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The 5 Pillars Of

Fast Fat Loss

By Chadd Kingston
Copyright © 2024

All rights reserved.


Accept Your Duty To Change

When I was 16 years old, I finally had enough. I was sick and
tired of being the reference for my friends’ fat jokes. I was
exhausted mentally battling to justify keeping my t-shirt on
even when I was disintegrating in the summer heat, due to
the shame that I would feel with it off. I was done
disqualifying myself from romance on the basis that I deemed
myself inadequate (I was probably right). I wanted more out
of my life. I knew deep down that there was something more
there for me. I knew somewhere in the depths of my soul that
all of the fat that I was carrying around was like a costume,
concealing my true identity.

“This isn’t me”, I realised. “How I look right now doesn’t

define me. I’m better than this.”
Those would become some of the most liberating words
that I would ever tell myself. And thus, a new person was

Changing your body isn’t something that you do once. It isn’t

some kind of ephemeral, distinct event that happens
spontaneously. It’s not the result of doing intense exercise

until you magically coerce your body into changing. Whilst
exercise is obviously one of the most important drivers for
change when it comes to transforming how you look, and it
does in fact change through force of some kind, it’s only a
single facet of a much larger concept, albeit a powerful one.
More powerful still is not the exercise that you’re doing, nor
the diet that you follow - but focusing on becoming the calibre
of person who does these things as part of their lifestyle.

Let’s take two people. We’ll call the first one Bob. Now, Bob
doesn’t like working out. He hates it. He’s always hated it. He
was never athletic in school, he never really got the lions
share of the ladies and is yet to take pride in his health in his
adult life. But there’s one thing that Bob has always loved;
food. Bob can eat and eat to his heart’s content. In fact, that’s
what he does most days. He stuffs his face with foods that he
knows to be unhealthy, but they simply taste too darn good.
For Bob, it doesn’t make a difference to him what he eats, as
long as it satisfies his cravings. Besides, it has never mattered.
He’s always been the fat guy. He’s always known himself as
the guy who ‘get’s fat easily’. Bob has relinquished any form
of control when it comes to his nutrition. He eats for pleasure,
and that’s all there is to it.

The second individual is Tyrone. Tyrone is a mental &

physical powerhouse. He has managed to forge himself
under the fire of daily exercise, and has adapted his diet to
fuel him in his endeavours to grow and maintain his body
and health for years to come. He takes pride in his body not
only for vanity, but also to maximise his functionality and
range of movement so that he can enjoy life to the fullest. But
he wasn’t always this way. Tyrone used to be like Bob; out of
shape, eating whatever visually stimulated him irrespective
of the negative influence that a given food could have on his

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body, and unmotivated to become his greatest version.

What’s interesting is that between these two individuals,

despite how different they are in regards to their mentalities
at present, they both experienced the same desire at different
points in time. That desire? The desire to change. To get into
shape. To be better. But why is it that Tyrone managed to take
action and follow through with his ambition to elevate
himself, whilst completely transforming his outlook on
fitness and what he was willing to accept in the process, with
Bob choosing to simply acquiesce and forego the potential
path that would lead him towards a greater life?

This is what I’d like to explore in this e-book. I believe that

every fitness related goal begins in the mind. The want to
change as a person and the pain of remaining average has to
be greater than the pain of the processes that will have to take
place in order to escape that reality.

Step One
The Essentials
Have you ever come across those individuals that seem to
embark upon a weight loss journey at least once per year,
only to fail miserably every single time? Despite their zeal
and clear want to change, they never actually manage to
make any inroads to success. Why is that? The setup. Their
framework. It’s probably all wrong.

Losing weight is simple. Not easy, but simple. All you have
to do is consistently consume less calories than you burn each

day and you will lose weight. This is called a caloric deficit.
The reason why you lose weight in this scenario is because
your body simply hasn’t got the resources required in order
to carry out its daily tasks without tapping into the energy
that it has stored in reserve. Calories are energy. If we
consume too many, our body won’t just throw them away.
Instead, our bodies will do everything within their power to
store the excess calories in the form of fat, so that if a day
comes where we have less food to consume, there’s a plan B.
However, if we make use of that energy by moving our
bodies at a high enough intensity or for a prolonged period of
time, this can cause us to burn as much as we consume and
thus we don’t store fat. If we consume too little calories each
day, our body just takes the fat that it stored previously (and
often times muscle, more on this later) and burns it to fuel our

