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Mehedi Sir Lab-1 (EEE-222 Lab-3 ) Explained

Author: Tahamidul Islam, ID: 2102057

1. freqs is a built-in function in MATLAB

2. logspace is also a built-in function in MATLAB to create vector
(vector is like an 1D array in C programming)
Example of logspace:
3. abs(x) function : (এটা বাচ্চারাও জানে লেমাও)

4. semilogx(x,y) function : we will use this instead of

plot(x,y) for semilog graph
Open Sadiku Chapter 14 :

Read these topics

• Transfer Function
• The Decible Scale
• Bode Plots
Must read calculations/rough for num and den array
in our code :
Code 1 : Basic Low Pass RC Filter

I will only show code 1 here for low pass RC filter, write
yourself the rest ( high pass, bandpass, band stop ) by just
changing the numerator and denominator variable of these
code num and den.
Output :

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