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a little french love

Today Bielsa spoke after just over two years. It was a conference in which journalists tried to unravel
the Argentine's personality and in which few questions pointed to the football aspect. Of course, it was
the French's first approach to the Fool .

Even so, there were many very interesting concepts that I leave you below. And there were, of
course, gems from the Bielsa that we love: corrections to the translator, questions that were not well
answered for him, jokes and laughter.

In the video, there are the full 45 minutes

I hope you enjoy it.

- "In no way do I believe that I can revolutionize anything. There is no precedent in my career
in that sense."

- "We have the opportunity to talk through play, which is the most natural and genuine

- "They call me Crazy because some answers that I choose to solve certain situations do not
coincide with those that are usually chosen."

- "My job is about giving a unique direction to the diversity of expressions that a team has."

- "Predicting what is going to happen is always interpreted as a sign of wisdom. I interpret

football as a phenomenon in which what we do not expect often happens. That is why I avoid

- "French football is very physically powerful, technically rich, very combative and highly
contested, where the technical and emotional aspects are above the tactical ones."

- "The idea, always, is to try to attack as much time as the fight with the rival allows."

- "I should put more time, intelligence and ability into learning the language of the country that
receives me. When I look up from the French book, I will lock eyes with you."

- "The defensive system consists of having one more defender than the forwards that the rival
presents. It will always be that way."

- "What does each member of my staff do? We make a big deal, heh."

- "I have three assistants, of which the best is you (to the translator). Yes, say it, say it."

- "When I came I thought that working with a translator would be a greater difficulty, but it is a
challenge. You have to prioritize the image to express the desired desire. You have to talk
less, we Argentines talk a lot and usually too much. For me it is a step up front, an

- "Leaders need to be heard when they speak. The best way to achieve this is by speaking
little. Although they provoke smiles, great leaders speak very little, but they are listened to and
interpreted when they express themselves. I have taken the first step: I speak little , we will
see if I am listened to. Will and example do not need words and produce much broader effects
than words.
"The head of intensive care at the Rosario Children's Hospital never speaks and is a
monumental leader who should be listened to much more than us, who talk a lot and say

- "No situation is an excuse not to aspire to win a game."

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a special kind
Loco Bielsa gave a brilliant press conference trying to explain his position regarding a possible
contract renewal with Athletic. But, beyond this, he presented other very interesting concepts. He left
the highlights and the video itself for you to enjoy.

“I care a lot about my public image, I care about what others think of the way I behave. If there
is something that I have avoided all my life, it is being called a demagogue, of deceiving
through vocabulary, of victimizing myself.”

“It doesn't matter if I decide to stay or leave Athletic. My position on this issue will only be
activated based on a proposal from the club. The club is the owner of whether or not to make
that proposal.”

“The size of the institution compared to my size as a coach is disproportionate: the club is
much more important as an institution than I am as a coach. That could be interpreted as false
annoyance, but I always said it. What happens is that since there are now other interests, the
words that one always said are manipulated.” “I earn figures here that are obscene. But what
links a professional to this club is neither the numbers nor the prospects. To earn money,
although it sounds superb, I can earn much more money in other places. And for sporting
successes, and although it may sound superb again, I can opt for sites that give more
guarantees of obtaining sporting successes. But those are not the things that link me to
football: neither money nor sporting success. "I am much more interested in the emotions that
come from fighting for a title that is very difficult to achieve in a club like this, than winning
titles in much more powerful clubs." “I know positively that anyone who leaves Athletic loses.
Me included."

“I am going to remember this stage of living with adversity much more fondly than the stage
that took us to the two finals.”

A yapa: don't miss the 23rd minute when Bielsa tries to find a synonym for emplace. None comes to
mind. He asks the journalists. Nobody answers. “ Doesn't anyone know a synonym for
emplace? ", the Fool gets annoyed .
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Cover your mouth to avoid screaming
Bielsa broke his silence after almost a month without addressing the press. It was after
the conference in which he accused the construction company , in charge of carrying out the works in
Lezama, of "theft and fraud"; and that the club itself spoke out against El Loco's opinion.
He spoke yesterday, one day before Athletic's official debut in the qualifying phase of the Europa
League. And he said this:

-" I will continue to commit to my task just as I committed to doing. "

-On his current situation with the Board of Directors: " I prefer not to express myself on this issue.
My aspiration is to respect and be respected. What corresponds is that I express myself
through what the team produces in football."

-And about his relationship with Fernando Llorente, following some rumors that circulated in the press
about a rift between the forward and the coach: " It is inaccurate that I have had disagreements
with the player. "

Regarding Bielsa's situation at Athletic, I would like to share with you a note that I wrote about

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And now I shoot, because it's my turn

A few hours ago Bielsa gave one of the most particular press conferences of his career. He spoke,
mainly, of his anger at the state of the works in Lezama, Athletic's training center, and of an
altercation he had with the Head of Works of the institution, as a result of which El Loco "reported
himself" for having mistreated him. But the conference left other very interesting concepts, which I
would like to share with you. It is transcribed almost in its entirety.
The Loco project and the delay in the works

-"When I designed the project that I was interested in developing at Athletic, I considered that
we had just finished a season of almost 70 games. I wanted to develop a program that would
oxygenate that relationship that was established over a year with this type of players,
weighing my demands. "

-"One of the things that I wanted to emphasize is the quality of the service that the player
receives for the development of his professional activities. I always carry with me a photo of
some African boys who are playing on a table made of clay, where the ball is made and where
the sticks are tuned rods. I have that because every time I have to give a talk those who listen
immediately tell me: ' I cannot develop the plans you propose due to lack of resources ' I
immediately take the photo. "Everything can be done properly."

-"You cannot have a squad worth 300 million euros and not have a field suitable for those

-"I asked myself the questions: ' Are we still not mature? Have we reached a level that is above
my possibilities? ' I chose that we are not yet mature, so I designed a project for that. My first
diagnosis was to improve the conditions of work. I said: ' Let's look like the greats '. I put
together a project to, among other things, improve that.

-"Starting the pre-season in Lezama in these conditions greatly discredits me as a coach,

because I am responsible for ensuring that the working conditions are what they are. I took all
the precautions so that what is happening would not happen, but that "It does not exempt me
from responsibility. I planned with confidence and the proportion of the planning was what
corresponded to the confidence in the tools that the club gave me."
-"When I arrived here, I came on Sunday, I came to see the works and I only reviewed a
segment, 15%. I have the photos of all the errors with which this work was done. This work is
not that it was not finished, It was done wrong knowing that it was being done wrong. Half of
what they promised to do was done. When I arrived on Monday, I was outraged because this is
a professional job done by reputable companies that receive rewards proportionate to the
prestige they have. "

-"I am not a perfectionist, I am very imperfect, quite crude. I try to get things done according to
how they were agreed upon. I don't understand any of this, but I am interested and concerned.
I develop ideas, I propose them. If the other says: ' What you say is better than what I say ',

The altercation with the Construction Manager

-"Then I asked to speak to the construction manager. I want to say it precisely. I told him:
' Look, this job is poorly done and you know it ,' ' It needs to be finished ,' he told me. ' No, it
doesn't need to be finished, it was done .' wrong, and you have a responsibility .

