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Expt. No.

OA TacKef 6 clean fest tubes
folder @8unsen Burnêr Nooden splint orr match tieks eAglas
tube bent fwice at sigld anges and pto vided with CoJcK an itf Smaler
linb AdotoppeT 9 A match bax Red abd 6lue litmus paperc Sirips
© plane Alec paper, cut inSei ps.
Zink on magnesium meal in Smallpieces potassium chloate
Dilale Sukphssie Aid 9Macble hips
Comnon Salt Cdoy) Sodium Sulphie
Iren Sulphide Dry alciun hyroxide
Doy amngnium chloside DDilute kydoochlovcidie aeid
OLead niafe
"Bleaching pootec
Limewatac Acdified potaaiumdreromatsaluko
" Amnonia Solution lead acetale solufon
freshly prepaed ferxasslphteSolation otassium percrmanganata
starch Solytian &olution
Distiled ciatec Conancdted Sulphurie acd


1 Hydcgen gas (Hy)
In a fest tube place tuo Sma pieces f Nofe the colost and odouwt gus.
zinc a maghesium metl- wtth the hele The gas is colowless and odoust
fa dropper paur 2ce of dilute sulphuie tess.
Teccher's S:gnatue

Expt. No. Page No...05

Aeid, taking orca that no dazop ef the Moislen tha blale and scad litmus
acid falls on the Sde f festube- Cover Saips with daillet ator and
the mouth e Tastfube with y wt thumbnootuc them in the test tube,
t:ll you fill the presrua t pas erfor ) Thera i's no chamge in the colour
he fests shon in ight hand eolumn o itmus papers
Zn +dil- aSay ’Znsay t Hz (9) e tigkt a wooden spint ad take
it neat the mouth fest tube
The splint goes off , and the
gas bustns nitha pale blue flame
with apop Sound .
Ih a clean and doay fest tube place a) Note the coloust andod out
abaut sg poassim chlorate Hodd The gas is Celswless and odsules
that test tube in a fest tabe hddet b) Moisten the blue and Jed frermus
Heat the fest tabe frombelaw oha stsups with ditilled aler ant
Bunsen flane til the pstasiun chlsata tatxoue thamin thatest tübe.
nelts. At thia moment perform thalust Theu is no ehahge in the coloust
shoan in igkt hand eçlumn of litmus papers.
2 Kelog heat, 2vel+ 30, (8) | Lighta Wooden splGnt. ohen
Note:The gas can be paparred by la paret f it buwtns. put o it
keaing shrorgly poBasium nilsate o flame Tnlneuâ thio glaoi ng
Sodium nilarte. seint in tha test tube
2KNO3 The spint bunsts into flane
2 Na No heat, 2 NaNdg to, (a) but the gas does not cateh fire.
3. Caubon dioxide gas (eo,)
Ina clean qnd diy test tabe plaee y Nate the colbut and odowtss.
Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. Page No..96

about i f martble chips-wth the help ofaThe gas is co oueless caretodsnles

elean dxopper powec about 2 ce af dilutek) Moisln. the blue 1itmus soips
hydxachlorie acid faking Care that no dvoel utth disti lei coater and intsmtuce
ef aeid falls on the Sdes of tha test tube.t in thatest tabe
Coyer the nouh thetest tube aith ysurThe blue litmus paper tusns
thamb, til you feel the pot esswte of gasweakly ted.
pestfoom the fellao?n Tests shoon ight acwooden splintand talk
iaht hand column. it nease the mouth of hetest tube.
Cacogt24el (ai> caehth,0 4co, (2) The wooden Splint goes offad
4he gas does not cateh fire.
Pass the gas tharough about
j2 cc clear lime coatit in anotked
test fabe with the hele you of atent
lglass tube
the limeiDatar tuns milky

