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March, 2024
Full Marks:100
Time: Three hours
The figures in the right side margin indicate marks.
Answer all the questions.
Section-A (General Pathology)
Q1. A60-ycar-old male diabetic presents with afoul-smelling spreading bluc -black lesion
of the right grcat toe and other toes.
Identify the lesion. [2]
b. Define the condition. (2]
C. How can you classify it? [3]
d. What is the role of diabetes in its pathogenesis? [3)

Q2. Defineand classify shock. Discuss in detail about septic shock. (2+8 = 10]
Q3. Write short notes on [Sx4=20]
1. Hyperplasia
b. Pathogencsis of immune granuloma
C. Tumnor markcrs
d. Fates of thrombus
C. Gaucher cells
Q4. Fill in the blanks [Sx2-10]
a. Mcchanism of trisomy 21 in Downs syndrome arc and

b. Examplcs of oncognic viruses are

c. Examples oftypc II hypcrscnsitivity reaction are , and
d. Chronic granulomatous discase (CGD) is due to
deficiency in the enzyme
C. Two examples of inflammatory giant cells are and

Section-B (Hematology)
Q1. A 39-ycar-old rural female coming from a low sociocconomic background, prescnts
with progressive wcakncss, fatigue, lassitude, and palpitation for the last ycar. O/E,
moderate pallor with stomatitis, glossitis and koilonychia; no hepatosplenomegaly or,
a. What is your ctiological diagnosis? (2)
b. Enumerale possible underlying clUSCs. [3]
diagnosis and pinpoint underlying
C. How can you confirm your etiological

all over her body,

Q2. A4-year-old girl presented with fever. weakness, petechial bleeding in this case?
probable diagnosis
and generalizcd lymphadenopathy. What is the findings and Cytochemical stains
Describe the Peripheral blood smear, Bone marrow
for confimation.

Q3. Write short notes on
a. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
d. Pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation
e. Leukemoid reaction

Q4. Fill in the blanks [2x5=10]

a. Examples of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia are
b. RDW stands for
c. The stain used to demonstrate iron in bone marrow is
chronic myeloid
d. Cytochemical stain used to differentiate leukemoid reaction from
leukemia is
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is due to deficiency of
, and

tt* ** *k*

March,2024 Patho-II
Full Marks: 100 Time: Three hours
The figures in the right stáe margin indicate marks.
Answer all the questions.
Section -A(Systemic Pathology) [50 marks]
1. A male child aged 6 years presented with abrupt
onset of fever,
hematuria and red cell casts in urine. What is your diagnosis? Write themalaise, oliguria,
and pathology. Discuss the investigations., etiopathogenesis
2. An 8-year-old girl complained of throat pain 2 weeks ago. At (1+6+3=10)
from migratory polyarthritis and breathlessness. What is the probable she is suffering
case? Write etiopathogenesis and describe the pathology in the heart. diagnosis in this
diagnosticcriteria for the disease. Mention the
3. Write short notes on the (2+3+3+2=10)
following: (5x4-20)
a. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
b. Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
C. Risk factors for
dSerological markers of HBV infection.
Krukenberg tumor.
4. Fill in the blanks:
a. The following complication is almost exclusive for type 1 diabetes mellitus
Immunohistochemical stain for Melanoma is
gene is mutated in type 2 endometrial carcinoma.
d. Bloom-Richardson scoring in carcinoma breast includes
, and
level is decreased in Wilson's disease.
Section-B (Clinical Pathology, Special Pathology) [50 marks]
1. A 25-year-old male presents with a fever of 39°C,
photophobia. On examination Kernig's sign is positive. headache, neck stiffness, and
What is the most probable
diagnosis? Enumerate the common causative agents. Describe the lab
a diagnosis. findings to reach
2. A 65-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol (2+3+5-10)
ascites, and fatigue. What is the likely dagnosis?consumption
Describe the
presents with jaundice,
diagnosis of the condition. pathogenesis and lab
3. Write short notes on the following: (2+4+4=10)
a. Complications of diabetes mellitus. (5x4-20)
b. Meningioma.
C. Bence Jones protein.
4. Fill in the blanks :
a. Brown's tumor of bone is due to (5x2+10)
h Two characteristic findings in cases of Alzheimer's disease are
C. is the mnost common tumor of the pituitary
d. Tumor marker for pheochromocytoma is gland.
e. Mutation seen in papillary carcinota of thyroid is
7** *** *ks