-"It made me indignant that he did not recognize himself and I began to say offensive things to
him. Then I took him by the body and forcibly removed him from the place. I do not respect
this man because he did his job poorly and he knows that his work was badly done. When he
left the place where I expelled him, he said that he had hit him. He did not make any police
report, I think under pressure from his company or from Athletic; he has the right to demand
the treatment that I gave him. say. You always judge when you behave like a savage but you
never judge when you provoke that disproportionate response."

-"I acted by force. When someone removes another from their workplace they act by force,
that's how I acted."

The self-complaint

-"He has a complaint available where I take responsibility, I denounce myself. I left it at the
architecture studio, I could not do it formally because the club did not want to give me the
names of the owners of the company. Thanks to "God, then I was able to find the person
responsible for all this and I was able to tell him the same thing as the employee."

-"As I don't want him to suffer, I blamed myself and here is the complaint. The only thing he
has to do is carry out the recognition of his rights. I think the worst of that person, because he
deceived the club."

-"Since they did not allow him to exercise his rights, I am already doing it for him. I am
responsible to the construction company, the club and the architecture studio. I reiterate that
it seems like a scam, a theft. It wasn't that it wasn't was finished, it was poorly done."

-"I considered that the club was being deceived. Not complying with what was committed but
acting as if it had been done has the same value as a scam or theft. I assumed that I had to
take care of the claim and I complained."

When a journalist asked him if he would just stick to the claim, El Loco replied, with a smile: "No, no
way, you want to turn it into a soap opera."

-"I have a very low opinion of journalism and journalists in general. But I have a worse opinion
of coaches, so you can rest assured, starting with myself."

-"That a soccer player from whom I am going to ask everything can say that I act improvised, I
cannot allow that."

-"I am not going to offend anyone anymore, and there are truths that I have learned to avoid
because said bluntly they offend."

-"I am wrong because I don't know, but not because I didn't do it."

-"I have told lies thousands of times, but in this conversation I have not said anything that is
not true."

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A great remedy for a great evil

This is an excerpt from a press conference from a few months ago. El Loco starts a discussion, on
good terms, with a journalist who reproaches him for the points that Athletic has left in the final
minutes of a series of matches.
-Journalist: "Isn't it possible to react differently in the last minutes and keep the ball more effectively?"

-Bielsa: "But when you say 'effective' what do you mean? That we don't attack?"

-Journalist: "You say so..."

-Bielsa: "No, I'm not saying it, I'm asking it. If you say 'look, a team lacks effectiveness'... What
we did is continue attacking, yes? Was it like that or not?"

-Journalist: "..."

-Bielsa: "So, you who have seen that we continue attacking consider that it is not effective to
continue attacking when one has an advantage. Not continuing to attack means giving the ball
to the rival or holding it in one's own field or circulating it without possibilities of growing in
the rival field. What I am sure of is that there is no better way to defend than by forcing the
opponent to adapt to a team that, despite winning, continues to attack. If you analyze, we
create 15 goal situations and the opponent. created 5, don't you think that's compelling
enough not to look for different explanations? It's the team's way of playing and the games are
analyzed in their entirety. A team that makes 15 goal situations and receives 5 is very clear.
what didn't win."
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The stars just there
Tomorrow is the final of the Copa del Rey. Tomorrow is the last game of the season for Athletic del
Loco. Tomorrow, definitely, will not be just another game.

Here, some reflections from Bielsa at the press conference prior to the duel with Barcelona.

- “The emotional aspect was not the most salient aspect of the preparation we did for
tomorrow's game. “We put emphasis on everything that has to do with the dynamics and
intensity of the game.”

- “For me, the best team in the world is still Barcelona.”

- “If Barcelona will play with a defense of three or four, it does not affect us because ' affect '
would presuppose that one of the two procedures is worse or better for us. The way he plays
we must consider it but there is no one in particular that we consider to be better or worse for
our options.”

- “Messi is a player who has solutions for most of the problems that arise. We will try not to
find them.”

-“The favoritism for tomorrow is not us who create it, so the evaluations in that sense should
ideally be sought in who originates them, in who concludes which of the two teams is the
favorite. If favoritism refers to background, then the question is unnecessary.”

-“It is essential that each of our footballers is close to their maximum potential and that the
collective organization is also precise; and that these two elements worsen the traditional
version of them so that the differences are established in our favor.”
- “I never use the word soldier to refer to a soccer player. I also don't interpret the soccer
player as a machine. The two comparisons seem unfortunate to me.”

- “Losing a final always generates disappointment. Being able to play another final close to
the one we missed is an excellent opportunity that fills us with optimism and enthusiasm.”

- “It is difficult to make comparisons with the few successes I have had before and this
assumption that I have not achieved it yet.”

- “That in Argentina tomorrow's game has, for some, more impact than the local classics
themselves gives me a bad feeling. Argentina has football episodes that should not allow the
attention of a strange match to raise expectations or be especially observed. When in a
country like Argentina, so rich in football and the history of its clubs, more attention is paid to
games where its teams do not participate, it does not seem right to me. “I take it as a sign of
deterioration of the football that I love most, which is my country.”

- “The dream of anyone who belongs to football is to be able to, at some point, participate in
matches of this type.” - “The feature of this party is that it stimulates popular
sensitivity.” - “Athletic is what it is and it becomes especially visible in events like this, which
reveal all the feeling that a people has, with unanimity, around an emblem that is the shirt of
this club. That I describe it is like sweetening the ears of those who ultimately judge me. "You
can clearly ignore my point of view because it is very forceful what generates the feeling for

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When it's no use crying
The final of the Europa League was finally for Atlético de Madrid. Simeone's team beat Athletic 3-0
thanks, in large part, to the weight of their individualities. A shame.

This is, in its entirety, the Loco 's conference after the game.
- “Everyone reflects and looks for their answers. I feel fundamentally responsible for the
distance between what we are capable of producing and what we finally generate.”

-“This is not about consoling us because it seems natural to me that a production that so
clearly distanced us from the goal we were looking for deserves grief. They are sensations
that must be experienced and that, from my point of view, should not be avoided or softened.”

