is triumph is
blessed, and everything that is not triumph is not. is forgiven. But the way of
doing things, for me, is more important than what one obtains .

- " When the footballer is so forced to win whatever it takes, sooner or later he
becomes perverted . "

- "Excessive interventionism ends up screwing up the player."

- "I cannot pretend that all my players are the same and think the same. If in
the 85th minute, tying 0-0 at home, with the rival behind, you ask your players
to 'invent' and you did not give room to their creativity, you're not going to find
a way around it."

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I didn't fall from the sky

"We should make it clear to the majority that success is an exception. Human beings triumph
from time to time. But they usually develop, fight, strive, and win from time to time. Very
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The treasure you don't see
"Football can do without everything: it will continue living without coaches, without leaders,
without footballers, without spectators. But it cannot continue living without a shield. Because
the shield is what excites. Everything that football generates, it generates because “There is a
desire to capture the emotion of someone who cries because the team wins or loses.”

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There is nothing like football

"Football is the first sport in the world, it is

the most attractive sport for all continents. If I had to say why that happens, it is because the
powerful do not always win."

Marcelo Bielsa (sic)

Phrases, anecdotes, reflections, opinions, humor and other comments from and about El Loco,
which paint a full picture of this unique football character.
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How to get to the goal
The Fool and a concept about the attack. It
should be noted that the quote corresponds to a statement by Bielsa in 1999.

“When the goal doesn't come, the feeling I have is not that we have to crowd the area more but
that we have to manage the elaboration more so that the ball reaches the area. Whenever a
team I coach lacks a goal, I place my observation more on how the ball is made prior to the
definition. That's my inclination. But I don't rule out that sometimes the problem is that there is
more presence in the center of the area. If this is the case, the most advisable thing is to give
the team two central presences in the area.”

In relation to this comment you can visit the post " De a uno ", in which Bielsa gives his detailed
opinion on the idea he has about the use, or not, of two center forwards in the same tactical scheme.
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They say good happiness is not noticeable

A few weeks ago, tennis player Gastón Gaudio told Matías Martin on the radio program "Basta de
Todo" the five ways to achieve happiness that Bielsa had transmitted to him. The Fool lived each of
them, at different moments in his life. Next, he spells them out:

1. Give without looking at who. " You have to give to someone you don't know and not because
they force you. If someone needs something, give it to them. Give without looking at who. If
you go down the street and see that someone needs something, give it to them. There the
material becomes emotional ." Gaudio said that this brought Bielsa great joy, but that it had also
brought him some problems, since people close to him reproached him for why not them. Therefore,
he had to throw it away.
2. Believe in something, religiously. Hold on to a belief. However, Bielsa clarified to the tennis player
that this almost led him to dementia. In the words of the DT: " When I left the Argentine national
team, I locked myself in a convent. I took the books I wanted to read, I didn't take a phone, nor
did I have a television. I read a lot and I don't think anyone reads as much about football as I
do. But I lasted three months, because I started talking and responding to myself. It was really
driving me crazy ."

3. Love, falling in love. But the Fool told Gaudio that this does not last forever, but rather about a year.
Then it becomes a " shared friendship ." " The ideal would be to have one woman per year then.
But that is not my lifestyle ," Marcelo confessed.

4. Professional success. Bielsa lived it. " When I became champion with Newell's, I felt fulfilled. I
believed that I could ask for nothing more. But those moments do not last forever. Success is
impossible to maintain over time. I experienced more moments of bitterness ," El Loco
commented to the tennis player.

5. " I'm still looking for her ." Bielsa said.

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Communication and football

"For me the most important thing is communication. I depend on the word. Communication is
very important and has a lot to do with the hierarchy. The coach has to have a unique
appearance and not make the footballer feel like an equal."
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He nailed it in the corner
El Loco spoke in Viña del Mar. He offered a talk in which he did not
answer questions. And he reflected on issues that have nothing to do with football, but that reflect the
reasoning of a person with extraordinary analytical capacity.

In this post, I transcribe Bielsa's words with which he alluded to what happened after the earthquake,
when there was looting. This is an accurate criticism of today's society.