Pharmacology-1 (Theory)
FullMarks: 100
(Section- A(50 Marks) Time: 3 hrs
1. Define and explain the term
pharmacokinetics. Enumerate the various routes of drug
administration with advantages and disadvantages of each. (3+7=10)
2. Expl¯in the pharmacological basis of use of.
alß blockers in heart failure Ror (5x3=15)
Atropine in
C. Neostigmineorganophosphorous
as reversal agent forpoisoning
d. Statin and ezgtimibe combination vecuronium
(uytet ttAA
e. Angiotensin hyperlipidemia
3. Write short receptor blocker in hypertension
a. Clinicab uses of (3x5-15)
b. Indirect thrombinparasympathomimetics
c. Drug synergism
4. Do as
a. Enumerate the four cardinal (5x2-10)
b. Name two adverse effects principles of bio-ethics.
each of ACEIs and digoxin.
c. Name two agonists each of
d. Name two fibrinolytics and ionotropic
and Gprotein- coupled receptors.
e. Give two examples each of type antifibrinotytics.
A and typeBadverse rea¢tions.
1. A young man in his Section-B (50 Marks)
mid-40s consults physician for. the problem of
asleep frequently for past few months. difficulty in
related anxiety. History reveals that he is having a bit offalling
a. Enumerate the drugs that could be
b. Explain the mechanisms of
used in this case. (4+3+3=10)
c. Discuss the advantages and
action of such drugs.
2. Explain the disadvantages of each.
pharmacological basis of use of:
KeDonepezil and memantine in Alzheimer's disease (5x3=15)
b. Oxytocin for augmentationof abosr
c. Valproate in epilepsy
d, Febuxostat and
* e. Methotrexate in colchicine
in gout
rheumatoid arthritis
Write short notes:
a. Tocolytics (5x3=15)
b. Drug-induced Parkinsonism
c. Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
d. Triptans
e. Parenteral iron therapy
4. Do as directed:
a. Namc two adverse effects each of
b. Name the full from of EMLA and levodopa and amantadine (5x2=10)
its constituents.
c. Name four clinical uses of H1
d. Name four clinical uses of antagonists.
e. Two indications and prostaglandins andtheir analogueS.
contraindications each of dimercaprolI
Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours
Section-A(50 Marks)
1. Classify the oral antidiabetic drugs? Explaln their mechanisms of action and
give a note on
their adverse effects.
2. Explain the pharmacological basis of use of :
a. GnRH analogue in carcinoma prostate (5x3=15)
b. Lactulose in hepatic coma
C. Salbutamol in bronchial asthma
d. Prednisolone in autoimmune diseases
e. Propylthiouracil in thyrotoxicosis
3. White Short Notes:
a. Combination oral contraceptive pill (3x5=15)
b. Adverse effects of glucocorticoids
C. Calcineurin inhibitors
4 Doas directed:
a. Name two rapid acting and two long-acting insulins. (5x2=10)
b. Name two clinical uses and two adverse effects of
C Name two SERMs and their two clinical uses.
d. Name four drugs used in inflammatory bowel disease.
e. Name two mTOR inhibitors and their two clinical

Section-B (50 Marks)

1, An adult male consulted the doctor with
complaints of nasal congestion, fevcr, fatigue, productive
cough for last 10 days and not getting relieved with symptomatic treatment. He is diagnosed to be
suffering from upper respiratory tract bacterial infection.
a. Enumeratehe drugs that could be used to treat this condition.
Discuss the problems associated with irrational
Classify the antibacterials on the basis of their antibiotic use.of
2. Explain the pharmacological basis of uses of : mechanisms action.
a. Combination of torsemide and amiloride (5x3=15)
b. Combination chemotherapy in tuberculosis
C. Primaquine inP. vivax malaria
d. Ritonavir as part of anti AIDS
treatment regimen
e. Imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia
3. Write short notes :
a. MDT in leprosy. (3x5-15)
b. Amphotericin B
C. Drugs to treat hepatitis B.
4. Do as direct:
a. Explain,why furosemide and not (5x2=10)
hyarocnilorothiazide is a high ceiling diuretic.
b. Name two alkylating agents and two antimetabolites
C. Name two drugs each for hook worm inieStation and flariasis
d. Name two tissue amoebicides and two luminal amoehicides
Name two NNRTIs and two NRTIs.