-“What happened on the field, from my point of view, is that they arrived eight times and
scored three goals and we arrived nine times and scored none. The process had some
favorable moments for us and other unfavorable ones. The result is fair and the difference is

-“What I regret is that the differences that were seen in the field are not those that exist. The
scenario that the match contained was more similar to what Atlético de Madrid aspired to,
according to the game they played, than what we wanted according to the game we were
trying to play.”

-“The coach is, always, the one truly responsible for ensuring that the framework of the match
is more similar to the intentions that best suit him than to those that suit the opponent."

-“We did not defend well, we were not clear in attacking and we played less than we are in a
position to produce. That has directly to do with my responsibility. If not, it's very easy to
drive. When things go well, one accepts that they transfer proportions of what goes well,
generally exaggerated, and when they don't go well, the same standard must be used: accept
that the responsibility has to do with me, that I am the one who makes the decisions, the one
who prepares the footballers, who decides who plays and who doesn't.”

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Happy day

Bielsa's Athletic won the series against Sporting Lisbon 4-3 and reached the final of the Europa
League. Historic was Loco , who forged a team tailored to him: ambitious, vertical, offensive and with
a lot of possession.

I leave you some from Bielsa in the post-qualification conference:

- "I have not taken Athletic to the final. I only accompanied him."

-" The prospect of a final always presupposes placing winning the defining match in a place
that is above the feelings of joy and happiness that we all have at this moment."
-" Always participating in this type of match, which moves the fans so much, in this case of
Atlhetic, creates a great responsibility. There is, proportionally, a desire to provoke happiness
but fear of disappointing. So it is a feeling of relief now "that the public found what they
wanted and that they expressed it before and after with great effusiveness."

-" It is a very happy day. There have been a few others, but this is a very happy one. "

-When asked if he saw himself celebrating in the final, he said: " I never imagine situations to
which one does not agree, because it is a way of scaring them away. "

-About Fernando Llorente's enormous game: " From my point of view, he played like I had never
seen before. "

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Hidden and lurking

When he coached in Chile, as when he did in Argentina, journalists and photographers

tried to capture any activity or movement of Marcelo Bielsa: whether on the field or off
it. Once, they photographed him riding a bicycle and on another occasion they
reproduced in a newspaper a joke that he had made to the player Alexis Sánchez in the
privacy of a training session.
In a conference after these two episodes, the Fool told journalists the following:

-" If I had only known that any journalist could be evaluating something that I
expressed privately, I would have lost my spontaneity. For a group leader it is
essential to be able to handle oneself spontaneously. To the extent that
journalists mediate between us and the public, It is inconvenient for us to
express our feelings, our privacy or that of Sánchez, to which I referred,
ignoring what he was saying, as a joke. The same with the bicycle: the fact that
it has been portrayed when I ride a bicycle simply indicates that. It accesses a
part of me that I have the right to keep ."

And followed:

-"This of mine is irrelevant, but it also makes one say, wow, would I like to
make a joke to Sánchez about an aspect of his personal life, knowing that it is
going to be published? No."
-"Training should be private. Just one example: in every training session there
is always friction and when those frictions are publicly disseminated, the
consequences multiply and that brings internal problems. But friction on a
court is the most normal thing in the world. The player is in debt of oxygen and
that alters patience and tolerance. And we coaches have to demand from the
player in debt of oxygen. What's more, one provokes it. The consequences of a
verbal fight between the coach and the coach. player are minimal if they do not
transcend and maximum if they transcend. An episode observed by 10 people is
not the same as by a million. It is very difficult for me to have a difference with
a player, but I do know that it is necessary to encourage a footballer at the
most. uncomfortable. So one needs to do that in private so that the reactions
do not become public and are not magnified."

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There will be applause for everyone today

With a tremendous offensive vocation, Bielsa's Athletic defeated Schalke 04 4-2 in

Germany in the first leg of the Europa League quarterfinals.

It was the most difficult match that the Bilbao team has had to play so far in the
competition and, despite losing 2 to 1, they never gave up attacking and seeking victory
by any means possible.
Here, some of Bielsa's phrases in the conference after the victory.

-"The match was an even process, we did not want it to be unbalanced in favor
of Schalke. Somehow we managed it, although defensively we had to resolve
many situations and we ended up solving it in the second half." -"Schalke has
an offensive power that is difficult to neutralize. Throughout the game it was
difficult for us to prevent them from having the number of goal situations they
created. That was our difficulty." -"In the second half, the attacks began to end
in goal situations or in goals and almost goals. The change has to do with
necessity. The first hour of the game it was difficult for us to balance it. Their
arrivals were superior to ours and They culminated in dangerous actions and
we did not do it until that hour of play. They began by subtracting offensive
power from the lineup. They looked for more defensive balance. -"We are not
yet classified. It would be imprudent to conclude the tie."

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How can I not feel this way?

Since 1977, Athletic Bilbao has not managed to reach the quarterfinals of a European competition.
This afternoon, led by Marcelo Bielsa, the Basque team beat Manchester United 5-3 on aggregate
and qualified for the next round.
Here are some of Loco 's most outstanding reflections after the game.
-" A victory, when it has to be classified and the rival is Manchester, can never be ignored."

- "The spectacle on the field between the two rivals who competed and the public is something
that deserves to be seen and enjoyed."

- "I don't know if this is historical. It's difficult to compare. In practical terms, of course if
something happens that didn't happen before it is a singular fact, but I wouldn't know how to
compare Athletic's last qualification to the quarterfinals with this one. I wouldn't know
establish the differences and value them."

-When they asked him if this was enough motivation to think about his continuity in the
club: “Questions that position me not in a balanced way between the institution and me always
make me uncomfortable.”

- “We are all very happy and the players' joy seems to me to be justified because it originates
from a performance that is decidedly valuable.”
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...And his plays that continue to go well
I share with you some of Loco 's reflections transcribed from the press conferences, in which he refers
to the Copa del Rey final that will pit Athletic against Barcelona again. Bielsa talks about what the
semi against Mirandés was like, about the venue and date of the match and, also, about Pep's team.

-Journalist: "Do you mind that the final is played at the Camp Nou and that the date is
not yet known?"

-Bielsa: " When there are procedures and resources that make my intervention
unnecessary, I submit to those resources and those usual procedures. There is
an entity that designates and determines. No type of expression on my part
makes sense because what they decide will seem good to me and We will
adjust to that. I have no predilections. It is a decision that is independent of
the intervention of the interested party.
And not knowing the date of the final is not something that worries me. If we
know seven or five days in advance, it's enough for me. That there are three
months left and neither the day nor the venue is known seems normal to me.
"Three months offer a lot of flexibility to find the right time to satisfy the time
needs of all those involved with such a beautiful show."

- Journalist: "How do you feel about playing in the final against Barcelona?"