In terms of creating a caloric deficit for ourselves, we have

two options. The first being that we can restrict our calorie
consumption to put us in the red-zone (where we are
consuming less calories than our body realistically needs to
maintain its weight). This is the most reliable way to lose
weight, as you can carefully calculate what you eat
throughout the day and it doesn’t require any strenuous
activity to be achieved.
This is likely what you’ve missed all of this time, and this
is the same thing that most people haven’t been taught. In
movies, weight loss is dramatised. You’ll see The Nutty
Professor try to lose weight by entering a rigorous training
arc and plunging himself into a series of circuits in order to
‘burn fat’. The reality is; cardio doesn’t burn fat. Shocked?

The second way to enter a caloric deficit is through activity,

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usually in the form of cardio. Here’s the thing, cardio doesn’t

actually burn fat. Cardio burns CALORIES. What determines
whether fat is burned or not as a result of the cardio that
you’re doing is your caloric intake. If your maintenance
calories for each day is 2000kcal (I’ll show you how to
calculate this later) and you consume 2500kcal (a 500kcal
surplus), you would be in the green-zone as far as your body
is concerned. Your body has an extra 500kcal that it can store
as fat if nothing else changes. This is great for your body from
a survival perspective. But we live in the modern day, and we
know that a nice body can get you more dates, so you decide
to hit the treadmill to try to burn 500kcal. This is where most
people fuck up. They think that the 500kcal burnt on the
treadmill is 500kcal worth of fat. In reality, they have just
burnt the 500kcal worth of cookies that they ate before their
gym session that day, yo-yoing themselves right back to
maintenance calories. The result? They stay the same weight.

So to avoid the yo-yo effect and the many frustrations that

I myself encountered when I first tried to lose weight without
fully understanding the basics of calories in vs calories out,
you should focus first on setting up the correct framework. If
you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You need to know how
many calories your body burns each day to begin calculating
your deficit.

How To Calculate Your Caloric Intake For Weight

Before I show you a way to calculate what your
maintenance calories are, I want to briefly explain a concept
known as BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Your Basal Metabolic
Rate is the rate at which your body burns calories in order to

maintain itself and its daily life-sustaining functions. So with
absolutely zero activity in a given day, your body still burns a
certain amount of calories through the standard processes
required to keep you alive. For me, this number is roughly
1700 calories. So if I didn’t move an inch all day long and
consumed 1700kcal, I would maintain my weight. I made the
mistake in the past of relying strictly on diet to lose weight.
Whilst this does work give that you will lose weight as long
as you are in a deficit, it is suboptimal because you’d have to
consume poverty amounts of calories just to sustain that
deficit. At one point, I allowed myself to fall to as low as
1300kcal per day. That was both an unnecessary and
miserable experience.
Instead, it is a much healthier and more sustainable idea to
raise your activity levels so that your body burns more
calories per day, allowing you to eat more food whilst losing
weight. I will explain the best ways to do this later.
To find your BMR, you need to head over to a website
called, and find their calorie calculator. There,
you input all of the data that it asks you for (height, weight,
age etc.) and it will give you an estimate for your BMR. You’ll
want to remember this number for the foreseeable future, as
any adjustments that you make to your caloric intake as they
relate to your goals will be directly connected with this value.
We will also being using this number in the following step, so
take the time to do this before moving on.

Step Two

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Setting Up Your Caloric Deficit

Now that you have your BMR, we need to think about how
many calories to consume in order to enter a deficit. To do
this, we want to consume 500 calories less than our bodies
burn per day. However, as mentioned before, it would not be
a good idea to subtract 500 calories from our BMR. Diet
fatigue will occur far more quickly as we would be restricting
our food intake dramatically. What is diet fatigue? Diet
fatigue is simply how able we are to adhere to caloric
restriction over time. At the beginning of a dieting phase, diet
fatigue is essentially non-existent as we haven’t had to restrict
our eating for a very long time. Over time as we go deeper
and deeper into our cut, our levels of diet fatigue increases,
making it more likely with each passing day that we’re going
to lose control and sabotage our progress by overeating.
As I touched on previously, I was once eating 1300 calories
per day just to create a rate of weight loss of 1lb per week.
This didn’t last very long, and I quickly suffered the
physiological and psychological consequences of such low

