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a. (i) Identify the names of the A, B, C and D. (4 marks)
A - Mortise gauge
B - Odd leg calliper
C - Brick bolster
D - Pinking shears 1 mark each × 4 = 4 marks

(ii) State one use each of the items A, B, C and D. (4 marks)

A (Mortise gauge) - Used in woodworking to scribe parallel lines, typically when cutting mortises or tenons.

B (Odd leg calliper) - Utilized in engineering and metalworking to measure the inside diameter of holes or the
thickness of objects.

C (Brick bolster) - Employed in masonry work to cut bricks or stones to shape or size.

D (Pinking shears) - Mainly used in sewing and crafting to create decorative edges on fabric, particularly to
prevent fraying.
1 mark each × 4 = 4 marks

(iii) Give two ways to care for the tool labelled A. (2 marks)
Clean After Use: Wipe the mortise gauge with a dry cloth after each use to remove dust, shavings, or debris.
Ensure no residue remains on the gauge, especially on the marking blade and sliding components.

Keep Moving Parts Lubricated: Apply a small amount of lubricant, such as machine oil or silicone lubricant, to
the moving parts of the mortise gauge to prevent friction and ensure smooth operation. Pay particular
attention to the sliding mechanism and any adjustable parts.

Store Properly: Store the mortise gauge in a dry and clean environment to prevent rust or corrosion.
Consider using a protective case or wrapping it in a cloth when not in use to further safeguard it from

Inspect for Damage: Regularly inspect the mortise gauge for any signs of wear, damage, or misalignment.
Check the marking blade for sharpness and replace it if necessary to maintain precise marking lines.
Avoid Excessive Force: Use the mortise gauge with care and avoid applying excessive force when marking or
adjusting it. Gentle handling helps prolong the lifespan of the tool and ensures accurate results over time.
1 mark each × any 2 = 4 marks

b. (i) State three causal factors of deforestation.

* Agricultural Expansion: Clearing forests to make way for crops or livestock grazing.
* Logging: Harvesting trees for timber and other wood products.
* Infrastructure Development: Building roads, dams, and urban areas often requires clearing forested land.
* Mining: Extracting minerals and resources from beneath forested areas.
* Forest Fires: Both natural and human-induced fires can destroy large areas of forest.
* Climate Change: Changing weather patterns can stress forests, making them more susceptible to pests,
diseases, and wildfires.
1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

(ii) Write three ways of maintaining a safe working environment at the workplace.
* Regular Safety Training: Conducting regular safety training sessions for employees to educate them about
potential hazards, safety protocols, and emergency procedures.

* Implementing Safety Policies: Establishing and enforcing clear safety policies and guidelines to ensure
compliance with safety standards and regulations.

* Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Supplying appropriate PPE such as helmets, gloves, goggles,
and safety shoes to employees to protect them from workplace hazards.

* Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Conducting routine inspections of equipment, machinery, and
workplace facilities to identify and address potential safety hazards promptly.

* Promoting Open Communication: Encouraging employees to report safety concerns, near misses, and
incidents promptly, and fostering a culture of open communication regarding safety matters.

* Creating Emergency Response Plans: Developing comprehensive emergency response plans, including
evacuation procedures, first aid protocols, and designated emergency exits, and ensuring all employees are
trained and familiar with them.

1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

(iii) Outline four factors that influence the choice of food.

Taste and Flavor: People often choose foods based on their taste preferences and the sensory experience
they provide.

Nutritional Value: The nutritional content of food, including its vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates,
and fats, can influence choices based on health considerations.

Cultural Background: Cultural traditions and customs play a significant role in shaping food choices. Certain
foods may hold cultural or religious significance and be preferred or avoided based on these factors.
Social Influence: Social factors such as family, friends, and peer groups can influence food choices through
shared meals, dining out together, or peer pressure.

Accessibility and Availability: The availability of certain foods in local markets, supermarkets, or restaurants,
as well as their affordability, can influence food choices.

Convenience and Time Constraints: Busy lifestyles and time constraints may lead individuals to choose
convenient and quick meal options, such as fast food or pre-packaged meals.

Health Concerns and Dietary Restrictions: Personal health conditions, allergies, intolerances, or dietary
preferences (e.g., vegetarianism, veganism) can significantly impact food choices.

1 mark each × any 4 = 4 marks

c. (i) State the five main aims of First Aid.

* Preserve life
* Prevent the escalation of illness or injury
* Promote recovery
* Pain relief
* Protect the unconscious. 1 mark × 4 = 4 marks

(ii) Explain the concept kitchen essentials.

