Stephen Weinberg Biography

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WixirepiA Steven Weinberg Steven Weinberg (/‘wambs:r9/; May 3, 1933 ~ July 23, 2022) was an American theoretical physicist land Nobel laureate in_ physics for his contributions with Abdus Salam and Sheldon Glashow to the ‘unification ofthe weak force and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles. ‘Steven Weinberg He held the Josey Regental Chair in Science at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was a ‘member ofthe Physics and Astronomy Departments. Is research on elementary particles and physical cosmology was honored with numerous prizes and awards, including the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics and the 1991 National Medal of Science. In 2004, he received the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the ‘American Philosophical Society, with a citation that said he was "considered by many to be the ‘preeminent theoretical physicist alive in the world today.” He was elected to the US National Academy ‘of Sciences, Britain's Royal Society, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of ‘Arts and Sciences, ‘Weinberg articles on various subjects occasionally appeared in The New York Review of Books and ‘other periodicals. He served as a consultant at the US. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, president of the Philosophical Soc of Texas, and tember ofthe Boat of ator of Daedalus ‘magazine, the Council of Scholars of th Library of Congress, the JASON group of defense consultants, | ;agzing the Cone of Shar of the Weinberg atthe 2010 Texas Book Festval Born May, 1893 Contents vs Died sly 23,2021 (aged 88) Ean ite ‘ust, Texas, US. Career and research Resting Texas State Cometory Other contrbutions piace Education Comol Univers (AB. 1954) Princeton University (PP.0., Honors and awards 1987) Selected publications Bibliography: books authored / coauthored Scholarly articles Popular articles References External links Early life ‘Steven Weinberg was born in 1933 in New York City] His parents were Jewish] immigrantsl®l his father, Frederick, ‘worked ass court stenographer, while his mother, Eva (Israel), was & housewife 02! Becoming interested in science at age 16 through a chemistry set handed down by @ cousin HI) he graduated from Bronx High School of Science in 1950.U2) He was in the same ‘graduating class as Sheldon Glashow,"™! whose research, independent of Weinberg’, resulted in their (Gnd Abdus Salam) sharing the 1979 Nobel in physics 3] Weinberg received his bachelor's degree frum Cornell University in 1954. There he resided at the ‘Telluride House. He then went to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, where he started his ‘graduate studies and research. After one year, Weinberg moved to Princeton University, where he earned his Ph.D. in physies in 1957, completing his dissertation, "The role of strong interactions in decay processes", under the supervision of Sam Treiman (1! Career and research ‘After completing his Ph.D., Weinberg worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University (4957-59) and University of California, Berkeley (1959) and then was promoted to faculty at Berkeley (1960-66). He did research in a variety oftopies of particle physies, such as the high energy behavior of, {quantum field theory, symmetry bresking\S! pion scattering, infrared photons and quantum sravty."5 Tt was algo during this time that he developed the approach to quantum field theory described in the first chapters of his book The Quantum Theory of Fields!'7| and started to write his textbook Gravitation and Cosmology, having taken up an interest in general relativity after the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation.®1 He was also appointed the senior scientist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory1® The Quantum Theory of Fields spanned three volumes Known for Spouse(s) Cchitdron Awards Fils Institutions Electroweak interaction Weinberg angle Wernberg-ite theorem doos-Weinberg equation Asymptotic safely ‘on modal fective action Minima subracton scheme Technicolor Unitary gauge Louise Goldwasser (m, 1964) Hoinoman Prize (1877) lo Crosson Medal (1972) Noval Pre in Physics (1979) ForMemRs (1981)12) National Modal of Seine 1981) Aneow Gomant Award (1397) Broakthrough Prize (2020) ‘Thooratcal physics Univery of Texas at Austin Unversity of Calfomia, Berkeley and over 1,500 pages, and is often regarded asthe leading book inthe field191 Massachusetts Instituto of Tecnology In 1966, Weinberg left Berkeley and accepted a lecturer position at Harvard. In 1967 he was a visiting professor at MIT. It was in that year at