4 Hydatogen chlorcide gas CHel)

|Iha dlean tny test tube plkee about 1g Note the coaur fhe gas -
sodiam ekazcide. with Hhe help ofa lean The qas is colouless, but fumes
4ropper paut about 2ec of Concenlrafedstrongly in keait .
sulpherie acid,faking cana that no daop b Note the daut of the qas
f the acid falls on the Sides ftest tube. The gas has choking odaug aeh
Gqents wacm the Contens t the Test tube far auses apungnt burning Sensahin
tminute perform the follatng operárss nfhe nasal aity -
shasn in sci ght hand cdumn OMoistai) ablue itmus papere
Nad+H,Sy(cone)-> NaHsatke(a) wtth distilled ataant intoduee
tegcher's Signature
E in the Test tibe. The titmus pper
turns Jud
(Cone)’ d iht a ooden sptint and Tak it nor
Nael + H, So to he mouth f the
The wooden spint gs t, and the gas
NaHsgt Hel () fiee.
does not cateh
lule ammania
e) Dip a glass JtOd inneare he mouth
sola tion and bng It
tube .
of thetest am monium
Dense ohile f mes of
lorjd aa ferned .

Caution :
dioxide gas (So,) aNete colu and the odour of he gas.
the is cloulecs. The gas has d
This gas is poisoous. Thegas
gas -Da nof odowe ike hat <f blorning sulphun
yot! may Smel hio ehoKig
and eauses cougking
nhale tube pae Gtmus paper with dio
tast blue
Ina dea and docy Sulphala . Wi4od lafer and niodue et in the test
Moten a
about 1g f Sadum
halp gf a dean drtappert powc fubelitmus papee furcns seed and then
Hha dilala Sulphusie Tfe
about 2 ce f thatno docopget bleached
acid, taking Carte the Sider f a Light a cDooden splnt and fake it hean
f the a eid Aallscase the fest tebe
the nouth the maufk
he test tebe. thumb The cwooden spintFie. goes
the fast tube oth yeur efoes not cafch
Sip andAist
tell youeel he presua ffhegas
dTake, aPllex paperemata soluhin
gas. follssi ng experimenls dip it in potaGiuD
sulphurie qejd-tntac
Perfen he hnd colamn. and then d'lut in te Text fube
las shaoh in igkt duee tio Stip colswead steip kuens
the oan
K,say t ergsy)gtto
gas (c) Notethe Colou of the
The gas hasa gteenish yetsò colnut
Thhs gas is poiconous
InÞo nalueJu may Sinell hio gas. b NoTe tae odowr the gas.
not inhale. It has a pungont odwt.
In a elean and dsty test ( ight a wcoten spint and tole tnear
tube plaee about 1a bleaelin to the mauth of test tabe.
Expt. No. Page No.
pauder at 4he helpa "The lame split goes off and the gasS
clean dropperc pow about does not Cateh eiste
of dilate sulçhusie | Moisten a blue litmus paperr wih disl ld
| acid,talang cace that no walo ahd infrodue it in the test tube.
dstap f theaed falls en tha The litmus papere fertns red and then gett
Sides a fhe test tube with yow bleached .
thunb, ti you Peel {he presun e Fake afilere paper S4p and oct dP
it n potassium iodide aolukon and then
Pecformthe fotouoing expoi in shr ch salahan -Inarodue tfis fillanpapu
ments as shocon in zigit hand sfaip in the mouth the test tbe.
Column Tke filor paper sfrip twrs blue
Sfateh +h ’ Blu colsu
4. Nitogen dioxide as (NO)0 Noje the colowr of the gas
Ih a edean and dsty The'pas has veaddish brtaan aur.
test tabe paeeabout 4g¢ 6 Noethe ossut f tha gas.
lead nitale esegetals. Hald The gas has Saffecating Smel
the test tube in afest tube iglt a Wooden splint an talk it neax
Stand Heat thatest fübefrom to the moutth atatest fube.
belaw tlthe Sat makes a Tthe flame f splint goes ffand the
CTackling naise (decupikatng gas does not cateh pine.
naise) and a colswted qas 4Moislen a blae titmus paperr stth disklled
Comes out . At tis moment atit and then inlatodue it in he fest tube
pufom he test shan in Thalifmus paper fusns in ed eolqut.
Jght hard eolumn wth the e Take aflez papere srip and fest dip
cdaued gas. it in potassium iodide solution amd fen
2 pb (No,) hea pbo+<No, n Sleteh &alahen Inttocee Hhis Pilkoe papur
Teacher's Signatue
strip in the maufh fest fube.
Tae Pito paper steip lrens
2KI 4NO 2KNO)+1)
le colswr
I, + Stoch soluion
8. Hydrgen Sulphiee gas (H) Nofe the colout the gas
Thegs is colsuess
caution :
This gas is poisenaus (HNote heofour tfhebtten ga5 eggs.
insnakwee You,
o not inhal
as Smell this The gas smels ike
test fube ey Moisen a blue itmus pa
In a clean and doy cwatr and i- in the test
plaee about 19 f erushed distillad
igton (I1) Salphide With the hale fube ucns sed.
a eleah dxoppet powtabot The litmus paperespint and take it heut to
2ce of d:lute sulphuie deid, ighta wodden
taing Cate that no drop est
f mouth f thefest febe.
acid falk onthe Sides The flame gwooden ta
4ube. elose fha mouth o the does hof
test 4ubé twiti yow thumb,till and haaas
you feel the psess wce f the e Take a fitare steip and aip it
s- Porform the follcwing in tho kead acatdte soluhinIntbroduca
Kpetiments as shoan in the
ght hahd Column. this Sep in the fest tebe.
Thi pilte papet &rip twtns black.
Fes + Hysay tdil’eSaytHs)

