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YEAR: 2024
ASSESSMENT: Summative Assessment
SUBJECT NAME: Engineering Practice
QUALIFICATION(S): B-Eng Tech: Industrial Engineering
EXAMINER(S): L.A. Ntsandeni
MODERATOR(S): M. Masemola


Question Type % Question Mark

RECALL 0 Q1 30
INSIGHT 10 Q3 10
Q4 10
Q5 10
Q6 20
Q7 5
Q8 10
Full Marks 100
Total 100

• This test forms 20 % of the continuous assessment
• Attempt all questions


INITIALS: GROUP:__________
Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Coca-Cola is helping convenience retail customers meet consumers’ evolving needs in a post-
pandemic landscape through brand and equipment innovation, digital capabilities, proprietary
research and insights, sustainable packaging and more.

That’s the core message the company showcased at its Coca-Cola Mart booth and surrounding
activations at the 2023 National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) Show in its
hometown of Atlanta.

Recent trends and shifting shopper habits—from snacking occasions replacing three-meals-a-
day routines, to the accelerated adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), to the new normal of hybrid
working arrangements—are challenging c-stores to reimagine the offerings and in-store
experiences they deliver beyond the pump.

By transitioning from pit stops to retail and dining destinations, retailers must provide clean,
sustainability-focused shopping environments with quality food and drink options, especially
for EV drivers waiting a minimum of 30 minutes for their cars to charge. Coca-Cola is
leveraging its foodservice expertise to help convenience retailers shift from fuel-forward to
food-forward to boost revenues during the fast-growing afternoon and evening dayparts.

"The convenience retail industry is at a crossroads, where those who invest in modernization
will shape the future,” said Kevin LeMoyne, Head of Convenience Retail Division, North
America Operating Unit. “As a total beverage company and total business partner to our
customers, we are committed to providing the innovative beverages and business solutions
retailers need to meet the changing preferences of today’s consumer, optimize operations and
grow their business."

Coca-Cola unveiled a few of its latest beverage innovations at the high-profile tradeshow,
including Coca-Cola Raspberry Spiced, which launches in early 2024; Sprite Chill, which
features a cooling agent to amplify the brand’s signature cut-through refreshment; and
Coca-Cola® Y3000 Zero Sugar, a futuristic Coca-Cola Creations flavor and experience co-
created with human and artificial intelligence.

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

The company also is helping customers engage eco-conscious shoppers with sustainable
packaging innovations like 100% recycled PET (rPET) plastic bottles and reusable options, as
well as providing pump-adjacent recycling bins and partnering with Olyns to pilot “reverse
vending machines” for in-store recycling that can be incentivized with coupons and discounts.
Research shows that consumers, especially Gen Z-ers, prefer to buy from environmentally
responsible brands and are even willing to pay a premium for sustainable products.

The Coca-Cola delegation, which included President and Chief Financial Officer John Murphy
and Chief Customer and Commercial Officer Elaine Bowers Coventry, also shared the
company’s operational capabilities, marketing tools, leading-edge analytics and resources
available to help retailers optimize their workforce amid ongoing labour shortages.

These include e-commerce services like Crew Connect, myCoke Service and myCoke mobile;
the extensive Coke Authorized Service Technician Network; the Costa Coffee Smart Café
autonomous matching that brews and pours barista-quality coffee at the touch of a button;
digital tools to help engage guests with mobile menus, AI-powered experiences that integrate
with customer websites and apps, as well as platforms like DoorDash, Uber Eats and Instacart;
digital loyalty program playbooks; and trend-driven research and insights via the Coca-Cola
DINE360 platform and Coca-Cola Retailing Research Councils (CCRRC).

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 1 [30]

1.1. Demonstrate how you will use the control function to ensure that the product introduced
by Coca-cola will yield the desire market share in the beverage market. (10)
1.2. Looking at the phases of the training process, conduct a training needs analysis for the staff
that will be interacting with the eco-conscious shoppers. (10)
1.3. One of the marketing staff was unfairly dismissed by Coca-Cola, advise the marketer on
how to refer the case to the CCMA (10)

Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 1.1: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Demonstration original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not
of how the innovative relevant only the knowledge of the understand
control and creative innovative obvious Control Process the Control
function can demonstration and creative demonstration Process
be used to yield of how the demonstration of how the
the desired control of how the control 2.5
market share function can control function can
be used to function can be used to
yield the be used to yield the
desired yield the desired
market share desired market share
market share

Task 1.2: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
conduct of a original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not know
training needs innovative relevant only the material/information; what a
analysis for the and creative innovative obvious unconvincing training needs
eco-conscious conduct of a and creative conduct of a conduct of a training analysis is all
customers training needs conduct of a training needs needs analysis for the about 2.5
analysis for training needs analysis for eco-conscious
the eco- analysis for the eco- customers
conscious the eco- conscious
customers conscious customers

