Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in applications throughout industry

and academia. Similar to electricity or computers, AI serves as a general-
purpose technology that has numerous applications. Its applications
span language translation, image recognition, credit scoring, e-commerce and
various other domains.

Internet and e-commerce

Recommendation systems

A recommendation system predicts the rating or preference a user would give

to an item. Artificial intelligence recommendation systems are designed to offer
suggestions based on previous behavior. These systems have been used by
companies such as Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube, where they generate
personalized playlists, product suggestions, and video recommendations.

Web feeds and posts

Machine learning is also used in web feeds such as for determining which posts
should show up in social media feeds. Various types of social media
analysis also make use of machine learning and there is research into its use
for (semi-)automated tagging/enhancement/correction of online
misinformation and related filter bubbles

Targeted advertising and increasing internet engagement

AI is used to target web advertisements to those most likely to click or engage

in them. It is also used to increase time spent on a website by selecting
attractive content for the viewer. It can predict or generalize the behavior of
customers from their digital footprints. Both AdSense and Facebook use AI for
Online gambling companies use AI to improve customer targeting.
Personality computing AI models add psychological targeting to more traditional
social demographics or behavioral targeting. AI has been used to customize
shopping options and personalize offers.

Virtual assistants
Intelligent personal assistants use AI to understand many natural language
requests in other ways than rudimentary commands. Common examples are
Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and a more recent AI, ChatGPT by OpenAI.

Search engines

Search engines that use artificial intelligence include Google Search and Bing

Spam filtering

Machine learning can be used to fight against spam, scams, and phishing. It
can scrutinize the contents of spam and phishing attacks to identify any
malicious elements. Numerous models built on machine learning algorithms
exhibit exceptional performance with accuracies over 90% in distinguishing
between spam and legitimate emails.

Language translation

AI has been used to automatically translate spoken language and textual

content, in products such as Microsoft Translator, Google Translate and DeepL
Translator. Additionally, research and development are in progress to decode
and conduct animal communication.

Facial recognition and image labeling

AI has been used in facial recognition systems, with a 99% accuracy rate.
Some examples are Apple's Face ID and Android's Face Unlock, which are
used to secure mobile devices.
Image labeling has been used by Google to detect products in photos and to
allow people to search based on a photo. Image labeling has also been
demonstrated to generate speech to describe images to blind
people. Facebook's DeepFace identifies human faces in digital images.
Read the text above and answer the questions according to the text:

1. What are some of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Among the many applications of Artificial Intelligence, we can to

quote learning languages, to have personal assistences, optimize
Search engines, apps can learn more about us for can suggest topic
of interest to us.

2. What does an Artificial Intelligence recommendation system do?

The artificial Intelligence Analyse our previous preferences, what

gender movie we watch, what music we listen and based in this
information recommends similar mídias.

3. How is Machine Learning used in Web Feeds?

In Social Media are machine learnigs that decide what I see, based
in previus interestings, engaged contentes, likes, etc, machine
learnig is also object of study for how not to propagate fake News.

4. How can Machine learning be used to fight agaisnt spam?

Machine Learning works identifying any malicious elements through
algorithms and can distinguish between spam and legitimate emails in
over 90% of the cases.

5. How can Artificial Intelligence help in Language teaching?

AI can be used to teaching English by language tranlation, people can gain
access to new languages and increase their vocabular this way.
Health Care
X-ray of a hand, with automatic calculation of bone age by a computer software

A patient-side surgical arm of Da Vinci Surgical System

AI in healthcare is often used for classification, to evaluate a CT
scan or electrocardiogram or to identify high-risk patients for population health.
AI is helping with the high-cost problem of dosing. One study suggested that AI
could save $16 billion. In 2016, a study reported that an AI-derived formula
derived the proper dose of immunosuppressant drugs to give to transplant
patients. Current research has indicated that non-cardiac vascular illnesses are
also being treated with artificial intelligence (AI). For certain disorders, AI
algorithms can assist with diagnosis, recommended treatments, outcome
prediction, and patient progress tracking. As AI technology advances, it is
anticipated that it will become more significant in the healthcare industry.
Microsoft's AI project Hanover helps doctors choose cancer treatments from
among the more than 800 medicines and vaccines. Its goal is to memorize all
the relevant papers to predict which (combinations of) drugs will be most
effective for each patient. Myeloid leukemia is one target. Another study
reported on an AI that was as good as doctors in identifying skin
cancers. Another project monitors multiple high-risk patients by asking each
patient questions based on data acquired from doctor/patient interactions. In
one study done with transfer learning, an AI diagnosed eye conditions similar to
an ophthalmologist and recommended treatment referrals.
Another study demonstrated surgery with an autonomous robot. The team
supervised the robot while it performed soft-tissue surgery, stitching together a
pig's bowel judged better than a surgeon.
Artificial neural networks are used as clinical decision support systems for
medical diagnosis, such as in concept processing technology in EMR software.
Other healthcare tasks thought suitable for an AI that are in development
• Screening
• Heart sound analysis
• Companion robots for elder care
• Medical record analysis
• Treatment plan design
• Medication management
• Assisting blind people
• Consultations
• Drug creation (e.g. by identifying candidate drugs and by using existing drug
screening data such as in life extension research)
• Clinical training
• Outcome prediction for surgical procedures
• HIV prognosis
• Identifying genomic pathogen signatures of novel pathogens or identifying
pathogens via physics-based fingerprints (including pandemic pathogens)
• Helping link genes to their functions, otherwise analyzing genes and
identification of novel biological targets
• Help development of biomarkers
• Help tailor therapies to individuals in personalized medicine/precision

Answer the question below according to the Reading about Health:

6. Scan the article about Healthcare and name some of the

applications of Artificial Intelligence in Health.
Some application of AI in Health are:
• Electrocardiogramm
• To indicate the proper dose of immunosuppressant drugs to give to
transplant patients.
• Diagnosed eye conditions
• Identifying skin cancers
• Helps doctors choose cancer treatments

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