The Dysphonia Severity Index

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The Dysphonia Severity Index:

An Objective Measure of Vocal

Quality Based on a Multiparameter

Floris L. Wuyts
Marc S. De Bodt The vocal quality of a patient is modeled by means of a Dysphonia Severity Index
University of Antwerp (DSI), which is designed to establish an objective and quantitative correlate of the
Antwerp, Belgium perceived vocal quality. The DSI is based on the weighted combination of the
following selected set of voice measurements: highest frequency (F0-High in Hz),
Geert Molenberghs lowest intensity (I-Low in dB), maximum phonation time (MPT in s), and jitter (%).
Limburgs Universitair Centrum The DSI is derived from a multivariate analysis of 387 subjects with the goal of
Diepenbeek, Belgium describing, purely based on objective measures, the perceived voice quality. It is
constructed as DSI = 0.13 × MPT + 0.0053 × F0-High – 0.26 × I-Low – 1.18 ×
Marc Remacle Jitter (%) + 12.4. The DSI for perceptually normal voices equals +5 and for
University of Louvain severely dysphonic voices –5. The more negative the patient’s index, the worse is
Yvoir, Belgium his or her vocal quality. As such, the DSI is especially useful to evaluate therapeu-
tic evolution of dysphonic patients. Additionally, there is a high correlation
Louis Heylen between the DSI and the Voice Handicap Index score.
University of Antwerp
KEY WORDS: voice quality, voice assessment, acoustic, voice range profile,
Antwerp, Belgium
Benoite Millet
Brussels, Belgium

Kristiane Van Lierde ocal performance has increasingly gained interest in our society,
University of Gent which is evolving into a service-oriented community. This grow-
Gent, Belgium ing interest has consequently induced a lot of multidisciplinary
research concerning voice assessment and therapy with a comprehen-
Jan Raes
sive battery of tests focusing on qualitative and quantitative aspects of
University of Brussels
vocal performance.
Jette, Belgium
The medical diagnosis of vocal fold pathology is mainly based on an
Paul H. Van de Heyning endoscopic exam of the vocal folds and upper airway tract. Voice dys-
University of Antwerp function on the other hand is assessed by perceptual judgment and ob-
Antwerp, Belgium jective measures, such as acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics.
However, perceptual evaluation is one of the most controversial topics
in voice research. Review of literature reveals a wide variety of rating
scales (Gelfer, 1988; Hammarberg, 1992; Hirano, 1981; Laver, 1980;
Wendler, Rauhut, & Krüger, 1986; Wilson, 1987; Wirz & Mackenzie Beck,
1995) and reliability data fluctuating from study to study (Bassich &
Ludlow, 1986; Blaustein & Bar, 1983; Kreiman, Gerratt, & Berke, 1994;
Kreiman, Gerratt, Kempster, Erman, & Berke, 1993). So far, there is no
internationally accepted perceptual judgment protocol, but the GRBAS
scale (Grade of hoarseness, R for roughness, B for breathiness, A for
astheny, and S for strain) proposed by the Japan Society of Logopaedics

