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Listen to the passage and answer questions 1 – 5.

What is the passage mainly about?

Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. The gender problem at Oxford University
B. The World's third oldest university
C. Undergraduate and postgraduate students
D. Restrictive special colleges
E. Oxford University accommodation
Sual 2
Question text
Complete the sentence according to the passage.
Five colleges offer space … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. to undergraduate students
B. only to female students
C. to post-graduate students
D. only to male students
E. to university professors only
Sual 3
Question text
Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. A college has space only for teaching.
B. A college provides students with accommodation for the second year of their time at
C. Nowadays there is almost no difference between the number of male and female students
studying at Oxford.
D. Henry II allowed the English students to continue studying in Paris.
E. Until 1920 only women were allowed to take degrees at Oxford.
Sual 4
Question text
Answer the question according to the passage.
What did Henry II forbid?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Female students from attending the university.
B. English students from taking the first basic degree.
C. English students from studying at the University in France.
D. English students from attending the University of Oxford.
E. English teachers from teaching at Oxford University.
Sual 5
Question text
Answer the question according to the passage.
What happened during the 12 th century?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Oxford University started its work and students came to settle and study there.
B. Henry II allowed English women to study at Oxford.
C. Only foreign students were allowed to live and study at Oxford.
D. Female students gained rights to study at Oxford colleges.
E. Women were let to take postgraduate degree at Oxford.
Sual 6
Question text
Listen to the dialogue and answer questions 6 – 10
Which of the following questions does the dialogue answer?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Why can’t Mr. Peters afford to pay the bill?
B. How does Mr. Peters make his payments?
C. What did Mr. Peters call for the customer service’s attention?
D. What is wrong with meter?
E. What is the problem with the account number?
Sual 7
Question text
Complete the sentence.
Mr.Peters’s is complaining about the last electricity bill which is … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. 300 dollars and 300 percent higher
B. 150 dollars overcharged
C. 50 dollars more than the previous one
D. 100 dollars less than usual
E. 100 dollars higher than usual
Sual 8
Question text
Choose the correct statement according to the dialogue.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Mr. Peters doesn’t know his account number.
B. Mr. Peters’s paid 100 dollars higher than the previous month.
C. Mr. Peters and the service representative had an argument.
D. Mr. Peters has been overcharged three times more than usual.
E. Customer service representative rejected to check the meter.
Sual 9
Question text
Complete the sentence.
The server asked Mr. Peters … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. why his account number had been changed
B. when the first problem with meter had appeared
C. how the usage for the last month was
D. how much his annual payment is
E. how much he paid last year
Sual 10
Question text
How did the phone call help Tom?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Mr. Peters found out that he was not overcharged.
B. Mr. Peters found out that he had forgotten to pay his debts.
C. Customer service promised to send a representative to check the meter.
D. The phone call revealed that the bill was sent to the wrong address.
E. Mr. Peters found out that he used too much electricity for the past month.

Read the text and answer questions 11 – 15.