"They tell you that you are a moron for not having a plasma, especially when a World Cup is
going to be played. When they sell you the television in a hundred installments, they don't
know if you are going to be able to pay for it either. Both parties are deceived. With a
difference: when all the televisions are sold in 100 installments, 20 percent is earned, then
everyone else is in a position to take the risk, because they have already paid for the
television and they have already won.

But when someone says: look, instead of paying it in 100 installments, which is a theft, steal it.
Because someone else did the dirty work, he broke the stained glass window and took out the
padlock. People come in and take it out, not because they are bad, but because they have
been pushed into that issue. We cannot put ourselves in a position in which I am the good one
and everyone else is the bad one, without criticism and resentment winning over us, because I
am the only one who struggles, because I am the only one perfect.

If he could have, he would steal my plasma. Do you know why I stole it? Because I was in
Pinto Durán, there was a Sony television, which I had not paid for. It was from the Federation,
a gift, and I was worried it would fall. And it wasn't even mine. What does that mean? That,
making the projection, I would have stolen because with everything I have materially, I was
worried about a television that I did not pay for. How could an average guy, on foot, as they
say here, not have stolen?

There is no need to justify or demonize. You have to be aware of implementing a change. "You
have to have self-criticism to improve"
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Good news, tasty telephotos
Siempre en un marco de profundo respeto, la relación de Marcelo Bielsa con los medios de
comunicación es un tanto inusual. No acostumbra a brindar entrevistas personales y tiene el mismo
trato cualquiera sea el periodista que lo interrogue.

A continuación, presento anacrónicamente algunas referencias directas del Loco al periodismo.

“El arma suya como periodistas es la palabra escrita. Mi arma es la palabra hablada. Yo uso
cincuenta frases para redondear una idea y después ustedes tienen que ponerla en una línea.
Eso a mí siempre me aterroriza, quizás porque no sé escribir. Lo que odio es cuando no
aciertan en la transcripción. Prefiero que nadie me conozca a que me conozcan
equivocadamente. Soy especial: me importa mucho la opinión del otro, y en ocasiones me
causa mucho daño lo que lleguen a pensar de mí. Por eso también me trauma tanto dirigir:
porque es un acto público y me expongo cada vez que mi equipo sale a la cancha. No me
gusta que me odien o que me insulten; o siquiera que me interpreten mal. Por eso en las
entrevistas desearía que aparezca lo que pienso. No tengo problemas si me atacan por lo que
creo o pienso o siento, pero sí que me critiquen por cosas que no dije, o que me pusieron
creyendo que las dije"

"Me piden que haga conferencias más seguido. ¿Para qué? Para que me humillen y digan que
hablo cuatro horas, y que las cosas que digo no le importan a nadie. Para que me humillen
cuando publican que vienen treinta periodistas y que a medida que pasa el tiempo no va
quedando nadie porque se cansan, se aburren y se van"

"Les pido a ustedes que me indiquen cuál es la manera en que tenemos qué relacionarnos.
Las conferencias de prensa me siguen pareciendo el medio más justo para conectarnos,
porque no discrimina y trata a todos por igual"
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Sobre el terremoto

Dejo una reflexión de Marcelo sobre la tragedia que lamentablemente le tocó vivir a Chile.

Este post es sólo una excusa para aprovechar este pequeño espacio que he creado y enviarle un
fuerte abrazo a todo el pueblo chileno.

"Siempre es conveniente, pero en este caso más que nunca, decir lo que se piensa o siente.
Vengo de haber recorrido Constitución, y todo lo que vi es demoledor."

"I arrived from my trip full of hope, because the people I spoke with have an immense and
lacerating latent pain, but at the same time they are already truly rebuilding. There is an
optimism that one could never link with such marked pain and grief. But every physical space
I saw was impossible to assimilate. Every conversation I had was a breath of optimism for all
of you's pain. I hope that those people rebuild what they lost to move forward."
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In 1992, Marcelo Bielsa, then Newell's coach,

gave an interview to the Chilean magazine Minuto 90 . Below are some reflections of the Fool in
those years that make us notice that not necessarily the way of seeing things, and football in this
particular case, changes over time. But rather, the same ideological line can remain intact even 17
years later.