MIT that Weinberg proposed his model of unification of lectromagnetism and nuclear weak forces (such as those involved in beta-decay and kaon-decay), (#9) Columbia University withthe masses ofthe foree-carriers of the weak part ofthe interaction being explained by spontaneous Thesis The role ofstrong symmetry breaking. One of its fundamental aspects was the prediction of the existence of the Higgs boson. Weinberg's model, now known as the electroweak unification theory, had the same symmetry ‘ structure as that proposed by Glashow in 1961: both included the then-unknown weak interaction proaesses htphwwnnordc ‘mechanism between leptons, known as neutral current and mediated by the Z boson. The 1973, at orgiock1957779) (1957) experimental discovery of weak neutral currents) (mediated by this Z boson) was one verification of Deetoral Sam Treiman) the electroweak unification. The paper by Weinberg in which he presented this theory is one of the | advisor Harvard University Interactions in decay ‘most cited works ever in high-energy physies 20 Website web2.phatenas ed After his 1967 seminal work on the unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, Weinberg weintchiweinderg hl (hit ‘continued his work in many aspects of particle physies, quantum field theory, gravity, supersymmety, ssuperstrings and cosmology. In the years after 1967, the full Standard Model of elementary particle inlechinoinberg. him) theory was developed through the work of many contributors. In i, the weak and electromagnetic interactions already unified by the work of Weinberg, Salam and Glashov, are made consistent with a theory ofthe strong interactions between quarks, in one overarching theory. In 1973, Weinberg proposed a modification of the Standard Model that did not contain that model’ fundamental Higgs boson. Also during the 1970s, he proposed a theory later knows as technicolor, in which new strong interactions resolve the Iiierarchy problem (2122129) ‘Weinberg, became Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard University in 1973, a post he held until 1983.51 In 1979 he pioneered the ‘modern view on the renormalization aspect of quantum field theory that considers all quantum field theories effective field theories and changed the viewpoint of previous work (including his own in his 1967 paper) that a sensible quantum field theory must be renormalizable.®4) This approach allowed the development of effective theory of quantum gravity,5) low energy QCD, heavy quark effective field theory and other developments, and is atopic of considerable interest in current research.) In 1979, some six years after the experimental discovery of the neutral eurrents—i.e. the discovery of the inferred existence of the Z boson—but after the 1978 experimental discovery of the theory's predicted amount of parity violation due to Z bosons’ mixing with electromagnetic interactions, 221 Weinberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics with Glashow and Salam, who had independently proposed a theory of electroweak unification based on spontaneous symmetry breaking 108 In 1982 Weinberg moved to the University of Texas at Austin as the Jack S, Josey-Weleh Foundation Regents Chair in Science, and started a ‘theoretial physies group atthe university that now has eight fll professors and is one of the leading research groups inthe field in the U.S, ‘Weinberg is frequently listed among the top scientists with the highest research effect indices, such as the h-index and the creativity index 81 Te theoretical physicist Peter Woit called Weinberg, "arguably the dominant figure in theoretical particle physics during its period of great success from the late sixties to the early eighties, calling his contribution to electroweak unification "to this day at the center of the Standard Model, our best understanding of fundamental physics" 2) Science News named him along with fellow theorists Murray Gell-Mann and Richard Feynman the leading physicists of the era, commenting, “Among his peers, Weinberg was one of the most respected figures in all of physics or perhaps all of science" 5°! Sean Carroll called Weinberg one of the “best physicists we had; one ofthe best thinkers of any variety” who “exhibited, extraordinary verve and clarity of thought through the whole stretch ofa long and productive life” while John Preskil called him "one of the ‘most accomplished scientists of our age, and a particularly eloquent spokesperson for the scientific worldview" ""! Brian Greene said that Weinberg had an “astounding ability to see into the deep workings of nature” that “profoundly shaped our understanding of the universe”) ‘Upon the awarding of the Breakthrough