Task 1.3: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Advice on the original, interesting, superficial; insufficient advice on not know how
referring the innovative, relevant only the the referring the case to refer the
case to the and creative innovative obvious to the CCMA case to the
CCMA advice on the and creative advice on the CCMA 2.5
referring the advice on the referring the
case to the referring the case to the
CCMA case to the CCMA

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 2 [5]

From the case study above, do an evaluation of the ethical values that have been demonstrated
by Coca-Cola in this case study.
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 2: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Evaluation of original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not
the ethical innovative, relevant only the knowledge understand
values that and creative innovative obvious evaluation of the the Ethical
have been evaluation of and creative evaluation of ethical values that values
demonstrated the ethical evaluation of the ethical have been
by Coca-Cola values that the ethical values that demonstrated by
in this case have been values that have been Coca-Cola in this 1.25
study. demonstrated have been demonstrated case study.
by Coca-Cola demonstrated by Coca-Cola
in this case by Coca-Cola in this case
study. in this case study.

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 3 [10]

Using the supply and demand curve, do analysis of the demand and supply of the new products
to advice Coca-Cola on the strategy to increase the demand of the new products.
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 3: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Analysis of the original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not
demand and innovative relevant only the knowledge analysis understand
supply of the and creative innovative obvious of the demand and the demand
new products analysis of the and creative analysis of the supply of the new and supply
to advice demand and analysis of the demand and products to advice and supply
Coca-Cola on supply of the demand and supply of the Coca-Cola on the curve
the strategy to new products supply of the new products strategy to increase 2.5
increase the to advice new products to advice the demand of the
demand of the Coca-Cola on to advice Coca-Cola on new products
new products the strategy to Coca-Cola on the strategy to
increase the the strategy to increase the
demand of the increase the demand of the
new products demand of the new products
new products

Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 4 [10]

With the introduction of the new products, demonstrate how Coca-Cola can use the six
approaches to solicit exactly what the customer wants.
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 4: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Demonstration original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not know
of how Coca- innovative relevant only the demonstration of what VOC is
Cola can solicit and creative innovative obvious how Coca-Cola can all about
the voice of the demonstration and creative demonstration solicit the voice of
customer of how Coca- demonstration of how Coca- the customer
concerning the Cola can of how Coca- Cola can concerning the new
new products solicit the Cola can solicit the products 2.5
voice of the solicit the voice of the
customer voice of the customer
concerning customer concerning
the new concerning the new
products the new products

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 5 [10]

Give an analysis of the 5 liabilities that Coca-Cola can face, in a situation where people become
sick when consuming the new products.
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 1.1: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Analysis of the original, interesting, superficial; insufficient analysis not know
5 legal innovative relevant only the of the 5 legal what legal
liabilities that and creative innovative obvious liabilities that Coca- liabilities are
Coca-Cola can analysis of the and creative analysis of the Cola can face
face 5 legal
liabilities that
analysis of the
5 legal
5 legal
liabilities that
Coca-Cola liabilities that Coca-Cola
can face Coca-Cola can face
can face

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 6 [20]

Given the table below:

Task Duration Preceding

A 3 -

B 4 A

C 20 A

D 33 C

E 22 D

F 16 C

G 20 B

H 12 F,G

I 20 E,F

J 11 H,I

6.1. Based on Task 1 – 5, design the WBS based on tasks above (5)
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark x
requirements requirements requirements or not weight)

Task 6.1: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Design of original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not know
tasks innovative relevant only the material/information; what WBS is
and creative innovative and obvious unconvincing WBS
the WBS creative design of
design WBS WBS

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

6.2. Draw the network diagram. (3)

Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 6.2: Correct Incorrect

Network Network Network
Diagram diagram Diagram 0.75

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

6.3. Determine the Critical Path. (2)

Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 6.3: Correct Incorrect

Critical Path Critical Path critical path

6.4. Calculate the Early start, Early finish, Late start, late finish and the slack. (10)

Task Early Start Late start Early Finish Slack

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 7 [5]

Demonstrate the multiple ways in which Coca-Cola, can protect their receipt for their product
so that other companies will not use them. (5)
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 7: Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
Demonstration original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not
of how Coca- innovative relevant only the demonstration of understand
Cola can and creative innovative obvious how Coca-Cola can Intellectual
protect their demonstration and creative demonstration protect their property
of how Coca-
Cola can
of how Coca-
of how Coca-
Cola can
intellectual property 1.25
protect their Cola can protect their
intellectual protect their intellectual
property intellectual property

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

Task 8 [10]

Draft an the minutes for activities from task 1 to Task 7

Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Exceeds (2) Meets (1) Does not meet (0) Totally (Mark) Weight Result
minimum minimum minimum unacceptable (Mark
requirements requirements requirements or not x
included weight)

Task 8: Draft Excellent, Very good, Average, Below average, thin, Student does
of an agenda original, interesting, superficial; insufficient not know
for innovative relevant only the knowledge on how to what the
Performance and creative innovative obvious in the draft of an agenda for agenda is
management draft of an and creative draft of an Performance
discussion agenda
for draft of an
agenda for
for management
management Performance management
discussion management discussion

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Engineering Practice ENI317B Semester Test 2

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