796 Journal
Journal of of Speech,
Speech, Language,
Language, andand Hearing
Hearing Research• •Vol.
Research Vol.
4343• •796–809
796–809• •June
June 2000 • ©American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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and Phoniatrics (Hirano, 1981) seems to be the most the prediction of dysphonia. Eskenazi et al. (1990)
widely used (De Bodt, 1997; Dejonckere & Wieneke, showed, however, a fair prediction of the degree of dys-
1992). This is probably because it is a simple and short phonia based on pitch amplitude and harmonics-to-noise
scale, appropriate for daily use by both laryngologists ratio. Wuyts, De Bodt, Bruckers, and Molenberghs
and speech pathologists. Still, the GRBAS scale has a (1996) showed that the best Spearman’s rank correla-
number of drawbacks in that there are several sources tion between acoustic variables from the Multi Dimen-
of variability, such as the professional background and sional Voice Program (Kay Elemetrics) and the GRBAS
experience of the judges (De Bodt, Wuyts, Van de score in a large group of subjects (N = 494) did not ex-
Heyning, & Croux, 1997), examiner bias due to knowl- ceed 0.53 for any of the GRBAS scale items. If we con-
edge of the patient’s history (Wuyts, De Bodt, & Van de sider the correlation between, for instance, jitter (%)
Heyning, 1998), and the type of sample—such as run- and the GRBAS scale items, then the following correla-
ning speech versus sustained vowel (Revis, Giovanni, tion coefficients were reported: 0.46, 0.37, 0.31, 0.17, and
Wuyts, & Triglia, 1997, 1999). An attempt to refine the 0.23 respectively. Although all these correlations are sig-
grading (0 = normal, 1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = se- nificant (p < 0.001), it is not possible to draw clinically
vere) with a continuous scale failed (Wuyts, De Bodt, & useful conclusions about voice quality based on single
Van de Heyning, 1999). In that study the perceptual variables that exhibit such low correlations with the per-
evaluation of 14 pathological voices was performed by ceived voice quality.
29 listeners using the GRBAS scale. In order to evalu- Voice research so far has not led to the construction
ate scale-effects on the judgments, two versions of the of or a consensus about a sensitive measure that unam-
scale were presented: the original 4-point scale and a biguously quantifies vocal quality. As a result of the
visual analog scale. Each listener used the same voice vague relationship among pathology, vocal quality, and
samples for both versions of the scale, with an interval measurements, the clinician is frequently confronted
of 2 weeks between judgments. The amount of agree- with contradictory data when assessing an individual
ment was found to be higher with the original 4-point patient’s voice.
scale than with the visual analog version for all scale
Significant differences between group means of sev-
items G, R, B, A, and S. Although a visual analog scale
eral variables obtained from normal subjects and dys-
seems to enable a finer judgment of voice quality, this
phonic patients can only be elicited when large groups
study shows that with the increased freedom of judg-
of patients are considered (Andrews, 1995; Hirano, 1981,
ment, the interrater agreement decreases considerably.
1990; Wuyts et al., 1996). Indeed, the standard error of
Next to the perceptual evaluation, a number of du- the mean decreases with an increasing number of sub-
ration and aerodynamic measures (such as maximum jects (standard error = standard deviation/√N). As such,
phonation time, phonation quotient, airflow, subglottic with large numbers of cases, the statistics become more
pressure, etc.) have been used for the characterization reliable and differences between samples become sig-
of voice quality (Hirano, Hibi, Terasawa, & Fujiu, 1986). nificant. Yet, the standard deviation that indicates the
The introduction of computer-based systems have addi- typical variation of one measurement (case) around the
tionally facilitated the use of acoustical analysis of voice mean is usually so large that it becomes difficult to de-
samples (Baken, 1987; Rabinov, Kreiman, Gerratt, & clare a specific case as abnormal. The range of normalcy
Bielamowics, 1995). is often defined by the prediction interval (PI) [average
The relation between perceptual judgment and ± 1.96 standard deviation]. For the maximum phona-
acoustic measurement has been investigated by several tion time for male subjects, for example, the PI extends
authors. Most studies have investigated the quantita- from 6.7 s to 37 s (Wuyts et al., 1996). Therefore, one
tive correlation between isolated acoustic variables, such can only conclude that an individual patient performs
as jitter, shimmer, or harmonics/noise ratio, with the below normal when his or her MPT is lower than 6.7 s,
perceptual judgment (Askenfeld & Hammarberg, 1986; which is very low indeed. This large variability of most
Crevier-Buchman, 1998; Dejonckere & Lebacq, 1996; characteristics is probably one of the major reasons why
Dejonckere, Remacle, et al., 1996; Hammarberg et al., most measurements fail to quantify overall voice qual-
1980; Hillenbrand, Cleveland, & Erickson, 1994; Kreiman ity (Van de Heyning et al., 1996).
et al., 1994; Rabinov et al., 1995). Other authors have The drawback of such a univariate approach can be
applied multiple linear regression analysis to investi- circumvented by applying multivariate statistics. The
gate the relationship between combinations of acoustic essence of this method lies in the possibility of describ-
variables and the perceptual ratings (Eskenazi, Childers, ing the behavior of a given dependent (outcome) vari-
& Hicks, 1990; Wolfe, Fitch, & Cornell, 1995). Wolfe et able based on a combination of several independent vari-
al. (1995) indicated that none of the acoustic variables ables. As such, more information is used at the same
were strongly correlated with the dysphonia ratings, and time. The dependent variable can be either continuous
neither was a combination of variables successful for

