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Answer only one question from the section
1. Your brother who is in his third year in another school has written to confide
in you that he is about to stop schooling and go into business. Write a letter
to him advising him against his decision
2. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the topic:
the importance of promoting good reading habits in students
3. The school hero is an award meant for the student considered to have
exhibited exemplary leadership qualities. As the senior perfect, write a letter
to the head of your 0school giving three reasons why your nominee should
be given the award
4. You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: students in rural schools
have some more advantage than those in urban centers. Make your argument
for or against the motion
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow
The case of dr. David Akide drives home the point that nobody should
be written off as a failure as long as he is not dead. As far as I can recall, he
was one of the weakest throughout our primary school career. Right from the
second grade, he was the butt of most of our jokes. Indeed, whenever the
teacher referred a question to him most of us waited so that we could have a
good laugh. For one thing, he was the only one who never wrote with the
right hands as he was a complete southpaw. Then he endured the jokes
cheerfully and indeed referred to himself as “MR Why Hurry”. For ever
sociable, he was a friend to everyone who came close enough.

Not surprising, we left him behind in the primary school he could not
get admitted to any secondary schools to which he took an admission
examination. That was why from the time I entered into secondary school, I
lost contact with him nor did any of my mates whom I closely associated
with him ever mention meeting him. As far as most of us were concerned,
David had faded away into obscurity. I imagined that he must have ended up
in one of those low-grade vocations since he was at least good in handicraft.

Then, a few months, ago, thirty-eight years after I last saw him in the
primary school, while I was watching a 9O’clock television network
program, I saw David being interviewed by a team of Reporters. He was
introduced as specialist surgeon who had made his mark in the successful
correction of abnormality in the heart of a patient who had been written off
by most other specialists. The patient had fully recovered and was now back
in his vocation as a mechanic.

I was amazed and pleasantly surprised. From the interview, it became

clear that he had experiences a surge in intellectual prowess late in his
secondary school career and zoomed into and through the university as a
medical student. Thereafter, it had been one major achievement after another
for him in his chosen field.

1. What evidence is there that the writer is not a young person?
2. For what two thing was David akide admired by others in the primary
3. Why could he not move into a secondary school then along with the
4. What did the writer assume had been the fate of David after leaving the
primary school?
5. What is established by the fact that David Akide was being interviewed
by a panel of reporters on the nation’s network program?
6. Why was the writer amazed?
7. “_________ while I was watching a 9O’clock television network
program ______”
8. “______ zoomed into and through the university ____”
9. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which
means the same and which can replace it as it used in the passage.
a. Cheerfully
b. Sociable
c. Imagined
d. Vocation
e. Achievement

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow
Have you ever wondered how books get published before reaching the
reader? Perhaps you assume that the author is solely responsible for designing,
printing and getting the books distributed to readers. In most cases, it is not the
author who originally conceives the idea of a book, rather, it is the publisher, based
on results of market research, who decides on the type of book to publish. So
usually the concept of book begins with a market research which is an exercised
carried out to determine the type of book which would sell fast among a specific
group of readers.
The task of thing good writer follows, the publishing house goes out to
source for a writer, usually among the academics in secondary or tertiary
institution. Sometimes, such write is found in other profession. For instance, for a
good law book, a senior advocate might be the best to consult. Discussions are held
with the chosen writer to map out precisely the level of language and the size of
the book.
` When the manuscript is submitted to the publisher, it is subjected to rigorous
screening to establish whether it is good enough. Usually, a neutral assessor is
found to do a through critique and recommend its suitability or otherwise. If it is
found unsatisfactory, it is simply returned and that is the end of the matter.
However, if it is found publishable, whatever amendments recommended by the
assessor are used by the author as guidelines to update the work.