tha lead nttata Iniodue this

Stcip in the test tube sjip tutns blaclk
the filox papert
pb(N)tt>Pbs Cback)
t2 HNg
9. Ammonia gas (N H) (aNote the colow o the gas"
Prepata amiktute of is colouss,
The gassoon but fumes
as it entes in the ae
abeutl'g fammanum
calcium, hy docoide. paee has a shartpbiting Smel , which
The gas
|this mixie in do hard bxings teaces to the efes.
lass test teke. Holtthe fest Moct asdad Gtn4S papert tat withtube
ube in atest tube Stand Watere and incoduce iF mthe
Heat the test tube ocom The itmus pape tutns bue
belG bh holig
er ove d Light a wooden' splint and tole nec
lsw tene. perThLot the b&-ue
ot abou2 minutas

Expt. No. Page No. 8

the follaoing xpecimentt as does not catch pice.

shswn in seight hond eolumn ea ghss tod in cone. hydsochlstie acid.
2NHelt ca (o, Hold the glass ot netthe mouth o tha festtabe,
call,t24y0+26it,() bense white fumes of ammonium chloride ane
NH,+ Hcl ’NHel
) Pour lec of copper sulphat solutien in anotkue
test fube Pass the gas thxuh coppor Sulphati solution
a deliveoy tube bent at igut ang
The coppor Sul phoat saution, iniially eams
bluish white pztuci pitat, whieh eAissowes to fosem deup
blus col ouralin.
Io. Natot Vapout (t0 (8) 1 ) pace a stouip ablue litmus paperr and red
Tase a clean and doy hatd Gtmus poapert en the troplets atie tsithintetas Tub
gess esttube and in itlaer about No change in eolewe Täles inthe ltmus papes.
2g hpdeata sodium cartbonata Phea astoip of dy cokalt ehlostide paperon tha
(washing 3oda- Hold the test tube indooplets aatoe witin the tast tuloa.
atest tube sand thestthafest tube The colout o cobalt chlostide paper changu to pnk.
frcom belas for 4o 4 minuis n e) Heat Some cypstals eopper Sulphak cbuey
alew flame, in a slanting prsition, 8trongy ina test tube i ehey fosma wite prudzy
4 colourles draps wal colach mass (anhyrous eoppet sulghati and powrit overe
6n #he uppr Cooler partt ofit. the droplét watie sitkin the test tube The oite
Pesfortm the tess uith the xapler mass charges to blua Colour
aotor as shoün in igut hond Cusoy t 5 t;0> eusqitH9 Cbly
eslumn CAnydrus
Copper Sulphata)