Wuyts et al.: Dysphonia Severity Index 797

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(e.g., 0–100) or categorical (e.g., 0: normal and 1: patho- significantly different in dysphonic as opposed to nor-
logical or severity ratings 0–3). mal populations. However, stepwise multivariate tech-
The use of a multivariate approach as a measure of niques look for optimal combinations of variables regard-
a complex phenomenon is not new in health care. The less of their univariate significance level. Finally, the
Body Mass Index [weight (kg)/height2(m)], for instance, authors state that their index is preferentially a classi-
is a good example of the power of combining variables. fication tool rather than a predictive or treatment effec-
If a man weights 90 kg, one can state that this is a nor- tiveness index.
mal weight only if information about his height is also Recent work by Callan, Kent, Roy, and Tasko (1999)
given. Indeed, if this man is only 1.6 m tall, he can be introduces the concept of self-organizing maps for the
considered obese. This is expressed by a BMI = 35 kg/m2 classification of normal and disordered voices. They show
(BMI > 30 is obese) that mathematically combines that this method is superior to stepwise discriminant
weight and height into one outcome measure. Weighted analysis. The self-organizing map was trained using
sums are commonly used in multivariate statistical spasmodic dysphonia exemplars, pre- and posttreatment
methods such as logistic regression or discriminant functional dysphonia exemplars, and normal voices. The
analysis. Additionally, stepwise analysis methods, which self-organizing maps used only a selected set of acoustic
have become available with the new statistical computer variables. No aerodynamic or VRP variables were in-
software packages, enable selection of an optimal com- cluded. An overall correct classification of 76% was
bination of independent variables. Therefore, one can achieved, which is a promising result. However, in our
start the analysis with, for example, 20 independent view, the scope of such studies is most beneficial if a
variables and end up with only 3 variables if a specific outcome measure that describes vocal quality is offered,
combination of these 3 variables is sufficient to describe rather than a classification method. In clinical practice,
the dependent variable. it is the clinician who classifies the patient in one or
Multivariate techniques prove to be useful in voice another diagnostic category.
research as shown by the voice range profile index for In conclusion, there is a need for an objective mea-
children (Heylen et al., 1998). The voice range profile sure that describes vocal quality. Preferentially, it should
(VRP) is a two-dimensional representation of frequency reflect the multidimensional nature of voice and it must
and intensity that cannot be trivially expressed by a be robust. This implies that many different investiga-
single value. This limits its clinical use because an in- tors can use it without any effect on the result. Given
terpretation of the overall shape is necessary to assess the fact that perceptual evaluation is the gold standard,
a patient’s performance. Thus, several investigators have because it is based on experts’ opinion, the outcome
restricted their interpretation to selected VRP features, measure should be as much as possible in agreement
such as the dynamic intensity or frequency ranges. By with clinicians’ perception. In this regard, the aerody-
including several salient VRP characteristics in a con- namic, voice-range profile, and acoustic characteristics
cise measure, defined as the VRP index, details regard- of the voice singly do not adequately describe vocal qual-
ing the F0 intensity interaction can be addressed as well. ity. The present study attempts to construct such a mul-
By using discriminant analysis, a weighted sum (defined tidimensional measure that reflects the overall vocal
as the VRPIc) was constructed based on the stepwise quality based on an integration of voice-range profile,
selection of only a few salient VRP features. The VRPIc aerodynamic, and acoustic measurements. To incorpo-
can be used to discriminate children with vocal pathol- rate the perceptual nature of voice assessment, the in-
ogy from those with normal voices. Because the group dex is based on perceptual severity ratings of vocal qual-
means of the VRPIc for healthy and dysphonic children ity, rather than on the differentiation between normal
are scaled to +10 and –10 respectively, the VRPIc en- and pathologic voices. We call this measure an index
ables the clinician to rate a child’s vocal performance because Stewart and Ware (1992) define an index as “the
with reference to healthy and dysphonic children in gen- aggregation of two or more distinct health measures into
eral. Although the index is an appropriate tool in voice an overall summary measure.” Because it represents an
assessment, its use is limited to children and voice- objective correlate of perceived voice quality, we refer to
range-profile measurements only. it as the Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI).
Few other authors have successfully demonstrated
the use of multivariate statistics to construct an index
that enables the discrimination of normal from dyspho- Materials and Methods
nic voices. Piccirillo, Painter, Fuller, Haiduk, and Subjects
Fredrickson (1998) constructed an index based on voice-
range profile and aerodynamic measurements. Yet, they Voice samples were extracted from a database con-
included only those variables that are univariately structed for the Belgian Study Group on Voice Disorders

798 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 43 • 796–809 • June 2000

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(Van de Heyning et al., 1996). This database contained Elemetrics Corp.) from the Computerized Speech Lab.
the data of patients visiting the voice clinics of four uni- A midvowel segment on a sustained /a/—at habitual loud-
versity centers in Belgium and two affiliated voice cen- ness and pitch—was used. For reasons of general ap-
ters over a period of 16 months. The methods used for plicability, only jitter (%), shimmer (%), and noise-to-
the data collection are described in detail elsewhere (De harmonics ratio (NHR) were included for further
Bodt, Wuyts, Raes, & Qiu, 1996). For each patient a stan- analysis because these are the most commonly and
dardized protocol was followed. Data from a group of widely used acoustical variables (De Bodt, 1997). The
387 adults (age range: 18–80 years; 53% female, 47% aerodynamic measurements are maximum phonation
male) were used for the calculation of the outcome mea- time (MPT in s), vital capacity (VC in cc), and phona-
sure. In order to avoid effects of vocal mutation as well tion quotient (PQ in cc/s). Voice range measurements
as maturation, we put the lower limit at 18 years old are (a) Lowest intensity (I-Low), (b) Highest intensity
because several authors suggest this as an appropriate (I-High), and (c) Intensity range (I-range = I-High – I-
limit (Lee, 1980; Thurman & Klitzke, 1994). Among the Low). The I-range defines the dynamic intensity range
subjects were 68 controls (43 women, 25 men), with no without reference to vocal frequency. Intensities were
vocal fold pathology or any vocal complaint, recruited recorded in dB(A) units. Frequency characteristics (in
at random in the different participating centers. A group Hz) yielded (a) Lowest F0 (F0-Low), (b) Highest F0 (F0-
of 319 patients visiting the voice clinic with complaints High), (c) F0 range (F0 range = F0-High – F0-Low), and
regarding their voice were included. Table 1 shows the (d) Semitone range (ST-range).
number of cases per pathology. The assessment included The perceptual ratings were performed using the
history and clinical antecedents, stroboscopic evaluation, GRBAS scale as described by Hirano (1981), where the
perceptual assessment, acoustic analysis, voice range, G stands for Grade of hoarseness, R for roughness, B
aerodynamic measurements, and self-rating. Criterion for breathiness, A for astheny, and S for strain. Each
validity of the index was assessed on a separate group scale item is rated as 0 (normal), 1 (slight), 2 (moder-
of 40 patients subsequently visiting the voice clinic of ate), or 3 (severe).
the Antwerp University Hospital.
Additionally, the presence of vocal abuse, allergy,
chronic obstructive lung disease, infection of the upper
Data Recording respiratory tract, stress, nasal airway obstruction, and
smoking were recorded. Subjects were placed into one
The acoustic parameters were obtained by the Multi of the four groups depending on their G score (0–3).
Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP, model 4305, Kay
The variables used for the statistical analysis con-
sist of jitter (%), shimmer (%), NHR, F0-High (Hz), F0-
Table 1. Number of cases per diagnostic category obtained from
Low (Hz), F0-range (Hz), ST-range, I-High (dB), I-Low
the database of the Belgian Study Group on Voice Disorders.
(dB), I-range (dB), MPT (s), VC (cc), PQ (cc/s), and the G
Diagnosis N

