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Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 1: Night of Hangover

  

It seems like there’s some sound, rain? Or

was it water? The sound of running water
softly hits her eardrum. Elaine scrunched
her face, her small face pouting, and
continued sleeping in another direction.
Who was that making so much noise, not
letting people sleep! It’s too noisy!

Then, a headache struck, it felt like her

brains were having convulsions, Elaine
closed her eyes, wishing she could chop her
head and exchange her brains with anyone
to stop the pain. Couldn’t sleep, there was
no way to continue sleeping.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed,

Elaine has her small face scrunched into a
ball and opened her eyes while pouting.

“What time is it?” She asked while

mumbling. No one answered. Why was her
younger sister not answering her? Only
then, Elaine looked at her surrounding

Eh? This was not her small loft! Neither was

it her double-decked bed! There’s no sight
of her soft toys, there’s also no sight of her
younger sister’s pile of albums. Instead,
what she saw was a luxurious wallpaper,
bright lights, and elegant furniture.

“Oh! Oh my god, where is this place?!”

Elaine finally woke up from her stupor,
sitting up straight immediately and started
looking at her surrounding in horror. Her lips
began to tremble slightly, and it was getting
worst... This was a hotel! And it was a
presidential suite, the kind you get to see
only in a magazine!

“Ahhhhh…” Elaine shouted in shock, then

she quickly covered her mouth with her
hands. Blinking her crystal-like eyes, she
only realizes then that she was fully naked!

“Oh, oh, oh… Did I…I…do that? Oh, God…

do you want me to live still…?” Elaine’s
finally got her sense of hearing back, and
she looked at the direction of where water
could be heard, thru the door, she could
faintly see a man’s body inside the shower.
Although it was blurry, it was, for sure, a
figure that was a tall, robust, and powerful


Un simple truc qui fait repousser les cheveux

en 9 jours !

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A hotel… naked… and man… ah, ah, ah…

Elaine nibbled on her nails while blinking
furiously. It couldn’t be right, did she really
do that after being drunk on the night after
her college entrance exam...?

Elaine hit her chest and stomped her feet

while pulling her hair, wishing she could pull
all of it out. Like a mouse that lost its tail,
she turned around on the bed, and finally,
her brain started working.

Picking up the clothes from the messy pile,

the first that she picked was her cartooned
underwear with a picture of a pirate king,
too bad the rubber band on it has been
stretched till it was too loose. Wearing it
with a tearful face, she fled in a hurry while
the unknown man was still in the shower.


The bathroom door opened, and the 1.8m

tall, robust man came out, half-naked with a
white towel wrapped around his built body.
With his long legs stepping out, he looked
around suspiciously, “Eh, where did that
little thing go to? Did she…run away?” The
man gradually raised his eyebrows, full of
discontent and annoyance.

“Shit! She escaped!” The man’s face was

incredibly good-looking. It was the kind that
was devilish charismatic, with eyes as deep
as the ocean, face narrow but sharp, with a
chilling aura that people don’t dare to look
straight at. Giving off an egotistical feeling
with his aquiline nose while his thin lips
exposed a little mean and coldness. Overall,
he was a fierce and ruthless guy that was
not easy to be close to. Handsome but cold
and frightening at the same time.

Opening the metallic cigarette box patiently

and taking out a stick, and slowly igniting it.
With a deep breath, then exhaling out a few
smoke rings, only then talking out the phone
and dialed a number, ordering, “Kayden,
find out about the woman from last night…
yes, soon.”

Then with the cigarette between his fingers,

he started stretching in the room. His
muscles awakened while moving, attesting
it to be strong and healthy. He found a gun
from the pile of clothes, disassembling and
assembling it quickly, then pulling the firing
pin, loading it, and aiming it towards the
clock on the wall.

Thinking back to the night that surprised


He was walking out from the bar, rushing to

the next gathering that his friend had
invited, when he had his arms hooked. He
would have broken the person’s arm in a
split second with his fast reaction and
training from young, luckily, he had a
glimpse of whatever was coming.

It was a young girl with neat bangs, big

round eyes, and the light, her tender skin
that looks like it could be broken by
blowing. Looking pinkish, and it reminded
him of a particular small animal.

“You’re so handsome, haha, *burp*!”

Laughing with no care, and even burping
from drinking alcohol. Sticking out her pink
tongue, looking like a female snake,
seducing the man’s eye.

“Let go.” He said in his usual cold tone.

Shaking his arm but did not manage to
shake her off, or rather, he did not use much
strength at all.

“Haha, I won’t let go… you’re really

handsome, I like…yeah, like…” She must
have drunk too much, and when she spoke,
her soft body was leaning against him, on
his hard body, with her red lips pouting, it
was cute. Cute…indeed really cute.

At that moment, his heart trembled. After all,

he was used to seeing pretentious women
with heavy makeup. For the first time, he
was looking at such an innocent girl. He
actually found it fresh.

“How old are you? Have you graduated

from high school?” He asked in a rarely
softened voice while touching her face.
Being near her ears, first, he sniffed a faint
scent that was like from fresh fruit, the kind
that belonged to a maiden.

“High school? I attend the No. 4 High

School, you? What do you attend,

Classmate your head, who was classmates

with her! This little thing! He then lifted his
arms upwards, thinking that the childish girl
could be pushed away. “I should go, stand
properly.” Will she fall down, seeing that she
was so drunk.

“You’re really handsome…” The girl said

while muttering, and she simply hugged his
waist tightly, breathing with her face leaning
on his chest.

“You’re so handsome… are you from a

painting? …Are you a movie star? ...How
much do you want? ...Sleep with me?
...Huh? Ok or not? Sleep with me, ok?”

What rubbish was she talking about? Sleep

her? She looked so small and looking like
she was fourteen or fifteen, a little thing that
he did not bother touching at all. Although,
as he was looking at the porcelain skin, he
was a little tempted. But… he was a grown
man and did not lack any woman… as such,
he won’t touch this kind of small green

“Ok, don’t mess around, I still have things to

do, I will be rough if you don’t let

  

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