-Bielsa: "It's a dream."

–Journalist: " Why a dream?"

–Bielsa: "One tries to express oneself in that way to describe a pleasant


When asked about the possibility of renewing his contract:

- "The negotiations are not reported. The presumptions and the ups and downs
are not reported or segmented. They are reported once they are finalized."

Other thoughts on the matter:

- "Each match presupposes the challenge of playing better than the previous

- "This is not the time to make recounts or evaluations. The truly significant
thing has not happened yet, which is competing for the Copa del Rey title."

- "It is a very nice feeling when football provokes emotion in people, especially
collectively and in a crystal clear and healthy way. It is one of the best things
that football offers."

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Atomize the seat and shine
When at the last press conference El Loco was asked for his opinion on the Real Madrid-Barcelona
classic the next day, he did not hesitate to elaborate. Genius.
The edition is carried out by Spanish television.

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An exquisite image
I share with you Marcelo Bielsa's entire press conference after the 2-2 draw between Athletic and
Barcelona. Anthology.

" Although it would not have been fair for us to win the game, the closeness we came to
achieving it increases the frustration. In any case, I insist, the draw corresponds to what
happened on the field. "

" The effort that parity demanded from each of the teams makes our team more moving
because the dedication was maximum ."

" I really liked the fights with great football content that occurred in the game ."

When asked about the position in which he used Muniain, traditionally a forward. " Xavi plays on the
right in front of Alves and moves back to align himself with Busquets more than Iniesta in the
other sector. The latter plays in front of Abidal. So I imagined that that sector of the field, due
to space, was the most suitable for Muniain to play. But they are just speculations that should
not be valued because they are irrelevant .

" Why did I delay the changes? You make the changes by choosing someone who stops
running or someone who plays badly. Since I couldn't find an answer to either of the two
things, I delayed the substitutions. I didn't find players who deserved the change, honestly. "

" I cannot take stock now of the season so far. When one segments the year and concludes
based on the segment that passed, one cannot help but think that the season has cycles and
what today seems like a period of consolidation can happen. due to moments of instability.
Therefore, this experience, which all of us who are in football know and know, indicates that
this evaluation must be made taking all the data and that only happens when all the games are
consumed. No. before. It would be unfair for me to take into account the last 10 games (A.N.:
that is the number of games that Athletic has been undefeated) and ignore the first 5. "

" The symbiosis of the team and the public framed the show. I don't know if the game was
especially beautiful, but it was captivating and the public was a central element so that the
sensations emitted by the game multiplied and became emotion. Sometimes the message
from the field needs popular blessing to become a widespread emotion. Today it seems to me
that something of that happened .

About Barcelona and some of its players

When asked about Messi and the desire that the Barcelona star had expressed to work at some point
under the orders of the Fool : " Messi is an incomparable footballer who, from wherever one
observes him, produces amazement. Everything he does, produces amazement. He does not
allow comparisons and everything that is said about him, he deserves it ."

" When you praise your opponent you must do it carefully so that it is not interpreted as a way
of increasing the appreciation of what your own team produces, but I am sincerely amazed by
Barcelona. There is a free man 50 meters from the one who has the ball and with a single pass
they get it there; they recover the ball and they are surrounded, it seems impossible for them
to leave, however they filter the ball and leave; the field is impassable and they give each other
passes inside the area; and they have to do with the quality of the footballers and with the
development of an idea that is truly amazing. I don't say this to inflate our production but as a
recognition. "

" Barcelona is an absolutely new football production that has generated culture. I'm going to
explain why. In Bolivia, for example, when the player prepares to shoot at the mid-range goal,
people hear the "Uy" that It refers to the pre-goal. In Argentina, when there is an overflow and
a cross behind, the "Uy" pre-goal is also heard . In Barcelona, however, when they turn
around and begin to cross from a corner, for example. -they break down the corner play,
which for many coaches gives the possibility of becoming a direct play- the pre-goal "Oops" is
heard , which in any case would generate anxiety because the public, which is emotional and
passionate, is. not very tolerant, it generates recognition from the people. This team has
transcended the numbers and its own positional scheme, which are normally the elements
that are remembered from a team. The message that this team leaves is one of style, and that
style is contra-. cultural because it goes against what is happening in the world of football
today. "

" It makes me very proud to be Mascherano's compatriot. He is a football example to watch. "
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autumn confessions
Today Athletic tied 2 goals against Salzburg in the Europa League. Beyond the result of the match
and the match itself, Marcelo Bielsa had very notable reflections at the press conference. Here, two of
them that transcend the mere analysis of this match.

-" Excessive neatness in handling the ball detracts from a team's ability to do damage. "

-" There are times that speed, which seems to be a physical aspect, is a football aspect. The
transversal game does not offer an option to verticalize. "
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Order and progress
Bielsa has been Athletic's coach for almost four months. It has been difficult for him in the first official
matches to get the team to acquire the desired rhythm and dynamic, but as the weeks go by, Athletic
increasingly resembles the ideal of the game to which El Loco aspires.

I am transcribing some statements from Marcelo after some of the games played up to this point. I
chose these and not others because I understand that they show the evolution that Athletic has been
showing over the course of the season.

After the first game in the League, in the 1-1 draw with Rayo Vallecano:

-" At times we responded to the profile we wanted, but the sensations at the end of the game
were one of instability. If we had closed the game with more of a sense of danger, I would have
moderated my opinion. But the end of the game lowered the grade. "

After the 2-1 defeat against Espanyol, on September 11 in the League:

-" I poorly managed the availability of the players. I made decisions that were not satisfactory
and linked to my wrong assessments and not to unexpected productions. I did not choose the
ideal formation. "

Once the first victory of the season had been achieved, on September 15 against Slovan Bratislava,
the Loco said:

-" My idea is that when developing possession of the ball, when you reach sectors where you
have to be vertical and you don't do it, you compromise your options. If you reach a height on
the field, it is counterproductive to rework the action; there is " I have to finish each attack. "

And yesterday, Athletic beat Osasuna 3-1 in the team's strongest performance so far this year. After
the match, Bielsa said:

-" In the first half we suffered scoring chances that did not correspond to the dominance we
had. And in the second half, based on the possession we had, we should have converted.
These are aspects to correct. In any case, the performance today seemed solid, forceful and
satisfactory .

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The idea is
Today was Loco Bielsa 's official debut on the Athletic Bilbao bench. His team drew 0-0 against
Trabzonspor, from Türkiye, in the Europa League. He attacked it, looked for it and had many clear
chances to score but, despite the fact that the rival was left with 10 men a few minutes after starting
the game, he could not win it. The revenge, in 7 days.
Here are some of the post-meeting statements.