Control 68
Incomplete closure 48
Vocal nodules 30 The correlation between the G score and other vari-
Reinke’s edema 30 ables was calculated with Spearman Rank statistics
Chronic laryngitis 27
because the G is a categorical variable. The normalcy of
Excessive muscular tension 26
the variables for the different groups was investigated
Paralysis in abduction 23
Tumor 22
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The equality of vari-
Sulcus glottidis and scar 21 ances for the four groups (i.e., the patients character-
Paralysis in adduction 20 ized with G0 to G3) was investigated by means of the
Mucosal cyst 14 generalized linear model ANOVA for all the variables
Granuloma 10 included. The Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI) was con-
Acute laryngitis 8 structed to be analogous to Fisher’s discriminant analy-
Haemoragy and trauma 7 sis (Fisher & Van Belle, 1993), a standard approach that
Spasmodic dysphonia 6 is used to differentiate two or more populations on the
Ventricular phonation 5 basis of several variables. Given the different subject
Polyps 4
populations, we set up a rule, based on the measure-
Psychogenic aphonia 3
ments of these subjects, whereby a new subject may be
Other 15
correctly assigned to one of the populations. When re-
Total 387 stricted to two populations and two variables, the

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Fisher’s discriminant rule can be visualized as a dividing To assess the error on the DSI, due to measurement
line between the populations, represented as a contour errors of the variables that make up the DSI, we per-
plot of the two variables in the plane (see Figure 1). formed a reliability study on 6 healthy subjects (3
With three variables, a separation plane in three- women/3 men) without any vocal complaint. On five con-
dimensional space is obtained. Because our data are not secutive days, each of the variables was measured twice
normally distributed, a semiparametric approach was a day. For each person we calculated the standard de-
applied that consisted of a proportional odds logistic viation for each variable, because the standard devia-
regression (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 1989). This technique tion reflects the error due to the natural variability and
is less based on assumptions than the Fisher’s Linear the method of measurement. Then, by taking the aver-
Discriminant analysis for these sets of variables, which age of the earlier calculated standard deviations for all
are particularly skewed. To select relevant variables for individuals, we obtained an estimation of the typical
the separation process, a stepwise selection procedure, measurement error on the separate variables. Finally,
based on calculating the likelihood ratio test statistics, the delta method (Welsh, 1996) was used to calculate
was applied. Whereas the classical logistic regression the cumulative error on the DSI.
procedure allows the classification into only two groups,
proportional odds logistic regression allows more than Voice Handicap Index
two groups. Because in this study we attempted to in-
corporate a perceptual severity rating into the multidi- The psychosocial handicapping effect of the voice
mensional measure, the grade of hoarseness, expressed disorders, as perceived by the patient, was measured by
by the G score from the GRBAS scale and ranging from means of the Voice Handicap Index (VHI; Jacobson et
0 to 3, was used to identify separate groups of subjects. al., 1997). The VHI questionnaire, which contains 30
In other words, the entire group of subjects was divided items, assesses the patient’s judgment about the rela-
according to their G score into four groups. Only the G tive impact of his or her voice disorder upon daily ac-
was chosen because it embodies best the overall sever- tivities. It can also be useful as a component of measur-
ity rating of vocal quality, whereas the other items re- ing functional outcomes in behavioral, medical, and
flect only parts of it. By means of proportional odds lo- surgical treatments of voice disorders. It is statistically
gistic regression a discrimination rule was determined robust, has a high internal consistency, and the test-
that enables the classification of a new patient into the retest stability is strong (Jacobson et al., 1997). The VHI
groups G0 to G3, based on the values of a specific set of therefore reflects the complaint of the patient regard-
variables. This classification rule can then be trans- ing his or her voice, which is in essence his or her rea-
formed to build the outcome measure denoted as the son to seek professional help in a voice clinic. A high
“DSI.” The calculations are performed by the statistical correlation between the DSI and the VHI can be re-
package Statistical Analysis Software system (SAS In- garded as reflecting good agreement between the
stitute Inc, Cary, NC). patient’s perception of his or her voice problem, the ob-
jective measurements, and the clinician’s perception
Figure 1. Illustration of the distribution of two variables for two through the intrinsic incorporation of the grade (G) in
different populations (a & b) on two axes. The Fisher discrimant the DSI. Thus, a significant correlation between the DSI
rule can be regarded as the line that best separates both popula- and the VHI can be considered a measure of criterion
tions. The DSI can be visualized by the dashed line connecting
validity of the DSI.
both population centers.
Forty consecutive patients for whom the DSI was
obtained completed the VHI questionnaire. The Pear-
son’s correlation coefficient was then calculated for DSI
versus VHI.