About the movement

" I always tell the boys that football for us is movement, displacement. That you have to always
be running. For any player, and in any circumstance, I find a reason to be running. In football
there are no circumstances, Listen to me carefully, there is no reason for a player to be
standing on the field. (...) I am a teacher, a physical education teacher. I was a frustrated and
failed soccer player. After playing four or five games in the first team at Newell's, I realized that
I couldn't be a high-level soccer player. I then set out to be a high-level coach. And to achieve
this, I understood that the first step was to become a physical education specialist, because
that is the specialty that deals with body movement. human. I knew that the whole secret of
football lay in that aspect. I have no teaching aspirations, because I am not interested in
anything about physical education other than being better prepared to train football players. "I
studied five years of physiology to understand the behavior of the body, from the perspective
of medicine ."

About mechanization

" The soccer player, like every human being faced with high competition, has what we call
stage fright. And how is it neutralized? With mechanization, doing something that is pre-
established, practiced many times, with a minimum margin of error. Responsibility The failure
is no longer the player's because, of course, we practiced it a thousand times a week and it
didn't work. Who's fault is it? It's the coach's fault, the performers' fault, and, ultimately, no
one's fault. I hate mechanization, because it eliminates responsibilities. I want organized
teams, and not mechanized ones, where some positions are respected and where, listen
carefully because this is one of the great secrets of football, we can get away and then quickly
score again ."

Chile (The prediction)

" In Argentina, what happens to the team has a lot of impact on the fan's life, do you
understand? If the team wins, the fan is elated in his personal, private life. If the team loses, he
becomes proportionally depressed, affecting all his activities. So, that makes losing or
winning very important and that pressure ultimately accumulates on the coach. When you live
pressured by that maelstrom, it turns out that you, as a coach, end up paying for it with some
imbalance in your personal life. to coach in a more moderate football, where losing is
acceptable and can be assimilated without trauma.(...) I would like to coach in just two parts of
the world: Switzerland and Chile, which are two moderate countries. Switzerland and you see
that football is nothing more than football, just like here (in Chile). In Argentina I am an
empowered expression, not depressed. It is not that I am a moderate Argentine. Quite the
opposite, for me I am very exaggerated. Football is everything. I think about football, I talk
about football, I read football and that is a life that cannot be lived forever. That's why I would
like to moderate it ."

Special thanks to Arnaldo Vega and Pedro Montiel for the material provided.
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"This is just a football match"
What follows is a fragment of the book " Hinchadas ", by Pablo Alabarces (among other authors), from
Editorial Prometeo Libros, Buenos Aires, year 2005.
In this, an interview with Loco on May 25, 2002 is transcribed , a few days before the start of the
World Cup that same year. The journalist insistently tries to focus on the acute crisis that the country
was going through at that time and the importance, for the people, of sporting victory.
" Marcelo Bielsa ", writes Alabarces, " aware that the dominant fantasy spoke of an imaginary
substitution of the sporting over the political, he distanced himself from it and insisted on placing the
discussion, in an original way, on an aesthetic level "
Below is the aforementioned interview:

"-What things are going through your head during these hours in relation to the commitment that the
National Team has with the people?

- I am very happy doing what I am doing. It's a game. The great hope we have is to produce
results through behavior that is aesthetically worthwhile. For me it is nothing more than that.
Nothing more and all that, right? Nothing more in the sense that there is no reason to live this
in any other way than to be satisfactory, pleasurable. We are going to play soccer, Argentina
has outstanding players, we know that we are closer to the objective of winning, if we play
well. Wherever you look at it, you can add a lot of conditioning to this. They are messages that
have a different origin than the spirit of sport. But this is the best scenario for this to be
unprofessional. This is sporty. So, it is the best scenario to remove the unwanted by-products
of professionalism and enjoy the sport.

- In this sense you highlighted when the team achieved classification last year, 'the amateur spirit'of
the squad. But the question also pointed to the crisis that Argentina and its people are experiencing

-No... It has no connection. It is a reasoning that, I am not the one to say it, right?, but it seems
inconvenient to encourage it .

- That is to say that he does not feel a major commitment to this issue.