Kitchen essentials are the basics of comprehensive list of everyday cooking essentials to get you started for
all your needs in the kitchen. (2 marks)

(iii) Outline three methods of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment.
* Disassembling
* Immersion
* Sterilization 1 mark each × 3 = 3 marks

a. (i) Explain design specification.
A design specification is a detailed description of the requirements, characteristics, and features that a product,
system, or component must possess. It outlines the parameters, dimensions, materials, performance criteria, and
other essential aspects necessary for the design and development process. Essentially, it serves as a guideline for
designers, and developers to ensure that the final product meets the intended purpose and meets the
expectations of the stakeholders
2 marks

(ii) How is analysis done in design brief?

Analysis in a design brief involves thorough examination and understanding of various components such as
the project objectives, target audience, budget constraints, timeline, and any specific requirements or
constraints provided by the client. This process typically includes gathering relevant data, conducting
research, and identifying key insights to inform the design direction.
3 marks

b. (i) Define the term "Menu" as used in meal preparation.

In meal preparation, a "menu" refers to a list or plan of the names of the dishes that will be served for a
particular meal or event. 2 marks

(ii) State three precautions to be taken when mixing lacquer with thinner.
* Ventilation: Always work in a well-ventilated area or use proper ventilation equipment such as a fume hood
to avoid inhaling potentially harmful vapors and to prevent the buildup of flammable fumes.

* Protective Gear: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, safety goggles,
and a respirator to shield yourself from contact with the lacquer and its fumes.

* Fire Safety: Keep all potential sources of ignition, such as open flames, sparks, and electrical equipment,
away from the mixing area to reduce the risk of fire or explosion, as lacquer is highly flammable.

* Mixing Tools: Use non-sparking tools and equipment specifically designed for mixing lacquer to minimize
the risk of generating sparks and igniting the flammable vapors.

* Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions for mixing
lacquer, including proper ratios and mixing techniques, to ensure the desired results and maintain safety.
1 mark each × 3 = 3 marks

c. (i) Write the main ways of making a pictorial drawing.

* Isometric Projection
* Oblique Projection
* Perspective Projection

(ii) Explain how structural failures occur.

structural failures happen when the forces acting on a structure exceed its capacity to withstand them,
leading to deformation, collapse, or other forms of damage.
2 marks

d. Make a well labelled free-hand sketch of a hand trowel.

5 marks

a. (i) Explain the concept 'Food Hygiene".
Food hygiene refers to the practices and conditions necessary to ensure the safety and cleanliness of food
throughout its production, preparation, storage, and consumption. It involves measures to prevent
contamination, spoilage, and the spread of foodborne illnesses.
2 marks

(ii) State three ways to reduce the chances of cross- contamination of food.
Separation: Keep raw meats separate from ready-to-eat foods to prevent cross-contamination. Use separate
cutting boards, utensils, and storage containers for raw meats and other ingredients.

Proper Handwashing: Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling food, especially
after handling raw meats or using the restroom.

Cooking Temperature: Cook foods, especially meats, to their recommended internal temperatures to kill
harmful bacteria. Use a food thermometer to ensure proper cooking.

Storage: Store raw meats in leak-proof containers on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to prevent drips
onto other foods. Ensure leftovers are stored properly and consumed within recommended time frames.

Cleaning and Sanitizing: Regularly clean and sanitize countertops, cutting boards, utensils, and any other
surfaces that come into contact with food. Use hot, soapy water and sanitizing solutions to eliminate bacteria.

Personal Hygiene: Ensure that food handlers maintain good personal hygiene, including wearing clean
clothing and hair restraints, and avoiding touching their face, hair, or other unclean surfaces while preparing
1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

b. (i) Explain how stress cause accidents in workshops.

Stress can lead to accidents in workshops due to its impact on concentration, decision-making, and physical
coordination. When workers are stressed, they may become distracted, leading to lapses in attention and
increased likelihood of errors. Stress can also impair judgment, causing workers to make risky decisions or
overlook safety protocols
2 marks

(ii) Outline any three skills of preventing accidents in the workshop.

Safety Procedures Awareness: Ensure all personnel are familiar with and adhere to safety protocols,
including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and following proper equipment usage

Regular Equipment Maintenance: Implement scheduled maintenance checks and repairs for
machinery and tools to prevent malfunctions or breakdowns that could lead to accidents.
Effective Communication: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting safety
concerns and hazards promptly, and ensure clear communication of safety instructions and emergency

Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training programs on equipment operation, hazard
identification, and emergency response to equip workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent

Housekeeping Practices: Maintain a clean and organized workspace to minimize clutter and tripping hazards,
and promptly clean up spills or debris to prevent slips, trips, and falls.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential hazards, implement
appropriate controls to mitigate risks, and continually monitor and reassess safety measures to adapt to
changing circumstances.