Table 2 lists the averages, standard deviations, and
ranges for all investigated variables for the group of 68
healthy subjects and the 319 dysphonic cases.
The Spearman Rank correlation coefficients ρ be-
tween the G and the other variables for 387 cases are
listed in Table 3. The ρ2 values are additionally reported
because these values express the percentage of vari-
ability of the data that is explained by the association

800 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 43 • 796–809 • June 2000

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Table 2. Descriptive data on the acoustic, voice range, and aerodynamic variables for the group of 387 subjects.

Jitter (%) Shimmer (%) NHR

Subjects M SD Min Max M SD Min Max M SD Min Max N

Healthy 0.73 0.54 0.23 2.97 3.03 1.16 0.91 6.71 0.121 0.020 0.07 0.16 68
Dysphonic 2.55 2.33 0.21 14.12 6.39 4.18 1.37 19.87 0.204 0.151 0.06 1.17 319

F0-High (Hz) F0-Low (Hz) F0-Range (Hz) ST-Range

Subjects M SD Min Max M SD Min Max M SD Min Max M SD Min Max N

Healthy 794 240 329 1397 125 35 58 185 669 226 237 1280 32 5 22 44 68
Dysphonic 442 213 104 1108 115 39 55 300 328 203 26 985 22 8 0 49 319

I-High (dB) I-Low (dB) I-Range (dB)

Subjects M SD Min Max M SD Min Max M SD Min Max N

Healthy 97 7 85 112 51 2 43 57 46 7 35 61 68
Dysphonic 89 10 56 117 55 4 44 77 34 10 7 62 319

MPT (s) VC (cc) PQ (cc/s)

Subjects M SD Min Max M SD Min Max M SD Min Max N

Healthy 18.9 6.7 9.0 43.0 3788 1020 932 6300 216 68 75 379 68
Dysphonic 12.4 6.4 1.0 41.0 3131 995 400 6300 307 172 57 1400 319

Table 3. Spearman Rank Correlation coefficients (ρ) between G and the acoustic, aerodynamic, and voice range measurements. The second
row (ρ2) indicates the percentage of variability of the data that is explained by the association between the G and the other variables.

Jitter Shimmer F0-High F0-Low F0- ST- I-High I-Low I-range MPT VC PQ
(%) (%) NHR (Hz) (Hz) range range (dB) (dB) (dB) (s) (cc) (cc/s)

ρ 0.57 0.42 0.39 –0.42 –0.05 –0.45 –0.45 –0.39 0.34 –0.48 –0.38 –0.20 0.25
ρ2 0.32 0.17 0.15 0.18 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.23 0.14 0.04 0.06

between the G and the other variables. The significance The relation between G and the DSI is represented
levels p were for all correlation coefficients smaller than in Figure 2. The more negative this DSI is for a patient,
0.001 except for F0-Low, which did not exhibit a signifi- the worse his or her vocal quality. The more it is posi-
cant relationship with G. tive, the better it is. The initially obtained regression-
Except for I-High (dB) and the vital capacity (cc), generated coefficients were post hoc multiplied with a
none of the variables were normally distributed. This scale factor in order to construct a practical scale where
justifies the use of proportional odds logistic regression, +5 corresponds to the average DSI of the G0 group and –5
which defined the combination of the following variables to the average DSI of the G3 group. Table 4 represents
as indicators of the degree of hoarseness (G) when used the DSI value after scaling for the different G scores.
in a specific linear combination: F0-High (Hz), I-Low (dB), Measurement errors on the individual components
MPT (s), and Jitter (%). The DSI, being the discriminat- of the DSI inevitably give rise to an error on the final
ing rule calculated by the logistic regression, consists of outcome measure. We calculated this error on the DSI
a linear combination of these four variables, where each as 0.64, based on an average standard deviation of 1.6
variable has a different weight. The equation is: seconds for MPT, 39 Hz for F0-High, 1.7 dB(A) for I-Low,
DSI = 0.13 × MPT (s) + 0.0053 × F0-High (Hz) and 0.3% for jitter.
– 0.26 × I-Low (dB) – 1.18 × Jitter (%) To estimate the reliability of the DSI, Table 5 rep-
+ 12.4 resents the classification success of this method. This
This DSI is the weighted combination of variables that table shows the agreement between the observed and
reflects best the degree of hoarseness as expressed by predicted perceived voice quality as expressed by G. In
the G from the GRBAS scale. 50% of the cases a perfect agreement is obtained. When