- No. If the commitment is greater, what we offer will be evaluated in an inconvenient way. This
is just, or so much, a football match, an aesthetic, visual, artistic fact, that we have all the
hope in the world to offer to the Argentine people. But in no way are we going to understand
that it is a substitute for anything. Just as you put it, it seems to be a substitute for something
else and from my point of view it is not a substitute for anything. (...) We have a very great
commitment, which we do not ignore, which is to act according to our possibilities. And for
that reason, if we do it sportingly, we deserve only one way to be rewarded: with popular
recognition. And if we don't, we also deserve only one way to be punished, which is with
popular disapproval. (...) What I want to say is that if our town were prosperous, we would not
be exempt from fulfilling our obligation: trying to play football well (in Clarín, Deportivo, Buenos
Aires: 05/25/02). "
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If that dog is still there...
Today, Marcelo Bielsa sent an Open Letter to the media in which he expresses his opinion and
position regarding the elections that will take place in Newell's next Sunday.
It is not the intention of the blog to interfere in the political life of a club, in this case Newell's. This
space has a universal character that exceeds sympathy for this or that institution, but simply reflects,
and I believe that at this point it has already become explicit, the thoughts of the Fool .

"Directed to Public Opinion"

"I always thought that because of my status as a professional coach, I should avoid giving my
opinion on the internal politics of football clubs."

"However, on this occasion, knowing that what happens next December 14 will have definitive
consequences on the future of Newell's Old Boys, and not being able to forget everything the
club has given me, it is essential for me to make a public reference related to the democratic
life of the Institution".

"Naturally, those who have love for the colors of a shirt as part of their emotional capital
demand that they be recognized with the possibility of choosing those who are going to lead
them. They also know that this is the best resource to avoid that everyone's assets end up
being the property of a few.

"It is not my objective to qualify the management of those who led Newell's during the last 14
years. The way in which power was exercised for so long offers everyone sufficient arguments
to judge the way in which it was acted."

"I do exercise, through this note, the personal commitment to support fair claims that have
been raised within the framework of democratic rights."

"The current leadership, accustomed to ignoring the law instead of complying with it, causes
irregularities that limit corporate participation instead of promoting it, thus affecting the
transparency of the next electoral act. In response, popular commitment in the search for
change. It is not only about partisan opposition, but also ethical and moral demands.

"The spirit of the law always offers a way to avoid injustices that may eventually arise from its
employment. Therefore, it is difficult to understand why the authorities do apply the legal
reasons that hinder the expression of more than 20,000 associates, but they do not activate
the "Causes that should prevent the current president from being re-elected. Those who, at
the last minute, orchestrated and allowed this type of authorized fraud, would have to explain
who they defend and why they do it."

"We should all understand that any attempt to recover the best of ñubelist history begins by
ensuring that its next authorities are legitimate."

"Participating massively and in a civilized manner in next Sunday's event is the best way to
confront impunity. Surely, the rest of the citizens will approve this way of acting."
Marcelo Bielsa - DNI 12,522,683
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Psycho Engine

“If anything has hindered communication with people, it has been the journalistic business”
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Gives Chair

Some time ago, I published some fragments of

a talk that El Loco gave to boys between 13 and 17 years old at a school in Rosario.
Here, I leave you a new reflection from the then coach of the Argentine National Team. A little gem
worth sharing.

" One lives and necessarily needs to prioritize virtues, to say these are the virtues that I rescue
in others and would like for myself, that I respect, that I value. Sport gave me that parameter. I
learned through sport that generosity was better than indifference, I learned the value of the
significance of courage, I learned the importance of effort and I learned the transcendence of
rebellion. These are the three or four elements with which I later tried to guide my life. They do
not necessarily have to be the ones chosen. "but it is essential that one know which are the
virtues around which one wants to live ."
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Argentina on the stick
In 1999, prior to a friendly match between the Argentina National Team
in the United States, the journalists who were sent to cover the match asked Bielsa if he could give
them a few minutes for an informal chat. The Fool gladly accepted and showed up at the indicated
time. The talk lasted for more than four hours, passing midnight. In it, Bielsa reflected on the situation
of Argentine football at that time, not very different from today:

“ It is difficult for coaches to be willing to contribute something more to the National Team
than their players. And it is a shame that they do not do it to enrich Argentine football. It is as
if they did not understand that there were higher strata in societies, which were capable of
producing much deeper changes. And we're not talking about football, of course. Why then
can't a handful of technicians get together? Perhaps arrogance can do more and prevent us
from collaborating to make this claimed leap in quality. But they are not the only ones
responsible: what support do leaders provide? Everything is linked. ”
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The only cry that was worth

Bielsa to journalists, when El Loco was coach of the Argentine National


“Give that message to the people, tell the ignorant: whoever loses is useless, because that's
how it is stated.”