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United
States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was
designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made
of copper supported by a metal framework which had been specially constructed by Eiffel. Before it
could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.
The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was
151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to
America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially
presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since the great monument has been a symbol of
liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes
in America.
Choose the correct statements according to the passage.
1. While bringing the statue it was broken into pieces by accident.
2. Famous French engineer Eiffel constructed the Statue of Liberty.
3. Before the Statue was transported to the US a site had already been chosen for it.
4. Designer of the Monument was the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi.
5. The site chosen for the Statue was in the North of New York.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. 3, 4
B. 1, 4
C. 2, 4
D. 1, 3
E. 2, 3
Sual 12
Question text
The word “pedestal” means … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. a long heavy piece of wood used in building
B. the part of a building that gives a shape to it
C. the base that a column, statue rests on
D. a figure of a person in stone or metal
E. a long piece of metal used as a part of the roof in a building
Sual 13
Question text
Complete the sentence.
By 1884, a statue … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. had been seen by people passing through New York Harbour
B. had been divided into pieces in America
C. had not been constructed by Eiffel yet
D. had been presented to the American people
E. had been put up in France
Sual 14
Question text
When was the Statue sent to America?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. a year after it was put up in Paris
B. in October 1884
C. as soon as it was completed
D. by the end of October 1886
E. in the eighteenth century
Sual 15
Question text
What is the text mainly about?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. the Statue symbolizing liberty
B. Sculptor Bartholdi
C. an island in the North of New York Harbour
D. Famous monuments in the world
E. New York Harbour
Sual 16
Question text
Read the text and answer questions 16 – 25.
Being successful and productive at your job requires more than just participation – it demands being
proactive about your own performance. It’s important how you will perform your duties.
A successful organisation is one in which individuals are growing, learning and contributing to its
overall goals. Continual improvement on communication, information sharing, assessments and
rewards can help both individuals and organisations progress towards their goals.
If you have trouble with improving at your workplace, ask a close co-worker or your manager for
some honest feedback. But be prepared to hear the truth as you cannot change a habit or behaviour.
Feedback will provide you with valuable ideas about what people expect from you, any weak areas,
and what you need to work on first.
The leading recruitment agency in Australia, has this advice for success at work :
1. Understanding your employer's expectations
Make sure you understand your company’s culture. Your working relationship with your
supervisor/manager is very important. Make sure you are familiar with the values of the company so
that you can demonstrate them effectively.
2. Staying positive
Whether things go well or badly, always maintain a balanced viewpoint and don’t complain to co-
workers about your boss or your job. Instead, find the right channels to suggest improvements.
3. Being a team player
Team players get noticed and often advance faster than those with a more self-centered approach.
4. Willingness to take on extra duties
Whether it’s overseeing a major new project or filing folders, always volunteer for extra
responsibilities. People who excel in their workplace often go above and beyond of what they’re
asked to do.
5. Not gossiping
Refrain from sharing personal or company information with your co-workers. Be especially
conscious of this when attending company parties where alcohol is served.
6. Good manners in the office
Whether you share office space or not show respect by keeping voice volume low on the phone and
in person. Use this as an opportunity to develop closer working relationships.
7. Not discussing your personal life
Keep personal calls and emails to a minimum. Leave errands for lunchtime or when you're away
from work. Don't share intimate details of your social life in the office kitchen!
8. Personal business on work technology
Most companies monitor employee usage of technology, so you should skip the personal emails and
text messages. Also, bear in mind that sharing feelings about your workplace or boss on social media
could be read by anyone.
9. Arriving on time
Most employers are prepared to be flexible and each environment has its own rules on timekeeping.
Find out what they are and stick to them.
10. Meeting deadlines
Keep your word. Always meet deadlines. Talk to your boss far ahead of a deadline if you believe
that you won't be able to complete an assigned task on time.
Finally, when you go to your boss with a problem, go with at least one suggestion in mind for a
Choose the correct statements according to the passage.
1. If you have any work-related problem, try to provide at least with one solution to it.
2. Taking extra responsibilities will not have any contribution to your professional improvement.
3. Knowing the standarts of your company can help you to carry out your duties effectively.
4. you want to improve at your workplace avoid getting feedback from your manager.
5. You can share company information with your co-workers.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 4
D. 4, 5
E. 3, 5
Sual 17
Question text
Which of the following questions does the passage answer?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Why should employees be careful about office equipment?
B. Why should you complain about your boss when things go badly?
C. What is the name of the leading recruitment agency in Australia?
D. What are the ways of developing closer working relationships?
E. Why do self-centered people improve faster than those who like working in a team?
Sual 18
Question text
What does the author mean by “leave errands for lunchtime”?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. If you are willing to take extra duties, do them during your lunchtime.
B. If you want to meet deadlines, try to work even during your lunchtime.
C. Leave sharing intimate details of your social life for lunchtime.
D. If you have a job involving going somewhere leave it for lunchtime.
E. If you are too shy to hear feedback leave it for your lunchtime when your colleagues are out
of work.
Sual 19
Question text
It can be inferred from the passage that .... .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. you should be more self-centered if you want to get notice.
B. there are a number of tips that will help you to gain success at work
C. your relationship with your manager is not important if you meet your deadlines.
D. you should not tell your boss that you are not able to complete an assigned task.
E. you need a good appearance to gain a successful job.
Sual 20
Question text
Which of the following best desribes the main idea of the passage?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Ten tips given for being successful at work are partially right.
B. By following some guidelines one can be successful at work.
C. By staying positive and not complaining one can gain respect at work.
D. It’s enough to understand what your employer expects from you.
E. By completing the task effectively you will definitely be promoted at work.
Sual 21
Question text
Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Company parties are good places for sharing personal information.
B. Your employer’s expectations are not more important than yours.
C. Being familiar with the values of the company is helpful when you start working.
D. If things go badly, find a new working place.
E. Be sure that you represent the company successfully.
Sual 22
Question text
It is pointed out in the passage that ... .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. avoiding meeting deadlines is preferable
B. keeping voice volume up while speaking on the phone in the office is highly appreciated
C. complaining to colleagues about your boss is not advisable
D. sharing personal information with colleagues is appropriate
E. volunteering for extra responsibilities is not appreciated
Sual 23
Question text
According to the passage, what will feedback provide you with ?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. If you get feedback from your boss, you will be more embarrassed.
B. Feedback will help you identify your weaknesses and strengths.
C. Your boss will not be honest while providing you with feedback, and thus you will get upset.
D. Feedback will help you to be aware of your behaviour that can be changed.
E. Feedback will provide you with good relationships.
Sual 24
Question text
All of the following are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT:
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. maintaining a profession
B. being a team player
C. being successful and productive in the job
D. sharing feelings about your workplace
E. knowing the values of the company
Sual 25
Question text
What does the word “refrain” mean?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. to offer to do something without being forced to do it
B. to do extremely well than you usually do
C. to show something clearly by giving evidence
D. to be one of the causes of something
E. to stop yourself from doing something