Teccher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No..09

Recognisaion dnd JdentHAieation of cations by (wet)

Aim of the Expercôment :

To idenHß the cafions prasent
n a given susstanee by wastng it soluion and then tsting
wiH(a) sodium hydroxtde CsA Ammonium hydro xide.
Appasatus egucad :-A hacK ofelen test tubes
Testtube holdex
O Bunsen bucne
chemi cats oequied:
sodium hydxoxide, optasian
iodide lu tion, 9 ydro clo sie add, o Red and ess lere's
eagent, OAmmonium kydcoxide, o Red and tue (itmus
papert, Lead chnomae solution
Obsesvaion fabte fox the detecion
of cadum catt]ion
Sesia no.-21
Experáment TObsecVHon LneenO
1. tean a ptatinum wire throughty Anon-Perssant calcium
by dipping it in cox Hel and then heaking báck rad ion moY
it in non-tuminaus pavet f bunsen fam colowc is be psesenf
ttt no eotaun is tmpeted to flame. mpdscte

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. Page No.A
Dp the end tned Wirte n(on.H to flame
now di p this end in pawdeted satt, So
that some Salt stters to it.ItSedaca
the W
ixe tn the noh -lumin ous bunsen flame
2. To the aqueaus satuton f salt addpA fine akik preci pial
cone. Sotium wydo kide (NaoH) This pTecipitat does
Soluion in xcess ant boil. not d; ssolve on beiting

Obsetvaion fable fot the detecion

of Zine [TionS
Sesuat no.-22
Expetment Obsetv ation Infetence
1. To aueous Seluton |A white aelain GKe ppt. Zine ion o
Satt add cone NaoH appeasS Reacions can belead ton may
Sstutton dop by drop. |pTasented as: be pasent,
|Znse, t2 Na oH’ Zn (o)N4
Pb(no,2+2 Nast-> pb
2 Na Nog
2. Diviee the aacion The Ppt ehanges to yellow Zinc ion
mixtkre in toe pals colow en
Strong heaing. may be
Fitter ofg the wtite prae Hous eve on
Cooling it eelouwe Present
mixuter ans fer tis ppt,Zn (oH), ’ Zns +yo zine ion
Ln ano tharr hard alss test the whiti ppt. dselves.
tube and heat stLO ngly Reaekans cah be pesnad may be
(b) TO the Seeot part a ruackan S-Zn(oH)2-+2NaOH->Na,2ns, Ptesent
+2 Ho
miKwu,add cone. NaoH in exceSS. Pooy+LNOSH -> rez pbe, tL4,0

legcher's Signature

Expt. No., Page No...A1

3)To the agueous AWte famad Zine ion is

otution gf satt add ohi ch isscves in extess Confimed.
Srong ammoium Aam menium bydorta Lead ion is
ydsoxide cuton Reacton can be sepresen absent
tid as fotfos
Znsaqt2NHOH- (NH),So4
+ 2h (oH)2
zn(o),44 NHgoH ’zn(NHy)4

Obsevaion table for tha detecian

s fetstGUs Fez] ion
Serw no-2-3
Experiment obeerVation Inferenee
1. To the aueoUs SalF A dig gleen PPt. s Ferous Lon
Sotution ddd cone tSormed okieh isin Sotuble nay be prasent
NaoH satuton ineces in exeess of Nadt Sotuhon, in Satt.
Reacion s -
Fe Soy t2Naot-> Na, Saq t
Fe (ot)
éqneen Ppt
Heat the eacion The precipi tale chaes Feuous
ráxtune in () Shangly to bocorish blaek colout
ion is
Ovet bunsen plame The steacion the en
pesimerntcan be te poe Confiscened.
Sented as:
Fe (o), ’ Feo + H0
leacher 's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.42