Walk Your Way Down To Low Body Fat

Here is my best recommendation. This is exactly what I

focused on each time that I’ve achieved results with my fat
loss. Instead of slashing calories like a ravenous tyrant,
increase your activity levels by walking more.
Now this might sound stupid to you. “Walk more? What’s
walking going to do for me?”… Allow me to do the math for

Walking 10,000 steps per day can burn anywhere between
400-500 calories per day. Now do you remember your BMR?
Because this is where it comes into play. For example, if our
BMR is 1700 calories, but we walk 10,000 calories per day,
causing us to burn an extra 500 calories on top of our BMR,
that means that our body would be burning 2200 calories
total per day. If we then decide to eat 1700 calories per day,
which is still a decent amount of food, we would be in a
caloric deficit of 500 calories. Guess what? That means that
we’d be burning 1lb per week. Now you’re a machine, you
might want to consider walking even more than that. I
personally try to walk 20,000 steps a day. This is a lot of
walking, and does take a decent amount of time to get done.
However, the key is to spread the steps apart throughout
your day. Walking 20,000 steps per day will burn anywhere
between 800-1100 calories.
No, I’m not joking. Imagine trying to burn 1,100 calories on
the treadmill. You’d have to run for around 90 minutes just to
get close to that number, which is David Goggins level
difficult. Then imagine trying to do that every single day. Not
only would that completely tax your Central Nervous
System, causing you to feel depleted and lethargic, but
mentally you’d check out of your diet in no time. There
would simply be too much resistance between where you are
now and getting to your goal.

So if our BMR is 1700 calories, and we add 1,100 calories to

that number, that would mean that our new maintenance
calories would be 2,800. If we take the lower end of the
estimation, it would be 2500. But let’s stick with the 2,800
calorie example for now because it’s more satisfying to look
at. To lose 1lb per week whilst walking 20,000 steps per day,
we would have to eat 2,300 calories. Yes, 2,300 calories. Just
try to imagine for a second how much more food you could

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enjoy on 2,300 as opposed to 1,000 calories less at 1,300

calories per day. Crazy, right?

Of course, walking 20,000 steps every single day is a

challenge, as it takes around 2 and a half hours total to
complete for the average person. But with this information in
mind, you can choose how many steps that you want to
commit to in order to put yourself into a bigger deficit. If
you’re too busy to get a lot of walking done, then go for at
least 10,000 steps per day. If you’ve got a little more time, go
for 14,000. If you’ve got an abundance of time and you’re
extremely motivated to get shredded, then try to hit 20,000
steps a day, or at least hit that number a few times per week.
The point is that you want to be walking as much as possible.
At first it takes a little getting used to, but it becomes routine,
and the rewards are massive.
I’ll go into detail later on as to how we can best schedule
our steps in throughout our day so that they accumulate
consistently and effortlessly.

So by walking as much as possible combined with

accurately restricting your caloric intake, you essentially give
your body no choice but to become a fat burning machine.
This is genuinely the knowledge that I wish I had when I was
starting out. No one ever told me how important walking
was for losing weight. I had to figure this out of myself after
months and months of wasted efforts trying to lose weight
but failing due to low activity levels. I want to reiterate here
that you absolutely cannot afford to overlook how important
your daily average step count is in achieving the body of
your dreams. You need to take it as seriously as you take your

The quality of your calories matters

Eating whole foods is crucial for maintaining satiety while

cutting because they provide essential nutrients, fiber, and
volume that help you feel full and satisfied. Unlike processed
foods, which are often high in calories and low in nutritional
value, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and
whole grains offer a balance of macronutrients and
micronutrients that support overall health and weight
Whole foods are typically lower in calorie density,
meaning you can eat larger portions without consuming
excessive calories. Additionally, their high fiber content slows
down digestion, keeping you feeling full for longer periods
and reducing the likelihood of overeating. By prioritising
whole foods in your diet during a cut, you can optimise
satiety while still meeting your nutritional needs, making it
easier to adhere to your calorie deficit and achieve your
weight loss goals. Every calorie counts, and on a cut, you
really notice when you spend them poorly.

