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Doc 3

The factors that influence consumer

External variables in practice.
1. The influence of the demographic and economic environment on behavior and decision-making.
2. Cultural factors and values in marketing strategy.
3. Social strata and behavior.
4. Groups (Family, friends, tribes) and their strategic relevance.

Approaches in the study of consumer behavior.
Behavioral models and research. A simplified model

Recognition of the problem

Internal and external
(Detects the need) A
Search for information. I
Evaluation of options D
Satisfaction Dissatisfaction
Purchase of the product. A
Feedback + Feedback –
Review of influences +/-
Post-purchase / use and
enjoyment P
The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
• As social beings, we are subject to the environment

influences of the environment in

which we live.

factors and
and influence
Individual values

and social

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Demographic environment


The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Demographic environment

• The volume of population determines the

overall size of the markets.

The factors that influence the
consumer. External variables in
practice. Demographic environment

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Demographic environment
•The composition of the population,
its structure, depending on age,
gender or educational level.

• They are key factors for the segments that can

be identified for many goods and services;
clothing (male/female/babies/children/young
people...), mortgages or pension plans;
concerts, theatre, opera.. etc.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Evolution of the demographic environment

Spain: Population ageing 8

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Evolution of the demographic environment
Spain: Population ageing
• We have more deaths than births. In 2033 there will be 49 million inhabitants in Spain and one
in four will be over 65 years old.

• It is estimated that between 2018 and 2033 only 5.7 million children will be born, 15.8% less than in the
previous 15 years.

• It is believed that from 2023 they will begin to increase due to the arrival at the ages of greater
fecundity of increasingly numerous generations, specifically those born from the second half of the 90s.

• The average number of children per woman would be 1.41 in 2033, up from 1.31 today. The average
age of motherhood, currently at 32.1 years, would remain around 32 years until 2033 and life
expectancy would be 82.9 years in men and 87.7 in women (2.5 and 1.9 years more than now,

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Life expectancy
The countries with the highest and lowest life expectancy.
More than 30 years of difference between the first and the last.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Population distribution
•The distribution of the population
is very relevant information for:

• Demand for employment

• Physical location.
• Logistics

Within countries people move

geographically for work or
professional reasons, or because
they have retired and are looking
for a better climate.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Internal migrations.
•The internal migration of the 60s
partly explains the distribution of
the population and its typology.

• Age profiles.
• Social class.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Immigration. Example Spain
•Since the end of the 90s Spain has
received several million immigrants
from various countries of the world.

They have altered the composition


o Population.
o Employment
o The birth rate
o The demand

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Emigrants to other countries. Example Spain
Number of emigrants outside Spain by autonomous community.

• In 2013, more than 1.5 Million people lived outside


• More than 225,000 Spaniards left Spain between

2008 and 2012.

• These are mostly young people, with higher

education, around 30 years old, politically active, in
search of job opportunities after the crisis of 2008.
(Lehman Brothers)

• Some of them will come back at some point…

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Evolution of the demographic environment
Practical Debate→ Spain: Implications of population ageing

• Size of the products. (light, reasonable doses that do not expire...)

• Easy-to-read labels. Font size, legal texts, allergens.
• Height at which the products are placed on the shelves.
• Specific products and services for the elderly. Cuideo, telemedicine etc.
• Accessibility to shopping centers and online services.
• Residences and services of the 3rd age.

• Macroeconomics. Retirements, social benefits.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Household size: Example Spain
• More households, getting smaller and smaller

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Evolution of the demographic environment
Spain: Implications of household size on purchasing behaviour

• Size of the products. (Reasonable portions that do not expire...)

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Economic situation.

• The economic situation explains the expansion or

retraction of demand.

• Not only is the present important, but expectations

are also fundamental. Stability perspective,
employment, interest rates, influence the demand for
goods and services.

• All these variables have an important impact on

consumption decisions and the functioning of

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Economic situation.
• From an aggregate perspective, income and purchasing power (income conditioned
by the price level) affect consumer behaviour.

Concept / Data In practice

National income. Value in terms of goods and services produced by an economy in a given
Disposable family income. Volume of income (income, benefits, subsidies) available to "resident"
families for consumption and savings, after subtracting depreciation,
consumption of fixed capital, direct taxes and contributions to the SS.
Índice de confianza del Indicators of expectations, and therefore of economic situation.
consumidor ICC. It has a monthly frequency and is elaborated from a survey of consumers
http://www.cis.es/cis/opencm throughout the country. Respondents should evaluate the situation of
s/ES/13_Indicadores/Indicado domestic economy and the economy in general, among other questions,
res/ICC/index.jsp considering the last 6 months and projecting to the next 6 months. (>100
The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Economic situation. Consumer Confidence Index

100 100

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
• The culture of a society is • Why is it relevant to design a
determined by a set of Marketing Strategy?
• Sets values and basic standards of
• Shared thoughts and feelings. behavior.