Time- 3 Hours FullMarks -100

1) (a) Enumerate the physical methods of sterilization. Write the

principle, sterilization condition, uses and different sterilization control of
autoclave. [2+3+2+2+1]
(b) Enumerate the different antigen-antibody reaction. Describe in detail about the
principle, types and application of agghutination reaction in the diagnosis of
infectious diseases. (3+2+3+2]

2) Write short notes on: |4x5]

Contributions of Robert Koch in the field of Microbiology
Bacterial flagella
c) Transduction
d) Type-I hypersensitivity reaction

3) Answer the following questions: [Sx2]

YWhat is Lawn culture ? Mention two uses of it.
b) What is enrichment media ? Give two examples.
c) Write two differences between Blymphocyte and Tlymphocyte
d) Draw a labelled diagram of Secretory IgA and mention its role in immunity.
erWhat is negative staining ?Mention its use in the diagnostic Microbiology.

1) a) A 28 years old female admitted in the Medicine Ward with complaints of
discomfort in the abdomen and remittent fever of step ladder patten since 2
weeks. On examination She was toxie with temperature of 101 F with coated
tongue. Her Pulse rate 60/min and mild splenomegaly.
)Write the most probable clinical diagnoS1S with etiological agent. (2+5+3|
ii) Write the Laboratory diagnosis of the condition.

i)What is the prophylaxis against this condition.
b) A 48 year old male presented with history of loss of appetite, malaise and
jaundice of 2 months duration, On examination, there was icterus
hepatomegaly and tenderness in the right hypochondriac region. He gave a
past history of blood transfusion following a road traffic accident.
i)What is the most probable etiological agent ? [1+6+3]
ii)How will you approach for the laboratory diagnosis of this condition.
ii)Mention thevarious routes of its transmission.

2) Write short notes on: [4x5])

KaOpportunistic intestinal coccidian parasitic infections
b) Write the pathogenesis of Cholera
c) Cgmplication of Falciparum malaria
o Rotavirus Diarhoea.

3) Answer the following questions: (5x2]

a) Name the etiological agent & vector of Scrub typhus.
b) Write the infective form and vector of W. bancrofti.
c) Mention the most pathogenic species of candida infecting humans and a test
to identify this species.
tention the viral haemorhagic fever common in India and its transmission.
e) Enumerate two toxin mediated bacteriological causes of food poisoning and
the corresponding sources of food

March, 2024
Full Marks : 100
Time :Three hours
The figures inthe right side margin indicate marks.
Answer all the questions.

Section -A
1. Long answer type question (2X 10)
a. A20 yr college student was brought to the OPD with complaints of difficulty in swallowing
water and anxiety with restlessness, He has no fever or any other local symptoms. His friend
mentioned he was bitten by a street dog two months back. (1+2+5+2-10)
i-What is the most probable clinical diagnosis?
ii-Draw a labelled diagram of the causative agent.
i-Briefly discuss the laboratory diagnosis.
iv-Mention the vaccines available for Humans.
b. ASyr old boy was brought to the emergency by his parents with complaints of fever cough with
expectoration and difficulty wih breathing for last 2 days. On examination a dull percussion
note was found on right side of chest with diminished breath sounds? Direct examination of the
sputum revealed plenty of pus cells along with gram positive lanceolate shaped diplococci.
i-What is the most probable etiological diagnosis?
ij-Brjefly discuss the laboratory diagnosis.
KinMention the virulence factors of the etiological agent.
vName the antibiotics that can be used in this case.
2. Short answer type questions (4X5= 20)
Laboratorydiagnosis of cerebral malaria
b. Çandida albicans

a Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia

3. Very shÍrt answer type questions (5X2= 10)
Comment on tachyzoites.
b. Name one negative stain & write its use.
gName two virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis.
d What is MDR TB?
Name two fungal stains used in diagnostic mycology.
Section -B

1. Long answer type question (2X 10 )

a. A60 yrs old female was admitted with omplains of dysuria, flank pain. Culture of urine
specimen revealed lactose fermenting colonies on CLED agar. (2+3+5-10)
i-What is your clinical diagnosis &etiological agents?
ii- Describe its pathogenesis.
iii- Add a note on its laboratory diagnosis.

b. Define sterilization. Write spaulding classifcation of medical devices &add anote on autoclave.

2. Short answer type questions (4X5= 20)

a. Nongonococcal urethritis
b. Standard precaution for hospital acquired infection
Congenital rubella syndrome
d. Standard tests for Syphilis
3. Veryshort answer type questions (5X2= 10)
ame two pathogens causing rat bite fever.
Ko) Write two parasites causing ocular infection.
Wite post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.
dName two wastes segregated in yellow colour bag.
What are the agents of TORCH infection?

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