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Figure 2. Dysphonia Severity Index versus Grade of hoarseness equal probability—the diagonal and one-off diagonal
defined in the GRBAS scale. cells represent in that case 10 out of 16 cells = 62.5%).
Table 6 reports the values for the DSI and its vari-
ables for the male and female subjects of the control
group. The sex effect is canceled out because of the op-
posite behavior of the MPT and F0-High for female and
male subjects (see Table 2), so only one version of the
DSI needs to be used for both sexes.
Figures 3 to 6 illustrate the DSI and the four vari-
ables for several cases, treated for hoarseness by either
voice therapy or surgery or a combination of both. The
changes of the individual variables and the global effect
on the DSI are clearly illustrated by several cases. The
shaded areas indicate the limits of normal, based on the
95% prediction intervals PI (Wuyts et al., 1996).
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient of the relation
between DSI and VHI is –0.79 (p < 0.001). Figure 7 shows
the relationship between both measures.

Table 4. Average of the DSI values (± standard error of the mean)

for the subjects characterized by G0 to G3 score.
G score DSI ± SE Acoustic, aerodynamic, and voice-range measure-
ments of a patient’s voice are often within normal lim-
G0 5.00 ± 0.23
G1 1.02 ± 0.25 its. This is because these limits are in general very broad,
G2 –1.4 ± 0.3 as illustrated by the ranges in Table 2. Only values that
G3 –5.0 ± 0.8 deviate markedly from normal may be conclusive for
clinical purposes.
In this study we present an objective measure of
Table 5. Classification table of observed and predicted class
membership, indicating the power of the proportional odds logistic
vocal quality, whereby the multidimensional character
regression calculation. of voice is incorporated by means of the multivariate
statistics. The DSI consists of a specific weighted com-
Observed bination of the highest fundamental frequency, the low-
est intensity, the maximum phonation time, and the jit-
G0 G1 G2 G3 ter. The DSI was transformed in such a way that for the
G0 12 3 0 0 group of voices characterized by a G0 the DSI corresponds

G1 44 91 61 6 to +5, and for those patients with a G3 it corresponds to

G2 0 52 83 20 –5. The more negative this DSI is for a patient, the more
G3 0 0 8 7 his or her voice can be regarded as dysphonic. The higher
it is, the better is his or her vocal quality. However, the
DSI is not per se limited to the interval +5, –5. In our
we consider, however, the cases where the neighboring clinical practice we sometimes obtain values of –6 and
classification is also acceptable—for example a G2 scored more. This is usually caused by high jitter values. In-
as a G1 or vice versa—then we obtain a “diagonal plus spection of the weights of the DSI reveals that when the
one off-diagonal” classification of 98.4%. A purely ran- jitter is above 4%, the DSI will shift at least 5 points on
dom classification would produce in that case only 62.5% its scale towards negative values. In extreme cases, the
(i.e., all cells of the 4 × 4 matrix would be filled with user should be aware of certain restrictions concerning

Table 6. Average values (± SE) of the DSI and its components for female and male subjects of the control

MPT (s) F0-High (Hz) I-Low (dB) Jitter (%) DSI

Female (N = 43) 16.9 ± 0.7 905 ± 31 51.3 ± 0.2 0.79 ± 0.10 5.22 ± 0.26
Male (N = 25) 22.2 ± 1.7 602 ± 34 50.4 ± 0.5 0.63 ± 0.06 4.7 ± 0.4

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Figure 3. Follow-up of a 58-year-old male patient with dysphonia due to a paralysis of the n recurrens following surgery of the lower
cranial nerves. Voice therapy during 8 months. The time indications are (1) data 15 days postoperatively (p.o.): G2R1B2A2S0, start of voice
therapy. (2) Data 5 months p.o.: G2R1B1A1S0. (3) Data 8 months p.o.: end of voice therapy, G0R0B0A0S0. (4) Data 16 months p.o.:
G0R0B0A0S0, follow-up assessment. (5) Data 18 months p.o.: G0R0B0A0S0, follow-up assessment. Shaded area represents 95% Prediction
Interval (mean ± 1.96 SD).

