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**Title: "The Flavors of the Heart"**

1. **Lucas** - An enthusiast of international cuisine who loves trying new flavors.
2. **Elena** - A dessert lover who prefers sweets and cakes.
3. **Sofia** - A fitness fanatic who prefers healthy and balanced foods.

A modern kitchen with an island in the center, equipped with cooking utensils and
various ingredients. There is a table with three chairs where the characters can sit and


**Act 1, Scene 1**

*(The stage is lit. Lucas is in the kitchen, preparing a sauce while Elena and Sofia are
sitting at the table, watching him.)*

**Lucas:** (Excitedly) Today I'm making a Thai recipe I found. I really like trying
foods from different cultures!

**Elena:** (Smiling) That sounds delicious! But honestly, I prefer something sweet.
There's nothing like a good chocolate cake. I really like anything dessert.

**Sofia:** (Nodding) I also enjoy a good dessert now and then, but I prefer to stay
healthy. I like eating things that make me feel good and energized.

**Lucas:** (Laughing) Everyone has their preferences. Although I also like desserts, I
love exploring new flavors and techniques in cooking.
**Elena:** (Looking at the ingredients) I don't like spicy food very much, does this
have chili?

**Lucas:** (Thoughtfully) Yes, it has a bit, but not too much. I prefer it to have a
balance of flavors so it's not overwhelming. Do you want to try some?

**Elena:** (Hesitating) Well, I'll try it, but I prefer it not to be too spicy.


**Act 1, Scene 2**

*(Lucas serves small portions of the dish for Elena and Sofia to taste.)*

**Elena:** (Tasting the dish) Wow, it's delicious! I don't like to admit it, but I think I
could get used to this.

**Sofia:** (Smiling) I really like it. The combination of flavors is amazing. I prefer
meals like this, full of fresh and healthy ingredients.

**Lucas:** (Happy) I'm glad you like it. For me, cooking is a way to travel without
leaving home. I really like experimenting with different recipes.

**Elena:** (Laughing) Well, next time I'll make a dessert for everyone. I prefer
something sweeter, but I can definitely appreciate your talent.

**Sofia:** (Nodding) It's a deal. In the meantime, I'll keep enjoying these healthy and
tasty meals. I really like this combination of flavors.


**Act 2, Scene 1**

*(The group decides to cook together, mixing their preferences.)*

**Lucas:** (Excitedly) How about we make a meal that combines our preferences? A
bit of everything: something sweet, something healthy, and something exotic.

**Elena:** (Excited) I love the idea! I prefer to prepare a fresh fruit cake, so we
combine the sweet and the healthy.

**Sofia:** (Nodding) Perfect! I can make a salad full of nutritious ingredients. I really
like cooking something everyone can enjoy.

**Lucas:** (Smiling) Great, I'll make a main dish with an international touch. That way
we have a complete meal that represents everyone.


**Act 2, Scene 2**

*(They are all cooking together, each contributing their specialty.)*

**Elena:** (Mixing ingredients for the cake) I really like baking desserts; it's my way
to relax. And this fruit cake is perfect for combining our preferences.

**Sofia:** (Chopping vegetables) I really like making salads. I prefer fresh and colorful
foods. This is going to be a great complement.

**Lucas:** (Cooking the main dish) I love how we're working together. This is how
tastes are combined and special memories are created. I prefer these kinds of
**Elena:** (Smiling) Definitely. I don't like cooking alone as much as doing it with
friends. I prefer sharing the experience.

**Sofia:** (Nodding) And it's much more fun. I really like how everything is turning

**Lucas:** (Raising a fork) To our different tastes and the delicious meals we create

**All:** (Raising forks) Cheers!

*(They all enjoy their meal, laughing and enjoying each other's company as the lights
slowly fade.)*

**End of Play**
4b Emsad 10

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