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between two geniuses
Marcelo Bielsa and Pep Guardiola share
football tastes. For example, both have publicly admitted that the style of play with which they most
identified was that of Van Gaal's Ajax.

During a conversation about football, in a conversation between the two, El Loco commented to Pep:

"Pep, you, me and most people see the good players. The same thing happens with the bad
players. The merit is in warning and knowing that the normal player is going to be good"
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The Olympic return

This is a compendium of some phrases spoken

by the Fool as soon as he was consecrated at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

- "Being a football champion in the Olympic Games is an achievement of great magnitude." -"I
have genuine joy, but it is not in response to any previous question. - (When asked if he had
cried) "I feel a joy proportional to the magnitude of the event. But not because I haven't cried
am I any less happy." - "I can't imagine what this achievement could have generated in
Argentina, because it is difficult to predetermine popular behavior when it comes to
expressing joy."

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No guarantees

"Not winning and winning are not the same,

but no success immunizes"
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One by one

During Marcelo Bielsa's cycle as coach of the

Argentine National Team, the question about the possibility of Batistuta and Crespo playing together
has been heard many times. It is known that Bielsa never liked the inclusion of two centre-forwards in
the same match. In the year 2000, the Fool provided the following explanation in this regard.

“Both (Batistuta and Crespo) are very outstanding players, for many years. And that they have
been living together in the National Team for at least four years. However, they have not
played together. It doesn't seem right to say I'm not going to do this, nor do I say it's possible
or impossible. What I'm saying is that it would have to be articulated and that for them to play
together it would be necessary to give up a wing or a creative midfielder, and that is an idea
that does not appeal to me. It is my predilection, but in a coach the predilection is significant. I
prefer to play with a center forward and not sacrifice a wing. Momentarily I choose this style,
without believing that it is the best, but it is the one that from my point of view allows the
coexistence of the greatest number of players that for me have to be on the team. But without
time to harmonize the coexistence of the two players with the rest of the structure, the
possibility becomes more difficult."
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Faithful to its principles
The following statement was made by Marcelo Bielsa in
1998, but it seems to me that today, a few hours after the offer made to him to lead the Chilean
National Team, it takes on special value.

"A coach is not better because of his results or because of his style, model or identity. What
has value is the depth of the project, the arguments that support it, the development of the
idea. We should not judge the idea, but the support "I can value antagonistic projects. What
can never be done is to replace convictions."

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Bielsa style

"Conceptually, for me, all games are the same: you have to
dominate and perform as much as you can. Anything else does not fall within my
conceptions. The only way I understand football is through constant pressure, playing in the
rival field and control of the ball."
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In good and bad
The elimination in the first round of the Korea-Japan World Cup in 2002 has been a milestone in
Marcelo Bielsa's professional career. This fact was, and still is, food for the fiercest criticism towards
him, many of which lack football foundations and refer only to the sporting result in said competition.

Below are some statements from the Fool , in the months following the elimination.

"It seems that since we lost we have no more right to anything. I was lucky enough to have my
contract renewed, I appreciate it, celebrate it and value it. It is the greatest success of my
sporting career. It is a recognition of failure."

"I accept that I am responsible, but I am not useless."

"A portion of the press believes that the group that lost must be destroyed and arguments
sought to render it useless."

Ever onward to victory

It has already been mentioned in this Blog the undisputed offensive

and leading character that the National Team has demonstrated during Loco 's management as
coach . Next, Marcelo Bielsa explains the reason for such devotion to the attack.