26 Choose the correct variant.

… is something that makes you happy or satisfied.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Punishment
B. Hatred
C. Damage
D. Pleasure
E. Sorrow
Sual 27
Question text
Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
I am sure they will call me.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. phone
B. answer
C. rely on
D. vote for
E. elect
Sual 28
Question text
Choose the correct pronouns.
How much did you pay for ... boots? – I didn’t pay ... . My uncle paid for … .
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. this, any, them
B. these, anything, they
C. those, something, these
D. your, nothing, that
E. these, any, them
Sual 29
Question text
Choose the correct tense forms.
Mr. Norton … his work as a manager in 2009. Until then he … as an assistant.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. has started, worked
B. started, had worked
C. had started, worked
D. had started, had worked
E. has started, has been working
Sual 30
Question text
Choose the correct prepositions.
The workers’ demands … higher pay were refused … the employer … this plant.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. about, by, off
B. for, from, of
C. in, with, at
D. for, by, of
E. of, by, on
Sual 31
Question text
Choose the correct word.
Susan wasn’t able to decide … to reply to his letter or not.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. if
B. that
C. whether
D. how
E. when
Sual 32
Question text
Choose the correct question to the part of the sentence underlined.
We ordered dinner for our guests.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. Whose guests did we order dinner for?
B. Who did we order dinner for?
C. Whom did we ordered dinner for?
D. Why did we order dinner for?
E. Who ordered dinner for our guests?
Sual 33
Question text
Choose the suitable variants.
A: He hasn’t seen this film yet.
1. I haven’t either.
2. I don’t neither.
3. Neither have I.
4. Either do I.
5. Nor have I.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. 2, 4, 5
B. 2, 3, 4
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 1, 4, 5
E. 1, 3, 5
Sual 34
Question text
Complete the sentence.
Ask her when ... to Turkey.
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. will they move
B. did they move
C. have they moved
D. they will move
E. they have moved
Sual 35
Question text
Complete the dialogue.
Mr. Simon: . . . .
Mr. Barry: Must you really?
Mr. Simon: . . . .
Mr. Barry: Well, thank you very much for coming.
Mr. Simon: . . . .
Mr. Barry: Good-bye. And please, give my best wishes to Mrs. Simon.
1. Yes, I get up rather early.
2. I want to make an appointment with you.
3. I’m afraid I must go now.
4. Thank you for the most enjoyable party.
5. When can we meet?
Cavablardan birini seçin:
A. 3, 2, 1
B. 4, 3, 1
C. 3, 1, 4
D. 2, 5, 3
E. 3, 2, 4
Sual 36
Question text
Choose the correct variants.
What … with?
Cavablardan birini və ya bir neçəsini seçin:
1. the picture painted
2. did he paint the picture
3. was painted the picture
4. was the picture painted
Sual 37
Question text
Choose the antonyms of the underlined words.
Lunch is a period of time to relax and get to know one another, and people having lunch rarely drink
at lunchtime.
Cavablardan birini və ya bir neçəsini seçin:
1. worry, often
2. dream, usually
3. fail, normally
4. feel stressed, frequently
5. blow, seldom
Sual 38
Question text
Choose the correct sentences in the Passive Voice.
Cavablardan birini və ya bir neçəsini seçin:
1. There hasn't been much rain lately.
2. Visitors are required not to feed the animals.
3. The typing paper has been used up.
4. You have been late every morning this week.
5. Is there any news sent to Jill?
Sual 39
Question text
Make up a story.
 When he understood his mistake, the poor servant got frightened and apologized to the actor.
 His servant took the wrong bottle by mistake and gave him some ink instead of medicine.
 But the actor was not angry with him at all.
 Once a well-known actor was ill.
 “Never mind, my good fellow, I’ll swallow a piece of blotting-paper and everything will
soon be all right,” he said calmly.
1. Once a well-known actor was ill.
2. His servant took the wrong bottle by mistake and gave him some ink instead of medicine.
3. When he understood his mistake, the poor servant got frightened and apologized to the actor.
4. But the actor was not angry with him at all.
5. “Never mind, my good fellow, I’ll swallow a piece of blotting-paper and everything will
soon be all right,” he said calmly
Sual 40
Question text
Match the words to their definitions.
The correct answer is: distructive → causing damage, adequate → good enough in quality for a
particular need, challenging → difficult to do, but interesting and enjoyable

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