Assignment # 4

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Islamic Studies

Assignment # 4

Name: Muhammad Shameer Lodhi

Roll No: SP24-ELC-070

Discuss a few righteous deeds with references from the Holy Quran or Hadith,
and their practical benefits in our society.

Living by the teachings of the Quran and Hadith brings good to our society. Giving to those in
need builds kindness and unity among us. Being honest in business helps create trust and keeps
our economy strong. Forgiveness and kindness make our families and communities peaceful.
Respecting others creates harmony and understanding. Following these teachings makes our
society kind, fair, and united.

1. Charity

Charity means giving to people who need help, and it's important in Islam. It helps poor people
and brings communities closer together. Sharing what we have with others shows kindness and
makes us feel connected. Charity isn't only about money; it can also mean giving time or
helping with skills to those who are struggling. In Islam, giving charity is like cleaning our money
and getting blessings from Allah. It encourages us to understand and help others, making our
society a caring and supportive place for everyone. In Quran, Allah says:

“And be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity, and bow down your heads with those
who bow down (in worship)” [Al-Baqarah: 274]

Practical Benefit – Alleviating Poverty

It helps alleviate poverty. When we give to those in need, we provide them with essential
resources like food, shelter, and clothing. This support can lift people out of difficult situations
and give them hope for a better future. By helping others, we create a more equitable society
where everyone has a chance to thrive. Giving charity is a direct way to make a positive impact
on people's lives, spreading kindness and compassion in our communities.

2. Kindness to Parents

In Islam, showing kindness to parents is highly emphasized. It is considered one of the most
important duties for Muslims. This includes respecting, caring for, and obeying parents
throughout their lives. The Quran teaches that being kind to parents is second only to
worshipping Allah. By treating our parents with love and respect, we earn blessings and
closeness to Allah, and it brings happiness and harmony to our families. Quran has several
verses that mentions kindness to parents, including:

“Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and do good to parents. If any one of
them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them: uff (a word or expression of anger or
contempt) and do not scold them, and address them with respectful words” [Al Isra: 23]

Practical Benefit – Family Stability

In Islam, showing kindness to parents leads to family stability. Respecting and caring for our
parents create a harmonious atmosphere at home. It strengthens family bonds and fosters love
and cooperation among family members. This stability provides a nurturing environment for
children to grow up in, with positive values and strong relationships. By prioritizing kindness to
parents, Islam emphasizes the importance of maintaining family unity and fostering a
supportive household.

3. Honesty

Honesty is highly valued and considered a fundamental virtue. Muslims are encouraged to be
truthful in all aspects of their lives, whether in speech or actions. The Quran emphasizes the
importance of honesty, stating that believers should always speak the truth, even if it is against
their own interests. Being honest builds trust and integrity within society, fostering strong and
respectful relationships. Ultimately, honesty is seen as a reflection of one's faith and
commitment to living a righteous life in accordance with Islamic principles. According to the
Holy Quran, the honest would be honored and protected from misfortune on the Day of

“Allah will declare, “This is the Day when only the faithful will benefit from their faithfulness.
Theirs are Gardens under which rivers flow, to stay there for ever and ever. Allah is pleased
with them and they are pleased with Him. That is the ultimate triumph’’ [Al Ma'idah: 119]

Practical Benefit – Trustworthiness

Honesty brings practical benefits, such as trustworthiness. When we are truthful in our words
and actions, we earn the trust of others. This trust forms the foundation of strong and
respectful relationships within society. By upholding honesty, we demonstrate integrity and
reliability, which are highly valued traits in Islam. Being trustworthy not only earns us respect
from others but also reflects our commitment to living a righteous and honorable life according
to Islamic teachings. Ultimately, honesty fosters a culture of trust and mutual respect,
contributing to the well-being and harmony of society.

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