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​ ​My name

name is like a painting full of color and life; my
imagination runs wild in the darkest of nights. I create my
paintings and I choose how I feel. In a painting you express
yourself from sad to happy and mad to sappy.

My name is loud and rough. You can hear it from a mile away. My
name is sharp, like when my mom calls me down for dinner,
that's the start.

Everyone knows me with my dog Helga. She is a big part of me. I

got her when she was just a puppy, active and happy with a smile
on her face, I came home from school and we are always together
and on walks too. We are connected by the lead. She Is a french
bulldog who's brown and white with a black face altho it's
always bright.

In Greek my name means flower and in Hebrew it’s listen well,

But if a boy had my name it would be Samuel. My name is long
with 8 letters. It takes a while to say and awhile for me to get
to the point when talking. I like to make stories and tell them
too. I like reading fantasy and adventure stories. There's just
always a twist.

My name is like a rushing river. I always try to rush and get

ahead of myself and I can get swept away easily. Although I can
be rough I can also be soothing and wise like a calm lake. Water
is transparent you can see through like my emotions you can
tell how I am feeling.

My name is like me, smart and brave although I can be scared and
not always the smartest my name suits me. My name is formal and
altho I am rather fancy I like to go with the flow.
I can pick a fight with my brother, I fight with my words and my
brother with the punches but that's another story.
My parents were going to name me Sophie or Sophia, my dad wanted
Pouline but he had no idea. My mom wanted Olivia but that was an
idea. My auntie stood up and said we should name her Samantha
and that was perfect.

My name is English but I am from Scotland and Venezuela but my

name is Samanta in Latin america. I am like a horse which is one
of my favorite animals. They can be graceful but very dangerous
at times. They are loud and big and can be unpredictable. I also
like carrots.

My name can be weird, people pronounce it strangely like Samanda

or Amanda, I don't mind this but I would rather be Samantha.
I like to wear nice cozy sweaters, especially in winter, which
is my favorite season other than summer. My birthday is on the
hottest day, July 24th.

When I grow up I want to be an animator to make pictures come to

life but that will be later on in my life or a vet helping
animals has always been a dream.

My name is a part of me and I would never change it. My name is

my Identity. I would not be the same without it.

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