-" We will have had a hundred balls to attack, but all against an overcrowded space.
Sometimes it is preferable to have fewer balls but larger spaces. "

-" Having played against ten players aggravates the fact that we have not scored goals. "

-" We had goals, we missed fifteen goals. We were regular in attack: there was never more
than five minutes without us creating a goal situation. The lack of forcefulness became very
evident. "
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That star is our luxury
I present to you the four videos in which Bielsa reveals the study he did on Athletic Bilbao. The
analysis he carried out was prior to him being confirmed as coach of the Basque club.
Some of you will have already seen them, but let me recommend them to those who haven't yet. The
work that the Fool did is hard to believe. It is very thorough and with an amazing level of detail. It
shows precisely how the best coach in the world carries out his task. It is unmissable.
They are arranged chronologically.

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You're going to dance, dance, dance...
Bielsa had his first day of training as Technical Director of Athletic Bilbao. At the end of it, he left some
very interesting concepts. Prologue to a story that looks very nice.

-" I prefer the role with the ball rather than speculation and being in the opponent's field rather
than my own. More time in possession of the ball rather than trying to recover it; use the
regulations to make the game better and not to take advantage "And, as far as possible,
anticipation of all lines in the development of the game. "

-" There is no excuse not to go out and win. I feel obliged to do so in every game. "

-Regarding the debut in the League, neither more nor less than against Real Madrid, he said: " I
would have liked to say that I chose to come to Athletic because the first game was what it
was, but that wouldn't be true. But just to play that first game, it's worth it ."

-" I belong to a club, Newell's, that in the '80s and '90s had a point in common with this
institution because it was fed almost exclusively by players trained in its lower divisions. So I
had the feeling that I knew it "

-As for his recent past, he clarified: " Leaving Chilean football was a professional loss that I have
not stopped feeling. "

-And when they asked him about his relationship with Pep Guardiola, El Loco stated: " I don't dare
call him for everything he is. I feel inhibited. "

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Just an old, hairy Basque!
Bielsa is the new coach of Athletic Bilbao, since Urrutia won the Club's presidential elections. In this
way, he once again directs the best coach in the world.
"I received the proposal, I reviewed this project in depth and I liked this alternative. It would be
difficult for me to take a position without reflecting a lot. I knew I had to wait until Thursday to
be part of the institution for a year. "

" I verified that almost the majority of positions have more than one alternative. That is
attractive because it generates internal competition and improves the development of each
individuality. And I liked the age composition. "

" The squad has great combativeness and technical resources ."
Hyper football - Second Delivery
More than what Bielsa said in the football clinics he gave in the interior of the country.

- " Those of us who carry out this profession cannot allow it to be

earned in any way. "

- " Paying more to the player in order to make him perform more
is a way of perverting him."

- " Football needs the player to have high self-esteem, but self-
esteem leads to vanity and vanity makes you selfish. The coach
must learn to control that within a group and find a balance."
-" I highlight 4 things about Gerardo Martino as a leader: 1.
Whenever he said he spoke, he had something to say, something
worthwhile; 2. When he spoke, he never raised his voice; 3. He
entered the locker room and even if he didn't speak, the level of
murmuring dropped; 4. When he told a joke, we all laughed.
When I went home and told it, no one laughed. And that was
playing at home.

-" If one day I had to analyze a coach, I would ignore the result, I
would examine the method."

-" If whoever arrives first by taking shortcuts does not suffer

condemnation within the group, that team is sick. It also applies
to society."

-" I truly believe that this driving condition is not very different
from that of a parent. I, sincerely, say that it has much more to do
with the impact of what we do than with what we really do. That
is to say: They put us here because of the background, because of
the impact, because everyone likes football. Football is embodied
in the being of Argentines, but a father of a family also manages
the emotions of the group he leads, of his team. children, your
wife, the rest that come together in the family, so what I tell you
can also be linked to each one of you."
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hyper football
In recent days, Marcelo Bielsa has been giving a football clinic in some
cities in Argentina. There are countless phrases and concepts that he has
left behind. In this first post I will try to explain some of the ideas raised
by the Fool . I promise to follow her, because this is not all.
- " Everything I can tell you I read somewhere. Nothing I tell you
has to do directly with me. In fact, ' The strength of the team lies
in the individual ' is the title of the talk and it is a phrase that my
sister told me was said by Jorge Valdano. And I agree with that ."

- " The other day I had to watch the game between Barcelona and
Real Madrid. Barcelona played the ball backwards, ran the width
of the field and the public applauded. The public was always
intolerant of the return of the ball and the circulation For me,
Barcelona's great achievement, beyond having managed to play
the way it plays, is to have achieved that its public, and I would
almost say the universal public, recognizes its style and has
tolerance and patience for it. And that is essential in any project:
how we are going to do things is not the same. We belong to a
time and a society in which everything that is triumph is blessed,
and everything that is not triumph is not. is forgiven. But the way
of doing things, for me, is more important than what one obtains .

- " When the footballer is so forced to win whatever it takes,

sooner or later he becomes perverted . "

- "Excessive interventionism ends up screwing up the player."

- "I cannot pretend that all my players are the same and think the
same. If in the 85th minute, tying 0-0 at home, with the rival
behind, you ask your players to 'invent' and you did not give room
to their creativity, you're not going to find a way around it."

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From nothing to glory I go
Finally, Bielsa resigned from his position as coach of the Chilean National Team. He
explained his reasons and blamed, hurt, the leadership of the ANFP, especially President
Here, some of his most notable phrases.

" I mean I decided to resign from my coaching position."

"I regret the soap opera that was created with this issue and all the fatigue that was
generated in people because of it, but I do not feel responsible."

"Reality was distorted to turn people against me. The objective was to wear down my
public image. Reyes (the ANFP Press Chief) and Segio Jadue are responsible."

"It was not possible for me to know who had the authority: the president of the ANFP, the
big clubs or the 32 clubs."

Already at the end, and noticeably emotional: "I know that I lose a lot by leaving Chile. I
learned to love life on this soil. To the soccer fans and, if I may, to Chileans in general,
thank you very much. These three years and a half were a gift of life."

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"It's so simple like that, you can't choose"
In this post, I publish the last fragments of Marcelo Bielsa's conference last Wednesday,
November 3 (see also the posts " Pride " and " The end is where I started "), in which he
announced his departure as coach of the National Team of Chile if Jorge Segovia assumed
the position of President of the ANFP, as finally happened.
It seemed unfair to me to summarize the concepts expressed by the Fool , because each idea
deserved a verbatim transcription. For this reason, some paragraphs seem long at first glance.
But believe me, they are not boring, quite the opposite. They are a faithful example of the
conceptual clarity of this man who, after having had Chile's best campaign in the last half
century, has stopped being the coach. It is clear that in the current Chilean soccer leadership,
economic interests have much more weight than the continuity of any successful project.

