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DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i18.4438 © 2016 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


2016 Liver Transplantation: Global view

Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

Caroline C Jadlowiec, Timucin Taner

Caroline C Jadlowiec, Timucin Taner, William J. von progress, however, also brings up the next set of
Liebig Transplantation Center, Division of Transplant Surgery, challenges: First, organ shortage remains a major
Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, limitation, and accounts for a large proportion of wait
United States list mortality. While living donation has successfully
increased the total number of liver transplants done in
Author contributions: Jadlowiec CC and Taner T contributed
equally to the conception and design, writing of the article, and Asian countries, the total number of such transplants
critical revision. has been stagnant in the western hemisphere. As such,
there has been a significant effort over the past decade
Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare no conflicts to increase the existing deceased donor pool. This
of interest. effort has resulted in a greater use of liver allografts
following donation after cardiac death (DCD) along
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was with marginal and extended criteria donors. Improved
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external understanding of the pathophysiology of liver allografts
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative
procured after circulatory arrest has not only resulted
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this in better selection and management of DCD donors,
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on but has also helped in the development of mechanical
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and perfusion strategies. Early outcomes demonstrating
the use is non-commercial. See: the clinical applicability of both hypothermic and
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ normothermic perfusion and its potential to impact
patient survival and allograft function have generated
Correspondence to: Timucin Taner, MD, PhD, William J. von much interest. Second, long-term outcomes of liver
Liebig Transplantation Center, Division of Transplant Surgery, transplant recipients have not improved significantly,
Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 Second Street South-
as recipients continue to succumb to complications
west, Rochester, MN 55905,
United States. of long-term immunosuppression, such as infection,
Telephone: +1-507-2663117 malignancy and renal failure. Furthermore, recent
Fax: +1-507-2669806 evidence suggests that chronic immune-mediated
injury to the liver may also impact graft function.
Received: February 17, 2016
Peer-review started: February 18, 2016 Key words: donation after cardiac death; mechanical
First decision: March 21, 2016 perfusion; renal-sparing immunosuppression; antibody-
Revised: March 25, 2016 mediated rejection
Accepted: April 7, 2016
Article in press: April 7, 2016
© The Author(s) 2016. Published by Baishideng Publishing
Published online: May 14, 2016
Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Core tip: Organ shortage remains a major limitation

in liver transplantation, and there has been a
Abstract significant effort over the past decade to increase
Great progress has been made in the field of liver the existing deceased donor pool. Recent advances
transplantation over the past two decades. This have included better selection and management

WJG| 4438 May 14, 2016|Volume 22|Issue 18|

Jadlowiec CC et al . Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

of donors after circulatory arrest, application of non-function, hepatic artery thrombosis, ischemic
hypothermic and normothermic perfusion, minimization [2,3]
cholangiopathy, and allograft failure . With increasing
of standard immunosuppression and use of new experience, however, factors associated with improved
immunosuppressive medications. Additionally, there outcomes have been identified and more centers have
has been renewed emphasis and understanding of begun to use these donors .

liver immunology and the impact of antibody-mediated To date, there have been several large retrospective
rejection. Together, these advances have allowed for analyses which have identified DCD donor-related
expansion of the donor pool with concurrent improved variables associated with recipient outcomes (Figure
patient outcomes.
1). Young age (45 ± 10 years old), short donor warm
ischemia time (less than thirty minutes), and limited
Jadlowiec CC, Taner T. Liver transplantation: Current status cold ischemia time (less than ten hours) have been
and challenges. World J Gastroenterol 2016; 22(18): 4438-4445 shown to improve allograft outcomes . In the Mayo
Available from: URL: Clinic experience, every minute added to the warm
v22/i18/4438.htm DOI: ischemia period between asystole and cross-clamp was
i18.4438 found to be associated with a 16.1 percent increase
in the odds of ischemic cholangiopathy . Recipient
factors associated with improved DCD outcomes
generally concentrate on avoidance of sicker patients:
INTRODUCTION excluding patients requiring retransplantation, patients
with renal failure (creatinine > 2.0 mg/dL) and patients
Over the last several decades, the field of trans­ [5]
on life support . The correlation between these
plantation has witnessed much change yet, among
factors and outcomes is likely related to minimization
all solid organ transplants, arguably the greatest
of both cold ischemia time and further allograft injury
advances have been in liver transplantation. Today,
through recipient instability. As a result, by applying
liver transplantation is universally accepted as the only
these donor and recipient criteria, DCD outcomes
treatment option for end-stage liver disease, acute
have improved considerably with recipient survival and
fulminant hepatic failure, hepatocellular carcinoma, hilar
allograft function similar to that of donation after brain
cholangiocarcinoma and several metabolic disorders. [4-6]
death (DBD) donors .
Advancements in surgical technique, perioperative
management and immunosuppressive therapy have
yielded excellent short-term graft and patient survival Mechanical perfusion of deceased donor liver allografts
outcomes which have become the expected norm. With Despite these improved outcomes, many DCD livers
these advances comes the next set of challenges: organ continue to go unused as a result of unacceptable
shortage and improving long-term outcomes of the liver donor parameters and concern for poor allograft
transplant recipients. function. The concept of mechanical perfusion for
solid organ transplantation was originally introduced
in the late 1960s by Belzer et al and renewed
ORGAN SHORTAGE interest returned following a report by Moers et al