• Values and beliefs. • Sets habits.

• Knowledge. • Conditions people's behavior.

• Habits and traditions. • It has a close relationship with

needs and the way they are met.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet: a current lifestyle

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.

▪ The Mediterranean Diet is a worth cultural heritage that represents much more
than a simple nutritional guideline, rich and healthy.

▪ It is a balanced lifestyle that includes recipes, ways of cooking, celebrations,

traditions, typical products and diverse human activities.

▪ The Mediterranean Diet is one of the elements of the Representative List of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

▪ The healthy diet provided by the Mediterranean Diet is perfectly compatible with
the pleasure of enjoying tasty dishes (Olive oil etc...).

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
The 64 residents of the remote village of Isortoq in eastern Greenland continue to hunt and fish,
but combine traditional Inuti foods with others they now buy at the supermarket (the large red
building in the foreground). One of his favorite dishes: seal with ketchup and mayonnaise.

The factors that influence the consumer. (External variables)
Cultural factors and value system: Surströmming

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Zb2IfKHRs 25
The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.

Example: GERMANY.
Automotive industry.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Events of religious origin. Holidays.
• How does it influence behavior
• We tend to travel and reunite with our
loved ones.

• Celebration of big and delicious lunches

and dinners.

• Christmas Eve
• We make gifts.
• Christmas
• New Year’s Eve • We decorate the house.
• New Year’s Day
• 3 Kings Day • We are going on vacation.
The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Events of religious origin. Holidays. Tradition

• Exercise: Which products or services become more important?

• Celebratory food products (group consumption)

• Personal gifts.
• Christmas decorations.
• Nougats, polvorones and marzipans.

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Exercise : Nougat. The return home for Christmas Seasonality.

Return home for Christmas: Antena 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-AjJJmI_0k

El Almendro: Return home for Christmas retrospective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkilOugzmtg

El Almendro: Return home for Christmas retrospective 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbX5p-mcc9s

El Almendro: Return home for Christmas 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXwdRLolJH4

El Almendro: Return home for Christmas 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqQHiBsoPtM

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.

• Cultural factors significantly influence the behavior of society.

• Allows, prohibits or encourages the consumption of

certain goods or services.

• Create or make products disappear. E.g. Ethnic

products. Cannabis in the Netherlands. Halal….

• Restricts certain products: e.g. alcohol,


• Germans drink sparkling water (81%)

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.

• Cultural factors significantly influence the behavior of society.

• In Spain legia is used to wash clothes and washing

machines have a compartment for it, while in
Germany they do not use bleach (washing machines
do not have a compartment) and wash at 60 degrees.

• Spanish people love fried eggs (detergent formulas

adapt to stains)

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Muslims

• Halal is a word of Arabic origin that means "licit".

• It is used in the Islamic community to refer to all those actions and meals
that are allowed by the Muslim religion.

• It must be a product manufactured and/or stored following Islamic


Los factores que influencian al consumidor. (Variables externas)
Factores culturales y sistema de valores: Cultura y alimentación (Halal)

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Muslims

https://www.tibagroup.com/es/logistica-halal 35
The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Muslims

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Religious events (Catholics).
• Baptisms. How does it influence
• Communions. behavior?
• Weddings.
• Deaths. • Friends meetings.
• Family meals.
• We make gifts.
• Other…

The factors that influence the consumer. External variables in
practice. Cultural factors and value system.
Example: Religious events.

• Easter • How does it influence

• Ramadan behavior?

• Fasts
• Family reunions and
• Travel (Processions)
• Other…

The factors that influence the consumer. (External variables)
Cultural Factors and Value System: Culture and Food (The Pig)
• It is commanded by Jewish law (the Torah)
and the Koran. These are basically religious
prohibitions. The pig is an impure animal.

• In European culture the pig has always

been synonymous with prosperity and
abundance, there were many poor families
in Europe who reserved a pig to be able to
sell it in case of hardship, hence that
animal became a symbol of future

• Marketing implications are numerous.

The factors that influence the consumer. (External variables)
Cultural factors and value system: Kosher wine
It is a wine made according to Jewish Law. It is
consumed by the major Hebrew communities of
the world.
In Hebrew, "kosher" means pure and refers to
the fact that the entire process of elaboration
has been certified by a rabbi or by a person
authorized by the Jewish community following
Kashruth rules.

Celler de Capçanes

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