-" I know that the truth is the truth of the one who has power. "

- "The spectator is a guy who looks and enjoys (or not)

according to the beauty of what is offered to him. The fan is something else. That's why I
say "In football, the only thing that is irreplaceable is the fans. I feel a great attraction for
the fans. I get angry when I go to the field with people who don't help me decipher the

- "Football belongs to those who love the club. That is the heart of this activity. Football
belongs to the people. But Segovia says that the people do not vote."
- "In Chile I learned the value of being moderate."

- "We resist investing in what is not immediately perceived. I put a lot of effort and I put it
out of vocation."

-" Excuse the vanity. I raised half a

million dollars in talks. This is obscene. Everything is put on Pinto Durán. That money is
not mine. I truly feel that it is not mine. I was part of a project that, I tell you Honestly, it
had a happy ending. Totally disproportionate: we are not even remotely the second team in
South America. In fact, the World Cup later put things in their places, Argentina was
ahead of us, Brazil was ahead of us, Uruguay and Argentina were ahead of us. Paraguay
the same. That's real. We came second? Yes, which of the two truths is the concrete one?
How am I going to feel like I am called upon because I am the visible face of a project in
which a large number of people collaborated to make this happen? There are a lot of
people who deserved the testimony of gratitude. So, I gave it. or did I give back? I didn't
give, I gave back. When one makes generosity public, that precept of the right hand and
the left hand is true (the right hand should not know what the left hand gave). But I'm not
saying that I gave away 500 thousand dollars, I returned it! They gave them to me, but I
represented my coworkers, the employees of Pinto Durán, and the philosophy of the
organization. This project brought out the best in me. I am never generous, I am
miserable. But when I believe that a space of generosity opens up, the worst of the human
condition begins to rub off on us coaches. So I do what I say as a representation that I did
not give, I gave back."

- "I would become an obstacle for an organization with which I did not agree on the
values that I just expressed."

- "I cannot have proven myself in the right way. " a different way than I feel. I'm not
resentful, I'm not angry. I am saddened. I will be happy no matter what happens."

-"One always tries to ensure that decisions have consensus. Internally I never had a
regulation, I never punished. I had regulations before, I had like 50 articles, each time I
added more articles and more articles. We Argentines are specialists in altering the norms
that we build to control us. So I added more articles, more I trained the players in
changing rules, I constantly stimulated them until I realized that I had to lead with a more
or less clear understanding of what was right and what was wrong."

-In relation to the invitation made by the president of Chile Sebastián Piñera to the National
Team squad after the World Cup ( see video ): "There is a rule of courtesy that indicates
granting whoever receives an invitation the option of not accepting it. When The highest
authority of a country publicly invites the guest to the situation that if they reject the
invitation, especially if it is a festive matter, it is an unacceptable discourtesy. In reality,
when a President invites publicly, from my humble point of view. view, it turns the
invitation into an obligation; it forces the one who received the invitation to act impolitely
if he chooses to reject the invitation. When we arrived from South Africa, I, like everyone
else, was very hurt. I found out on the flight that we had received that invitation. They
made the invitation to the President of the ANFP and he accepted it on behalf of all of us.
I asked what the footballers' position was, I am not going to say what the answer was. Yes,
I am going to say that I, like the rest of my colleagues, attended because if the President of
the ANFP, who is my authority, had accepted the invitation, I had every right in the world
not to go. But it seemed to me that I had to go, that I had to line up behind him and behind
all the footballers who had decided to attend. I understood that, and this is with all the
sense in the world what my wife reproaches me for, there was nothing to celebrate.
Therefore I understood that the invitation pursued different objectives. But that was my
serious mistake. For that mistake I publicly apologized to the recipient of the offense,
which is the people of this country. When you act rudely to someone who legitimately
represents a country, you are clearly wrong. I was treated rudely, of course. Because I was
invited to a place without being offered the opportunity to refuse. But that doesn't
authorize me to be rude. I greeted the President of the Chileans, I shook his hand. I was
polite and responded politely: the President extended his hand to me and I gave it to him.
Regarding the Secretary of Sports (Ruiz Tagle), I had been with him in South Africa on
two occasions, where I extended my hand and greeted him. I am certain that in no way do
I wish or wish to deny greetings to that person. When we arrived at La Moneda ( where the
meeting referred to in this story took place ) I was part of a line. In front of me there was a
footballer who had a dialogue with Ruiz Tagle. I didn't interrupt him and I didn't stop. I
didn't want to interrupt the conversation. I don't consider that to be rude. My final
conclusion is that I was treated rudely and did not commit any rudeness. Despite that, I
apologized to those who I truly believe I offended. Who are the ones I think I offended?
Those who saw a lack of respect in my behavior."
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The Crazy One from the Chilean National Team just left . Chilean football loses, football in
general loses. Let's hope to see him directing soon, no matter who, no matter where. As long
as he continues giving conferences like yesterday's, as long as his teams play the way he
wants and thinks, let it be where it has to be.

Here, some more concepts from yesterday's conference.

"When I arrived in Chile there was nothing. Now that there are soccer players in Europe,
sponsors and triumphs, greed appears."

"In Chile I learned the value of moderation. I am Argentine and Argentinians are exalted,
we are guided by impulse and emotion."

"It is very difficult for me to make decisions. With the passage of time and contrary to
what everyone thinks, I was not able to make decisions easily. I always look for help."
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The end is where I started

El Loco is giving, at the same moment I write these lines, a press conference in which he
announces his departure from the Chilean National Team if Segovia remains in charge of the
ANFP. Here, some of the most important phrases that Bielsa left behind.

"I want to be credible and act as human as possible."

"I read everything I think. I saw that what I thought was the same thing that many people
said: the specialists and the people on the street."

"What do I value about what I had to live? That awakened my vocation, brought into play
the aspects that have to do with the vocation: one does it even if it is not necessary, one
does it because it brings one happiness. Heading to Chile me It awakened love for the task,
love for the vocation. I value having been led by a leadership that awakened the best that
this human being has: the love for the vocation."

"Generally, we work more to anger those who attack us than to cheer up those who
support us. In Chile the latter happened to me."
"I am not going to work under the leadership of Mr. Segovia, it is impossible to think
about it. I know that I should not take sides with my employer, but I do need us to agree
regarding the task that we are going to do together."

"Whatever happens in tomorrow's election, I will have acted as I understand I should


"I have been immensely and unfairly loved here. Pellegrini says well: I did not invent
football nor am I God. Football will continue with and without me. And it is not false

" In August I could have accessed options that doubled my fees, which improved the
infrastructure I was going to have. But I decided to stay because I liked this better."