Step Three

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Resistance training

When we put our bodies into a caloric deficit, we are

purposefully restricting its resources for energy so that it has
no choice but to dip into our stored energy to burn as fuel.
Our target source of stored energy is fat. We want our bodies
to opt to burn fat as opposed to the muscle that we’ve
worked ever so hard to build. Whether it primarily burns fat
or muscle depends on various factors including:

Degree of Caloric Deficit: A moderate caloric deficit

tends to preserve muscle mass while primarily
burning fat for energy. However, if the deficit is too
severe, your body may resort to breaking down
muscle tissue for energy.
Protein Intake: Consuming an adequate amount of
protein helps preserve muscle mass during a caloric
deficit. When your body has enough protein, it's less
likely to break down muscle tissue for energy.
Exercise Regimen: Resistance training, such as
weightlifting, helps preserve muscle mass during
weight loss. Incorporating strength training into your
exercise routine signals to your body that it needs to
maintain muscle tissue.
Hormonal Factors: Hormones such as insulin,
cortisol, and testosterone play roles in regulating fat
and muscle metabolism. Insulin promotes fat storage,
while cortisol can lead to muscle breakdown under
certain conditions. Testosterone, on the other hand,
supports muscle growth and maintenance.
Genetics: Genetics can influence how your body
responds to a caloric deficit. Some individuals may
naturally preserve muscle mass more effectively than
others during weight loss.

Overall, the key to preserving muscle mass while losing fat
is to maintain a moderate caloric deficit, consume adequate
protein, engage in resistance training, and manage stress
levels to optimise hormonal balance. But how often do we
need to be resistance training in order to maximise how much
fat we burn and how much muscle that we maintain?

Training Splits for Fat Loss

Full Body (3x Per Week)

If you’re time poor (you struggle to find the time to

workout perhaps due to a demanding work schedule and
family constraints) I would recommend that you get into the
gym at least three times per week. If you train at this
frequency, you should follow a Full-Body Workout Split. So
on each of the three days that you head into the gym, you
will be working out your full body instead of a focused
muscle group like chest for example (if you aren’t aware by
now, a training split is basically how we split up our training
throughout the week so that we can maximise how much
volume we give our muscles). You can find a plethora of Full-
Body Programs on YouTube, but if you would like me to
provide you with a proven & personalised routine that is
geared towards fat loss and hypertrophy, shoot me a direct
message on instagram @chaddkingstonfit.

PPL (5-6x Per Week)

If you have a little more time and want to be in the gym

more often, I recommend following a Push-Pull-Legs Split.
This requires that you train at least 5x per week, and
sometimes even 6x. This is the split that I followed as I would

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be considered an advanced lifter, and I need a lot more

volume in my training to get results.
The thing I like most about the PPL Split is that it
does demand you to frequent the gym, which I find beneficial
when trying to reinvent yourself and instil positive habits
that promote a higher performance lifestyle. By training most
days out of the week, you ensure that you always get that
rush of endorphins that you can then use to benefit the other
areas of your life. After completing a workout, especially a
challenging one, you give yourself a sense of accomplishment
and pride. The release of endorphins reinforces this positive
experience, further boosting your mood and motivation to
continue exercising. If you’re only getting this release three
times per week, it makes it a lot more difficult (in my
opinion) to really fall in love with the fitness lifestyle and stay
mentally primed throughout the week as the more mundane
facets of our lives tend to accumulate stress and cognitive
staleness. Exercising is a remedy for the commonplace and
often times unremarkable routines that we have.

Specifically, though, the PPL splits allows you to train your

Pushing Muscles, Pulling Muscles and Legs on separate days,
preventing us from being held back by antagonist muscles.
For example, if we were to do a set of barbell benchpress, and
then immediately try to knock out some chin-ups, it would be
counter-productive as the upper chest is being activated in
both exercises, but not optimally considering that chin-ups
are typically used to target the back and biceps. Going into a
set of chin-ups after bench press means that we are limiting
our intensity and potential for progressive overload due to
the fact that our upper chest would be holding us back given
that it would be pre-fatigued.

Upper Lower (4x Per Week)

This is another great split that you could follow, and is
pretty self-explanatory. You train the Upper Body Muscles
twice per week, and Lower Body Muscles twice per week.

As hypertrophy isn’t the particular focus of this guide, I

will not be detailing the actual workouts that you should do
following these splits. However, as part of my 1:1 Coaching
services, I provide all of this information to you, removing all
of the guesswork so that you can just head in to the gym
knowing exactly what to do with the added assurance that it
WILL work. Again, message me on instagram
@chaddkingstonfit if you need more guidance in this regard.