Prize in 2020, one of the founders of the prizes, Yuri Milner, called Weinberg a “Key architect” of “one of te most successful physica theories ever", while string theorist Juan Maldaeena, the chair ofthe selection committe, said, “Steven Weinberg has developed many ofthe key theoretical tools that we use for the description of nature a a fundamental evel 21 Other contributions [Besides his scientific research, Weinberg was a public spokesman for science, testifying before Congress in support ofthe Superconducting Super Collider, writing articles for The New York Review of Books, #9) and siving various lectures on the larger meaning of scienee. His books on science written for the public combine the typical scientific popularization with what is traditionally considered history and philosophy of science ‘and atheism, His first popular science book, The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe (1977), deserbed the start of the universe with the Big Bang and enunciated « case for its expansion. Although still teaching physies, in later years he tumed his hand to the history of science, efforts that ‘culminated in To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science (2015).{4) A hostile review in the ‘Wall Street Journal by Steven Shapin attracted a number of commentaries3I a response by Weinberg,[341 and an exchange of views between Weinberg and Arthur Silverstein in the NYRB in February 2016.17) In 2016, Weinberg became a default leader for faculty and students opposed to @ new law allowing the carrying of concealed guns in UT classrooms. Ile announced that he would prohibit guns in his classes, and said he would stand by his decision to violate university regulations in ‘this matter even if faced with a lawsuit! Weinberg never retired and taught at UT until his death, Personal life In 1954 Weinberg married Louise Goldwasser and they had a daughter, Elizabeth 235 Louise Weinberg went on to become a law professor at the University of Texas ‘Weinberg died on July 23, 2021, at age 88 at a hospital in Austin, where he had been undergoing treatment for several weeks 2112) Politics ‘Weinberg identified as a liberal He was also known for his support of Israel, which he characterized as “the 'most exposed salient’ in a war between liberal democracies and Muslim theocracies."“! He wrote an essay in 1997 titled "Zionism and Its Adversaries” to explain his views on the issue 42% the 20008, Weinberg canceled trips to universities inthe United Kingdom because of the British boycotts of Israel. At the time, he explained ‘Given the history of the attacks on Isracl and the oppressiveness and aggressiveness of olher countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, boycotting Israel indicated a moral blindness for which itis hard to find any explanation other than antisemitism," ws on religion ‘Weinberg was an atheist) Before he was an advocate ofthe Big Bang theor ‘most atractive theory because it least resembles the account given in Genesis." ‘Weinberg stated: "The steady-state theory is philosophically the ) Honors and awards 1 Honorary Doctor of Science degrees from eleven insttulions: University of Chicago, Knox Collega, University of Rochaster, Yale University, City Unversity of New York, Dartmouth College, Weizmann Institute, Clark University, Washington College, Columbia University, Bates College." + American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected 1968!%7) Fellow of the American Physical Society, elected 19714) National Academy of Sciences, elected 19727 4J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize, 1973135017 + Richtmyer Memorial Award (1974)!7) + Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, 1977147) ‘Steel Foundation Science Writing Award, 1977, for writing The First Three Minutes! Eliott Cresson Medal (Franklin Insitute), 197917) + Nobel Prize in Physics, 197911245!) 1 Elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 1981112) Elected to American Philosophical Sociaty (19827 + James Madison Medal of Princeton University, 1991147) National Medal of Science, 199117 Prosident ofthe Philosophical Society of Texas, 19922 + Lewis Thomas Prize for Weting about Science, 19991) Humanist of the Year, American Humanist Associaton, 200264 + Benjamin Franklin Medal for Distinguished Achievement inthe Sciences, ‘American Philosophical Society, 200411 + James Joyce Award, University College Dublin, 2009 Breakthrough Prize, 202007158) (Quasn Baatox meets Nobel aueatas 1089, Waroary thr from tel of the Selected publications A ist of Weinberg's publications can be found on arXiv! and Seopus 6] Bibliography: books authored / coauthored * Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity (1872) + Tho First Three Minutos: A Modern View of the Origin ofthe Universe (1977, updated with new afterword in 1998, ISBN 0-£65-02437-8) 1 The Discovery of Subatomic Particles (1983) * Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures (1987; with Richard Feynman) + Dreams of a Final Thoory: The Search for the Fundamental Laws of Nature (1993), ISBN 0-09-222391-0, + The Quantum Theory of Fields (ree volumes: | Foundations 1996, I| Modem Applications 1996, Il Supersymmetry 2000,t] Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-67083-5, ISBN 0-521-67054-3, ISBN 0-521-66000-9) Facing Up: Scionco and ite Cultural Advorsaris (2001, 2003, HUP) Glory and Terror: The Coming Nuclear Danger (2004, NYRB) ‘Cosmology (2008, OUP) Lake Viows: This World and tho Universe (2010), Belknap Pross of Harvard University Pross, ISBN 0-674-03515-1 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (2012, second edition 2015, CUP) + To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modem Science (2018), Harper/MarperColins Publishers, ISBN 978-0-06-234665-0 + Third Thoughts (2018), Belknap Press, ISBN 978-0-674.97532-3 + Lectures on Astrophysics (2018, CUP, ISBN 978-1-108-41507-1) | Foundations of Modem Physics (2021, CUP, ISBN 878-1-108-84176-4) Scholarly arti + Weinberg, S (1967). “A Model of Leptons” (htps:/ fc.uni.lodzp/100yrsipd!*21066. pal) (PDF). Phys, Rev. Lett, 19 (21): 1264~1266. Bibcode:1967PhRVL..19.1264W (Qtips:/uladsabs harvard edu/abs/1967PhRV..19.1264W). dol:10.1103/PhysRevLett 19.1264 (hitps:/idoiorg/10.1103%2F PhysRevLett.19.1 264). Archived from the orginal (itp astrophysics fic ni od p/100yrsipat/12/086.pd) (PDF) on January 12, 2012. + Weinberg. S. & G. Feinberg. "Law of Conservation of Muons" (hitps:iwveb archive.orgiwab/ diliccodQcfBebecia52a0e37« 1a150d07379e7 1p, Columbia University, University of Calfomia-Berkeley, United Slates Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Alomic Energy Commission), Feb. 1961), + Pais, A, Weinberg, S., Quigg, C., Rtordan, M., Panofsky, WKH. & V. Trimble. “100 years of elementary particles" (htps:/digital.ibrary unt.od Ulark:16753 timetade717142)), Stanford Linea’ Accelerator Center United States Department of Energy, Beam Line, vol 27, issue 1, Spring 1997. (Apri 1, 1997), + Weinberg, S (2010), “Pions in Large N Quantum Chromodynamics”. Phys. Rev. Let. 105 (26): 261601. arXiv:1009.1537 (httpsiiarxvorgiab 8/1008.1537). Bibcode:2010PhRvL, 10521601W (https adsabs harvard edu/abs/20}0PARVL.10521601W), ol:10.1103/PhysRovi ett. 105,261601 (hiips//, 110332 PhysRevLett.105.261601). PMID 27231642 (htps:/pubmed.ncbi.nim.nih.g vi21231642). S2CID 46210811 (httos api, + Weinberg, S (2012), “Collapse of the State Vector’. Phys. Rev. A. 85 (6): 082116. arXiv:1109.6462 (hilpss/arxivorglabs/1109.6462) Bibcode:2012PhRVA. 85(216W (https: adsabs harvard, edu/abs/2012PRRVA, 85(2116W), dol-10.1103iphysreva.85.062115 (Mipsdlidol.or 9/10. 11039%42F physreva.85.062116). S2CID 119273840 (htps:/api.semiantescholar.orgiCorpusID:11927 3840), Popular articles + A Designer Universe? (htp:/hwww physlink com/Educationlessay_weinberg cfm), a refutation of attacks on the theories of evolution and cosmology (e.g, those conducted under the rubric of intelligent design) is Based on a talk given in April 1999 atthe Conference on Cosmic Design of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. This and other works express Weinberg's strongly held positon that scientists should be less passive in defending science against ant-science religiosity. + Beautiful Theories (htp:/iwwrw.worldscienifc,con/worldscibooks!10. 1142/7992), an article reprinted from Dreams of a Final Theory by ‘Steven Weinberg in 1992 which focuses on the nature of Beauty in physical theories. + Tho Crisis of Big Scionco (http:/www.nybooks.comvartiles/archives/2012/may/ Olerisis-big-sclence), May 10, 2012, New York Reviow of Books. Weinberg places the cancellation ofthe Superconducting Super Collider in the context ofa bigger national and global socio-economic crisis, including a general crisis in funding for science research and the communication infrastructure, and criminal justice and law enforcement References provision of adequate education, healthcare, transportation, and {Professor Steven Weinberg ForMemRS" (htps:llweb! ‘web/20151112185159/htips /royalsociety org/peopleisteven-weinb frg-12503). London. Royal Society. Archived from the orginal (hp siliroyalsociety.orgipeoplelsteven-weinberg-125031) on November 12, 20 "Fellowship ofthe Royal Society 1650-2015" (nips:Inwwauwebcitai ' VVZYOOMZNrK2¥CTT2VrbTFH2t3RKoAZan 128gR-NM/pubhtm)}. 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