“I don't conceive of football without prominence. I have an exaggerated attraction for victory.
And protagonism is the best way to get closer to her. My intention is always to be the
protagonist. I believe in that, it makes me feel safe. What's more, I feel very uncomfortable with
speculation. I'm suspicious because speculation always disappointed me, it beat me. I would
never think of a speculative match, not a leading one, and that the team does not have the
objective of placing itself in the opponent's field. On any court and against any rival. There is a
more harmonious connection between pretension and possibility. I believe in leaders, they are
indispensable because we all need to be led. Difficult moments demand a reference figure.”
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If he says so... (Part II)

Some reflections from Marcelo on current football events and the work that a coach must
have. -"Before there were many very good players. Now there are not so good ones and in
much smaller numbers. That is why now it is much more difficult to make big differences and
create great performances."

-"A good coach must bring his players closer to their maximum potential, or discover it. That
is his main function, and what must occupy him every day in his daily work."

-"I find in the country a marked successism, in which it seems that success and happiness are
synonymous. I remember that in Mexico, for example, happiness and success are two
different things."
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From here

" I am in favor of a more urgent and less patient football.

Because I am anxious. And also because I am Argentine "
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If he says so...
Some football phrases from Loco, regarding the game itself and the different vicissitudes that this
sport offers:

-"I am convinced that you have to know how to play badly. And for that, the first thing to do is
accept that unwanted fact to take the game to a neutral ground and try to improve from there."

-"I care a lot about winning and for that I want my teams to play well, but I understand that you
can not win and that that does not necessarily have to mean failure. Soccer is not a
mathematical question."

-"You have to be very careful when sending to the opponent's area. If I put five forwards, the
opponent will defend with six. And without spaces, those who gain advantages are those who
defend, of course."
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The model

There is a clear identification between Marcelo Bielsa and Louis Van Gaal
regarding football thoughts. In fact, on repeated occasions, El Loco has expressed his admiration for
the Dutch coach. A few years ago, Bielsa declared:

"The foreign model that I like the most is Louis Van Gaal's Ajax. That is, a team with flexibility
to compose its lines according to the demands of the rival's approach, at the time of recovery.
Furthermore, I am interested "That the team has its own and independent project on offense."
"Ajax made, on average per game, 37 backward passes. The fan rejects them, out of anxiety,
but undoubtedly, that play is the beginning of the new attempt."

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The toilet in the bathroom and the refrigerator in the
A new fragment of Marcelo's talk at the Sacred Heart School, to boys between 13 and 17 years old.
The Fool tries to put things in their place, showing young people what is important. And not everything
involves appearing on the cover of a newspaper or receiving praise from the sycophants on duty.

"I never let myself be tempted by praise. Praise in football is absolutely hypocritical. Football
is conceived like this, there has to be either great joy or great sadness. Defeat or victory,
blood or applause are values that are very dear to the world. human being. So, in failure I
suffer a lot from the injustice of treatment, I never managed to master that. I always suffer a lot
when we lose and when I am mistreated, but I did manage to not believe the duration of
success. Since it is not possible to review why you won, it gives. "The same thing, they flatter
you for having won, not because you deserved to win, for the resource by which you won, so I
was always clear that that flannel, because that is the term, is an impostor."

"Do not allow failure to deteriorate your self-esteem. When you win, the message of
admiration is so confusing, it stimulates so much self-love and that deforms so much. And
when you lose, the opposite happens, there is a morbid tendency to discredit yourself, to
offend you, just because you lost. In any task you can win or lose, what is important is the
nobility of the resources used, that is what is important, what is important is the journey, the
dignity with which I walked the path in search of the objective; "The other thing is a story to
sell us a reality that is not such."
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I star in it

If there is something that is indisputable when analyzing Marcelo Bielsa's

teams, it is that they had a clear offensive vocation, at times overwhelming.
Next, the Fool explains a little this idea of attacking permanently without this implying forgetting one's
own bow.

"I never consider the possibility of going out to attack taking advantage of the counterattack.
For me you always have to star in it. If you can star in it, why give it up. I never prepare the
team for waiting. A great team is one that is not conditioned by the rival ."
"The fundamental thing is to occupy the field well, to have a 'short' team, that has its defense
and its forward separated by no more than 25 meters, and that we do not have people in the
defense occupied in the marking of someone who does not exist."
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The essence of football

This is another fragment of the talk that Marcelo Bielsa gave for the
children of the Sacred Heart School, in Rosario, where he attended high school.
El Loco shows us a little more of his life manual.