The disparity between the number of available liver in 2000 which, through a prospective randomized
allografts and transplant candidates continue to grow control trial, demonstrated a decreased incidence of
worldwide. In Asia, this problem has been successfully delayed graft function and improved graft survival in in
addressed by ever-increasing numbers of living- kidney transplant recipients. Since then, hypothermic
donor liver transplantation (LDLT). In the western machine perfusion in kidney transplantation has
countries, however, the number of LDLT has not seen a gained a widespread use. Although suboptimal, static
significant change for over a decade, and the demand hypothermic cold storage remains the primary method
for deceased donor liver allografts continue to increase. for liver preservation, largely because of its cost
Thus, substantial effort has been put in to expand the effectiveness, simplicity, and logistics. At present, there
existing deceased donor pool. is a large and apparent need to optimize preservation
particularly for DCD, marginal, and extended-criteria
Use of donation after cardiac death liver allografts donor organs. These allografts are subject to a greater
In the early 1990s, the use of livers procured from risk of ischemia-reperfusion injury which occurs as
donation after cardiac death (DCD) donors was an a result of donor warm ischemia time, aortic cross-
early attempt to narrow the disparity between organs clamping and initiation of cold ischemia, rewarming
and recipients in need . The early experience with during graft implantation, and finally full reperfusion
DCD livers was not favorable, as prolonged donor (Figure 1). It is here that the utility of mechanical
warm ischemia time and ischemia-reperfusion injury perfusion has emerged as potential solution to this
likely played a large role in the high rate of primary problem.

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Jadlowiec CC et al . Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

Cessation of MAP < 50 until Incision to aortic

Waiting period
cardiopulmonary support cardiopulmonary cannulation and in situ
(2-5 min)
until MAP < 50 arrest cold preservation

Total warm ischemia time

Functional warm ischemia time

Ref. Txp
Txp Period
Period No. Patients
No. Patients Donor Age
Donor Age WITWIT CIT CIT Asystole-to-cross
44 1996-2006
1996-2006 874 874 ≤≤ 4545yryr ≤ 15min
≤ 15 min1 1
≤≤ 10 10 h
55 1996-2003
1996-2003 367 367 --- - << 30 min
30 min
1 1
<   <1010hh
66 1998-2010
1998-2010 200 200 --- - --- - --- - Minimization
Minimization of asystole-to-
of asystole-to-
cross clamp time time
cross clamp (1 min ≈
16.1% (1
IC)min ≈ 16.1% IC)

Figure 1 Favorable donation after cardiac death donor criteria. 1From time of cessation of cardiopulmonary support to with loss of hemodynamic and respiratory
function up to the in situ initiation of cold preservation solution. MAP: Mean arterial pressure; WIT: Warm ischemia time; IC: Ischemia cholangiopathy.

Table 1 Comparison of hypothermic and normothermic mechanical perfusion

Hypothermic mechanical perfusion Normothermic mechanical perfusion

Temperature 4℃ 37 ℃
Pathophysiology Reduced cellular metabolism Continued cellular metabolism
Non-functioning liver during preservation Functioning liver during preservation
Perfusate No specific requirements, oxygen can be used Continuous delivery of nutrients and oxygen needs to be maintained
Logistics Similar to that of hypothermic mechanical perfusion More complex
currently used for renal allografts
Benefits Logistically easier Allows for the assessment of metabolic and synthetic function during
May provide benefit in marginal livers May provide benefit in marginal livers
Potential use in steatotic livers
Felt to reduce ischemia reperfusion injury

