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Ashwini Ma’am Durva Jain

The term evolution of technology means how technology has

evolved with the timeline from the early human tool prior to
the latest modern technology.
Since the “big bang” event which took place over 13.4 billion
years ago from later on our universe has gone through constant
evolution and significant changes.
Following the radical physical, chemical, and biological
evolution and now finally we are experiencing technological
Technology has helped us to conquer modern civilization where
we all stand today. Technology always evolves and becomes
more advanced, sometimes it is ahead of our time.
Men have come up with revolutionary ideas and innovations
over centuries together with creative ways to utilize those ideas
into reality which is later known as technology.
All technologies are born to serve purposes, like the man who
crafted and designed the earliest human tools (could be an
arrow, hammer, or knife) made the tools purposely to meet his
demand like hunting and survival.
Palaeolithic Period (2.3 Million Years Ago)
During this prehistoric period of time also called “before the
stone age” humans constructed the earliest means of human
tools( knives, hammers, scrapers) from stone, wood, antlers,
and bones
Lower Paleolithic Period (1.3 Million Years Ago)
Historians believe that the discovery of fire was made in this
period which allowed humans to cook food and visibility at
Neolithic Period (12,000-15,000 Years Ago)
During the neolithic period, humans started farming activities
and began constructing houses and made fibers.
Copper and Bronze Age ( 6000 BC)
The Copper and bronze age is an era of great technological
advantages. Humans began to extract materials such as copper
and bronze for making tools.
Iron Age (1200 BC-2000 BC)
During this particular period of time, the introduction of iron
ore smelting and forging technology allowed us to make more
efficient, lighter, stronger, and cheaper tools and weapons thus
replacing tools made from bronze and copper.
Mesopotamia (800-1800 BC)
Mesopotamia pioneered the discovery of wheels. Writing
practices were first invented in Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia witnessed some significant technological
advancements like the first true arc construction, water
transportation, irrigation, and many more. The true civilization
began in Mesopotamia.
The Roman Empire (25 BC – 390 AD)
A crucial development in technology was carried out during this
time. The Roman empire was economically developed and
productive thanks to advanced engineering and scientific
knowledge. Some structures from the Roman empire even
stand today.
18th &19th Century: The Era of Modern Technology
The first industrial revolution of the early 18th century driven
by the discovery of the steam engine set an important
aspiration of modern technological evolution.
In the 18th century, important technological breakthroughs
took place.
The 19th century also saw the development of one of the
prominent technological advancements of the modern era,
the invention of computers that brought the age of
The development of rocket science has put man in space and
for the first time, mankind was able to land on the moon.
In the late 19th century the introduction of the internet and the
world wide web initiated the term global village and brought
the communities even closer than ever.
The Evolution of Technology in Communication (1831)
The big change in technology started in 1831 when the electric
telegraph was invented. In the 19th century, the revelation was
with the hand of electrical engineering.
The invention of photography revolutionized culture and
communication in society.
The Invention of The Computer (1930)
What started as a calculative device is now known to be a
major discovery in modern human civilization.
Since the introduction of the very first computing device
“ENIAC”, the computer industry has gone through revolutionary
technological advancements.
Future Trends of Technological Evolution
The legacy of technological evolution has been seen as no
bounds in the 20th century.
Technology is now getting more sophisticated and more
advanced than their previous generations.
The evolution of technology from the early prehistoric period
until the modern age is driving the possibility to set up a
knowledge-based society.
Technology has ensured sustainable development from the
economy to education and healthcare. New technological
breakthroughs are the forerunner of today’s modern era.
People are adapting up-to-date technologies to improve their
daily lifestyle, something they just couldn’t live without. All of
this is now possible due to technological evolution.
Here are some of the latest trends in the technology of the
Internet – (1974)
Internet communication has had a revolutionary impact since
the mid 19th century in 1974.
It has turned the world into a global village.
Thanks to internet technology, people now can communicate
with others from anywhere in the world. The Internet is leading
Because of the internet, various new businesses have risen and
ideas have been created still now on.
Industry 4.0
The motto of the 4th industrial revolution is “digitalization”. In
the 21st century, smart factories have emerged, these factories
are highly automated and technologically superior.
Artificial Intelligence (2017)
Artificial intelligence ( AI) will work like humans and animals
which will understand emotion.
However, it is still in the childbirth position. In 2017 AlphaGo
team announced that it will be the world’s grates Go, player, all
the time as it has AI.
5G Networks (2019)
5G will provide superfast internet bandwidth. 5G will enable
the users to download large files from the internet within
seconds( up to 10 gigabytes/ seconds!).
5G uses fifth-generation cellular networking technology.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality seems like a technology that comes straight from
science fiction.
Virtual reality creates a simulated environment that may be
similar or completely different from the real world. It can be
used for training, entertainment, and education purposes.
Technology is what we live in and we can’t deny how long we
have gone so far only because of technological advancement.
Technology is now our day-to-day expectancy.

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