"I am absolutely convinced that fame and money are inconsequential values. Of course, they
describe them to us with such significant weight that it would seem impossible to resist
valuing them. I believe that the amateur spirit, the love for the task, is the only thing that
makes the journey through work satisfactory; when I observe how celebrities, idols, are
described to the public, I am very sorry that these types of things are hierarchized, that they
are described as millionaires, that they are described as famous, that they are described as
extracted from social reality, out of contact with ordinary people. Yes, I am convinced of one
thing: I was happy when I enjoyed amateurism, I was happy when I grew up in love with my
job. I have a deep love for football, for the game. for the corner, for the vacant lot, for the dive,
for the ball. And I despise everything that was added, everything that was added to make it
strangely desired. To explain this a little better, I know that the joy of a victory in a victory. The
match lasts five minutes, the match ends and there is a feeling of effervescence, a feeling of
adrenaline at its peak that generates excitement and happiness. But it's only five minutes and
then there is a huge, huge void. And an indescribable loneliness."
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Bielsa and his way of seeing football.

"I choose to occupy the sides because the greatest number of dangerous situations arise
there. The opposite means centralizing the game. Any study carried out on how goals are
scored in any tournament reveals that 50% have their origin in the game by the sides. If you
want a leading team, you must put at least two players for each sector. The objective of the
ball going through the points is to have an intentional overflow or cross. The first allows for a
backward pass, which is very complicated. for the rival. And the second is when there is no
overflow but the ball can reach the area towards someone who marks the play."
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Bark what others bark

This is a fragment of a talk that Marcelo gave to boys between 13 and 17 years old from the Sacred
Heart School, in Rosario, when El Loco was already the coach of the National Team. He had made it
a condition that there be no press, but luckily, his words became known.

Bielsa and his way of accepting failures. A lesson for those who believe that winning is everything.

"The moments in my life in which I have grown have to do with failures; the moments in my
life in which I have gotten worse have to do with success. Success is deforming, it relaxes, it
deceives, it makes us worse , helps us fall excessively in love with ourselves; failure is the
opposite, it is formative, it makes us solid, it brings us closer to our convictions, it makes us
coherent. Although we compete to win, and I work hard because I want to win as much as
possible. "I compete, if I didn't distinguish what is truly formative and what is secondary, I
would be making a mistake."

Nothing more to add. There they are. Us, with the Fool.
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In front

Below, Marcelo Bielsa reveals his way of seeing football and his preference
when planning a match.

"I am an attack obsessive. I watch videos to attack, not to defend. Do you know what my
defensive work is? 'We all run.' The recovery work has 5 or 6 guidelines and bye, you reach
the limit. Football offensive is infinite, endless. That is why it is easier to defend than to create.
Running is a decision of the will, creating requires the indispensable requirement of talent."
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Only for connoisseurs
"Football becomes less dramatic when it is played by those who know"
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In first person

It is rare to find any statement from Marcelo Bielsa talking about himself, or about his environment
and his family. Next, he left you Loco 's reflection on his professional life and how it was viewed by his

"Mine is a family of professionals, and yet they never opposed my vocations. I wanted to be a
soccer player and I was. I failed, but I got to play in Newell's Primera. Then I started a career as
a physical trainer and I finished, I'm a teacher. Finally I work as a football coach, without
anyone looking at me with a bad face. And I say this beyond the fact that my father has never
stepped foot on a field to see me play or coach; it's not that he doesn't like the path; that I
chose, but that he is not interested in the activity that I am passionate about."
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Of ten
Marcelo Bielsa thinks about Diego Armando Maradona:
"He is unmatched, a figure that stimulates the feelings of all of us who love Argentine football.
He is a trigger for affection."
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The dribble dance

Bielsa has been criticized many times for his dizzying, vertical football. He has been criticized that his
teams played "in the European style", and that they lacked that identity typical of South American
football: the pause, the luxury, the dribbling. In 1997, El Loco , then Veléz's coach, made his opinion
known about this:

"I am very respectful and an admirer of the dribble. What's more: I consider that two dribbles
together change the content of a game, it clears it up, it oxygenates, makes it healthier.
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