Hypothermic perfusion their results evaluating DCD livers treated with HOPE
Hypothermia slows cellular metabolism and prolongs along with matched static cold storage DCD livers. As
the amount of time an organ can be deprived of anticipated, results for DCD livers subjected to HOPE
oxygen without loss of viability (Table 1). In liver were superior with decreased graft injury, decreased
transplantation, hypothermic perfusion has shown intrahepatic cholangiopathy and biliary complications
[9] [13]
similar benefits. Authors Guarrera et al have and improved 1-year graft survival . Similarly,
demonstrated that hypothermic perfusion decreases hypothermic machine perfusion has also been applied
the extent of graft injury and subsequent clinical studies to extended criteria DBD donor liver allografts with
by the same group have shown improved allograft encouraging outcomes, such as decreased allograft
function, lower serum transaminases and decreased dysfunction (19% vs 30%), improved patient survival
hospital stay as compared to matched historic cold at one year (84% vs 80%) and a reduction in biliary
storage liver allografts from DBD donors
. Equally complications (13% vs 43%) .
beneficial results have been reported in DCD liver
Normothermic perfusion
allografts . In a trial using human DCD livers,
Hypothermic Oxygenated PErfusion (HOPE) was applied Normothermic perfusion is technically more deman­
for 1 to 2 h prior to implantation . Functional warm ding, as it requires a continuous delivery of nutrients
ischemia time (MAP < 50 mmHg to cold flush) in this and oxygen in order to maintain ongoing cellular
group ranged from 22 to 41 min and postoperative metabolism . In theory, this setup reduces the
allograft function was normal in the entire cohort. In a ischemia-reperfusion injury and may thereby allow for
follow-up period of 8.5 mo, no evidence of intrahepatic the safe transplantation of marginal liver allografts.
biliary complications was noted. As a continuation to Normothermic mechanical perfusion can also allow
this study, authors Dutkowski et al recently published for the assessment of liver function during the pre-

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Jadlowiec CC et al . Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

implantation period (Table 1). Although these ad­ and higher ATP levels .
vantages are notable, historically, there have been
difficulties in maintaining stable perfusion . In a
preclinical work by op den Dries et al , discarded DCD IMPROVING LONG-TERM LIVER
human donor livers were subjected to normothermic TRANSPLANTATION OUTCOMES
mechanical perfusion following cold ischemia times
Although the short-term outcomes after liver trans­
of 6.9 ± 1.9 h (WIT 15.5 ± 2.4 min). After six hours
plantation have been excellent worldwide, long-term
of normothermic perfusion (37 ℃ ), bile production
outcomes remain suboptimal. The top causes of late
was observed and histological examination showed
mortality after liver transplantation are allograft failure,
well-preserved liver morphology without signs of
cardiovascular events, infection, malignancy and renal
hepatocellular ischemia, biliary injury, or sinusoidal [21]
[16] failure . There is a clear and direct link between
damage . Currently, there are several human trials
these and the long-term use of immunosuppressive
underway comparing normothermic liver preservation
medications. As a result, in the past decade, a sig­
with static cold storage. The first Phase I, non-
nificant effort has been put forth to minimize immuno­
randomized, prospective trial using the normothermic
suppression in liver transplantation.
mechanical perfusion unit enrolled twenty transplanted
livers in United Kingdom and was completed in 2014.
Results from this trial demonstrated the safety and Renal sparing protocols
feasibility of normothermic machine preservation in Renal insufficiency is the strongest predictor of late
human liver allografts (personal communication). In mortality following liver transplantation . Because
the interim, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial of this, the use of renal sparing immunosuppression
with enrollment plan for 260 liver allografts (130 using protocols both during the induction and maintenance
OrganOx ; 130 using static cold storage) is under way. periods following liver transplantation has been
introduced into the clinical practice over the past
Steatotic liver allografts and mechanical perfusion
The application of mechanical perfusion to marginal
Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors: A
donors is foreseeable as hepatic steatosis has become
number of large trials evaluated the role of mammalian
increasingly common in the United States and the
target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTOR) in liver trans­
incidence of deceased donors with steatotic livers
plantation. The Preservation of Renal Function in Liver
has concurrently increased. Allografts with severe
steatosis, defined as greater than sixty percent of the Transplant Recipients with Certican Therapy (PROTECT)
parenchyma, are known to carry a high risk of primary study , a randomized controlled trial sought to evaluate
. On the contrary, liver allografts with the effect of conversion from calcineurin inhibitors
mild steatosis (< 30%) yield results similar to those (CNI) to everolimus starting four weeks following liver
of non-steatotic liver allografts
. The outcomes of transplantation. Unfortunately, at one year, the study
liver allografts with moderate steatosis (30% to 60%) results proved to be inconclusive. No difference in
remain variable, and often depend upon additional glomerular filtration rater (GFR) was noted using the
factors such as recipient stability, ischemia time, and Cockcroft-Gault formula. Moreover, despite lack of clear
mechanism of donation (i.e., DBD vs DCD). Impaired benefit, the study did, however, observe a higher rate of
microcirculation secondary to increased hepatocyte infections, anemia, leukopenia and hyperlipidemia in the
volume is theorized to be responsible for the relative Everolimus treatment group .
susceptibility of steatotic livers to ischemia . Cellular By comparison, a second trial by Masetti et al in
edema accompanying ischemia-reperfusion likely 2010 showed some benefit in using mTOR inhibitors in
results in further obstruction of the sinusoids, thereby liver transplantation. In this randomized control trial,
exacerbating this injury. Accordingly, steatotic DCD cyclosporine (CsA) was used for ten days following
liver allografts are generally discarded as these liver transplantation. Patients were then randomized
scenarios combine several risk factors. As such, to Everolimus or cyclosporine plus mycophenolate
the application of mechanical perfusion may help mofetil (MMF). At twelve months, GFR was better
salvage steatotic livers. At present, preclinical and in the Everolimus group and no differences were
clinical studies are lacking however Bessems et al
noted in patient survival, acute rejection or hepatic
evaluated mechanical perfusion using a steatotic rat artery thrombosis . Among the patients with a GFR
model in which they compared static cold storage less than 60 mL/min per 1.73 m , the Everolimus
and hypothermic oxygenated mechanical perfusion. treatment group showed a benefit. Accordingly,
Results from this animal model found that preservation conclusions of the study were that early withdrawal
of steatotic livers stored in standard cold storage of CsA followed by Everolimus monotherapy in de
resulted in more cellular injury. By comparison, the novo liver transplant patients was associated with an
steatotic livers subjected to hypothermic oxygenated improvement in renal function, although, a criticism
mechanical perfusion showed improved bile production of the study has been the baseline difference between