"I don't want to stop working here. That's why I did everything possible to like the life
philosophy of the person who offered me unconditional treatment."

"Football belongs to the people. But Segovia says that people don't vote.So a project that
excludes the recipients, is it democratic? "It matters to me that anyone who offers a
loophole for those who govern football: the fans is interpreted as fascist."

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Goodbyes are those sweet pains

Chile could not beat Brazil. He lost, but demonstrating enormous conviction and supporting a
football idea that he has been developing for almost 3 years. He always believed that he could
win and never gave up that possibility, despite the rival's potential. The World Cup is over for
"La Roja". Great championship for them. Congratulations.

This is what Crazy said in the conference after the game.

“It was demonstrated that the distances between the big teams and us exist.”

“At the beginning of the game it seemed to me that the men attacking were the right ones.
In the second stage we try other variants, those that one uses to win a match. The
evaluation is that we came to this match fairly and the elimination is also fair. Maybe the
result should have been a little shorter, but in general terms we could not shorten Brazil's
superiority and that ended up being decisive.”
“It was difficult for us to take advantage of the cracks that Brazil left us, on the contrary
they took advantage of each one we gave them.”

“Brazil specifies a third of the situations it creates and we cannot achieve that percentage.
That shows the final result.”

“You can never leave a competition of this magnitude without sadness, frustration or
disappointment. I also feel sorry because the players made a great effort to offer the best of
each one. To impose our method, we did the most. It is very difficult to assume that this no
longer belongs to us.”

"The balance of this World Cup is a positive reading. Only four of the teams that qualified
got six points and we did."

“As for my future, whether I continue or not, this is not the time to evaluate.”
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To the eighth

Chile qualified for the second round thanks to El Loco . Historical. For those who could not
see the match, or want a summary of it, I leave you what Bielsa commented in the post-
qualification conference. Safety pin.

"I am very happy but even for us the task is not accomplished since we hope to continue
moving forward. I am also happy for the effort that the footballers have made and also of
course for the fans who have supported us throughout this time."

"Celebrating qualification when it overlaps with defeat generates ambivalence. It is not


"Playing very well means not making important mistakes. We did not fulfill that premise."

"With a lot of effort, we were able to balance the game but that was until the expulsion
and I think that until that situation the game was even."

"We also contributed so that Spain's goals were not achieved only by them."
"We do not think that we are better than Spain, but we are sure that we can compete with
them to surpass them."

"The first 40' were balanced with similar ball handling and reaching the goal. From that
minute on, needs were accommodated according to the circumstances. They felt that
winning was enough for them and we instinctively believed the same."

About Brazil, the next rival of "la Roja": “They are a fearsome team. In today's football,
caution is a virtue and daring is at a low price. It is a description of the facts. I think that
Brazil's full-backs have to do with history, the center backs are very important, the two
attackers the same, the holding midfielders. I think there is a parallel with historical
Brazil. Cautious Brazil is an adaptation to these times.”

I take advantage of the occasion and leave you the link of a note that was published today in
the newspaper El Mundo , from Spain, in which Ángel Cappa, Martín Posse, Benito Floro
and whoever writes, we comment and give our opinion about El Loco.

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six out of six

Excerpts from Marcelo Bielsa's press conference after the match in which his National Team
defeated Switzerland 1-0. One more step...

"We need many scoring options to convert just one and we have the advantage of having
one more player for an hour."

"It is striking that the game could have ended tied, since they had a very clear option in the
final minutes. In any case, it seemed to me a deserved victory."

"We will try to star in Friday's game, because in my opinion it is the best way to go out and
win it. I give two examples: the game against Mexico recently, and the duel in Villarreal
against Spain. It does not depend on one's own intention alone, but rather also from the

Regarding the expulsion of the Swiss player, Behrami, El Loco said: "I could not observe
the expulsion from my position, but what I can say is that the extra man allowed us to add
attacking players and subtract defensive players."

Regarding the changes, keys in the final performance of the team, Marcelo explained
"With the change of Mark González for Vidal I intended to open spaces, with the one from
Valdivia (for Suazo) to find more options, and the one with Paredes (for Fernández) was
due to the absence of a finisher when the second half was halfway through."
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First step

Chile won in its first match at the World

Cup in South Africa. It was 1 to 0 to Honduras. And Bielsa said in the post-match

“The view that we pay more attention to is that these points earned become profitable and
for that it is necessary that we win again in the next match.”

"The games you win add up to a record, it's true, but the important thing is that those wins
serve to advance to the next round, otherwise they will quickly be forgotten."

“I cannot predict if the goals we missed today will not allow us to qualify. But if that
possibility arises, we would suffer again what we suffer today for not having converted the
number of situations generated."

“Being in a World Cup for any soccer player is a very heavy feeling. No one who dedicates
themselves to this profession and loves it can be indifferent. “It moves me like any of us
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Draw Master...
This is a small summary of the conference
that El Loco gave on August 28, at a Congress in Chile aimed at opinion makers where
around 1,200 people attended, including President Michelle Bachelet.

Marcelo Bielsa arrived on time. He began the talk, which would last more than two hours, by
saying: " There are too many people for what I consider I can generate. But hey, I'm
here ." His speech was titled " Driving, Rules and Principles ."

Some of his most interesting concepts were the following:

-" One must love the one who leads. That is why we must include those who do not star
and understand that the rebels do not challenge us, but are simply informing us. What we
cannot allow is for (the players) to stop fighting. The overflow , the disorder, whatever
happens is allowed. The clashes, the dances... What is not allowed is that they stop fighting
for everyone's goal, they deserve to be there.

-"The relationship between success and failure has been fundamental in my life, but
success and happiness do not work as synonyms."

Regarding what a leader should have, Marcelo explained: "When he enters the locker room
there is a pause in the murmur. When he speaks, there is silence and when no one laughs
at the same joke told by me, everyone laughs with him."

At one point, the Fool asked the audience: "Have we been there for 40 minutes or 1 hour
and 40 minutes?"

And followed...

-"Leadership is seen in defeat and the leader is only good if he has overcome adversity.
Operations and changes are made in victory, not in defeat. Adversity is the moment to
observe things."

Finally, he explained what to do with the most suitable players within a squad.

-"The best in football is the one who deserves licenses. The best are those who are forced
to overdeliver and licenses and pardons are linked to those who are not the best. There are
players who are more important than others, but not We can allow them to be essential.
The axis of learning is copying. It is much nicer to be a creator than an imitator, but we
vulgar people copy."
Everything very clear and very interesting. Typical of a lucid and intelligent person like

From this Blog, we celebrate the increasing recognition that the former coach of the
Argentine National Team receives. And we welcome all those who, post 2002, filled their
mouths with criticism and reproaches towards him and his ability as a coach. We are not
spiteful. We forgive them, they didn't know what they were doing. And much less what was
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Time proved him right
Much was said about the knockout match in which Chile far surpassed Basile's team at that
time. There's not much more to add. I simply leave fragments of Bielsa's post-match
conference. A small analysis of a huge victory.