Step Four
Consistency & Avoiding Deception

During a cutting phase, there are many moments in which

we think that we aren’t making any progress when we
actually are. The scale weight may be dropping consistently,
but because we don’t see the abs reveal themselves in unison,
we assume that we aren’t losing fat. We deceive ourselves
into thinking that our efforts are in vain.

The thing is, fat tends to come off last from the place that it
was stored first. For example, I always store fat on my belly
first, and this is common for most men. If I continue eating in
a surplus and keep putting on weight, the fat will also begin

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to be stored in my extremities such as my arms, legs and face.

However, when the time comes for me to lose weight, I won’t
see any significant changes to my stomach very quickly.
Instead, the fat will begin to fall off of my arms and legs
and… you guessed it; my face!

The problem here is that our arms and legs are large limbs
and it’s hard to tell that any significant changes are actually
taking place in these areas at the beginning of our fat loss
journey. Combine that with the fact that every time we look in
the mirror to verify that what we are doing is working, what
do our eyes immediately tend to fixate themselves upon? Our
stomachs. What you need to focus on as you progress
through your weight loss journey is your average scale
weight. Let me ask you this. Do you think that you could
seriously assert that you would look the same at 200lbs as
you would at 160lbs? Of course not. So why then would you
doubt the process that is taking place as you yourself are
enduring a cutting phase. As long as you’re in a caloric
deficit, your average scale weight is dropping week to week
and you’re weight training in the gym, you WILL be burning
fat. It just might not be in the areas that you want it to be lost
right away.
Unfortunately, you can’t spot reduce fat, so this process
will just have to play itself out for a while. Eventually, there
will be a period of time where all of the fat has been pulled
from the less problematic areas of your body and the fat will
begin to evaporate almost exclusively from your stomach. But
you have to work to get to this stage. You won’t reach it after a
week or two of consistency; it takes months.

Step Five
How To Hit Your Daily Step Count Effortlessly

The worst mistake that I made in the past when I was

trying to consistently hit a high step count was that I would
leave them until the end of my days to get them done. It is far
less likely that you will remain consistent and hit your targets
by delaying everything until the last minute. 14,000 steps is a
lot of steps to complete if you try to do them all a couple
hours before you go to bed. But if you walk enough generally
throughout your day, you split the load up in the achievable
and sustainable segments, making it feel almost effortless.

The best way to do this is to schedule a morning walk into

your daily routine. Make this the cornerstone of your weight
loss success. You don’t have to walk for very long, but aim to
get anywhere between 4000-8000 steps early in the morning. I
typically try to get within this range as soon as I wake up,
and I habit stack by walking to the gym in the morning
instead of driving and I also listen to a podcast that both
educates and motivates me to attack the day. Once you have
that initial chunk of steps out of the way, it becomes so much
easier to sprinkle little walking events throughout your day.
Every opportunity that you get to walk even a few extra steps
take it. This could be opting for the stairs instead of the
elevator. This could be parking your car further away from
the entrance point of your workplace instead of right next to
it. Even walking to the gym like I do as opposed to driving or
taking the bus. You have to obsess yourself with your daily
step count, and you need to ensure that you give yourself
enough time to get the steps done. Don’t cram them all into

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the final hours of your day, you’ll simply burn out and quit.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read my guide. I truly

believe this is all the information you will need to actually
begin losing fat and get into the kind of shape that you’ve
always wanted to be in.

From here it’s all about how well you apply the information
that I’ve given you. It’s extremely easy to consume
information, but actually applying it is where the real gains
are made.

But if you need some extra guidance and don’t want to waste
any more time making unnecessary mistakes, and you want
to remove the guesswork entirely, then consider becoming a
client for my 1:1 coaching.
With my proven approach, you'll shed stubborn fat, sculpt
lean muscle, and unlock your full potential. I will be
providing you with personalised support every step of the
way, crafting custom workout plans, optimising your
nutrition, and offering accountability to keep you on track.
But my program isn't just about getting in shape—it's
about empowering you to thrive in every aspect of life. As
you transform your physique, you'll gain newfound
confidence and magnetism that attracts success in all areas,
including your relationships with women.
Join my exclusive community of high-achieving men who
refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary. It's time
to invest in yourself and unlock the best version of you. Take
the first step toward greatness and book your FREE

consultation with me today. Just drop me a message on
instagram saying “CKC” and I will get in touch.

Never-the-less, good luck and I hope this guide will be the

difference-maker for you this year!


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