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Jadlowiec CC et al . Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

the two groups with regard to the starting GFR. transplant recipients, 41 (40%) achieved operational
[24] [38]
In Spare-the-Nephron Trial , patients on CNI/ tolerance . At present, more information is needed
MMF for the first four weeks post-transplant were so as to better guide clinical decision making and
randomized to either continue the same regimen or similar trials with long-term follow-up will help
convert to Sirolimus/MMF. A mean increase in patient identify parameters with predictive and diagnostic
GFR was noted in the Sirolimus group, however the value regarding who could be successfully weaned
composite endpoint demonstrated non-inferiority of off IS. Longitudinal follow-up of operationally tolerant
Sirolimus to CNIs when used with MMF . Review of patients will also further demonstrate whether long-
other smaller studies evaluating the conversion from term outcomes improve with limiting the recipients’
CNI to mTOR inhibitors in liver transplant patients cumulative exposure to IS, particularly CNI.
with renal insufficiency reveals similar variable re­
Chronic antibody-mediated injury
sults . A meta-analysis of the use of Sirolimus
in liver transplant recipients with CNI-induced renal Historically, liver allografts were thought to be spared
insufficiency found no significant improvement in from the HLA antibody-mediated injury, however
GFR, risk of death or graft failure . Findings were, recent findings have challenged this concept. The
however, significant for an increased risk of infection, Baylor group initially reported their observation in liver
mouth ulcers and treatment discontinuation . Given recipients with chronic rejection, who had circulating
this variability, the role of mTOR inhibitors continues to donor-specific HLA-antibody (DSA) more often than in
evolve with much indecision and hesitancy surrounding [39]
patients with no rejection . Subsequently, they found
their use for renal insufficiency. Newer roles, that multiple IgG subclasses were found in the sera
specifically with regard to benefit in hepatocellular of chronic rejection patients, and the IgG3 subclass
carcinoma, likewise remain to be fully realized. was associated with increased risk of graft loss .