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"A man with new ideas is a Fool, until his ideas triumph"
What follows is a fragment of the press conference that Loco gave before the match with
Brazil, for the qualifiers. Although we all already know the result of the match, it is
interesting to observe how Bielsa knew the risks that a tactical approach such as the one he
used entailed, but that nevertheless, and as he says in the conference, they are risks that he
was willing to take. assume.

In short, it is neither more nor less than a very clear game idea. It's not little. Here, in
Argentina, they are not abundant.
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Nobody is perfect

Clarín note published on August 12, 2007.

"Wednesday, March 31, 1999. Amsterdam Arena Stadium, after a Netherlands-Argentina tie
at one goal. Press conference by Marcelo Bielsa, with the majority of Dutch journalists and a
handful of Argentine reporters.

-Does the fact that he replaced Ortega at the end of the first half mean that he was not
satisfied with his work? Clarín asks.

- No. He fulfilled his role in the team as planned. He worked very well so that Zanetti
could disengage from the side. What I thought, when I decided to change, was that Ortega
could have felt the wear and tear and that with the presence of Guglielminpietro we could
insist on that sector.

Bielsa remains thoughtful for a few seconds. He waits for the last questions. But he goes
ahead and looks for Clarín's envoy. And he takes the floor without any questioning.

- I want to make a reservation regarding your previous question. I think it was not a
success to have removed Ortega. Not because of the greater or lesser productivity of the
player who enters compared to that of the player who leaves, but because we still needed a
player with Ariel's characteristics. And Guglielminpietro does not have those
characteristics. The loss of the ball that we suffered at one point indicated that I should
have kept the same player or brought on a similar one. When I realized the mistake, I took
out Guglielminpietro and placed Crespo to give more strength to the attack and Gustavo
López to act as a link between the midfielders and the forwards.

The journalist, accustomed to coaches who never exercise self-criticism, accustomed to

answers without commitment or proper names, pour la galerie, on cassette, or whatever you
want to call it, was surprised by such an act of brutal sincerity. And he gladly thanked her."
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And one day, he came back

Last Monday, Marcelo Bielsa took over as coach of

the Chilean National Team. From this space, we celebrate the return to football of an
intelligent, sincere, honest, respectful and hard-working guy.
The following are some of his main concepts expressed in the press conference, lasting an
hour and a half, in which the Fool was presented in his position. -"That question [if you
have the formula to beat Argentina in the qualifying debut] indicates that I have a hidden
resource that I do not have. Those who compete are the footballers and their emotional
states. We will try to ensure that these elements complement each other and we can beat
the rivals."

-"I have ideas that I hardly abandon because they make me as a coach. I feel more
comfortable if the team I lead manages to attack for longer than it defends. The faster we
recover the ball, the more possession we will have. I will make every effort to make that
idea a reality. welcome by the players."

-"Today's football is very agile, changing, surprising and dynamic. This means that the
initial compositions of a team are modified countless times in the match."

Welcome back to football, Marcelo. We were waiting for you. Good luck.
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Neither Menottistas, nor Bilardistas...Bielsistas

Below is an excerpt from a Clarín interview conducted with Marcelo Bielsa in 1998.

"-If I had to choose, I would say that I feel more comfortable with order than with
spontaneity. There are coaches who foster a creative climate within the team. It's not that I
don't value that, but there are situations that are antagonistic and a coach doesn't It can
stimulate both things simultaneously.

-Why not?

-Because order has rules and spontaneity tends to the absence of rules. Theoretically there
would be no obstacles for them to coexist, but in practice the messages that promote one
thing contradict the others. So it is difficult to be organized and spontaneous at the same
time. That is, for me, the great classification of coaches: those who privilege the resolution
of the game through individual responses or those who emphasize the preconception of
those responses. I believe in that more than in the division between defensive and
offensive. "That characterization is extremely misleading, because the teams are not
prepared for one thing or the other, but for both, in proportions that no one can determine
in advance."
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See you soon

" I ran out of energy ."

That's what Marcelo Bielsa said on September 14, 2004, when he decided to resign from his
position as Technical Director of the National Team. " When that happens, it is not decent
to insist. To be decent, a person has to offer the task the energy it requires. Reluctance
portends storms if one does not resolve it. When I saw that reluctance was installed, I made
the decision ."

Crazy, we are still waiting for you. Time proved you right.
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The two go hand in hand

In 1999, Loco was asked at a press conference if he preferred

to win, or play well and be liked. Staring at the microphone and, as is his habit, carefully
thinking about the words he was going to use, he responded:

“I don't agree with separating winning and playing well. The division of the hierarchy of
resources and victory as independent facts is not fair. There is no path as short and
pleasant as the beauty of the game. It doesn't seem right to me that the approach has to be
made with a tendency to separate them. The question of winning or playing well is heard a
lot. I think it should be a statement: play well to win, and not a question between two
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Castiglione, the enemy

On May 19, 2003, at a press conference for Loco , then coach of the Argentine National Team, there
was a verbal exchange with an Olé journalist, Eduardo Castiglione, an opponent of Bielsa's
management. Here, a fragment of the height of said discussion, especially by the DT. It began when
the journalist questioned Saviola's non-call for the 2002 World Cup, and the inclusion of Caniggia:

Castiglione —What I want to discuss, sir, is the fitness of a player to play in a World Cup.
Between a Caniggia who has two consecutive injuries and you extend the chance to him
and a player who is 70% of Caniggia but is fully fit... I say Saviola, a player who has had
the chance. I don't know...

Bielsa — Yes, that is the truth. Does not know.

C —At least until today you had allowed your views to be questioned...

B — Of course I allow you to question. What I do have to point out is that I am

arguing with a person who does not have the information to sustain the

C —I think that, as you told a journalist, you are now hiding your intentions. You are
trying hard to disqualify me and I have always treated you with respect...

B — Me too...

C —I think you are entering the thin line of disrespect, something I have not done with
you even in the face of one of the worst failures of Argentine football in 40 years. I am
not part of the circus although I work on the circus circuit. So, if you want to settle, we
settle. If you want to argue, we argue and if you want to attack, we attack each other. I
will play with you with the deck of cards you want. I do not avoid any...

B — First, no identification with you does me any good. So every time

something finds us I distance myself. You are my enemy, you exalt me. Do you
get me? The further I am from what you represent, the better I am.

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