When the final manuscript has been accepted, it is further subjected to in –

house editing by the editorial staff in the publishing house. Of these are themselves
experts in English Language as well as specialists in the particular field that the
book covers. In most cases, they take a critical look at the language, as well as
currency of the content. So, where outdated are identified, the editorial division
does the rectification. Furthermore, editors are good at economizing words, very
often they cut down on the length of the material.
Whatever leaves the table of the editorial division goes into the publishing
section. This has task of doing the final typesetting, providing the pictures and
illustrations where needed; and arranging for a printing press to handle the final
production of the book. Contrary to what most people often assume, a printing
press handle the final production of the book. Contrary to what most people often
assume, a printing press is not the same as publishing company. Indeed, most
publishing companies do not have printing presses. A printing press charges
money for the printing and production of the number of copies demanded by the
publishers. Once the payment has been made for the printing and copies have been
delivered by the printer, the role of the printer ends.
The publisher’s marketing division takes over the copies, advertises the
book, goes out to the potential user and makes sales. Advertisement may be done
on the radio and television networks, in newspapers and on billboards the staff of
the marketing division may meet schools and the ministry of education to get the
book adopted. The wider the publicity, the higher the sales are likely to be.
1. In five sentences, one for each, summarize the stages in the publication of
2. In one sentences, state how the publishing house creates awareness for a
Answer all the question in this section after each of the following sentences,
list of possible, choose the interpretation most appropriate.
1. The boy went scot free even though he insulted his father. It means that
the boy
a. Was not punished
b. Was free to move about
c. Was expelled from school
d. Was cautioned seriously
2. The driver escaped death by hair’s breath. It mean that he escaped death:
a. Fast
b. Luckily
c. Surprisingly
d. Narrowly
3. I am given a free hand to run this business, It means that I am:
a. Allowed to make my own decisions o
b. Allowed to make my own appointments
c. Allowed to assist the workers willingly
d. Alone and can choose my executives
4. In every good transaction, there should be give and take it means that
transactions are:
a. About giving
b. About give and take
c. Any gift to be accepted willingly
d. People should accept compromise
5. That account of the incident is true to a degree: it means that the account
is :
a. Totally wrong
b. Not clear
c. Completely true
d. Partly true
Choose the word that best completes in this section:
6. When you ___________________ someone’s point of view, you should
do so politely. (a) refute (b) rebuke (c) recall (d) refuse
7. One should ______________ the land very well if one expects a bumper
harvest. (a) water (b) dig (c) cultivate (d) clear
8. Their lecturer was _____________ and so the students did not understand
it. (a) indefinite (b) illegible (c) unintelligible (d) unimpressive
9. In Botany, one is bound to ________ flowers (a) read (b) know (c) study
(d) Examine
10.Harry cannot do without his _________________ of short stories
because he loves reading. (a) file (b) library (c) collection (d) dictionary
Choose the word that has the correct stress
11. Mannerism : (a) MAN-ner-i-sm
(b) man-NER-i-sm
(c) man-ner-I-sm
(d) man- ner-i-SM
12. Intimately: (a) IN-ti-mate-ly
(b) in-TI-MATE-LY
(c) in-ti-MATE-ly
(d) in-ti-mate-LY
13. Manufacture: (a)MAN- U- fac-ture
(b) man-U-FAC-ture
(c) man-U-fac-ture
(d) man-u-fac-TURE
14. Accidental: (a) AC-ci-den-tal
(b) ac-CI-den-tal
(c) ac-ci-DEN-tal
(d) ac-ci-den-TAL
15. Directorate: (a) DI-re-tor-are
(b) di-REC-tor-ate
(c) di-rec-TOR-ate
(d) di-rec-tor-ATE
Choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer
16. Lyn SUCEEDED in her ambitious business
a. Did Jane succeed in her ambitious business?
b. Did Lyn succeed in her model business?
c. Did Lyn fail in her ambitious business?
d. Did Lyn succeed in her ambitious studies?
17. some DECENTLY dressed men are dishonest
a. are some decently dressed women dishonest?
b. Are all decently dressed men dishonest?
c. Are some Shabbily dressed men dishonest?
d. Are some decently dressed men honest?
18.My favorite AUNT sings like a nightingale
a. does my favorite aunt sing like an owl
b. does my favorite uncle sings like a nightingale
c. Does my favorite Aunt talk like a nightingale
d. Does his favorite aunt sing like a nightingale
19.Hardworking students usually pass their examination
a. Do lazy students usually pass their examinations
b. Do hardworking students usually fail their examination
c. Do Hardworking students rarely pass their examination
d. do hardworking students usually pass their interviews?
20.A fox is better than a WILD dog?
a. Is a cat better than a wild dog?
b. Is a fox worse than a wild dog?
c. Is a fox better than a domesticated dog?
d. Is a fox better than a wild cat
Choose the word that has the same vowel sound :as the underlined sound:
21.Foal:: (a) pull (b) pool (c) pail (d) pole
22.Won: (a) one (con)(c) wan (d) clone
23.Base: (a) reign (b)bust (c) chastity (d) babason
24.Wanted: (a) older (b) kid (c) showed (d) fed
25.Class: (a) chat (b) curse (c)last (d) claim
Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the ones underlined
26.Wives: (a) chose (b) chokes (c) verse (d) noose
27.Chic: (a) chick (b)machine (chemist (d) champion
28.Mate: (a) stand (b) damn (c) pawn (d) punt
29.Smith: (a) both (b) boot (c) clothe (d) smooth
30.Red: (a) erred (b) arid (c) head (d) are

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