1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

c. (i) What is steaming?

Steaming refers to a cooking method where food is cooked by exposing it to steam. This is typically done by
placing the food in a container over boiling water, allowing the steam to cook the food gently and evenly
2 marks

(ii) Mention the two kinds of steaming process.

* Low pressure steaming
* High pressure steaming
1.5 marks each = 3 marks

d. Briefly explain how you will administer first aid to person affected with fainting.
If someone faints, the first step is to lay them flat on their back and elevate their legs slightly to improve blood
flow to the brain. Check their airway and breathing, and loosen any tight clothing around their neck. Keep them
lying down until they fully recover. If they don't regain consciousness within a minute or so, or if they have
trouble breathing, call for emergency medical assistance

5 marks

a. (i) State three points to consider when choosing cereals and grains.
Nutritional Content: Look for cereals and grains that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as iron,
magnesium, and B vitamins. Whole grains tend to be more nutrient-dense compared to refined grains.

Ingredients List: Check the ingredients list and opt for products with minimal additives, preservatives, and added
sugars. Whole grains should be listed as the first ingredient.
Fiber Content: Aim for cereals and grains that are rich in dietary fiber, as it aids digestion, promotes satiety, and
helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Allergies or Sensitivities: Consider any food allergies or sensitivities you or your family members may have, such
as gluten intolerance or sensitivity to certain grains like wheat. Look for gluten-free options if necessary.
1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks
(ii) Write four characteristics used to judge food in terms of appearance and palatability.
* Colour
* Taste
* Flavour
* Texture
* Consistency 1 mark each × any 4 = 4 marks

b. (i) What is free-hand cutting?

Free-hand cutting is a technique used in various crafts and trades where individuals cut materials without relying
on guides or templates but instead,they rely on their skill, experience, and intuition to make precise cuts.
2 marks

(ii) Give three disadvantages of free-hand cutting.

* Inaccuracy: Without guides or templates, there's a higher chance of making inaccurate cuts, leading to wasted
materials and additional work to correct mistakes.

* Lack of Consistency: Since each cut is made individually without a template, achieving consistency in size and
shape can be challenging, especially for repetitive tasks.

* Time-consuming: Free-hand cutting can be more time-consuming compared to using templates or guides, as it
requires careful measurement and precision for each cut.

* Skill Dependency: It heavily relies on the skill and experience of the individual performing the cuts. Novices may
struggle to achieve desired results without proper training and practice.

* Difficulty in Replication: Replicating cuts exactly can be difficult, especially when multiple pieces need to be cut
to the same dimensions. This can lead to inconsistencies in the final products.

* Risk of Injury: Without proper tools or safety precautions, free-hand cutting poses a higher risk of injury, such
as cuts or slips, particularly when working with sharp tools or materials.

1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

c. (i) State three basic rules for making seams in sewing.

* The pieces of fabrics to be used must be pinned together at right sides.
* The selected thread should match the colour of fabric.
* The seam width should be suitable for the fabric being worked on.
* Always refer to the pattern instructions to determine the recommended seam allowance.
* Always sew down the seam to the opposite edges of the fabrics to be used.
* Always mark the sewing line to keep your stitches straight for beginners.

1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

(ii) Outline three factors to consider when choosing methods for arranging fullness in sewing.
* The purpose for which garment will be used
* The type of fabric to be used
* The length and/or width in a pattern frame for the chosen method of fullness
* The nature and shape of type of fullness needed on the garment

1 mark each × any 3 = 3 marks

d. How does the concept of finishing affect the products of metal work.
finishing enhances the aesthetic appeal by removing surface imperfections and creating a smooth texture.
Moreover, finishing processes provide crucial protection against corrosion, rust, and wear, thus prolonging the
lifespan of the metal products. By ensuring precise dimensions and surface tolerances, finishing also improves
the functionality and performance of metal components, allowing them to fit seamlessly within assemblies and
perform their intended tasks with accuracy and reliability.

3 marks

1. D 11. A 21. A
2. A 12. B 22. C
3. B 13. C 23. B
4. C 14. B 24. B
5. C 15. A 25. C
6. B 16. A 26. D
7. A 17. A 27. A
8. C 18. B 28. B
9. B 19. A 29. C
10. B 20. A 30. B

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