Obseevaton able fo the deteeicn

Seril nô.-2
Experiment ob8esvd ion Inferrenee
- To the oqueous A bstston geaHnous pte- Festi e ion
satt solutonatt eipttate is fovtmedThe Keacien
NaoH Soluion in is as fottows may be
present tn
eKeesS. Fecl +3 NaoH-’ FeoH +3 Naet salt
CBCon ppt)
2 Heat the steach The preapt tate coagulates. t Fesrscie ion
mixtu en fwtms deep ad dnd Sinks to
ovottthe bottom test tube The Confistmed.
bunsen tame yetaciom ís as fattous
2 Fe (oyg>Fez93+ 3Hzo
Deep rad)

Jbsestvaion tabte foat the detecion

sf tedd Pb2+j tons
Sesid no.-25
Expesiment obseevaton |Infercenee
Awhte tosmel ,whidh
Salt salution ad dËasolves in excats f Sodium
cone. NaOH Soluhion ty doKide Sotutien -Roacions:
in ezcess Gengyt poNo,t 2 NaoH>ZNANOg+fos
astm the test Pb (oH)2 +2NaoH -> Na
tube Zncl) + 2 NaoH-Zn/ott2 Nael
Zn(oit)22 NaotsNag cokit pet)
2no t2Hy0
Teacher's Signatute

Expt. No. Page No..43

2 T0 The aqueous satt AWitt foT(med hieh Lead ion

Sotutton add steng does not dissotve in eXCess
ammamumn hydroxide of ammdnium tdrg ide. Znc ioh

The TeaCHon may berupTUSnt s qbsent

42 Nt Nog

(3) To the aqu eoUS Salt Ayellsw pracipifatt is lead ion

Soution add potassium fovemed pb CNo)2-t2’
ta dide sstuion
cyelaw ppt)
Tb the aque auS salt |A galden yellaa prucipt tat is Lead ion
sotutns add potusiun Sootmed con firmad
chxomat sotuton Ue Reacion Is as ttows

Goldenell pet)
Obsetvaion fable fort the foemation
(defecton Coppet [euz| ions
Sescial no -2·6
Experument obserVatian nfeeene
OTo the aueoss A bluish white Pet,appevts ONh Copper ion
salt sotution add 0s insofubtu in excS Nao H may be
Cone. NasH Solution otuin. the teachon cn be as present
n exCas

Cu Say +2 Nao H’ Na, Sy t eu (Gt)

( Petfom the A non-per Sistent geen colout Coppe ioh

lcacher's Signature
Expt. No. Page No,4
#tame fest wita the A non-pesstent grteen ew may be
iven satt. ppeatS in non-tuminous PrreSent

busen fame
(33 Boil he oeachon Abluish while ppt ahanges to eoppet
mieO Pzt So me blaek cotou and gettles af ian is
ttme the besct Cenfiremed
blak testhe-Reachon

(4)To the aqueous A blish wite ppt. appeaes

solution (satt) ad when smatt amsunt of NHyOH CoppT
Cone: Nty ott sotuho saluton is aded ion is
st a fftle and 6) the bluish white ppt.dissctvs Confrmud
than in excUs to form deep blye cototaion.

eu (oH)t4NhqoH tu trHs , toH) 24 Hhd

(Deep blue cofota)

Obsevation fable fosr he detrction

of Armmonium (Ntaans
Seial nó:-2:7
Experiment ObseVaHon Infercenee
To the Salt solu;on AShacp Smeltng gas is evotved
ich tuun's ud itmus papet blet a e in The gad,
Cone. Naot SouhontacHn Can be tepresentad as ehacaeta
Heat tt Juaehon Ammoum
mixw and hold a tN t+#z0 ’ NHyoH |Ton may be
moist itmus, pope NHyoHNHtoH
near themcuh d lettube
icacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No..4S

()To the SaltsoutionlDense oit tumes ate seen asond Amnenia

(em) add zml ef eone. He gtas rod, ipped in Het velved

NaoH Sotution,teat the Reaeins: Ammeniam
ion iS
a glass nod dippe in Conc tel

(3)To the Salt solaio Reddish broon -Am me

att fea reps Precipitate is nium
sotium bydnaride fosemed .
Sotuton To th
satutton add feco
dreps of Nesstn's

Jeacher's Sianaturc

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