the nonperiodicity of some pathologic voice samples, as The reason for the choice of MPT as a relevant variable
reported by Titze (1995). included in the DSI may lie in the fact that MPT can be
The choice of variables in the DSI is entirely deter- regarded as a phonatory ability measure (Hirano, 1981)
mined by the stepwise logistic regression procedure. How- that reflects the efficiency of several mechanisms nec-
ever, it seems logical that the highest frequency is among essary for voice production, such as subglottic pressure,
the chosen ones. In more than 50% of the dysphonic airflow resistance, closure of the vocal folds, and so forth.
patients the vocal cords are afflicted with an excess mass Piccirillo et al. (1998) elaborated a concept of a vo-
(vocal nodules, edema, etc.; see Table 1). This extra mass, cal function index, but only the classification between
usually heterogeneously distributed along the cords, normal and dysphonic was emphasized. Using logistic
hampers the higher vibratory rates, which is reflected regression, they found that a weighted combination of
by a decreased F0-High. Likewise the presence of nod- estimated subglottic pressure, airflow at lips, vocal effi-
ules, edema, and so forth increases the glottal resistance ciency, and maximum phonation time was able to dis-
such that a greater driving pressure will be necessary criminate between healthy and pathologic voices. It is
to initiate and maintain vocal fold vibration (Colton, noteworthy that the MPT emerges from both their study
1994). Consequently the lowest intensity will be in- and our work as an important variable for the overall
creased in several dysphonic patients. Similar effects assessment of voice quality.
for F0-High and I-Low are found in VRP studies of chil- In order to validate their index Piccirillo and cowork-
dren with vocal nodules (Heylen et al., 1998). Perturba- ers compared it with the GRBAS score for a group of 33
tion measures, such as jitter, are per se intended to as- patients with limited vocal dysfunction (Piccirillo,
sess the degree of irregularity of the vocal cord vibration, Painter, Fuller, Haiduk, & Fredrickson, 1998). The cor-
within certain limits. It is likely that a perceived dys- relation coefficient they found between their index and
phonia will result in an increased perturbation measure. the G was 0.58, whereas we found a value of 0.996 for

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Figure 4. Follow up of a 54-year-old patient who underwent a surgical reduction of Reinkes oedema. The patient is an amateur singer with
bad vocal hygiene. The time indications are (1) 3 weeks postsurgery (p.o.): G2R2B1A1S1, start of voice therapy, and vocal hygiene program.
(2) Three months p.o.: G1R1B0A1S1. (3) Six months p.o.: G1R1B1A0S0, end of voice therapy. The patient shows a bad compliance in vocal
hygiene; patient keeps on smoking and singing. (4) Twenty months p.o.: G1R1B0A0S1, no changes in vocal habits or laryngeal condition.

the correlation between DSI and G. This is because in voices are perceived as being characterized by a specific
our approach the DSI is based on the G score itself rather G value, there is considerable probability that their cal-
than on the discrimination between normal and patho- culated G, based on the DSI, falls into an adjacent cat-
logic voices. Additionally, the relationship between pa- egory. This is apparently the case as indicated by Table 5.
thology and dysphony is not obvious, because a severe Moreover, the DSI seems to classify better subjects with
pathology does not always strictly imply a severely dys- G1 and G2 than with G0 or G3. Still, only 6 out of 387 cases
phonic voice, and vice versa. Therefore we have adopted are really misclassified by more than one scale point. Fi-
the perceptual rating as a landmark for the classifica- nally, the DSI is not meant as a classification tool.
tion rule. Fortunately, the effect of sex is included implicitly
The classification table (Table 5) illustrates the ef- in the DSI, so that a separate DSI for males and fe-
ficiency of the applied method. An ideal classification males need not be used. As seen in Table 6, the opposite
tool would produce values only on the diagonal, which behavior of F0-High and MPT for both sexes cancels out
is of course not achieved in practice. When a group of so that DSIs for both male and female subjects are iden-
judges is scoring a number of patients, the interobserver tical. Indeed, the difference between the average female
agreement is at best “good,” but never excellent, as ex- and male DSI is not significant; in general the error on
pressed by the kappa statistic (De Bodt et al., 1997). the DSI is estimated as 0.6.
This means that a certain variation or test-retest error To assess the clinical impact of the DSI and its ease
exists in the G score itself. Therefore, it is realistic to ex- of use we present some follow-up cases. Figures 4 to 7
pect that in some cases a perceived G1 might as well have illustrate changes in vocal quality with different thera-
been a G2 or vice versa. This is translated by off-diagonal pies. For some cases the pathology was still present after
elements in the classification table. It implies that when therapy, but the vocal function had improved, according

804 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 43 • 796–809 • June 2000

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Figure 5. Follow up of a 34-year-old female patient who underwent a vocal fold medialization (thyroplasty, Isshiki II) due to laryngeus
superior paralysis. The time indications are (1) Pre-operative assessment: G2R0B2A2S0. (2) Ten days postsurgery (p.o.): worsening of quality
due to oedema, G3R0B2A2S0, start of voice therapy. (3) Four weeks p.o.: G1R0B1A0S0 . (4) Six weeks p.o.: G1R0B1A0S0. (5) Eight weeks p.o.:
G1R0B1A0S0. (6) Ten weeks p.o.: G1R0B1A0S0. The patient is very satisfied about her current voice quality. End of voice therapy. (7) Eight
months p.o.: G1R0B1A0S0. A control follow-up assessment reveals a stable voice quality.

