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To know heat transfer coefficient of single tube in forced and natural convection and also
heat transfer enhancement due to turbulence in tube bundle.
In the forced convection, in general, heat transfer is explained by the relation between
Nusselt and Reynolds number.
In the natural convection it is by Nusselt Grashoff and Prandtl numbers. It is well
known that the heat transfer coefficient is enhanced by turbulent flow.
Set up:

1.Pitot tube 2.Inclined manometer
3.Thermo-couples 6.Flow control valve
4.D.C power 7.Air bench
Position the larger (12.7mm diameter) heated tube in the clear acrylic resin housing
provided, and mount this housing in the black acrylic resin working section, using
the brass knurled head screws to clamp it into position . Couple supply and
thermocouple leads from the heated tube to the heater supply turned to a minimum
value, and allow the control unit to stabilize in temperature before commencing the
experiment. This stabilization period should normally be of the order 30 mins so
that meaningful results can be obtained.
1.We put bench supply switch on, we started the benched-mounted fan with the
flow control valve fully closed.
2.When the fan has run up to full speed, we fully opened the flow control valve to
give a maximum reading on the pitot static tube manometer, with the pitot head
positioned approximately in the centre of the duct.
3.We adjusted the input voltage to the heater tube to arrive at steady temperature
difference between the tube surface (measured by embedded thermocouple) and
inlet ambient air ( Th – Ta), of around 40⁰C.
4.We recorded the values of Th – Ta, heater voltage and current, and pitot static
tube reading.
5.We repeated investigation for a wide range of pitot static tube readings, i.e. from
outlet air control valve fully open to minimum measurable flow. In every case
maintain Th – Ta at 40⁰C. Repeat the above experiment using the 9.5mm diameter
heated tube.
NOTE: ‘Teflon brushes’ will be required here for mounting purposes.
Allow heated tube to cool down before attempting to remove it, since
thermal expansion will cause the tube to initially lock in position.
Any permanent offset difference between the temperature of the tube and
the air temperature reading within the working section should be
subtracted from the temperature difference reading.

Results and calculation

1. Using the equation V =√ (2Δp/ρ1) m/s , convert the pitot tube reading
of pressure into values o fair velocity within the working section .
Note that ΔP = mmH2O x 9.807 pascals.
2. Determine the Reynolds number associated with each of the above
velocities from the equation
Re = d1vρ1/μF
using constant units to give dimensionless number

ρ1 =1.293 Pa/ Po x To/Ta kg/m3

Where, Pa : atmospheric pressure in Nairobi (=870mmbar)
Pa : atmospheric pressure at sea level (=1013mmbar)
Ta : duct inlet air temperature [K]
To : 0⁰C (=273)
NOTE: - Values of viscosity, μF used in the above equation are
determined at the film temperature, TFILM
3. Knowing the dc voltage and current supplied to the heater in the
question, the watts dissipated Q can b calculated and by determining
the tube surface area A, (∏d1l) a value for q/A power dissipation in
watts/m2 can be calculated.
has been determined in the experiment, a value for h (heat transfer
coefficient) can be calculated in watts per m2 - ⁰C.
4. Calculate the Nusselt numbers from Nu =hd1/KF
NOTE: values of thermal conductivity KF are those determined at the
film temperature, TFILM
5. Plot Nusselt numbers (Nu) against Reynolds numbers (Re) on log-log
graph paper. From the plot determine B and n in the equation Nu =
Ren and compare the experimental values with published data
Typical results

Air velocity TA Temperature Voltage (V) Current (A)


1.2 28.4 40 13.5 0.86
1.0 28.7 40 14.9 0.95
0.8 28.9 40 14.8 0.94
0.6 29.2 40 14.7 0.93
0.4 29.2 40 14.4 0.91
0.2 29.4 40 13.8 0.88
0.01 29.6 40 13.2 0.84
Inlet ΔT Heater Heater
Temp Ta voltage current
Pitot reading Pv Th - Ta
⁰C volts Amps.

mmH2O Pa

24.2 237.4 21.0 42 15.95 1.91

11.6 113.8 21.0 43 14.75 1.77
8.3 79.4 21.0 42 13.90 1.70
6.8 66.7 21.0 43 12.76 1.54
4.0 39.2 21.0 41 11.98 1.40
2.0 19.6 21.0 41 10.45 1.26
0.65 6.4 21.0 43 9.23 1.14
A graph of Nusselts number versus Reynolds number was drawn on log-log graph paper
and points joined by a straight line whose equation was:
Nu = 0.614 Re0.474
Two points were inserted on the graph from published data and reasonable correlation
was found.
i.e. at Re = 10,000 difference 12.7%
Re = 2,000 difference 2.2%

Nusselt number verses Reynolds number experiment 3.2

B n
0.932 0.46
0.891 0.33
0.821 0.385
0.748 0.439
0.615 0.566
0.174 0.618
0.0239 0.805

The wide range of results that include figures derived from tubes of different diameters
aptly demonstrate the effectiveness of dimensionless number groups (Re and Nu) to
correlate a wide range of experimental data.
1.B. Stanisa and Z. Schauperl, “Erosional behavior of turbine blade in nuclear power
plant,”Wear, vol. 254, pp. 735–741, 2003.

2.H. Roegener, “Bestimmung der abdampfnaesse bei kondensations—Turbinen,” BWK,vol..pp.

220–225, 1960.

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