A definitive cause-and-effect relationship remains

Induction therapy and delayed introduction to be demonstrated however, as these studies used
of calcineurin inhibitors: Delayed introduction of post-transplant DSA for analyses and did not include
CNI following liver transplantation may, theoretically, protocol biopsies. In our own observation at Mayo
help decrease the negative impact of CNI on renal Clinic, we did not find any DSA-mediated graft injury in
function . Among de novo liver transplant [41]
the first year after transplantation , and over the long
recipients who had pre-existing renal insufficiency, term, de novo DSA formation was preceded by liver
Thymoglobulin induction and delayed introduction allograft dysfunction (e.g., recurrent HCV cirrhosis) .
of CNI resulted in lower serum creatinine, a higher Based on these new observations, it appears
estimated GFR, and less dependence on dialysis that DSA may indeed cause chronic liver allograft
at twelve months . Similar strategies have been injury, although less frequently than in kidney or hear
employed using newer generation anti-interleukin- transplantation. In order to better understand the
2-receptor antibodies (Basiliximab, Daclizumab) for impact of DSA on both early and late outcomes in liver
induction . The ReSpECT trial, comparing standard transplantation, longitudinal prospective studies, similar
Tacrolimus vs reduced-dose Tacrolimus and Daclizumab to those done in kidney transplantation, correlating
induction and delayed reduced-dose Tacrolimus , DSA (both pre- and posttransplant at routine intervals)
demonstrated that the greatest decline in eGFR was with clinical outcomes and graft histology through
seen in the standard Tacrolimus group with the least protocol biopsies will need to be done. These studies
decline noted in the Daclizumab induction and delayed will ideally be designed to analyze DSA in detail, target
reduced-dose Tacrolimus group. Currently, at Mayo antigen expression in the allograft, and take into
Clinic, Basiliximab induction is used in patients with account immunosuppression and compliance issues
renal insufficiency so as to delay initiation of CNI post- in the recipients. In addition, histologic and genetic
transplant. evidence of endothelial cell injury and microvascular
inflammation (hallmark of DSA-mediated injury in
Immunosuppression minimization/withdrawal: kidney allografts) will need to be investigated in liver
Of all the solid organs that are transplanted routinely, transplant recipients with circulating DSA (Table 2) .
liver allograft appears to be unique, as approximately
19 percent of the recipients can achieve “operational”
tolerance (off immunosuppression incidentally or CONCLUSION
obligatorily) . Given these findings, several recent Along with the advances made in liver transplantation
trials investigated elective withdrawal of immunosup­ over the past thirty years have come a new set of
pression (IS) in liver transplant recipients. In one such challenges. As the demand for liver transplantation
trial, 12 out of 20 (60%) pediatric liver transplant continues to grow worldwide, more collaborative
recipients were successfully weaned off IS, with no or studies are needed to narrow the disparity between
minimal portal inflammation . In a large European the number of available deceased donor liver allografts
multi-center trial of 102 adult deceased donor liver and wait-listed patients, and to improve the long-term

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Jadlowiec CC et al . Liver transplantation: Current status and challenges

Table 2 Current data for donor-specific HLA-antibody-associated injuries in kidney and liver transplantation

Kidney transplantation Liver transplantation

DSA specificity and levels ↑ risk hyperacute rejection[44]; ↑ DSA in new onset late ↑ DSA in recipients with CR, presence of IgG3 subclass
kidney allograft dysfunction[45]; acute AMR is associated associated with ↑ risk of graft loss[40]
with high posttransplant DSA levels[45]
C4d deposition in Graft failure significantly worse in the presence of C4d+ C4d+ staining nonspecific; In the presence of DSA, linear
microvasculature staining[44]; C4d+ is a marker of antibody-mediated portal capillary and sinusoidal staining observed in ACR;
injury[44,46] DSA negative C4d+ staining found in biliary strictures
and recurrent liver disease[47]
DSA subtypes, C1q binding ↓ graft survival and ↑ risk for AMR with C1q-binding Limited data[50]
Microvascular inflammation Peritubular capillaritis is a possible predictor of chronic No current data
AMR[51]; subclinical AMR may contribute to development of
EC activation by light EC and BM ultrastructural abnormalities in glomerular and No current data
microscopy peritubular capillaries are early markers of TXG[53]
Gene expression profile of Defined genetic profile in AMR[54,55] No current data
chronic AMR
Therapeutic-trials to prevent Bortezomib (plasma cell-targeted therapy) as a possible No current data
DSA-associated injury antihumoral therapy[56]; plasma exchange for AMR[57,58]

Modified from Ref. 43. AMR: Antibody-mediated rejection; CAN: Chronic allograft nephropathy; EC: Endothelial cell; BM: Basement membrane; DSA:
Donor-specific HLA-antibody; TXG: Transplant glomerulonephropathy.

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Arrington B. Hypothermic machine perfusion of liver grafts for
transplantation: technical development in human discard and
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P- Reviewer: Bramhall S, Liu QD, Makisalo H S- Editor: Gong ZM

L- Editor: A E- Editor: Wang CH

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