to the otolaryngologist and the patient. In other cases, selection of these variables is based on a statistical
therapy may have improved one variable, but when other stepwise procedure that constructs a rule to classify
variables became worse, the DSI reflected this overall voices that are characterized by the scores G0 to G3,
change. which in turn represents the degree of dysphonia as
It takes 10 to 15 min to collect clinical measures perceived by the voice specialist. Considering these facts,
(MPT, etc.) from a patient and to calculate the index it seems reasonable that the DSI meets the criteria of
using the above-mentioned equation. For this calcula- content validity.
tion a desktop calculator or spreadsheet is sufficient. Criterion validity refers to the accuracy of the DSI.
Additionally, the use of anchor points of –5 and +5 fa- How does it compare to a “gold standard”? Auditory-
cilitate the clinical use of the DSI. These aspects con- perceptual judgments are typically the final arbiter in
tribute largely to the ease of use of the DSI. In the Ap- clinical decision-making and often provide the standards
pendix a recommended clinical recording protocol that against which instrumental measures are evaluated
yields the DSI is described. (Kent, 1996). Inherently, the construction of the DSI is
Additionally we want to address the content and based on such a standard, being the Grade of the widely
criterion validity of the DSI. Content validity refers to used perceptual GRBAS scale. To compare the DSI with
whether the index measures what it is intended to— an external measure, we correlated the DSI with the Voice
that is, the degree of dysphonia. The four variables used Handicap Index. The high correlation between both mea-
in the DSI are individually all clear indicators of dys- sures adds to the criterion validity of the DSI. Moreover,
phonia, because their averages are significantly differ- this high correlation indicates that the DSI reflects not
ent for patients with vocal pathology as opposed to nor- only the vocal quality of the patient but also reflects to
mal subjects (Wuyts et al., 1996). Additionally, the a great extent the handicap as perceived by the patient.

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Figure 6. Follow up of a 42-year-old female patient with dysphonia due to bilateral Reinke’s edema of vocal folds, phonosurgically treated
with bilateral cordotomy. Additionally the patient received anti-reflux medication but no functional voice therapy. The time indications are (1)
Preoperative data: G2R2B2A1S0. (2) Two months postoperative (p.o.): G2R1B2A1S0. (3) Three months p.o.: G1R0B1A1S0 .

Improvement of the DSI can most probably be It is our belief that such a four-component model is suf-
achieved by the use of acoustic variables that are de- ficient in a clinical setting to assess voices in a scientifi-
rived from running speech samples rather than from a cally relevant way within a limited amount of time.
sustained vowel. Also other types of variables, such as The parameters included in the DSI have become
the airflow at lips, subglottic pressure, and so forth, quite accessible in most voice clinics throughout the
might be included. Other methods, such as neural-net- world. The DSI is objective because no perceptual input
work approaches and self-organizing maps, might prove is required for its calculation. The DSI’s small measure-
to be superior to multivariate statistical tools, such as ment error (0.6 on 10 points) and the fact that a multi-
logistic regression or discriminant analysis (Callan et center database was used for its construction underlie
al., 1999). Inevitably, again, a multicenter study with its robustness. These factors, together with the fact that
several hundred subjects is needed for the development the DSI is based on aerodynamic, voice range, and acous-
of a new DSI-like outcome measure. tic measurements, make the DSI a multidimensional,
Daily clinical use of the DSI for the past 18 months robust, and objective outcome measure for the assess-
has shown the authors that the DSI is a practical tool to ment of vocal quality. It provides the individual voice
describe voice quality in a well-balanced way. It plays a therapist with an outcome measure for an individual
valuable part in the global assessment of a dysphonic patient, without being biased by time, subjective evalu-
patient. A model for voice assessment may consist of four ation, or other factors that influence perceptual ratings.
components (De Bodt, 1997): laryngeal inspection, per- It enables clinicians to place a voice in an absolute way,
ceptual evaluation (e.g., GRBAS), subjective evaluation so that therapy can be discussed and its effectiveness
by the patient him- or herself (e.g., VHI), and the DSI. evaluated. Its universal use can enable the comparison

806 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 43 • 796–809 • June 2000

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Appendix. Clinical recording protocol.

1. Perceptual assessment by means of the GRBAS system.

2. Determination of Maximum Phonation Time (in s) on the
sustained vowel /a/ at habitual pitch and loudness. The
best of three trials is selected for calculation of the DSI.
3. Determination of highest frequency (Hz) and lowest
intensity (dB SPL) by means of, for example, an automatic
Voice Range Profile recording system (VRP Kay
Elemetrics). The patient is instructed to produce an /a/
and is encouraged by the feedback on the VRP-display.
The patient is allowed to use glides or scales to achieve the
highest frequency. The best value of three efforts is
selected as well for highest frequency as for lowest
4. Determination of the jitter (%) by means of the Multi-
Dimensional Voice Program (Kay Elemetrics, Model 3405)
on a sustained vowel /a/ with a duration of approxi-
mately 3 s.
Calculation of the DSI using the equation:
DSI = 0.13 × MPT (s) + 0.0053 × F0-High (Hz) – 0.26 ×
I-Low (dB) – 1.18 × Jitter (%) + 12.4
This can be achieved by using, for example, an Excel
spreadsheet. The DSI is immediately available. The
spreadsheet can be obtained from the first author

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